HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-05-03, Page 3THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 3, UMfo Mrs. J. T. Mitchell Cromarty Native Mrs. J, T. Mitchell, well- known and highly respected resi­ dent, died, suddenly at her (home late Wednesday evening, April’ n- 25, in her eighty-sixth year. The V1i^K^°rmer Mary Elizabeth Rice of Cromarty, she took up residence in Hensall 27 years ago with her (husband from their fanm home in Tuckefsmith, oast of Hensall. In Decemiber, 1955, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell celebrated their Sixty-fourth wedding anniversary. Mrs. Mitchell was a member of Hensall United 'Church and a member of the Women’s, Mission­ ary iSociety. (Surviving are her husband, •three daughters, Mrs- Carl Stoner tnan, Mrs. Melville Traquair, of (Hensall district, Mrs, Jarvis Hor­ ton, Hensall; one son, Stanley, on the homestead. 'Rested at the Bonthron fune­ ral home, Hensall, where public services were held Friday, con­ ducted 'by Rev. C, D, Daniel. In­ terment was in McTaggart’s •cemetery. The pallbearers were ithe six grandsons, .Stuart Horton, Valleyr field, Que; Jackn Traquair, .Heri- sal'l; Murray Traquair, Tucker­ smith; Arthur Traquair, Wood- stock; 'Rioberit -Traquair, Sarnia; <and Benson Stoneman, Hibbert; The great-grandchildren acted as flower bearers. Add Contest For Fiddlers Hensall Chamber of Commer­ ce’s Fiddlers’ Contest this; year Will feature a new class for trick Or acrobatic fiddlers, President R. ;H. Middleton announced’ (this Week. This year’s contest, slated for Friday, Jqne 8, will also feature Junior square dancing, and step dancing. Trophies for junior and senior fiddling chaimipions' have been 'donated by the Chamiber and The . London Free Press. :Roy Rennick, of Brampton, grand Champion old time fiddler in the Ontario gigantic Original Old Time Fiddlers Contest last year, winning -the Free Press Trophy out of a competition of 75 .fiddlers, will defend his title again this year. ’ Mrs. L. Johnston Dies In Hospital Funeral 'services for "Mrs. Lil­ lie Johnson, 73, wife of the 'late William 'Johnson oif Hensall, who died on Wednesday in (South Huron iHospital, Exeter, will be (held f rbm the Bontliron funeral (home today (Thursday) with burial in Clinton cemetery. iShe was born in Clinton, the former Lillie Moore. She moved to Hensall 12 years ago from 'Branlbford. iShe was a member at (Hensall United church, -(Surviving is one daughter, Mrs. ’ Dorothy Gallienne of Hamilton. iShe had been a patient in hos­ pital for twlo months, Ladies' Auxiliary Honors Comrade The Legion Ladies Auxiliary convened for their May meeting in the Legion iHa'll Tuesday, Chaired by the president, Mrs. E. Davis. The Auxiliary Charter and Chair waszdnaped in memory of " the late comrade Letitia 'gang­ ster, a valued and active member Who recently passed away. I (President, Mrs.,Davis, and past president, Mrs. D. (J. McKeliviie, Were, appointed delegates to at­ tend ithe Uonverition in London In* (September. The ‘Zone Rally Will be held in iClinton May 16, and all imembers are asiked to meet alt ithe Legion Hail alt 7-»20 that evening. A bake sale will be held in the Legion rooms 'Satur­ day 'May .2 6. A period of bingo was enjoyed in charge of the entertainment committee, Mrs, L. iBaynham and Mrs. J. Henderson. CELEBRATE BIRTHDAY—Hensail Kinsmen Club marked its second birthday Thursday night and district officials paid tribute to five members who have had perfect attendance since it was organized. Starting at the bottom left corner and going around the banner are Jack Drysdale and President Bill Mickle, charter members of the club; District Trea­ surer Jack Biggs and Governor Jack Nelson, of Chatham; Past President Doug McKelvie, Vice-President Leo Tiberio and Registrar Jim Clark, also charter members. The club took on a number of service projects at its anniversary meeting. —T-A Photo Kin Mark Birthday New Service Hensall’ Kinsmen celebrated their second anniversary Thurs­ day by taking on a batch of serv­ ice projects.for the community. The club consented to stage a door-to-door canvass on behalf of the district cancer campaign; agreed to conduct a TB survey for the mass X-ray in May; plan­ ned to operate two booths Cor the Chamber of Commerce at its an­ nual fiddlers’ contest; and .heard reports on .progress of the 4-H white bean club ilt is sponsoring. 'On Friday night, Kinsjmen safety-taped bicycles of 'children in town and district. The 1 tag conducted under ’ itftie chair­ manship of Past President Doug McKelvie. In addition, Kinsmen made plans for the Ontario Bean Festi­ val which they sponsor annually on Labor Day. Committee chair­ man iDon Joynt reported on .plans for a lively ’program o£ enter­ tainment. 'Special guest for .the evening was District Governor Jack Nel­ son, of Chatham, who Initiated twer new members, Don Kyle and Frank Ellwood. • District Treasurer Jack Diggs, also of Chatham, presented two- year 100 percent, (attendance pinsbig service program is be-. Hensall Personal Items Amelia 'Schroeder r6- ihome ithis week after Mie, turned „ . spending the past several weeks in Ti'llsonburg and iStratford. Mrs. Geo. 'Hess has been re­ ceiving treatment in. .Vicitoria Hospital, Lomon, during (the past itwo weeks. Mrs. Lou (Simpson is spending several weeks at the home of her son, Mr. .and Mrs. Wrn. 'Simpson, Detroit. Mt. and Mrs. A. W. Kerslake and Mr. and Mi’s. H. Hoy and Michael visited recently wiitih .Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Forrest and fam­ ily in iSarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family, spent (Sunday in Ridge­ town visiting itlhe former’s (mo­ ther, Mrs. Geo. T. Mickle, who is 92 years of age. Mrs. Lydia Doig and Janet returned home this week (from Grand Rapids, Mich., where the> have spent the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. Jim. Cuilly and family, 'Stratford, visited with Miss Hannah Craig last week, ait the home of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm. Weekend Specials I [ 290 390 450 390 Grocery Specials Ontario 3 Hensail Meat Specials Beef Liver ................................. Breakfast Bacor^ Store Sliced Spare Ribs .... . Pure Pork Sausage c E! Tip Top Peaches, 20-Oz. ....... .............................. 210 All-Sweet Margarine .................... 290 Kam ............. ................ ....... ........ 350 White Grapefruit .....................J...,.............4 for 250 Sunkist Oranges^ 144 ............. 410 Dot? has has . _______, ____ _ has been appointed assistant agricul­ ture representative for Kent County. .Sunday guests with Mrs. J. W. Bonthron were Mrs. Norman Pep­ per, and Mrs. Edgar Peppier of Hanover, who were returning home from a vacation spent at Rochester, N.Y. Mr. and .Mrs. Wayne 'Smith and Danny'of Em-bo, spent Sunday with the latter’s patents, Mir. and Mrs. Rudy Petzite.’ Rev. and Mr,s. A. Price, of Hanover, visited on Friday of last week with Mrs. J. W. (Bonthron. Kippen (East W.L held a suc­ cessful bake sale in Drysdale’s hardware store' on (Saturday (last and realized over fifty ’ dollars. Miss Marguerite McDonald, of London, called on Hensall friends on her way home'from Arizona. •Births—Davidson, (Shirley and1 Allan Davidson, of .Pont Colborne (Nee Twichell); take pleasure in announcing 7the arrival of their, chosen son, Brian Ross, born Marclh 30", 1956. Guest Speaker Rev. R. J. McMillan of Knox IPriesbybelrian Church, ’Goderich, will 'be the guest speaker at ithe anniversary services of Carmel Presbyterian- iChurch on (Sunday, May 6. Young People See Slides Hensal'l-Clhiselhurst Y.P.U. met in 'Chiselhiurst United 'Church Sunday April 29. Devotions were taken by Lawrence jEyre, Charles Mickle and Nelson McClinchey. Mr. Don Dodds Showed slides taken at lilhe 17th Quadrennial Student C o n if e re n c e on ithe Christian World Mission, con­ ducted last December at Athens, Ohio. It was decided to hold a weiner roast May 25. Complete Studies Three district youths at ithe O.A.'C. Guelph, Harry Jacobi, Doh and Bill (Brock, have Completed 'their academic year and. are working in t(hei>r summer posi­ tions, Harry Jacobi with the Dow Chemical Co. South Haven, Mich; Bill Brock at the O.AC. for the, Agriculture Engineering Deptl. ’while Don Brock is training in the.Navail ’Reserve as a (university cadet at (Halifax, NjS. Hold Reception A reception for Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W-iildfong, (nee Mary Webster) was held in the town hall Friday evening, attended by a targe crowd. Th© young couple were presented with an end table and lamp, Catnip bet)!, furnished dance. Mt. Ian McAl'liser, w;hio been holidaying. ait home, gone to 'Clhia.flnaim, -where Hie honors going to Homer Miirdocks orchestra ■the music tier the Projects ■to- five charter members, Presi­ dent Bill 'Mickle, Vice-president Leo Tiberio, Past President Mc­ Kelvie, Jim Clark and Jack Drys­ dale. One-year pins went to Ross Jinks, Angus McLean and Harold Knight. President Mickle outlined .the activities of (the iclub during its twio years of operation. These in­ cluded sponsorship of a Kin Kar- nival, the bean festival, taping of bicycles, ipiurchase of a communi­ ty projector, canvass for flood relief funds, donations ito (Various projects (including the arena floor, organization of the 4-H bean club and others. iSergeant - at - arms was (Bill Clement. 'Guests .included a num­ ber of Exeter Kinsmen, who spon­ sored itfhe Hensall club. , Comments About Cromarty By MRS. K. McKELLAR (Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. 'Harry Norris were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hubert, Stratford, (Mr. and .Mrs. Don McLeod and son, Alisa Craig, and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey. Jacobi and family, Hen­ sail. Miss Margaret Walker is on the sick list, having suffered a severe injury to her back. iR^cent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl were Mr, Roy Luxton and Mrs. Elsie Doster of Woodland, ’California, and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lamont and Isa­ belle, London. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin' Cornish of Exeter visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker. The Big Four Euchre Club concluded the season’s activities with a chicken dinner at the home of Mrs. (M. Houghton on Tuesday evening. The Story In Shipka Topics From small MAY IS SAFETY MONTH—DRIVE SAFELY I Powerful 175-horsepower V-8 Fargo K8 Tractor and Trailer, there’s a FARGO TRUCK to fit your job! Mock Ceremony Features Shower A shower in honor of Miss Jean Mousseau, bride-elect, was held April 27 when neighbours, and friends gathered at (her home to present her with a floor lamp and .many lovely gifts in a deco­ rated basket. Entertainment for the evening was a mock wedding staged by Mrs. J. Ingram w minister, Mrs, H. Horton as groom, Mrs. Fred Beer as bride. The bride’s- .book o.f memories, an autographed 'book with .advice from all to ithe bride, filled the evening. The bride’s trousseau was shown by Mrs. Don Mousseau. Mrs. Lloyd Mousseau and Mrs. Stewart Bell conducted the games. Guests were present from Clinton, Seaforth, Exeter, Hensall London. By MISS JANE DYKEMAN Shirley Jaques visited Friday and Saturday with her’’ grand­ mother, Mrs. P. Murch, Elimville. Mrs. Ross Jaques and Mrs. Herb Anderson, Science Hill visit­ ed Saturday with Miss Wi'lma Anderson, who .is a patient in Stratford Hospital. Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Jud Dykeman and (family were:-Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Cush­ man, and Michael, Misses Marilyn Bissett and Jane Dykeman, Exe­ ter, and Bob Woods, Elimville. Mrs. Philip March, Elimville, spent Sunday wtb. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques and family. Helen Herdman, Marlene Towle and Ray Dykeman of Zion Y.P.U. attended the Y.P.U. Spring rally and banquet at Ontario Sit.. United Church, Clinton, Tuesday evening. Missionary . Sunday was ob­ served ait Zion West Sunday School. Doris and Doreen (Brock, missionary convenors, conducted the services. Alma .Hern 'gave a reading, Margaret Brock an in­ strumental and 'Ruth Ann and Lynda Dykeman sang a duet. - . Mr. and Mrs. R'o?s Jaques, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Anderson and Lloyd, Science Hill, were Sunday visitors with Mr. Daniel Hicks in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. Mns. Melville Hern, - 1 Exeter spent the weekend with Mt. and Mrs. Gerald Hern and family. Mr. and. (Mrs. Ken Parkinson and1 family and 'Mr. Harvey Par­ kinson of Woodham visited Fri­ day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hern. EATON ACCEPTANCE CSu™ ‘1’4% Sinking Fund Debentures rCUARAHTEED UN&ONOITiOHALIUY BY THE T. EATOM CO.' LIMITEo] JEo mature April 1,197? Timothy Eaton Founder of The T. Eaton Co. Limited and Eaton’s Famous Merchandising Guarantee Th© T» Eaton Acceptance Co. Limited was incorporated in January 1954 to purchase time payment contracts ar*?’ ing out of store and mail order sales hy The T. Eaton Co. Limited and its sub­ sidiaries, th© largest department store organization in die British Common­ wealth. The Eaton Company and its subsidi­ aries extend term credit accommoda­ tion to their customers in accordance with standards which experience has shown are consistent with sound retail credit practice. ® PRICE ? 99.50 io yield 4.54% Subject to prior tale and chango in priat Dominion Securities Grpn. Limited Underwriters and Distributors of Investment Securities since 1901 Toronto Montreal Neto York London, Eng. Winnipeg Calgary Kancouver Victorio London Kitchener Brantford Hamilton Ottawa Quebec Halifax Saint Jolut . 5Q King Street IFist, Toronto We build 'em as well as Mr. arid Mrs. Ed Duncan and Peter Of Stratford were weekend visitors ' with Mrs. Lamport aiid Tom. 'Dr. C. B. Sanders of Welland and Mrs. Ida Sanders of London visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Finkbciner and Mrs. Mc- Ivoy. Mrs. Alice Lee and Barry of Toronto spent Sunday <with Mrs. Lamport and'Tom, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Sheppard and Dave, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Comfort of Fenwick visited over the weekend with their daughters, Mrs. Jack Pickering, Mrs. Mil­ ton Sweitzer, Mrs. Stuart Sweit­ zer and families. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Love, Ron, Tom and Bob Spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Irwin Ratz, Larry and Glen. Mr. and Mrs. John (Lamport, , Deibbie and Freddie of Toronto .'are Visiting with Mrs. Lamport and Tom, Mrs. S. J. Kayes, Bruce and Ilona of 'Toronto sipent the week­ end with Mr, and Mrs. Ross Love and family. Mrs. Lamport had the mis­ fortune to fall and break her arm. Miss Barbara Love of Parkhiil spent the weekend with Kathryn Love. Mr. Ken Flear visited over the weekend at the home of his brother, Mr, and Mrs.' Dennis Flear, at (Dorchester, NOW! Fargo offers 3 express models &-TON, 108*- wheelbase model hat 78 "-long, 49"- wide body. ’/a-TON, 116*- wheelbase model hat 90"-long, 54"- Wide body. 1-TON, 125%"- wheelbase model , has I08*-long, 54"-wide body. Choose the ONE you need ★ * A Watch Climax-Shower of Stars weekly oh 'TV. Check ydur newspaper for date and time. Power’s up... costs are down... that’s why Fargo Trucks make money for you I NEW higher power! The right power and the right truck save you time on every trip. 12-volt electrical system means faster starting, greater capacity for accessories. NEW bigger payloads! 5,000 lbs. G.V.W. to 46,000 lbs. G.V.W.; up to 65,000 lbs. G.C.W.! 6’s and V-8’s from 125 to 220 h.p. More payload, more profit, per trip. NEW handling ease! Shortest turning trucks of all! Power brakes available, all models! NEW chassis features! Increased capacity Springs and axles on many models! Tubeless tires standard! See your Fargo dealer now! Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited I— AAk ■» V3I —trucks built to fit your job 5,000 lbs, G.V.W. to 46,000 lbs. G.V.W.; up to 65,000 lbs. G.C.W. B Model Panel.Schott But Cdmpact Fargo V-8 Cab-Over-Engina. Hushy Fargo 2-ton Stake, REG. ARMSTRONG MOTORS Exeter o Rhone 216 .«