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Mission Biand
Mission Band
Church met in the church
room.’ on Thursday.
worship period was con-
by James Fink'beiner and
a story was related hy ’Mrs. Ray
King. Plans were made for the
Mission Band tea to he held in
the church school rooms Satur
day, (March 17.
Personal Items
Donald Finkbeiner spent seve
ral days last week in Ottawa, one
Of 225 students of London Teach
ers’ College who were on a tour
of the capital city, with Princi
pal S. C. (Biehl in charge.
Mr. Edward Gunn was removed
to South Huron Hospital for
treatment on Sunday evening.
Mr, Nelson Sinclair has ibeen
confined to his home for the
past few weeks due to illness.
Mr. and Mrs. William Wood-
all and daughters, of Windsor,
visited during (the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Woodall.
Mr. Robert Wade and Miss Ida
Blanshard of London spent the
weekend at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. Wade.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wein of
London were weekend visitors
'With Mr. and Mrs. J. Butler .
‘Mr. Harold Amy of Hamilton
spent a few days ovei' the week
end at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Fink'beiner.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Faulhafer
of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Penhale of Hay and Mr. Allan
Becker of Hay visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bender
and family.
Portable Typewriter
The Times-Advocate
Comes In 6 Smart Colors
A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Times-Advocate
Vaccines, Babies, Children
•Dost thou love life? Then do
not squander time, for that’s the
stuff life is made of.
Dot’s Beauty Shoppe
(South of Jack Smith Jeweller)
Naturelle Permanent Waving
Lustron Cold Wave
Dorothy G. Pfaff, Prop.
Phone 71-W Exeter
NOW,The Rugged
We Could Use
More Recipes
(How does a rice pudding ap
peal to you for dessert? We
think it’s a nice change from
pie and cake. Mrs. Lloyd Jones
sent us her recipe which seems
very easy to put together. It
would be a good dessert for a
day. when you have the oven on
for the main part of your meal
for the pudding takes two hours
of slow baking.
Baked Rice Dessert
(Mrs. Lloyd Jones.)
(1 qt.) milk
% cup
'5 cups
cup chopped raisins.
Place rice, tmilk, sugar, salt and
nutmeg in covered dish and bake
in slow oven ('300°) for 1%
hours. Stir pudding every 20 min
utes to keep rice from settling.
Add raisins and bake % hour
longer. For a richer pudding add
1 or 2 well beaten eggs with the
raisins. Serve hot or cold with
or your favorite sweet
* *
of our normal
* A
tFrom a friend .... ____
school days we received a cookie
recipe which, will appeal to those
who like the flavor of pineapple.
(iSpeaking of cookies we had
telephone’ calls from five or six
Now Your Dry
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For cottons, silk,
nylon, rayon ...
oil sheer fabrics
Body and Texture
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Almost Indefinitely
All too often, the.suit,
dress or coat that looks
so chic and jaunty
when new, loses much
of its dainty smartness
in laundering or dry
cleaning. At least, it
used to! Now, a new
Sanitone discovery re
stores like-new finish
every time a garment
is cleaned. First, every
trace of spots and dirt
is removed, then comes
a special “finishing”
process which Com
pletely restores like-
new body arid texture
of fabrics. Garments
actually look, feci and
tit like new agaifi* Call
for service today,
For woolens, or-
lon and all wool
like fabrics
readers who discovered, when
they tried the peanut butter cook
ies, that we had omitted ithe milk.
Call ’ ‘ ’us anytime we can help.
Pineapple Cookies
(Mrs. Grace Hondorf,
Churchville, N,Y.)
cup sugar1 cup sugar
% cup shortening
2 eggs
1 tsp. lemon flavoring
2 cups flour
% tsp. salt
% tsp. soda
1% tsp. baking powder
% cup drained crushed pine
4 Tbsp, pineapple juice.
Cream sugar and shortening,
beat in eggs and flavoring. Add
pineapple and juice, then the dry
ingredients which have been
sifted together. Mix well. Drop
by teaspoon onto greased, floured
baking sheet. Bake at 450°
10-12 minutes.* * * 41
Now for another recipe
those of our readers who
on a sugarless diet. This recipe
can be made into a loaf cake
or muffins.
Sugarless Cake
(Mrs. J. M. .Southcobt.)
2 cups flour (stirred but
3% tsp. baking powder
% tsp. salt
6-8 sucaryl tablets
1 cup milk
1 egg
3 T'bsp. butter
% cup each of raisins
currants or raisins and apri
Mix and sift together the flour,
baking powder and salt. In %
cup milk dissolve’ the sucaryl
tablets over hot water, Beat egg,
add remaining % cup milk to it
and mix. Make a depression in
the flour and pour in egg and
milk, then melted butter and
sucaryl mixture. iStir quickly
just long enough to mix ingre
dients. Bake in .small loaves at
37-5° for
fins in a
utes. (If
it for 10
30 minutes or as muf-
400° oven for 2'5 min-
frui't is allowed, steam
minutes and dry before
Mark Wedding
Leap Year Day
Mr. 'and 'Mrs. 'Sam Jory enter
tained Mr. and Mrs. 'Keith Mc
Laren of Cromarty and their
family on Wednesday on the oc
casion of -Mr. and Mrs. McLaren’s
wedding anniversary.
Ruth Jory, eldest daughter' of
Mr. and 'Mrs. Jory, and Keith Mc
Laren were married' by the !Rev.
Duncan -McTavish of James St.
United ‘Church 28 years ago on
Wednesday, February 29, 1928.
They have .four daughters, Mrs.
Kenneth Rennick, of Moncton,
Mrs. Ken Cudimiore, London, Mrs.
Stephen Hendrick, Mitchell, and
Wanda and one son, Rodney, at
home, and four grandchildren.
Discuss Cancer
At Eastern Star
Mr. Fred Dobbs presented
films on Cancer and accompanied
the pictures with important sta
tistics on the disease at the meet
ing of Exeter chapter O.E.iS. on
Wednesday evening.
Mayor Pooley was present and
addressed the members on the
same subject and emphasized the
fact that people should avail
themselves of" the facilities af
forded’ them.
■During the business session of
the meeting it was reported that
seventeen members had attended
the sewing at the hospital for the
purpose of m'aking cancer dres
sings. 139 dressings
and 54 articles were
the gift cupboard in
cash donations.
The chapter will
dance on April 13,
shower tea on April 28 and RCA
“Kitchen Kapers” will be an
event for June 18 and 19, all
to be held in the Legion -Hall.
Worthy matron Mi's. Jack
Dick-ins and Worthy patron Mr.
Maurice Quance presided.
were made
an April
Surprise Couple
On Anniversary
Mr, -and Mrs. E. Lindenfield
wore surprised by a family
gatheriiig on Friday evening at
the home of their daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Cudmore on
the occasion of their forty-fifth
wedding anniversary. 1
A wedding anniversary cake
was a feature of the occasion and
gifts were given to the .honored
Mr. and Mrs. (Norman Floody,
Janice and David of Windsor and
EVCT_D 1 ft1’1106 Cudmore of .St.
EXETER' Thomas were out of town guests.I
“It’s going -to be a -heavy pro
gram” said Miss Betty Coney,
public -health nurse for Exeter,
Stephen, Usborne and part of
Hay, ,referring to giving polio
vaccfne to school children this
A third dose will .be given to
the pupils who received this vac
cine last year and to all others
up to Grade 8 as fai’ a# the sup
ply will go.
The consent of .the parents of
each child must be obtained be
fore this service is given. The me-
Circle Sponsors
Landscape Talk
A program on home .beautifi
cation by landscaping .was pre
sented by Mr. .E. .Mulroy -of .the
Downham Nurseries of .Strathroy,
in 'the iCaven church on Thurs
day night, under the auspices of
iCaven Congregational Circle.
Colored slides of many (land
scaped gardens -and homes were
shown and in comparison some
not planned or cared for. Advice
was given on planting and care
of evergreens shrubs and roses.
Mr. W. iG. Cochrane presided
and introduced Mr. Mulroy. Rev.
(Samuel Kerr, Mrs, John Pryde
and Mr. Gerald Godbolt
Exchange Vows
In Parsonage
Jafries St. United Church
sonagexWas the setting for
marriage on .Saturday afternoon,
February 25, of Miss Norma Eli
zabeth Snell, youngest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. William iSnell,
James iS-t. to William Ronald
Caldwell, son of Mr. and Mrs.
William Caldwell, Kippen. Rev.
H. J. Snell officiated at the 3
o’clock ceremony.
The bride wore a wihite floor
length gown of nylon net. Her
finger tip length veil was held
in place by a coronet of lily of
the valley. Her bouquet was of
red roses and white carnations.
The bridesmaid, Miss Ethel
Gillard, Exeter, wore a blue floor
length gown of nylon net
carried a bouquet of blue
nations and white mums.
Robert Caldwell, Kippen,
tended his brother as grooms
A reception was held at the
home of the bride for thirty
guests from • London, Hensall,
Kippen, Clinton, iSeaforth
On their return from a
honeymoon Mr. and Mrs.
well will make their home in
dical officer of health er a, Ideal
doctor -gives the vaccine.
"We cannot start until May,”
said Miss Coney, "and we Will
have a number of staff conferen
ces before that to organize the
work; the actual giving of the
vaccine -is nothing, compared to
the organization of the work.”
Pre School’ Children
This is only one phase of the
many duties carried out by Miss
Coney. -Once 'a week she checks
with the hospital for new mothers
and visits them and all others
that she can contact. Not only
soon after birth but at six months
and aga-in at one year does Miss
Coney visit these b’abies.
-From records kept since the
health unit was established in
Exeter, the nurse has a good
knowledge of children, who will
be starting school in April, and
will endeavor to visit these in
their homes prior to that time.
School Visits
Miss Coney visits the schools—
there are 26 schools and 1,-350
pupils in her jurisdiction—and
confers with the teacher on the
health habits of the pupils. -If
a pupil is absent .too often she
visits the home to find the cause.
If a pupil squints she tests -for
vision and similarly other re
fects are cheeked.
"The school program is .the
heaviest I would dike to do much
more than il do,” said Miss Coney.
iShe has a pre-natal class once
a week. “These classes are well
reieived here,” she commented,
“an dthe doctors are quite enthu
siastic about the results.” "
There is also an immunization
clinic once a month held in the
nurse’s office in the .first floor
of South .Huron District Hospital.
A T.iB. chest clinic is conduct
ed there once 'a month when a
doctor and X-ray technician
from Beck Memorial .iSanitorium,
London, are in attendance.
'Exeter is,, really a two nurse
appointment. “One has to spread
one’s self thinly over a.-' large
area,” said Miss Coney,” and I
would prefer to do the work more
A graduate of Misericordia
Hospital, Winnipeg, Miss Coney
class in public health nurslhg
from the University of Toronto.
iSuch a busy person she -is ‘hard
to contact but she is usually in
her office in the iSouth Huron
Hospital from 3 to -5 o’clock from
Monday to Friday each week.
“I like it here just fine,” she
said, when interviewed in her of
fice on Monday, “but I spent too
much time in ithe ditch. Every
body is so kind to help me out
again.” IShe recounted her ex-
periences last 'Friday when she
had to pay a quick trip -to Dash
wood and progressed only half
a mile when she slid into the
ditch. -She has had several simi
lar experiences in the past weeks
of icy road conditions.
Strike's Over!
Huge Factory
Of 1955 Appliances
RELEASED1■ wk ■■ ■■■ ■■ ■M _ *
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Come in and see them!
You can. now make BIG SAVINGS on genuine, quality-
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Washers, Dryers and other appliances.
one the 19 55 graduating
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EXAMPLE—Frigidairezs beautiful RT38 Range which • regularly
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