HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-02-16, Page 9Hay Councils 'Stephen 'Council agreed at a recent meeting to build two con­ crete bridges in the township this year, one near the farm of Edward Chambers, the other on the B Line. Salary of Dlerk-treasurer F, W. Morlock was increased to >$1,400. Council approved the increased estimates of $1'37',000 for the five-room addition to South Huron District High School. The Mc'Cartei’ Municipal Drain and the [Sitter Municipal Drain Repair reports were provisionally adopted. Alvin (Baker and W. IF. Hod­ gins were reappointed warble fly and brucellosis inspectors. Tenders are being called for the spraying. I •Fox bounties were paid to Louis Masnica and Roy Treibner. Grants of $25 each ‘were made to the Huron 'County iSeed Fair at Clinton and the Salvation Ar­ my. Membership fees were paid ■to the Ontario Association iof Rural Municipalities and the Ont- Dot’s Beauty Shoppe (South of Jack Smith Jeweller) Naturelle Permanent Waving Lustron Cold Wave Dorothy G. Pfaff, Prop. THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 14, 1944 ario Good Roads Association, Reeve Jack Morrissey presided and all councillors were present. Hay Orders Cement Hay Township Council is making plans to build two brid­ ges this year. The council order­ ed 600 bags of cement for con­ struction at its February meet-, ing; Tenders are being called for the Stephen^ Drain. A by-law was passed providing for an estimated expenditure of $40,000 on the township roads. Council approved .grants of $20 to the Dashwood Library and $10 to the Salvation Army. A request for a donation of $175 toward the hospital at Goderich was filed, Tenders are being called for warble-fly spraying in ship and applications received foi’ inspector. M'ilfred Schilbe was to the Hay Township the town- are being appointed x. Commun­ ity Centre Board as a representa­ tive of the Zurich police village and Bob McKinley was appointed from thguhockey club. The Zurich Chamber of Commerce has been requested to appoint a member. Only six men have served as Prime Minister of Canada since 1900. ........................................................ Weekend Specials 4 for 3 for 2 for Ontario Meat Specials Fresh Pork Shoulders ........................... Fresh Pork Butts .................................. Shoulder Pork Chops ........................... Beef Pot Roast ....................................... Swift's Premium Rineless Side Bacon Ready-To-Eat Picnics 290 390 430 290 590 430 irs At Elimville The annual meeting of Elim­ ville United Churc'h congregation was held on February 2 in the church basement with a good attendance. A pot luck supper was served followed by community singing. Mr. Howard Johhs showed iPie’ tures of their recent trip to the Maritimes. A short worship period was conducted by Rev. W. J. Moores who acted as chairman and Allen Johns was “appointed secretary. The trustee board are planning overhauling the heating system and providing kitchen fa­ cilities. Most of the officers were re-, elected. Among the new officers chosen were Mr. Lorne Elford ■to Board of Stewards; Mr. Har­ old Bell to Trustee Board; Mr. Kenneth Johns and Mrs. Wm, Rontly to represent Elimville on Thames Road manse committee; Mr. Fred Walters as one of the representatives ‘to Huron Coun­ ty Men’s Association and Mr. Ed­ ward Skinner a^id Floyd Cooper as ushers. Mr. Horace Delbridge on be­ half of the congregation expres­ sed appreciation of the work done in connection with the church by Rev. and Mrs. Moores. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murch, Launie and (Sharon of Petawawa, Mr. and Mrs. Allan McDonald and Lennard of Owen Sound, Mrs. Jean Jackson and Mrs. Ade­ laide Alexander of Toronto at­ tended the funeral of the late Mr. Philip Murch and spent the weekend with Mrs. Philip Murch. The Elimville Y.P. entertained ■th# Zion Young Peoples Union to a box ’ - evening at (Mr. and and family Sunday with Mr. Chas. Stephep. and Mrs. Thomas Bell, Mrs. Jean Jackson of Toronto is visiting for two weeks with her sister, Mrs. Philip Murch,: social on Thursday the Elimville church. Mrs. Jack Robinson of Kirktom visited on Hensail And District News Grocery Specials. Libby's Pork & Beans, 20-Oz.............. Aylmer Pork & Beans, 20-Oz.............. Wagstaffe Orange Marmalade, 24:Oz. Aylmer Pineapple Tid Bits, 15-Oz, ... . Culverhouse Pumpkin, 28-Oz. ............ -Fab, Reg. Size, Va-Price Deal ............. Vel,vRegular Size ;................................. Pamolive Soap, Regular Size.............. Mazola Oil, Quarts .............................. Paramount Pink Salmon, Halves....... Gold Seal Tuna^Fish ...... Lipton Tea ........................ Sheriff's Pie Crust .......... z Muffets ......... .. Our Own Blend Tea ...... Green Giant Peas, 15-Oz. ’Good Luck Margarine .... 290 590 290 290 730 250 370 650 330 310 790 330 320 Al's Groceteria And Meat Market Hensall K-S: H jKkik 03 Phone 190 Men's Wear Dry for 'the of Leper Problems Topic At WMS Mrs. B. Edwards presided the February meeting of ■Womens 'Missionary Society Carmel Church held Thursday af­ ternoon. The program was' ar­ ranged by Mrs. W. R. Bell and Mrs. J. A. Paterson. (Sacred .passages were read by Mrs._ M. Dougall,. and- praxex,•of­ fered by Mrs. L. (Purdy. •During ■ the business period Mrs. M. 'Chesney of Toronto, who is visiting with her sister, Mrs. iS. Dougall, president of the or­ ganization, who is confined >to her home with 'illness, read a letter received' from the Leper Colony, Hong Kong, describing the life and 'treatment among lepers, and that as 'they were cured they be­ gan to minister to others. The topic "Mission of the [Church” from the study hook, was taken by Mrs. W. Bell. The World’s IDay of Prayer will be held Friday February 17 in this’ church. All women of 'the local churches and community will worship with them. FOR A BETTER CROP PLANT CO-OP SEED Exeter District CO-OP Phone 287 Collect CO-OP CO-OP CO-OP Ladies' & Misses' SPRING COATS 7 Blaster [is early this year, so we have taken early delivery of ' our spring 'coats. Come soon while we have a large stock to choose from. Use our lay.-away plan if you wish. Here are the latest styles in all the multi-colored weaves; also ipl'ain shades in beige, 'blue, tan, grey and green etc. Reasonably priced from 824.95 to $52.95. RAIN WEAR Rainwear will be exceptionally .popular this year. We have them in dressy styles of bark cloth in high shades at $25.95 to $31.95. Our coat sizes range from 10 to 20. For the shorter ladies, 7?< For stouter women, 12 J to ■to 15J. 24J. DRESSES ON SALE We still have a rack of ladies’ and styles, on sale at 25% Off Regular Prices. misses’ <11'03368, good HOSIERY SPECIAL Nylon Hosiery Special'—A. real bargain this montlw-GO gauge, 15 denier, first quality Orient brand nylons. New spring sh’ades at 990 pair. Ask £b sec them. MAY & SON EXETER Phdne 190 Ladies", Children's and Babies" Wear Goods — Floor-Coverings, Etc» Society Studies Missionary Work On Tuesday afternoon, Rev. O’, and Mrs. Daniel opened their home for the Women's Associa­ tion and Women’s Missionary So­ ciety of Chiselhurst church meet­ ings at which a large representa­ tion of members attended, Mrs, J, Brintnell presided the W.A. meetings Members wered the roll call with "A entine Verse” Members decided to hold a quilting bee Tuesday, . February 21, at Chiselhurst church, as formerly, with a pot luck dinner. Mrs. Earl Kinsman, president, chaired the W.M.'S. meeting.. At this time, in fitting respect to the late Rev. A. Sinclair, the group observed one minute of silence, whereupon Rev. C. Daniel offered prayer.. The devotional was taken by Mrs. E. Treffry, Mrs. C. Coleman and Mrs. Kinsman. Mrs. S, Roobol sang a solo accompanied by Mrs. T. Brintnell. Mrs. 0. Eyre and Mrs. H. Parker gave read­ ings, Mrs. J. tive way chapter, "{ Story”. Interesting stories as ex­ perienced by missionary workers in Montreal, Oxford House and Cold Dake were outlined. At the close Mrs. Boyce read one of Pauline Johnston’s poems. “The Cattle Thief”.-A reading by' Mrs. ■R. Brock followed. Mrs. A. Ross •was pianist for both meetings. Courtesy remarks were extended to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel ‘by Mrs. Kinsman. To Improve .Kitchen 'Carmel Church Ladies Aid met in the basement of the church, Monday afternoon • for the Feb­ ruary meeting. Mrs. A. Orr’s group were in charge of the de­ votional which was taken by Miss Hannah Murray, Mrs. L. Bayn- ham and Mrs. Malcolm Dougall. A letter from Judge Frank. Fingland was read asking for executive names for assistance in -the coming (Chest X-Ray .pro­ gramme for Huron County. It was decided by Mrs. Bert Thomp­ son that “Tile Jaspe” linoleum be .put on the floor of the manse kitchen and that a fund for wash­ room and facilities? be set up. An outline of the work pro­ gramme for the .year was tenta- -made. Purchase of, material for the fall bazaar was to be ’look-'' ed after by Mrs., Alex MacGregor. Women's Institute Treats Husbands '" The 'husbands were , special guests at the Hensall Women’s Institute meeting >in the Legion Hall on Wednesday evening. Mrs. A. On* and Mrs. G. Hess convened the, program with Mrs. Orr presiding. After a sing song for which Miss Greta Lammie played the accompaniment Margie Elgie contributed a Scotch Dance in costume with mouth organ accompaniment by her .father, Mr. .Robert lElgie, who also furnished a novelty number. My. O.rr gave saxa- phone numbers with Mrs. Wm,-' Brown as accompanist. Mrs. E. Normington presided for the business meeting. The roll call was answered >by, “My favorite Newspaper Column.” It was decided to .send a delegate •to the conference for , Branch Secretaries to be held in Guelph in May. The Safe-Driving cam­ paign was outlined. Achievement Day is Saturday at Wingham Dis­ trict High School and at iSeaforth, March 10 to which the Institute ■ members are invited. Winners at progressive euchre were, MrS- ' T. Sherritt, Mrs. Walker Carlile, Mrs. J. A. Pater­ son, Mr. Orr, Mr. J. M. Glenn and at crokinole, Margie Elgie. Mrs. H. W. (Horton was the lucky winner' of the lunch prize. over ans- Val- Boyce, in an informa- deaR with the' study ‘Festival of .Song and Congregation Reviews Year iCarmel Church annual meet­ ing was held in the church base­ ment, Monday evening, There was a good attendance, Rev* Don­ ald MacDonald was chairman. Mr. Glenn Bell, clerk of the ses­ sion acted in the capacity of sec­ retary. The reports from the vari­ ous church organizations were given. Total receipts for the year ended, amounted to $6,'847.02. Elected to the Board of Man­ agers for a three year term ■were:-Garnet Mousseau, (re-elec- 'ted) Orville Taylor, Robert Madge. The business of appoint­ ing an envelope 'secretary and treasurer was left to a nominated 'committee of four:-Earl Gamp­ bell, Glenn Bell, Alex McGregor and Garnet Mousseau, Rev. MacDonald reminded the ■congregation that the» good der­ ived from the Church and its various organizations was not to be accepted in terms of “Balan­ ced Budgets”, and cold dollars and cents. “iSurely”, he remarked, ’"■the. singing of hymns, the re­ peating of prayers, and Sunday worship and the various aspects of devotional services and fel­ lowship which have been our ex­ perience in the past year can in some way be adhered to our “Annual Reports” in our hearts and thoughts and where its true worth can be assessed beyond the worth of material things.” Sponsor Valentine Euchre Kippen East Women’s Insti­ tute sponsored a successful val­ entine euchre and dance in the town hall Friday evening with twenty five tables in play for the euchre. Winners were: ladies, Mrs. E. Whitehouse, Mrs. Camp­ bell Eyre, Mrs. R. M. Peck; gents, Bill 'Coleman, Wilfred Coleman, Nelson McClinchey. ■Lucky lunch .prize was won by Mrs. Ross Love. Murdocks or­ chestra furnished music for the dance. Personal Items ' Miss Margaret .Buchanan is a patient at 'Clinton (hospital in the interest of her health. Mr. Archie Luxton was taken 'by Bonthron ambulance to Clin­ ton hospital on Friday where x- rays revealed a fractured hip. •Mr. Luxton, who is in his 86th year, was walking up town when he fell, Wf.%. oJllhrs o£ is SJiSP.il".. ing a few Weeks with her sister, Mrs. W. B. Cross. Miss Shirley Chapman R.flN. of Sarnia spent the weekend with !her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne -Chapman. Mr, Thos. Chuter of Hamilton visited with relatives and friends here recently. ,Sgt. Ronald McKinnon of Sus­ sex, N.B. who is taking a special month’s Course at Gamp Borden, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. McKinnon and Billie. Mrs. Charles Wilson returned home after spending’a few weeks with relatives in Moose Jaw. Miss Nellie "Dick returned home last week from Clinton General Hospital, where ‘she been a patient for the past -weeks. Mrs. John Alexander and Ross‘John, returned home from Clinton Hospital on Sunday. 'Mr. John Hazelwood was taken to South Huron Hospital Exeter, where he is receiving Messers. Harry Hoy Gangster represented Council at the Upper velopment Association ganizational meeting Hamburg Wednesday i Norman Paterson for Church Meets At Chiselhurst Rev. C. D. Daniel presided the annual meeting of Chisel" hurst United 'Church Tuesday evening. Reports from the vari­ ous branches disclosed aging balances on hand. Appointed to Session Ferguson, E, Treffry, H. M. and M. committee, Kinsman, M;’s., J., G^enn, Mrs. W, Brintnell, Mrs. Kinsman; Ushers, Gerald Ken Parker, H. Jacobi, Ferguson, Mervyn Eyre, J. encour were.'-J. Parker; Mrs. E. Mrs. R. had few son, Comments About Cromarty By MRS. K. McKELLAR Personal Items The pupils and pre school 'children of S.'S. No. 6 were treat­ ed to a valentine party on Fri­ day afternoon. After a short pro­ gram games were played and the children exchanged valentines. Lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. T. Laing returned home on Saturday after visiting for two months with their daugh­ ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Eves, Moosejaw, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dow and Roger visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Allen. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Binning and family, Mitchell, visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs. K. McKellar. Mr. James Ramsay, George- spent the weekend with and Mrs. Alex 'town, his parents, Mr Ramsay. Y.P.S. . The regular Y.P.S. was hold ing with Phillip _ Margaret Walker read the scrip­ ture lesson. George Vivian read a chapter from the Study Book and Kenneth Walker a poem. It was deckled to have a box social In the church basement on 'Thursday evening. Miss Alice Howe spent the Weekend with her mother, Mrs. Jas. Howe. meeting of the on Sunday even- James .presiding. Brock, W, R. Horton, (Russell George Drummond, L. McLean. Miss Mary Kinsman acted secretary. IHJensal'HChiselhurst Y| o u n g People’s Society convened in the United Church for their regular meeting. Worship was led by Jerry McClinchey, Miss Betty Parker, Miss Marilyn Eyre, and Miss Maja Roobol. Misses Marilyn Eyre and Maja Roobol rendered a duettr Offer­ ing wa staken up by John Jacobi. Evening Auxiliary Mrs. E. Chipchase presided at the February meeting of the Evening Auxiliary held in the United Church on Monday even­ ing. Mrs. Blighton Ferg was in charge of >the devotional and was assisted by Mrs. Roht. Cook and Mrs. D. McKelvie. Mrs. Wm. Fuss favoured with a vocal solo, accompanied by Miss Gladys Luker at the piano. Mrs. John Thompson gave a food dem­ onstration of four basic salads. Mrs. Lillian 'Hyde favoured with a reading. Hostesses were Mrs. Earl Passmore and Mrs. Jack Trhquair, Parker; auditors, Message From as Describes Parliament The Boy®’ and Youth Commit­ tee, of which Mr. Carfrey Cann is convener, arranged the {Febru­ ary meeting of the A.O.T.S. Men's Club of James St. Church which took th© form of >a father and eon banquet Monday evening. Bill (pollen was guest speaker* telling of ithe Older Boys’ Parlia­ ment which he attended in To­ ronto. He told what the parlia­ ment was, how it was constituted and what it meant to each one who attended. The theme of the session of Parliament wa® “Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God” and was 'a challenge to Christian living. iDr. H. H. Cowen, president, was toastmaster and a toast to ithe church was proposed by Carfrey Cann and responded to by Rev. H. J. 'Snell; to the fathers, proposed !by Dean MoKnight and responded to by Mayor R. E. Pooley; and to the sons, proposed >by R. D. Jermyn and responded 'to ‘by Fred Ward. The Chief item of business was making plans to attend1 charter Former Minister Dies In Windsor Rev. Arthur Sinclair, of spy, passM away sucWteUKly M Windsor 'hospital on .Saturday. Bom In the iSarnla Area, clair was .former mfuKer of Hensail United Church from 19*23 to jobs. From Hensali he istered at Riyth United lUhwi, from there to Windsor, and at the time of his death he was •tired supply at Walker Road Uni’’ ted Dhurch, Windsor. (Surviving are his widow, the former Riva Jermyn, of Wingham district one son, Norman, Wind* sor, one daughter Mrs. Harold T. iSherritt, (Marion) Buffalo, N.Y. night on Saturday, February 1$, of Wingh'am A.O.T.S. which' the ■Exeter club is sponsoring. BRIDES-ELECT! See the “Personalized Service” THE TIMES-ADVOCATE THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA THAMES ROAD MENNONITE MISSION EXETER Sunday School 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. “Teach Me Thy Truth, O Lord” Supt.: Stanley Sauder, Zurich. Kippen By MRS. A. GACKSTETTER CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD Rev. W. F. Krotz, Minister Mi’S. Ken McCrae, Organist (Sunday, February 19, 1956 10:00 a.m.—"The Way 'of the Cross” 11:05 .a.m.—Sunday School 7:30 p.m.—"The Hardest Word” Rev. N. D. Knox, B.A., Rector Trivitt Memorial Exeter First [Sunday In Lent 8:30 a.m.—'Holy Communion 10:15 a.m.'—(Sunday School 11:30 a.m.—Morning Prayer Wednesday, February 22 7:00 p.m.—'Choir Practice 8:00 <p.m.—Shortened, Evensong treatment, and James the local Grand De- at its or- •i n New _ .. . afternoon. Reeve Norman Jones and James Paterson were named members of the Huron County Zone, representing Hensall Coun­ cil. Mr. Edgar Munn,’ who has been confined to his room owing to illness, is able to be out again. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bonthron accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cook of Clinton left by motor this week for Florida where they will spend a few weeks. „ Mrs. Roy Campbell and Alvin spent the weekend in London and visited with Mr. Roy Campbell who is a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, who under­ went an operation on Friday. Mr. Campbell is doing nicely. Messrs. Laird and William Mickle spent last Saturday in To­ ronto and saw the hockey game between Toronto Maple Leafs and New York Rangers. Eric Campbell spent last week end with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cronyn of^ Cen­ tralia. Mrs. Lottie Garlock of Detroit, the formei’ Lottie 'Cook of Hen­ sail, called on friends in the vil­ lage last week. It is Over twenty years since she was last here. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Stephen­ son left Sunday for Florida to spend a vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thomson, Mary and John, accompanied by Mr. Robert Thomson spent an evening last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Storey of .Sea­ forth. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Torrence of Porter’s Hill visited Friday with Mrs. Reid’s father, Mr. Henry Miss Jean Ivi- son. - Mr. Roy of Toronto visited Sunday wtih Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hyde and Mlr.s. Hyde’s uncle, Mr. Shaver who is ill. 'Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. John 'Cooper included Mr. and Mrs. Reginald (Castle, Brian and Marlene of - Hamilton, and Mr. ■and Mrs. L. Lloyd Tyrrell of Royal Oak, Mich, also Mr. Dick Wade of Royal Oak. Miss Merle. Dickert spent a couple of days last week visiting friends in London. On Sunday morning while on her way to church, Mrs. Winder slipped and fell. Dr. Goddard of Hensall was called and later had her removed by ambulance to South Huron Hospital in Exeter where X-Rays were taken. Mr. and Mrs. John Cooper at­ tended the funeral of Mrs. Coop­ er’s father, the late Mr.L. W. Lavis, of Clinton. Mr. Ross Faber of the Agri­ cultural College at Ridge town with his■spent the weekend ___ __ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Faber. Sign Work Addressing Use The Magic Marker Times-Advocate THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN MAIN STREET CHURCH Rev. H. Fikse, Supply Minister Sunday, 2 p.m.—Dutch Service All Welcome ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON Revr'Gieir-R^.Strome, Minister 10:00 a.m.-—Worship‘*S&Ffi^.^a^ “God’a iChances” 11:00 a.m.—-Sunday 'School 7:30 ip.m.—Evening Service “Held In His Love” Wed., 8 ip.m.-—Mid-Week ‘Service JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.O.M., Musical Director 10:00 a.m.—‘Sunday .School 11:00 a.m.—.Morning Worship ■Lenten Meditations on the Theme "Witnesses of His Re­ surrection — 1. Mary Magda»- lene” Anthem by the Choir .'Sol’o: Maxine Reeder 7:00 'p.'in.—Evening Worship 'Sermon Subject: “Nahum—a Prophet o<f Faith in God” 'Girls’ Chorus A Warm Welcome Is Extended To All ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Rev. Louis Higenell, Pastor 10:00 a.m.—-Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Service “Conquering Christians” Wed., Feb, 22—-Lenten Service “The Lamib of God”, “The Re­ deemer Appointed by God” MAIN STREET J-^y^ited Church Of Canada Rev. Alex’r JUpSflb, Minister Mrs. A. Willard, Organist a.m.—Service of Worship Beginners (4 and 5 years) withdraw from the ser- during the second hymn, a.m.—The Nursery Class 10:00 The will vice 10:00 (3 years and under) in the Primary , Department. 11:15 a.m.—The Church School “Draw Nigh Unto God and He Will Draw Near Unto Yon” CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Samuel Kerr, B.A., B.D. Minister J. G. Cochrane, Organist- a.m.—^Sunday School ’ Rev. Mrs. 10:00 .. . _____ _____ 11:00- a.m.—Morning Worship 'Sermon 'Subject: “I Believe In •God”—‘First in series on the Apostle’s Creed. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE (Sunday, February 19 9:45 (a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—'Morning Worship Wed. 8 >p.m.—Bible 'Study and Prayer Friday, "8 p.m.'—Christ’s Ambas­ sadors “You” •Church are Welcome in the of the Old Fashioned Gospel Rev. L. W. Krause, Pastor SU PERIOR STORE Good Buys For This Weekend See More Details in the Full-Page "SUPERIOR" Ad in The London Free Press Each Thursday Always Serving You Better - Saving You More Prices. Effective February 16, 17 and 18 Dole's Fancy Fruit Cocktail Shirriff's Maple Leaf Tea Bisk Robin Hood QUICK COOKING OdtS Tree Sweet Orange Juice Tide Or Blue Cheer 12c Off 20-OZ AO-TINS £ for QuC LUSHUS Jelly Powders 3 ■ , . jfDomestic Shortening 3£ Off Package .................. Cherry Pie Filler E. D, Smith’s, 20-Oz, Tin .. Lennox Applesauce 20-Oz. Tin ................................ Liquid Detergent Maple Leaf, U Off, 12-Oz. . 29c J t a *iaMM PKGS. 26c 49c 49c LARGE PKG. 5-LB BAG 48-OZ TIN GlANT PKG. 41c 65c Peas Q Nature’s Best, 15-Oi.** for Sweet Potatoes Peter Pan, 20*02:. Tin .... Golden Corn ' p Aylmer, Choice ... ** for Cheery Morn Coffee Per Lb.......................................... 21c /• FROZEN SALMON STEAKS ' pl1r 53c FISH STICKS (COD) 35c SPY7kPPLES~^ ’ FANCY 5 lbs. 45c I COOKER® | 5 lbs. 37c J BOLOGNA PIECE tr 21 c SLICED ti.R 22c After All J. H. Jones Groceries Phones: 32 and 752