HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-03-22, Page 15I Gram Says: S ---------------------------------------- I s s Desserts And Stew By MARJORIE STEINER Surprises are always interest­ ing and ,our dessert recipe this week js g. new and unusual one to us. It goes by the name of (Surprise Dessert. Miss Ella Link contributed the recipe and sure our families will be antly surprised when we it to them. Surprise Dessert (Miss Ella Link) 1% cups flour 1 cup sugar 1 tsp. baking soda - ¥l tsp. salt 1 egg beaten 1 can fruit cocktail. iSift dry ingredients together. Add the beaten egg combined with fruit and juice (2 cups.) OPpur batter Into 8x8 inch greased pan, 'Coyer tpp of batter with mix­ ture of 2 Tbsp, flour % cup brown sugar cup chopped nuts. iBake for 50 "minutes in 850° even. Serve with whipped cream. we’re pleas- serye New Spring Styles Men’s and Boys’ Work Shoes (Cork, Panco & Leather ’Soles) Men’s $4.29 pnd Up Boys’$3.29 and Up Men’s and Boys’ LOAFERS AND OXFORDS Black apd Brown ^Broken Sizes Of MEN’S (OTOBDS Beg. $9.05 NOAV $5.98 D AC K'S A BOND STREET SHOES $14.95 and Up * i Let Us Measure You Fox’ A Correct Fit Several Pairs of repaired shoes are not called for. If we have your size these are real bargains. Leather and Rubber Repairing c is Topics From 53 Henry J Coach 52 Olds Sedan 4 51 Models % to by Your r Choice . 6, 54 Dodge Sedan Blue, 27,000 miles, clean as new, ,745 in new condition. $1,295 An economical traveller $895 Pontiac, Plymouth and 2 Dodges dx $995 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH W, 1956 icing made with brown March 21st To 24th •X GRAND PRIZES! Borland.To Be Drawn For March 31 RICKS FOODLAND KYLES MARKET KIPPEN 2 MORE BUGGIES OF FOOD TO BE WON IN EACH MARKETVisit Ydur R&W Market Often—You Can Win Too! •LARGE 48-OZ TINS saw and farmers switch to Surge ■for safer, .faster milking. (adv’t) s Beauty Shoppe (South of Jack Smith Jeweller) Naturclle Permanent, Waving Lustron Cold Wave . Dorothy G. Pfaff, Prop. Phone Ti-W fteter forty-first wedding anniversary of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles $ $ * # for a recipe -sent to us sister, We have 'tried this SEE THE BIG SALE DODGER — ALSO WEDNESDAY'S FREE PRESS FOR MORE BIG MONEY-SAVING SPECIALS Start $47,000 School For Mt. Carmel Area From Mrs. Herman Powe we received this recipe for a loaf cake with oatmeal as an ingre­ dient. It is a mew recipe ’to us, 'too so now we can experiment with two new desserts. Oatmeal Loaf Cake (Mr®. Herman Powe.) cup quick-cooking oatmeal ■cup boiling water cups brown sugar eggs 'Construction began Monday on a ?47,000 three-room red brick school for the Roman Catholic Separate School Section No. Stephen, at Mount Carmel. •Contract was Jet recently Frank Van Bussell, of Lucan, the board of trustees, ■Classes will continue in the old two-rooip school while the new building is erected beside it. The old school will be torn down this summer and students will start in the new one in Sept­ ember. Enrolment of the school is around 100. Mother In iSylvia is in charge of it. Chairman of the trustees Joseph Dietrich, R.R. 8 Parkbill. Members include Tom Ryan, of R.R. 3 Ailsa Craig, .and Charles iGlavin, of TUR. 3 . Dashwood. Wilfred Hogan, R.R. 8 Parkhill, secretary-treasurer. . Charles Gillen, London, wa architect for the new building. Four Great Names McClary, international, Lincoln, emco "A MJ.L.E, Of Heating Satisfaction" ALF ANDRUS 403 ANDREW ST, PHONE 7W | Heating, Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work I Oil Rumors 1 1 1 2 2 ¥2 cup shortening 1 cup flour 1 tsp. cinnamon (scant) 1 tsp. baking soda ¥2 tsp, Plow pinch suit 12 cups Whole raisins. Four boiling wnier over oat­ meal which has been spread out. Let stand 20 minutes without stirring. 'Beat together the sugar, short­ ening and eggs. Add dry ingre­ dients which hgve -been sifted together. Add raisins and oatmeal and stir well until there are no luxnps of oatmeal. .Bake in 350° ■oven for 4>5 minutes. Ice with fudge sugar. Now by our one and liked it. The first time we used the dry white beans. T-hey take quite a while to soak then quite a while to cook. iSo the second time we made this stew we used a can of beans and little difference in the taste quite a saving in time. Bean And Meat Stew % cup dry pea beans or 1 can beans ¥2 cup chopped salt pork ¥2 cup chopped onion ¥2 lb. ground beef 2 cups canned tomatoes isalt and pepper to taste. Cook salt pork until crisp. Re­ move meat and brown the onion lightly in pork fat. Add ground beef and cook about' 5 minutes. Add cooked po.rk, beans and to­ matoes. Reason to taste. .Cover •and cook .slowly for 30 minutes. Hint—Boiling dried beans for 2 minutes before soaking them cuts soaking time to one hour. DISPLAYS "FAN MAIL"—Marion Bell, 12 year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bell, of near Hensall, displays a few of the letters received by The Times-Advocate asking for her picture in the paper as runner-up in the South Huron spelling bee. The young students who wrote the letters remained anonymous and even Marion doesn’t know who her “fans” are. One thing certain: it wasn’t pupils in her own school, according to Teacher, Mrs.- Sara Simpson, who says they had nothing to do with it —T-A Photo PS Students Petition For Marions Picture More (Milkers m By MISS JANE DYKEMAN DEPENDABLE Honored On Birthday Mr. George Earl was the gwt of ’honor last Wednesday when his. family met at the -home of Mt. and Mrs. Norman (Brock to celebrate his 79th birthday. Those present Included Mr- and Mirs. Harold Hern, Mr. -and Mrs. •Angus Earl, Mr, and Mrs. Milne Pullen and Donald, Mr. and Mrs. 'Marry Hern, Mr. and Mrs. Rob Hem and Lynda and Mr. and Mrs. Milton 'Brock. Personal Items iSaturday visitors with Mr. and MTs. Ross Jaques were: Mr, and Mrs. Glen Range and Wayne, 'Centralia, Mr. and Mrs. Herb An­ derson and Lloyd, (Science Hill, Fred Heywood and Lila Smiling, Toronto, Noreen Anderson, ISt, The Home Of Good Trades" 2 53 Pontiacs One, coach, one sedan, Radio and whitewalls. your c 1 OQ KChoice Jp | jyUv It’s taken a long "‘lime but some school children in Hay and Stephen *township can finally see ■their demands fox' justice fulfil­ led in this week’s Times-Advo­ cate. 1 > The school children petitioned the newspaper three weeks ago for a picture of Marion Bell, 12- year-’old Tuckersmith student, who placed second in the South Huron spelling 'bee at Exeter [Public School on February 29. The pupils, who remained ano­ nymous, wrote a batch of letters to The T-A -asking why a picture of the runner-up hadn’t appeared instead of those of other con­ testants who didn’t go as far in the competition. Typical of the letters was this:"£ have always ‘been a steady reader of the Exettr paper and I have liked it very much. But in this week’s issue, y.6u disap­ pointed us very much. I didn’t see the- picture of Marion "Bell Lillian Borland Weds Saturday In a setting pf early -spring­ flowers and lighted candles in tall candelabra in Thames Road 'United 'Church, Exilian Ruth. (Borland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles Dorland, -and Robert George Watters, son or Mrs. Eli­ zabeth and the late.Robert .Wat­ ters of Toronto, were united in marriage with Rev. W. J. Moores officiatin'g on 'Saturday, March 10., /Traditional wedding music was played, by Miss Agnes Bray also accompanied -tihe soloist, William Cann. The Bride Given in marriage by father, the bride wore a waltz­ length gown of white tulle lace over taffeta, featuring a sweet heart neckline and lily point sleeves. A pearl encrusted tiara held in place her finger-tip ‘veil. She carried a bouquet of red roses with white streamers knot­ ted with the. rose buds. Attendants The maid of honor, June Bor­ land, sister of the bride, wore a waltz length gown .of lime green net over taffeta -with matching bolero and headdress. Hei’ bou­ quet was of yellow ro-ses. Fred Walters, Toronto, brother of the gro.om, was best man and Jack Borland, Exeter, .and Wil­ liam Jacobs, Toronto were ushers. At the .reception held in the church parlors decorated with spring flowers the bride’s mother received the guests wear­ ing a grey tweed suit with pink and "black 'accessories. Mrs. Wat­ ters chose navy sheer with match­ ing accessories and both woi'e a corsage of pink carnations. Wedding Trip For a 'honeymoon spent in Chicago and other points in Uni­ ted -States the bride donned a ■tan tweed -suit with mint green and brown accessories and cor­ sage of yellow carnations. ' Mr. and Mi's. Watters make their future (home in rente. Guests were present from ronto, Exetei‘ and district. The occasion also marked who was the runner-up and’ “who nearly got first and we were wondering why the pictures of those other two girls were xri there. We are not very pleased With this,” Another young reader wrote: "I (have been greatly disappointed not' to see the second prize win­ ner. I truly hope that you and your publishers will do ’the cor­ rect 'thing next time and for­ever.” This one*" was “Signed With Truthfulness” (by “A Steady 'Subscriber.” (Many others -asked for Marion’s picture in the next edition, Toob- ■lige the T-A cameraman took a picture of Marion hut it didn’t turn out. Last week he tried again with success but it was crowded ent. With the 'public a t ion of Marion’s picture . this week,"The T-A management hopes these young subscribers will decide to continue, reading this, newspaper^ The editor extends apologies for his sin of omission. To clear- himself, the editor must explain that the picture of the three girls who appeared in the Martell 1 edition were taken before the contest and weren’t intended to be winners... It was just a coincid'ence that one of .them. was. Wheji the photographer went to the school after the contest to take a picture of the winners, runner-up Marion Bell had left. OK, students? Marys, Mi’ .and Mrs. Jud Dykeman ■and family visited 'Sunday with Mr. and -Mrs. (Lloyd 'Cushman, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs, Norman Jaques’ were Tuesday guests With Mix', and Mrs. Don Parsons, Hensall. Miss Nettie Hyatt, Mitchell Rd., and hex’ nephew of R.C.A.F. Aylmer, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. .'Ross Hern.' Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Hern Visited 'Sunday with Mrs. Kyle, (Exeter, and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Myron Culbert, Lucan. Mrs. Ross Jaq.ues and John spent Wednesday With ‘Mrs, Herb Anderson, 'Science Hill and Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley J-aques and Mr. and Mrs. (Sam Bowers, Exeter. Lynda Hern, Thames Road, visited on 'Sunday with her grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold •Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd , Lynn, Clandeboye, visited Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom (Brock and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Jaques and Yvonne were Saturday Visit­ ors with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dob­ son, Kirkton. , A number of the ladies from Jim 'community „ attended,, the fWrt course on ^Salads” at the Township Hall last Friday af­ ternoon. Old? Get Pep, Vim Feel Full of Vigor; Years Younger MEN WOMEN of 40,50,60. Don'the jWG^TYUlTlC.n old,weak,wora-out,all • in, exhausted. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Often needed after 40 —by body old, run­ down because lacking iron: increases vim, • vigor, vitality. Thousands feel full of pep, years younger. Quit being old. Get Ostrex today. "Get-acquainted” size costs little. Or -start with big, popular "Economy" size and saye 75$!. At all druggists. THIS BEAUTIFUL UPRIGHT $499.00 FIRST PRIZE—ROY HOME FREEZER SECOND PRIZE—G.E. MANTLE RADIO PLUS—W ELECTRIC CORN POPPERS PLUS—38 ELGIN FLIGHT RAW BROOMS Tata! $662.50 In Prizes 53 Chrysler Sedan Loaded with equipment. ,895 52 Ford Coach Ready to go. 51,095 4 50 Models Meteor, Forc£ Nash, Chew Your Choice 2 49 Dodge Sedans $645 2 47 Dodge $ $495$435 Large Discounts On Sales With No Trade-Ins Phone 200 Fred Dobbs, Prop. BEST BUY Rose Margarine BEST BUY Sunblest Green Peas REAL VALUE Mitchell's Apple Sauce NEW—DELICIOUS Clark's Oven Crock Beans AYLMER—CRISP Sweet Gherkin Pickles BEST BUY Treesweet Orange Juice REAL VALUE Stokely's Creamed Corn POPS RIGHT IN THE EOX Puffy Pop" Popping Corn REAL VALUE Allen's Apple Juice 15-OZ. TINS 20-OZ CROCK LARGE 16-OZ JARS LARGE 48-OZ TINS 2 15-OZ. TINS FYFTFD