HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-03-01, Page 12THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSPAY MORNING, MARCH 1, 1OT6 Motor vehicle registrations in route jumped nine percent in 1943 to an all-time high of 3,- 430,673. SIMONSE Upholstery And Custom-Made Furniture Free Estimates Newest Fabrics Quality and Workmanship Guaranteed Phone 4-0933 London 506 York Street Teens Plan Turnabout By HON HORNE The next Teen Time party will he a turnabout which means the girls must bring the boys. The event will be held in the arena from 7 to 10.3'0 p.m. on Wednes­ day, March 8. All Teen Time parties are over by 11 o'clock at the latest and are supervised by tho five honorary members of the club "who Doug Smith, John Ford, Waglwrn, Alvin Willert and Penning. On Wednesday's program hope to have Bob .Secord do of his nets. We plan to start our member­ ship drive in three weeks. PRAISES SOUTH HURON HOSPITAL—Hon. Paul Martin, minister of national healthPRAISES SOUTH HURON HOSPITAL—Hon. Paul Martin, minister of national health and welfare, terms South Huron Hospital the cleanest of the nearly 400 similar institutions he has inspected across Canada when he visited the local hospital Friday. He made the ap­ praisal during his visit to the local hospital Friday afternoon before attending the annual meeting of HUron Liberals at Zurich. The minister is shown here looking at one of the new­ born babies in the hospital nursery. Left to right are W. G. Cochrane, Mayor R. Ei Pooley, the minister, and Superintendent Miss Alice Claypole, Members of the board accompanied him on his inspection tour. —T-A Photo Pays Tribute To Hospital Cleanest I've Ever Seen' No Increase In Prices! Here's An Example: Chev. Mufflers $7.95 Installed Mufflers For All Other Makes COMPARE OUR PRICES ANYWHERE Ron Westman's Sports And Auto Supply Phone 211 Store or 791 Service Station Canada's -top health, official Friday described (South Huron Hospital as the cleanest hospital lie’s ever seen. • Hon. Paul Martin, minister of national health and welfare, made the statement after he spected the hospital during visit to -South Huron for the nual meeting of the Liberal sociation in this riding. “The superintendent, nurses and doctors must be happy to work here in the cleanest hospital I was ever in," the minister said at an informal luncheon, in the auxiliary room of the hospital. Mr. Martin said he has visited 39 4 hospitals across the nation since he was appointed to his post 10 years ago. The minister made numerous comments about the condition of the building during ‘his tour. He appeared impressed with the fa­ cilities provided in the three- year-old (hospital. Praised Voluntary Work Mr. Martin, praised- the work of the ladies auxiliary and the members of the board of direc­ tors for their interest in the hos­ pital. ‘(While the government has a responsibility in health care, there is no substitute for volun­ tary effort.” He paid tribute to R. N. Creech, first treasurer of the hospital as­ sociation, for his efforts in or­ ganizing the campaign to raise funds for the hospital. » Elgin Rowcliffe, vice-chairman of the board, expressed apprecia­ tion to the minister. Attending the reception were Mayor R. E. Pooley, members ^pf ~....................... in- •his an- as- the board and hospital staff, doc­ tors, and members of the hospital auxiliary, under President Mrs. R. E. Russell, who served lunch. Mr, Maritin was in a friendly mood as he toured the hospital. He chatted freely with patients and nurses and exchanged quips with doctors and board members. At one point he chided several nurses in one room for "hiding from the minister of health and welfare”. Teainwork Responsible Miss Alice 'Glaypole, South Huron Hospital superintendent, credits teamwork for the spic and span condition of the hospital which drew high tribute from health minister Martin. Miss iClaypole said all the women on the staff—even the nurses—help keep the hospital clean, “The only way to do the job is to have teamwork among everybody,’’ the superintendent stated, Mrs. May Palethorpe is respon­ sible foi* the floors and Don Pen- ninga cleans the basement but the rest of the mainitainance is done by alii members of the staff. Hear Dixon At Centralia Mr. Andrew Dixon of Exeter was guest speaker on Wednesday evening of last week and took the members of the Neodult Club on an interesting picture toui’ of the, European countries he and Mrs. Dixon visited summer. Reg and Doris Hodgson, mer and Etta Powe were veners of the meeting which held in the church parlors, __ opening devotional was taken by Elmer Powe and Rev. Clarke. Colleen Stobo favoured with a solo, accompanied by Jessie Watt. Orland Squire and Ray iShoebot- tom entertained with several harmonica selections. John and Alma McAllister,.I?en and Mildred Greb directed the games and served cookies and coffee. During lunch the business was conducted and the election of of­ ficers was held. Orland and Bern­ ice Squire were .named presi­ dents with vice presidents, Roy and Doris Shoebottom; secretary, Jack Hepburn; treasurers, Bill and Adeline Elliott; programme committee, Reg and Doris Hodg­ son, Ken and Mildred Greb. Personal Items Mr. William Lackie of Uxbrid­ ge was a guest with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Greb, one evening last week. Mr., Lackie is a representative of the Co-Op 'Credit Union of .South­ ern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Carmon Garrow and girls, of 'Clinton, were guests at the home of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Morgan o'n Sat­ urday night. Mr. and Mrs, Gar­ row had been visiting with re­ latives in London and were re­ turning to their home when the severity of the storm prevented them from completing .the jour­ ney. Elaine Squire, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orland Squire has been out of school for several days on account of illness. On .Saturday, Anne Shoebot­ tom was proudly displaying a big luscious looking grapefruit, pick­ ed from a tree in Florida by her uncle and aunt while on their honeymoon. Mr. and Mr,s. Ken Greb called on Rev. and Mrs. Burton, and spent the evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Willard and'family in London on Monday.’ Margaret Lilley McCutcheon Is confined to * ‘ illness. The trip which was planned for, two weeks ago, has been postponed to March 9. ■Mrs. Ber.t Borland was crown­ ed queen at the Snowball Frolic in Exeter last week. Keep Your Red Cross Ready last her home owing to to Tweedsmuir Hall The 1954 season, which saw 36 ships load at 'Churchill, set a record for 'the northern Mani­ toba seaport. ... ... ....- Gals Dominate Honors, Win Fifth Bowling Title Insure Your Future In The Fur Business Invest in "Silver Jewels" Luxurious, High Quality, Registered Chinchillas Buy from us with confidence. We have been successfully breeding Chinchilla for several years. GUARANTEED STOCK Silver Jewel Chinchilla Ranch Box 85 HENSALL Highway 84 | For Appointment Phone 682-r-3 i iI i PHOTOFINISHING | NEEDS... Ii_______ _ SEE US FOR YOUR DEVELOPING PRINTING ENLARGEMENTS EXTRA PRINTS J * i s Drug Store Trusses, Surgical Supports'and Elastic Stockings PHONE 50 CONTRACTS Stt THESE BARGAINS AT OUR USED FARM IMFIEMENT LOT AND SAVE! jfs ^inln9 We are LOADED with the,BEST LINE of USED TRACTORS in the PROVINCE. Read this list and come in to see us before you buy. JOHN DEERE 70 DIESEL With 221 hours and sold the end of October, 1955 JOHN DEERE AR 1952 With hydraulic power trol JOHN DEERE D 1947 With starter, lights and excellent rubber JOHN DEERE M with scuffler JOHN DEERE 60 ROW CROP Like .new, with live hydraulic and live power take-off JOHN DEERE B 1951 With hydraulic lift and power trol FORD 1952 Looks and sounds like new JOHN DEERE M, scuffler and hydraulic mower MASSEY-HARRIS 101 SR. FORDSON MAJOR & JOHN DEERE BR, starter, lights MASSEY-HARRIS 101 JR/ Your John Deere Dealers EXETERPHONE HS Happy Gails became winners of the Ladies Bowling League if-or ithe fifth time last week when they captured top spot in the 20- team standing. The Gals 'have won the title •five of the seven years the league has been in operation. Hot Dogs won it the other two years. Members of the Gals team dominated the individual awards. Irene Wade won high average honors with an even 200 and Dot Hall trundled the best triple of 786. Marj Wilson,' of the Wish Bones, broke the Gals’ monopoly on awards. Her 'top single of 311 makes her the winner of the ladies wrist watch donated -by Jack Smith, Jeweller. Playoffs begin next week with the odd teams Nos. 1 to 19 as “A” .group and teams 2 to 20 as “B” group. The winners of “A” and “B” groups will play off nine games to determine the ■champions. . ■Cup and saucer winners week were Pat Stone with , _ _ triple and Kay Penhale with a 289 single. •Soft drink winners included Kay Penhale, Mona Tetreau with 282 and E. Robinson with 277. The second-place Alley Cats won seven points to come within four of the league leaders. Other team to score a seven-point win was the Wish Bones. Alley Cats (P. Stone 656) „ 3190 Pin Poppettes (P. Haugh 629) 2812 U. & Downs (M. Tetreau 583) 2620 Bl'owetites (H. Marriage 474) .. 2663 Wee Hopes (G. Simpson 592) „ 2919 Busy Bees (G. Webster 633) _ 2858 Wish Bones (J. Borland 625) .. 3172 7 L. Strikes (M. Edwards 486) „ 2882 0 Happy Gals (I. Wade 702) __ 3107 5 F. Sisters " Hi Lights Jolly Jil'ls Hot Dogs _____„__,__ Jolly Six (D. Frayne 555)__ Green Horns (J.. Taylor 546) _ M. Maids (G. Farquhar 529) _ Frisky Six (M. Miller 605)_ Mighty Mice (J; Huntley 576) _ Skunks (K. Penhale . 565)___ Be Bops (R. Murray 532)__ FINAL STANDING Happy Gals_95 Alley Cats_91 Wee Hopes __ 86 F. Sisters__77 Jolly Jills __ 76 Hot Dogs__73 M. Maids . 70Mighty Mice _ 70 G. Horns _ 69 Blowettes _ 69 (P, H-Duvar 592) _ 2966 2 (R. Durand 526) _____ (P. Case 513) ____2769 (S. 'Darling 592) „ 12817 ” " 2859 2906 2864 3071 2876 31138 2874 2688 ,4-----3 4 3 5 2 5 2 5 2 Busy Bees__ U. & (Downs _ P. Poppetites _ Skunks ____ Jolly Six__ Hi Lights__ Be Bops ___ Frisky Six Wish Bones _ L. Strikes_ 68 67 66 66 69 57 52 49 38 32 last 656 o 4 3 5 2 For Barley, Oats, Corn, Seed Grain + Seed And Fertilizer Supplied + The Best Elevator Facilities See Our Contracts Before You Decide Report From Harpley By MISS M. HODGINS Personal Items Guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Newton Hayter on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hayter and family of Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Jones and Randy of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Good­ ing of Parkhill. Mr. and Mrs. John Hodgins of Cedar S57ainp visited on Thurs­ day evening at the home of Mr. Mansell Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ridley and Jean spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Jim Love and Ginger. Men's Playoffs See-Saw Race Pinpoppers and Whizz Bangs ended up in a tie for first place of the “A” group in the men’s playoffs last week ibut both teams wer6 trimmed Monday night. Competition looks hot in this group! Rural Rollers have a four- point lead in the “B” section with Tradesmen in second place. Top triple of the week was bowled by Rene Froncois of the Spares who scored 781. Other 700 triples included: Lorne Listoen 739, Don Gravett 738, Claude Farrow 736, Ray Smith 711 and George Gleiidinning 703. Wednesday, February 22 Maroons (D. Gravett 582) .. 3287 Tradesmen (E. Heywood 628) 3221 Spare Parts (E. Conard 650) - 3140 Jets (Nichols 652) ____ 3035 Thursday, February 23 Salsburys (Cal Wein 611) S. Circuits (M. Brintnell 577) Butchers (H. Wolfe 688) __ R. Rollers (C. harrow 736) __ Monday, February 27 Butchers (H, Holtzman 667) Maroons (D> Gravett 738) pinpoppors (H. Brintnell 610) Jets (L. Listoen 739) Wlilzz Bangs (P. Wells 612) Windmills (Monteith 683) Hay Seeds (P. McKenzie 560) Ringers (B. Preszcator”600) __ S. Parts (Guy H-DUvar 645) « Milkmen (R, Smith 711) Spares (R. Francois 781) Tradesmen (Gleftdinning 703) "A”, GROUP PinpoppCrs W. Bangs Milkmen „ Strikes Windmills Jets S. Parts Applejacks 3207 _ 3053 SEED GRAIN NOW AVAILABLE OATS RODNEY GARRY SHEFFARD BEAVER CLINTON CARTIER ALASKA LARAIN SIMCOE X Reg. No. 1 $1.65 * 3.00 1.75 (Cert. No. 1) 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 Comm, No. 1 $1.45 2.70 -fl 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 3 4 3 4 5 2 3499 2 - 63639 3256 3417 3196 3450 3278 3476 3096 3411 3212 3336 3380 3432 B»* GROUP 15 - 11 . . 10 .. 8 7 7 . 7 . 7 5 3 2 5 0 7 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 JO 10 9 9 7 « 3 2 R. Rollers Tradesmen Hay Seeds Scares Butchers _ Big Six ,.S. Circuits Salsburys Ringers . Maroons BARLEY MONTCALM GALORE BRANT REDMAN SPRING WHEAT 2.25 2.25 } 1.90 1.90 2.00 2.00 ALL GRAIN TREATED AND NEW BAGS FREE r A Full Line Of Grass Seeds At Lower Prices Get a better return from every acre planted—you do if you use our seed. We've a wide variety on hand—so drop in and see us for your planting needs. EXETER J WHALEN CORNERS