HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-03-29, Page 7THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 29, 1956 IB? Lucan And District News Ice Skaters Neither rain nor sleet, floods ■noi- black-outs could completely daunt the spirit of the Lucan Figure Skating Club which final­ ly staged its fqurth ice revue at the Arena last Saturday night. Disappointment had followed dis­ appointment and even Saturday night the weatherman showed no co-Qperation. The ql’ij'b this year has 43 'members “‘from, Granton, Ailsa Craig, Parkhill, Cl'andeboye and Lucan with Mrs, Peggy Markham. of Ilderton as instructress. The senior girls have made wonderful strides in the past four years and some of them may (be ready to take over when Barbara Ann Scott retires. Those taking solo parts last Saturday were Heather Acheson, Beth Black and Margaret Neil. Some of the others deserving special mention were Marlene Revington, Beth Watson, Anne Marie Murdy, Martha Rummell, Suzy Murless and Joyce McDonald. •Mary Cough'lin of London did a solo which was enjoyed by all present. Sunrise Service Easter Sunday At a meeting held in the Unit­ ed Church basement last Sunday night 'plans were discussed for a sunrise Easter service to be held at 5.45 a.m. near St. James’ Church next Sunday. Children from tlje three churches will participate. * Parents will also be made Welcome. Plans for speak­ ers and transportation have not been completed. If weather con­ ditions are not suitable other arrangements wil^ be made. The junior choir of the United Church, resplendent in, their new suiiiplices, -led in the music at the morning service last Sunday. Mr/ John Bruce of ‘Main St. North received official notice that he is now a Doctor of Philosophy. He spent some time last year in England studying. We wrote thesis and has since passed oral examination. John Casey Reaches 93 his his than Hail w.i. hats, Home And School Marks Founding, Owing to Holy Week, the Lu­ can -Home and School meeting' was held one week earlier in the school auditorium, last Tues­ day. The president reported on the plans for the H. & iS. Easter dance. The attendance cup went to Mrs. Cobleigh’s room. In celebration of "Founder’s Day”, Mrs. Art Black gave a splendid 'talk on the,Association which was originated in 1916 by Mrs. A. C. Courtice and now has a 'membership of 173,000 in Canada. She told of -the Memor­ ial Courtice Library in Toronto, Where -books can be borrowed at any time, not only free of charge, but postage paid both ways. She ended her interesting talk by en­ larging on what each letter of Founder’s Day stood for: F, February, when founded; O> ob­ jectives; U, untiring universal understanding; N, national; D, dreams of leaders; E, education; R, reminiscences; S, service; D, duty;-A, achievement; Y, yester­ days; Two films, "The Frustrating Fours and Fascinating Fives” and "The Social Sixes and Noisy Nines”, proved most amusing and true to life. After these two films, (Harold W'hyte, chairman of board, showed ,a safety film •pic-ting what a beginner should -do and not do to ensure safe driving for himself and others. •Even those who have driven for years gained useful information from this -splendid film. Celebrates Fifth Birthday Mr. and 'Mrs. Sheridan Reving­ ton and family last Sunday at­ tended the fifth birthday cele­ bration of Peter Revington, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Revington. Evening Auxiliary The Evening Auxiliary of the United Church held their Easter Thank Offering meeting in the 'church parlofS', last Thursday evening with group three, con­ vened by Mrs. A. C. M'agoffin, in charge of the program and re­ freshments. She was assisted by Mrs. .Harold Whyte, (Mrs. Charles Sovereign, (Mrs. Maurice Cob- ■leigh, Mrs. George Thomson and -Mrs. Ivan Hearn in the worship ■service. Turf Club News The Lucan Turf Club, and building committee were recently most fortunate in being able to puchdse a stand of ispruce log on the stump. Last Friday a large group turned out to cut and trim the spruce ready to be sawed into lumber for the house b'arn at the Arena, the footing of which was cOmpleted-dast fall. They 'have on hand the cement blocks which they hope to" lay as- soon as weather permits. /?■"' ..................... Mr. the de- Mr. John Casey of Lucan celebrated his ninety-third birth­ day with a dinner party at his ■home on Alice street last Sun­ day,' Guests present included Mrs. Ralph Loney and Maxine of Cass City Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Ted 'Morgan and family of Sandusky, 'Mrs. C. F. Langford of Toronto ■and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wind­ sor of Lucan. Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. 'Thomas Casey, he was 'born on Concession 7, Biddulp'h, (March 29, '1863. He farmed for a num­ ber of .years ori*t'he edge of Lu­ can and also spent a few years in Detroit and. Cleveland. Since •retiring from the farm he has had a small market garden. For a number of years he and the Rev. Brown raised thousands of dahlias. Mr. Casey still enjoys good health. Coursey School In spite of Mitchell hockey _ still six tables of euchfe at'the Coursey School last Thursday night. Owing to Holy Week, it . was held a week early. High ■ score prizes went to Mrs. Charles Haggar and Mr. Charles Grose. ■ Lone hand prizes were won by ' Mr. Guy -Ryan and Mrs. Tom • Coursey and lucky chair prize by 'Mr. Harry Stokes. Lucky Winner The 17-ipiece waterless cook­ ware set .which was on display in the A. M. Hedden store was won by Mrs. Maurice Cdbleigh. Twelve other local 'ladies won gift certificates. On Monday .night, .St. Clements defeated Ilder.ton 5-4 at Arena in the first game W.O.A.A. Int. "D” finals. Personal Items Mrs. -Erwin •Scott,-’ Mrs. Louis Euchre the big Lucan- game there were Lucan of the Eldon Hodgson, Mrs. Louis Kilmer, Mrs, Thomas Lee, /Mrs. N. Was- nidge last Wednesday ""attended the West McGillivray W.I. meet­ ing. iMr. and Mrs. -Lome McFalls of 'St. Thomas, Mrs. Harold -Dic- kins of 'Rochester and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar 'Smythe of Midland were among those from. a dis­ tance 'who .attended the funeral of the. late Phin Dickin's. 'Miss 'Mary Hovey of London was a weekend guest with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hovey. Mrs. Harry Atkinson of Lon­ don spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. 'Harold Corbett. Bank Manager Moved Mr. 'C. W. Parkinson,who came, to the Bank of Montreal twerand a half years ago from Crediton, has been moved to Collingwood. Mr. J. C. Steacy" of Gananoque will succeed 'him in Lucan. The Parkinson family has iwon many friends here dur­ ing their stay. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Hodgins attended the 50-table Masonic Euchre at Ilderton last Thurs­day! The former nearly brought home one of the big prizes but lost in the draw^ Young Folk Steal Show A capacity crowd more filled the Anglican parish last Friday night for the Fashion Show. Suits, coats, dresses,, sweaters, shoes, bathing ■suits, pyjamas and children’^ wear from J. B. Ready’s and. Mol Culbert’s were--modeled. Musical background was provided by Mr, iHoward Kew, organist pf the United iChurdh. Mr. Ready and Mr, ‘ Owlibert came to the door but, -whether due to inability to squeeze in or fright at the eea of female faces, they beat a hasty retreat, leaving Mr. Kew alone, to represent the males of Lucan. Models for children’s wear in­ cluded Judy Coughlin, Nancy Young, Nancy -Hardy, Billy Has­ kett, iMike Culbert, 'Marilyn Hearn, Barbara Ready and»Judy ■Haskett; teenagers, Marlene Bev­ ington, Laverne 'George, Beth Watson 'and Marilyn Brownlee; adults, Mrs. Thomas ‘Lee? J. A. Young, Mrs. Clarence kett, iMrs. George Paul, Donald Revington, Mrs. Young and Mrs. Norman Hardy. 'The pre-school iwee folk stole the show. During intermission, tickets were sold on a large angel cake which was WOn 'by Mrs. Cecil Lewis. A door, prize went to Mrs. Ira Carling.' Everyone received a Du Barry door favour. Flowers from Morrison’s, Lon­ don, 'adorned the flood-lit, car­ peted stage with its background of /bolts of draped material from both stores. Chairs were ar­ ranged, -to face the centre aisle ■on which long strips of carpet were spread. Models paraded the length of the hall across the stage and back, giving everyone present a splendid view. ’ Those in charge were Mrs. •Murray Hodgins, general con­ vener; Mrs.- Arthur Black, com­ mentator; Mrs. William Brown­ lee, tea room; Mrs. Irving Gib­ son, tickets; /Mrs. Clarence Has­ kett and Mrs. Jack Murdy, de­ corations; Mrs. James Freeman, m!ake-up, and Miss Lina Abbott, publicity. It is expected the net pro­ ceeds will foe iii the nedghfoour- hodd of $7(k Musch credit for -this •splendid project goes to the ef­ forts of <Mrs. Murray Hodgins, the branch’s vice-president. The president, Mrs. . Frank Hardy,' opened the show London Speaker Addresses WMS .The Eastei’ Thank Offering meeting of the Women’s Mission­ ary .Society, of the Luican ■United Church was held last Thursday afternoon in -the Sunday School ■room 'with a good attendance. The president, Mrs. Warner Mc­ Roberts, presided. The program and refreshments were in charge of 'Mrs. E: R'. iPi'tt’s group. The devotional was taken by Mrs. 'Myron Culbert, Mrs. Wil­ liam Aylestock, Mrs. Clarence Lewis and Mrs. John McLean. Mrs. McLean -and Mrs. C'hown sang, accompanied by Miss Beta Oho-wn. 'The guest, speaker, Mrs. John ■McDonald, of London, Was in­troduced fly Mrs. C. Roiflib. She chose as 'her topic, "Neighbourly News of the Nation”. Lions See Safety Film Mrs. -Cliff Shipley’s group of the Ladies, Guild of Holy Trinity Church catered for the Lions Club dinner last Monday nig'ht. A .safety fil-m from the All /Canadian Insuratalcie Federation was sjjewn by Mr. Harold Whyte. A report on the recent Red Cross blitz -was most satisfactory with over $400 collected. Mr. John Anderson of Lon­ don was the guest speaker and ■congratulated the club for their ■efforts and the people of Lucan •and district for their generosity. He said a loan cupboard, equip­ ped with hospital bed, chairs, crutches, etc., is going to be set up in Lucan in the near future. Mrs. Has- Mrs. Erie Social And Personal Mr, Thomas Dickins of Sask­ atchewan, who has been visiting friend® in Lucan, London,, Ex­ eter and vicinity .for /some weeks, left for his home by plane laet Thursday. 'Mr. Neil Lachie of Waterloo was a Tuesday guest with his sister, Mjjs, M. O. Smith, and took her to Dutton with him for the drive on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. J. McGillicuddy of Forest is staying with 'Mr. 'Cap Howard while her sister, Mrs. Howard, is in .the (hospital.Donnie Black, son of Mr. and -Mrs. -Howard Black, entertained with solos, accompanying him-, self on 'his guitar. It was decided to attend in a body the Wednes­ day iHoly Week service in the Pentecostal Church, 'Two little girls, Betty Smith and Nancy Handy, were enrolled in the League of" Loyalty at the morning service in Holy Trinity •Church last 'Sunday. Mrs. C. W. Parkinson visited iher husband in Collingwood hast weekend. Mr. and 'Mrs. T. S. Hill spent last weekend in Weston, guests .of Mr, and Mrs. Ray Simpson. M. Richard De Courcey, Mr, and Mrs, Lang De Courcey and family of Detroit 'attended the funeral of the iate Miss- Mar­ garet De Courcey last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Theron Creery, of Woodham, were Friday guests with Mrs. Warner McRoberts. Dr. William 'Coleman, principal of Huron iCollege, was the -guest ^speaker at the "Ladies’ Night” meeting of the Granton -Men’s Club. Mrs. Cline Webb of Edmonton and Mrs. Charles iSumner of Lon­ don called on Lucan relatives last ■Saturday. While in London the l'attei* entertained iwit-h a family gathering foi’ - her sister. Mrs. Weblb was on a holiday trip to Florida and stopped off on her way home to Edmonton. Midgets Have Successful Season The Lucan Midget "D” hockey team, sponsored iby the Lucan Oddfellows and coached iby Ed Rowett, played 32 scheduled, exhibition and playoff games ■this_ season, 'Winning 24, tying four land losing four. In regard to the game forfeited at- Mildm'ay the -end of February, ■the manager of the team wishes to say: “We paid our due®, to ■the Association in Wingham, but ■being out of stock iat the -time received no players’ cards but were assured ..we would foe able to play without them. .However, the game was disqualified much to the disappointment of team and sponsors ias we had won the Holy Week Services Union Holy Week gan in the United Sunday night with Prest preaching the well-filled chunch. ers and counsellors ____ _ ■full force, filling two of the long centre pews. It -was an encourag­ ing start foi^ the week's services. Hostesses were Mrs. Evan Hodgins and Mrs. Oscar Hodgins. Scout And Cub News At a meeting of the Scouts and Cubs last Thursday evening in their club room, Jerry Butler was invested. •Plans were made for attend­ ing the Holy Week service on Thursday in Holy Trinity Church. Men’s Club The -Men's Club of the Lucan United Church held their March meeting in the church parlor* last Wednesday night. Mr. George Paul’s group three had charge of the program and refreshments. During the .business session, April 11 was suggested as the date for the "Ladies Night” banquet, with arrangements left in the 'hands of the executive. Owing to the moving of Mr. C. W. Parkinson, Mr. C 1 a r e n c e ■Stanley was elected vice-president in his place. Mr. James Brophey of Park­ hill, sales representative for Canadian Petrafina, was guest speaker, taking as his topic "What are we doing to promote our own 'community in particular and Canada in general?”. ■services be- Church last Rev, J. Ri’ ■sermon to a The Exiplor- were out in SUPERIOR s?o°E Serving You Better — Saving You More ••* * . See More Details in the Full-Page “Superior” Ad in the London Free Press Each Thursday Prices Effective March 28, 29 and 31 HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP 11-Oz. Bottles, Edch ........ FANCY PEAS Green Giant, 16-Oz. Tins .2 ^r 31c ■E <1 CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD W» F, Krotz, Minister Ken McCrae, Organist Good Friday a.m.—Holy Communion Easter Sunday 7:00 a.m.—Sunrise Service 10:00 a.m.—"The Power of 'Resurrection” Special Antihems 30 p.m.—-Easter in pictures and anthems. Rev. Mrs. 10 30 the % 8 7 MAIN STREET United Church Of Canada Rev. Alex’r Rapson, Minister Mrs. A. Willard, Organist 10:00 a.m.—Easter Service The Beginners (4 and 5 years) will withdraw from the ser­ vice during the second hymn. 10:00 a.m.—The Nursery. Class , (3 years and under) in the Primary Department. “I Am Tire Resurrection and The Life” saith the Lord. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev.Samuel Kerr, B.A., B.D. Minister J. G. Cochrane, Organist a.m.—'Sunday .School a.ni£—Morning Worship Mrs. 10:00 11:00 Easter Music and Easter Mes­ sage Sacrament of Baptism Tues., April 3, 8 p.m.—Caven Congregational Circle meeting in the church. THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN MAIN STREET CHURCH Rev. H. Fikse, Supply Minister 'Sunday 2 p.m. —i Easter Service All Welcome THAMES ROAD MENNONITE MISSION EXETER Sunday School 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. “Teach Me Thy Truth, O Lord” Supt.: Stanley Sauder, Zurich Vi l n ■mi MF •«.% . A* INSTANT COFFEE (Chase & Sanborn) 2-Oz. Jar E*7m 6-Oz. Jar {4 £*E10£ dfjf.......... Of G 25(t Off ........... 01.UD APPLE JUICE Stokely’s, 2d-"Oz. . 6“Oz. Jar » 25 £ Off .. Tins ..2 19c Q.T.F. CRUSHED PINEAPPLE *>7r 20-Oz. Tins, Each .................. fclU McCORMICK'S SODAS Plain dr.Salted, 1-Lb. Pkgs., Each KRAFT CHEESE WHIZ , .31C 16-Oz. Jar ...... 53C 8-Oz. Jar ... CHEERY MORN COFFEE 1-Lb. Bags, Each PAMOLIVE SOAP OQa 5£ Off Deal, Banded Pkg. of 4'Bars .... fewV DENTAL CREAM O JQa Colgate’s, Spec. Offer*, 33£ Tubes " tor “vv District Official Institute Speaker The "Agriculture and Canad­ ian Industries” meeting of the Lucan W.I. was, 'held in the Pdr.ish JHall last Thursday after­ noon with the president, Mrs. Frank ‘Hardy, in the chair. Mrs. Erwin Scott was at the piano. Mrs. Harold Corbett with her as­ sistants, Mrs. Frank Hardy, Mrs. Mitchell ’Haskett, Mrs. Myron Culbert, flyrrs. Harry Lankin and Miss Hattie Hodgins, were hos­ tesses. * The month’s motto was "iSup- ■port C a n a d i a n products and Industries will support you.” Mrs. Warner McRoberts reported 'on the March 10 directors’ meet­ ing held in the Agricultural Rooms, London, which she and Mrs. Erwin Scott attended, say­ ing the District Annual would* foe held in Ailsa Craig in May and •that Mrs. A. M. Berry, A.C.W.W., would be the guest speaker at the Fanshawe meeting in June. ■She also reported that Lucan’s secretary,. Mrs. William .Biown- ■lee, was one of seven secretaries Ohosen to attend the Guelph ■convention. Mr®, Murray iHodgins spoke on the Fashion Show to be held in the 'Parish Hall Friday, March 2(3. Mrs. C. W. Parkinson and Mrs. Harold Corbett read poems and Miss Lina Abbott gave a synopsis of an article on the Burlington S k y w a y, Canada’s biggest bridge which, when fin­ ished, will end one of Canada’s biggest bottlenecks. Mrs. Erwin Scott imported on the short 'course held recently at the Connmunity Centre where five -—Please Turn to Page 12 LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Louis Higenell, Pastor ZIONPENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Good Friday .—Special Service “The Christ of Calvary” ‘ 1, 1956 program ar- 00 p.m Topic: .Sunday, April 45 a.m.—'Special ranged, 11:00 p.m.—Topic: of the Resurrection’ 7:30 p.m.—Topic: ' self”—Luke 24:15 .Plan to be with us. You will re­ ceive a spiritual blessing. Many special Easter numbers will be sung by the young people at all services, Wed., 8 p.m.—Bible 'Study and Prayer Fri., 8 p.m.—Christ’s Ambassa­ dors Rev. L. W, Krause, Pastor, 9 'The Power (” ‘Jesus Him- THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. N. D- Knox, B.A., Rector Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Good Friday 10:00 a.m,—Antecommunion and Litany Easter Sunday 8:30 a.m,—'Holy Communion 11:30 a.m.—'Holy Communion JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. H. J. Shell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.O.M 'Musical Director Easter Day Services 10:00 a..m.—Sunday 'School lil:00 a.m.—Morning Worship IS erm on Subject: "Easter Is Hope” Easter Music 'by Junior Ch oil’ Anthems: "Christ the Lord is “He Arose?’ i, “Joy Again thife Easter Risen Today’’; Chorus by Junior Gi^rls, Dawned Day” ■ Mr. Gordon will assist organ. 7:00 p.m.—Evening Sermon .'Subject: Hands” Solo: Selected. A ‘warm welcome is all. 8:1'5 p.m.—iCh'oir of Bethel Re­ form 'Church under the direc­ tion of Mr. Alfred Fisher will present an Easter cantata, “The Golden Dawn”, fn James St. Church. Everyone welcome. Koch at the piano Mr. Wein at the Rev. Good Friday, March 30 11:00 a-m.—Service with Com­ munion “Why Did Christ Die?”Easter Sunday, April 1 10:00 a.m,—Sunday School Promotion Sunday 11:00 a.m.—Service with Com­ munion “The Stone is Rolled Away” ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren crediton a.m.—Sunrise Service -Easter Breakfast Rev, Glen R, Strome, Minister 6;3Q 7:30 a.m.- 10:00 a.m.—-Easter Worship “The Living Lord” 11:15 a,m.—-Sunday School Monday—-Dashwood Youth Rally Tues., 8 p.m.—Local Conference, with Rev. Krotz as speaker. Friday—Brotherhood 'Supper Weekend 290 Meat Specials Smoked Picnic Shoulders ... Steak—Round, Sirloin or T-Bone .55^ Lb. Boneless Ham ....... 69^ Lb. Fresh Side Pork ... Lb. Smoked Ham, Bone In, Whole or Half...... 550 Lb. Centre Slices . .... 650 Lb, Grocery Specials Heinz Ketchup, 15*pz. . Nescafe, 6-Oz.................. .. $1.75 1 Lb. Jiffy or 1 Lb. Nestle Quick .... 570 Apple Juice, 12-Oz............................ 2 for 190 Cheese Whiz............................ 8-Oz. 280, 16-Oz. 550 -j Club House Peanut Butter, ,15-Oz.............. 300 Club House Blanched Salted Peanuts, 14-Oz. 350 Worship "Behold My extended to Al's Groceteria And Meat Market Hensail Ontario I Illustrated above — Chevrolet Bel Air Sport Coupe high priced V A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE ...but it’s the ’56 Chevrolet! ■WM — it looks It looks strictly “upper bracket” with its bold new Motor- amic styling ... its longer, lower hood . . . its proud new grille that spans the full front end. But, even beyond its costly appearance, Chevy gives the high-priced cars a run for their money. For it’s one of the fevy great, road cars built today I .s You’ll see what that means when you take one out on the highway. You’ll feel the added security of Chevrolet’s nailed- down stability. You’ll thrill at the way it Whistles around tight turns — as footsurc as a cat on a carpet! ( And when you need a quick sprint for safer passing, or a power punch to flatten out a hill — you’ve got it! Horse­ power hits a new top of 205 in the “Super Turbo-Fire V8” (an extra-cost option). So come on in and highway-test the cat that puts rhore pleasure and safety in your driving. We’ll be looking for you. the hot ones even hotter »C-I254D « ' g • ' , ........................ ................................ ........................... ..................... .... ____.* ......... 1 ■ ' I Phone 100 8 SNELL BROS. LIMITED CHEVROLET, OLDSMOBILE AND CHEVROLET TRUCKS S S ..-I