HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-03-08, Page 6» «i|M THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 8, 1956 The First Classified Buyer This Week Wins A $5.00 Bill FOR SALE FOR SALE CLARE JEWEL RANGE, comblna- W coal, wood and electric; like now; reasonable. Dennis Gingerich, .Pbone 37-r-12,. Dashwood, 8:15 WINDMILL, ail bath with tower, regulated, tn good working condition,'. Apply Charles Prout, Phone 378-W1. Exeter.........................* • 8* IPIANO, Newcombe upright, in good (condition, Apply Mrs. E. M, Fahrner. Crediton, or phone Credlton 5. 8 O.B. TEAKETTLE; automatic toast­ er; preserved peaches, pears and Iliums; pint and quart sealers; reason­ably priced, 506 Andrew St., phone »W-J. ______ "________ 8c HIGH CHAIR; Singer Sewing Ma­ chine folding table for Featherweight portable machine; baby’s car seat and crib; reasonably priced. 506 An- drew St., phone 303-J. _________Sc MILKING MACHINE, Universal Co­ op, complete with pipe line. Apply JEdwin Miller, phone 44-r-2, Exeter, 8* FARM WAGONOn 16” Tires, Roller Bearings *41 CHEV TRUCK With Side Dump, Sugar Beet Rack ’48 FARGO 2%-TON TRUCK Long Wheelbase *38 DODGE COACH GLENN’S AUTO WRECKERS Phone 418, Exeter 8c CHAIRS, ROCKERS, stands, dishes, bicycles, bells, stuffed birds and animals, music boxes, clocks, old items. Simon Sweitzer, William St, 8 QUANTITY OF BALED HAY and baled straw. Phone 21-r-10 Kirkto-n. 8* 4 BEEF HEIFERS, white face, bred Polled Hereford, due in 1 to 6 weeks. Apply Rea Neil, Clandeboye,______8* QUANTITY SQUARE BALED HAY, good quality. Apply Don Parsons', phone 673-r-33, Hensall.________8:15 MIXED HAY, 500 bales; also house for rent, available now. Phone 681-r- 11, Hensall, or apply Alex McBeath, Kippen. 8:15* HATCHING EGG OPPORTUNITIES WelLKnown Local Hatchery Needs Limited Quantity of Additional Flock Owners For Year-Round Production. For Full Information Write: Box FB, Exeter Tinies-Advocate I ..... 1 | ■ . ■ 30 WEA.W BIGS — Apply Allen Westcott, phone i76-r-32, Exeter. 8* ELECTRIC STOVE, McClary, 3- burner, in good condition. Phone 17G- r-23, Exeter, _____ Sc CLOTHING — Trousers, navy blue English gabardine, 37 waist, short leg; man’s spring overcoat, brown, 36-38 size; girl’s station wagon coat, rust, mouton collar, size 8-10. Can foe seen at Brady Cleaners. 118c 2 HEREFORD BULLS, registered, 1 year old. Apply William B. Thomp­ son, 2 miles south and 2 miles west of Centralia. 1:8* LADIES' WINTER COAT, size 14; ladies’ gabardine suit, size 18. May be seen at Brady Cleaners._____1:8* BOY’S SUIT, navy blue coat and grey flannel trousers, in new condi­ tion, age 14-15 years; price $10.00. May be seen at Brady Cleaners. Ap- ply Mrs. Harry Coates.__________Snc 10 COWS, due In March and April. Apply Wally Wein, phone 54 Dash- wood. ______________________1:8c 9.5 NEW ADMIRAL Refrigerator Cu. Ft. — Push-Button Defrost $275.00 TRAQUAIR HARDWARE 8c TRACTOR. W.C. Allis Chalmers, new tires, $550; rear end Ford loader, ■$80, Wally Wein, phone 54 Dash­wood^_________________23:1:8:15:22* CAPONS—-Started capons on order, and custom caponizing. Apply Carj Oestreicher, phone 57-r-23, Dashwood.16:2-17:6 53 Ford Sedan 2-Tone Green, Twin Indicators, Back-up Lights, Radio In A-l Condition Reason for Selling: Going Overseas Apply Mrs. K. C. Bridges Phone 384-J, Exeter (Sc BALED HAY, .alfalfa and timothy. Gerald' Isaac, ph'one 720-W12, Exeter. 8c CANADIAN PROPANE GAS & APPLIANCES GRATTON & HOTSON Phone 156 Grand Bend Garages Evening Service Open this Sunday, Wednes­ day afternoon, and during the evenings throughout the week: Hunter-Duvar ■■ & SONS LTD. will be at his office Saturday Afternoons To Vaccinate Dogs Against Rabies (Other Times by-Appointment) FEE $4.00 EACH Now Is The Time To Look Over Your SPRING SHOES And Have Them Repaired Spring is just around the corner, so have your shoes ready. Men’s and Boys’ OXFORDS St WORK BOOTS Now on Display DACKS $14.95 UP Select Yours Now Men’s and Boys’ RUBBER FOOTWEAR For All Occasions- ; See Us Before You Buy WUERTHS Rhone 252 Exeter MIXED HAY, 500 bales.Hufoert Hey- wood, phone 32-r-14, Kirkton. 8c GIRLS’ RED COAT and hat, size 4, in good condition, May be seen, at Brady Cleaners._______________8:16* CLEAN WHEAT STRAW, approxi­ mately Q0 bales. Phone 43 Creditom OIL BROODER, 500-chick size; 2 rain shelters; nests for 30*B hens; assortment of troughs. Apply Bev Parsons, phone 172-r-21, Exeter. 8% REAL ESTATE 100-ACRE FARM, brick house, ‘bank barn with straw shed attached, cement silo, drive shed and hen house; hydro throughout; 5 miles west of No. 4 Highway or 2^ miles east of Dashwood on Highway 83; paved road being built; Lot 14, South Boundary of Hay Township. Apply to Horace Pfaff on premises. 8:15* 1-00 ACRES—10 miles north of Gode­rich. Opportunity for New Canadian. Good barn and house; sandy loam; 15 acres bush; good fencing; lots of •water; windmill; $4,700, good terms. R. I. Harris, realtor, London. Apply Biill Cochrane, phone 106, Grand Bend. 8c CLANDEBOYE — $4,800 2-bedroom, modern cottage; automatic oil heat; taxes $27.00. Terms can foe arranged. Apply J. Carruthers, Clandeboye. S* INCOME PROPERTY — Five-family apartment house, fully furnished, good location in Air Force town; in­ come over $200 monthly; owner will sacrifice; for immediate sale due to ill health; easy terms; make good pay for itself home for working man or retired couple. Phone Clinton 73-J,____________ _____________. 1:8c FARM—Lot 18, north-east boundary of Usborne Township, containing 80 acres of clay loam, 4 acres foush, 4 acres wheat, 30 acres seeded, balance in cultivation; good buildings; barn with pressure system and water bowls; henhouse, colony 'house and drive shed; good water supply from drilled well; brick house with ‘bath­room and furnace. For particulars see John Selves, Hensall, Ont. 1:8* FARMS—50 acres, ’ house, small barn: 75 acres, ful set buildings; 95 acres, full set buildings; 100 acres, full set •buildings; 150 acres, full set build­ ings; 200 acres, special buildings. William Pearce, Realtor; Earl Par- sons, Fred Cole, Salesmen._____23tfc EXETER HOMES—C. V. PICKARD BRICK COTTAGE, 3-bedroom, at­ tractive, living room, dining room, convenient kitchen, 3-piece 'bath, per­ manent laundry tubs. This comfort­able home is particularly well lo­ cated on *a beautifully treed lot. OWHVr leaving town, Quick posses­ sion. 3- BEDROOM BRICK, in best of con­dition, oil heated, nicely treed lot with good garage. Priced to sell. Im­mediate possession. 4- BEDROOM HOUSE, with 3 extra Jots. This home is nicely decorated throughout. Hardwood floors and fireplace, forced oil heat; lots beauti­fully treed; garage; reasonable price; easy terms. 3-BEDROOM HOME, Exeter North, ■with approximately one acre of land. This property can foe bought at a very low price. Possession arranged. 2-STOREY BRICK, 3-foedroom. choice location. This property is in wonder­ful condition and has every modern convenience including new oil burn­ ing furnace. Extra largo lot is nicely treed. Brick garage. ‘Possession ar­ranged: v ’ If you wish to buy or sell see C. V. Pickard, Realtor, 391 Main St., phone 165 and 628.________________ 16 PROPERTY—Approximately 2% acres of land in the village of Zurich on which is situated a modern home containing 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and 3-piece bath, full basement,- oil heating; also situated on this property is an aluminum A covered 2-storey frame 'building, 20’x30’, and a cement block garage, i2G’x68’ with coal and wood furnace, four large doors, pit for greasing, 2 wash floors. Price $10,000.00 Charles D. Hay,.phone 225 Zurich,........ letfc 100-A.CR® FARM, one of Huron’s good quality farms, well under­drained, good barns, silo, good house with conveniences: Exeter area. Wil­liam Pearce, Realtor; Earl parsons, Fred Cole,, Salesmen, 16tfc HOUSE Under construction. Owner will complete it or sell as now. Extra lots for building. Wiliiam Bearce, Realtor: Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen. lOtfc CENTRALIA—Brick duplex, comfort­ able accommodation for two families; separate entrances; each has full kitchen and s-niece. >.bath; heavy wiring; price $7Jh)0; $2,000 cash will handle., C. V, Pickard,. Realtor, 5 NKtV, MODERN HOtTSE with Oil , furnace: oast side of Exeterj close to schools. IL E. Balkwill, 47 John St. FOR SALE TABLE, BUFFET and 6 chairs, colonial walnut. Apply Mrs. Art Gaiser, phone l‘G4-r-9, Dashwood. 8* 1951 HILLMAN MOTOR with marine package and disappearing propeller housing. Was <usgd in boat for two years. Would make ideal inboard motor or power plant. Overhauled last spring. Gerald Gingerich, Zurich, phone 34. 8:15 BABY MADE BUDGIES — Just ar­ rived, specially selected, in wide range of colors. Wide selection of cages and stands, at attractive prices. Cann's Mill Ltd., phone 135, Exeter. 8 SOFT & HARD WOOD—Apply to •Leonard Harris. R.R. 1 Kirkton, •phone 33-U8, Kirkton. 8* UPRIGHT PIANO, Nordheimer, ap­proximately 5‘ high by 5' 4” long. Price $100.—Mrs. William Ethering- ton. 8 WOOD CABINET SINK, white porce­ lain cast iron sink, left hand drain­ board, complete with chrome fawcets and ibuilt-in wooden cabinet with cutlery drawer. Phone 190, Warren May, 243 Andrew St, 8* 20 LITTLE PIGS, 7 weeks old. Apply Ray McCarter, 1% miles west of Ex­ eter on Highway 83. 8c BABY CHICKS FOR SALE STARTED PULLETS, day-old chicks. See display ad. The Lakeview Hatchery Ltd., of Exeter. 8c BRAY" HATCHERY has full line of chicks. Pullets (limited quantity started), cockerels, day-old. Broilers for April-May should be on order now. Ask for weekly lists of Bray ’’specials" available. Hatchery also has special strains as Babcock Leg­ horns, etc. Full information, Erie Carscadden, Exeter, phone 246-W, 8c SERVICES ATTENTION all Co-Op Universal Milker owners! Bring your pulsators to us for FREE cleaning and ad­ justing. We carry a full line of re­pairs. Exeter District Co-Op.23:1:8c- FARMERS! Have all your saws sharpened and set at Stew's Sharp­ening Service, 105 Sanders St,, Ex­eter, phone 454. 3tfc WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION “Where Better Bulls Are Used” Artificial Insemination serviced for all breeds of cattle. For service or information phone Clinton 515 col­ lect, between 7:30 and 10:00 A.M. on week days and 7:30 and 9:30 A.M. on Sundays. tfc WANTED 'SMALL FRAME J3ABIN—Apply Dar­ ling’s I.G.A. 8c I "WILL PAY $3.00 for young dogs, weighing 25 lbs. or over, delivered to me, until further notice. Albert W. Shirray, R.R. 2 Hensajl, phone 683-r- Id, Hensall. 1:8:15* EMPLOYMENT WANTED STORE WORK, housework, house­ cleaning; town or country; by reli­ able woman. Apply to Mrs. Murray McCreery, Fink Apts., Hensall, phone 5, Hensall. 8 LOST BROWN LEATHER GLOVE, for right hand; lost on east side of Ex­eter Arena on Saturday night. Finder please leave at Exeter Times- Advocate. Apply Harold Carter, R.R. 6, St. iMarys, phone Kirkton 115-r-7. 8c FOR RENT 4-R00M AFARTMEHT, upstair, heated, hot and cold water, bath and •toilet, separate entrance. Apply 170 Victoria St., phone 637-R. $* LAND—Large acreage, suitable for cash crops on cash or share crop basis. For further information phone Dashwood 31-r-15 after, 5 p.m, 8:15:22, SEWING MACHINES—Electric port­ables, by -the week. Hopper-Hockey Furniture, phone 99, Exeter. 8tfn c APARTMENT, by April 1, heated, central location. Phone Exeter 6-J or 6-W. 8c - 14 Apartments dean cheery, steam heated apart­ ments in the Elliot apartment build­ ing; all occupied. One will be vacant 'March 10. Phone now for reservation, 476 Elliot Apartments. 1:8c 1 APARTMENT, 3 rooms and bath, available now; .1 apartment, 4 rooms and bath, available April 1; both unfurnished. Apply John Ward, phone 348. 8* UPPER APARTMENT, 4-room, 2- piece (bath; available March 9. Apply Lakeview Hatchery. 8c APARTMENTS—Upstairs, side ent­ rance, all furnished, with phone. Apply 357 Carling St., Exeter. 8C 3-ROOM APARTMENT—iPhone 788- M after 6:09 p.m. • 8tfc c HOUSE, well located, near schools; would accomodate one or two fami­ lies; 3-piece 'bath up and down; heavy wiring; immediate possession. C.'V. Pickard, realtor, 394 Main St., Exeter., 8tfc c 2 APARTMENTS — Apply Tasty-Nu Bakery, phone 100, Zurich. 9tfc c 4-ROOM APARTMENT, centrally lo­ cated, partially furnished, heated, bath and hot water, separate ent­ rance; adults only; reasonable renJ.. Apply 343 Andrew St., Exeter.9:16:23:1:8c Cosy Apartment Central —• Lower .Floor Comfortable, attractive, modern rooms, new kitchen cupboards, 3- plece bath: private entrance; self contained; hot and cold water; near schools and stores; on east side of town; cute as a button and neat as a pin; newly decorated; immediate possession: act fast. PHONE 143 EXETER 1:8 HOUSE!—Compact, 2 bedrooms, liv­ ing room and kitchenette, 3-pfece bath, furnace-heated, clean; quiet location. Apply Pinedale Motfel, Grand Bend, phone 8. 12-14tfc Floor Sanders Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers Vacuum Cleaners, Tools, Etc. . BEAVERS HARDWARE, EXETER APARTMENTS — 14 clean, cheery, steam heated apartments in the Elliot apartment building; all occu­ pied; one will be vacant March 1. Phono now for reservation, 476 Elliot Apartments. 1:8c 4-RODM APARTMENT, ground floor, private entrance, living room, bed­room, 3-piece hath, kitchen with built-in cupboards; available March 1. Apply Huron St., phono 514-W4 or 318, Exeter l:8e HELP WANTED BI-LINGUAI4 STENOGRAPHER, for part-time office work. Apply at LOke- vlew Hatchery Ltd. i8c DUTCH BOY, age 15-17, to work on farm. Starting right away. Apply Times-Advocate.__________ s* ARE YOU INTERESTED in a full­time sales job, selling for an old reliable feed company? Local terri­ tory. Age 35 to 55 desirable. Must have a car, permanent employment if aggressive; good remuneration. Sales training supplied. Write Box 522, London, Ontario, 8:15* NOTICE RE CARETAKER Applications for caretaking the Town Hall and Public Library will be received at the office of the Town Clerk up to 12 noon Saturday, March 17. Duties commence April 1.Applicants are requested to state what help, if any, they will have for carrying out their duties end the salary required. List of duties in­volved may be secured from the Clerk. C. V. PICKARD, Town Clerk 8:15 WITH EASTER AHEAD you have greater sales possibilties. Sell finest line of household necessities and cosmetics in your surroundings. Highest commission. Ask for free details. FAMTDEX, Dept. A., Box F, Station C„ Montreal._________ 8 Stenographer equipped for corn and hay; Gehl forage blower; Smalley forage blower: 3 forage boxes; 3 good rubber tired wagons; (8%-ft. stiff tooth cultivator, International, hydraulic; 4-furrow In­ ternational plow, hydraulic, new; 3- furrow Massey-Harris plow; 10-ft. tractor disc, International, hydraulic, new; 12-ft. John Deere spring tooth drags; John Deere one-way disc; 15- run double disc; International fer­tilizer drill, like new; 2 sets diamond harrows; 2 culti-packers; steel roller; 10-lnch Gehl hammer mill; Ebersoll 1,500-lb. feed mixer; International 7- ft. power mower; International 4-bar side rake. Gem electric oat roller; 75-ft 7-lnch drive belt; McCormick hay baler, like new; Universal milking machine, pipe line, double unit; •McCormick-Deering electric cream separator, like new; 2,000-lb. scales; fanning mill; power emery; electric welder; air compres­ sor; electric welder; sugar beet lifter, will fit Oliver 60 or 70; set of farm sleighs: Case tractor manure spreader; grain elevator; tools, chains and other articles too numerous to mention.GRAIN; 1000 bus. of good mixed grain. <• HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Clare Jewel, all enamel cook stove, hot Water front, like new. PROPERTY: Farms will foe offered for sale if not previously sold.Parcel 1: Lot 8, Con. 11, Tucker­smith Township, 100 acres, more or less; large bank barn, good stabling; steel driving shed, new; good water supply; hydro; frame house with all modern conveniences, Parcel 2: Lot’ 10, Con. 9, Tucker­smith Township, 100 acres, 95 acres of workable land, 5 acres of foush; good water supply, •" « Both farms are in good state of cultivation. TERMS: Chattels cash.Property made known day of sale— sold subject to reserve bid.Estate of the late Harry Caldwell HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk l:So Age 17 to 23, single preferred. Must have shorthand and reasonable typ­ ing speed and basic education equivalent to 3 years at high school. Good working conditions 5 day - 35 hour week Hospitalization benefit, etc. Luncheon allowance Telephone or write: The Northern Life Assurance Co. of Canada 291 Dundas Street, London; Ont. Telephone London 4-4517 8 YOUNG GIRL for light housework, for modern farm home; sleep in; small baby; young couple; steady employment. Mrs. R. L. Dullman, R.R. 1 Cromarty, phone 670-r-21, Hensall. 1:8* MAN for steady travel among con­ sumers in Huron County. Perman­ ent connection with large manufac­ turer. Only reliable hustler consider­ ed. Write Rawleigh’s Dept. C-202-131, Montreal, P.Q. 1:8 NOTICES ■TAKE NOTICE that the Board of CTruisteGs - *' ””Separate School for School 'section Number Six in the Township of Stephen did on the 23rd day of February, .1956, pass By-law Number 2 to authorize the borrowing of the sum of $47,000.00 by the issue of de­ bentures to the principal amount' of $474)00.00, bearing interest at the rate of Four and One-half percent ‘ (4%%) per annum, and maturing fft’; twenty annual instalments of princi­ pal of varying amounts as set forth ■in Schedule “A” hereto. The purpose for which the money is to be borrowed is for the building and equipping of a new school.The security for the amount to be borrowed is as follows: (a) During twenty years, the cur­ rency of the debentures, the respec­ tive sums set forth in the fourth column of Schedule “A” hereto are required to be levied and collected annually by the Said Board by a special rate sufficient therefore over and aJbove all other rates in the ■same manner and from the like per­ sons and property by, from, upon or out of which other Separate School nates may be levied, raised and col­lected by the said Board. (b) The debentures, os to both principal and interest are a charge upon the separate school rates ' ’ upon the school house property premises and any other real or sonal property vested in the Board. SCHEDULE “A”TO BY-LAW NUMBER 2 $47,000' 4%% Debentures Dated March 15th, 1956 Due March 16th, 1957-1976 ■Principal $ .1,500 1,600 1,600 1.700 1,800 1.900 2,000 2,000 2,.100 2,200 •2,300 2,4002.500 2.700 2,8002.900 3,000 3,200 3,3003.500 of the Boman Catholic Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Livestock, Tractor, Farm Implements, Hay, Grain and Miscellaneous Items On the Premises, Lot 2, Con. 13, TUCKERSMITH TOWNSHIP 1% Miles East of Hensail and 1 Mile South The undersigned auctioneer ceived instructions to sell by auction on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, isoo Commencing at 1 O’clock p.m, Sharp LIVESTOCK: Holstein .cow, . ing, carrying third calf, due latter part of May; Holstein cow, carrying third calf, due March 13; Holstein cow, carrying second calf, due be­ fore sale date; Holstein cow, carry­ing fourth calf, due April 6; ibrindile cow, diue latter part of March: Dur­ham cow, carrying third caGf, due March 15; part Holstein and Angus cow, carrying third calf, due March 10; Jersey cow, carrying fourth calf, due before sale date; Durham heifer, milking, fresh six weeks; 2 Holstein heifers, bred two months; Durham heifer, due in April; 2 part Hereford and Durham yearlings; 2 steers, ris­ ing two years old; purebred Hereford bull, -15 months old. TRACTOR; Allis Chalmers "C.A.”, fully equipped with scuffler, culti­ vator and bean puller, all in brand new condition; 13-run McDeering fertilizer drill, like new; McDeering side delivery rake; McDeering mower, 5-ft. cu't; hay loader; M-H binder, 6- ft. cut; Oliver 2-furrow tractor plow; 32-plate tractor disc; 2-drum steel roller; manure spreader: rubber tire wagon; 2 sets 3-sectio.n diamond har- tows; 15 steel posts; large steel water trough; Letz grinder, like pew; 50-ft. rubber endless hammer mill belt; quantity of lumber' 6 milk cans; new aluminium11 grain shovel; hay fork; rope; sling ropes; 10 bags 2-12-10 fertilizer; 7 bags 33% nitro­gen; shovels, forks, etc. HAY & GRAIN; 250- bushels Clinton seed oats; 5 tons cob corn; 8 tons mixed hay. No reserve as farm is sold.TERM£: Cash. JDOBKE -M. DAMM, Prop. ROSS LOVE. CLERK ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer re­public 1956 milk- and and per­ said Year 19571958 1959 19601961196219631964 19651966 1.967 19681969 19701971 119(72 .197319741975 1976 Interest $ 2,115.00 2,047.50 1.975.50 1.903.50 1,827.00 1,746.001.660.50 1.570.50 1,4(80.50 1,386.00 1,- 1,075.50 963.00 841.50’ 715.50 585.00 450.00 306.00 157.50 Total $ 3,615.003.617.50 3,575.603.603.50 '3,627.00 3,646.00 3,'660.50 3.570.50 3.580.50 3,586.00 3,587.0013.583.50 3.575.50 3,663.00 3,641,50' 3.615.50 3,585.00- 3,650.00 3,606.00 3.657.50 $47,000 $25,276.50 $7'2,276.50 Dated the 23rd day of February, WILFRED HOGAN,Secretary-Treasurer 1956. 8 NOTICES TO CREDITORS In The Estate Of William Becker, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of William Becker, late of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, who died on the 27th day of January 1956, are re­ quired to file particulars of same with Beil & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, iby the 17th day of March 1956, after which date the estate Will be distributed having re­ gard only ito those claims of which notice has been received. , Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Administrator, Exeter - Ontario. 1::8:15 AUCTION SALES Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Farm, Farm Stock arid Bower Machinery At Lot 8, Concession 11 TUCKERSMITH TOWNSHIP TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 12:30 P.M. CATTLE: 3 Durham and Hereford cows, due time of sale,MACHINERY: Oliver 88 Diesel tractor, adjustable front axle, 1'954 made!; John Deere M tractor manure loader and scuffler; Oliver fiO-ro-w crop tractor; Cockshutt combine. No 132, 10-ft. header, and fully equinned: Keck-Gon nerman pickup bean com­ bine, used 1 season; T.D, 6 inter­national bulldozer, complete with hydraulic angle dozer, in A-l condi­ tion; Gehl forage harvester, fmiy AUCTION SALE Of Doctors Instruments and Real Estate 1% Blocks West of Main Street on Huron Street,' EXETER WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1 P.M. The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction the following: Oil burner; Jafge quantity rubber mats; set of baby scales; 2 sets floor scales; filing cabinet; 2 screw-top stools; 2 medicine tables; 2 exam, tables with sponge mattresses; table; large cabinet; 2 floor-lamps; camp stove; blankets; dresser and dressing set with large mirror; 2-burner hot plate; small stand; odd chair; smok­ ing stand and rocker; medical in­ struments of all kinds. At the same time and place there will foe offered for sale the house and lot—2-storey brick house with frame kitchen, 3 bedrooms, large dining room, sitting room, good fur­ nace; garage. GORDON APPLETON, Prop. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer CLARK FISHER, Clerk i Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock & Machinery At Lot 5, Concession 12 TUGKERSMITH TOWNSHIP 3 Miles East ..of Hensall FRIDAY, MARCH 46 „ at 12 O’clock Sharp CATTLE: 4 Holstein cows, due lat­ ter part of March; 3 Holstein cows, milking and rebred; 6 Jersey cows, fresh; ll Jersey cows, due time of sale; number of Hereford calves; 1 Guernsey cow, fresh; 1 registered Hereford bull, 2 years old; 12 Dur­ham and Hereford heifers and steers, 1 year old.MACHINERY: Model D Case trac­ tor; Model LA Case tractor; above tractors in good condition; 3-furrow tractor plow; 7%-It. stiff tooth Cock­ shutt cultivator; 8-ft. tractor disc; 3- section drag harrows; Massey-Harris 10-inch grain grinder; 3-sectlon har­ rows; 7-ft, Cockshutt binder; Cock­shutt 4-bar^side rake, v new; Massey- new; 15-run power fer- v...__ ___, like new. " ' roller; 2 manure spreaders, one on rubber; all-steel rubber tired wagon; 16-ft. hay rack; electric Viking cream separator; Universal milking ma­ chine with 4 single units; number of 8-gal. milk cans; milk pails; strain­ ers; 40 ft. of grain blower pipes; 32- ft. extension ladder; root pulper; 9- ft. 3-drum steel roller; 140 ft. drive belt: 70 ft. drive belt; 30 ft. drive belt; Vise power emery.Work bench; oil barrels; 2 electric fencers; posts; wire; 2 rubber tired feed carts; 1 rubber tired milk cart; horse rake; oil bath pump jack: rotary .pump with h.p. motor; 200 ft, of plastic and galvanized pipes; quantity of hemlock lumber and rock elm plank: forks; shovels; tools; log­ ging chains; large galvanized water trough; shallow weir pressure water unit; colony house, 12x12, like new: 500-oapacIty electric brooder; 7x16 outdoor granary; number of steel chicken and pig troughs; other poultry equipment; quantity of household effects including tables, chairs, buf­ fet. bedroom furniture.TERMS: Cash, - No reserve—farm GDEH SLAVIN, Prop. a Harold jackson, Auct. TO- P, CHESNEY, Clerk 1:8c tor; Model LA .Case..tractor.; _above tractor plowF 716-tt... stiff tooth.Cock- secdon "drag'harrows; Massey-Harris 10-inch grain grinder; 3-sectlon har­ rows; 7-ft. Cockshutt binder; Cock­ shutt 4-bar side rake, new; Massey- Harris silo filler; New Idea 7-ft, trac­ tor mower, ..t,;; 1Z f._ tillzer drill, like new; 3-drum steel .vl'.ir; 2 manure spreaders, cr.c or rubber; all-steel rubber tired wagon Universal milking ma- SOW. Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Choice Shorthorn Cattle, Tractor, Farm Implements and Household Effects On the Premises, Lot 8, Con. 8, _ USBORNE TOWNSHIP %-Mlle South of Wdnchelsea The undersigned auctioneer re­ ceived instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1956 Commencing at 1:00 p.m. Sharp CHOICE SHORTHORN CATTLE: White cow, with calf at foot; roan cow. witli calf at foot, freshened in December; 2 roan cows, with calves at foot, freshened in January; red cqw, fresh 3 weeks; 2 roan cows, fresh at sale date; white cow, due March 23; roan cow, due March 26; red cow, due April 1; white cow, due April 10; red cow, due April 15; red cow, due April 20; red cow, due May 1. This Is Un exceptionally good herd of cows, fully T.B. tested and hand milked. 2 roan heifers, 2 years old; 3 steers, rising two year old;. 6 bafoy beefs. All in market condition. HOGS: Sow carrying third litter, due May 20; 30 Yorkshire chunks. TRACTOR & FARM IMPLE­MENTS; International "H" tractor, recently overhauled, in A-l condi­tion; International 2-furrow plow; International 13-run fertilizer drill, in good condition; Tudh ope-Anderson manure spreader, on rubber; M-H binder, 7-ft cut; Deering mower, 5-ft. cut; International drop head hay loader; M-H side delivery rake; Bissel land packer, 8 ft, width; team scaiffler; M-H stiff tooth power lift cultivator; 3-section diamond har­ rows; lever harrows; rubber tire wagon; flat rack; Fairbanks-Morse 11-inch hammer mill; 10-inch Cock­ shutt grain grinder, complete with speed jack and bagger; 25-ft. belt; 2,000-lb, scales; Clinton fanning mill; Viking electric cream separator; root pulper; %-h,p. electric motor; emery; 3 gas barrels; steel pig trough; 300- eapacity electric Warner chick brood Or; 2 range shelters; heat bulb brooder; /2 electric fencers; fence stretcher; chains; forks; shovels; and ■many articles too numerous to men­tion, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—2 kitchen stoves; heater; 2 extension tables; kitchen chairs; 3 bedroom suites; quantity of dishes; sealers; kitchen utensils.No Reserve, everything will be sold, TERMS: Cash. . JOE BAILEY, Prop GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 8 Extensive ^AUCTION SALE Of Choice Holsteins, Horses Hogs, Farm Machinery,' Tractor, Feed and Household Effects On the Premises, Lot 25, Con. 9, HAY TOWNSHIP, BLIND LINE l^-Mile Bast o<f Zurich and 1 Mile North The undersigned auctioneer re­ ceived instructioins to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1956 Commencing at 12 O’clock Sharp CHOICE HOLSTEINS: Cow, fresh 1 week; cow, fresh 3 Weeks, with heifer calf at foot: cow, carrying third calf, due in May; cow, carry­ing third calf, due before sale date; cow, carrying third calf, due in April; heifer, fresh. 2 weeks, with calf art; foot; heifer, carrying second calf, milking, due latter .part of May; cow, carrying second calf, milking, due latter part of May; cow, carrying fourth calf, milking, due latter part of May; cow, with calf at foot, freish 2 weeks; cow, carrying second calf, milking, due first week in June; cow, carrying second calf, milking, due in June; heifer, with calf at foot, fresh two weeks; heifer, carrying first calf, due in June; part Holstein and Angus heifer, due April 8; 2 Holstein heifers, due in mid-summer; 6 Holstein heifers, rising 2 years old; part Hereford and 'Durham cow, due May 11; >3 Hereford steers, rising 2 year old; Hereford heifer, due in August; purebred Holstein bull, 10 months .old. Holstein cows are of exceptional good quality and high producing blood lines. HORSES: Perclieron mare, Belgium gelding, good work team. HOGS: Yorkshire sow with litter of 1H, 5 weeks old at time of sale. Two goats; good Collie dog. TRACTOR & FARM MACHINERY: John Deere Model "M” tractor, com­ pletely equipped* hydraulic lift -with 2-furrow )plow, in guaranteed A-l condition; International 13-run fer­tilizer drill; Deering mower, 5-ft. cut; M-H spring tooth cultivator, with tractor Glitch, like new; John Deere tractor spreader, like new; Inter­ national 3-bar side rake, like new; rubber tire wagon; 16-ft. flat hay 1 - «.n—— rack; 2 steel tire wagons; hay rack: gravel box; grain box and stock rack; 2 rubber -belts, 30 ft. long; M-H binder, 6-ft. cut; walking plow; 2 sets diamond harrows; M-H bean puller and scuffler; large steel water trough; Maxwell hay loader; 3-drum steel roller; 10-ft. steel dump rake; Hinman 2-unit milking ni&chine, completely equipped, like new.Set of sleighs, with bunks; pea harvester; Renfrew electric cream separator; 250-capacity electric chick brooder; chicken feeders and shel­ters; 50 lbs. binder twine; electric fencer; 75 electric fence posts; quantity of cedar posts; 40-gal. feed cooker; sap pan and buckets; cedar butcher tub; scalding trouglh; saus­ age grinder and press; electric motors; stirrup pump; 500-capacity electric brooder; copper apple butter kettle; quantity lumber and barb wire; two 40-gal. sap 'tanks; 25-ft. grain pipe and elbow; 2,000-lb. plat­ form scales; bag truck; fanning mill, complete with selves; cutting box; snow fence; extension ladders; Ham­ilton heavy duty fence stretcher; sugar kettle; single-barrel shot gun; rifle; Jogging chains; block and tackle; sledge; vices; harness; quantity of bags; large assortment of capenter tools and miscellaneous items. HAY & GRAIN: 10 ton choice quality mixed hay; quantity Cartier oats and mixed grain; 7% bushels Clipper seed beans; i bushel timothy seed; 3 bushels alfalfa seed. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Kitchen stove; chesterfield; dining room ex­ tention table; chairs; buffet; kitchen cabinet; 2 cupboards; bedstead; side board; kitchen chairs; rocking chairs; arm chair; phonograph; 3 fern stands; couch; pictures; antique bureaiu; qtantity of dishes, sealers, etc., etc. No Reserve as farm is sold. TERMS: Cash. Due to extra large sale, selling will start sharp on time. HENRY OLAUSIUS, Prop. STADE & WEIDO, Clerks ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 8:15 .... ........ ... . *■- ....I... Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Holstein Cows* Registered Hereford Cattle, Several pigs and Farm Implements/ Etc, On the Premises,Lot 18, North-East Boundary, TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE 8 (Miles East of Exeter The undersigned auctioneer Is in­structed to sell by public auction on TUESDAY, MARCH 27 Complete list of sale in next week’s paper and catalogues for cattle may be obtained from either proprietor — auctioneer. ROBERT E. HERN, Prop. R.R, 1 Hensall, Ont. W. S, O’NEIL, Auctioneer Benfield, Ont. 8 or Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Co. EXETER Office Closed March 13, 14 and 15 during Mutual Underwriters’ /Association Convention in Toronto. IHC *MiT<IOAM iTHOlCAir, IM. 'TAINT ALWAYS THE SIZE O'. YOUR CAR THAT GAUGES THE MEASURE O' YOUR HAPPINESS/ Seed Crain OATS—Garry, Rodney, Shef- fard, Beaver, Clinton, Cartier, Alaska, Larain, Simcoe. BARLEY—Montcalm, Galore, Brant. SPRING WHEAT — Redman. Book Your Orders Now and Avoid Disappointment Grass Seed ALFALFAS, RED CLOVER, LADINO AND SWEET CLOVERS PERMANENT PASTURES, TIMOTHY, BROME, MEADOW Ask for our quantity grain e FESCUE, discounts and grass ORCHARD x- for early bookings on seeds. For the last word in top-grade seed—drop in and look over our wide selection. We’ve the specially-developed seed to meet local growing conditions. CcM^i MM GRAIN-FEED-SEED 7 ••WHALEN CORNERS KIRKTON 35 RI5> " 111 ... ............. ...... ....... Give Generously To Exeter Lions Club's Red Cross Blitz / Friday, March 16 Wherever, whenever, however disaster strikes, the Red Cross is there . . . lending a helping hand to the stricken, the troubled, the homeless. Now the Red Cross turns to YOU for help . . . asks you to give . . . from your heart ... to that it may continue to be a friend to all in need! Exeter Lions are conducting the Red Cross campaign in this community in the form of a one-night <fblitz” Friday, March 16. When a Lion calls at your door.next Friday night, be generous in your contribution. 4 Starting At 5.30 P.M »WElPSf/4 Space Contributed In The Service Of The Community By John Labatt Limited BENEFITS