HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-04-19, Page 14F»t« 14 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 19, 1954 Town Topics Items of Social and Personal Interest In and Around Exeter Th* Exeter Times-Advocate Is always pleased to publish these Items. W* *n<dl our readers are interested In you and your friends. Phone 770. •Mr. David Fenwick, formerly Of Farquhar, (fell in the driveway oif his daughter’s home and was taken, to hospital. He is now in •the Yearwood Nursing Home in Crawford, Georgia, and is doing nicely. Mr. Fenwick was 79 on April 19. Little -Miss Brenda Denham of Kirkton is spending some time with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lang- nxatd of Streetsville visited for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Al­ bert Keys, Highway 4, north. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Holtzman of Ortonville, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lurgess were week­ end ivsitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Triebnex* and family. Mrs. William Wedlake arrived from England last Thursday to visit with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wedlake. .Mrs. Mary Head and Miss Fanny Hatter attended the fune­ ral of the late Thomas J. Hat­ ter in Detroit last Thursday. Present Play In London The cast of the Exeter Drama Guild who presented the one-act play “The Red Lamp” for the regional festival, presented it fox* the young married couples’ club in 'the new Rowntree United Church, London, Saturday eve­ ning. Mr. Ralph (Sweitzer is the di­ rector and in the caste are Mrs. Winston iShapton, Emil Hendrick, Mrs. Calvert Beckler, Hugh Wil­ son, '(Mrs. Robert Reilly and John Hendrick. Married Fifty Years Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Medd of Seaforth celebx*ated their fiftieth wedidng' anniversary Wednesday. Mr. Medd was formerly associat­ ed with 'his brother,- W. G. Medd in -the creamery business in Ex­ eter. Mrs. George Layton of town is a sister. Shower Mrs. Arnold Lindenfield enter­ tained at a pantry showei’ for Miss Margery Keller, bride-elect of Saturday, on Tuesday evening. The gifts were presented in a decorated basket. Contests were enjoyed. bstC... F/O H. I). Mooney has com­ pleted his course at Trenton and ■left Thursday with Mrs. Mooney, Jean, Jim and Carolyn for Van­ couver. Mrs. Mooney and family •will visit there till August -and then will join F/O Mooney in England. Woodham Pastor Receives Degree Rev. J. H. Slade, ministex* of Woodham United Church, re­ ceived the degree of Bachelor of Divinity at a United Church con­ vocation in Pine Hill Divinity Hall, Halifax, on Wednesday. Mr. .Slade has been ministex* at Woodham since July 1954. Since coming to Woodham he has com­ pleted research work fox* his de­ gree and written a thesis of 40,000 words on “The Parables of Jesus.” RCAF Engineer Passes Course F/O Douglas Walter Eggins graduated' on April 12 from the Aeronautical Engineer Officers ■School at RCAF Station Aylmer. F/O Eggins joined the RCAF in February, 1955, and worked •at RCAF Station Centralia prior to commencing the AE course. He and his wife came to Can­ ada with their children fall of 1952. Mrs. Eggins at R. R. 2, Dashwood. F/O Eggins has been to Air Force Headquarters Air Member for Technical Service Branch, Ottawa. in the resides posted COMING EVENTS APRIL SHOWER, Tea and Bake Sale, sponsored by Ladies of the Evangelical U.B. Church, Credi­ ton, in the Community Hall, Sat­ urday, April 21, 3 p.m. 19 BANQUET for Dashwood Base­ ball Club and fans, Blue Water Restaurant, Grand Bend. Tickets on eale at Jim Hay-ter’s and Tie­ rnan's Hardware. Only 150 tickets available. Everybody welcome. 19c Brownie's driveTn y THEATRE |h< Game Warden Warns Poachers * During the spring spawning period, fish are “sitting ducks” for poachers who think little of ■the countless potential fish de­ stroyed. Fox' 'this reason, Conser­ vation officers of the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests will be on an around-the-clock (schedule patrolling spawning areas and making every effort to give the fish the protection they require and they look to all sportsmen and conservation or­ ganizations to co-operate. At the first sign of spring breakup, pike will be in the mar­ shes and even far up -the con­ necting ditches. Shortly after the first waran rain, rainbow trout also will be. on their way follow­ ed later by the muskie. It is illegal to fish or attempt to fish with any bait or unibaited snagger or snare, or any other device capable of snagging or snaring fish. No person may take or attempt to land any fish by means of a spring gaff, warns Hank Green, local game warden. CLINTON, ONTARIO OPENS Thursday, Apr. 26 Box Office Opens At 7:30 p.m. Show Starts At 8:00 p.m. Challengers Pack Missionary Bale 'Challengers of the Pentecostal Church packed a bale for home mission work at their April .meet­ ing, held at the home of Miss Wanda McLaren. President, Mrs. Hensal'l, conducted Mrs. Ken Rennick Cecil Kip f er, ithe meeting, brought the message and the missionary flash was given iby Mrs. Robert Ost- land. Marilyn and Joyce Hamil­ ton rendered a duett. MARK BOOK WEEK—Exeter Library celebraes national book week with a large display of new books recently purchased 'for district readers. Three members of the board inspect­ ing some of the new literature are, left to right, Mrs. R N, Creech, chairman of the book committee; Cecil Wilson, board chairman; and Mrs. Hilton Laing, librarian.— T-A Photo ::....................................—........................................................................................ z.. Council Buys Police Cruiser —Continued from Page 1 ■board, said this board required a grant ias soon as possible to meet outstanding accounts. He asked for the $1,000 provided ■for the board in this year’s bud­ get ibU't warned “I don’t think this will be enough to clear up everything.” He said the board may need more in the summer because of expenses in ■community park. Councillor Bailey; “I should have some sort ment before we make a grant.” He said that if the board need­ ed the $1,000 to pay bills it al­ ready owed, the board would have to come back for a further grant to pay for the salary of Alvin Willert, assistant? recrea­ tion director, who maintains the operating think we of state- Billie Grand Bend —Continued from Page 1 Mrs. Karl Vanner and Mr. Baird in London. Mrs. John Baird has been re­ moved from South Huron . Hos­ pital to the Heywood Nursing .Home at Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baird visited with (her on Wednesday evening. Several ladies of the United Church a tt e n d e d the Huron W.M.S. Presbytei'ial in 'St. James Church in Exeter on Tuesday. In the playoffs of the Grand Bend Ladies’ Bowling League, Ups and Downs and Alley Cats were defeated, leaving the Wee -Hopes, captained 'by Mrs. Mabel Newton, and the Lucky Strikes, captained iby Mrs. Olive Webb, to battle it to the finish for the trophy which will 'be presented. .... 2 park. “Is Alvin absolutely necessary there full time?” the councillor enquired. “Could he be used as a part-time policeman?” Both Councillor Dinney __ Reeve” McKenzie, the other rep­ resentative from council on •board, stated there was consider­ able repair work to be done around the arena, the ice-making machinery and the park to keep Willert busy. Both praised his work in keeping the ice-making machinery in good condition. Councillor Dinney emphasized ■that the council grant was neces­ sary to pay for costs of maintain­ ing the park, not the arena. Councillor Glenn Fisher, a memiber of .the recreation council, requested part of the $1,800 grant approved for that body. The money was necessary, he said, because the council was now paying the salary of Recreation Director Doug (Smith, (The com­ munity centres board pays his salary for one-half the year; the recreation council, the oithei- The Story In and the By MISS S. VOISIN the banquet to be .held May the Imperial Hotel here. at in Find Classified Section Most Popular Feature 'Classified advertising is the most popular feature of an On- taTio weekly newspaper, 30 Ryer­ son Institute Practical Journal­ ism students recently found in a door-to-door survey of Durham County. They were applying lessons learned in the Gallup Poll technique, and at the same time finding valuable information for the Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association. Edward U. 'Schrader, director of the Practical Journalism and Printing Management courses at Ryerson Institute .of Technology, Toronto, will give a detailed re­ port to the Ontario weekly edit- ithe ■curly-haired has- participated tournamenits as inors at their conference Windsor May 18 and 19. Dr. George James, editor ■the Bowmanville Canadian States­ man, the newspaper studies, ex­ plained that" the Appeal of the classifieds was human interest. If someone lists a baby carriage for sale, ihe said, friends know they ■their lists sale, nature of new furniture. Bill Klem, 20, of Windham ■Centre, Ont., found himself inter­ viewing the editor’s wife. Sheila Haining, 21, of Sudbury, asked an interviewee: “Is this the first time you have seen tills article?” and was told, “Oh,' no, I wrote it.” Ken Larone, 20, of Seaforth, ran into liis cousin while walk­ ing down a street in Janetville. Itw was the first time he had seen her since May. Isobel Lewis, 20, of Oampbellford, introduced herself as being from Ryerson, “No thanks, I don’t want to buy Ryerson.” o£ hqve stopped increasing family; or if Mrs. Jones her dining room suite for friends speculate on the Attends W.M.S. Conference 'Mrs. C. E. Zurbriigg, president of James JSt. Afternoon Auxiliary, on Tuesday attended sessions' of ■the London Conference W.M.S. being held in North Street Church, Goderich. .Mi's. W. J, Moores, Thames Road, president of the branch, presided for (the conference. Hospital Auxiliary Trash & Treasure SALE Mr. A. O. Elliot has kindly donated space in the Elliot block to the Hospital Auxiliary fdr their sale on All household used clothing inencing at 1 _ pickuii will be made Friday, May 4. Please call 288 or 63 for out- of-town donations. Saturday, May 5. articles and good will be sold com* p.m. A town-wide Stephen Federation Of Agriculture will meet Friday, April 20 8:30 p.m. of Crediton Hall ‘ Cancer Film, Program Hog Canvass plans will be pre­ sented by Mr. Bert Lobb, presi­ dent of the Huron County Hog Producers. The public is urged to attend. HAROLD FAHNER, President Annual Meeting Huron County Association will be held in the Board Room of the Agricultural Office CLINTON Monday, April 30 8:00 p.m. The Publie Is Invited Mrs. J. B. Russell Executive Sec. JL E. Madill President Huron Survey —Continued from Page 1 Association, conducted (the direc­ tor's meeting at which .plans weie made for other activities during the year. On Monday, June 4, directors and guests will take another bus tour of the county similar to the first one conducted last year. Pro­ minent farms, new crop and past­ ure projects, and other points of interest are visited. This year’s twilight .meeting will be held at the Huron Coun­ ty Home farm near Clinton on Monday, July 16. Date for a mixed bus tour to (Simcoe County was.set for Fri­ day, August 31. Personal Items Miss Madeline Houlaihan, Mount Carmel, has accepted & po­ sition at Brady Cleaners at Exe­ ter. Mr. David Morrissey, a (stu­ dent at Ridgeltown Agricultural School, has finished his year and ■has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lane of De­ troit visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. McCann on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Voisin and family of iBrinsley visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Voisin. Miss N. Houlahan is on ■sick list. Miss Arlene Desjardine ■Grand Bend visited with Mr. Mrs. Wilfred Hogan on Sunday. The C.W.L. are holding a meet­ ing on Wednesday evening in the Bai'ish Hall. half.) At the request of Councilloi* Bailey, council agreed to continue the method of operating t/he booth at IRiverview Park which was established last year. The arrangement was bhat Mr. and (Mrs. Wilfred Doupe received free rental of the booth in re­ turn for supervision and main­ tenance of the grounds. ■Councillor Ross Taylor said he had visited the garbage disposal grounds and ’“things didn’t look too bad.” Buy New Cruiser 'Council approved purchase of a new cruiser for the police de­ partment to replace the 1954 model which is in need of con­ siderable repair. Tender of Larry 'Snider Motors Ltd., whose price for ibotih six cylinder and eight cylinder models was lower than any others, was accepted and ithe choice of model was left to the police committee. Council requested the press to omit the price of the tenders from its report because all deal­ ers had Ibid well below retail price and members felt publication of ■the figures might be detrimental to their businesses. Deputy-Reeve Chester Mawhin- ney reported Larry Snider has agreed to sign a petition asking for the extension of a drain from Stephen township beyond his property to the Simcoe St. area which has been subjected to con­ siderable flooding in recent years. It .lias been suggested .that drain­ age of the Simcoe St. area has been blocked by the building up of the Snider property. Four quiet signs for the hos­ pital zone were ordered. HS Leader Is Versatile Eighteen-year-old Charles'“Ker- nick, wiho was named SHDHS ■leader last week,- spreads his talent over a variety of school activities. As an athlete, Usborne student in five WOiSSA an outstanding player SHDHS football, basketball and volley­ ball teams. He has also partici­ pated as a membex* of the school track team. As a musician, he plays trum­ pet in ithe school orchestra, the cadet bugle band and the Dash­ wood band; and he sings in the glee club. As an 'elected member of stu- ent onganizatioixs, he is produc­ tion maixagex’ of the ‘,‘Ink Spot”. As a student, he has (received honor marks in his four years at high school and wen shop and agricultural awards in junior grades. (He’s the son of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kernick, 1R.R. 3 Exe­ ter. SOUTH HURON Music Festival April 24, 25, 26 Tuesday: Urban Schools Tuesday Evening: Piano Wednesday: Rural Schools Wed., 7 p.m.; Pianp and Band. Glasses Thursday* High School Glasses Thursday Evening: Concert Tuesday and Wednesday Morning Sessions in Public School Other Sessions to be held High School The Public Is Invited in Correction The coming event in last week’s TimesiAdvocate regarding the 'Euchre Party sponsored -by Ladles Auxiliary of 'Scouts 'and 'Cubs was in error. The date should have been Mon. April 9, instead of tonight, April 19. BAND CONCERT Dance Zurich Arena SATURDAY, APRIL 21 8:30 p.m. Featuring Cornet Soloist Master Garry Boss, London, and secular and sacred num­ bers by Dashwood. Band. Free will offering to aid the band and the Zurich Cen­ tennial. Exeter Mohawk Saturday Night Desjardine Orchestra Mount Carmel Hall Dancing 9 to 12.15 Bake Sale Sat., Apr. 21 2:30 p.m, Snell Bros. Showroom Sponsored By Brinsley Ladies' Guild And Dance FOR MR. & MRS. KENNETH WlLDFONG Friday, April 27 Hensail Town Hall Good Music Ladies Please Bring Lunch Everybody Welcome LYRIC THEATRE Mrs, R. Dobson Born In England Mrs. Alice C. Dobson, wife the late Robert Dobson of Kirk­ ton passed away in the Malvine Nursing Home, London, on Mon­ day after a three day illness. The funeral service will be held today, Thursday, April 19, at the Marriott Funeral Home, St. Marys, and interment will be made in Kirkton Anglican Ceme­ tery. The former Alice C. Challand, Mr.s. Do'bson was born at South Kyme, Lincolnshire, England, 8.2 years ago, the daughter of Jo­ seph Challand and his wife, Alice Chambers. In 1898 she married Robert Dobson and in 1913 came with • her (husband and children to Canada to settle in the Kirk­ ton district. She has been a member of the congregation of St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Kirk­ ton. Mrs. Dobson’s husband pre­ deceased her a year ago. She is survived by one son, Cecil Dob­ son, of Usborne, and three sisters, Elsie, Mrs. W. Blackler, of Blan­ chard, Winnie, Mrs. G. W. Blatch- ford of Detroit, and Mollie, Mrs. Roy Brock of London, and one brother, Henry Challand, Wood- all SpA, England. There are 13 grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. One son, Monty Dobson, predeceased her. Seed Promotion —Continued from Page 1 Jones, MacNaughton was the first to introduce lawn seed in two- pound bags. “We have found very excellent consumer acceptance to this size,” Mr. MacNaughton said, “because we have been able to affect econ­ omy lh"such things as packaging which we are able to pass on to the consumer,” Two Exeter hardwares, Linden­ fields Ltd, and TraquairS, are featuring the product and tying in with the advertising campaign, REBUILD — Ollace owner of the garage PLANS TO Desjardine, uiwuw m mo near Grand Bend which was razed iby fire Saturday, views the ruins of the building he erected one year ago. Mr. Desjardine started Monday to clean up debris in preparation for rebuilding. At right is the shell of the cement­ block building after the fire was over. The Desjardines were eat­ ing supper when the blaze Was discovered in a bedroom of one of their children, —-T-A Photos Delay Permit Third Time Exeter lawyer C. Van Laugh­ ton succeeded for the third time Monday night in postponing the granting of a building permit to contractor Arthur Whilsmith who wants to erect a $7,000 house beside his home on Edward St. This time the lawyer objected to 'the Whilsmith application be­ cause it did not include a com­ plete set of plans and specifica­ tions as required by the new building by-law recently passed by .town council. The contratcor submitted a rough sketch' of his proposed-basementless house but did not include detailed draw­ ings. Although council has passed other permits without complete plans, it agreed that the by-law called for them and refused the permit on those grounds. How­ ever, Jt did give a two-man com­ mittee power to pass the permit as soon as the plans were filed with the clerk. (Committee granted the permit Wednesday after Whilsmith sub­ mitted his plans to Clerk C. V. Pickard.) Began In January The permit row, Which began in January and resulted in a com­ plete revision of the 'building by­ law, was renewed Monday night at the tail end of an extra long session and discussion was pro­ longed until one o’clock. The lawyer told council again that the structure proposed by Whilsmith, a 24x46 basement­ less frame hou'se, violated agree­ ments' he made with the con­ tractor when he purchased his home. While these arrangements did not involve council, he said he needed plans, as required by the (by-law to take the matter to court. He requested, And received, permission to view the plans when submitted iby Whlsmith and to make copies of th em I in the clerk’s office. ■Committee (appointed to in­ spect the plans and grant the permit if they‘were in order in­ cluded Councillors Bill Musser and Ralph Bailey. Other permits were granted to Councillor Musser, for a house on Edward Street; Mayor Pooley for the removal of a barn on Ed­ ward Street; Fred Hatter, for completion of a sun porch; R. E. Balkwill, sun porch; and John V. Webster, a garage. BOOSTER CLUB General Meeting TOWN HALL To discuss finances and players for next year. All Boosters Welcome1 Two hundred students from iSouth Huron District High 'School attended the production Of “Dis­ raeli” In London Tuesday night. The famous play la being studied this year in grade 11. APRIL 19, 20 ,21 "Good Morning Miss Dove" (Color), Jennifer Jones, Robert Stack APRIL 23, 24, 25 "Chicago Syndicate" Dennis O’Keefe, Abbe Lane in APRIL 26, 27, 28 The Twinkle In God's Eye" Mickey Rooney, Coleen Gray Yellow Rose Of Texas" (Color), Roy Rogers, Dale Evans | IV J Zurich Blitz Dashwood B|itz Exeter Blitz Usborne Canvass Stephen Canvass GMmmf Monday, April 23 Monday, April 23 Friday, April 27 Now Under Way Coming Up Campaign sponsored by Exeter District Branch, Perth-Huron Unit, Canadian Cancer So­ ciety in co-operation with Federation of Agriculture, Zurich Lions, Dashwood Men's Club, Exeter Legion, Lions and Kinsmen. Space Contributed In The Service Of The Community By John Labatt Limited I