HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-03-22, Page 12*1* 1.THE TIMES»APVOCATEf EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 22, 1956 It's Good Auction Season - Watch The T-A For The Ads FOR SALE . LOST EMPLOYMENT WANTED FOR RENT SERVICES SlJEp, alfalfa and timothy. Apply William Stephen, R.R, 1 Woodham. Phone 41-4 Kirkton. 22c CHICKEN BROODER, electric, about 500 capacity; $12.00, Can be seen Saturday, March 24. Q. FJson, R.R. 1 Hensail, at the Sandhills. 22* SCOTCH COLLIE, brown and white, about one year old. Anyone knowing its whereabouts, call Bill Amos, collect, at 602-r-ll Parkhill. 22* BABY CHICKS FOR SALE DUTCH FARM WORKER, single, experienced with farm machinery, to arrive 'between April 15 and, 25; age 25 years. Contact Frank Lolniis, R.R. 1 Centralia, phone 378-W12, Exeter. 2 APARTMENTS— Apply Tasty-NuBakery, phone 100, Zurich._____9tfc o HOUSE—Two miles east ’ of Exeter. Apply Roylance Westcott, phone 176- r-14 Exeter, 22c PAPERHANGING & PAINTING—4Q years’ experience. Quality workmans ship. Wallpapers a v a i la b 1 o . Bert Clark, 430 Albert St., Exeter. ’ Ii5:2i2:29c BROOD SOWS-—Some due end of March. Alvin Gingerich, Zurich, phone 90-r-6 Zurich. 22* EXTENSION LADDER—Andy Bler- ling, Exeter,_______ 22* WASHING MACHINE, Westinghouse, (modern; hydro cooker and Heintz- man piano; owner moving. Dashwood 152, ___________“________22 RABY CARRIAGE, Lloyd, in new condition, silver grey. Apply Mrs. Gordon Troyer, R.R. 2 Hensall, phone Zurich 91-r-14.__________________22* LADIES’ FITTED COAT, navy blue, size 13. May be seen at Brady Cleaners.________________________22* * FOR SALEForced to Sell — Posted Overseas 21” Westinghouse TV Blonde, with aerial—$150 G.E. Floor Polisher—$30 G.E. Mixette—$15 Singer Portable—$50 Cannister Type Vacuum , with attachments—$35 Studio Couch—$20 Large Full Panel Crib Natural Finish Spring and Mattress—$25 ■Maple Chiffonier and Chest—$10 Floor Lamp and Shade—$10 2112 Columbia Drive, P.M.Q. 22c BRAY BROILERS for May-June should be on order now. Hatchery has wide choice of mixed chicks, pullets some started), cockerels. Wide choice breed, cross or "siiecial" like Ames In-Cross, etc. March is a “key" month for chick buying to catch good markets. Full particulars, Eric Carscadden, Exeter, phone 24 6-W. 22 NOTICES ' WANTED NOTICE RE RABIES It is suggested, on the advice of Dr. R. H. Aldis, M.D., Medical Of­ ficer of Health, that all dog owners have their dogs vaccinated against rabies so as to prevent spread of the disease, O. V. PICKARD, Town Clerk MAIN STREET APARTMENT—Over Gould and Jory/store; Jiving room, bedroom and kitchen; hydro and water provided; available April 1. Apply Exeter Times-Advocate. 22tfn* FARMERS I Have all your saws sharpened and set at Stew’s Sharp­ ening Service, 105 Sanders St., Ex- eter, phone 454,_________________3tfc CATTLE TO FEED for the re­ mainder of the winter. Apply Robert Pfaff, R.R. 3 Dashwood. 22* TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE Separate tenders will be received by the undersigned until 3 p.m., Monday, April 9, 1956, for the fob lowing: 1. Spraying roadsides in Township. Work to 'be done jn month of June, and price quoted per mile for one side only.2. Supply of 100 gallons of 80 ounce Amine weed spray, to be delivered to Township Garage at Elimville on or before June 1.For furtiler particulars apply to: W. J. ROUTLY,Road Superintendent, Township of Usborne, R.R. 3 Exeter, Ontario, Telephone Kirkton 25-11 22:29 For Sale Mantel radio, Sunshine electric stove, Westinghouse 8 cu. ft. frig., chester­ field and 2 chairs, broadloom rug, bedroom suite, dinette suite, Kirby vacuum cleaner, Singer sewing ma­ chine. Apply 506 Andrew St., phone 303-J.______________________ 22c COB CORN—Apply William Muller. R.R. 1 Crediton, phone 63-r-2. 22* GRAVEL Tenders will be received by the Township of Stephen for crushing, loading and hauling gravel, %” size, flat rate, anywhere in the township. Also rate for loading township truck. A deposit of $200.00 must accom­ pany tender. Tenders to be in the hands of the clerk on or before March 31. 1956. F. W. MORLOCK, Clerk 15:22:29 LIVING ROOM FURNITURE—Kroeh- ier bed chesterfield; mahogany bed­room suite; all in excellent condition; best offer; owner moving to States. Phone 52, Mrs. Maybe, for appoint­ ment_______________________22tfn c GLADIOLUS BULBS—Named varie­ ties, all colors mixed, at 34 each for 50 bulbs, or 504 a dozen—all post paid. These bulbs named regularly sell for from 84 to 304 each. Mrs. Clarence Routly, Kirkton, Ont, 22* REFRIGERATORS—Three used re­frigerators foi* quick sale—good shape —T Leonard, 7’ Frigidaire and an Astral. ■Snelgrove’s._____________22c DINING ROOM SUITE, 9-piece; 2 twin beds, complete with springs and mattresses; double dresser; daven couch; all like new. Apply Gerald Chapman, 69 Anne St., phone 364-R. 22c SITTER DRAIN Tenders will be received by the Township of Stephen for drainage work on the Sitter Drain, consisting of 14,673 Jineal feet of open drain. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the clerk, Tenders must be accompanied with certified cheque and in the hands of the clerk on or 'before March 3d, 1956. F. W. MORLOCK, Clerk15:22:29 TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Trustees of the Roman Catholic Separate School for School Section Number Six in the Township of Stephen did on the 23rd day of February, 1956, pass By-law Number 2 to authorize the borrowing of the sum of $47,000.00 by the issue of de­bentures to the principal amount of $47,000.00, (bearing interest at the rate of Four and One-half percent (4&%) per annum, and maturing in ■twenty annual instalments of princi­pal of varying amounts as set forth in Schedule “A" hereto. The purpose for which the money is to be borrowed is for the building and equipping of a new school. 1 The security for the amount to be 'borrowed is as follows:(a) During twenty years, the cur­ rency of the debentures, the respec­tive sums set forth in the fourth column of Schedule “A” hereto are •required to be levied and collected annually *.by the said Board by a special rate sufficient therefore over and above all other rates in the same manner and from the like per­ sons and property by, from, upon or out of which other Separate School rates may be levied, raised and col­ lected by the said Board.(b) The debentures, as to both principal and interest are a charge upon the separate school rates and upon the school house property and premises and any other real or per­sonal property vested in the said Board.SCHEDULE “A” TO BY-LAW NUMBER 2 $47,000 4’4% Debentures Dated March 15th, 1956 Due March 16th, 1957-1976 4 APARTMENTS, available now, •furnished or unfurnished. Apply 84 Andrew St., Exeter, Apartment 2.\'_________ 62:29* 4-R00M APARTMENT, with bath, available April 1; '3-room apartment, with (bath, available now. Both un­ furnished. Also bed-sitting room, with private bath, available now. John Ward, phone 348. __________ 22* UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, with new private bath, new built-in cup­ boards, newly decorated, oil heated, heavy duty wiring, hot and cold cold water on tap, separate entrance; available April 1. Phone 400-W (eve- nings)._____________________ 22 tfc* 3-BEDROOM COTTAGE, all conven­iences, for month of July. In Nor­ man Heights, 3 miles north of Grand Bend. Apply Exeter Times-Advocate. , 22c FURNISHED COTTAGE, suitable for two, everything supplied but bed­ ding and dishes; oil heated. Phone 880-J3, Exeter._________________ 22c 6-R00M COTTAGE, built-in cup­boards, hot and cold water on tap; heated with oil furnace; adults pre­ ferred. available April 1. Phone 671- r-'31 Hensall._________________15:22* 3-ROOM APARTMENT, with bath, unfurnished, centrally located, hot and cold water, built-in cupboards, utilities paid, reasonable rent. Apply Lloyd Ford’s Men’s & Boys’ Wear, phone 299._______________15;22♦ WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION “Where Better Bulls Are Used” Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or information phone Clinton 515 col­ lect, between 7:30 and 10:00 A.M. on week days and 7:30 and 9:30 A.M. on Sundays. tfc Extensive AUCTION SALE Of High Quality Shorthorns, Horses, Hogs, Tractor, Truck, Thresher, Farm Machinery, Hay, Grain and Miscellaneous Items the Premises, Lot 6, Con. STANLEY TOWNSHIP, 2. HELP WANTED RAWLEIGH BUSINESS now open in Huron County. Trade well establish­ed. Excellent opportunity. Full time. Write at once. Rawleigh’s Dept. C- 202-189, Montreal, P.Q.________22:29 SELL YEAR AROUND necessities. Become our dealer in your surround­ ings, Men and women qualify for this position, write fop details to: FAMI- LBX, Dept. B, Box F, Station C, Montreal,________________________22 GIRL WANTED to clerk in modern hardware store. Apply in person to Beavers Hardware, Exeter.______22c FEMALE—2 experienced waitresses and 1 kitchen helper for Blue Water Restaurant, Grand Bend. Apply in person to Miss Joan Weber, Dash- wood, or phone 1/16, Dashwood. 22:29c STENOGRAPHER and Bookkeeper position for Commercial graduate. Apply for application* at the office of The Ontario Hydro,, Exeter, Omt. 22* STARTED PULLETS, 4 - week - old, Foreman Leghorns and Rock Leg­horns. Hubert T. Miller, 57-r-7 Dash- wood._______________________22tfc c TV—We now have a used 21” Rogers ■Majestic and a 17” RCA Victor TV, in perfect shape. Excellent buys. Snelgrove’s.______________ 22c 400 BALES HAY, good quality, 504 a bale. Apply Don Pardons, phone 673-r-33 Hensall. 22 McCarter drain Tenders will be received by the Township of Stephen for drainage work, consisting of 4,892 lineal feet of tile drain and 192 lineal feet of open drain. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the clerk. Tenders must be accompanied with certified cheque and in the hands of the clerk on or before March 31, 1956. F. W. MORLOCK, Clerk 15:22:29 Year Principal Interest Total 1957 •$ 1,500 $ 2,115.00 $ 3,615.00 1958 1,600 2,047.50 3,647.50 1959 1,600 1,975.50 3,575.50 1960 1,700 1,903.50 3,603.50 1961 1,800 1,827.00 3,627.00 1962 1,900 1,746.00 3,646.00 1963 2,000 1,660.50 3,660.50 1964 2,000 1,570.50 3,570.50 1965 2,100 1,4,80.50 3.580.50 1966 2,(200 1,386.00 3,586.00 1367 2,300 1,287.00 3,587.00 1968 ■2,400 1,183.50 8,583.50 1969 2,500 1,075.50 3,575.50 1'970 2,700 963.00 3,663.00 1971 2,800 841.50 3,641.50 •19(72 2,900 715.50 3,615.50 1973 3,000 585.00 3,585.00 1974 3,200 450.00 3,650.00 1975 3,300 306.00 3,606.0019763,500 157.50 3,657.50 $47,000 $25,276.50 $72,276.50 Dated the 23rd day of February, APARTMENT, ground floor, central­ ly located to stores and schools, 3- piece bath, private entrance, recent- ly redecorated. Phone 143, Exeter. LAND—Large acreage, suitable for cash crops on cash or share crop basis. For further information phone Dashwood 31-r-15 after, 5 p.m. 8:15:22 SEWING MACHINES—Electric port­ables, by the week. Hopper-Hockey Furniture, phone 99, Exeter. 8tfn c HOUSE, well located, near schools; would accomodate one or two fami­ lies; 3-piece 'bath up and dawn; heavy wiring; immediate possession. C. V. Pickaird, realtor, 394 Main St., Exeter. 8tfc c Good Opportunities for CLERKS & TYPISTS Pleasant Working Conditions Five-Day Week Other Benefits Please submit your application for consideration to: Bank Of Montreal City Hall Branch, London/ Ont. 22c REAL ESTATE BAKE SHOP HELP—Apply Ersman’s Bakery, phone 588,_____ 22c WOMAN to help with housework and care for elderly people. Phone 22-M, Exeter.___________________22c APPRENTICE MECHANIC for Gene­ ral Motors Garage; good working conditions. Snell Bros. Ltd., Exeter.' 22c TABLE, BUFFET and 6 chairs, colonial walnut. Apply Mrs. Art Gaiser, phone 164-r-9, Dashwood. 22:29c CONCRETE BRIDGES Tenders will' be received by the Township of Stephen for concrete bridges: one on Concession 8, op­posite Lot 5, and the other on the B Concession; both to be completed by August 1, 1956. Tenders to be in the hands of the clerk not later than March 31. Plans and proflies may be seen at the office of the clerk. F. W. MORLOCK, Clerk 15:22:29 WILFRED HOGAN, Secretary-Treasurer FOR RENT APARTMENT, by April 1, heated, central location. Phone Exeter 6-J or 6-W. 22c More Want-Ads On Page 9 •CEMENT • Tenders will be received by the Township of Stephen for 1,000 bags of cement to be delivered to the township - shed on or 'before May 1, 1956. Tenders, to be in the hands of the clerk before March 34. F. W. MORLOCK, Clerk 15:22:29 HOUSE—Compact, 2 bedrooms, liv­ ing room and kitchenette, 3-piece bath, furnace-heated, clean, quiet location. Apply Pinedale Motel, Grand Bend, phone 8.______________12-14tfc Floor Sanders Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers Vacuum Cleaners, Tools, Etc, BEAVERS HARDWARE, EXETER SOLID BRICK HOUSE, stuccoed, garage attached, 9 rooms, 2-piece bath downstairs, 3-piece up, 2 sun rooms, new oil furnace. Main St., Lucan. T. S. Hill, phone 177, Lucan.22 1’4-STOREY FRAME HOUSE—Cor­ ner James and Albert Streets. Only 2 blocks from business section— $4,200. Bert Clark, Exeter. 15 tfn c BRICK DWELLING, excellent 'loca­ tion, all conveniences, bath room, oil furnace, etc, approximately 2% acres of land, specially suitable for gardening, also 1 lot,' 60x120. Would sell with or without lot or land. Apply Gerald Gingerich, phone 13'4, Zurich. , ,_______._________15:22 100 ACRES, close to No. 4 Highway, good brick house and barn, hydro throughout; soil is fertile clay loam, suitable for grain or cash crops; 8 acres fall wheat, 70 acres ploughed, balance newly seeded; good water supply; price $12,500.00; immediate possession; terms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor. 15 Men - Women a well-known Western Ontario company requires the services of. men and women, regardless of age, for part time selling, with excellent pay. This is a perfect opportunity to increase earnings without in­terfering with .present’ employ-, ment. Ideal for housewives, re­tired men, or anyone who is not afraid to meet the public, For further information, apply giving name and address to Box LC, Exeter 'Times-Advocate. With all the craftsmanship measure clothes. WALPERS Phone 81 Walpers Men's Wear now presents TIP TOP TAILOR'S . Fine Ready-To-Wear SUITS that CUSTOM Tailored Look at $49.95 fabrics, fine styling, and tailoring Tip Top Tailors famous made-to- fine of Exeter I Tip Top tailors TIES Easter! To be a hit in the Easter Parade, you’ll need some new spring ties to freshen up your, outfit. We’ve the smartest styles, the newest colors—hundreds of dandies. New Dress Shirts & Sox ' ' New Sport Coats & Slacks Special Clearance Of Boys Suits Walper s Men's Wear PHONE 61 EXETER / 200-AC RE DAIRY FARM On paved highway. Level clay loam; 2-storey brick house with modern, conveniences, large “L” shaped ibarn with steel stanchions, cement silo, large drive shed, garage, litter carrier; 180 acres workable, 20 acres of ibush. This is an, excellent farm in good state of cultivation. Priced very reasonable -for quiejj. sale. 150-ACRE DAIRY FARM On county road, level clay loam, With modern brick house, bank barn 66’x80', litter carrier, cement silo, large dipive shed, garage, never fail­ ing water supply, new fences, and well drained; 140 acres workable, 10 acres of bush. This is a Priced very reasonable sale. Owner retiring. Write or Call HERBERT_________ 4-4501; Residence 7-0985 Canada Trust REALTOR Huron & Erie Bldg. London, Ont. 22 don’t need a mechanic’s but you should be able to with cars and make minorWe need you to wash cars, the phone, meet our cus- etc. Good wages for the Apply Lou Bailey, at clean farm, foi* quick MITCHELL 100-ACRE FARM, brick house, bank 'barn with straw shed attached, cement silo, drive shed and hen house; hydro throughout; 5 miles west of No, 4 Highway or 2’4 miles east of Dashwood on Highway 83; paved road being Lot 14, South Boundary of Hay Township. Apply to Horace Pfaff on premises._______22 FARMS-M50 acres, house, small barn; 75 acres, ful set buildings; 95 acres, full set buildings; 100 acres, full set buildings; 150 acres, full set build­ings; 200 acres, special buildings. William Pearce, Realtor; Earl Par- sons, Fred Cole, Salesmen._____23'tfc EXETER ..HOMES—C. V. PICKARD BRICK COTTAGE, 3-bedroom, at­ tractive, living room, dining room, convenient kitchen, 3-piece bath, per­manent laundry tubs. This comfort­able home is particularly well lo­ cated on a beautifully treed lot. Owner leaving town. Quick posses­sion. 3:BEDROOM BRICK, in best of con­ dition, oil heated, nicely treed lot with good garage. Priced to sell. Im­mediate possession. 4-BEDROOM HOUSE, with 3 extra lots. This home is nicely decorated throughout. Hardwood floors and fireplace, forced oil heat; lots beauti­fully treed; garage; reasonable price: easy terms. • 3-BEDROOM HOME, Exeter North, with approximately one acre of land. This property can be bought at a very low price-. Possession arranged. 2-STOREY BRICK, 3-bedroom, choice location. This property is in wonder­ ful Condition and has every modern convenience including new oil burn­ ing furnace. Extra large lot is nicely treed. Brick garage. Possession ar­ranged.. If you wish to buy or sell see C. V.‘ Pickard, Realtor, 394 Mam St., phone 165 and 628., jg 100-ACRE,.FARM, one of Huron’s, good quality farms, w well under­drained, good barns, silo, good house With conveniences: Exeter area, W11- Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, I'Yed Colo, Salesmen. j gtfc HOUSE under construction. Owner will complete it or sell as now. Extra lots for building. William Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole Salesmen. ________ 19 tfc CENTRALIA—Brick duplex, comfort­ able accommodation for two families• separate entrances; each has full kitchen and 3-nlcce bath; heavy wirlftg; price $7,000; $2,000 cash fvlil handle. C. V, Pickard, Realtor, 6 NEW, MODERN HOUSE with oil furnace; east side of Exeter; close to schools. R. E. Baikwill, 47 John St. licence tinker repairs, answer tomers, right man. ---------------Pearson Motor Sales, phone 608 or 318, Exeter. __________________22c GARAGE MECHANIC & BODY RE­PAIRMAN—For service station in South Huron. Good working condi­ tions. Apply in writing to Box H, Exeter Times-Advocate,_______1)5:22c SALESMAN—We have an. opening for a man to covdr territory for Huron County, handling a nationally- known product. Man hired must have car, good appearance and character, be married and between age of 25 and 50. sary as you feel ficationi, Ontario. No sales experience neces- we train you our way. If you can meet these quali- write P.O. Box 2, Goderich, 15:22c NOTICES TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of Abraham W. Musser, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron. Retired, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the late Abra- haw W. Musser, who died on the 7th day of March, 1956, are hereby notified to send them to the under­signed, duly verified, on or before the 7th day of April, 1956. AFTER the last-named date the assets of the said Estate will be dis­tributed among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. W. G. Cochrane, Barrister^&c., Exeter, Ontario.22:27:5 In the Estate Louis Ziler All persons having claims against the Estate’ of Louis Ziler, late of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on the 26th day of April, 1948, are “hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the; undersigned o,n or before the 13th, day of April. 1'956, after .which date; the assets will be distributed, having; regard only to claims then received.-?DATED at Seaforth, this 20th da;,? Of March, 1956. „ . McConnell & Hays, •Seaforth/ Ontario Solicitors for the Executors ,22' Ih the Estate of Koletta Ziler AU persons having claims against the Estate of Kdletta Ziler, late of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on the 21st day of February. 1953, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the '13th day Of April, 1956, after which date the assets Will be distributed, having re­ gard only to claims then received.DATED at Seaforth, this 20th day of 'March, 1956. _ ,, McConnell & Hays, Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors AUCTION SALES REPOSSESSION sale By Virtue Of Chattel Mortgage Offered by Tenders^ Allis Ghiilmcrs tractor; McCormick- Deering bitidor; McCormick 2-furrow' plow; international cultivator; 3 har- rOinsnect at Larry Snider Motors. Telephone bids to 7-7123 London or write 25714 Dundas St,, London, 22c On Ol AWUH X x V »V i'iorux-,354 Miles North of Hensall, or 1’4 Miles West of Kippen and 1’4 Miles North.The undersigned auctioneer re­ ceived instructions to sell 'by public auction, on FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1956 Commencing .at 12:30 p.m., sharp. HIGH QUALITY SHORTHORNS— Roan cow, carrying fourth calf, due in April; red cow, carrying second calf, due in April; red cow, carrying third calf, due dn May; roan cow. carrying second calf, due in May; roan cow, carrying fourth calf, due in April; red cow, carrying fourth calf, due in May; red cow, carrying second qalf, due In May; red cow. carrying fifth calf, due in April; 5 Durham steers, ready for market, averaging 1,250 lbs. each; 2 Baby Beefs, averaging 500, lbs. each; 3 steers, rising 2 years old; 2 heifers, rising 2 years old; 5 Durham year­ lings; purebred Shorthorn bull, rising 3 years old. This is a very choice herd of cattle, all in. market condi­tion. HORSES — General purpose team, true and reliable; Clyde mare, 8 years old. HOGS—10 York pigs, averaging 185 lbs. each. TRUCK—1950 Chev ^4-Ton pick-up truck, very low mileage, in all around new condition. TRACTOR & THRESHING MA­ CHINE—McD. Super “W” 6, fully equipped, used one season, like new; ■Waterloo 28x45 thresher, fully equip­ped with cutter, grain blower, etc., in Ail condition; two 140-ft. Kling- tite 7-inch drive belts, like new; 200-ft. heavy cable with blocks and FARM MACHINERY—McDeering binder, 7-ft. cut, like new; McDeering mower, 6-ft. cut, like new; McDeer­ing hay loader; Oliver 3-furrow plow, like new; Cockshutt 4-seotion spring tooth harrow; McDeering drop head hay loader; McDeering horse-drawn manure spreader, on rubber; Mc­ Deering spring tooth cultivator, 8-ft. cut, equipped -with extensions; Fleury 32-plate tractor „d'lsc; '3-drum steel roller; 10-ft. dump rake; 4-section diamond harrows; all steel wagon; rubber tire wagon; 16-ft. hay rack, brand new; 2 gravel boxes; Inter- national team scuffler and puller; 100 cap. Spraymotor, completely equipped, like new; M-H 13-run grain drill, with fertilizer attachment; single scuffler; sling ropes and chains; Renfrew electric cream sepa­ rator; root pulper: Renfrew platform scales, 2,000-lb. cap.; 95-gal, steel drum; fanning mill; set of britchen harness; backband harness; bag truck; 40-gal. copper apple-butter kettle; cutter; quantity of lumber; quantity of stove wood; grass seeder; anvil; forge; drill; numerous carpen­ ter and blacksmith tools; 7-ton hy­ draulic jack; cross-cut saw; wheel­barrow; electric motors; hay fork; extension blower pipes; chicken feed­ers and water cans; chains; forks; shovels; Oliver scuffler and puller, and many articles too numerous to mention. HAY & GRAIN—200' bales of mixed hay; 8 tons loose hay; 150 bushels mixed grain. ■HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Complete dining room suite; 5 complete bed­ room suites; kitchen table and chairs;- kitchen stove; coal and wood heater; combination book case and writing desk; rug, 9x12-ft.; small tables; rocking chairs; chest of drawers; occasional chairs; ice box; sealers: large apple peeler, etc., etc. NO RESERVE, as the farm is sold. Du'e to extra large sale, selling will start sharp on time.TERMS: Cash. ALVIN McBRIDE, Proprietor ROSS LOVE, ClerkALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Clearing AUCTION SALE Of High Quality Shorthorns, , Horses, Hogs, Tractor, Farm Machinery, Hay, Grain and Miscellaneous Items On the Premises, Lot 24, Con. 10, BLfIND LINE, HAY, TOWNSHIP, ’4-Milo East of Zurich and 1 Mile North. , The undersigned auctioneer re- i celved instructions to sell by public auction on _______WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1956, : Commencing at 1 o’clock p.m. sharp. — HIGH QUALITY SHORTHORNS— Roan cow with third calf at foot, re­bred; roan cow with fourth calf at • foot* rebred; red cow. carrying fifth> calf, due in April; red co-vy with third I calf at foot, rebred; roan cow with ; third calf at foot, rebred; wliite cow With fourth calf at foot, rebred; roan ; heifer, first calf at foot, rebred; roan> cow with third calf at foot, rebred; ( roan cow with fourth calf at foot, ; rebred; red heifer with first calf at foot; red heifer with first calf at i foot, rebred; roan heifer, bred in De- , cember; 2 yearling steers and heifers; - registered Shorthorn bull, (born June . 12, 1953, "Royal Duketon’’. Sire: Ash­ fair Royal Command. Dam: Elman- dorph Augusta. This is a choice herd: o>f cattle. Convince yourself by see- i ing them on day of sale. HORSES: Clyde team, mare and gelding, averaging 1,800 lbs. each, true and reliable.i HOGS: Yorkshire sow, carrying fourth litter, bred January 23; 10 • Yorkshire chunks, averaging 100 lbs. each.• TRACTOR & FARM MACHINERY —McDeering Model "C" tractor, com­pletely equipped with hydraulic 2- fuiTow plow, in new condition; M-H Binder, 6-ft. cut; McDeering mower, 6-ft. cut; M-H side rake; Cockshutt 11-run fertilizer drill; M-H manure spreader, on steel; 10-ft. dump rake; M-H cultivator; M-H heap scuffler and puller; 2-drum steel roller; rub­ ber tire wagon; 16-ft. flat hay rack; hay loader; 2 walking plows; steel tire wagon and hay yax?k; 4-section diamond harrows; set of bob sleighs; cutting box and blower; root pulper; oat roller; gravel box; fanning mill and sieves,- 2,000-lb. cap. scales; pig crate; electric ‘clipper; Burdizzo cas­torator; > DeLavel cream separator; logging chains; bag truck; 4-wheei trailer; quantity of scrap iron; bug­ gy; cutter; antique spinning wheel; barrels; shovels; forks; chains, and many articles too numerous to mention,'HAY & GRAIN— 10 tons of mixed clover; 10 tons of timothy and clover hay; 4 tons alfalfa and timothy hay; 300 .bales of alfalfa and timothy; all choice quality; 1200 bushels choice mixed grain, oats and barley; 6 bushels alfalfa and red clover mixed. NO RESERVE, as farm is sold. q'TTlRTVTR* Pn PETER NEU’SCHWANGER, Prop. STADE & WEIDO, Clerks ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer • 15:22c September; 2 Holstein heifer calves; 4 Holstein yearling heifers; yearling: Hereford steer and heifer; 4 Hereford steers, rising 2 years old, ready for market. Holstein cows are of choice quality, high in blood line and milk production.HOGS: Yorkshire sow, due April 15; Yorkshire sow, bred 1 month; York and Tam sow, carrying third litter, due before sale date; 10 York chunks, averaging 100 lbs. each. TRACTOR & Farm Implements:McDeering 10-20 tractor on steel; Allis Chalmer side rake, used three seasons, like new; McDeering 13-run fertilizer drill; McDeering 3-furrow narrow bottom plow, in A-l condi­ tion; rubber tire wagon with 16-ft. hay rack; McDeering manure spreader pn steel; gasoline motor; root pulper; chop ibox; 2 chicken shelters; feeders; colony' house; electric brooder; pump jack; coal oil .stove; large self hog feeder; quantity grass seed; Coleman lantern; logging chains; heat lamp reflector; collie dog; coal oil stove; forks; shovels and many articles too numerous to mention, TERMS: Cash.NO RESERVE—Everything will be sold.JIM HARRIS, Proprietor GARNIET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 22:29 AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture and Implements Lot 14, Con. 5, STEPHEN TOWNSHIP. Miles East and 1 Mile North of Crediton 1% THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1956 9 bales clover hay; rubber tired wagon with flat rack; hay fork, rope and car; double set of harness; mOwer; '2-horse scuffler; rug, 9x12; sideboard; table and 6 chairs; bed, springs and mattress; dresser and commode; couch; Quebec heater; kitchen .^tove; icebox; rocking chair; studio couch; lanterns and lamps; cupboard; large table; bean cooker; radio;. 2-iburner gas stove; daybed; small table; dishes; pictures; boxes; other articles top numerous to men­tion. ADAM KERCHNER, Prop. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer CLARK FISHER, Clerk 22 and Etc. Con. 16, AUCTION SALE Of Property, Household Effects, Some Implements, On the Premises, Part of North-Half Lot 7, HAY TOWNSHIP, 2’4 Mines West of Dashwood and 2 Miles North. The undersigned auctioneer has re­ceived instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 1956 At 1:30 O’clock, p.m, PROPERTY: Consists of 3 acres of good garden land. On the premises are: a 6-room red brick house; shed, 20x30 'feet; stable for 6 cattle; hen •house; feed house; good water sup- •ply; everything in good condition; a very desirable .property. TERMS: 10% on day of sale, bal­ ance in 30 days. Will be offered for sale subject to a reasonable reserve bld. Immediate possession, can be given. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Good Cheer stove; dining room table and chairs; 2 rocking chairs; drop leaf talble; small table; cupboard; chest drawers; cedar chest; 2 Aladdin lamps; sofa bed; fruit jars; kitchen chairs; pots; pans; dishes; knives and forks; Singer sewing machine; dresser; 2 stands; bed springs and mattress; meat grinder and press; quilts; mats; feather ticks; coal oil stove; cfoal oil heater; coal oil lan­terns; washing machine; tools; cross cut saw; spades; shovels; hoes; rake; axes; pails; forks; 40-gal. coal oil .barrel; 5-gal. coal oil can; 1-gal. coal oil can; latyn mower; hand scuffler; bath tub; colony house, 10x12 feet; some cedar posts; iron kettle; some feed bags; (barrels; about 8 cords of mixed wood; rubber tire buggy; 11- disc Cochshutt drill; Tudhope Ander­son dump rake, etc., etc. TERMS: Cash. IRA DESJARDINE, Prop. Dashwood, R.R. No. 1 R. F. STADE, Clerk B. McNEIL, Auctioneer » ddddd ddddddd Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements Lot 18, North-East Boundary, USBORNE TOWNSHIP,At 6 miles east and 2 miles north of Exeter, 6 miles south»east of Hensall, 2’4mlles south and l^-mlle west from Cromarty, 6 miles north ahd west of Kirkton. TUESDAY, MARCH 27 At 1100 o’clock sharp.REGISTERED HERBFORDS — 7 cows, rebred; 7 calves, ranging in age from May to January (2 good bull prospects, 2 excellent 4-H Guinea prospects, 2 heifer calves, 1 'bull calf); 1 bred heifei*.HOLSTEIN COWS — 1 coyr, fresh­ ened February 2, duo time of sale, 1 due in Aprij, 1 due in June, 1 duo In August; il heifer due ih July; 2 open heifers; 4 calves (600 to 700 lbs.; 1’4 month old calf. FIGS: A number of wean er pigs. MACHINERY, Etc. — Caso manure spreader, nearly new; rubber tired wagon and rack; 7-ft. Massey binder; McCormick-Deering seed drill, Letz grinder, ’4 ton truck rack; 2-unit Universal milker with pipes; scales; fanning mill with motor; work har­ ness; colony house, 10x12 feet; quan­ tity of baled hoy, oats and several toh of Cob corn; Ford tractor with plow and cultivator; steel, farm roller; 5-ft. International mower; stock; trailer with racks. Catalogues for cattle may be ob­ tained from- proprietor or auctioneer. ROBERT IdERN, Hensall, Prop. W. S. O'NEIL, non field, Auctioneer RICHARD ETHERINGTON, Clerk 15:220 Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, Tractor, Farm Implements and Feed On. the Premises, , - The Farm of Peter Doyle, MCGILLIVRAY TOWNSHIP, 2JA Miles East of Mt. Carmel and 2’4 Miles South or 5 Miles North of AllSa Craig,The undersigned auctioneer is in­structed to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1:30 P.M. REAL ESTATE: Consists of 100- acre farm on which is situated well- built brick dwelling with all modern conveniences, large bank barn, 82x 36; good sized hen house "and pig pern, never failing water supply; land choice clay loam, 15 acres Of mixed bush, 30 acres freshly seeded, balance ready for spring seeding. Farm is well situated. Inspection invited be­fore day of sale. TERMS OF REAL ESTATE: 10% on day of sale, 'balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid if not previously sold.TRACTOR & FARM MACHINERY —Allis Chalmers “A” C tractor, used two seasons, completely equipped with hydraulic lift; John. Deere 15- rum tractor drill, on rubber, complete­ ly equipped, like .new; John Deere binder, i8-ft. cut, on rubber, like new; Fluery-Bissell tractor disc; John Deere 4-bar side delivery rake; rubber tire wagon, 16-ft. hay rack: Allis Chalmers 2-row scuff 1 er and puller; 4-section diamond harrows; hay loader; colony house; all "steel buck rake; root pulper; l’4uton fer­tilizer; chains; many articles too numerous to mention., POULTRY: 100 Hamp, and RoCk yearling hens. FEED: 700 bales of mixed hay, choice quality; 15 tons out straw. . TERMS: Cash. NO RESERVE—Everything will be sold. •* PETER & GERARD" DOYLE, Props. GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 15:22:29 Farm Sold Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Livestock & Machinery At Lot 24, Con. 13,. LONDON TOWNSHIP. 2 Miles North of Ilderton, 3 Mlles WCst of Birr (No. 4 Highway) MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1:00 P.M. Including George White Thresher No. >6 24x42, 'with high elevator, and Case VA Tractor. Both like new. GORDON ZIRK, Prop. HUGH FILSON, Auctioneer R. R. 4 DOnfield Phone Ilderton 22-141 Collect 22 Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Choice Holsteins, Hogs, Tractor, Farm Implelments and Miscellaneous Items On tho' Premises, Lot 16, Con. 11, USBORNE TOWNSHIP, 1 Milo South of Farquhar or 5 Miles North-West of Kirkton The undersigned auctioneer re­ceived instructions to sell by pubHd auction on TUESDAY, APFilL 3, 1956 Commencing at 1:00 p.m., Sharp CHOICE HOLSTEINS: Holstein fnilltlng, carrying third Calf; Holstein cow, milking, due June 14; Holstein cow, carrying second calf, duo April 9; .part Holstein and Here­ ford heifer, due September 1; Hoi- miikirifr, due in Septem­ber; Holstein cow, milking, due m Holstein cow, due April j.5: Holstein cow, with calf at foot, fresh I week; 3 Ilolstein heifers, due in Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, Tractor, Farm Implements, Livestock, Grain and . Household Effects On the Premises, Lot 20, Con. 12, County Road, ' STEPHEN TOWNSHIP. - 1’4 Miles South of DashwoodThe undersigned auctioneer re­ceived instructions to sell by public auction, on ,WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1956 Commencing at 1:00 p.m., Sharp REAL ESTATE: Consisting of 100- acre farm on which is situated a. well built 2-storey brick dwelling- with modern conveniences, large 'bank ibarn with new roofs angl stabling, good sized drive shed, pig pen and’ hen house, All in good condition and newly wired. Land consists of clay loam, HO1 acres hard wood bush, 20 acres freshly seeded, remainder ready for spring seeding. Also well drained,, and fenced. Nevqr failing water sup­ply. Best of location. If interested, convince yourself by inspecting this* farm before day of sale.TERMS OF REAL ESTATE: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable reserved WTRACTOR & IMPLEMENTS:. M-BC 30 row crop tractor, fully equipped,, with hydraulic lift, in A-l condition: extra equipment. 4-row bean scuffler7 McDeering .binder, 7-ft. cut-: McD. mower, 5-ft. cut; McD. 8^-ft. spring­tooth cultivator, like new; 3-drum: steel roller, like new; double tractor­disc; Fleury Bissel tractor spreader; rubber tire wagon; 16-ft. hay rack; hay rake; lil-run fertilizer drill; In­ternational hay ioader; 3-section.dia­ mond harrows; set of sleighs; single scuffler; double scuffler; 2 walking plows; team disc; rubber tire wheel­ barrow; 2,000-lb. platform scales; Model "T" Ford car; fanning mill; buggy; cutter; cutting box; large apple butter kettle; sap pan; sap­pails; Renfrew cream separator; bag truck; step ladder; brooder stove; quantity steel posts; cedar posts; snow fence; root pulper; lioney ex­tractor; quantity of lumber: large self pig feeder; chains; forks; shovels, and many articles too numerous te mention. . , ,," HORSES—Clyde -team, trUe and reliable. . , _ .CATTLE: Part Hereford and Dur­ ham Cow, with calf at foot; 3 year-- ling Siteers; 2 steers rising 2 year® old- ’ t•HOGS: 4 choice sows, carrying first litter, due in April; Yorkshire sow, bred one month.GRAIN: 100 bushels of mixed grain; 8 'bushels .seed beans.HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Dining room table and 6 matching chairs; Coffield electric washing machine; buffet; box stove, coal or wood; kitchen stove; kitchen table and chairs; Wright piano, i.n good con­ dition; 3 bedroom suites; sewing- machine; organ; sealers; crocks, etc. NO RESERVE—Everything will be sold.TERMS: Cash.HENRY AND TOM ZILER, Executors for the Estate of the late' Louis and Koletta Ziler GLEN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 22:29. Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Livestock, Tractor, Farm Implements, Feed and Household Effects On the Premises, Lot 9, Con. 4, HAY TOWNSHIP 2% Mlles North /of Exeter or 2^ MileS1 South of Hensall and 2; Miles WestThe undersigned auctioneer re­ ceived instructions to sell by public auction onFRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1956 'Commencing at 1:00 p.m., Sharp Complete listing of sale in next week’s issue..FRANK WILDFONG, Executor for the Estate of the late , Amos Wildfong ALVlfT WALPER, Auctioneer 22:29:5 Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items On the Premises, « Lot 466, Plan 20, 73 Sanders St., IN THE TOWN OP EXETERThe (Undersigned auctioneer re­ceived instructions . to sell by public auction on 'SATURDAY. APRIL 7 Commencing at 1:00 p,m., Sharp REAL ESTATE: Consists of Lot , 466, Plan 20, Sanders St., Town of Exeter, having a frontage of 32 ft. and a depth Of 214 ft. on which is situated a well built 1’4 storey ^welling with all modern convene lences. Cellar throughout and nOW oil furnace. This is a very desirable diwelling in all around new condition and very sultalbiy located; choice garden land, If intOrbsted, convince yourself (by inspecting this property before day of sale,TERMS OF REAL ’ESTATE: 10% on day of sale, (balance in 30 days- Sold subject to a reasonable reserve ■bid.HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS! chesterfield suite; daybed; .......„room table; drop leaf table; buffet; dining room chairs'; kitchen tablet occasional chairs; wicket' chair and rocker; ’electric lamps; 6 tapestry rugs, various sizes; Coffield electric washing machine; 2 complete bed** room suites: modern bedroom suite; 2 cedar chests; vacuum cleaner; miiTors: card table; large electric clock; McClary tefrigerdtojt coal oil stove, large assortment of silverware, glassware, fancy dishes and china­ ware; bedding; comforters; fancy quilts; pillows; linens; mats; laAvh chairs; kitchen utensils; electric iron and toaster; 2 step ladders; 150 ft. rubber hose, new; large assortment • of carpenter tools; galvanized tubs and - stands; steel posts; insect sprayer: garden tools. Many articles too numerous to mention.Everything In now condition. Flap to attend.TERMS: Cash. / ,The estate of the late Abraham Musser, WILLIAM C. ALLISON, Executor W. G. COCHRANE, Solicitor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer , 22:i9:B 2-pibce dining- s,