HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-02-02, Page 4Behind Recent Headlines THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 2, 1954 iniiiiiiininiiiiiniirTrnnnirrTrjrt-.-‘TTn-n.ni:i.'':""‘""::r^i:rTr' r''-i‘',r'‘.‘“'l-r~?CT‘TT!"T?JtX"T'^nt.y‘!I^T^rX^nrrTTtrr~Uliwm--.iri|i'ii-niin~ii--!-i|i!i:r i-j.l! '1 / » ISSUED iTQ- >ROOT-LBGGE-RS Magistrate Dudley wwws q£ Goderich lias warned wooHoggers. Their penalty will he Hitter thwart usual if caught sell­ ing tbeer to minora. will take M into consideration when im- iposing penalty." HURON CLUB OWNER GHAJRGED — George Campbell, proprietor of the Crystal Club, waa charged with keeping liquor for sale. A quantity of beer and ale was seised. Only one of many ■uch charges during the past year under the C.T.A, ARMY CANCELLING NEW ■YEARS RITES—A H.Q. Western Ontario Area directive has order­ ed all military messes closed in view of the extensive safety cam­ paign. LIQUOR. CHARGES TO THE FORE Most lines in police charge hooks in Ontario centres during the Christmas weekend were taken up witk liquor charges. Three out of four charges of the more than too reported were breaches of the L.C.A, In Toronto more than 300 persons were arrested between 6 p.m, Friday and midnight Mon­ day. (adv’t) Classified Directory Copy Paper White or Colored THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE FOR SALE FOR SALE WANTED BARN — Approximately 23'x37’, in good condition. Apply Verne Weido. Dashwood. 2:9* BRAN & SHORTS. $50 a ton off car.Centralia Farmers Supply. 2* SEWING MACHINE, tredle, Singer, in good condition; also a girl's pink gabardine coat and bonnet, size 1. Mrs. Lome Becker, phone 118, Dash­ wood. 2c GANDER—Apply* last house west onWellington Street. 2c WASHING MACHINE, "Easy”, in good condition, Phone 48-r-3, Grand Bend, 2:9c STURDY TRUNK for overseas travel. Notify Lome Ford or phone 541-M, Exeter. __________________ 2 WANTED TO BORROW—$1,500 on first mortgage on property on Sim­ coe St., Exeter; good interest. Phone 365-W, E. H. Robinson, 95 Simcoe St, ______ 2:9* OIL SPACE HEATER, large size. Exeter Salvage, phone 420. ?c 75 BALES of good hay,- clover and timothy. Apply Alvin Gingerich, Zur­ ich. 2c " DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH/" "I know what I’m talking about. No wise man or woman would be without the services of a trust company in matters concerning their estate—it’s far too important. So, take my advice, write for the free booklet, "Blueprint For Your Family." It will tell you a lot you should know about estate administration." •3 THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION HEAD OFFICE 372 Bay St., Toronto * SEDAN, real sharp BRANCH OFFICE 1-3 Dunlop St., Barrie I'm Back After A Holiday With Good Bargains LSMFT MONARCH SEDAN ................................. Automatic, radio, a steal FORD COACH, only 11,000 miles ...... MONARCH SEDAN ................................:. Automatic, radio, you’re robbing me CHEV COACH, clean .............................. PLYMOUTH SEDAN ............................... You’re breaking my heart ' FORD SEDAN, radio ............................. AUSTIN SEDAN, see this one .............., MERCURY SEDAN, see this one.......... CHEV COACH, a steal ........................... ANGLIA, a cheapie .'........ ......................... CHEV COACH, nice................................. CHEV TRUCKS 3-TON, a good one ..... PICKUP, low mileage $2,150 $1,995 $1,550 $1,240 $695 595 325 325 295 195 150 95 2 BULL CALVES, Holstein, and 3 Holstein heifer calves. Phone 83, Ex­eter. 2c DUCK EGGS for hatching. Gordon Ratz, phone 161-r-3, Dashwood. 2c ’52 ’6-TON PICKUP, Mercury, direc­tional lights, in excellent condition. Phone 683»r-3, Hensail. 2* NOTICES PIANO, Gerard-Helntzman, in good condition. Apply Mrs. Ervin Eggert, R.R, 3 Parkhill. 2c •52 CHEV COACH. A-l condition; 21" JVestinghouse TV, console model;, posted overseas, reason for sale. Contact Lome Ford or phone 541-M. Exeter, 2 IF BACKACHES are slowing you up, take RUMACAPS and help yourself to relief from pains and aches. Ask your Druggist. ___________________ 29 PHILCO TV, 360 Model, 21-inch screen; had 4 months; $225 or best offer; reason for selling, moving away; must be sold by February 10. Fred Turnbull, Grand Bend, phone 159. 26:2c MAGAZINES—New and renewal sub’ scriptions for any magazines are re’ ceived at The Times Advocate. MAN’S SUIT, grey, size 40-42. May be seen at Brady Cleaners.____26:2* PREVENT CHIMNEY FIRES—Use Fire Chief Chemical Chimney Clean­ er to eliminate soot and scale from your stovepipes and chimney. No need to remove stovepipes! no fuss; no muss; no odor. For use on coal, gas or oil fired units. On sale at Ex­ eter District Co-Op. 26:2:9 HELP WANTED ATTENTION! Have fun while you work—selling Stanley Home Products on the party plan. Commission ave­rages . -$5O-$75 weekly. Car helpful. Write to Mrs. Carrie Kirkwood, 93 Madison Ave,, London, or phone 31934-J, London, Collect.________2:9c WANTED—Man for steady travel among consumers in Huron County. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliable hustler considered. Write Rawieigh’s, Dept. B-202-H31, Montreal, P.Q.__________2 MARRIED MAN, capable, reliable, for South Huron poultry and beef cattle farm; separate house, hydro, etc. Write Box “F”, Times-Advocate. 26:5* FOR RENT 4-ROOM APARTMENT and bath, available February 10, furnished or unfurnished, heated, utitilties paid, private entrance; very reasonable rent. Phone 457-r-5, Exeter.______2c SMALL COTTAGE, suitable for young couple: stove and frig includ­ed. Apply 416 Carling St., Exeter, morning or evening.______________2* DOWNSTAIR APARTMENT, 5-room, with bath; also 5-room upstair apart­ment, with bath; both unfurnished. 497 Main Street, phone 378-W1. Ex­ eter. 2:9* NEW HOME, -2-bedroom, automatic oil furnace, central location; immed­ iate 'possession. R. E, Balkwill, 47 John St. East, phone 89-J, Exeter. 2c FOR LEASE New Three Bay SERVICE STATION ON RICHMOND ST., LONDON- Established Business Over 25 Years Good Residential and Commercial . Background Apply Cities Service oy Co. Ltd. BOX 502, LONDON 2c FURNISHED COTTAGE, immediate possession; two adults. Phone 276, Exeter. 26c 4-ROOM APARTMENT, centrally lo­cated, partially furnished, heated, ■bath and hot water, separate ent­ rance; adults only; reasonable rent. Apply 343 Andrew St., Exeter. 26c SMALL COTTAGE, suitable for young couple; hot and cold water in laundry. Phone 880-J3. Exeter. 26c 3-ROOM LOWER FLAT—Available February 1, furnished or unfurnished, heated and hot water, laundry room in basement. Apply W. F. Abbott, Victoria St., Exeter, or phone 637-R.26c FORD FORD CHEV PICKUP, only ................. CHEV 2-Tt)N, side dump, solid $ $ $ $ 950 695 650 195 APARTMEN T—Three rooms and bath; heated; hot water supplied; unfurnished. Apply John Ward, phone 34i8,____________________________26* APARTMENT, ground floor, furnish­ed, .3 rooms, heated, hot and cold water, built-in cupboard, usb of laundry for washing, private ent- rance, Blatchford Apartments. 26* TRACTORS FORDSON MAJOR DIESEL, a power plant .. $1,450 FORD, motor overhauled ................................. $ 695 COCKSHUTT 4-ROW SCUFFLER, almost new .. $ 150 SPECIALS The following 30-day units to be reduced $10 a day until sold: ’53 DODGE SEDAN............................................... ’51 MONARCH SEDAN, overdrive .................... ’50 PLYMOUTH SEDAN •...................................... *49 METEOR COACH, good motor and tires .... *51 ANGLIA COACH, motor overhauled ...... . *50 VAUXHALL SEDAN, motor overhauled .... *49 CHEV SEDAN DELIVERY ............................ Thursday's Price 1,005 i 760 I 505 : 405 ; 145 160 I 215 Larry Snider Motors Phone 624 LTD. Exeter HOUSE—Compact, 2 bedrooms, liv­ ing room and kitchenette, 3-piece bath, furnace-heated, clean, quiet location. Apply Pinedale Motel, Grand Bend, phone 8. 12-14tfc............. I Floor Sanders Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers Vacuum Cleaners, Tools, Etc. BEAVERS HARDWARE, EXETER 3ffc Mastitis Treatments GARGETEX $1.00 Per Tube PIG WORMER Pheno-Thia Just Mix With Food Middletons DRUG STORE Phone 20 Hensail TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE TENDERS FOR WARBLE FLY SPRAYING—Sealed tenders plainly marked will be received up to 3 p.m. MONDAY, February 13 for the con­tract to spray -----ship for warble $75 is required, TENDERS WARBLE FLY _______ ,________will also be considered at the same time. APPLICATIONS FOR THE POSI­ TION OF WARBLE FLY INSPEC­TOR for the coming season will be considered. NOTICE OF FIRST SITTING OF ASSESSMENT COURT OF REVIS­ION—Ratepayers are hereby notified that a court of revision will be held in the Township Hall, Elimville, on February 13, at 4 p.m., when all appeals against 1955 taxes (dogs, buildings destroyed, etc.) will be heard. H. H. G. STRANG, Clerk Hensall. R.R. 1 cattle in the town- fly. A guarantee of FOR SUPPLY OF SPRAY POWDER— 26 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL" FIRE INS. CO, Annual Meeting The Annual Meeting of the __ borne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insur­ance Company will be ■ held in* Farquhar Hali; Farquhar, on Monday, February 6, 1956, at 2.00 p.m., for the purpose of receiving the reports of the Directors and Auditors for the past year, for the election of two Directors for a three-year term, election of Auditors, and any other business that may be in the interests of the Company.The Directors whose term of office expires are E. Clayton Colquhoun and Alex J. Rohder both of wh<5m are eligible for re-election. MARTIN FEENEY, President ARTHUR FRASER, Sec.-Treas.26:2 REAL estate Us- 4 - BEDROOM HOUSE with three extra lots. This home is nicely decorated throughout. Has hardwood floors and fireplace; forced oil heat; lots beautifully treed; garage; reason­able price with easy terms. C. V. Pickard, Main St., Exeter. 2 HOUSE, red brick and stucco, fully insulated, Main Street, Hensall; hall­ way, kitchen, dining room, living room with fireplace, small porch on first floor, 3 bedrooms, bath, deck and sleeping porch on second floor, nearly new automatic oil-fired hot water furnace in full basement; good lot with private drive and garage. Apply William Kyle, Kippen. 26:2* HOUSE under construction. Owner will complete it or sell as new. Extra lots for building. William Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen._____________________19tfc 1-STOREY DWELLING, in Centralia, suitable for one or two people; low cost. William Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen, Ex- eter.____________________,_____19tfc 50-ACRE FARM—5-room house: 3 bedrooms; barn; well; tiled; hydro; immediate possession; full purchase price $8,060.00. ; 100 - ACRE GRASS FARM—Over­flowing spring well; will grass from 35 to 50 head of cattle; immediate possession; full purchase price $7,- 500.00. 100-ACRE FARM on No. 23 High­way, 6-room brick house; 3 bed­ rooms; driveshed: barn 40’x60’, and 26’x-50’; well; tiled; hydro; immediate possession; full purchase price $18,- 5Q0.00. 150-ACRE MODERN FARM—8- room brick house; bathrooms; new furnace; garage; .driveshed; spring well; barn 57’x66’; all bement stab­ ling; water and hydro; immediate possession; full purchase price $20,- 000.00 BRICK POOLROOM, with 6-room living quarters, .fully modern; 5 pool tables: tobacco; cigarettes; sundries: confectionery; stock and equipment included in purchase price; cash or terms; immediate possession; money­maker/ BRAND NEW COTTAGE, 4-room, 2 bedrooms, 4-piece bath, basement, oil furnace: well; fenced; tiled; hydro; lot size 132’xl32’; hardwood floor, and ■tile floor; full purchase price $6,800: taxes $53; immediate possession. 2 GENERAL STORES: RESTAURANTS; SUMMER RESORT: For further particulars,. contact:R. S. TOZER,Real Estate and General Insurance. Huron St.. Mitchell Ont., Phone 353 ALVIN HANES, Salesman, Kirkton, Ontario WES BOSSENCE, Salesman 7 Market PL Stratford, Ont., Phone 1809 Evenings; 3115-W,Stratford, Ont.19:26c CEMENT BLOCK COTTAGE, 2-bed- room, almost new, nice kitchen. 1 piece bath, large living room, plaster­ed throughout, full basement; price $4,000; immediate possession; terms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor.___________5 CENTRALIA—Brick duplex, comfort­ able accommodation for two families; separate entrances; each has full kitchen and 3-piece bath: heavy wiring: price $7,000; $2,000 cash will handle. C. V. Pickard, Realtor. 5 BRICK HOUSE, 3-bedroom, hot air furnace, 3-piece bath, nice location, Huron St.; garage. William Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Salesman. 8tfc HOME for a couple, plus an income. Very well built 2-.storey brick house with 4 apartments, netting a good income. See William Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen, Exeter.______________________ 8tfc 2- NEW, MODERN HOUSE with oil furnace; east side of Exeter; close to schools. R. E. Balkwill, 47 John St. NOTICES TO CREDITORS' In the Estate ofGordon Ernest Howse All persons having claims against the Estate of Gordon Ernest Howse. late of R.C.A.F. Station, Centralia, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 5th day of August 1955, are hereby notified to send particu­ lars of came to the undersigned nt 2428a Bloor Street West, Toronto 9, oh or before the first day of March, 1956. after which date tho estate will be distributed, with regard only to the claims of -vVhich the under­ signed shall then have notice, and the undesigned shall not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice.DATED at Toronto this 13th dav of January, 1956.Cecil Edgar Howse. Adminstrator. 2428a Bloor Street West, Toronto 9 By his solicitors, Henderson & Murray, 25 Adelaide Street' East, Toronto.' 19:26:2 STOCK WANTED « Beech and BasswoodBABY CHICKS FOR SALE AUCTION SALES SERVICES 92-r-13 or Saw Mill ONTARIO TENDERS WANTED 2 MITCHELL 0 "U" Can't Get The Highest Price WHY WAIT till a dry time, have your well drilled now; faster service. Apply H. A. Kerr, New Hamburg, phone 226-W. 12:19:26:2 DEAD, DISABLED STOCK—Seven­ thly week service for horses, pattie, sheep/ pigs, calves.—Glen Kennedy, phone collect 168-W Lucan or Exeter 235, 9-2tfc SEPTIC TANKS EMPTIED, immed­iate service. Phone 108 or 130-W, Lucan, Butler Bros, 12:1 - 23:2 "IF" We Don't Know You Have Them For S* FARMERS! Have all your saws sharpened and set at Stew’s Sharp­ ening Service, 105 Sanders St., Ex­eter, phone 454. 3tfc PAINTING AND PAPERING CABINET WORK - TILE FLOORS THOS, H. WALKER Phone 553 Exeter I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age,—G, J, Dow, phone 83, Exeter. tfc MASONRY REPAIRS, etc., plaster­ ing done for alterations. John Web­ster, phone 297-W. l-19-4tc Logs Wanted New Barley ContractSpecials on Overcoats Topcoats, Sport Coats Sport Shirts etc. continue this week. BRAY CHICKS, For good fall egg markets. Pullets, some started. Also mixed. Broilers, Standard varieties and special strains likes Ames Hy­ brids, Babcock Leghorns, etc. Ask us for data and "special" weekly lists. Agent: Eric Qarscadden, Exeter, phone 246-W. 2 10 GRADE COWS for cash. Write full particulars to Box "D"> Times- Advocate;_________ 2c HIGHEST PRICES paid for feathers, new and used, Call Exeter . Salvage (Harry Joseph), phone 423, 1:26-3:1 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION “Where Better Bulls Are Used” Artificial insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or information- phone Clinton 515 col* lect, between 7:30 and 10:00 A.M. on week days and 7:30 and 9:30 A.M. on Sundays tfc FIRE SALE Clearing Auction Sale Of Hardware, Work Clothes, Etc. w. E. Nairn will sell by public auction in KIRKTON VILLAGE On 23 Highway MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1956 Commencing at 1:00 p.m. the following:Power lawn mower; electric wash­er; electric irons; pop-up toasters; electric tea kettles; paints; tools; all sizes of bolts and nails; a full line o-f hardware stock, . men's work clothes, mitts, gloves, rubber boots, rubbers, show cases, counters and a host of articles not listed.Owing to a fire, this stock is slight­ly damaged by smoke and water and will be sold to the highest bidder. Sale held under cover. Lunch avail­able. TERMS: Cash. No reserve.NOTE: This sale will start sharp at 1:00 p.m.LORNE MARSHALL, Prop. W. E. NAIRN, Auctioneer Phone George Beer ZURICH township of McGillivray Tenders will be received by Town­ship of McGillivray for warble fly spraying for the spring of 1956.Tenders to be in clerk’s hands by Friday, February 24, 1956. A cheque for $75 must accompany tender. W. J. AMOS, Clerk Parkhill 8 TOWNSHIP OF MCGILLIVRAY Tenders will be received by Town­ship of McGillivray for supplying warble fly powder.'Tenders- to be in clerk's hands by Friday, February 24, 1956. W, J. AMOS, Clerk Parkhill 8 VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND Sealed marked tenders will be re­ ceived up and until February 18, 1956, for the position of Assessor for the Village of Grand Bend. He will work under the direction of the Lam'bton County Assessor.Apply, stating experience and sal­ary required, to the undersigned. Herbert Wainwright, Clerk-Treas. Grand Bend, Ont, BOYS Specials 10 Pair Pants Regular $4.95 CLEARING AT $1.00 EACH Sweaters Sizes 26-34 Reg. $3.95 CLEARING AT 980 EACH Flannel Shirts Sizes 6-13 Reg. $2.95 CLEARING AT 980 EACH Boys' Caps REDUCED TO HALF PRICE 1 •» 9 Walper's Men's Wear Phone 8 V Exeter V' New Elevator Grain Contracts No. 1 Seed (Treated) And Fertilizer Supplied FAST, AUTOMATIC UNLOADING FACILITIES GUARANTEED CORRECT WEIGHTS • FREE STORAGE HIGHEST PRICES PAID. (We offer our growers an option on prices based on 3 C.W. cash Winnipeg price or 3 C.W. Wheat Board Winnipeg Price. We contract to pay the grower whichever price is highest.) I New Rodney Oat Contract NO.' 1 SEED (TREATED) AND FERTILIZER SUPPLIED Delivery can be made at harvest. Storage, paid to grower for storage on farm. Guaranteed minimum price. 1 ■•***%:, Seed Grain Contracts Limited acreage for growers who can grow Registered No. 1 Seed Grain. Corn Contracts Available with your choice of seed. See Us Now For Your Contracts CANN'S MILL LTD EXETER r \i WHALEN CORNERS