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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-03-01, Page 6
Announcements By DOUG SMITH THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH L 1956 ICECHIPS // / fromthe/ / 'EXETER t/./f/ f/i , ARENA Birth. Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Cards of Thanks cost 75c, in Memoriam Notices 75c for single .verse, 25c extra for each additional verse, and Engagement Notices are 75c. * ..................................... No Trouble Spelling Results Here FOR’SAUE FOR RENT WANTED n Minor Hockey In th© first 'game of a final round-robin series in the Pee Was League, Rangers defeated Bruins by a 6-5 count. David Burstroxn pf Rangers, an a dazzling performance, scored five goals. The other went 8 tires. For Bruins, ’Captain Don scored foux* goals with the -to F. Wells. Saturday morning at 10 Bed Wings and Rangers fight it out in the second game Of the round-robin. ” to L. Cann fifth ■p.m., will DAtAVMlt) I'LL BET THEY SUPPLIED THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH WITH MILK FROM H16HLANVMLLDAIRX Devils andAt 11 'p.m. Red Blue Devils, 'Who are tied with one win each, will .play their final game. Two squee gee games will foe played at 11:30 to decide who will play in the final. Mohawks ■and, Hawks will pair up and Black Hawks and Tomahawks will igo against each other. Broomball In the women’s league, married women defeated ROAF WD’s 1-0 ■an din the round-robin, meet single Standing (Married Women .... ■R1OAF WD’s ......... Single .Girls ......... In the men’s came hack strongly and knocked off Dashwoo<i to a tune of 1-0. Gil'fillnn from Triebner scored the only goal to (force this round to a third game 3 p.m. Thames Road against Legion series 2-0 and Mohawks at 3 p.m. Mohawks, >whio were shorthand ed, showed <plenty of downing Kinsmen 4-3. getters for Mohawks fast Brintneils, Murray with two each. BIRTHS DIXON—Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dixon. Ailsa Craig, announce the birth of a son at South Huron Hospital, February 28, 1956—a brother for Terry.JEFFREY—Harry and Ruth Jeffrey, Hensall R.R. 1, are happy to announce the birth of a son, Paul Robert Edward, at South Huron Hospital, February 25, 1956—a (brother for Mary Margaret.MANN—Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Mann, Main (St., Exeter, announce the birth of a daughter, Shelly Nadine, at South Huron- Hospital, February 23, 1956. COOK 'STOVE, wood and coal, cream enamel; and girl’s bicycle. Rufus Turnlbull, phone 35-r-2, Grand Bend. _____________ lc 19>53 FORD SEDAN, two-tone green, radio, directional signals, back-up lights, approximately 28,000 miles, A» condition. Phone 384-J._________ie CLOTHING — Trousers, navy blue English gabardine, 37 waist, short leg: man’s spring overcoat, brown, 36-38 size; girl’s statipn wagon coat, rust, mo-uton collar, size 8-10. Can be seen at Brady Cleaners,_______lc 2 HEREFORD BULLS, registered, 1 year eld. Apply William B. Thompson, 2 -miles south and 2 miles west of Centralia, APARTMENTS — 14 clean, cheery, steam heated apartments in the Elliot apartment building; all occupied; one will be vacant March 1, Phone now for reservation, 476 Elliot Apartments. 1:8c I- WILL PAY $3,00 for young dogs, weighing 25 lbs. ar over, delivered to me, until further notice. Albert W. Shirray, R,R. 2 Hensall, phone GS3-r- 11, ■Hensail.________________1:8:15* DUPLEX APARTMENT,. Upper, stove and frig supplied. Phone 181 (Exeter, lc final game of the married women qvill ■girls. L o 2 0 T 0 0 0 Aces P 2 0 2 next iSunday at power in Top .goal were the and won a protest to take their they will meet of Canada’s worst dis- was a four-day Great storm in 1913 in which home, Exeter, until morning with inter- M't. Pleasant cemetery, Har, Holsteins Purebred Accredited Suzanne de Goutiere Lorna iSuzanne de Goutiere only daughter of Lac and Mrs. Peter de Goutiere, Centralia pas sed away in St. Joseph’s Hospi tal, London on Monday, February 27 in. her third year. Surviving besides her parents is a younger brother. Resting at the Hopper-Hockey funeral Thursday ment in Toronto. asters Lakes 300 seamen drowned. 3 Young Fresh Cows—They are both graded Good Plus and have good R.O.P. records. , 2 Young Bull Calves and 2 Ready for Service—The breeding, the quality and the price of these calves will please you. We can spare 1 or 2 heifer calves, suitable for calf club. At the big calf club show at Blytli last fall and at Exeter Fair, the calves from, our herd were right at the top. For more milk, more -1 at and more when you sell them, breed Holsteins. Stock Suits Jackets Sport Coats Sandell Holsteins SANDY ELLIOT Phono 476, Exeter DEATHS FAIRBAIRN—At the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Ross Love, on Wednesday, February 22, 1956, Mary Ellen Robertson, wife of Walter Fairbairn of Kipped. Rested at the Bonthron funeral home, Hensall, where service was held Sunday. February 26. Interment in Hensall Union Cemetery.de GOUTIERE—Passed away in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, Monday, February 27, 1956, Lorna Suzanne de Goutiere, daughter of Eleanor and Peter de Goutiere, of Centralia; age three years. Rested at the Hopper-Hockey funeral home, Exeter, until Thursday morning, March 1. Interment in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto. ENGAGEMENTS Mr, and Mrs. Charles Borland, R.R. 1 Woodham, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Lillian Ruth, to Mr. Robert George Watters, Toronto, son of Mrs. Robert Watters and the late Mr. Watters. The wedding to take place on March 10, 1956, in Thames Road United Cljurch. lc MIXED HAY, alfalfa and clover, Apply August Gregus, phone 172-r-22, Exeter.____________________ i» GOOD WASHERS—Two used Beatty washing machines; one used G.E. washer, all overhauled and ready to go to work. Fisher's Hardware, phone 29, Exeter.__________________ lc 2 COWS, one due this week, the other in two weeks. Apply Donald Dearing, phone 620-J1, Exeter. 1* STRAW—Joseph Zubal, R.R. 1 Lu- can, phone 15-r-3 Lucan. _____ 1 BEDROOM SUITE and infant's crib, small size. Phone 385-R, Exeter, lc BOX OF GIRES’ CLOTHES—Dresses, coat, jeans and sweaters; to fit girl age 2-3. Apply Mrs. Gordon Prance, phoine 37-r-22 Kirkton.______ 1» in Thames Road United Cljurch. CARDS OF THANKS Mrs. Walter Weber wishes thank all those who remembered __with cards, treats, flowers- and visits while a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, and since returning home. Special thanks to Dr. Butson. 1* The family of the late Mrs. Walter Fairbairn wish to express their appreciation to all of their friends and neighbours for their kindness at the time of their bereavement. Special thanks is extended to Rev. Norman McLeod, Dr. J. C. Goddard, Bonthron funeral home and those who sent flowers and cards or helped in any way. lc Mrs. Arnold Gacks tetter and Myron wish to extend thanks to their many friends for cards, flowers and visits received while in South Huron Hospital. Special thanks to the nurses, lc Mrs. John L. Henderson wishes to gratefully acknowledge . the many kind remembrances of cards, flowers, fruit and candy while a patient in St. Joseph's Hpspital and since returning home and regrets very much that it is not possible to answer each one indiviually; also to Drs. Goddard, Hession, Gibson and Wilson, and the Sisters of St. Joseph’s and nurses on the third floor. 1* We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our many friends, relatives and neighbors for the kindnes and sympathy shown us during our recent sad 'bereavement; also for the beautiful floral tributes, cards and messages of sympathy; special thanks to the Rev. O. WintuS, the Westlake Funeral Home, the pallbearers, flower bearers and for anthems rendered'by the ILuthe- ■Cliurch choir.—The Jonhston Family lc wish to express my sincere thanks to the many friends, relatives and neighbors for cards, treats, flowers and visits while a patient in Victoria and South Huron Hospitals and since returning home. The many acts of kindness and thoughtfulness were deeply appreciated. —Mrs. James Miller lc I wish to thank all those who so kindly remembered me with cards, treats and visits while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, and since returning home.—Roy Campbell 1* Mrs. Edward .‘ionns wishes' to thank all those who in any way remembered her and family during the illness and death of her little grandson, Alan Margiso’n. !♦ We wish to express our sincere appreciation to our many friends for the kindness and sympathy shown us during our recent sad 'bereave ment; for the beautiful floral tributes, cards and letters of sympathy; also to those who remembered Alan while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital. —Maynard and Hazel Margison 1* IN MEMORIAM HERDMAN—In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Mabel Herdman, who passed away March 4, 1955.She *bade no one a last farewell,She said good-bye to none.The heavenly gates were open wide, A loving voice said “Come”.Th blow was great, the shock severe, We little thought her death so near. Only those who have lost can tell The sorrow of parting without farewell.—Sadly missed by daughter, Dotis, son - in - law, Fred, and grandchildren. lc to her LADIES' WINTER COAT, size 14; ladies’ gabardine suit, size 68. May ■be seen at Brady Cleaners._____1:8* 10 COWS, due in March and April. Apply Wally Wein, phone 54 Dash- wood,______________________ 1:8c 6 LITTLE PIGS—Apply Mrs. Silas- Stanlake, 357 Carling St.________1* SEED DRILL, 11-hole; farm wagon ■with rack; fanning mill; bag truck; two 45-gal. oil drums. Phone Granton 72-r-7. lc SPECIAL BELL IMPERIAL THRESHER 24x40 To the first two purchasers we are offering a special DISCOUNT of — 10% — and custom-equipped machine.on a new Buy ROBERT Now and" Save BELL INDUSTRIES Seaforth, Ontario 1* TRACTOR, W.C, Allis Chalmers, new tires, $550; rear end Ford loader, $80. Wally Wein, phone 54 Dashwood._________________23:1:8:15:22* 3 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, due. vaccinated, bred to good Hereford bull. Harold Taylor, phone 39-r-8 Kirkton. 1* 3-PIECE BATH SET, in A-l condition .reasonable. Apply Lome Klein- stiver, Dashwood, phone 145. 23:(2* MILKER MACHINE, Surge, nearly new, 2 units complete with motor and pump for IS cows; reason for selling—going into beef cattle. Apply- Ancell Lee, Ailsa Craig R.R. 2 (Brinsley)._______ ____________23:1c HOLSTEIN COWS and heifers, including some springers; quantity to choose from. Apply Roy Dykeman, (R.R. 1 Centralia, or phone Kirkton 90-r-ll, after 4 p.m,________16:23:1c CAPONS—Started capons on order, and custom caponizi-ng. Apply Cari Oestreicher, phene 57-r-23, Dashwood, 16:2-17:6 FOR RENT FURNISHED APARTMENT, all conveniences, phone. Apply 357 Carling St., Exeter.______ ______________1* APARTMENT, with new oil furnace, heavy duty electric range, separate utilities; garage available. Apply at 497 Main- )St., Exeter. Also 3-room furnished and ‘heated apartment on highway, >1% miles south of Exeter. Phone 378-W1 Exeter. 1* Men's Wear Phone 81 Exeter No. 1 Cobbed Corn FOR SALE •tt £ Full Truck Loads Half Truck Loads Shelled Natural Corn K.D. Corn .................. Mixed Grain .............. Peas.......................... . Feed Oats (Tailings) No. 1 Oats (Western) Feed Wheat .............. Mixed Chop ................ Ground Screenings .... Soyabean Meal .......... $35.00 $36.00 Ton Ton COTTAGE—Heavy-duty stove, frig., built-in cupboards, small bedroom, running hot and cold water in laundry; suitable for couple; small garden if desired. Phone 880-J3. Jc 4-ROOM APARTMENT, ground floor, private entrance, living room, (bed room, 3-piece bath, kitchen with built-in cupboards; available March 1. Apply 114 Huron St., phone 514-W4 or 318 Exeter. lc PIANOS, upright and grand. State size, make and price to Box "A”, Times-Advocate. ____ lc WANTED TO LOAN—$3,000 on farm mortgage, by April 1. Write Box “S”, Times-Advocate.______________23:1* PASTURE for 15 head of cattle, or would rent; pasture farm. Apply David Blackwell, Hensall, or phone- 88-r-8 Zurich._______ ______________23:1c HIGHEST PRICES paid for feathers, new and used. Call Exeter Salvage (Harry Joseph)^ phone 423. 1:26-3:1 HELP WANTED NOTICES TO CREDITORS YOUNG GIRL for light housework, for modern farm home; sleep in; small .baby; young couple; steady employment. Mrs. R. L. Dullman, R.R. 1 Cromarty, phone 670-r-21, ’I-Iensall. 1:8* MAN for steady travel among con sumers in Huron County. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliable hustler considered. Write Rawleigh's Dept. C-'202-l-31, Montreal, P.Q. 1:8 OFFICE HELP for three days per week; knowledge of accounting* neces sary. Apply T. Rawlings, Pearson ■Motor Sales Bldg., Zurich, phone 33.23:1c SERVICES SEWING — Woman desires sewing-, preferably children’s clothes. Phone 5G0-J Exeter.___________________1* FOR YOUR BEAUTY COUNCELLOR products contact Mrs. Margaret Mac- Lean, phone 659-J Exeter.________1* PAINTING AND PAPERING CABINET WORK - TILE FLOORS THOS. H. WALKERPhone 553_________________Exeter ATTENTION all Co-Op Universal Milker owners! Bring your pulsators to us for FREE cleaning and adjusting. We carry a full line of repairs. Exeter District Co-Op.23:1:8c FARMERS! Have all your saws sharpened and set at Stew's Sharpening Service, 105 Sanders St., Ex- eter, phone 454._______________3tfc WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION “Where Better Bulls Are Used” , Artificial Insemination sendee for all breeds of cattle. For service or information phone Clinton 515 collect, between 7:30 and 10:00 A.M. on week days and 7:30 and 9:30 A.M. on Sundays. tfc REAL ESTATE In The Estate Of William Becker, deceased. persons having claims against ■ ' " ....... late AUCTION SALE Qf Doctors Instruments and Re$l Estate iu Blocks West of Main Street du Huron Street*’ EXETER WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1 P.M. Tho undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction the following: .Oil burner; large quantity rubber mats; set of baby scales; 2 sets floor scales; filing cabinet; 2 screw-top stools; 2 medicine tables; 2 exam, tables with sponge mattresses; table; large cabinet; 2 floor lamps; camp stove; blankets; dresser and dressing set with large mirror; 2-burner hot plate; small stand; odd chair; smoking stand* and rocker; medical ini- struments of all kinds.At the same time and place there will ibe offered for sale the house and lot—2-storey brick house with frame kitchen, 3 bedrooms, large dining room, sitting room, good furnace; garage.GORDON APPLETON, Prop. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer CLARK FISHER, Clerk All „____ _____ ____ „the estate of William Becker, late of the Township of Stephen, in the County of 'Huron, who died on the 27'th day of January 1956, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, (by the 17th day of March 1956, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only ito those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Administrator, Exeter - Ontario.1::8:15 Ire the Estate of Elizabeth Ann Marshall/ deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Elizabeth Ann Marshall, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the 17th day of December, '1955, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 3rd day of March. 1956, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executrix, Exeter, Ontario 16:23:1 AUCTION SALES 1 .................. t.......—....... Clearing AUCTION SALE < Of Farm Stock & Machinery At Lot 5, Concession 12TUCKERSMITH TOWNSHIP3 Miles East of Hensall FRIPAY, MARCH 16 at 12 O'clock Sharp CATTLE: 4 Holstein cows, due latter part of March; 3 Holstein cows, milking and rebred; .6 Jersey cows, fresh; 11 Jersey cows, due time of sale; number of Hereford calves; 1 Guernsey cow, fresh; 1 registered ■Hereford bull, 2 years old; 12 Durham and Hereford heifers and steers, 1 year old.MACHINERY: Model D Case tractor; Model LA Case tractor; above tractors in good condition; 3-furrow tractor plow; 7^-ft. stiff tooth Cockshutt cultivator; 8-ft. tractor disc; 3- sectipn drag harrows; Massey-Harris 10-ineh grain grinder.; 3-secl,ion harrows; 7-ft. Cockshutt binder; Cock- shult 4-bar side rake, new; Massey- Harris silo filler; New Idea 7-ft. tractor mower, new; 15-run power fertilizer drill, like new; 3-drtmi steel roller; 2 manure spreaders, on© on rubber; all-steel rubber tired wagon; 16-ft. nay rack; electric Viking cream separator; Universal milking ma chine with 4 single units; number of 8-gal. milk cans; milk pails; gtrain- ers; 40 ft. of grain blower pipes; 8'2- ft, extension ladder; root pulper; flit, 3-druni steel roller; 140 ft. drive belt; 70 ft. drive belt; 30 ft. drive belt; Vise power emery.Work bench; oil barrels; 2 electric fencers; posts; wire; 2 rubber tired feed carts; 1 rubber tired milk cart; horse rake; oil ibat'h pump jack; rotary pump with % h.P. motor; 200 ft. of plastic and galvanized Pipes; quantity of hemlock lumber and rock elm plank; forks; shovels; tools; logging chains: large galvanized water- trough; shallow well pressure water unit; colony bouse, 12x12, like new; 500-capaclty electrip brooder; 7xJ6 outdoor granary; number of steel chicken and pig troughs; other poultry equipment; quantity of - household! effects including tables, chairs, buffet, bedroom furniture.TERMS: Cash, No reserve—farm sold.GLEN SLAVIN, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auct.E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk l;8c Clearing AUCTION 'SALE Of Choice Shorthorn Cattle, Tractor, Farm Implements and Miscellaneous Items On the Premises, Lot 8, Con. 8 %-lMIL® SOUTH OF WINCHELSEA. ■The undersigned auctioneer is in structed to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, MARCH 16 Complete li-st of sale in next week's, issue. BAILEY, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 1:® .... $48.00 .... $50.00 .... $50.00 .... $50.00 .... $35.00 .... $56.00 .... $49.00 .... $50.00 .... $47.00 .... $75.00 Ton Ton Ton Ton Ton Ton Ton Ton Ton Ton Unbeaten Midgets In WOAA Finals Exeter’s undefeated midgets, •idle for over two weeks, have been pitted against Port Elgin in final playoffs for the WOAiA Midget “iC” title. First game of the two-game, total-goals series will bo played here Friday night with the se cond in Port Elgin Saturday night. Both games start at '8 p.m. Port Elgin eliminated Milver ton in a tWO-game series this week. The local midgets, mana ged foy OPP Constable John Ford, won their grouping without a loss during the regular season. Cosy Apartment Central — Lower Floor Comfortable, attractive, modern rooms, new kitchen cupboards, 8- piece bath: private entrance; self contained; hot and cold water; near schools and stores; on east side of town; cute as a button and neat as a pin; newly decorated; immediate' possession; act fast. PHONE 143 EXETER _____________________________1:8 UPPER APARTMENT, unfurnished, on>-William St., near downtown, entirely private, separate -hot water tank, wired for heavy duty range, heated; available March 5. Phone 232-M, Exeter. _____________ 1* 3- ROOM APARTMENT and -bath, unfurnished, built-in cupboards, hot water, -utilities paid, private entrance, centrally located, reasonable rent, available March 1. Apply at Lloyd. Ford’s Men’s and Boys’ Wear, 314 ■Main St., or phone 299 EXeter. 23:1* UPSTAIRS APARTMENT, 3 rooms and hath, unfurnished, available Mar. 1, rent reasonable. 489 Main St. S., phone 599-W1, Exeter._______IGtfc c APARTMENT, 3 rooms and 3-piece bath; heat and hot water supplied; unfurnished. Apply John Ward, phone 348.____________________9tf c c APARTMENT, ground floor, central ly located to stores and schools, 3- plece bath, private entrance, recently decorated. Phone 143._____9:lc 2 APARTMENTS — Apply Tasty-NU Bakery, phone 100, Zurich._____9tfc c 4- ROOM APARTMENT, centrally located, partially furnished, heated, bath and hot water, separate entrance; adults only; reasonable rent. Apply 343 Andrew St., Exeter. 9:16:23:1c INCOME PROPERTY — Five-family apartment house, fully furnished, good location in Air Force^jtown; income over $200 monthly; owner will sacrifice; for immediate sale due to ill health; easy, terms; make good pay for itself home for working man or retired couple. Phone Clinton 73-J._________~_______________1:8c 100-ACRiE FARM—Brick house, bank ibarn with straw shed attached, drive -4hed, hydro throughout; 5 miles south of Clinton. Apply to Harry Taylor, R.R, 1 Br.ucefield._______1* FARM—Lot 18, north-east boundary of Usborne Township, containing 80 acres of clay loam, 4 acres ibush, 4 acres wheat, 30 acres seeded, balance in ■cultivation; good buildings; barn with pressure system and "water bowls; henhouse, colony 'house and drive shed; good water supply from drilled well; brick house with bat'h- l’oom and furnace. For particulars see John Selves, Hensall, Ont. 1:8* FARMS—50 acres, house, small barn; 75 acres, ful set buildings; 95 acres, full set buildings; 100 acres, full set ■buildings; ISO acres, full set buildings; 200 acres, special buildings. William Pearce, Realtor; Earl Par- sons, Fred Cole, Salesmen._____23tfc EXETER HOMES—C. V. PICKARD BRICK COTTAGE, 3-bedroom, attractive, living room, dining room, convenient kitchen, 3-piece Ibath, permanent laundry tubs. Tltfs comfortable home is particularly well lo cated on a beautifully treed lot. Owner leaving town. Quick possession. SMALL HOME, complete with electric range, refrigerator and oil space heater, with good lot in fine location. Price $3,200.00. Terms. 3- BiEDROOM BRICK, in best of condition, oil heated, nicely treed lot with good garage. Priced to sell. Immediate possession. 4- BEDROOM HOUSE, with 3 extralots. -This home is nicely decorated throughout. Hardwood floors and fireplace, forced oil heat; lots beautifully treed; garage; reasonable price; easy terms. , 3-BEDROOM HOME, Exeter North, With- approximately one acre of land. This property can be bought at a very low price. Possession arranged. 2-STOREY BRICK; 3-bedroom, choice location. This property is in wonderful condition and has every modern convenience including new oil burning; furnace, Extra large lot is nicely treed. Brick garage. ■Possession arranged. If you wish to buy or sell see C. V. Pickard, Realtor, 394 Main St., phone 165 and 628.____________________16 PROPERTY-—Approximately 2^ acres of land in the village of Zurich on which is situated a modern home containing 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and 3-piece bath, ..full -basement, oil heating;‘... .B-stOrey* frame a cement block Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Farm, Farm Stock and Power Machinery At Lot 8, Concession 11 TUCKERSMITH TOWNSHIP TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 12:30 P.M. CATTLE: 3 Durham and Hereford cows, due time of sale.■MACHINERY: Oliver 88 Diesel,tractor, adjustable front axle, 1954 model; John Deere M traotoi* manure loader and scuffler; Oliver 60-row crop tractor; Cockshutt combine, No. 132, 10-ft. header, and fully equipped; Keck-Gonnerman pickup bean combine, used 1 season; T.D. 6 International bulldozer, complete with hydraulic angle dozer, in A-l condition; Gehl forage harvester, fully equipped for corn and hay; Gehl forage (blower; Smalley forage blower: 3 forage boxes; 3 good rubber tired wagons; 8%-ft. stiff tooth cultivator, International, hydraulic; 4-furroiw International plow, hydraulic, new: 8- furrow Massey-Harris plow; 10-ft. tractor disc. International, hydraulic, new; 12-ft. John Deere spring tooth drags; John Deere one-way disc; 15- run double disc; International fertilizer drill, like new; 2 sets diamond harrows; 2 eulti-packers; stqel roller; 10-inch Gehl hammer mill; Elbersoll 1,500-lb. feed mixer; International 7- ft. power mower; International 4-bar side rake.■Gem electric oat roller; 75-ft 7-inch drive belt: McCormick hay baler, like new; Universal milking machine,’ pipe line, double unit; .McCormick-Deering eleotric cream separator, like new; 2,000-lb. scales; fanning mill; power emery; electric welder; air compressor; electric welder; sugar beet lifter, will fit Oliver 60 or 70; set of farm sleighs; Case tractor manure spreader; grain elevator; tools, chains and other articles too numerous to mention.GRAIN: 1000 bus. of good mixed grain. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Clare Jewel, all enamel cook stove, hot water front, like new.PROPERTY: Farms will (be offered for sale if not previously sold.Parcel 1: 'Lot 8, Con. 11, Tucker- .smith Township, 100 acres, more or less: large bank barn, good stabling; steel driving shed, new; good water supply; hydro; frame house with all modern conveniences. ’■Parcel 2: Lot 10, Con. 9, smith Township, 100 acres, of workable land, 5 acres good water supply.Both farms are in good cultivation.TERMS: Chattels cash.Property made known day of sale- sold subject to reserve bid.■Estate of the late Harry Caldwell HAROLD JACKSON. Auctioneer E. P. CIWSNEY, Clerk Tucker- 95 acres of ibush; state of Don't Forget Our Name—It's The Password To Satisfaction (3zn*A MM -faMed GRAIN-FEED-SEED E«£TtR<»W735-• WHALEN C0RNERS«^vKIRKTON 35RIE Crocker Captures Snooker Tourney Jim CrOckei1, iExetor, wort the junior snooker tournament staged “by Bed iScott at the local billiard parlour this week. /Crocker defeated Don Taylor in the final game of the compe tition iii which 32 entered, •Bob Pooley and Bob Fletcher reached, the semi-finals, Quarter finalists included Don 'Ballan- tyne, Jack Front, Boh iScott and George IHeaman. Among first round winners were Emil Hendrick, Dill Mc Calls, Wayne Welsh, Doug (S1I- lery, Jim Haley, Roy Trlebn&r, Calvin M'cKontal and Bud Rfsher. ■A men’s tournament is planned tor March. HOUSE—Compact, 2 bedrooms, liv ing room and kitchenette, 3-piece bath, furnace-heated, Olean, quiet location. Apply Pinedale Motel, Grand Bend, phone 8. 12-14tfc Floor Sanders Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers vacuum Cleaners, Tools, Etc. BEAVERS HARDWARE, EXEtER Gordon Fraser Mrs. Lloyd Fraser and Mrs. Allan Frhsor of town attended the funeral of the late Gordon Fraser conducted from the Ben nett and Pineombe funeral home on Monday with interment in Woodland ■Cemetery, Mr, Fraser, 72, was born in Biddulpli. He is survived by one sister, Mrs, Percy Simpson of Centralia, and one brother, Wil bert Fraser of town, dining room, kiuvueibath, 4 full basement, on nearing; also situated on this property is an aluminum covered 2-storey frame ■building, 20'x30', and a uement block garage, 2G’xG8’ with <.oal and wood furnace, four large doors, pit A; greasing, 2 Wash floors. Price $10,000.00 Charles D. Hay, phone 225 Zurich. doors, pit for floors. Price .A,, 225 IGtfc 100-ACRiE FARM, one of Huron’s good quality farms, well -underdrained, goed ibarnSj.silo, good house With conveniences; Exeter area. William Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen,__________16tfc HOUSE under construction. Owner Will complete it or sell as now. Extra lots for building. William Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen.______._____ 19tfc CENTRALLY--Brick duplex, comfortable accommodation for two families; separate entrances; each has full kitchen and 3-pieoe bath; heavy wiring; price $7,ooo; $2,ooo cash will handle. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, 5 NEW, MODERN HOUSE with oil furnace; east side of Exeter; close to schools. R. E. Balkwill, 47 John St. BABY CHICKS FOR SALE BRAY BROILERS for April-May should bo on order. Ask for prices. Also on Pullets (some started), Mixed chicks, cockerels. Quick delivery. Hatchery has specials also (Ames InCross, etc.). Full information from Erie Carseadden, Exeter, phone 216- W. . .................... lc Your dollars ■will go farther When you shop the WANT-AD tvay- v Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Livestock, Tractor, Farm Implements, Hay, Grain , and Miscellaneous Items On the Premises, Lot 2, Con. 13, TUCKERSMITH TOWNSHIP 1% Mlles East of Hensall and 1 Mile SouthThe undersigned auctioneer ceived instructions ’“to sell by auction on .WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, Commencing at 1 O’clock p.m.LIVESTOCK: Holstein cow, ing, Carrying third calf, dud part of May; Holstein, cow, carrying third calf, due March 13; Holstein cow, carrying second calf, due before sale date: Holstein cow, carrying fourth calf, due April G; (Brindle cow, due latter part of March; Durham cow, carrying third calf, due March 15; part Holstein and Angus coW, carrying third calf, due March 10; Jersey cow, carrying fourth calf, due ibefore sale date; Durham heifer, milking, fresh six weeks; 2 Holstein heifers, bred two months; Durham heifer, due in April; 2 part Hereford and Durham yearlings; 2 steers, rising two years- old; purebred Hereford bull, -15 months bld.TRACTOR: Allis Chalmers ”C.A.’-’, fully equipped with scuffler, Cultivator and bean puller, all in brand new condition; 13*run McDfeeHng fertilizer drill, like now; McDeoring side delivery rake; McDeering mower, 5-ft. cut; hay loader; M-H binder, 6* ft. cut; Oliver 2-furrow tractor plow; 32-plato tractor disc; 2-drum steel roller; manure spreader; rubber tire wagon; 2 sets S-section- diamond harrows; 15 steel posts; large steel water . trough; Lotz grinder, like new; 50-ft. rubber endless hammer mill belt: quantity of lumber; 6 milk cans; new aluminium grain shovel; hay (fork; rope; sling ropes; 10 hags 2-12-10 fertilizer; 7 bags 33% nitrogen; shovels, forks, etc. HAY St GRAIN: 250' bushels Clinton seed oats; 5 tons cob corn; 8 tons mixed hay. No reserve tig farm is sold,TERMS: Cash, DOEKE M. DAMM. Prop, ROSS LOVE. CLERK ALVIN WALDER, Auctioneer 1:8 9 DAY REOPENING for March 17 Draws Will Be Made For 1 Philco Electric Blanket One free ticket with every One Dollar purchase. Free Ice Cream for all the children with their parents. Free Draws Starting Thu. March 1 2 Shopping Bags of Groceries (EACH DAY FOR 9 DAYS) 1 Sunbeam Pop-Up Toaster 1 Stanley Tool Chest re.- public 1956 Sharp milk- latter I * One carton—Pop—free with each order over $5.00 first 3 days of sale. ELLMARR Peanut Butter Bee Hive Corn Syrup 5>Lb. Tin MARSHALL 1 Hardware and Grocery Kirkton