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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-02-02, Page 10
Mom.." Clandeboye Comments tr.C. Annual Meeting The Rev. B. M. Cook presided tar the annual meeting of Clan deboye United 'Church which was •held in the Sunday School room. He informed the members that the had notified the Presbytery wat he is retiring at the end ©t June, 1956. Mr. Cook spoke 9* the late Mr. 'Charles Francis, Superintendent of the Sunday School who <paseed away last fall. At the election of officers Geo- tge 'Simpson was named treasurer; elders, Mac McNaughton, Arthur Simpson, Wax’d Hodgins, Wilmer Scott, Mussel Schroeder and William Northgrave; stew ards, William Wilson, George Simpson, Arthur Hodgins, Ker- tnit Thompson and Rea Neil; ushers, Gordon Eaton, George Simpson, Arthur Hodgins and Gerald Lynn; trustees, L. A. Kil mer, Ivan Riddell, William Simp- eon, Rupert Williams and Alex Macintosh; pianists, Mrs. Kermit Thompson and Mrs. R, Schroe der; caretakers, Mrs. Rupert Williams and Mrs. A. Blake. W.A. And Guild Mrs. R. Garrison was hostess tor the St. James’ Church ladies on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Andy Carter presided for the W.A. meeting. A report was given of the Huron Diocesan Chancel Guild Which was held at Trivitt Memor ial Church, Exeter. The new set of linens from St. James’ Church was in the display. The new rector, Mr. Prest, •poke and offered suggestions for new ventures for this year’s work. Mrs. Carter read “Operation •Keewatin" from the Living Message, then closed the meeting. Mrs. Jack Harrison, president, opened the Guild meeting with 18 answering the roll. Report of last year’s work was given. Auditions For Play Harvey Poole, 11-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Poole, of JR.'R. 2 Ailsa Craig, was audition ed in the “Greek Room" of The London Little Theatre last week. He was successful and will play a part id “Jack and the Bean stalk" which will be held there on March 31. This play will-be taken to different towns, one of .Which is St. Thomas. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elson and Libby, of Parkhill, ^ere .guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harrison on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Flynn, of Mitchell, visited Sunday with the former's father, Mr. Tom Flynn. Miss Joan Murless, of London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mur- less and Suzy. Mrs. Mervim- Carter visited with her daughter, Miss Mary Caiter, in Loudon over t'he weekend. Attend Convention Mr. H. Murless and Mr. J. H. Paton attended the thirty-fourth annual convention of Middlesex School Trustees and at Medway School, Saturday. Mrs. Tom Brock daughter, Karen Lynn, from Victoria Hospital and are spending some time with Brock’s parents, *Mr. and Lloyd Lynn. Mr. Austin Bice returned from St. ratepayers Arva, on and infant arrived Mrs. Ml’S. home Joseph’s Hospital on Wednesday. Mammoth Opening Sale! Lucan Personals Mrs. C. W. Hawkshaw and Mrs. Irene Coursey celebrated Mrs. Emma Downing’s birthday with her last Tuesday in Park wood Hospital. Mrs. Downing has been in London ever since ■her home burned down in last summer’s fire. Mr. Grant Hawkshaw, on his return from the south, is spend ing a few days with his mother, Mrs. C. W. Hawkshaw, and ter, Mrs. Roy Hodgins. Mr. Tom Dickins and Mr. Mrs. Heber Davis spent Tuesday with Mr. Wellington Brock of Zion. Mrs. C. W. Hawkshaw and Mrs. T. C. McFarlane celebrated a joint birthday party at the ■home of Mrs. McFarlane last Thursday. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Windsor last week in cluded Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Durr, of Lieury, on Wednesday eve ning, and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Morley and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gibson, of Parkhill, on Friday night. * ___ sis- and last THE TIMES ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 2, 1956 ... .........................I—....................................... Lucan Agent Promoted Mr. T. S. Hill has received word that he is being transferred to Woodstock, For nearly 17 years, Mr. Hill has been agent at the Lucan C.N.R. station and has been active in church and civic affairs. “At present he is a member of the School Board, a member of the Board of Health, vice-president of the Lucan Men’s Club and a member of the United Church Board of Stewards. Mrs. Hill has also been very active in church work, being ■president of the W.M.S. for many years. Though Lucanites con gratulate Mr. Hill on his promo tion, they regret his departure. Both Mr. and Mrs. Hill are particularly fond of flowers. Their garden is. a mass of bloom Lucan And District News Present Pins To Graduates Holy Trinity Church's now rector, the Rev. J. p. Prest, was the guest speaker at t’he Janu ary meeting of the Lucan Home and School Association last Tues day night. Taking as his topic “Religion In The School’’, he emphasized the great importance of early home training. A special feature of the meet ing was Principal B. H. Elliott’s presentation of pins to the grad uating class consisting of Anne Marie Murdy, Ann Roberts, Mary Kinney, Linda Tatlo, Sheila Ire- dale, Gladys Bond, Barbara ■Hyatt, Margaret Eizenga, Lor raine Graham, Evelyn Whitehead, Marjorie Sovereign, Frank Hardy, Tommy Ryan, Don Lankin, John Smibert, Jim Magoffin, Lome Heatherly, Peter Shipley and Gary Elson. Displaying an obscene maga zine confiscated from one of his pupils, Mr. Elliott introduced a discussion on what steps 'the Home and School could take to prevent such literature getting into the hands of children. After a lengthy discussion, Mr. Elliott was asked to send a recommenda tion to Kelso Roberts, Minister of Justice, to see what could be done. Mrs. Arthur Black moved that a recommendation be sent toboth parliaments re sex deviates.* Mr, Murray Hodgins spoke briefly on the possibility of hav ing speakers on Civil Defence and on Cancbr. The president, Mr. Stewart Park, was named to take charge of arrangements The attendance cup went to Miss Henry’s room. Elizabeth Parkinson and Bon nie Drennan sang two numbers, accompanied by Mrs. Drennan. Personal Items •Mr., and Mrs. M. O. Smith were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sawyer, of Petrolia, and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Sawyer. Mr. Billy Abbott, of Niagara Falls, spent last weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mur ray Abbott. His mother returned with him for a week's vacation. Install Officers Of UC Auxiliary The January meeting of the Evening Auxiliary of the Lucan United Church was held ip the church parlors last Thursday evening with 13 members present. Rev. e. M. Cook installed as officers for 1956: Mrs, George Paul as president, with vice- presidents, Mrs. A. Reil'ly and Mrs. Ivan Hearn; secretary, Mrs. G. Nicholson; assistant secretary, Mrs. Bert Thompson.; treasurer, Mrs. Charles Sovereign. The secretaries; community and friendship and Missionary Monthly, Miss .Reta Chown; sup ply, Mrs. B. Saulnier; steward ship, Mrs. Eldon Young;. litera ture, press and shut-ins, Wrs. J. Lockyer; pianist, Miss Rota Chown; Christian citizenship and temperance, Mrs. Dave Park. The worship service was taken by Group 1—Mrs, B. Kehl, Mrs. Charles Sovereign, Mrs, Mel Cul bert and Mrs. Reta Chown with Mrs. B. Saulnier as leader. The study book was on the Canadian ’ “ “ “byIndian, which was followed an interesting discussion. Mfs. C. McLean Dies In London Funeral services for Charles McLean, -who Dress Shirt With Every Suit In Stock Suits As Low As $23.95 ALL SALE VALUES—GOOD FOR THURS., FRI. & SAT, FEBRUARY 2, 3 & 4 *5 l---------------------------------- Suede Jackets $15.95 . AND $1.50 TIE FREE Suburban Coats $16.50 Reg. 21.95 FREE TIE Top Coats $14.95 Reg. 21.95, Zip-In Lining Dress Pants $3.99 Sport Jackets Any In The Store $19.95 Reg. 39.95 Fri„ Set. Only Leather Jackets $12.95 BOYS* PLAID Shirts 2 for $3.00 MEN'S Work Shirts 2 for $3.99 Men's Jeans Regular 3.95 , $2.88 A Bargain Counter - Everything Goes For 99c Make Us An Offer! FREE Belts ... 75c Combs MEN’S PENMAN’S $3.59 A WHITE HANDKERCHIEF WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF ONE DOLLAR OR MORE Lloyd Ford’s Men's & Boys'Wear FIRST DOOR NORTH OF TOWN HALL PHONE 299 EXETER We also handle thft World Famous Blue Coal and other fuels for your heating Satisfaction Ford Fuels and Building Products OU Mrs, . passed away in Parkwood Hospital, Lon don, after a lengthy illness, on Thursday, January 26, in her seventy-seventh year, were held from the Murdy Funeral Home, ■Lucan, on Saturday. Rev. C. A. McCarroll of London officiated. Interment was in St. James’ Cemetery, Clandeboye. The pall bearers were Jack and Bob Mur ray, Harold C o b 1 e .i g h , Jack Baynes, Stewart and Gordon Mulvey. Mrs. McLean, the former Helen 'Radcliffe Murray, was a daughter of the late Mir. and Mrs. Robert ■Murray and was born on Con cession 12, London Township, later moving to Concession 16, London Township. In 1908, with her parents, she moved to Francis St., Lucan, where she married Mr. Charles McLean and con tinued to live in Lucan until the death of her husband in 1940. While here she was a member of Holy Trinity Church. Since ■her husband’s death she has re sided in London. ■She is survived by one sister, Mrs. Mary Robb, of London Township, and two brothers, Ro bert Murray, of Saskatoon, and Gordon, of Toronto. Auxliary Plans Euchres At a' meeting of the Auxiliary to the Legion held in the Legion Hall, it was decided to hold a euchre the third Thursday of. each month with a season’s prize. The proceeds will go to ■the building fund. Winners of first prize for January- wdre Mrs. A. E. Reilly and Mrs. Roy Stanley. Second iprize winners Were Mrs. B. Nagel and Mr. Austin Chisholm. Bean Guessing Results The bean guessing contest staged by the Henry Nylhuis ■store ended January 21. Each three dollar purchase entitled the purchaser to a guess on the num ber of beans in a large bottle (which contained 3,178 beans). Miss who Mrs. ■won and and ■tied Nellie Loyens of Lucan, guessed 3,300, won $5. U. V. D. Boomer, Denfield, $3 with a guess of 3,015, Frank Van Bussel, Lucan, William Muller, Crediton, __ with guesses of 3,000, won $1 each. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Lambton (nee June Sadler) are happy to ■announce the birth of a daugh ter op January 24 at Private ■Patients’ Pavilion, Toronto Gene ral Hospital. Ladies’ Guild The Ladies’ Trinity Church meeting in the Monday night. Mrs. Harvey Hodgins, was in the chair. Mrs. C. W. Hawkshaw presided at the piano and Mrs. William Brownlee’s group was in charge of the program and refreshments. The program con sisted of solos by Frank Egan and a “Lucan Name” contest, ■which was won by Mrs. H. A. Bond. Mrs. Joe Horne, ' who is soon moving to Winnipeg, was pre sented with a small gift. Mrs. Brownlee read the address. (Plans for a pot-luck supper for the cihoir were discussed. Mrs. Irene Coursey and Miss Delrene Coursey spent last week end in Detroit, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred .Ford and family. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Laidley spent last weekend with the lat ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy ■Stanley. 'Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Porter (nee Jean Bond) and family, of Portage la Prairie, Man., are ■holidaying with Mr. And Mrs. H. A. Bond prior to moving to Camp Borden. Mrs. J. McLean, Mrs. T. S. Hill, Mrs. N. Wasnidge, Mrs. Warner, M C.R o b e r t. s, Mrs. S. Chown and Miss Reta Chown (Mission) attended the Middlesex Presbytcrial of the Woman's Missionary Society 'held in Dun das Centre last Tuesday after noon. Mrs. Murray Hodgins and Mrs, Calvih Haskett attended the evening session and conference for Explorer Counsellors in the ■afternoon. Mrs. Murray Hodgins attend ed a conference in Toronto last Friday sponsored by the Depart ment of Christian Education for the Canadian Council of Churches and another’ on Saturday spon sored by the Children’s Work Committee of the united Church Mr. Harold Brooks, of London^ Visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mc- Falls last Sunday Guild of Holy held its January Parish Hall last The president, UC Reports Good Year At a congregational pot-luck supper in t'he United Church basement last Wednesdday night, Rev. E. M. Cook presided for the election of officers for 1956. Alex Young was elected trea surer; secretary, Mrs. Clarence Lewis; steward board, Ivan Stan ley, Harold Whyte, Erie Haskett, Alex Young, Don Maguire, E. Pitt, 0. W. Parkinson; elders, Ivan Hearn, Robert Murray and Ivan Stanley, Missionary Maintenance trea surer, Mrs. S. Chown; auditors, J. Cantelon and Harold Whyte; ushers, Ivan Hearn, Stewart Park, Robert Murray, Ralph Pitt, Leroy Revington, Jim Young, Fred Lewis, Erie Haskett, Mel Culbert, Jack Young and Murray Hodgins. All financial reports showed a good year, Wilbert Stanley moved a vote of thanks to all depart ments and to Mr. Cook who is retiring in June after six years of service as pastor of Lucan and Clandeboye- churches. Lions Club Dinner Mrs. Cecil I-Iodgins’ group the Anglican Guild catered for the Lions Club dinner in the church basement last Monday night. Plans were discussed for ■the -season’s activities. ..'I"" , .........in . of United- Church w.M.S. The* regular meeting of the fmean United Church Women’s Missionary Society was held in ■the church parlors on Thursday afternoon with the president. Mrs. Warner McRoberts, in ithe chair and Mrs. J. McLean’s group in charge of the program and re freshments. The study book on •Canadian Indians was taken by Mrs. McLean, assisted by Mrs. McRoberts, Mrs. Murray Hodgins, Mrs, Sheridan Revington, Mrs. Alex Young and Mrs. Wes Hod gins. Mrs, Murray Hodgins led in a sing-song of hymns, The worship period was taken •by Mrs, McRoberts, Mrs, McLean and, Mrs. T, D. Orme. Personal Items ■Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Smith included 'Mr, and Mrs. Neil Lachie, Charlene and Danny and Mrs. Les Franey, all of Waterloo, and Rev. and Mrs. J, F. Wagland and family, of Oakridge' Acres, Mr, and l^rs, Harold Corbett and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Young left last Saturday on a motor ■trip to Florida, Mr. Thomas Dickins, Corning, Sask., who is visiting relatives in and around Lucan, celebrated his seventy-fifth birthday last Sun day at the home of his niece, Mrs. W. W. Garrett. Though ill ness prevented the presence of several -members of his family, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Coleman, Mrs, W. Dickins, of Lucan, and Mrs. Frank Coates and Mrs. R. Dic kins, of Exeter, were able to be present. Mr. Dickins is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Dickins of Lucan and was born on Concession 4, Biddulph, about four indies north of Lucan. EVERY COUNTS 5 all season long and has giveft ■pleasure to many a passer-by. Hockey News■Lucan Irish chalked up three more victories this week In the W.O.A.A. Big Eight League when they defeated Zurich 10-6 at Zurich Monday night; Ilderton Wildcats 9-4 at Lucan Wednesday night, and Clinton Colts 11-5 at Lucan Friday night. But the Irish didn’t have the monopoly on victories, for the Pee Wees defeated Parkhill 6-3 at Lucan Friday night; the Mid gets defeated Hensall 10-1 at Hensall, and -the Bantams de feated North Bale 23-0 at Lucan, algo on Friday night. With such promising young teams coming up, the future for Lucan hockey loohs bright. 1956 Barley Contracts We Are Agents For Canada Malting Co.' CONTRACTS NOW AVAILABLE *fi / W. G. Thompson & Sons Ltd Phone 32 Hensail •I I In Pearson Motor Sales' hl CAR X v Lou Says Skunking Our - /Opposition / We've Cut Prices To The Penny! LOOK! ’54 . CHEV DELUXE TUDOR, directional signals, window washers*. 17,000 / miles, a showpiece for a little over $1,700.01 : DODGE DELUXE SEDAN, built-in radio, one-owner car ........................ $1,449.86 ! DODGE SPECIAL DELUXE SEDAN Sharp, with new tires, 30,000 miles $1,150.43 ! MONARCH SEDAN, automatic, di rectional lights; tu-tone, whitewalls, a black beauty .................................. i CUSTOM FORD, directional lights, tu-tone, nice, clean car ................... ! FORD CUSTOMLINE SEDAN, direc tional lights.......................................... ’52 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN* low mileage, clean as a pin................... ’52 CHEV SEDAN, tinted glass, an origin al car .7.............................................. $1,296.07 ’53 ’52 ’52 A ’53 ’52 *51 ■i- $1,448.98 $1,451.13 $1,295.37 $1,149.73 OLDS SEDAN, hydramatic, radio, directional lights, 44,000 miles.... . OLDS COACH, a straight shift speedster ......................................... METEOR SEDAN* DELUXE, radio, overdrive, directional lights, spot light, snow tires, she’s loaded.......... FORD COACH, tu-tohe, radio ....... FORD CUSTOM SEDAN, two spot lights, custom radio, twin aerials and fender skirts .......................... CHEV TUDOR, Fleetline.... ......... PACKARD SEDAN, built-in radio, hew paint............................,........... ’46 FORD COUPE, rebuilt motor, two hew tires, body excellent................ AND WE GOT some more $1,249.87 ’51 ’51 ’51 ’49 ’50 ’50 996.54 895.46 697.42 751.02 694.69 476.58 X Phone 608 Exeter Phone 78 Zurich *