HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-03-22, Page 17.THE T1MES-ADV0CATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 22, 1956 Keep Your Red Cross Ready Wasted Gas New as Tomorrow! Sure as Yesterday! Stay new Ute IUBRLLOY in your car — and »ke what hap- pans! Mora mile* per gallon of gas — a smoother sunning, car — less engine wear. Makes i»*w cart helps old one behave like models, let mo prove it Come In for Proof—Today . CANADIAN DISTRIBUTOR Ron Westman's Sports And Auto Supply PHONE 211 EXETER f Usborne, Exeter Officials Discuss Flooding In Town Discussion of flooding in the south-east section of Exeter took place at Usborne council meeting on Monday, March 12, > •Exeter Mayor R, E, Pooley and Deputy-Reeve Chester Mawhin- ney said the flooding was caused by the blocking of the natural water course on the (Snider pro­ perty in Usborne. The township council advised the town officials that Usborne did not have a building require­ ment by-law and that no town­ ship drainage scheme had been constructed in that area. There fore Usborne could take no action in the matter. Hubert Hunter was appointed to assist Allen Fletcher on warble fly inspection at 85 cents per hour. T. A. Wiseman reported to council on his audit for 19i55. He said the books of the town­ ship were well kept and that the financial position was excellent ‘with a surplus for the year of ■$'5,8’68.09. Delegates to the Ontario Good Roads Association convention were voted $28 in expense money. A Relegation from Elimvil'le WjI., consisted of Miss R. iSkin- ner, Mrs. H. Bell and Mrs. G. Johns, 'interviewed council re­ garding t'he finishing of the ad­ dition to the township hall and .the installation of cupboards. Council agreed to cover the floor, .install heating equipment and buy paint for the addition; the ladies are to apply the paint and Install cupboards as they wish. W. H. Hodgson, Exeter, out- lined insurance coverage for warble fly and weed spraying operations. ’Council agreed to buy a policy with limits of $10,000 for one day and $50,000 for the year at a premium of $80,00. Tax collector reported further collections of $8;4'5.32 leaving $5^0'315 in 19<5'5 taxes still out­ standing. The 1956 road appropriation by-law providing for expenditure of $15,000 for construction and $213,000 for maintenance was pas­ sed for departmental approval. • In regard to the Morrison Dam, township solicitor W, rane, Exeter, advised that Usborne would be Coeh- letter G. by - R.sk'oxl t<ogive a permit and pass a by-law allowing the construction of the dam on the township roadway and that the same was in course of preparation by the Ausable Authority solicitor and would be submitted to council at a later date. t . Grant to the ‘ South Huron Music Festival of $125.00 was ap­ proved. G. iC. Ford, festival .sec­ retary, requested the .contribu­ tion. Creditor! EUB Youth Appoint New Officers ZZJ’L— —1 1— • •db G&>| • • t Serves all Canada ’ . The recent meeting the Evan- . gelical Youth Fellowship had the J Dashwood young people as guests, It was decided to have a (Sunrise ‘Service with Rev, Wat- 1 tarn of Grand Bend as guest ■ speaker. As in other years, break- ’ fast will be served after the serv- • ice. In addition to the regular Wed- ■ nesday night Lenten services, • there will he a service on Thurs- ’ day night in Holy Week with 1 communion. At the annual Bunday School [ meeting, the following officers ( were elected for the coming church year, superintendent, Ed Hendrick, assistant, Gordon Ratz, ; secretary, Donald Flnkbeiner, treasurer Donald Ratz. Other of­ ficers and teachers will be ap­ pointed by the executive. Mission Band Speaking on the “Life and Ac­ tivities of Western Indians’’-Mrs, (‘Rev.) Rapson gave an educa­ tional talk at the program given by the United Church Mission Band on Saturday. . - Presiding for t‘h« program and meeting were, Marlene King1 and Douglas Galloway, other mem­ bers taking part were,"' lEiease Lamport, Judy Lamport, Marilyn Galloway, Frances Jackson, Doreen Kenny., and James Finite beiner, Tea was served to ’the many guests, by members of the Band, under the-convenership of Mts. iS. King and Mrs. Ray King. Personal Items • Mr. William Smith returned from St. Joseph’s Hospital last week.* Mrs'. Bella Finkbeiner, Exeter, spent a few days at the home of Mrs. Mary Wein. Morris Hirtzel left for Winni­ peg by plane where he is attend­ ing a cattle sale. Mr. William Wright has dis­ posed of hiS farm south of Credi­ ton, to -Mr. Roy Lamport, and •has purchased a home in Exeter, where he and Mrs. Wright will take up residence in the neai’ .futre, Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard .Sparling, Mr. and Mrs. Clate Sparling and son, Allan of Walkerton, visited on Sunday with Mrs. John iSmith. Relatives attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Wm. Oestricher included Mr. and . Mrs. Ed French, Mr. Reg Abel and son, Robert, Mr, Ezra Oestricher, Mis­ ses Matilda and Clara 'Oestricher all of Windsor, Mrs. Dan Oestricher of Hanover, Dr. and Airs. Hostetler of London, Mrs. Gibson, Blyth, Rev. and Mrs. J. Oestricher, Clifford. Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown, (Zurich, Mr. and IMrs. S. Oestricher and Mrs. A. Oe- stricher, Dashwood and Mr. K At­ kinson of London who 4s spend­ ing some time with Mr. OestriSh- er. Mrs. Oestricher Native Of Blyth IMrs. William* Oestricher passed away suddenly at her home h-ere oh Saturday, March 17, in (her ,64 th year. The former Gentrude Gibbon of Blyth, she was united in -marriage with William Oesiricher in 1-923, and on Thursday, March, 15, the couple celebrated the thirty third anniversary ,of their marriage. They farmed for many years north of Crediton and later re­ tired inito the village. , ‘She was a faithful member of the Crediton .Evangelical Church. (Surviving besides her husband, are two sisters, Mrs. Pearl Cole and Miss Sarah Gibson, both of London. The body rested at the Dinney Funeral Home in Exeter until Monday noon, and was then removed to Crediton Evangelical Church, where a ■public service was conducted at 2..30 p.m. by Rev. Glen Strome,' assisted by Rev. John Oestricher of ’Clifford. A vocal duet “iBeyond The iSun- set” was sung by Mrs. A. Gaiser and Mrs., L, Hey. Interments was in Crediton Cemetery.' Wil- J. Albert Doupe Kirkton Native The death occurred suddenly on Tuesday- at his home in To­ ronto of Joseph Albert (Bert) Doupe, youngest son of the late Mr. and IMrs, Robert Doupe, for­ merly of Kirkton. He leaves his wife, the former Beatrice Gunning, of Kh’kton; four brothers, Ernest of London, Everett, of Kirkton, Alvin’, Port Credit, and Wilfred, of Exeter; four sisters, (Lucy) Mrs, George Hazlewood, of Stratford, (tMary) (Mrs. Robert ‘Hazlewood, R.R. 1 "St. Marys, (Alberta) Mrs. liam Harding, St. Marys, Eleanor of Stratford, The funeral was held on day -with burial in Toronto, METEOR Demonstration SAFE BUYS ’53 CHEV HARDTOP Red and white, radio, dual exhaust, centipede white wall tires. ’53 DODGE SEDAN Two-tone maroon and gray. ’51 AUSTIN SEDAN Just like new. ’50 METEOR TUDOR ‘ Better than new, new tires. ’49 FORD COACH Light green. ’49 FORD COACH Maroon. South End Service RUSS A CHUCK SNELL Phone 328 Exeter GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES THE PREMIER TRUST COMPANY 42? Richmond Street, London Telephone 4-2716 New Spring Suits Charcoals and other new patterns with two pairs of pants. 65% wool—a real spring bargain for only New Sport Jackets t New Van Heusen Shirts New Sport Shirts 100% Wool Cardigans/ Reg. $6.95—For $4.95 WORK CLOTHES — COWBOY KING JEANS Men's & Boys' Wear now priced with the lowest! You’ll feel a very special pride instantly to your command for in a new ’56 Meteor. For there’s n 1 * no mistaking the quality that distinguishes this proud member of Canada’s foremost fine-car family. Wherever you drive, the quality look of Meteor’s sleek styling and high-fashion interiors will reflect your good judgment and individuality. The smoothest, liveliest V-8 power responds flashing getaway, surging pickup and safe passing. Meteor protects you with exclusive Safeguard Design; offers the matchless brilliance of optional Merc-O-Matic Drive, and every modem power assist. And best of all, you can step up to the fashion of the finest without stepping out of the low price field! .See for yourself—this week! THE FORCE PROVIDES A CHALLENGE TO QUALIFIED YOUNG MEN WHO ARE WILLING AND ABLE TO MEET THE DEMANDS OF A LAW ENFORCEMENT CAREER The prime requisites of a member of the Royal. Canadian Mounted Police are intelligence, loyalty, integrity and courage. Service requirements frequently entail long hours, inconvenience and personal danger. Service benefits and advantages include aX| certain prestige, good comradeship, a measure of adventure and satisfaction through service to Canada. If you are interested in a career in the Force, some of the qualifications are: ✓ t Age: Between 18 and 30 years, , Height: between 5Z8" and 6'5", British.'subject or Canadian citizen, Unmarried, - Good physical condition, Ability to pass an education lest based on a Grade X level. * If you feel that you possess the basic qualifications, you are invited to apply at the nearest R.C.M. Police office or write to: THE COMMISSIONER, R.C.M. POLICE, OTTAWA Letter From Brinsley By MRS. CECIL ELLWOOD Personal Items |Mr. and Mrs. Otto Darling and children have moved into the (home formerly owned by Mr. and Mrs. Lin Craven. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Trevethick spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dorman. Mrs. Earl Dixon had a quilting tbee on Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fenton and children spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Knapton of Thorndale. ' Mrs. Wes Dixon of Benfield and Mrs. Ted Hotson called on Mrs. Fred Fenton recently. Mr. and Mrs. jas. Trevethick spent Friday evening with Mr3. Trevethick’s mother, Mrs. Hess, who was celebrating her 85th 'birthday. Mrs. Earl Morley entertained a Humber of ladies at a quilting. IMrs. Jas. Dixon spent Thurs­ day .in Parkhill. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Lewis of Clandeb.oye visited with Mr, and Mrs. Karl Morley on Wednes­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fenton visit­ ed with Mr. and Mrs. Elded Hodgson of Lucan recently. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fenton visited their sister-in-law who is ill iii London Hospital. Mrs. William Darling who has spent the last three weeks In De­ troit has returned home . Mr and Mrs, Fred Fenton, Mr. >hd Mrs, Roy Hamilton of Lucan spent Thursday evening with Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Ellwood. Rev. Mr, Menzies spent Thurs­ day evening with Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Trevethick. Foremost star in its field A BET faMon | aS /Inert / There’s extra protection .in Safeguard Design Meteor embodies the foremost safety ideas to protect you and your family against injury hazards. Safeguard deep-centre steering wheel and Safeguard double-grip door locks are standard on every/56 Meteor. Safeguard options include seat belts, instrument panel padding, - and padded sun visors, all for less than $35.00. Watch THE ED SULLIVAN SHOW on TV every Sunday night CFPL-TV — CHANNEL 10 -Itw Four fine wieii * Illustrated; Rldeau Four-door Town Sedan 46 MILES AHEAD.,. BE SAFELY AHEAD WITH "Governments must use tax re- ductona with ah eyd to stlmula* ting both oohsumbtioit and In­ vestments, rather than the one or the other.”—Dr. Frank Burns, chief economic adviser to Presi­ dent Eisenhower. A flNtR VAiee FROM FOJtO Of CANAOA IT’LL PAY YOU TO SEE YOUR Meteors Mercurys — Mercury Trucks DEALER BEFORE YOU BUY ANY NEW OARt PHONE 328 EXETER FOR A SAFE BUY USED CAR . ." . SEE YOUR METEOR DEALER