HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-02-23, Page 9TH? TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 23, 19M
Over sixty percent of the $650,-
ooo raised in Ontario for cancer
control this year is used to sup
port fundamental research into
the cause of cancer.
Not one big yearly bill!
C. E. Robb
Phone 25-r-22, Lucan
Imagine! Small, easy-to-meet
premiums paid every six months,
This is a feature pioneered by
my company to make your auto
insurance easier to handle. My
company’s rates in most states
are made up on the basis of its
own “careful-driver” loss expe
rience. This also permits quicker
rate reductions whenever they
are possible. Call today and find
out more about this easy-to-
budget insurance.
A-1 ft pays to know your
Zurich Midgets
Defeat Hensall
Zurich midgets whipped
sail 6-2 at Zurich on Saturday
•which along with their earlier
5-2 win gave the homesters au
11-4 edge in the WOAA Midget
home and home play-off series.’'
The Zurich team will now meet
the Londesboro-tBlyth winner.
'Pat 0’iRrien with ,a pair led
the winners while Don Gascho,
Joe Overholt, Phil Overholt and
George iSuplaf had singles. Doug
Brintnell and Murray Harburn
scored for the Hensall club.
Donald Dallas, 89
Dies In Detroit
Mr. Donald Dallas, a
resident of Tuckersmith
away in Detroit, Mich.
Born at 'Cowrie, the
homestead on the end concession
of Tuckersmith, now the home
of Russell Dallas, Mr. Dallas .was<
the son of the late Janfes and
Janet McFarlane Dallas, one of
the oldest pioneer families in the
A graduate of .Seaforth High
iSchool and a member of the old
Huron football club of .Seaforth,
he taught school locally for some
years. He travelled extensively
in his earliei’ life, later settling
in Detroit, where he h'as lived
fof many years.
In his ninetieth year he was the
last surviving member of a fam
ily of four brothers and four sis
ters. He is survived by his wife,
Mrs. Lillian Dallas formerly of
Montreal, and a number of nieces
and nephews. Mrs. J. R. Mur
dock of Brucefield is a niece.
■Interment was in Michigan
Memorial Park, Detroit.
Mrs. Edna 'Corbett ‘Of Exeter
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Edward -Schroeder, and fam
ily and Mrs. Amelia Schroeder.
Ice Carnival
Saturday, February 25 - 8 p.m,
Fancy and Comic Costume ★ Prizes For All Ages
Races, Person From Farthest Distance, Largest Family
Costume, Best Four-Legged Animal, Musical Chairs, Best
Skating Couple, Tug-Of-War.
Adults 500
Children 250
3^11 iiiiiaiiiiim nun mi uni 11 iikiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiniiiiiiiiini tin iiilini <1111 mi i iiiiimi n
Barley Contract
Nd. 1 Treated Montcalm Seed Barley. Best prices paid.
You may have whichever price is the highest based on
3 C.W.6 row Winnipeg cash price or 3 C.W.6 row Win
nipeg Wheat Board price. Free storage until December
15. Come in-- and have this special contract explained
before contracting.
Fertilizer Supplied At Competitive Prices
Credit Arrangement If Necessary
Phone 63 Lucan, Ont.
Weekend Specials
' Meat Specials
Choice Young Beef, by the'Quarter,
Average 100-120 Lbs.—Front 260 Lb.; Hind 360 Lb.
Boneless Rolled Prime Rib Roast .............. 590
1-Lb. Pkg. of Weiners .
Pea Meal Cottage Roll
Choice Young Beef Liver
Spare Ribs .........
Fresh Side Pork
Grocery Specials
Lynn Valley Peas, Each........................................ 100
■ Nature's Best Apple Juice, 48-Oz....................... 190
Interlake 'Toilet Tissue .......................... 3 Rolls 350
Dainty White Rice, 1-Lb. Pkg............................. 150
Johnston's Hard Gloss Wax .. Pints 590; Quarts 980
Old Dutch Cleaner .. 2 Tins 210
Giant Surf ................
Lux Liquid Detergent
Giant Lux Flakes .....
. Sunkist Oranges, Size 220, Doz
Head Lettuce
Kraft Dinner
2 for
2 for
Al's Groceteria
And Meat
| Hensall
............ iihiiih.......mmiimimiimt.........
Hensall Rebekah Lodge
Celebrates Anniversary
A large number of members
and visitors
Lodge No.
rooms on
The Noble
MacGregor, „ ter, district deputy president of
Clinton, Mrs. McPherson, Clinton,
and the members of Goderich Re
bekah Lodge were guests.
During the evening the pianist
Mrs. H. C. Bell was presented
with a gift in recognition of her
faithful services as pianist.. Miss
Mabelle Whiteman, Jr. P. N. G.
presented the gift. Mrs. Margaret
Bowra, N. G. of Goderich Lodge,
presented Amber Lodge with a
gift. An invitation was received
attended the seventh
of Amber Rebekah
349 in the Dodge
Wednesday evening.
Grand, Mrs. Archie
presided. Mrs. B. Sut-
Personal- Items
iMiss Beth Goddard has
ceived word that she passed
grade 2 theory .examination
Royal Conservatory of Musi'c with
1st class honors, Beth is a pupil
of Miss Greta Lammie.
Pupils of Miss Greta Lammie
will present a program at the
Kiddies Studio Party C.K.N.X.
Wingham, Saturday February 25
at 11,1’5 a.m. Another group of
pupils of Miss Lammie will be
heard at a later date.
Messrs. R. H. Middleton and
George Hess spent a few days in
Toronto recently.
[Winner of the
ceries at Kyle’s
Kippen, Saturday
ued ait $17.00 was Mrs. Robert
Speir, of Varna. The winner the
week previous was Mrs. Lorne
Hay of Kippen.
Wendy Moir of Grand
visited over the weekend
her aunt, Mrs, Elsie Case.
Mrs. Robert Reid of Kincar
dine was a weekend visitor with
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid, Jer
ry and Allan.
Miss Betty Moir of London,
and Mr. Douglas Moir, of Bramp
ton, visited on Sunday with their
aunt, Mrs. Elsie Case.
Mrs. E. Johns who is a patient
at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London,
suffering from a fractured hip
which she sustained in a fall re
cently is improving nicely.
Mr. and Mrs, Ross Miller,
Hamilton, . were recent visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. C. L, Jinks.
Mrs. Wm. Cameron attended
the funeral of her grandfather,
the late Mr. Rees of Hamilton,
last week.
R. H. Middleton and
Hess spent a few days in
last week.
Ronald Tinney, eldest
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Tinney, hact
his tonsils removed by Dr. J. C.
Goddard at Clinton Public Hospi
tal on Friday last.
Mr. N. E. Cook has been con
fined to his home by illness during
the past week.
basket of gro-
■General Store,
night last val-
son of
Report On
Receives Honors
Norma Elston was successful
in 'her Grade 5 'musical exam in
Strafford last week. She passed
iwith honors. Norma is. rthe
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
World Day Of Prayer
The World-Day of Prayer ser
vice was observed in Woodham Church last Friday. The Cooper’s
W.M.S. assisted with the pro-'
gram. Members of the Evening
Auxiliary were present.
Mrs. Kenneth Langford gave
'the-- address. Mrs. Leonard Thac
ker sang a solo.
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Spence and
■Bill were .Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. IPercy Bell, ’ Strat
Mr. Duncan McNaughton left
for Florida by motor last Thurs
day. He was accompanied 'by his
father-in-law, Mr. Dave Shep-
iperd, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Fraser of Ailsa Craig.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Shier, of
Granton, were .Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Vic Chatten.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shier and
Janeen of Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs.
David Paton of Parkhill spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Victor Chatten.
Mr. Alvin Andrew, Annaroid,
Sask., visited with his cousin,
Mrs. Fred Doupe and Fred, a
few days last .week.
Mrs. W. Payne and Jim Payne
of London were Sunday visitors
with iM.r. and Mrs, Robert
■School has been closed owing
to the illness of the teacher.
Thames Road
Celebrates 87th Birthday
Mr. 'Cephas Pym’s eighty
■seventh birthday waS celebrated
with a family gathering at the
home .of his son.
•Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pym, Mr.
■and Mrs. Hujbert Hunter and Ross
of Elimville, Mr. and Mrs. Emery
Gaiser of iCrediton Mr. and Mrs.
Alan Wanner of iSarnia, Mr. and
Mrs. TOny Shulman and Marcia
of Embro and Miss Jones of Clin-
toh, were present. Callers also
were Mrs. Knight and Bob of
Seaforth and Mr. and .Mrs. Mur
ray Thompson ,of 'Cl'andeboye.'’
The men you need are available
immediately! Workers, skilled,
unskilled and semi-skilled will be
fully employed this spring and
summer. Do your share to sup
port the community. Have all
interior repairs, remodelling, re
decorating and home handy jobs
done now! ,
from Edelweiss Lodge Seaforth,
for Monday, April 9.
Mrs. ,S. G. Rannie, V. G-, re
ported on the C. P. T. committee
stating they had purchased an
other wheel chair, to be used in
the district; also the C. P. T.
committee are holding a Euchre
in the Lodge Hall on Friday,
March 2.
Mrs. Rannie also announced
that Mr. W. K. Williamson of
London would he the guest of the
local I.O.O.F. on Tuesday even
ing, February 21 at which time
the members of Amber Lodge
are invited, Mr. Williamson will
speak o’n the work of C.P.'C. com
mittees. Following the meeting
bingo was played.
Miss Annie Consitt, P.N.G., and
Miss Martha Ellis P.N.G. poured
tea from a table decorated in
lodge colors. Mrs. MacGregor N.G.
cut the birthday cake.
Miss Mabelle Whiteman Jr.
P.N.G., Mrs. Archie Mac Gregoi’
N.G., Mrs. Wm. .Brown, Mrs.
•Ernie Davis of Amber Rebekah
Lodge, with members of the Re
bekah Lodge in the district visit
ed the Htiron County Home on
Monday, where they were re
ceived by Miss Pocock R.N,
Mrs. B. 'Sutter D.D.P. wel
comed the ladies and displayed
the furnishings which they have
placed in the room there, during
the past years.
They were then shown through
the entire home by Miss Pocock
■and Mr. Johnston, after which
they were entertained at the
iClinton Lodge rooms, where din
ner was served’, followed by thener was served', followed by
regulai" meeting.
Archie Luxton
Dies From Fall
Archie Luxton, 86, passed away
in IClinton Community Hospital
on Tuesday as the result of a
fractured hip suffered in a fall
on Main St. Hensall on Friday,
February 10.
He came to Hensall from Staf-
fa four years ago. .
.He is survived by his widow,
the former Elizabeth Riley; three
step-sons, Marvin Harburn, Lon
don, Henry Harlburn, Staffa, and
Francis Harburn, Hensall; two
'Step-daughters, Mrs. Roy Smale,
Hensall and Mrs, Ed. Brodhagen,
'St. Paul’s; three sisters and four
brothers. ■
'Resting at
funeral home
public service
Friday, with ..Rev.
the B o n t h r o n
Hensall where a
will be held on
. C. D. Daniel officiating, interment will be in
Roy’s cemetery.
Arnold Circle
• The February meeting of the
Arnold 'Circle Was held -.at tW
home of Mrs. Ida Peters.
■Mrs. Sadie Hay presented a
chapter of the study book in a
capable /manner. The worship
service Jby Miss Hannah Murray
followed the "World Day of Pray
er Service” with its theme "One
Flock, One Shephard.” The group
took part in responsive readings
and Mrs. H. IBrown and Mrs.
Dorothy Beaton repeated prayers.
Suffer Fractures •
Falling On Ice
Mrs. C. L. Jinks had the misfor
tune on Saturday night to slip
on ice on the road in front of the
home of Mr. Ron Mock, frac
turing her hip. Mrs, Jinks was
going to the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Manley Jinks' to watch tele
vision when the accident occur
red. She lay on the road for some
time when her cries for help were
heard by Mrs. Archie Noakes who
phoned for help.
Mrs. Jinks w&s taken by Bonth-
ron ambulance to South Huron
Hospital, Exeter, and removed on
Sunday to Victoria Hospital, Lon
don, where the fracture was set.
She was attended by Dr. R. W.
Read of Exeter.
Mrs. Lorne Eller, met with an
unfortunate accident on Saturday
when she fell on some ice while
walking down to visit her sister,
Mri, Hugh McMurtrie. X-rays at
South Huron Hospital, Exeter, re
vealed a fracture of the left wrist
Dr, J C. Goddard attended, Mrs.
Eiler returned to her home on
Mr. Earl Treffry, prominent
Hensall ^district farmer, wav taken
by Bonthron ambulance on Satur-
urday to Stratford General Hos
pital suffering from a fractured
hip, the result of a fall on some
ice on the back steps at his1 home.
Dr. J. - - - —
R. H.
Hess of
and F/L Fulton of RtiC.A.F. Cen
tralia were in Toronto recently
at a curling bonspiel,
’ Mr. and Mrs. George Hess,
•Hensall, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Case,
Exeter were guests on Monday
evening of Mr. and Mrs. Herb
Mousseau, Zurich, who were en
tertaining for their guests, Mr,
and Mrs. Adolph Allen of Mani-
toulin Islands.
Mrs. John Henderson of Kip
pen is spending several days with
hei* sister, Mrs. Myrtle Sproat.
Mr. Gerald Flynn left on Mon
day for London where he is em
ployed in the barbering business.
Mrs. Rae Shaddick and Ann
of Clinton were Sunday visitors
with Mr .and Mrs., E. R. iShad-
dick and Billy.
Observe Service
Of World Prayer
The World Day of Prayer serv
ice was well attended in Hensall
Friday afternoon. It was held in
Carmel Presbyterian Church. The
leaders were Mrs. R. Y. McLaren,
Mrs. W. O. Goodwin and Mrs. L.
Eiler. Prayers were offered by
R. H. Middleton and Mrs. C. D.
A duett was rendered by Mrs.
Wm. Brown and Mrs. H. Bell with
Mrs. M. Dougall at the piano. A
short address was given by Mrs.
Ip, Geiger with an Indian version
■OF*the twenty third Psalm as the
basis of her remarks. The speaker
stated that as many illiterate
peoples of the world are now be
ing taught to read it is very im
portant to give them the best
Christian literature.
The offerings given on
World Day of Prayer are being
used to help Bible Societies and
to spread Christian literature in
many countries of the world.
C. Goddard of Hensail
Middleton and George
Hensall and ,S/L Ross
Growing Credit Union
Seeks Check Privileges
The young Exeter 'Credit Union
reported assets of nearly $7,000
at its annual meeting Wednesday
night, Feb. 16, in the Legion
Hall, The union is seeking check
ing privileges.
Assets include loans to mem
bers of $4,906,7’7 and cash of
Members’ shares in the union
amount to $6,653.47. The local
chapter has approximately 150
Net profit for the year was
$212.83. Interest from loaqp
amounted to $479.48.
Two directors, Harold [Skinner
and Ross Francis, were elected
for. a (three-year term. Ross Fran
cis succeeds President Kenneth
Other directors are Tom Mun
roe, Harold Paterson and Vernon
De Montmorency,
Earl Thomson, of R.C.A.F,
Station Centralia was appointed
to the supervisory committee.
Fred Walters, Winehelsea, “was
elected to the credit committee
which also includes Fred Howe
and R. W. Williams.
William Laelrie, organizer of
Credit Unions in Ontario, was
guest speaker for the evening.
Vic Roy, of Clinton, manager of
the thriving credit union there,
led in a round table conference.
NOW $14.95
and up
See Our Samples
We will give you a correct fit.
Repairing Neatly and
Promptly Attended To
... to our many friends who have helped make it pos- |
sible for us to reopen our stbre Thursday, February 23. =
We invite you to visit our remodeled store |
and look around. |
Watch For Grand Reopening Sale In Next Week's Issue |
Topics From
Personal Items
Misses Ruth Anne tand Mar
garet iSalinon spent the weekend
in London with their1 cousin,
Barbara Anne iS'eott.
IMr. 'and Mrs. Ervin Latta, of
Waterloo, spent the weekend
with Mr. ’and Mrs. Fred Wegberg.
Miss Nancy Tiernan, London,
and Mr. Bob Stormes, of St.
Thomas, spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs, Mervyn Tiernan
and Lynda.
Mrs. Wes Wolfe returned home
Saturday after spending some
time in Toronto .with her sons,
Murray and George and families.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe s ac
companied hei- 'home and spent
the weekend here.
Mr Robert Wein, of Sudbury,
spent the weekend with his
mother, Mrs. Herb Wein.
Mrs. Alvin Walper had the
misfortune -to slip on the floor
at the -telephone office where
she works and fear the tendons
in .her leg. 'She will 'be -unable to
get around for some time. '
Mrs. Lorne Gen 11 n er -and
family attended the funeral of
'her father, the late 'Bruce Lock
hart, of East Williams.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Miller
and family spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Restemayer.
•Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Gamble
and boys of London were Sun
day- visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
L. H. Rader. •
Mr. and- Mrs.' .Russell •■Rouhd-
tree and Donald of Woodbridge
were visitors last week with
Mrs. Alma Hopcroft.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Newton,
of iStrathroy, were Sunday visit
ors with Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Mr, and Mrs. Ervin Rader spent
■Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Becker
and .family and Mr. and Mrs.
'Henry Becker .sipent Sunday with
■relatives in Galt, Preston and
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Guenther,
Joan and Eugene, accompanied
by Mr. amd Mrs. William Eagle-
son, Sr.r of Parkhill, spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Eagleson, Jr., in Detroit.
Marshall Hardware
And Grocery
Exeter Pentecostal
Great Christ's
On Sat, Feb. 25
8:00 p.m.
With Rev. N. E. Schlarbaum
Evangelical United Brethren
Rev. Glen R. Strome, Minister
10:00 a.m.—Worship Service
"God’is Chances”
11:00 a.an.—'Sunday 'School
7:30 'p.m.—Evening Service
"Held In His Love”
Wed., 8 ip.m.—Mid-Week Service
Evangelical United Brethren
Rev. ’ W. F. Krotz, Minister
Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist
Sunday, February 26, 1956
10:00 a.m.—"Love's Supreme
11:05 a.m.—iSunday
7:30 p.m.—"The Saddest Word”
Friday, March 2, 8 p.m.—Ladies
Aid and W.S. meeting.
More farmers switch to Surge
Milkers 'fior safer, faster milking,
Rev. Louis Higenell, Pastor
10:00 a.m.—'Sunday School
11:00 a.in.—Service
“The Syrophenican Woman”
Wed., Feb. 29—Lenten .Service
"The Lamb of God—Our Sanc
Rev. H. Fikse, Supply Minister
Sunday, .2 p.m., E.S.T.—English
' Service—All Welcome
Dean of Men of The Eastern Pentecostal College,
Peterborough, Ont., as guest speaker
who will also speak at all services on Sunday, Feb. 26
accompanied by students from the college who will sing
at all services the Gospel in Song. Do not miss this
spiritual treat.
9:45 a.m.—Sunday School
Object Lesson from Rev. N. E. Schlarbaum
11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship
7:30 p.m.—-Evangelistic Service
Wednesday, 8:00 p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer
Friday, 8:00 p.m.—Christ’s Ambassadors Service
In The Church Of The Old Fashioned Gospel
Rev. L. W. Krause, Pastor
Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor
Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.O.M.,
Musical Director
10:00 h.m.—.Sunday School
11:00 a.m.—'Morning Worship
Lenten Theme—"Witnesses of
Hds Resurrection”, No. 2—The
A warm welcome is Extended
.to the Boy Scouts and Girl
Guides on this occasion of their
church parade.
Two Anthem® by the Men’s
7:00 p.m.—Evening Worship
'Sermon Subject: "Haggai—
'Prophet of Realism”
A Warm Welcome
Is Extended To All
Sunday School
10,:30 to 11:30 a.m.
“Teach Me Thy Truth, O Lord”
Supt.: Stanley Sander, Zurich
Samuel Kerr, B.A., B.D.
J. G. Cochrane, Organist
a.m.—'Sunday School
a.m.—Morning Worship
Sermon Subject: "I Believe In
Jesus Christ, I-IiS“ Only Son,
Our Lord”—Second in Series
on Apostle’s Creed.
United Church Of Canada
Rev. Alcx’r Rapson, Minister
Mrs. A. Willard, Organist
10:00 a.m.—Service of Worship
The Beginners (4 and 5 years)
withdraw from the ser-
during the second hymn,
a.m.—The Nursery Class
10:00 ...... ___, ___
(3 years and under) in the
Primary Department.
11:15 a.m.—The Church School
’The Doors Of This Church Stand
Open, Come In, Worship, And
Rd At Home
Rev. N. D. Knox, B.A., Rector
Trivitt Memorial, Exeter
Second Sunday In Lent
8:30 a.m.—Holy Communion
10:15 a.m.—Sunday School
11:30 a.m.—Morning ‘Prayer
Nursery Group at 11:30 in the
Parish Hall.
Mid-Week Lenten Services
Every Wednesday 10:00 Am.—’Holy Communion
8:00 p.m.—'Shortened Evensong
" — Everybody Welcome —V.
Serving You Better — Saving You More
See More Details in the Full-Page "SUPERIOR" Ad
in The London Free Press Each Thursday
Prices Effective February 23, 24 and 25
1-LB. pq
2 tins 23c
pkg. 25c
McCormick's Sodas or Saltines
Campbell's Tomato Soup
Kellogg's Rice Krispies Wh'|STLe'ICE
Lux Soap bJ°s 3 for 25c“Ie 3 for
Aylmer Solid Pack CherriesBSw?
StWillia^s Jams & Marmalade ASBDR jars 19c
Blue & Gold Peas
Fancy, 15-Oz Tins ........17c Ocean Perch Fillets QISn
Frozen, 1 Lb.................... WWW
Good Luck Margarine
1-Lb, package 32c Spy Apples C 'ft-
Good Cookers .... ** Lbs,
New Rose Brand Pickles
Fresh "Onion Slices"
5$ Off, 16-OZ. Jar.......... "VW
Corn Relish 3ft A
Fresh and Tasty, 16-Oz Jar VWW
. 5$ Off While They Last
2 Pkgs. 20C
Good Buys
12$ Off
pkg, OQC
BABOcar? fRE'S
5$ Off
Tin fOG
15$ Off ;
2 p'kgs. 63C
The Best Place To Shop After All
J. H. Jones Groceries
Phones: 32 and 752