HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-03-01, Page 11^MltMiniliiiiaiiiiRMiiitiiM'niiiiiiniiiiiiiiiHoi'iiMitiiiiiaiiiiiiiiitiHiiiiiilniliiiiuitHpankMpaitiiiiitiitniniiinpi^ia^ Guarantee.. THE TIMES ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 1, 1954 s We can’t guarantee publication of advertisements not received early in the week ! When news budgets are particularly heavy, it is sometimes necessary to delete late ad copy un­ til the following week. Be sure! Make Monday your deadline for ad­ vertising copy!! Sweater 11111111tl11II111111111It K111111111111111It IIIIIIt 11111111111111111111fI■111(11B|<111f1111f11111111111111111111f 111 * 1111<11*<11111 * 1X11111111 Bargains For March $ $350 « * reduced $10 a $2,195 $2,195 $1,895 $1,850 Your Choice 295 150 75 Your Choice ,Your Choice TRACTORS ’49 FERGUSON, she’s good ........................'.......... $ ’49 FORD, motor overhauled ................................. $ COCKSHUTT CULTIVATOR, four-row, like new $ Legion Auxiliary Sponsors Guides At the meeting of the Ladles’ Auxiliary of the Exeter Branch to the' Canadian Legion held in the Legion Hall It was decided Girl Guides and tion to the Boy of a gift for their hall. An invitation was received from Clinton Ladies.’ Auxiliary to attend their St. Patrick’s dance on March 16, The group voted to send a re­ presentative oil meeting. The roll meeting is western pocket novels for pa­ tients at Westminster Hospital. The president, Mrs, Gerald Lawson, conducted the meeting and Mrs. Douglas Brintnell’s group was in charge of the so­ cial hour. Mrs, Wm. Higgins won the mystery prize. Monday evening to sponsor the to send a dona- Scouts in place to the .Safety Coun- call for the March to he answered hy Data On Elimville By MBS. BOSS SKINNER 'C c -J ’v ■■■^11 Pretty wool blend cardigans in a -full range of fascinating shades, ribbon-bound, sizes 14 to 20. Because of a special purchase we can offer these this weekend 'at LADIES WEAR Personal Items Mr, Elgin Skinner of Toronto visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Skinner. Mr. and ’Mrs. Delmer Skinner and family attended the funeral of their nephew, Master Alan MJargison of London, last Tues­ day. Mr. Alvin Pym of Exeter visit­ ed on Sunday with Mrs. Philip March and Mrs. Jean Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pym. The Elimville Euchre Club was held on Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Ridley as hosts. Winners were ladies’ high, Mrs. Austin Dilling; gents* high, Mr. John Kellett, consolation, Mrs. Allen Johns. Hosts this week will be (Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rdutly. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Jaques and Yvonne of Zion visited on Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ross iSkinner. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques and family of Zion visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper. LSMFT- FORD FAIRLANE TUDOR Automatic, a beauty ......................................... MONARCH SEDAN, automatic, a good one .. STUDEBAKER COACH, overdrive, radio .... CHEV SEDAN, see this one, only.................. MONARCH HARDTOP Radio, new motor, a real sex wagon ............ MONARCH SEDAN Automatic, radio, she’s OK....... PONTIAC SEDAN, a nice one .. PONTIAC COACH, a steal......... CONSUL SEDAN, clean ............ MONARCH SEDAN, nice .......... PONTIAC SEDAN ..................... NASH SEDAN .............................. METEOR SEDAN, she’s good ... PONTIAC COACH .........v............. MONARCH SEDAN .................... FORD COACH ............................. PONTIAC SEDAN........................ PREFECT SEDAN, a steal ........ CHEV COACH, it funs ,...;......... TRUCKS 52 FORD 3-TON CHASSIS AND CAB A good one ....................................... FORD 3-TON CHASSIS AND CAB, Ohly .... DODGE PICKUP, only’.................................. $ $ . $ FORD PICKUP, choice of two, they’re good $ DODGE PICKUP ...’............................... FORD PICKUP ...................................... STUDE PICKUP ...............£.........:.......... CHEV 2-TON, side dump, a good one THAMES PANEL, a steal..... ......;........ SPECIALS The following%30*day units will be day until sold: ’52 CHEV SEDAN, clean.......................... r47 CHEV COACH, she’s OK .................. ’52 FORD PICKUP, low mileage.............. 695 650 950 750 695 625 Your Choice $ 595 $ 150 $1,050 Thursday’s; •......... $ ......... $ .......... $ 650 495 150 Larry Snider Motors Phone 624 LTD. Exeter 17" Huron £ LOCAL TRADEMARKS. Im. Dorchester going Armstrong, Mrs. and Mrs. Don K GINGERICH'S/K HEATING'ENGINEER. GINGERICHS Heating-Lighting-Plumbing OIL BURNING -AIR CONCHTIONIN6 EQUIPMENT&SUPPUES ELECTRICAL REPAIRING ZURIC^ MOTOR ^WINDING in rich brown finish metal cabinet. Malching base at slight extra cost. At this wonderful price the all- new "Morton” by RCA Victor is the season’s biggest buy in 21- inch television. Here’s RCA Victor 1956 quality — actually 7 ways better in performance features — combined with sleek, uncluttered picture-frame styling. See it now! IN FITS AND STARTS? PERHAPS THE } ANSWER JS was held at the 21-INCH Kinetics Assist In Spelling Bee Exeter Klnettes donated $5.- 00 for prizes for the public school spelling bee at their meeting Monday night. The program, conducted by Mrs. Douglas Bivers, featured a euchre party with prizes to Mrs. Irvine Cliff Ersman Southcott. The meeting home of Mrs, Lloyd Ford. By M1S9 JANE ptKEMAN Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Lome Johns and children were Sunday visitors with 'Mr. arid Mrs. W. D. ISpence, Woodham. Mr. Harold (Hem and (Rev. Slade attended ’the retreat in Stratford last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen, Whalen, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and IMrs. iNonman Brock. Mr. and Mrs. floss Jaques and John visited (Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jaques, (Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rowcliffe and • children, Loridon, visited Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Wel­ lington Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Hprry Hern, Mrs. Harold (Hern and Mr. and (Mrs. Bob Hern, Thames Rd., attended the Jr. Farmers (Banquet in Sea­ forth, Friday evening. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mi's. Ross J'aques and Mr. Daniel Hicks were Mr. and Mrs. John Lambert, Prospect Hill, and Mr. Wilfred (Herbert, Whalen. Mr. and Mrs. (Ephriam Hern, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hern, Mr. and Mrs. Harold IHern, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hern were guests of ;Mr. and Mrs. Allan Westcott, .Exeter, Tuesday evening to celebrate Mr. Ephriam Hern’s 80th birthday. Miss Noreen Anderson, St, Marys spent the weekend With Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jaques. , Message From Greenway By MBS. CABMEN WOODBUBN Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. John Allister and Frank of Hamilton spent the weekend with Mrs. Albert Pol­ lock. Miss Jean Young, nurse in training id Exeter Hospital, re­ ceived her cap last week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gardner and family of Toronto spent the weekend With, his mother, Mrs. J. Gardner. Mrs. Gardner and family are remaining here this week. Mr. and Mrs. 'Carl Pollock of London spent the weekend with Mr. and MrS. Milton Pollock. Mf. and Mrs. Ed Bloomfield and family of London visited on Sunday With 'Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brophy. (Held over from last week) Mrs. Ellistm Thompson of Lioury spent a few days last week Jan Lager-with Mr. and Mrs. Werf and Janet. Miss Violet Rees spent the weekend Marlon Woodburn. Mr. Jack Hartle is a patient in Victoria iHo&tHtal, London, whefd lie will be taking treat­ ments for some time. *" Mrs. Walter McPherson spent last Week with Mr. and Mrs. W. Jackson 6f Arkoiia. MrS. Fred MeLlnchey is spend­ ing this week with relatives in Detroit. of London with Miss Mr. 'Kofnetowiier—now is the time to paint up, fix up, light up, clean tipi Simply call National Employment Office at Goderich. They will he glad to arrange for a qualified tradesman to do the job. V' M Pentecostal WMC Collects Stamps Mrs. Keith McLaren addressed •the February meeting of the Pen­ tecostal W.'M.C, choosing as her topic “Obedience”. The worship service was iu charge of Mrs, H. Butler. Mrs. C. Blanchard read the prayer bul­ letin. Used postage stamps were re­ quested to be sold and the pro­ ceeds used for the Maintenance of the Pentecostal Missionary rest home in Toronto. Last year the stamp sale realized $5'31.49. Used Christmas cards are to be sent, to Miss June Deacon, mis­ sionary in Kenya. Africa. There was a good response of Children’s clothing for the hope chest at the missionary rest home. Mrs. L. Krause was hostess for the meeting. FOR THIS ALL-NEW rca Victor 21-INCH MODEL r WM ACTIVE HEALTH NURSE—Miss Betty Coney, public health nurse, finds babies and’ school children in Exeter and district keep her busy. Attached to Huron County Health Unit, she supervises health of school and pre-school children and assists with TB- and immunization clinics. Here she looks over 13-month-old Launa Fuller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fuller, Exeter, who weighs a healthy 25 pounds. Timmie Shows Results Of Easter Seals Help A bright-eyed, crew-cut twelve­ year-old youngster who was born with a spina bifida condition and to-day walks with two canes af­ ter three operations and several months in a wheel chair will be Canada’s “Timmy” for 1956. As symbol of all crippled child­ ren in Canada who benefit from the work provided by' the annual sale of Easter (Seals, Chris Martin, pupil of Markham public school, was chief guest speaker at the Sports Celebrity Dinner, Febru­ ary 2 which officially opened the annual sale of Easter .Seals. Chris was anxious to meet Johnny Podres, left-handed pitch­ ing star with the Brooklyn Dodgers, at that, dinner, because “Brooklyn is MY team.” That very'wish reveal? the kind of lad who becomes the tenth boy chosen to represent 'Canada’s handicapped children during the campaign. In Ontario the campaign is conducted by The Ontario Society for Crippled Children in associa­ tion with more than 210 Service Clubs. The Easter Seal Campaign finances the program of treat­ ment and training directed by the Society. Chris will never admit that his condition has ever prevented him from doing anything. An only child of Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ liam Martin of 222 Main Street in Markham, Chris’ father is em­ ployed as an engineer with The Bell Telephone Company and is currently working in Northern Quebec on the McGill Fence pro­ ject. Chris had his first operation when he was three weeks old and last summer underwent two more. He now walks quite well With, the aid of a short brace on each leg and with the help of two canes. His sojourn in hospital last summer prevented him from at­ tending the Blue Mountain Camp near Collingwood which is owned and operated by the -Society. However the two summers pre­ vious he attended and is looking forward to going again this sum­ mer. “It’s really nice at camp”, says Chris “it’s real great to be in a place where all the kids are the same'and nobody is “differ­ ent”. His principal, Mr. L. J. Aber* nethy of Markham Public School lids this to Say of the new Tim- my: ,/Hd ig an exceptional stu­ dent, With ta pleasing personality, who is very popular with his feMow students and fits in nicely Wi.th the school program”. side the school Chris is playing goal for his class floor hockey team. The Lions Club of Markham and Unionville send him to camp each summer and now Chris wants to help them and all the other Easter Seal Service Clubs, to ensure that not one of Can­ ada’s handicapped children will be without help. News Budget From Blanshard By MRS. GLADWYN HOOPER Personal Items ■Mrs. W. B. Young of .St. Marys spent the weekend with.' Mrs. Jas. Mossey. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Parkin- son and family evening with Mr. Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. ford and fariiily spent Friday and Mrs. Jack Gladwin Lang- ____ -of ;___ spirit Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Langford. Ma and Mrs. Joe. __ Dann and Nancy wore Sunday guests of Mr. attd Mrs. Leonard V-ickers of London. (Sunday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomson were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jones, Mr. ■Carman Knowles, Mrs. Gordon Jones and Boss of Glen­ dale and Mr .and Mrs. Fred Thomson. I I I fYOUR. HEATER WORK?; i - - - - _ -.YOU GET ALL THESE RCA VICTOR FEATURES • Aluminiztd Dwp Imaga 90° Picture TwIm, • Extra Seecilivity and Stability. • Belter Brightnett. • Better Contract. • Better Interlace. • Easier Tuning. • Better Sound. 24" Blake PHONE 18 PISS Bill®