HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-03-22, Page 13/ Classified Directory FOR SALE SUIT ENSEMBLE. ladies’ or misses’. 4-piece, mlx-and-mateh, blue and white cheeked jacket and skirt, navy -•^'(rblue skirt and reversible vest; size TOjfcjW: worn only 3 ox* 4 times, Phone 679-W or apply 359 Marlborough St, ’ -> 22* TRACTOR, W.C. Allis Chalmers, new pros, SOSO-; rear end Ford loader, -$80. Wally Weijn, Phone 54 Dash- wood, ______________ 23:1:8:15:22* 6 POLICE PUPS? about 7 weeks old. Apply Kurt Gebel, R.R. 1 Clande- fooye, t, _______ _____________ 2>2c Bargains Sheet Steel Square Tank—$20.00 Compressor, Tank and Gauges Almost new -motor—$35,00 1941 Dodge 2-Door, as is—-$50.00), 1954 Ford Pick-Up, -low mileage ■many extras, perfect shape Must be seen to foe appreciated-. $1,100.00 "'Compressor and y3-H.P. Motor Good shape—$30.00 Tiny Toy Fox'Terrler Female, 10 months old, Must sacrifice—'$20.00 HECTOR FORCIERR.R. 2 Zurich, Ont., Box 70 Phone Zurich 87-r-17 22c ________FOR, SALE CATTLE—Four yeanling steers, 3 IMstelns and one Durham; 5 Here­ ford yearling heifers; 2 Hereford stimmei' calves. Phone 40-r-7, Dash- wood, aftexr 6 -p.m., Pat Wilds. 22tfn c COOK STOVE, in good condition, Apply Mrs, Gordon Prance, Win- chelsea.________________________22^ GOOD WORK HORSE, weighing 1,400 lbs. Apply Frank Taylor, Ex- eter.__________ 22* CHILD'S COAT and hat set. size 6X, yellow check, in good condition. A-pply Mid-Town Cleaners, 22c CONGOLEUM RUG, 14’ 10” x 12’ 2", like new. Apply Mr-s. S. Tasko, R.R, 1 Oandefooye, phone Exeter (881-J3. 22* MATERNITY DRESS, 2-piece, navy with pink, size 34-36; price $5.00. May be seen at Bx,ady Cleaners. 15nc BEDROOM SUITE, 3-piece, walnut, In excellent condition, complete with springs and inner -spring mattress; $85,00. Apply Mrs. Ken Elder, phone 683-r-14, HensaJl,_____________15:22* 10 COWS, due in March and April. Apply Wally Wein, phone 54 Dash- wood. ___________' l:8;15:‘22c RED CLOVER SEED, 'factory clean­ ed. Apply BIU Coleman, phone 674- r-22, HensaJl.________________22:29*CAT-TLE—Vaccinated Holstein cows and heifers, due April and May: also open heifers. Apply after 4 p.m, to Stoy Dykeman, R.R. 1 Centralia. 02:29c CAPONS—Started capons on order, and custom caponizing. Apply Carl Oestrqicher, phone 57-r-23, Dashwood. 16:2-17:6 Barley AIL PEOPLE ARE CORN HELPLESS AND SOME OF ’EM NEVER OUTGROW IT Will Wheat Board or Cash Market Pay MostF Our contract will pay either— which ever is most to farmer. the THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 22, J9M Repprt Fram Harpley By MISS M. HODGINS Mr. Ward Hodgins, Clande- boye, visited at the home of Mr. Mansell Hodgins Monday after­ noon. ■Mr. and Mrs, Ek MeLinchey of Varna and Mr, Alvin McLinchey visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Newton Hayter and also with Miss Millie McLimdhey. Mi’s. Ray Gooding, Rarkihili, visited with Mr. and Mrs. New­ ton Hayter and Linda on Mon­day. Message From Greenway By MRS. CARMEN WOODBURN Personal Items Miss Frances Brophey spent ■the weekend with Miss Alexia Lostell of Exeter. •'Mr. hnd Mrs. Bill Jackson^and son of Arkona and Mrs. Niles ■Jackson of Parkh'ill visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter McPherson. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brophey and Karen and Mr. and Mrs. Harp-Id Brophey visited on Sun­ day with Mrs. Don -Reddick family of 'Sombra. Mr. and Mrs. Rpss Polloc-k family of 'Chatham spent a Announcements X Sale Of Cedar Posts REGISTERED AND COMMERCIAL REDUCED TO CLEAR OUR YARD Brace Posts (Reg. $1.25), Only .................. Posts, 6" Top (Reg. .90), Only...................... Posts, 5" Top (Reg. .80), Only ...................... Posts (Crooked), Only ................................. These Posts Must Move Now Get Them While They Last .85 .65 .50 .25 Seed Grain Lower farm production puts you in a tight spot. Do the sensible thing and see us for the quality seed to give you better and larger crops, production per acre planted. Rodney ............................. Garry ...................'........... Beaver, Cartier, Simcoe . Loraine, Alaska, Clinton Sheffard Cert. No. 1 .... Montcalm, Galore ......... Spring Wheat ................ . You can be sure of more Reg. 1 Reg. 3 Com. 1 1.65 * 3.00 1.50 1.45 1.60 1.40 1.60 1.40 1.75 5.25 1.90 . 1.40 See Us For Your Gross Seeds EXETER-Mw73$-WHALEN CORNERStfWKIRKTON 35RI5 and i and few days last week with Mr. -an(l Mr®. Milton Pollock. Ross is stationed ■at Chatham with the Ontario Provincial Police. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Smithers of Pa-rkhil'l visited on Sunday with Miss Evelyn Curts and Mr. Man­ uel Curt®. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Eagleson of Detroit spent the weekend with Mr., and Mrs. Wm. Eagleson ahd ■Mrs. Chas. McGregor. Master Michael Pickering of (Shipka speac last week with Mr. and Mrs. , Cecil Smithers. 'Ml and Mrs. Lt____ .. and Eleanor visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Louis Doan and Cynthia of London. iM-r. and Mrs. John Allister, Mr. Frank Allister and friend of Hamilton visited, -on Sunday with Mrs. Albert Pollock. Misses Marlene, Margaret Rose and Master Johnnie Hotson of Grand Bend are visiting with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Carruthers while their pa­ rents Mr. and Mrs. Willis Hotson .are on a trip to -Florida. Miss Jean Young, nurse in training, at Exeter Hospital spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Young. Mr.,, and Mrs. Peter Gillies and sons of Berkley, Mich., spent the weekend with Mr .-and Mrs. Wm. Hicks. Miss Marion Hicks return­ ed home with -them after spend­ ing va 'week in Berkley. . iMiss Stella Lockhart of West (Comers spent the weekend with Misses. Heather and Bonnie Mc­ Gregor. Mrs. Fred Me Unchey visited ■last week with relatives in De­ troit. A The W.M.S. (Church 'of Mrs. members in attendance. 'Mrs-. Herb Harlton took -charge of -the worship and concluded -the last chaptefr of the study book. Mrs. Bruce Rompff read the. (Scripture and Mrs. Albert Pol­ lock- gave a reading on -Christian Citizenship. A layette which had been made for the .bale was- displayed. Our. missionary for prayer for -this year is Miss Mildred Cates -of Central India. Mrs. Harold Bro- pliey gave the story on the life of St. Patrick. Plans were made to have Mr. Ross McKay, chalk -artist of Lon­ don and his twin daughters give an Easter picture and program in the church followed byUun-ch in the bas-emdnt on jrhhbsday evening, March' 29. The April ■meeting will be held at the home -of Mrs. Wm. Hicks. . / .ithers. ;awrence Curts March meeting of the and W.A. of the United was (held at the. home Lloyd Brophey with 23 A SUPERIOR s°S°t V Serving You Better Saving You More 22, 23 and 24Prices Effective March / in the London Free Press Each ThursdaySee More Details in the Full-Page “Superior” Ad GOLDEN DEW MARGARINE 1-L.b. Pkgs., Each .......-....................25c KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES Large 12-Oz. Pkgs,, Each .....................23c DOLE'S FRUIT COCKTAIL 20-Oz. Tins, Each ..................32c KRAFT DINNER 0 Cooks in 7 Minutes ■■ Pkgs.27c NABOB COFFEE 1-Lb. Bags, Each $1.14 ROBIN HOOD FLOUR 7-Lb. Bags, Each ................................51c GOLDEN WAX BEANS O Garden Patch, 15-Oz. Tins ■tor 33c NIBLETS CORN 0 Green Giant, 14-Oz. Tins .....................for 37c CREAM STYLE CORN g Aylmer, 15-Oz. Tins .....................,4.25c McCORMICK'S SODAS Plain or. Salted, 1»Lb» Pkgs., E«ich ....29c Jello Jelly Powders Grape,P,mackSRaspberry, Bfack Cherry The Best Place To Shop After All 7 BIRTHS BLUE—Mr. and, Mrs. Donald R. Blue, Crediton, announce t-lxe birth of a sop at (South Huron Hospital, 'Mui’ch 19, 19-56 — a brother for Donald and, Douglas. FULOHjEjR^-Mr. .and Mrs. Jack Ful­ cher are happy to announce the -bipth of their daughter, NoJa Mar­ garet, at South Huron Hospital, ■March 2ii, 1956—a wee -sister fox’ Victor, Bruce, Jam-le and Rebecca, WOOD—Mr. and. Mrs, Douglas H. - Wood, 1'27 Columbia Dx’ive, RCAF Station Centralia, announce the, ‘birth of a son, Richard Stuart, at? South Huron Hospital, March 15, 1956—mother and >son doing well. DEATHS BRADT—Suddenly, at his late resi­ dence in Exeter, on Tuesday, March 20, 19&6, Joseph S, Brad-t, foeloved ihusbaiid of Dora Hackney, xn his fifty-Iourth year, MURRAY-—At his late residence, ,23 Idyllwood Ores., Toronto, on Mon­day, March 12, 1956, William James Murray, beloved husband of Ethel Udall, dear fathei' of Marnie (Mrs. R. A. Halverson) of Brookville and, ■Phyl (Mrs. J. H. Apfel) of Berkley, Calif,; brother of Miss Jean (Mur­ ray of Hamilton and Mrs. Mary Jordan of Sunland, Calif. Resting at Yorke Bros, chapel. Funeral service at the chapel on Wednes­ day, March 14, at 1 p.m. Interment Mount Pleasant cemetery. OESTRJCHER—At her late residence in Credition, on .Saturday, Max-ch 17, -1956, Gertrude Isabel! Gibson, beloved wife of William Oestricher, in her sixty-fourth year. ENGAGEMENTS Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Chapman, Exeter, wish to announce the engage­ment of their daughter, Alice Pat­ ricia, to Mr. Gex-ald Dayid MacLean, son of Mr. and Mrs-. James MacLean,' London, Ontario. The wedding will take place at the home of the ibride's parents on April 7 at 1.30 p.nx, 22c Topics From Thames Road By MRS. WILLIAM RHODE ' ANNOUNCEMENTS The friends of t Irene Smith and Roy Pepper uro cordially invited to a receptxoix following their marriage Goo_d l«nday afternoon from 3 o’clock to 6 o clock at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Bailey, Main Street. 22c CARDS OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation for the cards, flowers, treats and visits while a, Patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, with special thanks to the Wood* donors. —Mrs, Joseph Regier. 22* iMiss Mary Chambers, of Crediton, wishes to thank her many friends for cards, treats and visits while a patient -in South Huron Hospital and since returning home, 2-2* We wish to thank Dr. Batson- and Miss Clay-pole and staff while (Ricky was a patient In South Huron Hos­pital. —Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pearson, 22* I wish to thank all those who so kindly remembered me with cards, treats and visits and who did my work while I was nursing a broken arm, —Mrs. John Lovie, 22 I wish to express my sincere thanks to the many friends, relatives and neighbours for cards, treats, flowers and visits while a patient in­ South Huron Hospital and since re­turning home; also thanks to Dr. Fletcher, Miss Claypole and nursing staff and all who helped in any way at home. —Pearl Duncap, 22* The husband and family of the late Mrs. Walter* Gunning wish to thank their many friends, neighbours and relatives for their kindness and sympathy during their recent be­reavement for the beautiful floral tributes; to the staff of South Huron Hospital, Rev. Mr. Snell, Hopper- Hockey and all those -who helped in any way. 22 I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation for the cards, treats and visits ‘While I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. —William H. Smith, Crediton, 22* (Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stoneman wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation for the lovely flowers, letters and cards received during IMrs. Stoneman’s illness in Scott .Memorial Hospital: special thanks to Dr. Brady, Dr. McMaster and the nurses. - 22c Message From Kippen By MRS. A, GACJK8TETTER Social And Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. JRobt. Hern spent Sunday at Jarvis. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth. Luker and Janice of iSarnia visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jeffery. Community Night |On Wednesday evening Mr .and Mrs. Alvin ‘Cottle and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hunkin were1 in charge of the community night with seven tables of euchre in play. Prizes went to Mrs. Ray Cottle for lone hands; (ladies’ high, Mrs. Harold Rowe; ladies’ Low, high, Mac -Hodgert; Men’s low, Chas. Borland. Mr. and Mrs. R. G.. Watters of Toronto visited the latter’s '’pa­ rents -over the weekend. . ■ Mrs. T<ee Webber; Men’s Express Yourself Sorority Topic "Expess Yourself” -was ‘the subject on which Rev. H. J. Snell spoke at the meeting ■» of Beta (Sigma Phi Sorority at the (home of Mrs. Warren May on Tuesday evening. He igave the .members pointers on speaking in ■public and, by means or a dicta­phone illustrated his topic. He was introduced by Joan Parsons. A report of the fashion, show was given by -Jean Taylor. The gift was -won by Mrs. Melvin Gaiser. The -hostess was assisted by Mr. Robert Dinney, Mrs. Walter Bentley and Mrs. Ted Jones. THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD Rev. W. F. Krotz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist (Sunday, March 25 a.m,—Pialm Sunday Ser-10:00 vice 11:00 ___ . _ 7:30. p.m.—“All Things. New” a.m.—Sunday School __ -“All Thing-s- New” Good Friday 10:30 ‘a.m.—Holy Communion THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN MAIN STREET CHURCH Rev. H. Fikse, Supply Minister Sunday, 2 p.m., E.S.T.—English ■Service—AH Welcome * THAMES ROAD MENNONITE MISSION EXETER Sunday School 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. “Teach Me Thy Truth, O Lord” Supt.: Stanley Sauder, Zurich PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE •Sunday, March 25 9:45 a.’m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.-m.—iMdrn-ing Worship 7:30 p.m,—Evangelistic Service Wed., 8 ip.-m.-‘—Bible Study and Prayer. Fri., 8 ipjm.—‘■Christ’s' Ambassa­ dors. * Good Friday Service. (The Pastor will .preach.) Christ Has the Answer For ‘You’ Rev. L. W. Krause, Pastor ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON Rev. Glen R. Strome, Minister 10:00 a.m.—Worship "The Lord Has Need” 11:00 a.im.—Bible School 7:30 ip.im.—Evening Service Tuesday—W.-S.W.S. Meeting Wednesday—Lenten Service Thursday, 8 p.m. — Communion Service 9 p.m.—Choir Practice ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Rev. Louis IHgcnell, Pastor ■10:30 a.m. — Confirmation Ser­ vice. (No (Sunday School) Good Friday, March 30 11:00 -a.m.—^Service with Com­ munion. "Why Did Christ Die?” * CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Sunday, March 25, 1956 10 tOO a.m.—(Reading Service (Dutch) 2:00 p.m.—Rev. G, J. Hoytema (English) Rev. N. I). Knox, B.A., Rector ■ Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Palm Sunday 8;-30 .a.m.—Holy Communion 10:15 a.m.—Sunday School 11:30 a.m.-—■Morning Prayer and , Blessing of -tihe Palms- Nursery School in Parish Hall. (Maundy Thursday 10:00 -a.m.—-Holy Communion 8:00 p.m.—-Evening Service 'Preacher: Rev. H. Fickse Good Friday 10:00-a.im. — Ante -Communion -and Litany JAMES STREET UNITED GHURCH Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence • Wein, A.W.C.M., Musical Director 10:00 a.'m.—Sunday School 1'1:00 -a.im.—.Morning Worship Sacrament -of Holy Communion will be observed at this ser­ vice. There (will be .a reception ser­ vice for new members.^ The sermon will be preached Iby Dr. Leonard Schnell, of (Saskatoon. Easter anthem by the senioi’ choir. Solo by Mrs. Robert Reilly 7:00 (p.m.—Evening Worship’ This service is an Exeter and District British and Foreign Bible Society -Rally. Dr, Leonard .will s-hotw moving -pictures concerning the work ■■of the Bible Society. A Warm Welcome Is Extended To All MAIN STREET United Church Of Canada Rev. Alex’r Rgpson, Minister Mrs. A. Willard, Organist a.in.—The Lord’s Supper Beginners (4 and 5 years) withdraw from the ser- durlng the second hymn, a.m.—The Nursery Class years- and under) in the Timary Department. ’ 10:00 The will vice 10:00 (3 Pr 11:15 a.m.—-The Church School “This,I Do In Remembrance . * Mr®. Harry Galdwell held a very successful auction sale of her farm stock and Implements last week. The W.A. of iSt. An­ drew’s United Church had a koi dog booth and -realized over sixty dollars. Mr. Arthur Anderson who- has been a patient in Scott’s Mem­ orial Hospital, Seaforth, •to his home on Sunday. * Mr. and Mrs. Grant Caro, Mich., spent the with the latter’s father, Mr, R. J. Cooper and other relatives. Recent visitors ■with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gacks-tetter were Miss Ina Ropp and 'Mr. Samuel Ropp of Zurich, Mr, and Mrs, Clifford Blanshard and Linda of Exeter, Mr, and Mrs, Bruce Cann, Kathy and Christina of Clinton. Miss Lois McLellan ef London spent the weekend with her pa­ rents, Mr .and Mrs. J. McLellan,Mr. - - - spent rents, Hi at the Manse. iMrs, J. M-cClym-ont visited on Saturday evening with her daughter, and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ducharme of near Dash­ wood. Mr. Gerald Parsons of Thames- -ford spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons, (Mrs. Kyle of Clinton visited on iSunday with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Kyle. Mr. and Mrs. S. Cudmore and Lome of London spent Sunday with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cudmore. Saturday visitors of Mr.- and Mrs. Norman Long were Mr. Wesley Paisley of Chemainus (B.C. and son, Mr, Charles Paisley of Barrie, and son-in-law, Mr. Mc- Nicholl 'of Seaforth. Miss Alice Pfaff of Exeter spent -the weekend with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. Elgie. ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fowler of Toronto vis-itdd on Sunday af­ ternoon .with the termer’s aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Henderson, (Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. ®. Dawson were Mrs. Horton and Mr. Wm. Cook, Goderich, and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Kerr of Winth­ rop. Mr. Lome Hay (has returned to his home following an oper­ ation in Scott’s Memorial Hos­ pital,, Seaforth, last week. Shower For Bridei Elect A number of young ladies met last week at the home of Miss Merle Dickert to honour Miss Isabelle Caldwell, bride elect of -this month with a kitchen show-1 er. . i A social evening was enjoyed after which the bride-elect, was escorted to a decorated chair -be­ hind which was a decorated flow­ er trellis. Miss Ruth McLean read an address and Miss Merle Dickert and Miss Velma Hep-burn of London carried in a decorated basket laden wi-t-h gifts. The -bride elect though taken .com­ pletely by surprise made a fitting reply. returned Loye o£ weekend. Mr .and Mrs. J. McLellan, Bud McLeod of Ottawa the weekend with his pa- Rey. and Mrs. N. McLeod Rev. Mrs. 10:00 11100 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Samilel Kerr, B.A., B.D. Minister J. G. Cochrane, Organist a.m.—Sunday 'School a.m.—(Morning Worship Palm (Sunday ‘Service Mon., March 26, 8 p.m.—'Pro­ Easter service in Caven Church (Preacher: Rev. Norman Knox of Trlvitt (Memorial Church This service and those that follow in the other churches are sponsored (by the Exeter* Ministerial Association. Reeve and Mrs. Wilfrid Fuller and daughter, Marguerite, ef Bosanquet township and Mr. Robert (Crawford of Uamlaehie visited on 'Sunday with .Mr ^d Mr®. Roy Alderson. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon iCaun df Newmarket spent the weekend with -Mr. and Mm Robert Ostler. Mr. 'Bruce Alderson <of Park­ hill spent (Sunday with his pa­ rents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alderson •■and sister, Mabel, Donald Idle who has been at­ tending ‘Stratford Teachers’ ICol- lege has secured a position with -the Hamilton Public School Board. Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Shapton spent last week in Toronto visit­ ing with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Ollin- Bittle. Mr. Ron Warelng left on, Tonjes, day lor Lw4on utoe at taken a posithm with the AW Food Market. Propane Limited Your Distributor for Propane Gas and A^plianoea for Farm, Home and industry Call Strafford 4174 SUPERIOR I GENERAL MANAGER = Applications for the Position, of General Manager will = be received by Mr. J, D. Oaks, President, Mid-Western Ontario = Regional Development Association, Box 273, Gnelph, Ontario, | -to April 16th, 1956. | The Applicant to work under a Board <Jf Director® in | association with local organizations and with Municipal and f Provincial Governments for the promotion of Regional In- f dustrial Development. | Exceptional opportunity for active aggressive man to = develop interesting career with good future. Confidential ap- = plication with photograph to Box B73, Guelph. ^aaiiiiaiiniaaiaiiiiMiiiiiuiiiiliiaiiBaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiii|iiiiiiHiHiiiiiialiiniiiaaihiaiBtiiii.il!i*iiiMiiiMll|ilillll>ill>>><i|l**^ s E E Weekend Specials Meat Specials Hamburg ................................................. 3 Lbs. 890 Rolled. Pot Roast of Beef ............................. 330 Prime. Rib Roast, Bone In, First 5 Ribs .... 490 Veal Front Rolls................................ 390 Pea Meal Bacon, End Cuts ............. 490 Centre Cuts ............................................. 590 Bologna By Piece 230 Lb., Sliced 290 Lb, Grocery Specials Good Luck Margarine .......................... . St. Williams Strawberry Jam, 24-Oi. ... Nestle's Quik, 16-Oz.................................. Tree Sweet Orange Juice, 48-Oz............. Aylmer Catsup ........................................... Jewel Shortening ....................................... 290 370 550 390 210 230 Al's Groceteria And Meat Market Hensail Ontario hiiiiiiiiiiiiiin........aiiaiiiiiiaiitiaiittaaiaiaaiaiiiiiiiiaiiiiia........lUiBiiiiiliiiiiiHiiiiiiiaiitiniiitiaiwaiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiliii'^ LADIES' AND MISSES' Wearing Apparel «For Easter & Spring All the newest ..styles and materials in Coats, Suits, Dresses, Rainwear, Blouses, Skirts, Sweat­ ers, Sportswear—at very attractive prices. Use our layaway plan if yo,u wish. Choose from the largest stock we have ever shown. z New Lingerie, Slips, Pyjamas, Parasols, Handbags, Hosiery, Night Gowns, Foundation Garments, Gloves, Etc. Grand Mere PRE-EASTER SALE Orient Nylons Orient nylon hosiery — 20% off regular prices — in the newest spring shades. Sale ends this Saturday night. Buy your supply now for spring and summer. 6 Sweaters Hundreds to choose from. in Pullovers and Cardigans at $5.95 and $7,95. COMPLETE SHOWING of new draperies, curtain nets and made-up curtains now in stock. We also have sample books to choose from for special drapery orders. Men s Wear For Easter / See our new showing of men’s Suits for Spring in a complete range of sizes from 36 to 46. Each garment is expertly tailored of all-wool material in the very latest styles and colors. Priced from $42.00 to $59.00. To.ny Day Sweaters Enjoy the smart styling and the comfort of a full’ fashioned. sweater knit from pure lamb’s wool and orlon in beautiful new Spring shades at $8.95 each. New Spring Showing Of men’s and boys’ jackets, sport coats, shirts, ties, cuff links, etc. Complete ’. . Your spring suit and topcoat0 with a Top Level fedora. The latest style in fur felt hats for men—$5.95. Ik F. A. MAY & SON Phone 190 EXETER Phone 190 J ■fl