HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1867-5-2, Page 1-, zI 1 .t - 1! I I ,� . C� �; �, I -I on "I /I '' , I y Ili /\J h\ -k -.. a.___. _..... --.. se; :.• 11 .e1 , ' ., r To �i `'W�� - �_ , I 1. WEEKLY E1L>Irr140X- 1 , TTS- ,-r--. - __ - - .. .._ W, T. COX, Editor and Proprietor.] The Greatest Possible food to thflr Greatest Possible Number.'' • -- - -- S 1.50 PER ANN. IN ADVANCE# GODERICII, C. TT e. THURSDAY, MAY 'l, 1867. 1 __ --- - --__- - - 11,11 /' L A �i A 1,1 A _ I Writing for the siffill Business HDirectorp. ansium Oirmorp ' New Spring Goode The Itromntain Primrose. tB ld & SAIvin s Soclet� I. A h owl amw.rs that Jack ties r DVOL. X$. -NU 14 v1 Ifure■ Tesclserel' ,+moeltatson, night and morning, iwtold wafer ti w 1,111" madteiwe oldermdl1, to ail w k p our _- - - - V Perm(Arllen 111 Ing g ■►roar CWF el'IrFTtYIC AORIC'L'LTl'sa. blood am tool, f furoad thuk I shall adopt this IML A II full t e , plan, -Ciel. Marl -of= MieAol.on. DE NZM 1114W R. 1 - bewtiful and varied Isodscapes of "Old The Committee during t to epasWrr the -��- NURGICAL AND MECHANIOAL DENTIST, Ill 1•Azr.latu 7•lc mARt f ne of introducing the elemr,,s u( Lms"s neon. 6LBUTKUPA'rHInT,,ke. STAlE ! . CHEAP CASH STORE England," the common primrose [p►imu/u Prop V it d3 Dr. �" B L r "• ADVANCES Ott APPROVED REALE i ewaguria, stands first and foremost. The �C1Ypt,A° Agriculture into the Cummuu As Announced fur •.orae time prerr„w, M•: TFFTH it»reed in either Pit SURGICAL t MECHANICAL I Schools of ibis County, beg leave to report TrIjI _ uta, Uold. tail ver, nr Vulcan UaaruT,fluaene►, C. W. 1 I derivation of its natty from the word runty [lays addressed a goodly uumb"r u(IM •'Yn • 'JiIIZi�m ,.edRubberzearr■wuLlrtone. SITUATE 1V \V'F:ifEKN ('A\.111.\, I dust opened • l.arer (the first),uhappily expressive ofone oflis asfollows:- i rU,thw .ver f1,• Pual Uiw, Ww 5u..1 assortment of In the consideration ,f this your and lndependrat," in blalk's Rall tut Mon- t'u.fene0. loons ever ON THE FOLLOWING FAVORABLffiftE TERMS drams. _ _. dry evening. )It Hill at anss,•imnttoe IOIP __ tr Teat► •araatral unlMwt pave lq zea• w Aewuat rpwnJ to reokew each •dvas• eJ in ............ • bila .. IO IY.eare. 16 y<aM. 1 ,1 GENTS' and BOYr ' Scarcely hu winter with its rhilling blasts Committee proposal to answer ; thew till Imgielatum brininess, bebRy reviewed Ibis w 6 tier viz :- ter,:wic.yny• If sold<half- 'e■d ' awn and spring in her vernal 9"•• 1s, political aspect of the country, hated Iii The Liverpool and London and Clobe 1 I y1 . • , • , " ' .. • "" 16r., la.., t�sd 0s•►•d y, apt. g p00 JuauarrlTb,lnba •w39-rIY &Iwhk ntualy..... r-2 4 6. - 12y years. ........... I [ILT & STRAW let. Should the elements of ticiertific INSURANCE COMPANY. ,_as .l p.uyunraste rstei fmr 5,., 8. h ,. It yr■rs, beauty made Mr rppeamaee, than it almwt dews sed opiai•ru upon the lending topics, f PRINCE of ORINCE HOTEL 'r1,• above teat•lu.a m, Inde a Nwkeg F.ud, which MY%oa the Principe', ., well as "M Interval ! A riculture be taught in the Cowmun of iM fots, r. that u the e.per.tt e w the Senn vivervi Wpm, the d." a worry al ant. 'f he int -� r every dell ; .Icng every hedge -row ; and an J present dueurion, vis., Confederation, Uee, Invested Fua l' dI b,000,Uo0 DIIN13 ANNON. ,._.l w th. lots,. s.lrw d, .ad air ps) mint ,•rr,lu,rwl betore the end of the haul ye.r ur yew. j j � 1 .14 ever) bank along when gtid" the be Schools T lirows, Conventional be., and was atleuu.t- 15U,000 1'•yn.au io.Y 1.' "'•'le'n rlra.•r, sail ,ut<rw a +'luwrJ l6rrotur ;,ur our m.M(ta • Ile masala- ' ' winding atmamlet, may be seen the lonely 2nd. If w, how and to what extent Invested in Canada A HLA( •}{, .."" all "t car ite,� ase is rww.,d_.•es,..vgvbtahlefernea ESPE9SES 8 RJ('TLY MU sed Cloth CAPS, uad mtereanng, though by thousands mi should it M dune r ly listened to throughout. The Ie.dmj ERATE. For III ,alunu.tw•,.PWY (tr• [..I) h- F'KU)t 30 CENT; UP, noticed and uccarrJ for, flower, But while The education of all roan¢ persons ought feature, however, of the Tea ing s arlias - F1KFr DBlABTnIB\T• I'nepr'et., HORA C E HO RT O N, E.SQ.. there am those who in their morning and to be the same up to a ecoul point, and me.1 wait lM appewrsnoe and street of Mr. INSURANCES xrF9CT.D or ALL ctrsazs or Ail ..ru,.nrarraa.. i.ppmtarr to the Society, "tench• evening rambles, can tbas per U beedlwly your Committee Mink that our Cmmsuu PaurtaTT AT CrmaaaT RATA• .LaceIN-..adg•••e' ,I• J. IIERBF.RT MASON, AI SO -over 1$00 Paine` by, them are others that admin its best, tiohuob ehuuld, u • general rvlh, M coo- Joho by Nits ex Heys t b P. who had Loan in- tsed..e• Secretary and Treasurer, Toronto. ,f Ladies', Gents , %I66"s' `, ' sed its thermal and hail it as the harbinger fined to importing instruction op to that •ileal by Nit. Hr,t to M precut, and b, iug II'ARM RISKS AT Sraeuu.T RsmOctm RAT= L%.g •• •, moll ten Goderich, 16th Oct.. I966. w38/wl4 ••d I'hilJrcn+' fR`� of spas¢ oad of bright, warm saner days. point. invited L! 1►e Chairmen to atFlre»\ tee ..r BOOTS AND SHOES, And nut only is this lovely Hower to be When it is neeerwy to branch of nolo the meen,S, Mr. Holmes with • lure carpet _- - W FE DEPAKTwBR(T. - --- r ' r (-- Ir I found to lireat Britain, but Wren on this vast spe(•ial Mudie" ler particular fond"• or pro hag or Ms arm, erowdrd full of hdemst- 1[IITLIAD HOTEL, GODEBIOH � ;� 1��� u u J � �� L°tea Stiles. ('IIL.\1' Ft)IC CASH. continent Hurts America] it Ess ►men (mond farwns, it b time that the pupil should rid No EXTRA Charge for )rilltary tier ACHESON & SM TH. rewmg its golden Lead its opou the most min his mon Sus from ulnar t*, ho than mud cements an doubt, and roadst very Tice in Defence of the Country. u.dikely, sed abeddm its Rwgmuce on the the Common Schott. Them are, however, much Lha fM Sebool4lrru/e► abroad steps ed - e HOSIER, , PetOPRiETOR, THE IOsderiek, March 16, 1867. rl v paling breeze. in feet the p.ants of this two special departments, which from the forward W comply with the Chairman's re- �_ Policies for the benefit o. W ifs or♦ .bov. ,s sed t ice»•tlr.na.Md zea s• _ r.n °re Wmre from teen. by, eraJ„a•.e 120ta<t high, over"ing the HarMr FOR UNE MO TH, order [Primalrrcrad naturally cecur m tart T..I porta n eM u, m in them, assume gd.at. h was easy W M ren b, tis m"ntsr T ore• •ad L•kr Haroa;--g-vii ore--b.rd.. Oanlaa. zed MONEY TO �E1�D valleys and mountains of almost every part 9•t iiNpurtauq as W m►ka them ea eplione to of his reception by the sudiroce that -- Rur.I Wdhuuacaed. pivarJ g l ped.y;nagle of the world, and aro particularly •MAdrnt the above rule. These are Agriculture and A POLICY ser 61000, by the 0 $2470 a yNlwrdeds.faeaar. vlabl0vly AT THE Commerce. The elements of these re his very irsiJ,rietmrtt loud and mtaeMne•te r &..u• yya•m rma..1 ase 30, ail a throughout the Yof the tcole r.te xnoe. Year. Fh 0d o,bi,eome p.r.lde ane, b renes UN f41'Ip)t'cD F'.\I:\I ti, Ito related of lbs telabnbd bots of behove ought to taught m our Common ,he.. was of itself wtBcir-ot to corvine ote-loon. olthe Preoumn. are reumrae.f, vroA CANADIAN HOTEL, AT 8 PEh CENT I Douglass, that, when tmv"lhics o0 nes ul Schools, tit our wsulton for the presort farm. that John Ifoleles'twas not the nn rr tb• 8.m ar.ma t if aster m ,•eerie. ,,rio Y are -At-.,,,- tb•- rocky and mor -a ped taumetw u, of is confined 0 ilia first. At least nine -trolls fur ('ralway " He commenced by sayingretarrwl t •Mr >e venni rb.re-hwnb.: •Ib•r CLINTON. t:. W.EMP p RIUM!- � North America, he found • Mwtiful prim- of the in Irl is all civilized All .pendcountres u em chat although he bad been a member of 1'r I 51. the :fusty Assured,. duuWed, sad to. halt. $Olar to IDvest in 'fnRn' PrOp('rtj ty mer , 1",in {1000 1 ! t J. It. fiORDl1V row almost i buried beneath the ntnw that barked in ague lure. All dermad utwo n hament, he appeared at r greet disadvantage g -r l'L,ms fayslJ■ o•e mmntA suer rroo4 W. TCII)SHU R V Pro�rlclor. ' rurruuuded it. This species i❑ honor of the G•r wtawteute. 'than aro few countries w rldeaU j ( p Rarrister,Ac.,tioderirh decorerer has been ramed the • Douglar dependent, fur its ro+perity, upon ",neat to the meeting, Jur they had hitend to U. LC. shall H, Reedenl yr. rots ry. THEaaebluhn,eal ,• t,.rmshed wnh •11 tM--i•�ii oi•�•�•�-� J I - Ooderieb.$.Ut. 13. 1864. aw3.11 l,rim -„ into as CwrJa. It emphalicallj a" ayri the very eloquent address of the previous Mu. r. s.e-• .«)u,reglou o..eu,•1 to for eomm.ow __ The following lines on the "Moanlain cultural count an Providence seems ter A. M. R(198, Affect f r Crdench ; K. V. toe.t., WJ411 11I C E S country, speaker task Frays, that he bl e • very Ellett, for Ell W. N. W�wa, ha Seab,nh. gv-�v 0 B E A T H E D B C�T I 0 H �I GI BARRY & BROI Prtatrwers fount it . smrdl volume shodne have to designed that it sb aid in the main Ilan- difficult tisk fur .man to M obliged to La Uadena•k, Nov. l;.IMN. _ - w41 ROYAL O� HAsgTL, s , '• Flowers sed their Assvciatirws," by Anne 4nua to be so. Iruw i rivet ,s it then V i Jca his own tmm t Det that he found himself ,J �tt� Pratt, are we think beautiful sed appropriate flat we should employ lbs Oct enlightened Fw r W. M.GAVAGE, -10[- f�JDt!"� to the subject; and will be mad with interest skill to the euhirwimn of on oil, and avail compelled to du w, he said that M hod hrvd LUCKNOW 92 O /,1, I P`r,�i wl -"`� by those who lore .ad aduure the early ourselves of all the adva,tages hieh modern in the County of Haroo SO ,ern, and one BUYS sed sells New York Drafts -Green- __ -.-` 8uwers of spun¢, and especially , the prim science places at our disposal. for maintrin- thing he could say, and was prootl of, he had ►asksect m e.l car t carrlute onto, JIBES CIlIPBELI., he�rleter. �T !�t TT �'TOME R S • CABINET ISIAKERS� �•. Wee of mpmito thatthefomgoiug ung and oven increasing Its fertilrover abssoil aneurrert soar), at .sorer/ me of �-- ►7 rl � vcircumstance gave use to t6em,as the author f or reslwmiMg our run out and imlwvarishrd 'Kerr quarrelled with a man in his Lf•, that exchaoge. ar herself makes mention of it. I lands, And w the education of the "I that he held Dever been outdo nor hail l9tti Oec., 1865. w47.1 yrf q ISG�T l)F Mrl:� ES a�L LIQIIOita. ­TU z I \i bulk of our agricultural population iv wholly he ever sued a man during that time, and Iam„-N.�.4--m f, •- i,�• (��)D t U I U I / 1�,) 1 't The traveller hound cn his way, derived from the Common Schools, we thick NEW FHOTOGWK GILUMT Good Accommodation fur Travellers, 1� l ire wughl to reach that mountain's by r to prove that Lu character was without And often leered be, lest the day, that the t only u to Scientific th Ag, but old spot or bletesh, he would tell what that orgy PE HAL. ure NCE OF OUR WINTER, STUI'6 WILL BE OFFERED AT i AND IINDERTAgERB, Which fist wait gaining on him now, should not only be taught in them, Dut bold ��.y�t y•). O(100 Rallldwe AIID A NTIv I; Ht1eTTLt:Re 1 a prumment place to their curricalam, great enemy of his the Signal had »:J m .((�\l llIUTI,i i � lweknow, 6th Nart�, l 11 dtf L V I 0 W P � I C E S ' ' Would a him nt are it upon lL l suuws, Ito what (Or w is c cunei. how, about him, Alter w almost us ofer c art t Wearied sail spent oto rt should close. .pd to weal extent this can M duos.• rmung the voluminous consents office carpet U O .2 in r 00 10 14 O A 9 W a r ty Go 00 O 09"-y a o D a a I e a. esPt910911011T AND TASTtrUL u0005. Pl,•Trase taken in every style sed m ell kinds ofweather. l'Ortelaiu or Opolutype 1.ictares, and THE If F:LIOARISTOTYPIA, ilk to JI st fN MCTI'RE," Takes in various "tyles from gl 50 to 1'20 (colored in water colours of nil. Life -Size 1'botographs,alc,o an reasonable %arm+ -either plain or enlorvd. as. LOWER alsewMrein a Cs. - D. C.itM ,BEI, L. Goderich.Jone 1. 1+66. ■.27 eluction & CommisSion, nort RICH t ULINTON Ef etJithl l Df 11 r41 1 *44 U. C ALE$ of Ilicell.neoes Finial is ro)-r-So .v■rr eslunl■y, ■•d is ho" ucurry Well. nwl.y. MI' -y ad ... red on I'l-1 y Gr unm«lutr we" "nilpn.mpt rriurn■ ...Ie Frim "b. to .nd ..Iver N.I.■ pmrttol attend- ed to thlm,gh,71 low Costa U. M. T RU EMA N'8 A-tw,w III wet Market equarv, O.denA ][easy to Loan on Real 'eta 61 APPRAISENio the Tru" and Lown Cump eoy of Upper Canada. U. N.'rItIrElcill Land Office, ` RF-11"IER of Improved Fame end Wild 1] L.oJ Mer yak, O. M.TNUFM.IN, ((ddrru,h, Marco 1. 107. Marriot Ng..to. MONEY TO LEND• ON FARM PRUPFit'rY, AT ]FROM a TO 10 PZR CZNT. Qr Costs Te ry moderate. J. FRANCIS C. HALDAN, Solicitor, he, Kayi Block. noderieb, April, 1867 el llf DEN TI 8TRY. WAll BY MR. NICHOLBON,a Tounr Msa of g'"+l .tit-. who is d -f Mo o clwly;ng denusvy..pp'y by teller fissional,,. n his r.nwn.,vr the I'D" Odla•e, W- = -,-(:t menc.. -MONEY - - M ARV.D0 U S •Hamilton St Goderlch ., , Ile knew that either voice or ward, Before auccesdully in ha%' M at last produced the Signi.l, u -t TO LOAN Wrote'er Slur, located al Wmrster, W � Ger Though echoed by the mountains side, inyoourctom o traNluced into our Common Neh.wl+, It u necessary of course that the taehrte should read, "that in his private lire John Hotel THE COLONIAL SICCCRiTII.•t `'OMPA CLOTHS AND WEEDS AT COST. I'Eli l' con.unliy on bund "ale al! ani. ` •Ire to their line, ,ucl, r. i Chairs Tables Would toll unhand alio" the ground ;- He knew that e'er the londampe wide, lbemN-Ivn ha frmiliwr with it. At prevent i1 forms no part of the necessary qualifies w„A not •ver, bed man," this he ssnd comm,; fromsuch •were. spoke •ulama to hu toe he thou weal on to sal that the Fdib.r NY e»'• IatNtioN, ENGLAND, .maw"` of °°" w Leu AT COST. Bodpteads + , Sofas &c. Nor herdsman's ung, our convent boil, Of human hearts or homes ehuuld tell. taunt • first eta" teacher that he should w ntiH a rieulluro. be acquainted with sets c g out, of the `Signal was a bad man, that he was NAVF.Ia Seemly Ina Fares for llItESS GOOD 111 kind" of wood-turnm� dune, each ars o meeting J(foufire s Star Tem (osteal V W Wm tV V Without, so far as to say tr in to injure him in every way be could. J a 1 also" the of rrorro Five Fars, upon lbw mot tivumble twee. �'r r�, SH AT 0171 AWLS. QJ ' Pool p,sts, etsir hauristeer, nrrkyt,ll Ar A mad and lonely feeling mine at present, guiog that a knowledge of this subject should be o that be distorted his speech-•, p- IF his address' and in short would mop rid licior terms. all other information, apply W • Always on h■nd, a coenPle,w Upon that weary wanderer's heart, rime qua wow of every first -clot teacher, we vented his He th-n WILLIAM DURNIN, 6 MAI' TLES A COST• I ASSORTMENT OF COFFINS A shivering der his mall, Game,- He seemed from human ties start ; think it desirable that hoard. of Puatc 1" at nolh... g to accomplish ends. adverted to bis cuter to Parliaareut sarin reuamrer, Township W.wanwh, U SKIRTING COST. 1 _ veil"❑1':.11LSF:tuhireonreuwnrblete,m For in this. ro¢ivas cold and wild, strectionshould pmp.roapapror spun this .object, "and make a special reference d, it twat art d,:6c•A toy ma" W say that he had ever be ' hungammn. P. U. on to Ch AB Ut[H)l'T, Clinton. o 11 -� AT CUST ! 02lerich, May 3rd, I: G6 I5r6m• i Were none who loved, were none who smiled. in the certificute• of all uacbers bit ah„uld to it. Cuasidtring the given one had vote, then again referred to Mg ewrpwt Mg and produced flim ju•n.ala of CHAT WIDDEI - r1Oderieh. E HOUP SbIII plank neath them. The success our candidates That terrible Aiarar, knew" we Ike Matti- Hn gamed in »deem on the wow, paw an examination groat importance of this matter, we think the Hous daring 1,N short Greer, »,hog i,e A. LEA ROY, A. LE Brown. Nitht of mevtinj Frida]. Paisley lin. e, located at P•Nle,; W C i Pi T Y I) Keyes, W V i H Hrnanl, W S Mr Pinclalr, w C ftev Mr prrst,m, F S liar 1 r1V4> "4-t. A. 1141i ollf-CAlneslad f1_t'l is•14• 4>/� And wondering •pied a floweret'• bloom ; the County shoyld specially reward thine t brought them on purple {o prove Ire amen FRA LICK. Dingle. BBNJ RALIC . ingl . f y - I He stooped to gather 1t, and its, Apo grew amid the gloom 1 teachers who wt teach it. We, ha tion, htt them ha dud not think it necessary them, but use own per• 1 N. B. ikpwi•a received on secngnt of • ripp❑ in Boot rid Shoes A T And w his anxious .pint brought his a that application mode tkerefure,•eawgeot that appliaaon to the Cuwd, Council, lora yearly grant ofAfter la ce)ifthrough itri ex lance) i( any "(,asewishes to examine thou, .ad n." mune (their priaeipal at any time end interest' allowed tk- mfr of S per rent Per annum. \\'1 tlS IJplendid Bargains . J0HN HARRIS' A cheerful ho ne-• gladdening thought. five or ten collars to every school in which it can be shown that a class of not loss than 7••• g t s , succeed faking them for their ••sport, sed soeeous, Julseary 21st, 1.67. u52 milt, latest estimation a ,hat SM appeared before the police court the and elan the very weighed anil hwdwm of 'JOHN it not jot the hue fire pupil' has been asc""'U ly 'aught the Ing making beg his bag br _____ _ -_ - __ AND I CHEAP CASH STORE ! is not Ue 16"1 witch in his native dell, Of imfspri with early . elements of the subject in question; this sum, be carpetthorrou wed carpet and a ash "sat, he quietly lime be was during the toms 1,w -as speaking PRESENTS! THREE PRESENTS r • v 11I�DE CLOTHING IMADY call 'Arrear Marc* loomed at ant days soul Of and pleasant days would tell ; But •odd was it .till, in the first instate, to applied to the purchase of proper apparatus, W ad the We f 1 uently interrupted with cries of tool, ,tel Ac., which to say the bot was riot -To- c 1 TIIr:HF HAK 11'tlT AKRIYtD • I. a •nJ primrose Smiling upon that dreary bill, teacher in his instructions. also would rzgeest that in echoed In which prises are distributed, that two or special onn , fiery e"e"wroging. I)r Mol) ugrll, who was accidentally plea TtrQ Every City Stlldelil4D. m.muinad the r `'� sed p►ealar calling have ort "Goic a year ago. it is oil to be %.lhsd a►nsr 1 rksut as•onmrnl til And to his fir-ty, in that hour, � his should M assigned for lieu subject. We ant, was loudly called for, he Irma forward Then.1A.wnd unnro .., It Poll I - Witillntg to have onr Stork greatly re(lncl'd bt'fore the nmt'al of our v CHOICE SPRING DRY GOODS ! It see,ned a messenger from home, I And its fragrance had the believe that thew mann, would lead to the and In a few neat well towed remarks told them lbw as yet be was not . candidate, nor ipt. Silty flue Dollars in Cash spring, We are IIOW Vin^ Decided Be 71a. Oo°lL' [7 0 .he h he,. brim avlor. Ie.l with Ileo otel , .,e. tier k•.I•nr novrhty I1,<IreJe ac,y n�.w sweet power, e'er the blot sea it general introduction of thio important would into our schools. Bre above all .e would could toll thea that he w .0 Ire. Ile 2nd. Fifty Dollars in Cash I ! nn r 1 t �• at e vee• m gen•. variety at ht• raald o-c'uenl He ,e d,•te.n,iurd 1. DI if sdde, •like �, p' edd ere, fn tell for him were uttered there, t The wont of love, the vacs of purer,rei recommend all the of re all ee f considered there was yet strut, nl time Ger ippe riot, le believed that there wield 3d, Thirty-five Dollars in Cash ! J u. ]DP.. I`LCi aiL • I'n. e, gn.dtty anJ p.uf g.sd•. 'Aid sr b., Iwo , lath Septemher, 1866. xs al ben ur the as+uclaion, irrespective of here of extraneous meant to prepare themselves for el appear Miler m+:n lbw had el d�er.d yet 1 PIx 1 ' til F. abnvs rias will M distributed p w16 GUDERICH, February 15th, 1867- 16. 0-ov, for cinen.g on U.e -leer are rol-I I..ey I,•,.- :n Uea dunn•lun, be rongdrol l^ Comp rionless he now might be, teaching tbu.uhjert, end in:rodreing it into Ibeanelyes. and adr,s,el them tot act wisely l among .eery linty Ntudrnt• wls spall, eller the Iso day of April, 19r;7, purchase T+ ``y g� UNI 1 I 11 � U .w:l.n.lbe ub11r to roll owl eamm�te l„a a•e•k, p aLo h U dWerplrMr+I w ,Nn •• lalow•r zea: Spot, Yet there wade some ill that loved a wt Who, or in morrow, or m glee, a ws. k o Mg lumber to wggnt that Mice a week or oftener the whjeel ander that twice wild arllnnlaly In corking unlimrly pklgn:•( » ort to any uam)dste, until theyhad an pp making* judicious wiertion, of me, Fall ('tar» Schnbrships in - the l.or+dun Commeaci.l 1'oll'•gr end tieminary. A.J c O 1 J • 1'RI NTy, fa.t rotors, is 1 ancerse• rerwly, five. to to 20 evele per yard. Never their parted one f -got ; Ile knew that when the wild flowers blew, consideration should be taken up as a lesson - m of the ordinary Iwau i1, the F'oarth opponent y til ser the conclusion of kr remarks be ors Said tike plat- i.olars .te- C L 0 T II I N G DEPARTMENT FANCY HIiin t, tJ(gio ve"wsly h.11.nl M m tan rrtrnn m ctrl<aiW udn (n m IU to bis y r. They sighed for him who loved them too. place ur Fdtp Looks. warm) applauded. ' pp Alter •you of thank. to the Chairman lM erdistribution.fall ly after each consecutive sixty ecbnlwshipm are purchased in some mart -r of which • READY-MADE The Subscriber ties the lar gust ,,at., r ard. 1•t' 1 A\0 rnUCKUN, in •11 For he in olhallirt}es had strayed Then as to the eztent to which the subject should he taught, we cannot of course in our g meeting quietly dispersed. majority of the sibil s themselves "hall god-., JB 10 vol plan, O 'I' H I N C3 Iw.th • 7wi leek this blos,nm the wood, terse pupils to M practical Daemon+ and _ .w. approve, end which shall ,(ire each student Q L in Ciuntire, The feral justify of fined. at ACH D EAI'HFU ('(t.1V\S •errs very cheap, a Or with kis mirthful outer played In haonu loveliest solitude, mrd reacher but, m the words of is i)•wson far : TemFeHer•e P►o�reae l9 IimrO■ awl Krmce. inter-swt an equal chance of obtaining them. if any such student shelf, at the the `'1/ • PRICES in TOWN �o.�!,w "I per reef. NIDE FACTORY COTTONS, fruit 5 renis of I And wreathed for her the Primrose fair, fhe teacher moat props. tot imoelf t�e mora humble task of insulting into the ids o! (Far the He- Signal.) time, be absent, he may sptwint any other The LOVE' j I,,.r rad. Or placed it in her garden Ike". the Young tier rudiments of the, "ewer. mr •femPlca bare person to represent him. We give I tt ; MUS''' co(,U E fix all, examine, adjudge for yourselves. Amer iraw mowry rakes u: Aighu( ran•.' I y- yrrer.l til crkbr led ('s.a.li.n Mann- , i• Word Conon. 1,,r ask volter Lv the hale u. vil. Oh, who that e'er in mnarnfuI boar Has earth, farming, ami thereby prepare them the Mt ter to understand ILA practical pntcesol Ties following additional been restated by S. T. Hammosll, lociarer, T 11Ii CII AR. E. ARCHI BALD. .1 o lel, at pMra•f.. I seemed a, It alone un In lJnie way this much of the subject may I. U. G. -1'., m eoaieelros with his leetrrn,g AND Goderich, August22nd, Ise('. awlo N h,wly Mhol Me..Ur., Toweling I Has never hailed with joy, a flower, That gave t" happier feelings birth, M udnsluttd, viz:-- I. on Sol its Origin, composition, ex - tour through tbrw etwuties. PRACTICAL BUSINESS COURSE L M A C K E N Z I E QG "a„tk "'�`h• W-leen° M."llea, 1'weed. And won his spirit back from gloom, To bore and Tuve-lo trieud, and home I" haustion by crupl,irg, iia improvement by y Ac. filawru l emple, kxatrd at (il.mkf', Bruce W C T Jas Crawford, W V T Cardiae BROWN KE R R, r .-,Ike Cwwn.ir. J. S. tillage, drainage, rotAtion of crops, Co„ 1T THC I; xt Z I. rr D N, Velvets . Drdhna (4nwh.rne Keoterlty Jean Goderich, April 18th, 1867, 2, 7At Plaint : the composrtnon of its organic and the wort•." of tie Gird, its Com bell, W 8 Kenneth McLearua. Night P LOWEST FIGURES. OF A PORTION OF THEIR SPItIN(' Flamm. Ix -mon. &ankels Rego". shorting - - pore, structure and functions, its orgwic products Ac. armerting Friday. Home Guard 7kmpie, lorwted at Morris' For Circmimr nod order of F::- ANNOCNCE TO THE TRADE THE RECR[I'T Ihstr,y Sl,rlmg Sir,l:ve (Ilov-e Trrksg Meetings In (Joderlch Town- Manures : vegetable, animal, sed Church, Turoberryp W C T Them Higgins, errlsee, PICK a.` wddrru wltle .tem rl, IMPORTATIONS OF T.iu....,ng. Flannel. Ito tl Curtiss wplp. .l. mineral. W V T J.nl Hoekridge, W l John Ilem- Itch Man h, IN67. of i jc�rrl[u U. -- At'1, thou indebted In the late firm of R A G. F. Stewart, either by note or book '\\89WMnt, are regotsted to Pay the »e» lc ' F. Stewart at once, and save costs. a O. F. STEWART. Ooaerich Feb. 15th, 1967. t J. D. 6 A M 9 R 0 N , WAS still rano TwitCawTaAL To The B ayfleld Hotel (formerly kept by Mr, Lally.) CoNNTANTLY no hand, the hew „! layunn Ciprs,8r-., tell sn attlabt• Lmllo", an (+T strict slie"lha to hawser hopes to merit alit,� p�nWo pat rose f.,feN. Merck 8. 1 i. w7 em 4_1887. �QITTINOS of lM esversl TKTision (tour, ■� Ambo County of Iteron. iso Difelsio", nndsirirb, Monday, 27th Mel talk tr Clinton, TawsAay, 28th " led I' fleaforth, Wednesday 1Rlh I i owny s "Ate 1111 " Ainleyville, TherW%y, 30th Mr, jib '• RsKer, frrtrrd.y, lel Jose, , Illinois's Hote 7th w Bayfil Monday, 3rd Joe e,1, it Deeganwtcol Taclaia,, 4th " Al 10 o'clock a. m• each day. FrMay, IM March, 1867. (8•d) S BRItil' J. C. C. Har. 1 rertsfy the aMtvo to h• a true mpy "toted in 1M Nvisine Court Record L Persona to the fllatate DAN. Lr7.ARY, (Rork all Poses, Here OEIs of the (1,1*4 d the Pse., Ootlsrhk, 29tb March, 18.7. .47' J. W !ONES, Principal Lowd- "ter terrsl College, I.uwl C. W. March 27, 1967. w2 2mq EXTENSIVE SALT: OF REAL ESTATE THF. Between -r 1,N r o-ead ,nstnrrl,.ar Iron Mn.I;APT. IN IRTFN, tot ,4511 for »k by Puhlie Aerboe, M Saturday, 27th day of April, 1tt67. a IM llnron Aurtlae Men d not prcrlowly d,.,. -I -f, Ibe ualermenl,anrd Valuable Property I iN TRE TOWN OF GODERICH: Ina Nna. r13.td 880, lying oa the &-Ili aide n( Mnn,-.Ina siaenl, nyparto Ibe oe•henee of Jarmo Wwloo F ot, res this property Ihene t. ■ good dw•n,ag hos». Mable- sed mdhoesr., .II in g drop ; abn . splendid •aemtm•nt nl U. a b,eie•a red Trete, U.nnt bushes, t" eatwl- knt order. i The.uternber «nus particularly rill the •t- , foul of i+t-ndinr pur•ha»m to lh,e. 1. a- the property w '. the lwwl pen n( the t,wr., .rid m.a Ise entd a the day of rk if not prolbecaly d,ep,..1d loos P terms .rid particulate spiny to the»b scriber. • James Small!, A not ioneer. Orderleh, w Ms bell, 1967. well . T11E OLDEST ESTAK13FIME '�I IN TOWN- 1. % oft % MARTIN AYANN BEGS TO INFORM RIP OLD CUSTOM e• .re. that be is still able to »II for cash m at the lowest rate., II, I ILL KINDS Of FURNITURR At Mm s es Ki go timet. "ppo+w a. the H. Hotot, Om6.ri.h. Oiv. lJm Sall. Ooderici , Oct' a. 1866. •sl iw3 STAPLE AND FANCY UIIY GUODS. NT M ,,, Il,.n,,'.tnt• Window H.11te.la IIe_,u,a oke•.. dre., Ar+•. Meetings were held, at the call of 4. GOU(nrrted Crreyq, and their d.»can. 5, Theproper creating of cattle, an l tlw• in^ W (: David Gammlll. Night of mast. in,p Wedwsd,y. -. N.I.. ,.i even Nap in Lula "•lire anJ horn tile•ato. Ritchie and Carling, at the best an-thtda of turning their products to ilia Wrote'er Slur, located al Wmrster, W -� to open oil during ties prcewnt month, a very complete assortment o .-1, a•n.•.p• Orange Hall, Bayfield ane, o0 the 23rd, � es1 see, got. at Wilkinson's Corners on the evening 6. I he generel principles of chemistry, so R ' C T Flats Smith, W V T Hwrtiam Milne, W The, will continue Gicoda suitable for the flats and Caps In F"ndlrss 1'ariety ! far as n ne.earary to tMse purpad•s, of the memo day, and at llolmeevilie on Aa a test book for echo ate, we rrcommerd 3 David R,i;fnrs. Night of meeting Tuesday. Bane n%n,rpt Tempfq 'newest .t r'i..k• r> 3PRIf{� �l 1� Afl 1 80WAIR 7RA �3� C L U T II I N G. -- the 24th. Those who a+sert that the Dr. lawsouAe First Lessons in ScI'ewt�c Arr=,W.lre, o, JOknDana CoterAram o/ 1 t^r's `Ieh fl. a -ser Whigham; W C T fleury 1, Cash dealers aro particularly Invited to all and inspect. �+ I7 () G j J I� I Fi C meetings wcrea°oceawe fur Cmrlinq end Ritchieetisee deceirin themselves ar or try' Aj' ftnrul CA<raulry. Forshe uachcr, 7' would Kirkpatrick, N' V 7' M,» Walun Night Wednwfay. �• and prompt paying wltt•$u Hamilton. Starch 6, IW;7 T [1 1 t -7R IlowshrndsofMnsa.,vnlo Nngar, very cheap. in widuion to thr •ic,,ve, we "Coca to deceive the public. The, have a mend Johnams Lectures on the Applicn- funs o CAemtal ass Geology 10 Agncal- rI o meeting J(foufire s Star Tem (osteal V W Wm tV V IV Val 1{ 1 It -1, -4 : 1I ii ) O ]t' f"3 li; I It'1'at .4 ♦ sn, r, to It.rrd• Momn.l Nranrf s r, yrry "I'...". strrcnp; onrncr near the Orange hall, but Mu V tram tore. The price tit the tit 11 Rrrkia, ItmM Cuo W all.Roo 1 1 diiln,v, W 8 Ituod {tall. N,�hl )11(>(I IO Mittel• 1'.rokrn 1"sf .not gru,md Sugars, at the other two places Cameron and twenty -fire to finy cents Tach, sed of tM -shells of'Mpelilr TareIem JUST RECEIVED AT THE 1 -to rhrop. An n.nmenr "tarok of -Cee, eml.ncing :- Allast about from one dollar and a quarter to Gibbons could claim with intoe, that lone dollar and •hal(. Underwood 'lee located T at No 7 Nth Hou» ,,.net rowel W t. cl W m A Ilen- T T T /1 T T -1 t S Your 11 son, Con u, K 7 �j had hamda"me majorities of those presen t All ci w hieh u respectfully submitted. Messrs. Ritchieloe and Carling aro now ARTIII'K MO1.FaNUR1'H, ( nmwon, W V T Catherine ,,f sting r, tt s f( Nizkt meeting Wednesday. J t.l .I�i C 0 L O N I A 1 la `J U Japan, tinuohrn¢, Pekoe, &c., eco. m to no II. 1) CA%IEItUN• i D,vmnnad. of Ayopfe Ridge 7kmpie. located at Hove 3 Cows of HULL'S CELEBRATED WATCH SPiNNG STEEL PKiII in all the fntrst superior to any other make of shirts Twanka y' C70FFEE of various gaalileis. well aware that the aro get such ma Writ in (laderioA township as Godonab. January, 1867. 1 y F • Sch id, saugeen; W C T Geo Scat, W V T Hannah Ik,wai, W 8 Jubo McCulloch. - Fall styles. Them Skirts in shape. finish, and quality am Season. the, counted i% (Ary got any majority _ _._-.� ___ Night Mnndwy. in America. Is feet they are the iwde l Skirt of the in LADIES CALL AND EXAMINE THEM AT r ,o,.nls Vinega. Mo vi.,...*MuueN heon. the al ail, end they evidently frxl that the last of hope in slipping from be- IIi�ATKI,UONIAL FEVER. of m,•.tim JAryapriofy Temple, located 1t Mdl-,'. Tnweshipp W C T Ju hn 1� Ce Y•r • ARCHIBALD', - JL Ree y.gn ltd, plank neath them. The success our candidates That terrible Aiarar, knew" we Ike Matti- e 1(in;. W V T Ihana Itwrthoioa»•, W 5 Jae King, Corners, hinen tbon w 11 Ooderieh, November Gth, 1968. rp,,.r. Fs.rm+. Pop,»r. Cron "rar'h P"Aws Nten•h t'"Pr'r". Nl1e 'Meilen !',Nle have met with in the very strongholds of mon.■I Fever, h,a broken out, with all its their opponents, (as they thought) is PP" horror, nn 'M Iko.mon Lira (Stanley), mount enaluraginq, and it new oil, re' and is making an almost indiscriminate sweep I Brown. Nitht of mevtinj Frida]. Paisley lin. e, located at P•Nle,; W C i Pi T Y I) Keyes, W V i H Hrnanl, W S Mr Pinclalr, w C ftev Mr prrst,m, F S liar 1 r1V4> "4-t. A. 1141i ollf-CAlneslad f1_t'l is•14• 4>/� ' WINTER C LOTH I N Gin . L,I..r-r, L,gnrnnre s r,r Nnimwr• Jerre oY''•• tr^' •�- ensure a glorio and determined e6urt to anon our young men and women. iI mems ensure a glorious victor,. if it is hard I g y g to 1,••a any limits, for It has em how in•pir• Mr Rede•+pls r W C T RT MrOutd- Night „( mrat ng M to work for a declining cause, ore to be the Gr,hwn, ami a mens-yuently, more to M the Brave Templt, lusted ■t Walkerton; W Temple, TO TOBACCOS OF ALL GRADES ! tin it most n to our friends who I R dresded than t s Amies in the time bf Joa+ph, C T Archie N Mt., W V T M.uh Centel OO an s Woolen Factory Store, og T Field and Garden See�ss ko feel that victor, porches -n their banner* I i fur we read that Jacob end his whole levelly, r,earcvrd to the land of Uoahen, Mo that they Hamilton, the have sgaeesy Ieersa I. a comedy for W' H Hy Gliger. Night of tweeting 1•'"T. BrlI Anse nespie, located at Rattle a W C T ).he Stewart, W Fell" Cloths and Satinelt", Tweeds in great letw.r.m T)R?teTlvs.-In rould is female whoke, detretive. I torment, -kat this wens to have no care, 4,k 11, heron t p, Oobrrne, W 8 J Fisher. Night of Where you will find a large and varied stick of tT„ The per*, office ew.iner u : C..h of roosts". latest estimation a ,hat SM appeared before the police court the and elan the very weighed anil hwdwm of V T Minn an•sci"g Finite. variety. White, Plain, Grey, Striped and Checked Winceys, rive 1-cfew,i er lwcs to •-kne tyre his other day, and gave evellonM against thirteen Wer movie ewMh MMlagrwt. it a IKarely Ffoa»r of klivral/s, located at i.oekark 11 V A great variety of all wool homemade rbeekrd flannels. one yard arid. ; hkewise FANCY FLANNELS. tksl k-lisTier (he v wA ery `tternDollarerl mrVhe -..rin., ,rsol'tha I-wea be, the future 91111 be »-h .. Io meed sem fined $30 each. She sea knnrn Ln• it marked tau part of IM rounl ry, �n'M' in eon Ill is whP moSrom j, ly d won li hes•, sea t, wh su has twat sillier by 1..e nark mnMala.d be, who have removed chillier from wN Bmcts Co.. W C T CMw Flootw , Awn Lynra w N Jobe t4olm I,igM Of meet- Tool''. WHITE, CIREY, SCARrLET IL RLANKII RiGHT TO NiNK POUNDS PF'R PAIR. "•sensed f.vore. No ea.wt will W eprrd Ise all Oawa nawals('bos. veil, whkb compblely people, p rescuersforces observation. Some, prronn in distant land, whore it bag Men prevalent ; call 'Arrear Marc* loomed at A I: )T OF FIRST CLASS Fine F1II Yarn, Fleecy and A.,eft--t..n r•ol4 Jed a the part ad i fired- •4 boors• � wiahed tit hove her reit reurd, Mt 1M other+ think that ,t bN been 1•rnogb to the. .Wold mit allow it, and Ihe@ she G.a by now wkn Mmnrrd Mm from Brown's 406 H, Miwr�a, H.,on Cq , w U T w M tr..� w v T Mm N d Brawn. wit Stocking Yarn. Bering m .ttote penpin, Mr iorrgoiln. ilrr mysvnow it•y8etd wMie d •» ragin9 al.,a Night wedassiy. Berlin W0016, all in endless variety m.muinad the r `'� sed p►ealar calling have ort "Goic a year ago. it is oil to be %.lhsd a►nsr Rios :Moll. of newlime a eboiM Awkn,tmenl n( JOHN HAIRMSe M.=0'abbearlgati ss in the '4mbitiew gpnrlmgly, for it is rather a serious altar to Then.1A.wnd unnro .., It Poll I - Together with faetoc, Cottons, Hollands, Prints, Alpacas, Impoiled Wincies, Cerner of Marke%liq, sad What ", ; Aill 1 f66• .„ t1Ny,•• be mads Ise ef, pwrc,.l., wA•, psr►rp never --_ - ac.reeI ever attended a p.e. of w"mh'p. token with IM evil m -.stye"• a strikw. 1'baj Isn9tw »it ger...renin [wise,.. ills pinld6at*> Ch;ldrr•n.' ln-ks and Stockings _ - .----"----- -"" Two Ulm i editors find fear sbob at •ben t1.y ahs that they am io .a •f .asap". �1 than. Dlwsn Go.de, Ready-made ShitM wA brewers ; Moralistic! varwly. iI} A "all l'.el kites. onq*K4ir, fORAR66. + es!t 1 rhe I'. W. r.n.era Ma(nal sod A cash other, irwflFetwlty. Awe". amf that tbe" an Mn. il.maetl, of Na. York, killed MwH anal for, or gn to (if"M.) a l7•». M It W" brow A »b•011 tee•» t br ,b. Mw .( n...blbd It.mIP n jreat TMOMAg LOGAN. f`tm.kLnmpa Hamtllrc.,I'. w. e, lot Wr {7w a. Merrrg. I � Mara 1,.d »rTod her a metJn pwnrrcerra . Motel error- thief ter m to hYM Omni"% • POOL a womb" Partery Rtem . Rrt llttee4 i I w12 cuMm, w91T° Y,•d• V u arwld M a good plan to quit. , lath Septemher, 1866. _/J do