HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-03-15, Page 6THE TIMES ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 15, 1956
Sure n Begorra T-A Want-Ads Will Get Results For You
OHtL’S, COAT SET, size 6X, color,
gfby with red trim. Can ibe seen at Brady Cleaners. 15*
BOY'S BLAZER, navy blue, size 1'4.May he seen at Brady Cleaners. 15*
WASHERS—2 used Beatty washers,
completely overhauled; used heavy duty Woods electric stove, top condition. Fisher's Hardware, phone 24,
Kxetor. 16c
HEREFORD BULL, registered. IS
months old; also 10 pigs. Joe Van.- dongen, R.R. 2 Grand Bend, phone 47-r-l. 15*
BRAY CHICKS for all markets.
Hatchery has day-old chicks (stand
ard breeds, crosses and “specials”
like Babcock, etc.). Pullets (some started), Cockerels. (Order May-June broilers now.) Ask ms for full par
ticulars. Eric Carscadden, Exeter,
phone 246-W. ’ 15:22
BULB, Aberdeen Angus, yearling;
purebred, but not registered. Frank Hicks. Centralia._____ 15*
REFRIGERATOR, Leonard; Gurney
electric stove^ 1955 model; Renfrew electric cream separator, Phone
Crediton 62-r-3. 15c
MIXED HAY, 200 bales. Apply Tom
Yellow, R.R, 3 Exeter. 15’
STUDIO COUCH, green, good condi
tion; also Marconi radio. Phone 117,
Lucan. 15c
MATERNITY PRESS, 2-piece, navy with Pink, size 34-36: price $5.00. May be seen at Brady Cleaners. 15nc
BEDROOM SUITE, 3-piece, walnut,
in excellent condition, complete with
springs and inner spring mattress; $85.00. Apply Mrs, Ken Elder, phone 683-ril4, Hensail.______________15:22*
LADIES' SUIT, cinnamon brown, size 1616, almost new. May toe seen
at Brady Cleaners. 15*
2 COLLIE PUPS — Apply Arnold
Cunningham, R.R. 1 Lucan. 15*
BALED HAY—Having sold property, I will have around 200 square bales
of hay to dispose of. Bargain for
anyone who will take all. Phone 25- r-12, Kirkton. 15*
C-WHBEL TRAILER, with stock
racks, in good condition; and ap
proximately 60 bales clean wheat straw. Phone 43, Crediton. 15c
years’ experience. Quality workmanc ship. Wallpapers a v a i la to 1 e . Bert Clark, Exeter, 15:22;29e
FARMERS! Have all your saws sharpened and set at Stew's Sharp
ening Service, 105 Sanders St., Exeter, phone 454, 3tfc
BREEDING ASSOCIATION “Where Better Bulls Are Used”
Artificial Insemination service for
all breeds of cattle. For service or
information phone Clinton 515 collect, between 7:30 and 10:00 A.M. on
week days and 7:30 and 9:30 A.M. on
Sundays. tfc
WANTED TO BENT — 2-bedroom
house or ground floor apartment.
Apply W. O. Cunningham, Bank of Montreal, -Exeter. 15c
She may hold a vital secret
of your future health
Here you are eye-witnessing a
method of research that has re
cently made medical history.
Known as “tissue culture", it is the
method by which the famous Salk
polio vaccine is produced. But this
same technique now holds excit
ing promise of bringing immunity
from a host of other diseases!
Meningitis, pneumonia, influenza,
measles, chickenpox, mumps —
these are but a few of the diseases
which medical science is fighting
on a world-wide front with this
shining new weapon.
Like polio, all of these ills can be
caused by some kind of virus.
• Some viruses can now be isolated
and grown in tissue cultures. After
being “killed”, they may then be
made into safe vaccines. So the
laboratory technician shown here
may have in her hands the key to
a vaccine that will someday con
trol a disease which now is a
potential threat to you and your
loved ones.
This project, conducted by the
Research Institute of the Hospital
for Sick- Children in Toronto, is
supported by funds contributed by
the nation’s life insurance com
panies. It. is. one of many similar
projectssupported wholly or in
part in this way.
The life insurance companies in
Canada are proud .to be playing
some part in furthering the great
progress of medical science. It is
our hope- that these projects will
result in a healthier life for all.
CLIP CARBINE, .22 calibre, fMoss- toerg, 7-shot, Weaver 6-power tele
scopic sight; $35 or best offer. Apply Jim .Etherington, phone 171-r-ll, Ex-
burner, splendid condition; reasonable. Phone 323-J, Exeter. 15c
I WILL PAY $3,00 for young dogs, weighing 25 lbs. or over, delivered to
me, until further notice. Albert W.
Shirray, R.R. 2 Hensall, phone 683-r-
11, Hensall,__________________1:8:15*
TAKE NOTICE that the Board, of
Trustees of the Roman Catholic Separate School for School Section Number Six in the Township of
Stephen did on the 23rd day of
February, ,1956, pass By-law Number 2 to authorize the borrowing of the
sum of $47,000.00 by the issue of debentures to the principal amount of $47,000.00, bearing interest at the rate of Four and One-half percent
(4’6%) per annum, and maturing in
twenty annual instalments of princi
pal of varying amounts as set forth In Schedule "A” hereto.
The purpose for which the money is to be borrowed is for the building
and equipping of a pew school.The security for the amount to be
borrowed is as follows:
(a) During twenty years, the cur
rency of the debentures, the respective sums set forth in the fourth column of Schedule “A” hereto are required to be levied and collected
annually by the said Board by a
special rate sufficient therefore over
and above all other rates in the same manner and from the like per
sons and property by, from, upon or
out of which other Separate School
rates may be levied, raised and collected by the said Board.
(b) The debentures, as to both
principal and interest are a charge
upon the separate school rates and
upon the school house property and premises and any other real or per
sonal property vested, in the said
$47,000 4*6% Debentures Dated March 15th, 1956
Due March 16th, 1957-1976
Tenders will be received by the Township of Stephen for crushing,
loading and hauling gravel, sj” size,
flat rate, anywhere in the township. Also rate for loading township truck.
A deposit of $200.00 must accom
pany tender. Tenders to be in the hands of the clerk on or before
March 31, 1956.F. W. MORLOCK, Clerk 15:22:29
SITTER DRAINTenders will be received by the
Township of Stephen for drainage Work on the Sitter Drain, consisting
of 14,673 lineal feet of open drain. Plans and specifications may be
seen at the office of the clerk.Tenders must be accompanied with
certified cheque and in the hands
of the clerk on or before March 3d,
1956.F. W. MORLOCK, Clerk
Tenders will be received by the Township of Stephen for drainage
work, consisting of 4,892 lineal feet
of tile drain and «192 lineal feet of
open drain, Plans and specifications
may be seen at the office of the
clerk.Tenders must be accompanied with certified cheque and in the hands of
the clerk on or before March '31, 1956.
F. W. MORLOCK, Clerk15:22:29
5 CHUNKS, 9 weeks old. Apply Amos Wright, Centralia, after 5 p.m. Phone
730-W12, Exeter.________________15c
COLONY HOUSE, 10x14; electric
brooder, in good shape. Apply Ches
ter Dunn, R. R. 1 Exeter. 15c
TRACTORS — W.D. 9 International Diesel, 1951 model; 44 Massey diesel,
1951 model; Cockshutt 30, with creeper gear and live power take
off, 194i8: R. Minn. Moline standard,
1949 model; row crop, John Deere.
These tractors are all in first class
condition. E. L. Chaffe & Sons, your
Cockshutt dealer, on No. 4 Highway and Crediton road, phone 548, Ex- eter.____________________________15
BULL CALF—Apply G. J. Dow. 15c
CLARE JEWEL RANGE, combination coal, wood and electric; like
new; reasonable. Lennis Gingerich,
phone 37-r-12, -Dashwood._______8:15
good quality, Apply Don Parsons-.
phone 673-r-33, Hensall. 8:15
MIXED HAY, 500 bales; also house
for rent, available now. Phone 681-r-
11, Hensall, or apply Alex McBeath, Kippen._______________________8:15*
10 COWS, due in March and April.
Apply Wally Wein, phone 54 Dashwood. l:8:15:'22c
TRACTOR,. W.C. Allis Chalmers, new
tires, $550; rear end Ford loader,
$80. Wally Wein, phone 54 Dashwoof___________________23:1:8:1'5:22*
CAPONS—Started capons on order, and custom caponlzing. Apply Carl Oestreicher, phone 57-r-23, Dashwood. 16:2-17:6
GIRLS’ RED COAT and hat, size 4,
in good condition. May be .seen at Brady Cleaners._______________8:16*
1951 HILLMAN MOTOR with marine package and disappearing propeller
housing. Was lused in boat for two
years. Would make ideal inboard
motor or power plant. Overhauled last spring. Gerald Gingerich, Zurich,
phone 34. 8:15
20 LITTLE PIGS, 7 weeks old. Apply
Ray McCarter, 1% miles west of Ex
eter on Highway 83, phone Dashwood, 35-r-ll. 8:15c
Feed Freshness I
WANTED: Reliable man as Dealer
Ln Huron County. Experience not necessary. A fine opportunity to step
into old, -profitable business where Rawleigli Products have been sold
for years. Big profits. Products furnished on credit. Write Rawlelgh’s,
Dept. C-202-163, 'Montreal, Que. 15
BE YOUR OWN BOSS in Exeter and surroundings. Sell products needed
in every home—high commission.
Write now for details to Familex, 1600 Delormier, Montreal._________IQ
PAIRMAN—For service station in South Huron, Good working condi
tions. Apply in writing to Box H, Exeter Times-Advocate._________15c
SALESMAN—We have an opening
for a man to cover territory for
Huron County, 'handling a nationally-
known product. Man hired must have car, good appearance and character,
be married and between age of 25
and 50. No sales experience necessary as we train you our way. If
you feel you can meet these quali
fication; write P.O, Box 2, Goderich, Ontario._____ _______________ 15:22 c
HIRED MAN, for farm work. Sepa
rate house with hydro and water. Apply Frank Hicks, Centralia. 16*
Applications are invited for the position of
South Huron Hospital
Preferment will be given to appli
cants who are qualified to perform
routine institutional maintenance and
janitorial duties. Applicants should
also be capable of operatiing and
maintaining oil fired, hot water
heating system.
Applications should state age, martial status, general qualifications,
past experience and salary expected.
References from previous employers
should accompany applications. "Ad
dress applications in writing to: Ad
ministration. Committee,. South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Ont,____________15 i
ARE YOU INTERESTED in-a full- time sales job, selling for an old
reliable feed company? Local terri
tory. Age 35 to 55 desirable. Must
have a car. Permanent employment
if aggressive; good remuneration. Sales training supplied. Write- Box 522, London, Ontario.__________8-15*
Applications for caretaking the
Town Hall and Public Library will
be received at the office of the Town Clerk up to 12 noon Saturday, March
17. Duties commence April 1.Applicants are requested io state
what help, If any, they ’ will have for carrying out their duties and the
salary required. List of duties involved may be secured from the Clerk. 8:15
C. V. PICKARD, Town Clerk
Year Principal Interest
1957 •$ .1,500 $ 2,115.00
1958 1,600 2,047.50
1959 1,600 1,975.50
1960 1,700 1,903.50
1961 1,800 1,827.00
1962 1,900 1,746.00
19G3 2,000 1,660.50
1964 2,000 1,570.50
1965 2,100 1,480.50
I960 2,'200 1,386,Q0
1967 2,300 1,287.00
1968 2,400 1,183.50
1969 2,500 1,075.50
0.970-2,700 963.00^.
1971 2,800 841.50
497-2 2,900 715.50
1973 3,000 585.00
1974 3,200 450.00
1975 3,300 306,00
1976 3,500 157.50
$ 3,615.003.647.503.575.50
$47,000 $25,276.50 $7'2,276.50
Dated the 23rd day of February,
156.WILFRED HOGAN,Secretary-Treasurer
ner James and Albert Streets. Only
2 'blocks from business section—
$4,200. Bert Clark, Exeter. 15 tfn c
BRICK DWELLING, excellent loca
tion, all conveniences, bath room,"
oil furnace, etc, approximately 2’6
acres of land, specially suitable for-
gardening, also 1 lot, 60x120. Would sell with or without lot or land.
-Apply Gerald Gingerich, phone 134, Zurich. 15:22
100 ACRES, close to No. 4 Highway,
good brick house and ‘barn, hydro throughout; soil is fertile clay'loam,
suitable for grain or cash, crops; 18
acres fall wheat, 70 acres ploughed* balance newly seeded; .good water supply; price $12,500.00; immediate
possession; terms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor. •* 15,
100-ACRE FARM, brick house, bank
'barn with straw shed attached; cement silo, drive shed and h6iT
house; hydro throughout; 5 miles west of No. 4 Highway or 2’£. miles
east of Dashwood on Highway 83;
paved road being built;. Lot 14, South
Boundary of Hay Township. Apply to Horace Pfaff on premises. 8:15*
FARMS—50 acres, house, small barn;
75 acres, ful set buildings;1 95 acres,
full set buildings; 100 acres, -full set
buildings; 150 acres, full set build
ings; 200 acres, special buildings. William Pearce, Realtor; Ear] Par
sons, Fred Cole, Salesmen. 23-tfc
Tenders will be received by the Township of Stephen for concrete
bridges; one on Concession 8, op
posite Lot 5, and the other on the
B Concession; both to be completed by August 1, 1956.Tenders to be in the hands of the
clerk not later than March 34. Plans
and proflies may be seen at the office of the clerk.F. W. MORLOCK, Clerk 15:32:29
Tenders will be received by the Township of Stephen for 1,900 bags
of cement to be delivered to the township shed on or before May 1,
1956.Tenders to be in the hands of the clerk before March 31.
F. W. MORLOCK, Clerk
boards, hot and cold water on top;
heated with oil furnace; adults pre
ferred. available April 1. Phone 671- r-31 Hensall._________________15:22*-
3-R00M APARTMENT, with bath, unfurnished, centrally' located, hot
and cold water, built-in cupboards,
utilities paid, reasonable rent. Apply
Lloyd Ford’s Men’s & Boys’ Wear, phone 299.__________._________16:22*
TRAQUAIR ^APARTMENT, upper, 4 rooms, private entrance, 3-piece
bath, heated and furnished; available
April 1; no children. Apply 59 John
St., lExeter, . l'5c
APARTMENT, ground floor, central
ly located 'to stores and schools, 3-
piece bath, private entrance, recent-
ly redecorated. Phone 143, Exeter.
UPPER APARTMENT, unfurnished, on William St., near downtown, oil-
heated, 4 large rooms and bath,
entirely private, range wiring and
separate hot water tank, recently decorated. Phone 23’2-M, Exeter. 15c
LAND—Large acreage, suitable for
cash crops on cash or share crop
basis. For further information phone
Dashwood 31-1-15 after, 5 p.m. 8:15:22
BRTCK COTTAGE, .3-bedroom, attractive, living room, dining room,
convenient kitchen, 3-pieee bath, per
manent laundry tubs. This comfort
able home is particularly well located on a beautifully treed lot. Owner leaving town. Quick posses
3- BEDROOM BRICK, in best of con-t dition, oil heated, nicely treed lot with good garage. Priced to sell. Immediate possession.
4- BDDROOM HOUSE, with 3 extra
lots. This home is nicely decorated throughout. Hardwood floors and fireplace, forced oil heat; lots beautifully treed; garage; reasonable price;
easy terms.
3-BEDROOM HOME, Exeter North, With approximately one acre of land.. This property can be bought at a very low price. Possession arranged.
2-STOREY BRICK, 3-bedroom, choice location. This property is in wonderful condition and has every modern
convenience including new oil burning furnace. Extra large lot is nicely treed. Brick garage. Possession ar
If you wish to buy or sell see C. V. Pickard, Realtor, 394 Main St., phone
165 and 628. 16
It has been proved at the SHUR-GAIN Demonstration i
Farm that fresh feeds make an important difference |
in a chick’s growth rate. And you’re assured of fresh- I
ness with SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter—it’s made right |
here in our mill. |
Chicks grow 25 percent faster on high efficiency SHUR- i
GAIN . » . feather out earlier . . . mature sooner. This |
year, get faster growth and earlier maturity at econo- i
mical feed cost with the feed you know is fresh—SHUR- i
GAIN Chick Starter. I
Bulk „ New Bags |
ables, by 'the week. Hopper-I-Iockey
Furniture, phone 99, Exeter. 8jtfn c
APARTMENT, by April 1, heated,
central location. Phone Exeter 6-J
or 6-W.________, ___________15*
1 APARTMENT, 3 rooms and bath,
available now; -1 apartment, 4 rooms'
and bath, available April 1; both
unfurnished. Apply John Ward, phone 348,___________________________15*
HOUSE, well located, near schools;
would accomodate one or two families; 3-piece bath up and down;
heavy wiring; Immediate possession.
C. V. Pickard, realtor, 394 Main St.,
Exeter. ______8 tfc c
2 APARTMENTS — Apply Tasty-NU
Bakery, phone 100, Zurich. 9tfc c
PROPERTY—Approximately 2’4 acres
of land in the Village of Zurich o.n which is situated a modern home containing 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and 3-piece bath, full basement, oil heating;
also situated on this property is an aluminum covered 2-storey frame building, 20’x30', and a cement block garage, '26’x68' with coal and wood furnace, four large doors, pit for greasing, 2 wash floors. Price $10,000.00 Charles D. Hay, phone 225 Zurich. IGtfc
100-ACRE FARM, one of Huron’s good quality farms, well Underdrained, good barns, silo, good house with conveniences: Exeter area. William Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons,
Fred Cole, Salesmen. letfc
HOUSE Under construction. Owner
will complete it or sell as now. Extra lots for building. William Pearce,
Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole,
Salesmen, i9tfc
CENTRALTA—Brick duplex, comfortable accommodation for two families;
separate entrances; each has full kitchen and 3-plece bath; heavy wiring; price $7,000; $2,000 cash will handle. C. V. Pickard, Realtor. 5
20% Chick Starter (Med.) ............ $4.15 $4.35
20% Chick Starter Crums .......... $4.50
17% Growing Mash....................... $3.35
17% Growing Pellets ................... $3.70
Gromix Cone- ........................ $5.05
Super Gromix Cone............... $5.35
4-ROOM APARTMENT, centrally located, partially furnished, heated,
bath and hot water, separate entrance; adults only;. reasonable rent. Apply 343 Ahdrew St,, Exeter.9:16:23:1:3:15c
HOUSE—Compact, 2 bedrooms, liv
ing room and kitchenette, 3-plece
bath, fumace-heat'ed, clean, quiet
location. Apply Pinedale Motel, Grand Bend, phone 8, ______ 12-I4tfc
Floor Sanders
Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers
Vacuum Cleaners, Tools, Etc.
4-ROOM APARTMENT, ground floor,
private entrance, Jiving room, bedroom, 8-pfece bath, kitchen with
built-in cupboards; available March I.
Apply 114 Huron St.,- phone 514-W4 or 318, Exeter, 15*
furnace; east side of Exeter; close to schools. R. E, Balkwill, 47 John St.
In The Estate Of
William Becker,
All persons having claims against the estate of William Becker, late
of the Township of Stephen, in the
County of Huron, who died on the 27th day of January 1956, are re
quired to file particulars of same
with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of
Exeter, Ontario, toy the 17th day of
Marell 1956. after which date the
estate will he distributed having re
gard only .to those claims of which
notice has been received.
Bell & Laughton
Solicitors for the Administrator,
Exeter - Ontario.
Of Choice Shorthorn Cattle,
Tractor, Farm Implements
and Household Effects
On the Premises, Lot 8, Con. 8,
USBORNE TOWNSHIP%-Mile South of Winchelsea
The undersigned auctioneer re
ceived instructions to sell by public auction on
FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1956 ■
Commencing at 1:00 p.m. Sharp
White cow, with calf at foot; roan
cow, with calf at foot, freshened in
December; -2 roan cows, with calves
at foot, freshened in January; red
cow, fresh 3 weeks; 2 roan cows,
fresh at sale date; white cow, due
March 23; roan cow, due March 26;
red cow, due April 1; white cow, due
April 10; red cow, due April 15; red
cow, due April 20; red cow, due May 1. This is tin exceptionally good herd of cows, fully T.fi. tested and
hand milked. 2 roan heifers, 2 years
old; 3 steers, rising two year old; 6
baby beefs. All in market condition.■HOGS: Sow carrying third litter,
due May 20; 30 Yorkshire chunks.
. TRACTOR & “FARM IMPLEMENTS: International “H” tractor,
recently overhauled, in A-l condi
tion; International 2-furrow plow?;
International 13-run fertilizer drill,
in good condition; Tudhope-Anderson-
manure spreader,*, on rubber; M-H binder, 7-ft cut; Deering mower-, 5-ft. cut; International drop head
hay loader; M-H side delivery rake;
Bissel land packer, 8 ft. width; team
scuffler; M-H stiff tooth power lift
cultivator; 3-section diamond harrows lever harrows; rubber tire
wagon; flat rack; Fairbanks-Morse 11-inch hammer mill; 10-inch Cock
shutt grain grinder, complete with
speed jack and bagger; 25-ft. belt;
2,000-lb. scales; ,Clinton fanning mill; Viking electric cream separator; root
pulper; %-h.p. electric motor; emery;
3 gas barrels; steel pig trough; 300-
capacity electric Warner chick brooder; 2 range shelters; heat bulb
■brooder; 2 electric fencers; fence
stretcher; chains; forks; shovels, and
■many articles too numerous to men
stoves; heater; 2 extension tables; kitchen chairs; 3 bedroom suites;
quantity of dishes; sealers;, kitchen
No Reserve, everything will be sold.
TERMS: Cash.
ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer
Of Choice Holsteins, Horses,
Hogs, Farm Machinery,
Tractor, Feed and
Household Effects
On the Premises, Lot 25, Con. .9,
Vz-Mile Bast of Zurich and 1 Mile North
The undersigned auctioneer re
ceived instructiolns to sell by public
auction onWEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1956 Commencing at 12 O’clock Sharp
1 week; cow, fresh 3 weeks, with
heifer calf at foot: cow, carrying
third calf, due in May; cow, carry
ing third calf, due before sale date; cow, Carrying third calf, due in April;
heifer, fresh 2 weeks, -with calf at
foot; heifer, carrying second calf,
milking, due latter part of May; cow,
carrying second calf, milking, due latter part of May; cow, carrying
fourth ealf, milking, due latter part
of May; cow, with calf at foot, freSh2 weeks; cow, carrying second calf,
milking, due first week in June;
CoW, carrying second calf, milking, due in June; heifer, with calf at foot,
fresh two weeks; heifer, carrying first calf, due in June; part Holstein
and AngUs heifer, due April 8; 2
Holstein heifers, due in mid-summer; 6 Holstein heifers, rising 2 years old; part Hereford and 'Durham cow, due
•May 11; ;3 Hereford steers, rising 2
year old; -Hereford heifer, due in Augiust; purebred Holstein bull, 10
months old. Holstein cows are of exceptional good quality and high
producing blood lines.HORSES: percheron mare, Belgium
gelding, good vtork team.HOGS: Yorkshire sow -with litter
of ill, 5 weeks old at time of sale.
Two goats; -good Collie dog. .
John Deere Model "M” tractor, completely equipped, hydraulic lift with 2-furrow )plow, in guaranteed A-l
condition,* International 13-run fertilizer drill,* Deering mower, 5-ft. cut;
M-H spring tooth cultivator, With tractor hitch, like new; John Deere
tractor spreader, like new: International 3-bar side rake, like new;
rubber tire wagonf 16-ft. fiat hay
rack; 2 steel tire Wagons; hay rack;
gravel box; grain box at)d stock.
rack; 2 rubber belts, 30 ft. long; M-H
binder, 6-ft. cut; walking plow; 2
sots diamond , harrows; M-H bean puller and scuffler; large steel water
trough; Maxwell hay loader: 3-drum steel roller; 10-ft. steel -dump rake;
Hinman 2-unit milking machine,
Completely equipped, like new,
Bet 8f sleighs, with bunks; pea
harvester; Renfrow electric cream
separator; 250-capacity electric chick
brooder; chicken feeders and shel
ters; 50 lbs. binder twine; electric
fencer; 75 electric fence posts;
quantity of cedar posts; 40-gal. feed cooker; sap pan and buckets; cedar
butcher tub; scalding trouglh; saus
age grinder and press; electric motors; stirrup pump; 500-capacity
electric brooder; copper apple butter
kettle; quantity lumber and bar-b
wire; -two 40-gal. sap tanks; 25-ft. grain pipe and elbow; 2,000-1 b. plat
form scales; bag truck; fanning mill,
complete with selves; cutting box;
snow fence; extension ladders; Ham
ilton heavy duty fence stretcher;
sugar kettle; single-barrel sho-t gun; rifle; logging chains;^ block and
tackle; sledge; vices; harness;
quantity of bags; large assortment of capenter tools and miscellaneous items.
HAY & GRAIN; 10 ton choice
quality mixed hay; quantity Cartier oats and mixed grain; 7’Z> bushels
Clipper seed beans; 1 bushel timothy seed; 3 bushels alfalfa seed.
stove; chesterfield; dining room ex
tention table; chairs; buffet; kitchen
cabinet; 2 cupboards; bedstead; side
board; kitchen chairs; rocking chairs;
arm chair; phonograph; 3 fern stands; couch; pictures; antique burearu;
qtantity of dishes, sqalers, etc., etc,
No Reserve as farip is sold.
TERMS: Cash.
Due to extra large sale, selling
will start sharp on time.
STADE & WEIDO, Clerks ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 8H5
Of High Quality Shorthorns,
Horses, Hogs, Tractor, Truck,
Thresher, Farm Machinery,
Hay, Grain and
Miscellaneous Items
On the Premises, Lot 6, Con. 2, STANLEY TOWNSHIP,
Miles North of Hensall, or 1%
Miles West of Kippen and (Miles North.
The undersigned auctioneer re
ceived instructions to sell by public
auction on
FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1956
Commencing at 12:30 p.m., sharp.
Roan cow, carrying fourth calf, due in April; red.qow, carrying second
calf, due in April; red cow, carrying
third calf, due dn May; roan cow, carrying second calf, due in May;
roan cow, carrying fourth calf, due in April; red cow, carrying fourth
calf, due in May; red cow, carrying second calf, due in May; red cow.
carrying fifth calf, due in April; 5
Durham steers, ready for market,
averaging 1,250 lbs. ..each; 2 Baby
Beefs, averaging 500 lbs. each; 3 steers, rising 2 years old; 2 heifers, rising 2 years old; 5 Durham year
lings; purebred Short-horn bull, rising 3 years old. This is a very choice
herd of cattle, all in market condi
tion.HORSES — General purpose team,
true and reliable; Clyde mare, 8 years old.HOGS—10 York pigs, averaging
185 lbs. each.TRUCK—1950 Chev 16-Ton pick-up truck, very low mileage, in all around new condition.
CHINE—McD. “Super “W” 6. fully
equipped, used one season, like new;
Waterloo 28x45 thresher, fully equipped iwlth cutter, grain blower, etc.,
in A-l condition; two 140-ft. Kling-
ti-te 7-inch drive belts, like new; 200-ft. heavy cable with blocks and
FARM MACHINERY — McDeering binder, 7-ft. cut, like new; McDeering
mower, 6-ft. cut, like new; .McDeering hay loader; Oliver 3-furrow plow,
like new; Cockshutt 4-section- spring tooth harrow; McDeering drop head hay -loader; McDeering horse-drawn
manure spreader, on rubber; Mc
Deering spring tooth cultivator, 8-ft.
cut, equipped with extensions; Fleury
®2-plate tractor disc; '3-drum steel
roller; 10-ft. dump rake; 4-section
diamond harrows; all steel wagon;
rubber tire wagon; 16-ft. hay rack,
■brand new; 2 gravel boxes; Inter
national team scuffler and puller;
100 cap. Spraymotor, completely
equipped, like new; M-H 13-run grain
drill, with fertilizer attachment; single scuffler; sling ropes and
chains; Renfrew electric cream separator; root pulper; Renfrew.- platform
scales, 2,000-lb. cap.; 95-gal. steel
drum; fanning mill; set of britchen
harness; backband harness; bag truck; 40-gal. copper apple-butter
kettile; cutter; quantity of lumber;
quantity of stove wood; grass seeder;
anvil; forge; drill; numerous carpen
ter and blacksmith tools; 7-ton hy- draulic jack; cross-cut saw; wheelbarrow; electric motors; hay fork;'
extension blower pipes; chicken feed
ers and water cans; chains; forks;
shovels; Oliver scuffler and puller,
and many articles too numerous to mention.
HAY & GRAIN—200“ -bales of mixed
'hay; 8 tons loose hay; 150 bushels mixed grain.
dining room suite; 5 ’ complete bedroom suites; kitchen table and chairs;
kitchen stove; coal and wood heater;
'combination book case and writing
desk; rug, 9x12-ft.; small tables; rocking chairs; chest of drawers;
occasional chairs; ice box; sealers;
large apple peeler, etc., etc.
NO RESERVE, as the farm is sold. Due to extra large sale, selling will start sharp On time.
TERMS: Cash.ALVIN McBRIDE, Proprietor
ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 15:22
Of Farm Stock and
Lot 18, North-East Boundary,
6 miles' ’'east ’and 2 miles’ north of
Exeter, 6 -miles south-east of Hensall,
2^ miles south and %-mile west from Cromarty, 6 miles north and west of
At 1:00 oxlock sharp.
REGISTERED HEltEFORDS — 7 cows, -rebred; 7 calves, ranging in
age from May to January (2 good bull prospects, 2 excellent 4-H Guinea
prospects, 2 heifer calves, 1 bull
calf); 1 bred heifer.HOLSTEIN COWS — 1 cow, fresh
ened February 2, due time of sale, 1 due in April, 1 due in June, 1 due
in August; ill heifer due in July; 2 open heifers!' 4 calves (600 to 700
lbs.; l’,6 month old calf.PIGS: A number of weaner pigs.
MACHINERY, Etc. — Case manure spreader, nearly new; rubber tired
wagon and rack; 7-ft, Massey binder;
McCormick-ODeering heed drill, ’Letz
grinder, ton truck rack; 2-umt
Universal milker with pipes; scales; fanning mill with motor; work har
ness; colony house, 10x12 feet; quantity of 'baled hay, oats and several
tons of cob corn.Catalogues for cattle may toe ob
tained from proprietor or auctioneer,
ROBERT HERN, Hensall, Prop.
W. S. O’NEIL, Denfield, Auctioneer RICHARD ETHERINGTON, Clerk 15:22c
Of High Quality Shorthorns,
Horses, Hogs, Tractor,
Farm Machinery, Hay, Grain
and Miscellaneous Items
On the Premises, Lot 21, Con. 10,
BLIND LINJB, HAY, TOWNSHIP, ’/6-M!le East of Zurich
and 1 Mile North.
The undersigned auctioneer re
ceived instructions to sell by public auction on
Commencing at 1 olclock p.m. sharp.
J HIGH QUALITY .SHORTHORNS— Roan cow with third calf at foot, re
bred; roan cow with fourth calf at foot, rebred; red cow carrying fifth calf, due in April; red cow with third
calf at foot, rebred; roan cow with
third calf at foot, rebred; white cow
with fourth calf at foot, rebred; roan
heifer, first c§>lf at foot, rebred; roan
cow with third calf at foot, rebred; roan cow with fourth calf eX foot,
rebred; red heifer with, first calf at foot; red heifer with first calf at
foot, rebred; roan heifer, bred in December; 2 yearling steers and heifers;
registered Shorthorn bull, born June
12, 1953, "Royal Duketon". Sire: Ashfair Royal Command. Dam: Elman-
dorph Augusta. This is a choice herd
of cattle. Convince yourself by seeing them on day of sale. ‘
HORSES: Clyde team, mare and
gelding, averaging 1,800 lbs. each, true and reliable. ,
HOGS: Yorkshire sow, carrying fourth litter, bred January 23; <10
Yorkshire chunks, averaging 100 lbs. each.
—McDeering Model *’C” tractor, com
pletely equipped with hydraulic 2-
Of Property,
Household Effects, and
Some Implements, Etc.
On the Premises,
Part of North-Half Lot 7, Con. 16, HAY TOWNSHDP,
2,U Miles West of Dashwood and 2 Miles North.
The undersigned auctioneer has received Instructions to sell by public
auction on
At 1:30 O’clock, p.m.PROPERTY: Consists of 3 acres of
good garden land. -On the premised
are: a 6-room red brick house; shed,
'20x30 feet; stable for 6 cattle; hen
“house; feed house; good water supply; everything in good condition; a
very desirable property.TERMS: 10% on day of sale, bal
ance in 30 days. Will be offered for
sale subject to a reasonable reserve
bid. Immediate possession, cari. be
Cheer stove; dining room table and chains; 2 rocking chairs; drop leaf
table: small table; cupboard; chest
drawers; cedar chest; 2 Aladdin lamps; sofa bed; fruit jars; kitchen
Chairs; pots; pans; dishes; knives
and forks; Singer sewing machine; dresser; 2 stands; bed springs and
mattress; meat grinder and press; quilts; mats; feather ticks; coal oil
stove; coal oil heater; coal oil lan
terns; washing machine; tools; cross
cut saw; spades; shovels; hoes; rake; axes; pails; forks; 40-gal. coal oil barrel; 5-gal, coal oil can; 1 -gul. coal
Oil can; lawn mower; hand scuffler;
bath tub: colony house, 10x12 feet;
some cedar posts; iron kettle; some
feed bags; barrels; about 8 cords' of mixed wood; rubber tiro buggy; _11- disc Cochshutt drill; Tudhopo Ander
son dump -rake, etc., etc.TERMS: Cash.
Dashwood, R.R. No. 1 R, F. STADE, Clerk
E. McNElL, Auctioneer dddd ddddd ddd
fuwoiw plow, in new condition; M-Ji
Binder; 6-ft. cut; McDeering mower, 6-ft. cut; M-H side rake; Cockshutt
11-run fertilizer drill; M-H manure spreader, on steel; 10-ft. dump rake;
M-H cultivator; M-H bean, scuffler and puller; 2-drum steel roller; rub
ber tire wagon; l(J-ft. flat hay rack; hay loader; 2 walking plows; steel
tire wagon and hay rack; 4-section diamond harrows; set of bob sleighs;
cutting box and blower; root pulper; oat roller; gravel box; fanning mill
and sieves; 2,000-lb, cap. scales; pig crate; electric clipper; Burdizzo castorator; DeLavel cream separator;
logging chains; bag truck; 4-wheel
trailer; quantity of -scrap iron; bug
gy; cutter; antique spinning ^heel;
barrels; shovels; forks; chains, and
many articles too numerous to
mention, . - ,HAY & GRAIN— 10 tons of mixed
clover; 10 tons of timothy and clover
hay; 4 tons alfalfa and timothy hay;
300 .bales of alfalfa and timothy; all
choice quality; 1200 bushels choice mixed grain, oats and barley; 6
bushels alfalfa and red clover mixed.
NO RESERVE, as farm is sold.
TERMS: Cash.
Of Valuable Real Estate,
Tractor, Farm Implements
and Feed
On the Premises,
The Farm of Peter Doyle,
2’,6 -Miles 'East of Mt. Carmel and 2U Miles South or 5 Miles North of
Ailsa Craig.The undersigned auctioneer is in
structed to sell by public auction on
FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1 ;30 P.M.
REAL ESTATE: Consists of 100-
acre farm on which is situated well- built brick dwelling with all modern
conveniences, large bank barn, 82x 36, good sized hen house and pig pent
never failing water supply; land
choice clay loam, 15 acres of mixed bush, 30 acres freshly seeded, balance ready for spring seeding. Farm is well situated. Inspection invited -be
fore day of sale.TERMS OF REAL ESTATE: 10%
on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable reserve
bid if not previously sold,TRACTOR & FARM MACHINERY —Allis Chalmers "A" C tractor, used
two seasons, completely equipped with hydraulic lift; John Deere 16-
run tractor drill, on rubber, complete
ly equipped, like new; John Deere
binder, '8-ft. cut, on rubber, like
new; Fluery-Bissell tractor disc; John Deere 4-bar side delivery rake;
rubber hire wagon, 16-ft. hay rack: Allis Chalmers 2-row scuffler and
puller; 4-sectTon diamond harrows; hay loader; colony house: all steel
buck rake; root pulper;. 116-ton fer
tilizer; chains; many articles too-
numerous to mention.POULTRY: 100 Hamp, and Rock
yearling hens.FEED: 700 bales of mixed hay,
choice quality;. 15 tons out straw.
TERMS: Cash.NO RESERVE—Everything will be
March Drug
16 oz. 43c
40 oz. 87c
Regular 490
.J S.
2 For
Regular 570
—— — - u ' ..................................
See Our Windows and Your Daily Newspaper
For Many Other Bargain Values
EXETER Phone 50