HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1867-5-2, Page 4it D) MSV. Written Mir the tttaroa 4466 I MV LAST WILL, When life's teaslvg dream is o'er, Every tNay pulse al rest : And its curs and sanious no more Crn &&of my beam of breast; When my heart in sileoge deep, Freezes in iu chilly sleep,, Arad my rigsd form lie• hid 'NeAth the darkrome eofhu lid; Ever] throb of Joy or sorrow, Neer to greet a trellis to -morrow •- Bear me to sone tranquil glen, W here bruenth the t.,u,.g ou&hey Fur trmutr tram Pe fish men Some pure nsaseless stresmlet gushaw- Where the Robin, Merle and Wmu, CFauntthch happy simple sings; Grwta lel, that rack sheltring den Proves a shield from craven wrongs ; W here the modest little fluw'r s, Twinkling in their money bow'rs; Tinged with Natine'sthastest boss, Freshened by her purest dews i 5lruwu to bleat the wi'ds of earth : C!r;m from spring the eeliiest birth; F'ar from Fortune's cultured care, Types of worth in humble sphere, Where, nor yew, nor evprevs' gloom, SLading scalptured marble tomb 'fella, .here tailed deal If" pent Nwatb ;ts sturied muuumeut. Where for slaaderer may nut come; W here the scuff pr's voice is duwb i Whrredetractiuo's cloven lousue,- Tho' to syren sweelncm strung - May not there tine send cell W'bere the holy echoes dwell 1 Dig me dance my lonely grew; lay me down with honest care: "ria thtbilly rile i crave: '• Caere me no mementos there- Plle the mould and smooth the sad, Soffh,, and Irate the rest with God ; Back jo Nether Mature's brews, Oh t h """' d'y I dull r-st." ILLIAM BVNNATYXL W A i t 1367- fat �. � r W mwsit- -- -- - - ----• _ - __ - - - ,•o,crlon lac. -deft• tai HelgaN Terror IN Georpgia. TUN MAH1U T3. THE R t D G l� PROPERTY $BALE Oi LAN>o$. CULU�TIJ~1L HOUSE 1 SALT TERRITOfRY. -� ('u•fyorH"No" BT virtue of • Writ of pQ 2U ACRE3 OF MALT TEKItiTOt� A gentlemsn reremll7 tlarellieg (mm the New York. April '16th. -The Savannah Clinton, April 2b, ltt7. P O $ d A L D. To W n I E B Iwst Pineau ,..urJ Col ED GLOVES ! 90 GLOVES 2 to loose, situated tau and adjacent h west k, a seeping car, witne�rd she following) RepYAlicas •ars that aeuuenls represent the Fall W haat ........... 81:95 2:U0 TH0. RESILIENCE OF TUN LATE JOHN of Her Mryrny's Courty Court w the Uente.l tt scene : LI the err with him was • paUe• condition of it.logo in Camden mud Bryan Spring do ............... 1:75 1:6U GALT, Esft. (norma.I York sad reel ,rd to .,.r directed Jawphioe'a, {tloaroder's, Jon•in's, hue►es. the R;,er Runway h •cad just rat{ of lace man tr]ing to colt •crying wif b] c entng muuUrs u truly alarming. The wildest • • • • ... • ,.... _ • 0;:15 0:40 agwnitt the lA,xls and 'I'eremsole of David 1.•ee backs 1 Alexaudnas in white, blrek maid GuderkA R•nwy AtsUun, and froelinr ea Ort• � C1+r► n0J J.me. l•7arl„u IAe su.l w the Back N to u.d fro iu ihn rwcis i rod which b] I days of At. Uumwgo seem to have been re- Brflry • • • •.. , , U:50 O:bS QIS ro rl is brrutifullr situated o colon. I Lo largrot Stock in the ('ounuPs. U, T. dr;liay�•vey aoureu;eot fur •siding its sc,rrma finely trait •ted r lean in nue of I prudiced iu Southern Georgia. In one , .. •. _ • .. • •, • 0:65 (tg O:,i6 P y PPo' of ttumrea„1 se- M,aa, +uJ uk.0 mFats u,iwa auto mare Ilue. p.m „ T site the Town of Usdert6l►, on the ,hr following pie Jlen }, vu: ■11 -INt solI• alar that C1IA8, F:. AItChI1SALU, Al' I lo, ,hr berths IO such a degree that he could 1 et+auly two oPgrues were sentenced to death Bulter . ...... Oa6 0:17 North Biuk of the •enun panel w trs.,ol hand.aillNrml".omole l)udericb, Ani ust'L'Jud. ►N6 S. _ sw10 1' y 'I', W'EATHERALD, +.,dose it , o lung r, oud'ciied out ra'ufanol I fur murder, and three others to the Peniten- Pork ...... ........... 4:85 4 6:00 * Ine. nal Imes m Ihe T'o.we.hn. W Coahuila r, ,e -- ••\i'hat ;n -is Ihr natihrr ill that joking fiery. A mob of Colored people surromed d 1'uWluea ...0:60 la,_j 0:10 RIVER MAITLAND. Ihe C Us,y u, If.-. awl Prultmre w Ceoadr . HEMLOCK BARK WANTED GYderiche .., ,. .... •, •I 1 �Iow YO 1066 our A,d s„aMl ahem : •,l\'►ere a the this caul, broke upeu tM town, •kid situated and on the B&uke of Lake Huron. • It Con• be tis asio by r,e- losemrnl nus l"Po'^J.,�rw w4b1f mother of that , Md that she is nut the promisee s to escape. Lt sntlher eoai t. hoodoo Aril 24, llt6T. Italia• U 7-10 acres of Land muro or less, b• Ike , no too she Ise, t o -r e.l W IW -- - - -- - -- brre W pyeily 11 T" Al this the pour gentle Twit were loord ban for to neem r thio r Fall Wheat, ,tfl bah tullenur 1 80 (r'0 1 90 wruhrr Tree a the nnah .unrrrwa,N'roarro l E subscriber wants 1000 cords cf flow g with lJwell;ng dunes, 1lulhouaes, St&hles, uh•wu•.unherd b,w,,ehnk, ash"h L.ad. exJ IMPflOVED (ARMS for SALE •maks iu charge of Ihe chit 1, strPl,rJ eay /bort dista.ee ul the pwblie roads, sad a d 3runff N' bort, do, , ... ,: „ l TS (cy 1 N0 de., with larat Garden, Finery kid Orchard Tvrrmvm. 1 shall.Pro oa Sear, .t ,..y on v ata I 1 ck Bark, fur which Cha A ;rhes) at his w the bank auJ seiJ : "Sar, Cha mother bo.•u ban jitg lheaa fair w'rrrrl drys. F l„uq per 100 lbs. .. 4 YS (n. 4 UU this"Wird Ltod consuls ppnnc;l'dl)) of Uak kr Court Now eta m d•• 'Tuwn kit U,.lr.•, h, taw elite will bep• id iu ash on delivHf rt hn f of thin rMld w ;u her r, fliu im Cha b.tgtgr New Yull Aplii IG,a.-'rhe Grer.t ,Butter ......... ... 0 9 (a, 0 l6 it", lbs tlwraing leudre, Cheery, Maple, kc, 'I'o,owLr I►•arroy k.th Jay ul !atm ural sl :fee yard rl the Upek• tau 1" Uur ndu,ounl env. lbs xru;f drum F.:,at.•rn riled al two p. m. today with 19: Dressed hugs, per I00IW -- G 00 0. 6 25 The Gnwnda aro in vrI" gaud order. There hour A,vIvew'th a, k ewe. W, fel. SA\' AOE. (1'I' 14, coo 4, Howick, ICO •eros, 60 Now immrdia.b•!y ns^, rim; filed to &ism � pass ro tili liras....... de,........ 0 70 0 74 JOHI MACDONALD. acres cleared, &Ian 1-1 3:1, con 14, We, f ilio ,cul s of uta wetvr tLrvr nrrer rt s • t • s e , x - SheUff Q. 1 carni ah 'f 0U acts rel I I P r, the alar ICO r 4 1 0 0 GL L x00 56 W O O calla .... W O Let ___ _ ., I' ry W00 red from t r 'f mine war fat • I rte � A . u AenA r �, t •c l'.0 1 hs ted Lthrr to mti.e lar I a --•� p+ P 3herie'a of8q, Galeria►, � a ' lime mdil moruiug took she little orpbsa TYe Crow' ludl%Us. Orel, ........dog. • • • • • • • - 0 35 0 45 r•idcorr cAuuut be sur d w the Prow terra to suit • dot gi e, n a pa liberal mod .. tai +uhscnber i• Ispared to prey ,he 1' ......, lU UO (y l'! UU lure. F'^••• 1:!ah Mrro►, l___ , w8. I hi;!beat mo+rke{ prW* or&rev qusoll" I• a fru Table reedit gi,en ly t p.yaleuldYwo. rd+r his veru can. � llYy .......... -- -_ - - - New York, April l6th.-The herald's Montreal,-Apitl 24, 1967. For lierwit app:) to rayl• .7,t F tic disputable Ap,pl♦ T} 7mmaics, it is said is feat beeorl a iidmisl says:-jeforalation br farce rretirrd Four-qu Kriur l{atra.....7 UO • 9 50 THUS• OALT, F SHERIFF'S SALE OF LAND& _T- - _ B.NRALICnv a< at Ihe head tarter• of the army that the I .. t _ �r' a DAVIS Fjinglw. ahewsnu". TMee Edlsbur alroc&tea 9 lhral-CYosJ.,.--........ l .) • l tl5 BArnster rOro•lo w ,recoil" ►ppuiuled ea district judires on Clow indiumimaeifest a rdlurtaoce tf jean ,a ' ICs•sly off Huron f Y "'I"' of a wait vc • • Jyy llmt, lAG6. w19' oieislaud. tM horiife tribe cow •rrnyrd r mai )bell Ia-Iter .t1 tike.......... 0 40 • 0 43 or D. SHAPE GOODING, w r,: f � f'�•'.' F+'''•' 'wined w^ ��A N U RAC!UKGN AhU UEALF.R IN ----- -- ---- -- - g'' Barley -Iter 48 Ibis.. . 0 64 a 0 firi Barrubr G4rlerith of Ho MajMly Ouun.v t,.'o .N ter Uw,al (iuverrsent, &-A will probably unite with " "" l I �i 8wvse, Plurg .. and ] S -ore,- of every alas• Balt Territory Y- - _ Cacao rel Hunw mal W„r,aasl lar raw J,rr.•nd ,,1s, sale. tar, law Ware,.{ t} The largest reseed ever built st tis -m. The Crow i.ibe iE nun u: the largest Asbcs-I wt.. - - • • • • -• • 5 NS a 5 tU Godarlch. 6th July. 1866. ew90t u... ,I... ail ,a Jo I'o.rls .... . - • .. T 90. a 8 OU yaie.l llw LrnJ. nal 'fc,rwcut, W .taJrer N. 'fee Markeutwe Uepw,, Mukrl Jyw re, (Joie - I) tn.,r, Stich , was launched a week ago, of [)&tots writory, and eon elwtar about • v UNvu.1ack, et tars sou kit J,.M. Mourn, 1 have .le h. r 'IIF, Subscriber offers to an r•on o/ :he ie named the 'Lrehanah Chandler, theism d warriors 'I hey are btlieved to New York, April- 2!, 1867. W �0 WANTS A HOME ..,.,.I •.J ukrn m Esr.uouo the iullua mg ' l re p.W.IY, vu :.11 tie nrld our awl n,lrrr.t ,,1 O O A L O I L afwpany fur • ro]alty ul Orr-nd. within will will Carry forty five thousand buahehs or rxue'se ecniderabl• influence upo I the *or. � Fluor 5c to l0e lower' like sea: dr'rwlaxt m end to Lot nu...I -r nasty � of the our hundre one h•If men of laud, wrtN' euro, row .din brgJs of the 5,ous. and the fiilurr rk o�.(umaxu r&Lrmn.a ran.^ekt r j• g Plaut-aulke.fiue ....... J10 00 (r1 10 m T seven hn u' wrvey,.n tar . iT.d w ..-I i ole. �pHOLEiALE AND I1I:TA abwl lour hundred Irel front Lod ailr•s to secure tbeir dtiancr• ray have the effect •• wxtra ...... .I l 15 (u 12 20 tis+. ou■IV .N llurv.., wast■ tr.nJ. ,oil T'raK• [� ItiJbsp Mrrlrl haul ♦ garal deal or t ,u, 't ,fo Wv ,brc„Jrc'' col Iro.,Co: • led about It WO ]ods from lb plexal .... c a l ..Aha. • . nth« Iso) of withdrawin other bands who have already n ch„ice .......... 12 25 (0 13 YO In Ihe Town anis To►; ambo 0� (,adrlil:ltl Court 1 a ❑I ni tr far S`le'et wY !^ n1e 'tag. WuOti'.ekta sand Sbeepek . s Gu lrrl• b Salt Warks. Jae humor of Na+I6 Once, he I 9 Coon H. Wro, iu IAr Tuwn al Uourru ly aro Purr Ire, :tom, s -, committed Ihemoelvca to the mar iso irnder■ W brat-tlilwaukee...... 2 (8 (q 2 50 ,s offero l fur male, on the most re::uuabla d.r nae sweep, filth day ,•I Joe, neat, et tike hour r ken a eanhewp• Fur f artLer larticulare apply by letter oe min was out sol the wy. he ordered the tido• tar wb,,e � ichigan . 3 10 (id 0 06 ,er,n, v coachman to fetch the water froom the .ell, + ufiwrlr+.Itaecluk, nyu.. ptrwnall] w Bos the e,ac►m3o abieeled that hie boato' * Chicago, April 'J4, 1867. 1. 1,u1 90Y, North tinct, tuljo;eit R tis JUH:1 MAC1fON ALD GODERICH a CAMPAounty „ 7'u. Bo art o Sax .lxr.-A een0ora of We_,eyau Methodist C:iur,.h, in (iuih.;ch. 3faino)" /trawl - ILeepMr of County Gaol. was to drive and sot le ran errands, Wel!, I/uTA!o,whobar.everyfacilil forextrndcd WIN"......•...,.,. -,.$'144 (it 24G 2. i-tslland1:l ontheeornerofWe.1 rhe,l'soele.(iwtericA, y, -J Guderich.Doe.•.b:j866. w46U thin,"aid M►rle), '•bring out the rose► &rd I oiscrva inn• rad i^ thorous ly capable of Curo f. o.b......:....... 0 S" (a4 0 U0 and Wel:in :tile Streets. On l3 there is a March 5ta, liski wtA _- __ _ __ four, set the pitcher iusrde asd driv to the - O♦ts,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!-,,. • 0 55j in 0 5G j ,wad Inmr hu,.ae a•id brktTV. -- -_ to uuq� a corte.t opu,•ou,-acts flat Iberia s [ s well" -a service wLich ■ks several times talo Ieeww to doullt tb+.t the reuia'•s cf lbat C} T;w a lo•+ ; a m tau extelleat site for • SHERIFF'S SALE OF.L RDS. FOR SALE. repented to the gnat uwlrrment of isle rilla• city are os&kjng extensiv pre aratioa fair hoist I C Araaeae 1■ Blstkrpa' e, Uu •tillur� l'uun,y w Humef DY rime ^f • wnla Je,a. &•wther imirsiow of CanNa tQ mprruX or :S. la: I l ii on L';;I ,;,utne t.reet, Ulan • 1 w rat t � B R..•No Fee." rrwd war fFUE subscriber offers for sale in the Yli. JADVAT"T.-.111 exerts n iA in itself da aamtjler. They w cons'AItaLI1 snore acetet day• which there w a Irrge G -owe h„u-��ee, o ars I of lie: M.ja•.frs Coins o+ L logit of Belfast, 18 miles from GOttwich, lightlul, earl aetiae amusement seldom 1, to r A ,eticert with regaid w their movement& Furn e► .4.- I say, Jol- i, jobt bear wba: ra.r•ed a- to &vco•umodate three fJma Mg a}wrn'o 1km h. aril iv air J .+v.,ed ftr►ba the AR�LE WORKS r- lletvetiw owns that Le could hardly lis 1L,n formerly, end do nM hold ;+uAhc amerl 4. lof 19l tau the corner of E a.ea as Law'. awl '1 -co ent. w Mary 1. •-ern, a1 'se 1 •red r miles from IAckoow, ism tie north• Kr to a euurrrl fcr two hours, though fee sgme tallow, (bat cal s himarl' C. P., in the w„ u, "sn"o"t Hd'- 1 have M,raat nu' ukrn an oro Gr wet Roved, in�a cad poo^laic their ;It•oliear ;KWro t,J�in.,•Pas, uyoo whjtb tLere ;a •a`sas•1 Fleeuourthe 4Nlowing ;NvprnI vu: all the 1 6 I t • Tion Goder.eh Slaw, safe about us. Ir: me bouse and a +ood on hu,J• f d A.. n l+rel W • C. T R E L E A V E N• Af COOU DLAL'AS iIITII SHOP f MYId Islay nil an metrial •II dry unit• In kill effo,ls. 1' must "ret be fur- art t ree•yone *a wr4• I a case e3 yP r. Ca. to ,e Ill %life �-apect, b•)wewer, only RUor'.1 ,JOAN -t\ IN" it t 7 Rend It Oak mar. rlali1 5. Pr''�IUI 14. COn. "fi " ;n tM 9'Uw► and ask* a IaterrM O Ihe M , r ,N In IAuM ecrinm parer is sol rare Is rel Land I 'I pursuits, yotlen, are as indi,prusable os desires ; the is. to be evcu.Nnarirrte,I by one 16em the lienee Jang-ert ea, and mak,•& ON, ,July of co o;nued prepmraliou ■ care impcaa• Le Sas hear'). � It la shin .; Go.eN is' , containing 10 acres Cf ea• a.atste event laid• l:p,cn Ibis lot Chu• ie •e es• Iyr a and Inona m .K wwo.b,y „( Albe- wuu. m cur ,vi.riy w Hro.r, andumo,( Av aiF land tw Ettionumen is Headstones 1 ombs _InIK wit N'. neer du noshing. ' It i» tire. .They saw not catch us isppiol this toad.: -tar wGYld will, tabrhale" 1 ce lent Tra o. tar Brkl huux, :' acne B•In Yrss are 1. Iwo no'"'O'd me" UI Ibis ,tar, :r•s, ,.wq^.rail u. Lots mom , , I wand. sbout,l b -IIP, In wewr nN11 lllA11 rYtl UUI." as { ISIA:IJ f P r roe.- IM. Gslburiues PUcL r • oar ees.le,s to know that t le feelinJ of '' T eg.l Ou:builJlU.a. Ala , • j. hr•rtej Ltn:l Mire more .r .MI 32, ,u Ihe o•urth Y,wo-r.-me. Es" ul Tablets, Table•Tops, of Cuw�IKrlauJ-e••Thele wall xi timr en;d tis - bis once fsf.;ucd (writ Township has kit late eon+tokrrbl" e}wreJ iu (ar.,r u( the Iriberrl orcha-d of cu,A,ia • di. t� Tutt is one of tit@ (teat d rrtiow car • the Il, r l4lad ,N afar ■Nk t d town.sn f Alar• > Pr' ret. 1 -hail o nn k, cab rh IAod,..d IrnnJe ear g iOf .al - Free Stone kept on ba !I f..: ,epn,r in the grvch," rail ArnruW to $sista. In trulb, tlsaproper rest fur ma6 SA•i Ac•'m:s. AT GA•.'. -Ws left' . by 51a,.ir. Cuu.e: votive principles. Tike wehllhy far h;re privets r",Leilte in taw town.. ,Ur.alwb.my AN::X(:I:LLF.NTFA::M-1117se•ev, Iewo koffi,ke .0 ter Court IL«..e, .n the .1 'wlvnti on T.-I.v file C,ghtee,uh Ohio 1•, nrpO,ea s ge JII', 5illir rad• b P �er is change Of oecY inn. tr4,i.A hthat >Ls (lur,naM wife or r moos hear },rut wo•i�wtiunr lar anis tae ti. t'uiuing case , s,.,j r kit Jen.nr.t, st the boor .d f wa•.ve of Ihr ALJ &C., C : Cash. t - A New imveutsoa la Naw:Tatlom,. Gorninn, a Iwhlmriu r mel.. while in the Loose old L -sail ]brie•." Lot', 97 find Ia, s lots, frou . i w 4 aiwa. GODERICH C.#-' A M n+' or Itasca -An ext- gees I GaII fir )'.•1. 'lu•••ia ' M11 s t of the 1 f . non F ! c mit i (ulko he' Tenni •. hri s us Tucl re 1 s T � o t1 1 ler on li.e 1 Iurun R of sad le o cn tl e F , , ui'Y JUH X Mc I .ALU. __ - _____ __ the l fol Ion, loin, row among Ole bnb'es far the p•urpcee of I;etun J ICN , yeslerJa. 'or Ad.- F1Y-hY-fir 1 +ate .ob coscevii o,r, - in the TuwruLip of �'Irntl ,a Holun, - _ r r1'the . and tb.-ir motill : Some time . �n -he;r rat mo -r',,., was cw„6t b] bar darn in some Former i1.-Werl, shatlo a gold ane boc;orb h. 40 &c..s jesrcd and un,lerculti. L,le Hmondt B.tire `' r -e'. Osk•e, C.j •each, ted. wmo fo ttwir bowe, ten or 6ilera M . ladl es prat] :lee 1 rvp e b 1 : ' moat le thP Iwd e» ecru) had tittle bnA;es. whore num, ree s ." oe u'n'1 tow wcch noteu,ion I» rc w6^elA, &,td iced one arm turn tram Ihe J •:lo•Pdra ,rte M{ ueul" torn red, r hand bad ty In to,164; and hie bar ly ouch injured. The that 11 Ire some u' Ihr Ola•tLrrf d that (rl- ..raw wP lbw haus] L,cr, that car, gena sLaut IatOly. IF• -' F - ' a a yt. on, u• iso which they u • bairn dr•Iling hour^, .rte b.•r • a1tJ y ` • 3 •T A LA[tGfE UItLItAx&D• M . MaM, t:4 i. s1 _ _- -_-_._ _,.. -___ _ gHE81f'F'S 1�dLE 0T LA1tD3. _}, *"P' '- ..�- •r I -- fflYll091f.D�.AO/0•D T MILT lCa7gD tr w pnrruit the mu•br.a w eniny the d -m, a. permit h men volunteere„ we' lest a•eurrcJ at nine y"teroal muratug. Medical' arala"to wry immediately al ,/ Is.- rte wi l e ones it ec uta faith. they'll nerd tae lose baker men is TFialsry is samenerl5 milewl'rou Goderich. I 'I Great Reduction T n WA : Alia. Fire F.rts, I,oeeA TO DfJT11 l TOEIt, ICD• I .1 ye!Iaot young w watch tis« yeas • ; nes while the prreun fiend, bol ugari IInT. SM d eJ rl aAoot mwkrt &lora we'll Lire wi them. 1 taw • a Id 7 ::a m Cli ,war. Is ii 7nud u,lligg imnd, &a: h •s • J &fel road iso County of Utero■,) ZlY •,IT two wail• air Tu rat : } Ve d,oum E:nwm. and I IN erfcee Visa p2t•O -t ':- ,odalawd iu ••L e..k down." Nu wooer hos twrlrs o'dYek. 2She luaym • t;ml,y of four E�muudvdlr heai in' teem yirak the -try, .e' 'Pori ell•walrral. jw �� t +,dCa of it 1 Iwo wnlr kit F'rrrr F1, on ata elle k1 , Fcen..'4AtAetherenat The Re"Ous, (Ohio) Democ •t, April theiror,en.k-tlLnbvb,rs;n ohs ,e cl for cb"J.ed. I'm sure a waur r ech Viul the tat• orale i nen[ las.e•nrJ tan. •' , tr wOmnti_ 004oveof wale al'1 to 1 P y eat^al ownl-HrrMwjerey'• t.umt tai cU9rmua 1'L -,+wail ('non ltucea'. ►kn.:A, ■uJ Io u:r 1 MAMMOTH Hero^ Traub inr rssr wMAPd scres be Ihe Mahe ,2nd, ";;fes the following drlail0 oft 's ter- AThre °''Nth•rr.ous de. is than ChM ■ .inf: 1• the more or loan• which I."M .MI Te^os*nts I .hal. candidrl.s r Fn mer A.-Ihem apsrk l I could brat GEO^GE M151.i�ON, oI onret•rit .g,.n•t ,be la.I- and lenemepts ul 900T • S90I. ,+uwA.rl• mfr • 1rrNd of rn,m one In an". rible come, a brief telegram of which as un ch■ iae1 t6••Ir clul'as s.r,tg tLq of one tort -fiber. The dsd,e Ower - A New imveutsoa la Naw:Tatlom,. t,k •m awl'. Toere's no a•. old wife is - Gx'e. it . 17.'1 duly, M"G6. w .: Hrn,v(7j a•u1w,JNhu Ball pad Ir■ Lvwu, M.1 M,•P►arna, The Y On.- \I g T O R E. 8• POLI OCK, ' lek*fdr.rMre,Oe/t reA, K''•f16 H.ms• publi.hed iu the Eno st the live. 1 mppA•el, it w.d tier to go home, red ',he motte,o - r�` Tuc•';rr nuth but cwnl tail • i i bier Wle, bee .. .1 the ..rel. o, -4n. ,non .a. tw^k of Canada. l'eyrgar F. lfowre, a.d 1 THF. L,- Democrat says : urr r h otwof each & dean of her own. sad {tie hal the plea•.ure on SAIr day of ea Former C.-Wtel, well, t ey a,un to *Ay, Ilut jnA, wait ti 11 the O t �t v 'f for B."'c of MaNnred, 1 h"rr +anvil ■ad a►a•^ ! Yr con or Ir„ t w land v o. bogrrJ cow handl L'ppoos Tuemday night. last week, thew ted. wmo fo ttwir bowe, ten or 6ilera ant,ning lt.e model Or 4 new a team 'velfarl, P At anm: