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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-02-02, Page 11
THE TIMES ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 2, 1954 i I i I,s H. J. CORNISH & CO. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS H. J. Cornish, L. F. Cornish, D. Mitchell I 294 DUNDAS ST. LONDON, ONT. ■ s a ! s DEPENDABLE! F "See These First Class Automobiles We Can Personally Recommend" —FRED DOBBS ’54 DODGE SEDAN, two-tone, clean as new ’53 PONTIAC COACH, two-tone, radio, air conditioner ’53 DODQE SEDAN, radio, tinted glass, clean as a whistle ’53 .HENRY J. COACH ’51 DODGE SEDAN ’51 PONTIAC SEDAN ’50 FORD COACH, radio, heater ’50 NASH COACH, beds and aU ’49 DODGE SEDANS (2) ’47 DODGE SEDANS (2) | Exeter Motor Sales I I The Home Of Good Trades . f I PHONE 200 EXETER I J ) Second Line lit Biddulph By MRS. H. ELSON Mr. and Mrs. Eli Brown of Crediton, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Skinner of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs, Bay shoehottom and family of Centralia were recent guests of Mr, and 'Mrs. John McAllister. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Atkinson spent Friday with Mr and Mrs. Bill Hodgins. -Corbett. iSheila Elston entertained a number of friends on Monday on the occasion of her birthday, Mr. and Mrs. Sam jSk'inner and Karen gpent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mason, Belgrave. The StQry In Saintsbury By MBS. H. DAVIS Mr. and Mrs. Harry Noels and Donald were Thursday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickins. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker and Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Dav-is were conveners for a successful social eyening in the Parish Hall of St. Patrick’s church on Monday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis ac companied by Mrs. R. Coleman, Lucan and Mr. Tom Dickins vis ited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Phin. Dick-ins of London and Mr. Alf Dickins, a patient in Victoria Hospital. Mrs. F. Davis spent Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hodgins, Lucan, and Friday and Saturday with Mrs, W« J. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. F. iGu-ilfoyle and Norman were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Green lee and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Greenlee. Mr. and Mrs, Heber Davis and Mr. Tom Dickins were Tuesday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wel lington Brock of Zion. Mr. William Abbott of Niagara Falls spent the weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Murray A'bbot-t. Smallest Investment, Largest Return .,. That’s The Want Ad •Story! V 4k Fi TEE X* we i. HSH >1^ /j 1 4 J Creditor! UC Names Slate A -pot luck supper, followed by the annual congregational meet ing was -held in 'the 1 United Church schoolroom on Thursday evening and was largely attend ed. R-ev, A. Rapson presided an-d encouraging reports were given by the church -treasurer a«4 con venors of the several boards. At the election of officers for 1956. three new ’members were added to the session, now com- prising, ihon. members, 'Garnet Hill and Jos. Woodall; active members, Jas, Mawhinney, ©d’ ward -Chambers, Russell Fink beiner and flEd ’Lamport; church treasurer,* Ed iBeaver congregat ional secretary, Mrs. R. Motz; M. and M. convenor, J. galloway; interdenominational, commit tee, James Mawhinney and (Mrs. E, Lamport, Ad-ded to 1955 ush ers, Clifford -Kenney; parsonage board convenor, R_ Finkbeiner; auditors, Ray King and Wilfrid Mack. Edward Fahner Hotel Operator Mr. (Edward Fahner, who spent the greater -part of his- life near Crediton, passed away in iSc, Mary’s Hospital, London, on Sat urday evening in his 76th year. A"son of the late M-r. and Mrs., Tobias Fahner. lhe was born' and raised near Crediton, where he farmed for several years. He later purchased the -Crediton hotel, which he operated >a num ber of years. He lived some time with his daughter near Exeter, prioi’ to entering the hospital a few years ago, his wife, the form er Rosina Finkbeiner, died two years ago. Surviving are three* daughters, Mrs. [Harry Trick (Inez) of .Grand Bend, Mrs. John Quinlivan (Dor othy) and Mrs, Norman Norry ('Carrie) of Exeter, two brother*, Henry Fahner of iStephen and Albert Fahner of -Exeter. The body rested at -the Hopper- Hockey funeral home in Exeter until Tuesday, ■when service was conducted by Rev. Glen iStrome of ’Crediton .Evangelical Church. Interment was in 'Crediton 'Cem etery. Personal Items Miss Mary -Chambers, who suf fered a fall in her home on Thursday of last week spent sev eral days in South Huron IHospi tal and is progressing favorably. Mr. and 'Mrs. Hillard Sparling of Walkerton visited -recently with Mrs. Sparling’s mother, Mrs. J. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Morlo-ck, of Galt, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. H. Young and Mr. A. Morlock. (Calvin Fahner of Toronto le School spent the weekend Mr and Mrs. E. M, Fahner. Sunday visitors -with Rev. Mrs. G. Strome were the former’: parents, Mr.’ and Mrs. Emery Strome, of Waterloo, and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Greulioh and son, Wayne, of Kitchener. Mrs.. Pauline Ness, Kitchener, and Miss Gertruda Ratz, of Lon don, -spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. -and Mrs. E. Faist and Mr. and Mrs. W. Ratz respectively. Bib- with and ’s I 1 :< This Week In Winchelsea By MRS. F. HOBNE "MOR-POWER "Hi-Capacity" ARMOR GLASS—Guaranteed 48 months. De livers up to 47% more surging power than original equipment, plus the ex clusive. ability to keep producing a full load of current longer than any other type of battery . ’. . for faster motor turnover and positive cold weather starting .ease. Built to out last 4 ordinary batteries. SAVE SAFELY —AT CANADIAN TIRE.Mgs***^ GUARANTEE guaranteed for 18 Months, 2 Years or 4 Years — de pending* on the type. Replacement, or money back. You pay only for service rendered. — Every MOR-POWER BATTERY Is Report On Woodham By MRS. ARTHUR RUNDLE Mr. and Mrs. John Brine, El* Jyn -and Lerpy of Prospect Hill were guests Pf Mr. and Mrs. Arn old Hern on Saturday. Mr. Wm. Mills accompanied by Mr, and 'Mrs. Ron Dixon and Mary jane spent Sunday at Beach- ville visiting friemis, 'Mr. and Mrs. Verne Smith and Verla of Exeter visited the form er’s brother, Mr. Jack Smith and Mrs. Smith pn Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scott of Farquhar, Mr, and Mrs. Boy Rus sell and family of -Russeldale were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm- Rundle. Quite a number of Mission Band children from Zion West gather ed at the Woodham Rink on Sat urday afternoon and. enjoyed a social time. The Story In Shipka Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Eggins, 'Connie, Frances, and Douglas Jr, were Mr. and Mrs. MoCreeth, John and Jan, and Mrs. Osman of Toronto, Mr. and M-rs. J. A, Strevett and Mr. and Mrs. Warren pf R.C.A.F. Centralia. Masters Ji-m and Scott Sweitzer spent the weekend with their grandparents, Mr.and 'Mrs. Math. Sweitzer. Douglas Mr. and and ’Gary and Mrs. baptized on Sunday by Rev, Rap- son. Master (Byron -Clarke of iCredi- ton is visiting at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Harry iClarke. Mr. Ed Valender of Hamilton spent the weekend with the .Clar ke family. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ratz enter tained on Sunday in honour of Mrs. Ratz’ mother’s birthday. Guests were Mr. «&pd Mrs. Robert Scott, Shirley, Kathryn, and Nor man, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott and family, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Johnson, Miss Amy iShimfla of London and Mrs. Milton Ratz. The congregational meeting was held in the school on- Friday evening, beginning with a pot luck supper. All reports show the past year to be a very successful, one. Rev. Rapson was in charge and a splendid attendance was present. Viyein Gordon, son of Mrs, Douglas Eggins Donald, son of ,Mr„ Donald Dinney. were Here’s how you save time and trouble when you bank by mail THE bank of nova scotia’s simple system of banking by mail gives you a 24-hour-a-day, country-wide banking service. To take advantage of this time-saving service ask your neighbourhood branch of The Bank of Nova Scotia for the special ’bank-by-mail’ envelopes. They include a deposit slip, a deposit receipt, and a return envelope. When you have a cheque to deposit, there’s no need to go to the bank. You simply endorse the cheque: Pay to the order of The Bank of Nova Scotia (your signature); fill in your deposit slip, address the return receipt to yourself, and mail. Your deposit is recorded and your receipt mailed before the Bank’s doors open, making you the first customer of the day. • Write for descriptive folder or ask one of our staff for details next time you are in the bank, • Your Partner in Helping Canada Grow , Your BNS Manager is a good man to know. In Exeter he is H. W. Kelson. \ IO w new glamour with V3 GO! <> wl ’•5> Bi ?w: h:-.. &I^^Si Mr. and Mrs. Newman Baker of Wellburn visited .on Friday last with Mrs. Harry Ford and GordOn. Mr'. and Mrs. .Ernest Pym of Thames Road were Sunday visit ors with Mrs. James iHorne. Mrs. Ivan Brock was hostess on Friday evening for a British Knit demonstration by Mrs. An derson of Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs, Freeman Horne,' Ruth . and Raymond visited on Sunday with relatives in London. Mr. And Mrs. William Walters were hosts on Monday evening last for the local euchre elub. Prizes were won by Mrs. Isabel Sudgen. Mrs. Jack Hern, Mrs. Joe Bailey and 'Mr. John Coward. Mr. and Mrs. William Walters and Danny were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wib Glanville of Staffa on Friday. ’ the Forward Look bringsThis dazzling new Dodge with new Flight-Sweep beauty to the lowest-price field push-button PowerFlite* sets in motion the nimble getaway of new Dodge 6 and V-8 engines with up to 200 h.p. You discover new zest in motoring as you thread your way smoothly through crowded city streets, glide safely over the open road. And the whole family will appre ciate the wide range of new Dodge safety fea tures that bring new confidence to your driving. ' Yes, here’s glamour and go, ’56 Dodge style. Visit your Dodge dealer soon and learn firsthand how easily this great new car can fit into your family budget. * Push-button PowerFlite optional at extra cost. MANUFACTURED IN CANADA BY CHRYSLER CORPORATION OF CANADA, LIMITED There’s a grand new way to travel. It’s the • . ’56. Dodge! In skyward-soaring lines that set the trend for tomorrow’s cars—in every beautiful inch of this, the longest car in the lowest-price field— Dodge Flight-Sweep styling provides you and your family with a glamourous setting for motorcar travel. And everyone will love the roominess of Dodge interiors—the wide, wide seats that let you ride in restful comfort. Once behind the wheel, a push of a button, a touch of your toe, and you’re on your way. New plates, 120-amp. ca] OAVtyT4«3 Watch Climax—Shower of Stars weekly on TV. Check your newspaper for date and time. YOU SAVE $9.80. Full 110-ainp. capacity. Loaded with extra re serve power for top performance In any weather. Fit* mo»t popular can. (Ford V8, See below). Fits Ford Products — 1951-54; 51- plaiea, 120-amp. capacity. Reg. list ____ $23.95. With your old battery 11.95. NOTE—Adil 50c to above prices for Installation or delivery 2-Year Guarantee Milton R, Robbina ExeterPhone 451 18-Month Guarantee MOR-POWER , HEAVY-DUTY Battery 39 PLATES REG. LIST $13.30 MOR-POWER SUPER-SERVICE 45 PLATES REG. LIST $21.25 4-Year Guarantee MOR-POWER HI-CAPACITY 51 PLATES REG. LIST S27.T5 ■ ----- ‘ rr YOU SAVE $5.35— Full size, full Sfl-amp. capacity. Replace your old "grunt and groan” battery now with an action-packed Mor-Power Heavy Duty. Fits most popular cars (Ford V8, see below). Fits Ford Products— 1951-54;45- plates, 105-amp. capacity. WA*** $15.15. With your old battery $8.85. > your battery 11.45 1 K.45 I I OL* battery - I YOU SAVE $12.30 — Up to 47% more power Capacity for faster tnotor turnover and longer, full load output in any weather. Fits most popular oars, (Ford V8, see below). Fits Ford Products — 1951-54; 51- plates, 135-amp. capacity. Reg. list $26.00. With your old battery 14.95. EVERYBODY KNOWS H16HLANDHILLDMRX MILK IS GOOD AND Dodge Mayfair V-8 4-Dbor Sedan.