HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-03-01, Page 9THE.TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 1, 1956 SCOUTS PARADE TO CHURCH—Boy Scout organizations in leaders. Some 6,500,000 members of the World Brotherhood Exeter attended church service at James St. United Church of Scouts observed the occasion. Baden-Powell was born in Sunday morning in honor of the memory of Lord Baden-England on February 22, 1857, and conducted the first Powell, founder of the Scout movement. Groups included experimental Scout Camp of 25 boys in 1907. Scouts, Cubs, Guides, Rangers and Brownies with their —Jack Doerr Photo B-P Sunday Service I Scouting Groups Parade To Church Sunday proved to be >a very chilly day as indicated by all blue knees (including our own) visible in the church parade. We have heard several very favour­ able comments regarding the pa­ rade, 'and we did do our best even though the-cold weather and slip­ pery roads kicked us out of’ step occasionally. We certainly enjoyed the serv­ ice at James (St. United Church and we wish to thank Rev. Snell for the warm welcome extended Leader In India Church Speaker ■Professor Reuben iMoses, M.A., D.P.Ed., a former college athletic star and now one of the out­ standing leaders of the church in India, will be guest speaker ion (Sunday at services in Elimville, Thames and Road and James St. United Churches. Professor 'Moses, who was edu­ cated in his own country through Canadian contributions, is pro­ fessor of English language and ■literature at the Indore Christian India. He wais an outstanding athlete and won many (prizes in­ cluding the Agra U niversity ■Track and Field championship which 'he .held for three .years. (He represented Central India in the 'Olympic', meets. ji’He is a commissioner of the general assembly of the United Church of North India and member of several committees. The (professor will jnarningil. services at to us. We also wish to thank the Brownies, Guides, Rangers, Cubs and Scouts who turned out to make our parade a success. Four of our scouts, Merlin Mc­ Lean, Jim Tomlinson, Peter Fray- ne and Clare Idle, attended the Junior Leaders’ Course at Goder­ ich Friday evening and Saturday. Results of the course have not been released yet but we are confident through with The first ended 'after Monday’s regular meeting with Ei'_ “T-i: Patrol coming from behind to win with a total point score of our fellows came colours flying, patrol competition Bob Harvey’s Wolf 19I2, ibeating Merlin McLean’s cougar patrol by a mere 2 points. Bob Kelson’s Eagle patrol fol­ lowed in third spot, and Jim Tomlinson’s brand new Beaver patrol trailed in fourth spot, ■Competition was keen and we suspect that the next competition will be even keener. The winning parol will receive a bronze statuette purchased for interpatrol competition through a donation from dies Auxiliary. The members patrol are Bob leader; Clare Idle, patrol’second; Fred Ward, Don Thomson, Doug the Legion La- of the winning Harvey, patrol Exeter Brownie Pack Marks Thinking Day' Bob fel-' a important speak at Elimvil'le and Thames Road and in the evening at- James St'. A fireside hour is being arranged after tilie Exeter service during which Mr. Moses is expected to answer questions about the 'political and economical (position of India in international affairs. HATCHING EGG OPPORTUNITIES Well-Known Local Hatchery Needs Limited Quantity of Additional Flock Owners For Year-Round Production. For Full Information Write: Box FB, Exeter Times-Advocate By MRS. ROBERT LUXTON The thirty-tliree Brownies of the 1st Exeter Pack were pleased 'last week that “Thinking Day’’— the birthday of their: founder, Lord Baden->Po'well and also the birthday of their Guide Lady Baden-Powell—JfeU on Wednes­ day February 22 and that is the day the Brownies meet at the Scout 'Hall. 'Of course, the Brownies- had a birthday party-MBrown Owl calls it a “3 BP’’ party. (First of all, as each sixer en­ tered the hall, she was given ’ a birthday gift for her six. All five sixes .gathered to-gether with their sixers, to open the gift. Inside t'hey found a song for them six to sing and a candle. Now Brown Owl, who is Miss Norma Veal, called the Brownies into the Fairy Rings. Each six sang its little song. The Elves sang “We’re the elves from the cold cold north; To the 3 B.P. Party they sallied forth and the other four sixes were much the same. Brown Owl told the Brown­ ies how Brownies first began. This is what she said:- “Welcome Brownies now realize, This is the time for the big sur­ prise, / You guessed and guessed, what’s 3 B.P.? And you’re waiting for the an- swer from me. Once upon a time—-many years ago There were little people called Brownies you know They worked all night doing their good turns Lending a hand, as each Brownie learns. To So you Weekend Specials Meat Specials Round Steak ..................................... Rump Roast of Beef ....................... Hamburg .............................. . Swift's Small Sausage, 1-Lb. Pkgs. Bologna ...... Head Cheese ......... 59^ Lb. .......... 590 Lb. .. 4 Lbs. $1.00 .............. 390 4 Lbs. $1.00 290 Lb. Grocery Specials Culverhouse Cream Corn, 20-Oz, Tins .. 7 for $1.00 Aylmer Catsup ......................................... 5 for $1.00 Dr. Ballard's Health Food For Dogs .... 8 for $1.00 Paramount Pink Salmon, %'s..................4 for $1.00 Kleenex, Regular or Chubby ................ 6 for $1.00 Brunswick Sardines ............... . 12 for $1.00 Johnson'S Hard Gloss Wax, Quarts ......... 980 Garden Patch Kernel Corn, 14-Oz. .........8 for $1.00 Save-All Wax Paper......... ........................4 for $1.00 "Campbell's Mushroom Soup ....................6 for $1.00 Campbell's Vegetable Soup ................. 8 for $1.00 Clark's Pork & Beans, 20-Oz................. 6 for $1.00 >«•< [And Meat Market | | Hensall Ontario i lots we him Kelson, Bill (Harvey, and Armstrong. Congratulations lows for a job very well done. Our Monday night meeting was not very, well attended due to high school examinations, for which most fellows were study­ ing. Had we had. more boys there, the result of Athe competition may have been even closer. We had a song program a- round our artificial camp fire, and believe a few very troop. This so well that them a part of.oui* regular troop meetings. •Our paper, drive was held up by inclement weather last Sat­ urday so will be held later. Watch the back page of this pa­ per for the date, and please re­ member to roll your papers as it is worth more. We have received three very generous donations ’ which we would like to acknowledge here wtih our. sincere thanks: Mr. Bill Middleton B-A agent, 100 gallons fuel 'oil; Mr. Fred Walker, a load of split fire place wood; Exeter Legion, 3 boxes of china dishes. If some of you folk around town have articles of scout uni­ form which you would like to sell, just call 796J or 475W and we will pick it up and do our best to sell it for you. That’s all .until' next week, keep smiling, spring won’t be long coming (?) it or not there are. gobd voices in the program went over we shall be making “•Scouter” Comments About Cromarty By AIRS. K. McKELLAIl GRATTON & HOTSON Phon* 156 Grand B*nd March 17. to Wingham Mrs. Beatrice Bob Elgie and Hensall And District News —— — — - — , , . ■ , .................................................................. ................ UC Young People Prepare Service Hensall - Chiselhurst Young People’s Union met in Chisel­ hurst United Church. The devo­ tional was taken by Miss. June Ross, Miss Dianne Rannie and by Ross Kercher. Miss June Ross presented a brief talk basing her thoughts from the subject “What is Stew­ ardship?” Ken Collsin favoured with a poem. Ross Kercher gave a talk on modern and past “ages” of our world. Rev. C. D. Daniel pre­ sented the Bible Study. A business committee was formed to start preparations for the “Young People’s Service”. Committee elected were Ken (.Parker, Miss June Ross, Miss Maja Roobol, Gerald Horton and Rev. Daniel. Personal Items ■Mrs. Ciarence Reid, was called from matinee tele quiz, CFPL-TV Friday, ;but failed to qualify for the jackpot which was $l,‘3'40. ■Mr. Fred Nicholls, of Birch River, Manitoba, has returned home after a pleasant two weeks visit spent with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Clark sr., and Mr .and Mrs. Gordon Wren.x Mrs. Clark is a cousin, and Mrs. Wren, a niece, of. Mr. Nicholls. He also visited With friends in the district. .'•Miss Betty Mickle B.-S.C.N. To­ ronto, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr .and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family. Mark Anniversary Kinsmen Anniversary of the founding -of the Kinsmen Club was observed by Hensail Kins­ men at their supper meeting held at the Kosy Korner restaurant Thursday evening. President Wil­ liam Mickle who presided for a brief meeting spoke appropriate words in connection with the an­ niversary. A birthday cake was served. Kinsmen guests were pre­ sent from Blenheim and Milford Bay. Message From Kippen By MRS. A. GACKSTETTER Mrs. Walter Fairbairn Passes Tne funeral service of the late Mrs. Walter Fairbairn was held from the Bonthron funeral Home, Hensall, on Sunday February 26, conducted by Rev. Norman Mc­ Leod. Mrs,. Fairbairn was formerly Mary Ellen Robertson, youngest daughter of the late Thomas Robertson and Ann McGregor and was born on the '2nd .conn, of Tuckersmith. After her marri­ age to Walter Fairbairn in 1903 they farmed on the Town line west of Kippen until 1937 when they retired to Hensall where they resided for 19 years. ■Ou account of ill health they came to live with their daughter, Mrs. Ross Love, where Mrs. Fairbairn passed away. She was a faithful member of Kippen United Church and a life member of the W.’M.iS. of that church. -■>.!Surviving besides her husband are one daughter, Mrs. Ross Love, 3 grandchildren, 3 great grand­ children, one sister, Mrs. Grace Christian Education Team A Christian education team, consisting of Mrs. Arthur Hamil­ ton and Rev, C. M. Lewis, of At­ wood; Thomas Dickson -and Rev. M. V. Putnam, Listowel; and Rev. J. A. Isaac, Monkton, met. with representatives from Exeter and C r o m a r t (y Presbyterian churches in Cromarty church. Rev. (Samuel Kerr opened the meeting' with prayer. Rev. Mr. Lewis introduced the members of the team and explained the term “Christian education.” Rev. 'Mr. Putnam showed slides of the literature and courses available for teachers and lead­ ers of church schools, and of groups of boys and girls, and young people. These were ex­ plained by (Mrs. Hamilton, Mr. Dickson and Rev. 'Mr. Isaac, Slides were.’ also shown of C.G.- I.T. and (Sigma C groups. An opportunity was .given <to examine a display of available materials ■and books. Mr. Lewis, Mr. Isaac, Mrs. Hamilton and Mr. Dickson held a ipanel discussion on materials and methods, with participation Ifrom the floor. Mr. Isaac closed the meeting with a short worship service. Lunch -was served. Y.P.S. Meets The Young People’s Society met in the basement of the church with James Chappel pre­ siding. Anita Sorsdahl read the scripture; Rev. Mr. Kerr took the topic and led in prayer; and Alice ISorsdahl read a poem, Mr. Hensall .Pianists Play Over Radio Pupils of Miss Greta Lainmie presented a program ,on the Kid­ dies Studio Party at C.K.N.X. Saturday morning. The program included :-piano trio, Margaret, Marion and Kathleen Porter; reading, Mary Scane; piano solo, Gail Farquhar; violin solo, Keith Anderson; .piano duett, June and Joyce Munn; song, Jimmie Hamilton; Piano solo, Marion Porter, re­ citation, Bob Munn; piano solo, Peggy Qoddard; vocal duett, Margaret and Kathleen Porter; piano duett, Margie Elgie and •Sharon McBride. A different group of Miss Lam- mie’s pupils will present the pro­ gram at C.K.N.X. " ' Transportation was provided by Munn and Messrs Elgin Porter. W.I. Quilting ■A group of members of Kip­ pen East WJ, met at the home of Mrs. Russell Brock on Thurs­ day afternoon and quilted a crib quilt for the War Memorial Hospital, London. Members of the group included Mrs. E. Whitehouse, (leader), Mrs, Verne Alderdice, Mrs. Stewart Pepper, Mrs. 'Campbell Eyre, Mrs. Glenn Slavin, Mrs. R. Brock. A pot luck dinner was enjoyed. Other groups are sewing in the near future for the same pro­ ject. ■Mrs. C. Stephenson, Mrs. G. Hess and Miss Gladys Luker at­ tended a quilting at iChiselhurst. Following dinner, Mrs. Hess was in charge of a Ronald Product’s party with proceeds for the Women’s Association. Personal Items Miss Mary Haun was success­ ful in passing her Grade one- piano examination of the Royal Conservatory of Music with hon­ ors. Mary is a pupil of Miss Greta Lammie. Mrs. C. L. Jinks, a patient at Victoria Hospital, London, who recently fractured her hip in a fall on the' ice is improving nice­ ly. The stitches have been re­ moved and she was able to sit in a chair on Sunday last. i CANADIAN PROPANE GAS & APPLIANCES Imagine! Small, easy-to-meet premiums paid every six months. This is a feature pioneered by my company to make your auto insurance easier to handle. My company’s rates in most states are made up on the basis of its own “careful-driver” loss expe­ rience. This also permits quicker rate, reductions whenever they are possible. Call today and find out more about this easy-to- budget insurance. It pays ta ksow yaar A STATE FARM Agent tNIVUHCt C. E. Robb Phone 25-r-22, Lucan Hobkirk, Regina, Sask. Two sons died in infancy. Mrs. Bruce Mc­ Gregor and Mrs. Howard Fink- beiner sang a duet “Sweet Hour of Prayer” accompanied by Miss Jean Ivison. ; The pall bearers were Wm. Fairbairn, iH.e n s a 11, Winston Workman, Robert McGregor, W. R. Bell, Archie Parsons, John Anderson. Interment was made in Hensall Union Cemetery. Silver Wedding Anniversary On Friday evening about 30 friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGregor surprised them by gathering at their home prior to their 25th wedding an­ niversary. Euchre was played and later lunch served. On Sunday a family dinner was given at their home. Those attending were Harold Jackson, Chapman and Arthur Routledge, Egmondville, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crich, Sea­ forth. Personal Items 'Miss Marilyn Mousseau has ac­ cepted a position in London with —-Please Turn to Page 12 H. J. CORNISH & CO.11 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS H. J. Cornish, L. F. Cornish, D. Mitchell 294 DUNDAS ST.LONDON, ONT. j You’ll want to look .your lovliest in your new Easter •outfit. Don’t just (wish! Let a tailored Sipirella coax your figure into beautiful firm lines. Made to your personal measurements 'for *lfigure control. iSpirella gives you (that all important sitting, .walking comfort .with correct support as well. iSee >tihe Spireila designs in the privacy of your own home and without obligation by calling children to help named them Brownies see we’re going to cele- But there weren’t enough to help everyone make life .merry and have of fun; one day Baden-Powell, call him “BP” Asked the and you tonight brute A most and very important date. It’s the birthday of Lord Powell named all Brownie after the wise old also the 'birthday wonderful wife has been Chief Guide for most of her life “What’s “3 BP” tell them Tawny Owl,” “It’s a Brownie Pack birthday party for Lord and Lady Powell.” • The sixers lit their candles and Broww Owl asked all Brownies to make a special wish for Brown­ ies all over the world, and then each in turn blew out her candle, and sang happy birthday to the Baden-tPowell’s. . The Brownies played a game, a Thinking Day game, telling what Brownies in other lands do. After the game came a surprise— a piece of birthday cake, while they listened to a story. The meeting closed with Vesper, Taps and the Brownie Prayer. ' If you have a little girl tween thexage of 8-11 why not send her along to Brownies on Wednesday at 5 p.m. at the Scout House? There are Brownies now and with a few more could Easily grow' into two Packs. .So, if you ‘have little .girls of Brownie age or if you are interested In helping with Brown­ ie meetings we iwill be glad to hear from you. Enthusiasm not experience is all that a new lead­ er needs. Won’t you help us? ■So Who And Who Baden- leaders owl; of his be- 33 S-H Display Corn Boost iSouth .. . . School’s display at Huron County Seed Fair in Clinton this week7 end will show farmers it’s imore economical to grow corn for feed than mixed grain. Although it costs more to grow corn, the returns In food value are considerably .greater, .the dis­ play shows. (Cost of growing corn Is ap­ proximately $1(5 per acre more—- $5.0i0' for tilling and $10.00 for fertilizer. The corn, however, just about doubles production in pounds of digestible nutrients and digestible pr-otefns. Comparison of .costs re that corn will produce feed at two-thirds the. cost of mixed grain. The display recommends good corn culture and lists the proven varieties for this area. Huron District High Church CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD Rev. W. F. Krotz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist Sunday, March 4, 1956 10:00 a.m.—“One with Him” 11:05 a.m.—'Sunday School 7:30 .p.m.—“Heaven Opened” ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON Rev. Glen R. Strome, Minister 10-: 00 a.m.—Worship Service . “What It Is” 11:00 a.m.—Sunday School 7:30 ,p.m.—Evening Service /J Mr. and Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. Valeria Armstrong Phone 125 Exeter ' THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN MAIN STREET CHURCH Rev. H. Fikse, Supply Minister Sunday, '2 p.m.—Dutch Service All Welcome THAMES ROAD MENNONITE MISSION EXETER Sunday School 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. “Teach Me Thy Truth, O Lord” Supt.: Stanley Sauder, Zurich PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Sunday, March 4, 1956 9:45 a ,m.—Su nd ay S cho ol 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship (Communion) 7:30 >p.m.—-Evangelistic Service Wed., 8 p.m.—Bible Study and Iprayer Fri., 8 pan.—'Christ’s Ambassa­ dors A Welcome Awaits You Rev. L. W. Krause, Pastor JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.O.M., Musical Director 10:00 a.m.—(Sunday School 11:00 -a.m.—.Morning Worship . iLenten Theme: “Witnesses of IH'is Resurrection’’ No. 3—John Anthem by the Choir Sole: Grant McDonald 7:00 p.m.—Evening Worship 'Special Missionary Service Prof. ‘R. Moses, M.A., of In­ dore Christian College and native Indian Christian, will bring the message. 1Solo; Marilyn Bassett Following the evening service there will be an opportunity to meet Prof. Moses for "dis­ cussion regarding the work in India. A Warm Welcome Is Extended To All SUPERIOR s?orE Special Sale APEX Canned Foods "APEX" Is a Top Quality Label Of A Large Canadian Company See More Details in the Full-Page “Superior” Ad in the London Free Press Each Thursday Prices Effective March 1, 2 and 3 APEX APEX APEX choice Fruit Cocktail APEX APEX APEX APEX APEX APEX 22c THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. N. D. Knox, B.A., Rector Trivift Memorial/ Exeter Third Sunday In Lent 8:30 a.m.—'Holy Communion 10:15 a.m.—'Sunday School 11:30 a.m.—Choral Communion (Nursery School in the Parish Hall) Mid-Week Lenten Services Wed., lO’-a.m.—nHoly Communion Wed., 8 p.m.—Evening Service ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Hev. Louis Higenell, Pastor 10:00 a.nv—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.-—Service “The Defending Christian” March 7, 8 p.m.—Lenten Service “The Lamb of God—The Guide and Ruler of the Church” MAIN STREET United Church Of Canada Rev. Alex’r Rapson, Minister Mrs. A. Willard, Organist a.m.—Service of Worship Beginners (4 and 5 years) withdraw from the ser- during the second hymn. . _ a.m.—The -Nursery Class (3 years and under) in the Primary Department. 11:15 a.m.—The Church School The Doors Of This Church Stand Open. Come In, Worship, And . ■>• Be At Home. 10:00 vicS 10:00 FANCY Apple Sauce t(ns CHOICE Sliced Peaches fancy Bing Cherries TID BIT, CHOICE Pineapple 2 FOR 27c 15-OZ. TINS 15-OZ. TIN 15-OZ, TIN 2 FOR 22c 25c 39c 20-OZ. TIN 2 for 21c SPECIAL PROCESS Peas, Fancy CHOICE Diced Beets CHOICE Diced Carrots 2’tins 21C FANCY Aspargus Tips FANCY Spinach 12-OZ. .TIN OvC 15-OZ. TINS 2 for 29c CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Samuel Kerr, B.A., B.D. Minister J. G. Cochrane, Organist a. m.—Sunday School b, .m.—(Morning Worship Rev. Mrs. 10:00 11:00 .Sermon Subject: “The Human­ ity of Christ”—Third in a series on Apostle’s Creed. Mon., 4 ip.,m.—Mission Band Tuesday, (March 6, 8 p.m.—Con­ gregational Circle meeting in the church. Guest speaker: Mrs. M. C. Fletcher.Si Coffee Cheery domestic Shortening 3D Def CHRISTIE’S Carelt'n Crackers DR. BALLARD’S Dog, Cat Food 2 Morn 1-LB. BAG 1-LB. PKG. 1-LB. PKG. 15-OZ. TINS 89c 29c 39c 23c Juice NATURE’S BEST AYLMER, CHOICE Golden Corn tins ™z' 19c ,<( 2 for 25c Tender Leaf Tea Bags bEALS Pkg. of 30, 5$ Off 38c Pkg. of 60, 10$ Off 69c The Best Place To Shop After All J. H. Jones Groceries Phones: 32 and 752 Free Delivery