HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-03-29, Page 11THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 29, 1956 from $1 a pot upI NOW The Rugged Happy Easter! 1V* Have A Portable Typewriter Comes In 6 Smart Colors The Times-Advocate Presbyterial Plans Missionary Rally Miss' Grace Patterson of Thamesford, * a missionary re­ turned from will be the special speaker at the annual meeting of Huron Presbyterial of the Women’s Misisonary So­ ciety of 'the United Church of Canada to be held in James Street Church, Exeter on Tues­ day, April 10. Sessions will be­ gin at 9.30 a.m, and 1.30 p.m. Rev. C. A. Krug of Belgrave will also be present at the afternoon session to address the ladies. ■ The theme of the entire meet­ ing will be "Changing Patterns Challenge the Church”. Each portfolio secretary will be given an opportunity to speak during the moirning along with the elect­ ion of officers for the coming year and installation of the same, A iskit encouraging attendance at the 'School for Leaders will be presented by a group of ladies from Fordwich, •' Second Line In Biddulph By MBS. H. ELSON Grand Bend Organizes Home And School Club LSMFT MONARCH SEDAN, Automatic, you’re robbing me ... FORD COACH, only ..................... MERCURY SEDAN, see this one FORD COACH, a good one ........ PONTIAC COACH ......................... PONTIAC SEDAN CHEV COACH ...... PONTIAC SEDAN, a steal CONSUL SEDAN, you’re breaking my heart $ FORD COACH, radio, clean as a whip .... NASH SEDAN, a steal................................ CHEV 5-PASS COUPE, take her away.... ’52 N.S.U. MOTOCYCLE, only ......................... ’48 ’41 ’34 CHEV COACH, NASH COUPE, FORD SEDAN, only .... it ran in only ..... TRUCKS & ’52 ’49 ’50 ’47 FORD ONE-TON, with stock racks, only FORD THREE-TON, chassis and cab ... DODGE PICKUP FORD FORD FORD FORD PICKUP ................... ONE-TON PICKUP .....;........... PICKUP, a steal ... SPECIALS $2,050 $1,995 $1,550 $1,450 Your Choice $1,350 $950 895 795 695 595 395 350 $ $ $ $ $ $ 50 4' 75 750 695 650 595 550 250 The following 30-day units to be reduced $10 a day until sold: ’52 PONTIAC COACH ................................ Thursday’s Price ............ $ 860 ’52 CHEV SEDAN .................................................. $ 775 ’46 FORD COACH ................J................................. $ 215 ’52 FORD 3-TON, chassis and cab ..................... $ 785 ’51 DODGE PICKUP, motor overhauled ........... $ 585 TRACTORS FORDSON MAJOR DIESEL, real workhorse $1,395 FORD, motor overhauled, only FERGUSON FORD r ’52 ’51 ’49 ’49 FOUR-ROW COCKSHUTT SCUFFLER Stop robbing me at .......mm:......... Personal Items Miss Helen Frayne of Wood­ ham spent the weekend with Miss Joyce Fischer. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mc-Falls spent -Sunday with .the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Chas. Tind­ all, Mount Bridges. Mr. and Mrs. Will Isaac spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Don 'Corman, Ai-lsa Craig. Mrs. Will Isaac, Mr, Alton Isaac, and Mrs. M. H. Elston re­ cently attended the funeral of their cousin, the late Mrs. Jas. Baxter, a former resident of this community who attended iS.'S. No. 9 school. Master Jerry Lewis has been laid up with the shingles. Mrs. Kay Blair entertained a number of children on Monday afternoon in honor of her daugh­ ter, Geraldine wlio was cele­ brating a birthday. Mrs. Fred Davis spent the past 10 days with her daughter, Mrs. M. H. Elston. ■ ' Mr. and Mrs. John McAllister spent (Sunday with the latter's mother, Mrs. C. iSk-inner, who is indisposed since (her accident. The ladies of this community attended a plastic shower held at the (home of Mrs. Bam -Skinner on Tuesday evening. . Mr. and Mrs. A. Elston spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jack (Schroeder, London. Y GO BY' Beauty Bar MyrlandSmith, Prop. Individual Styling, Permanents Hair Treatments, Tinting Manicures., Facials 400 Maili St. Phone 522 BRIDES-ELECT! Times-Advocate Famous Makers7 Spring See The "Personalized Service” Album At 'To Wear With An Air" . Your Choice Larry Snider Motors Phone 624 On Monday evening about thirty-five interested persons met in the auditorium of the public school for 'the purpose of organi­ zing a local Home a®d Club. Mr. W. F. B. MacLaren. nian of the iSehpol Board, presi­ ded and introduced the speaker, Mrs. Gushing, provincial vice- president, Mrs. Gushing , gave a short history of the Home and School organization, its purposes and aimsl how a portion of the membership fees is distributed) and the Constitution regulations, The Association was then formed under the name of (the Grand -Bend -Home and (School Association as a unit of the prov­ incial and national federation, and acceptance of the constitu­ tion was passed, The meetings are to be held every fourth Thursday in the month. Major H. W, King was elected president, with vice-presidents Mrs. J, Manors, and Mrs, iC, 'Chap­ man; recording secretary, Mrs. L. Mason; -corresponding secre­ tary, Mr, L. G. McFee; treasurer, Mrs, G. Thomas; five exective members, Mrs. W. 'Desjardine, Mr. W. F. B,, MacLaren, Mr. Wm. Sturdevant, Mrs. K. Williams and Mrs. Douglas Gill. Mr. MacLaren expressed the willingness of the Board to meet with the newly formed organi­ zation and to aid it in any way possible, also the apprecia­ tion of the organization and the Board for Mrs, Cushing’s kind­ ness .in meeting with them and organizing the local association. '1 tailored-to-measure♦ $72.50 Are the choice of men who want the finest of imported fabrics and tailoring craftsmanship. Jack Smith JEWELLER Phone 510 Exeter Exeter tailors Walper's Men's Wear Fleet Street Clothes WALPER'S ExeterPhone 81 School chair* CGIT Presents Church Program The C.G.I.T. of James St. United Church celebrated Family Night by presenting entertain­ ment and lunch following the evening service on Sunday. Roibin Smith presided for a program including piano solos by •Sandra Walper and Jocelyn Howey; a vocal duet by Jeanette Taylor and (Rath Ann McBride, accompanied toy Mrs. M. C. Flet­ cher; a reading 'by Ann Hockey, and a solo by Judy Snelgrove, with Betty Dixon at the piano. A film, "■Life and Work of Dr. Darby of Bella Bella, B.0.," was shown, and 'Miss Velma Ballagh told of the study of the group, "The work amongst the Navajo Indians”. ■Dr. Leonard (Schnell of Saska­ toon showed three films and ftold of the work of 'the British and Foreign. Bible Society evening service and also ed the message at (the worship. At a reception service received on profession and nine members by The 'Sacrament of Holy Com­ munion was observed. BAILEY'S FLORIST Phpn* 276Guests were received at thd door by vice president, Mrs. Joan Cochrane and treasurer, Mrs. Irene 'Kennedy. In the absence of president, Miss Mary Yeo, who is vacation­ ing in Florida, Mrs, Joan Coch­ rane presided. To the strains of Beautiful Doll” and Spring”, Kennedy, „r. __ ranging In age from one and a half years to ten years opened the program with a Fashion Show. Between model changes, Mrs. Cochrane made a welcoming ad­ dress and explained that all cloth­ es modeled were made by club members. A total of 80 artic­ les, varying from infants’ wear to size ten were made and dis­ played together with numerous articles of good used clothing donated to -.the Club by local resi­ dents. The Orpha 'Club were very for­ tunate to have as their guest of honour, Director, A. P. Bates of the Children’s Aid, .Sarnia, In liis address Mr. Bates mentioned the Sarnia Children’s Add have two (hundred and fifty children under' their supervision and that donation from clubs or individ­ uals are most gratefully received. Mr. Bates drew the ticket for ■the hammered brass picture, donated to the club by Mrs. Gladys Broderick for an Easter draw. Mrs. Ira Stebbins of Grand. Bend was 'the holder of 'the lucky : ticket. Mrs. Mildred MacLaren, 'tea table convener, asked Mrs. Ida Turnbull and Mrs. Wiliam Rendle to pour tea. Tea table assistants •were Mrs. Gladys Broderick, Mrs. Betty Stanlake, Mrs. Ai’leen Rav velle and Mrs, Rose Grigg. The Wee Models, namely Mis­ ses Darlene and Sandra Roberts; Jean, -Mary Lynn and (tEizabeth Kennedy; Katharine Waldron; Joanne and Lynda Hamilton; Diane Mason; Susan, Mary Fran, Donna Ruth and Ruth Ann Stur­ devant were in charge of Mrs. Gertrude Flear, Mrs. Irene Ken­ nedy, Mrs. Marjorie Roberts and Mrs. Elsie Desjardine. Donated corsages were present­ ed to vice president, Mrs. Joan •Cochrane, Mrs. Ida Turnbull and Mrs. William Rendle (tea ta­ ble), Rev. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Irene Kennedy (pianist) .by four models, 'Sandra Roberts, Donna Ruth (Sturdevant, Jean Kennedy and Lynda Hamilton. Proceeds from 'the 'tea and Easter draw will go to further the work with orphans. Oh You ............ 'Kiss of played by Mrs. Irene thirteen wee models THERE IS NO BETTElC BALANCED FOOD THAN THE GOOD MILK OF I Ml.. Uli OAVtYIAM Try Our Tasty Buttermilk 3 g z2 s at the present­ morning 26 ’were of faith (transfer. This Week In Winchelsea By MRS. F. HORNE J®.® n. IB Fl Ill < I i’t ft I s c LOCAL TRADEMARKS, S SPECIAL! Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Menvin Elston of Centralia on Wednesday last. Mr. Wib. Batten returned home from .South Huron Hospital, Exe­ ter, on Friday last and is being cared for....................... Cromarty. Visitors Batten on Fle.tcher of Exeter, Mr. and Clayton Batten and Mr. Ted ten of London, also Mr. and Harry Armstrong and Janice of near Hen sail. ■Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wicks of London were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walters. Mrs. Minor Dobbs, who has spent the winter at the home of ■her daugther and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Brock, returned to Langton on 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dobbs and family. New Clare-Jewel by Mrs. McKellar of Data On ■ . ExeterPhone 86 ■Mrs. Bat- Mrs. ■ Mrs. Win- Mrs. . high, Bugged Construction. Full Porcelain Enamel inside and out. Removable Oven Rack ’ Supports. Smokeless Broiler. 5-Heat Switches. Top Quality Oven Heat Control.. ' •with Mir. and Sunday were Mr. Elimville By MRS. ROSS SKINNER I By MISS JANE DYKEMAN Orpha Group Hears CAS The Orpha Club held an Easter tea and junior fashion show in tlhe Town Hall, Thursday even­ ing, March 2'2. Euchre Club The Elimville Euchre Club Was held on Friday evening in the hall with Mr. and Delmer (Skinner as hosts; ners were ladies’ high, Everett 'Skinner; gent’s _ . Mr. Harold Bell; consolation, Mr. Everett 'Skinner. The party will be held on Thursday evening with Mi’. Charles iStephen and Mrs. Thomas Bell as hosts. ( Persoiial Items Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pym visited o.n -Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Do-npld '.Crich -of (Clinton., i. Mrs. Bruce Cooper, Mrs. Alvin Cooper, Mrs. Philip Murch visited on Thursday evening with Mrs. Neil Hodgert of -Seaforth. Mrs. Thomas Bell visited with friends in Woodham last week. Mr. and Mrs. -Harold Bell and Carol Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Ross iSknner and family were Sunday evening guests with Mr.' and Mrs. Wm. Morley Jr. of Whalen Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dilling were -Saturday evening - guests with Mr. Charles 'Stephen Mrs. Thomas Bell. Monday evening guests of and Mrs. Howard Pym were and Mrs. Wm. Morley Jr. Janice of Whalen, Mr. and Mrs, Sam Skinner and Karen of Cen­ tralia and Mr. Alvin Pym of Exe­ ter. Mrs. Philip Murch spent the weekend with Mir. and Mrs. Norman Jaques of Zion. Mr. and Mrs. (Howard iCunning- ton returned home on Tuesday from their honeymoon and will take up residence Phil-ip Murch. Topics From Personal Items Misses Moreen -Anderson and Jean W-ilson -and' George Ander­ son, Gt. Marys, spent the week­ end with Mr. aind Mrs. Ross Jaques. Mrs. Philip Murch, Elimville, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Noirman Jaques. Mr. and Mrs. 'Gerald Hdrn and hoys visited iSaturday evening with Mr .and Mrs. IHubert Mills, Granton. Mr .and Mrs. Ephriam Hern were Monday visitors with Mrs. L. Kyle, Exeter. < Mr. and Mrs. Herb Anderson, Science Hill, spent Monday with Mr .and Mrs. Ross, 'Jaques. Mr. and Mrs. 'Gerald Hern and boys spent (Sunday with Mrs. Mel­ ville Hern, Exeter. . The W.MjS. had a quilting at the schoolhouse last Tuesday. Mrs. Ford and Irvin, Exeter, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hern. Paul Dykeman is attending a Purina Salesmanship School, Wednesday and Thursday of tills Week in Hamilton. iSunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jud Dykeman were Mr. Or­ lon iSehwartzentrubor, Dashwood, and Misses Marilyn Bissett and Jane Dykeman, Exeter. Mr. Daniel Hicks and Ross Ja­ ques visited last week with Mr. Wilfred Herbert, Whalen. Sunshine Mission Band ‘ The Easter .meeting of the Mis­ sion Band was held at i.p.m. Monday at the schoolhouse. The programme committee was Marvls Toyle and Elsie Miller. Electric Range Dot’s Beauty Shoppe (South of Jack Smith Jeweller) Naturelle Permanent Waving Lustron Cold Wave Dorothy G. Pfaff, Prop. Phone ,71-W Exeter Beavers Hardware 5 ItetoK. 3*3ji ■a j