HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-03-15, Page 10THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO* THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 15, 1956 How SOFT-SET® Finish Keeps Woolen* Fabrics Soft and Lustrous as NEW! >. *pr4Cpary dr£ cleaning ) bften iftfbs dainty wool X?d woot-like fabri« of •kuch of their charm. Our Sanitone Dry Cleaning features SOFT-SET, a sensa­ tional new ’’finish’* which keeps these lovely fabrics as soft and lustrous as the day you bought them- Try us aad see. Discuss Missions At Thames Road The March meeting of the w.A. and. W.M.S. was held in the church basement on Wednesday afternoon. The meeting opened with n poem "A Prayer for Wis­ dom*' by Mrs. 'Reg Ho-dgert. The (Study Book committee were in charge of the topic “The 'Call to the Mission of t'he Church through Evangelism and Mi» sions”. The closing chapter of “No Vanishing Race" was given by Mrs. W. J. Moores, Mrs. Bul­ lis, Mrs. William Elford and Mrs. (Gertie Wiseman. Mrs. ’Glen Stewart was in charge of the programme which consisted of- a reading by Mrs. Mac Hqjdgert, piano sojo ,by Mrs. William Rohde. The roll call was answered by donations foi' gravy boats for the church kitchen, Mrs. Donald Bray and Mrs. Floyd (Stewart were appointed as delegates to the presbyterial - to be held in James ,St. Church, Ex­ eter, on April 10. Organize Birthday Party For Dashwood Shut In of Exeter with her who -has ■home for BRADY CLEANERS and Laundeteria Ltd. PHONE 136 Pee-Wees Win, Lose Contest Exeter Pee Wees, playing ex­ hibition games in preparation for ■the Young <Canada tournament at Goderich during Easter week, split two contests this past week. The locals defeated Byron 6-0 but lost 2-1 to St. Marys. Both clubs are “B” while Exeter is “IC”. Assistant Roc Director Alvin Willert is in charge of the team. Mrs. Ida Caldwell spent the weekend brother, Dan * Weber, been confined to his nearly a year. As IS unday was his 76 th birthday a surprise party was under way, however there was no hydro and Mrs. Weber was informed that slue should not worry about dinner. By the time hydro was restored around 12.30 p.m. all the trimmings for a birthday dinner had arrived as well as many calls of “Happy birthday” from young and pld. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Weber, Ronnie and Shelene, Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Weber, Diane and Billie, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schade, Margaret, (Elaine, Phyllis and Mona of Zurich. Tree other daughters and one son were unable to be pi-e- sent. The honoured guest was able to sit on the side of the bed and enjoy the party. All joined in singing “Happy Birthday” when a granddaughter,, Elaine, arrived with a beautiful decorated cake. Dashwood Suffers From Storm ■’f'he storm left its mark in Dashwood when many trees were broken by the ice. TV -aerials were iCanada’s old-age pension fund, intended to be self-sustaining from three-way two per cent tax, was in the red , for the first six months of 1954 by $29,400,00:0'. Kist Gingerale Wi£h Every $5.00 Order Mon., Tues. & Wed. MARCH 19, 20 & 21 Get Yours! IGA Weekend Specials LIFETIME Guaranteed - MUFFLERS NOW! Every INTERNATIONAL PARTS MUFFLER is uncondi­ tionally guaranteed for the LIFE of the vehicle on which it is installed. FRESH MEATS Side Bacon Mild Ctire, Rfmdfesi Round Steak Or Roaait .7....... Cottage Rolls Peamealed TESTED, APPROVED AND LISTED BY UNDERWRITERS’ LABORATORIES INTERNATIONAL PARTS MUFFLERS . Low! Low! 55c , 55c .... 39c Burns' Sausage 97a Pure Pork, Sktnless..... W I V Short Ribs PQa Tabferite, for Braising . «iVU FIVE-STAR SPECIALS Apple Juice *> IGA, 20-Oz, Tins “■ Dill Rickies (GA 'Plain ........ Cake Mix Ogilvie’s, Choc. Tea Bags Salada, 60’s ,,. Fry's Cocoa One-Half Pound Z Darling's IGA Phone 9 Exeter OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Watch London Free Press For LG.A. Specials for 1 9C 27c 3$1 75c 41c Here's An Example '41 - '53 Chev. MUFFLERS $7.95 INSTALLED * * * * Bonded Brake Jobs Four Wheels $14.95 Installed $8.95 Cash and Carry ■ Ron Westmans SPORTS & AUTO SUPPLY Phone 211 Exeter z i H n n u n : i K n a t i H H U U i u H u i U H i B n i i H u m t i u n n i n n H n u n H i i H » n u a t u u H i H n u n K n < u n i u i n u t u m i u u u m m t m i u M u i a Barley Contract No. 1 Treated Montcalm Seed Barley BEST PRICES PAID You may have whichever price is the highest based on 3 C.W.6 row Winnipeg cash price or 3 C.W.6 row Win­ nipeg Wheat Board price. Free storage until December 15. Come in and have this special contract explained before contracting. Fertilizer Supplied at Competitive Prices Credit Arrangement if Necessary SEED FOR SALE OATS: Beaver, Clinton, Cartier, Larain, Ajax. Registered — $1.60; Commercial No. 1 — $1.40 BARLEY: Montcalm — Registered—$2.00; CommercialNo. 1—$1.70 J SCOTT'S ELEVATOR LTD. Phone 63 Lucan, Onf. I E S s S Zurich Union ~ —Continued from Page 5. and were told at the conclusion of their 'presentation that this was the first time in 21 years that a farm organization had met with the agriculture committee. Mu'cli more ensued and at the conclusion several members join­ ed, bringing up Zurich’s total membership to near 100- now. This has been done almost entire­ ly in the last month. Election of officers followed. President is Alvin Regier; vice- president, Mb .-Dietrich; secre­ tary, Mr. Phillip Durand. A -temporary slate of directors was nominated and ed to at the next election to follow. Two resolutions unanimously and sent to Mr. Car­ diff, M.P. and Mr. Tom Pryde, M.P.P. “Be it resolved .that this Zurich local of O.F.U. requests that you supiport a full parity ■price relationship for all agricul­ tural -products.” “Be it resolved that this Zurich local of the O.'F.U. requests that Daylight Saving Time exclude May and (September and that you lend support to our request.” will bq. add­ meeting and were passed Bowling —Continued from Page 3 •Pinpoppers (H. Brintnell 733) 3403 4Strikes (W. Shapton 658) „__ 3427 3 Hay Seeds (P. McKenzie 590) 3062 2 Butchers (H, Holtzman 668) _'3263' 5 “A" GROUP Milkmen -------18Jets ________18 Strikes-___ _ 17Pinpoppers_, 15 Windmills__14W. Bangs__14 Spare Parts 12 Applejacks ._4 "B” GROUP Big- Six — B. Rollers Salsburys Tradesmen Ringers _ Spares -_ Hay Seeds Butchers _ S. Circuits Maroons _ Be-Pops, Horns In Tie For Lead Be-Boips and Green Horns end­ ed the (week tied in first place of •the “A” section of 'the ladies bowling league playoffs. The Be-Botps, led by Barb Brintnell with 607, blanked the Busy Bees 7-0 and the Green Horns, paced by Jean Tayiloi- with 555, defeated Wee Hopes 5-2. Playoffs in “B” section have been delayed because four teams couldn’t bowl during the storm. These teams were Mighty Mice, Skunks, .Hot Dogs and Lucky Strikes. Merry Maids (scored the high­ est team total of 3,178. Georgina Webster’s 635 fo rthe Busy Bees was the top triple of the week. M. 'Maids (G. Farquhar 615) - 3178 7 P.. Pop’ts (M. McKnight 565) 2816 0 Be Bops (B. Brintnell 607) __ Busy Bees (G. Webster 635) _ Jolly Jills (A. Preszcator 606) W. Bones (E. Robinson 572)) Happy Gals (D. Hall 630) Jolly Six (D. Frayne 607)__ Alley Cats (M. Webster 599) ~ Hi Bights (J. Harness 517) __ 2821 Green Horns (J. Taylor' 555) Wee Hopes (J. Weber 512) BioWettes ______ (V. Gould L. Brintnell 542) 3036 7 . 2679 0 2864 5 ----2 52 7 0 3027 5 2860 2 BioWettes ________ ______ __ 2946 5 (V. Gould L. Brintnell 542) F. Sisters (M. Bridges 505) „ 2883 2 U#» & Downs (M. Tetreau 549) 2918 Frisky Six (J. Neil 512) ___ 2867 “A" GROUP Be Bops__ _ 12 Green Horns _ 12Jolly Jills __ 40M. Maldg __ 9 P. Poppettes _ 7 STANDING Wee Hopes Happy Gals Wish Bones .Tolly Six _ Busy Bees Want a Jeb? Want a clerk? Want a partner? Want a position? Want to rent rooms? Want to sell a farm? Want to borrow money? Want to recover lost articles? Want to rent a house or farm? Want to sell some old furniture? Advertise In* The Tiincs-Advocate Advertising gains new customers! Advertising keeps old customers! Advertising makes SucteSS easy! Advertising begets confidence I Advertising shows energy! Advertise and succeed! Advertise Consistently! Advertise o r .. bust! Advertise weekly! Advertise now! Advertise! Display Blankets For SH Hospital A dozen rose colored wool blankets were on display at the March meeting of the Ladies’ Auxiliary to South Huron Hospi­ tal on Tuesday afternoon. These blankets had been purchased for tlirfj hospital by t'he Auxiliary. Ht was decided to postpone the next meeting from April 10 to April 17 on account of the Huron Presbyterial in James St. church on April 10. The April meeting is the quarterly social meeting and Mr. G. G. Gardiner, head of the^T.B. survey for Huron Coun­ ty, will he the speaker. Mrs. R. E. Russell presided for the meeting, Help Crippled Kids •41 CANADIAN PROPANE GAS & APPLIANCES GRATTON & HOTSON Phone 156 Grand Bend «< SPECIAL" 2 Doot RMtftf. WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM M-1056C PEARSON MOTOR SALES ■5 2 2767 2985 2973 3033 7 7 4 2 0 MMiMI down and many homes without heat due to hydro failure. The school was closed Friday due to lack of heat. Birthday Party Ivan Miller, youngest son of Mr, and. Mrs. Edwin Miller, en­ tertained a number of little boys on Friday on the occasion of his eighth birthday: Mr. Elgin Kipfier who had t'he misfortune to have his eye pier­ ced by a piece of steel is now able to be home after spending 28 days jn Victoria Hospital, Lon­don. r ’ . Personal Items Miss Anne Taylor of London spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Letta Taylor, ■Miss Barbara Becker of Kitch­ ener spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. V. L. Becker and family. •Messrs Carl and Robert Wein Of Sudbury spent the weekend with their mother, Mrs. Herb Wein and Raymond. Mr. and Mrs. William Baker of London were weekend visit­ ors with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Keller. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gossman and Judy of Port Huron were Saturday visitors with Mr., and Mrs, Leo Gibson and family. Miss Verda Rinker of London spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gibson and family. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Gibson of Thedford were also Sunday visitors. Shut-in Honoured On Birthday (Canada's commercial airlines in 1953 averaged only one acci­ dent every 736,795 revenue miles, only one teatli every 43,509 pay­ ing passengers or every 1,103,9'54 payload miles. :%:• Yes, buy ’em now . . . the stunning new models of the cars which are taking Canada by storm*.”. . the models you’ve waited eagerly to see and to drive . . . the 1956 Buick special and century. And hands down and away, they’re the Best Buicks Yet! The Buick special gives you high-fashion luxury —high-powered performance—ldw, low price— and comes up as the stand-out best of the budget-tagged cars. The Buick century oilers an extra bonus in luxury plus a high-stepping performance that’s nothing short df sensational—-and all for a price that compares favorably with the least! And in both cars, as well as the, outstanding suijer, and the custom-built roadmaster, you get the agile might of Buick’s walloping-big V8 engine . < . and the smoothness and economy of Buick’s advanced new Variable Pitch Dynaflow*! Come in to your Buick dealer’s soon (today, if possible) and we’ll prove that if any new car is in your budget, a new Buick can be in your garage. "New advanced Variable Pitch Dynaflow is the only Dynaflow Buick builds today. It is standard on the Roadmaster, Super and Century; optional at modest extra cost on the Special. Zurich PONTIAC, BUICK SALES AND SERVICE ’’CENTURY’’ 4 Doot Rivleto A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Exeter