HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1867-4-18, Page 2firliketootteakenes.... .
__ __1111111_______
Mutsu Aqual. li
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_. - . 11 - -----I.--.---."-- - -------
- GosAing has boom
Turks Editor or Liar, iiiia.0 ,itasel.
I . .- - _ -
-_____!m'. _-0-m- 0111 . " --- -_ -_ I
to Nod Order MaZyumso! to assuming I ParO (Allotriall 21) Carrsopickskidows ,if Ili,
rNosthera Olsovell it was of Load" Ila".
The assemblair of rato=,W&S quit@
large. If ere, 14-peems, - - -0 olowdiit-
- ___ .
refurincro &U We Could have wished to
ace. They behaved in
tole-westring dodge or
:a rewrted to.-
Arch Bishop, Esq., Reeve
all orderly, sensi
ble manner which, Contrasted with she
appointedl ageout at
Never Since. jor"oration was Oom- Godarich for the Hartford Live Stock In-
Tim mountain was moved
had brought f,ortb a mounw.11
I as out I
repair. His fiono, compiled &ad ordered
Every one remarks 11he silence of the Monti.
Bay the County Eugoorer to make tile
MU q RIL 18'1867.
th respected
Outrageous conduct or tile Factor youths,
meneed for the approaching cont rt, lie& entrance Co., a 'most useful institution for
Thin it an old and ous, vaylag. and bel,n#s lo
. four on the runiourid oistatiVu ho itirshe, of
__L -
of she township, having taken the chair,
introduced M r. Cameron as the first speak-
was the best argument that could be
used why Mr. Carling be deli
&here been so strong and decided an farmers, tectakUt,,ro mud others.
a elooks of l,vvv6,sI .tvus reivorovel; ,. Vhr
'4`4 "N"n"I " 9' vl&WtSLG evolboon ant ranted
"'ask"Dam"Y *ismination. hit. tiny reported Ith* G raud I)LIXIII041 Of Lyzemburg, th if h
thag the. Read sovis in the worst lialmomilools,
rat saw lost too or three days mainland 111.
The CaWPfki9L
or. That gentlemen addressed the turset-
i ad. Let the electors of Tuckeramitb allik
opinion formed by the great body of FALL WHEAT.-Ilite'regralted to ob-
I W- --,.I, of -at ,,,.. t,,,.. ,li,.4 i,..,.,I.bly by
adition, culverts so damosafted linked bruktx I alto
Cc to render theirs quite sookopils. lie also I Paris pupore have been speallieg of it. 1,a
BUOCeUfally Inatig-
ing for about an hour in splendid style,
I themselves whether they can offord a
11 ii,se electors of' the South Riding, favor- serve, a reant trip througho
- I tit the
. rivrivin ,laskool or% icivent-as they va,ald wish
/'films# -6 one of tlludo wlin,111 gives er,d,p,O
notified the Company to inake c,italu repair*
&riot in a wouly and honorable spiriL.-
I single vote W a man who, while proliams-
"I'll to the return of Memars. Cameron county that tile fall wheat generally to as
to too ,olooldeted-svilo glorify fluesusal,ito Ili ell-
i towthe report, thouilo, it thinks Am solution
before . specific.d time. So far all was
is in
A very -
Mr. Giblions, after lie bad fikokeu, was
ing an ardeat love for everything good
and Gibbons sum at the present time. suffered extremely. Many fields are badly
deavoring toteoriowu ouch fibr,cs &*they at,
ura rhatAut then supinowil. The Ian,
.pparently ril0t, but ibo Volatile voirv, 'lot
gusgs 01 the It -Ilia Pro" leaves no doubt
" miletin- was held at
Exeter, (In Monday
questioned on several points retailing to
arid British, could calmly look on while
and present a sorry appear,
Never, porti at an cloctiou in this mace. Fine weather may, laosirtiver, wake
,a,-a,"-Nt,-t ,rg,onp. I a ... ...... sarion.d
,,-site Ili- ke, ... arks lion, the co,,.ankt.
to ask
mud'. &I'd Mr. James litullio entered a to the pretensions Sod hishes, at J,m",, ,he
.1 before the I
afterpsivion, April Sth
at the call Of 310016r-A'stucrou sod 'Jilibank,
-,or ind,litedious to the Government, ke.,
to all ol'which lie answered promptly and
his immediate followers vioncted scenes,
and uttered words, that might be
County hassuch unobjectiqual candidates a Change for ttio better.
r -Illy, a It ov Jay- ago.a--i-V
" '17116,vl
c Implaint a magistrate arain-t
wauto to force Hallinad W Chou" between
ul Company fur illegally taking toll slid sub- ,he siscitibre of bar territory, or he, ,bourn,
Drew's 11811 was densely with
to the satisfaction of his Imarera.
looked for in Philadelphia, Baltimore or
presented themselves for election, and MALICIOVS.-On Sunday evenit ,
'6 ',I'll
'-,' -i.,j-.,: to, it. led M . I, h 3 I -, a pit lie,.
I[;,- es ,A'ncv which I had
leaned Mr. flay to lin-ve him complains. two in the Forthern L ... of,ederaLlo.. ill.
C Buy did Inal letter
packed cloc
tam A rch. Biohop, Merit., reeve at Usborne
INleisars. CArinig :fail Ritchie followed
New York. The conduct we allude go
n,,er have ition met with a more fAvor- while enjo)ing a buggy ride with a remade
I .1 Nov" pres...sly
1 ,.,,I .war,, and ,-t,n.qVco0y tivit .I .,no,
nut appear, sent a
Buituarck does icitath.te the.. pretiramitics -
dieting that ilk cQ:kNe4uvnc.c of his UeAflect I
be for
was called to tile chair. Awo"6st those
% ith the PanA (old tror , the latter almost
did our cause a great benefit, for it stii-
slide reception. No charges can with friend Mr. Joint* Dunlop stopped for a
I .7 - - (" fl.c.loolk, le ov% adkilress.
.111 merely 41illidtati ,I I present frooks
go, take an oath rrIluired by statute before ) city Present* Ork Hot ;,it it-orclar to avoid
bW1kOcdIi1g theill to return him, Ili which
red die blood anti roused fir determined
fairness &,oil honesty be brought . ... comcot at Dutusn's tavern, Huron RO.d1,J
,7:=,r!,:",',-.ukNINkf I've, tit. v.LJevIn:Nau,r
c ... looke,,cOag It,* exiva,mosti.., what he hatill raising another Europeas Itillikkkil-n. Hollseld
present we noticed Meamrs, Cameron, Gib.
case he would certainly serve them with
action weu who would a t llefw'so take
-,.in.t when some malicious person removed one
either, whettler to impeach their Integrity
theroVI, I sour, baipw valnth,J . ", I InO-
done ." willess.' 11. again who,titer leXally ! wall knows what she ham to ,xilect the
I bons. Ritchie, Carling, Arm. Cue, J. S
the preatc olt zeal and efficiency. The
little pan in election matters b -yond re-
of. tile nuts which fasten oil the wheels,
P -A ,a,'- U1166,011. and IvIt not 4k little Ilan, r,
-j or otherwise twokes ail examination anti very 1 Latummout M. 1,14wkirck judges far, mutment
Siatchdr, 1'. Gidiey, I - F. Tom, C. Crobb
'JeA41kat Mr. Ritchid, a -cording to him
cord ing thei r votes. At thisin ling Mr.
or shako tbu cotifide"ce (if tile P,,,I,I,) in thus giving intich tioubla and enditogeri 11
fly olikeervind fully over ha!t a eitloni,i ,,I pr V.
charitably extendt-d the finite for %he cum.
. pportans to prese his demands. In theme
L. C. F. Holmes, )b. F.
own notion, it capaiLl, ul'taking as Prow
Cribb put fit Ilia appearance, ar'med will,
Ill,,i, character. It is true certain parties, twb li-al. Such 'I ocaudillous, prvce-)di:: g
Ikov-Iet J,o,la,., cooked of, wals lbV 'howev,
pleli ffir lwr. I. knoidwinter at which co,unistan"s the only Power Hallstatt can
- i .."n h o' . of haponot to macerta 1. 10
.Moore, ,Clark I
G. Rumball, and
ment a -land fit tile Houle as .%fr. Caw
any quantity ofnitautes and pallets, but
fill"OUgh motives Of %illdictil,clicas and should be loolool into.
rpi,urvan .L,11, ead 01- 'tiully o,hi,d I,-
" 11"Ussims Bo. ..a,ii Pork Airb.,ki'lal", by
I r I,
w.in et support from is France. TO Ifulland,
whethor the iepairs were or a -e it A Coo I-
other Prominent gentle-
craft, afttr a little practice, was cou&iJvr-
when he attempted to Live utteran c IQ
&him I, .1 . A, 00011, 4,1-MUNTMIENT -1 Ut I'Mon-
." (to
. .
as w. .kv told, is of Do import.
. led 'I hit road in i.iiw nlinost imlv able
men. to y, avo brie to 1011CLOO Ultir - . . I .VI of ( *-.d.). sod aupug I,- I. . i,. .1 . &Dec. CUUiMtrCifti Or POIlLiCe]. Moreover,
ed tile jAe of the day. his petit up letliu'a, regardless of* the names by untruthful statement., : if day) evening after the parade of the a copy of veres. at join#, which toputer, d .,I . 'lie repairs ordered am [jut madr,4 M" 'lay the King can have no great desire to be t4s
M. C. CANtRosi. EsQ., was tile first ,Mr. B. 1'. Elliot, of Exeter, attacked " loor ot'libel," he was sicuply laughed is 11 Oil- Herrick rbi& Company, Sergi:ant Major late i-irs, of the I I fluron Sortnat,-1 and eiltilLed andiesnofurther report which it he wild riskiest of Prussia, henceforth the only coach.
speaker, aLd we must say that, often an .N.Ivofiro. . Carkincrou arid Gibbons in a I for his pains. Aliks, poor Crabb, Lhou'st, Sipportild sattertions, but the leclitrs D. Ferguson, of the Toronto Miiitary '- My &,it Ltivel." Now, as niv rny,river seculs IvAAIIY in making fiis seconsl examination he t ion GI the Princess 41' the Northern Con(*&.
I have wil-cly &lid properly - ,I duckined School, was elected E Usti r , oi.614avaing his critical wo, by welk. `U ,kht to do ; a tit the company atil! collect
we haveliptened to him,iffe never heard ham "It uperative style, dwelling au the fact of cutered upou a thankless 144 I 'in vice Seyuiour d---- mucto i suld he is pr interrateall
make a better speech. th, former being a lawyer as a disqualifi- This ul,clirg was another glorious Mach c:Ki Such a course call have promoted. &Ila I $,hl laid Illy little Pet I) kill With a filled of I lie Yorkers inksking the cullarrunity flay for in the independence =.,::skak King of I
InkIchk,,Iv4,*,&u of Its, kilair of 'at., a kusd of the 4roorminee first, tire negligence Recon. dly, the Netherlands than $offered by flea' proo.
Ili a clear, wooly cation, and charging tile latter with being success to Catuejun and Uilibuns. n) influence upon the winds of hotivat ao- .Mr. Angus McDonald, well-known . end Joint. -&to throtorn out that there fit no Wit of reillunIot som a Orand Duk, of Laxess,
I Irskohion he stated Lis clainis ulon the an annolai,onist, tulkik,, public money with- VARNA. and krig4t-t inking men. Since the I,t to many ofour readers, h: S oriodh lf; ; "ken' .onvotat "`I""'e 'evat,' jut' ulod' 11 beh"v" substantial thod reason why the County barr, with its 200,000 population,
suffragoes of the ratepsytrs of tile Riling )ut hiring entitled it) it, life. Mr. &nclair e race ' , in .-,IV .hew A -A. at least. how vviry dideroel a Engineer lima not cumplied with tLo law r under the
As for the otijection that be was a la " la'd wl,en an spologist for lawyqrs wait requir Th ting in the township at Stanley instant an active canvass was commenced ,less as a hotel-laceper in ttie iti, . ". - it is 1, -1i,,w ,,,tN,tkl avo-on-v .,.a lack' good PlIamm Of M. 111swarck. As in this
ycr, e I they would refrr to torkebotly ttvadot 4 Mr was held in the Orange flail, Varna, oil bootee Exeter The trav,illitig public art; taso-, treat bed .n (olit-loo .Nd d.vidiin soplaitilylaid duwnivr ins,"i'lance. matter the interests of the sovereign and tbs
frow , Cho People have with thcir usual astute' e and doral -t,.0 ; knoreov,r, I wd voriot to &I'lin-11 ONE WHO SUFFERS.
he stated that the leaders of the hiker Elliot who practiced law in Exeter without & Thursday aftert:oou. The attendance will Q in Ang*us a most attentive lboillano, -.11, ( . sook,fi.o " Ifivit ". u.topo.lk ____ _. PeOPI- ism Identical, it -6 likely that I lie King,
. vatirep3rty in Parliarmout, fur in ma3r 11(sin",linducatO111110 give that wortEl: was very large. .%fr. Soctird having bee ne,is discerned . the oompisrative merits vf obliging host, I lie foro,ec oicen-onnol, be,avght peV%v a blow of the Nettairlsaida would not be unwiAisur to
I . 11 , JJgW- Bargains i I buips, and hardware I exchange Luxemburg for a money iodelsololl,
ilressitig down which, we venture to sa.v, It called to tbe chair, .Mr. Cameron delivered hle,oye in br,,ok-IA1Ikt,t. as w,Ii as in energy of "
- is npare ...... J, fr haNdlonr no. sorkir .obm n,v of V,V. 0 t -1
years Mat, were lawyers, and that it we. the respective candidatA,v I they are not J&, We ask Mr Ritchie to Cot , g ads a G differ a. suit sl4aace kabich would Somorsateto the in.
. Ill out forget for a long titue. lie last. an exodlent addr,w, in the course of slow to form opinions for themselves, thereportsof hisvirioult Fileectics in the each it person " .' Plain W- IA.IV.#' Idependuticloof his States. Tto qvintskii.0 to
' S I frow time to time, with tile garb Peff,uning lion offit-tures with the very first tin* The Goorgian Bay Canal. I loan Prussink any right to ter"Ove T If%, I
DO&AUry to men of down &,father good ,Itoleo under4iong the flagellation. fair;y which lie stated that, whether clLcted or when the opportunity is prevented go - Of ... v .,N.
. I lawyer on his side of politics to keep . aLi g in his 6 -_ _ _ I wo,le, c,, key ,on ,.,.,I" _Ile in us
-eve look Scene hot a' Alf- C& ? merit" I also not-altho' he was pretty sure ufatiewas them From the day the first mesa, lell."alying accounts Of Ilia Oppoluctits vally. that 1.11,11 1. eood poetry I v I to I - King of Hulland &,,it France admit ma legiti.
I fatherly bdvi a loc h It 9 .WlkAt . loti.e. I so v I
; them in order. The Objection that If` t ollo,vrj, will lead ,. bill ad.cIt'l.g a mom I Ev . late "I a very line oI I st.,. - 111u, on al" Twenty '1111111111ous till the ( isp,11.1 romite Sold
was not a localcandidate, as far as that -he soulj' on &Ooouu& of &hc large Of the electors was hod, of say as published in Lis organ. I L well l.undrd the presence ofths,
I ,,entleinvinly style.of electioneering. amollat. or property be held in ijayfield the success .V.,. /a,No,,f4n,tho'IIkoI,bv.'. No., I Neraired. makilan garrison I,. the fortress of Loosens.
The "ry best feelitig -as created of I ROVAL.- Galt think he Would have duat thener. hot lie cogn. - to,
section was concerned, was ably rucL H at this 0 Soll 10 his power so amosint in developing Mr. Cameron and Mr. (;ibbons has been PIS. , The lion. A. T. . a' Pared -I I -, -, rhe a --u of r.hovd." ,it ill Mr. Capreol, Presiden t of ill* Prussia may come to as a Coatracsiar
any D tksi:IL witteskir," or -, Frilio-lett's Ontario Suip Canal company, returned last I f 141-1 and France couside, that Presslas
e a fthe'doliegati.s to England . J, Huron mind ;oorJ7.;2 any surromagermetuts that may be oinelim..
, ,it alettiog, in favor of our candidates, arid the the reepuroem of 'that section. Mr. Gib- remarkable. hven in tha stronghold of 0 0 0 slid is a o,arrive , , I
of ,
said he could not live in every cc& Y, nicads of* reform were fairly roused to the in town yesterday, taj i at th h,pvv-,1," or on), other.,oleatiothne, subble"y evening from the Uoltv,J hLates, whem he "filter found her claim, to keep a garrison
/ bons also spoke elsokeedingly wdl, and we the enemy, lie was overmatched. At ' Heroin." "'... .. Ili. "`oa."' V.2" it he -'Ili we'll"d I" If been eminently sic darn[ in ollifning a I in LkIaewburX on the Cementation a( Ad
/ and that he paid more talus twice over *,,tit before them. The town4hipfit"d have every rC3§00 to believe 4w.t the every subsequent meeting our candidates Avolvent 11-11 eellonly Nit nook h,we U
/ I.krne is Note I- a good majority in os,- I cc
. Ritchie, while be I'S var.Mr. Hugh Dunlop, tailorl next door ',,,-, i--mi-Ily N na4a voui-I voror, doet-I ... I,. guarantee of aid W the extent of half the 6ermakoe Cwrtederutoln, whicti she herself
/ in Stanley than '.Mr. if Cameron %,,it Gibbons. at I abi ity Of our candidates, arid the libk,2ral ined the confidence ,
/I paid five times as much as that gentleman views expressed by th. . to on tile occasiol go of the people, by to the Bank ,if Montreal, West Strovet, ties It .,-:.e.t VI ,.forst-adiong -list- or onalopekkal capital stozk. Alf tile li.stoa pap,,rN cc(,- I ban desuroyed i if they refuse to admit that
th Ew -ell the r, ail ; a. i't ,.IV ."or. .I'd tb ,wo till,, le
I RoDGE1,16'ILLF. I the clear arid wasterly exposition of thcit just received his Spring stock of first- H....." voft$ ,if a silial mectillit of thn bom,rd ' Prunsia may act at haugu itim firsi eat or
/ , into the County treasury. lie would go hall tile effect at' winning eve: a nuuii)Lr With sairch Ile I... it tote .1 tit,- I J i first city, at which he -as pro. VNIODD. andi at the saway little &-it hiamWr
1 fiskjoir.foirnraiste. Ourliess'l lbet's.oal . tra. v fit
for Carrying out Confv feration in a 1174:r . 1"'" a' I
A very, :,sk - e kneetino, was beld at I"Zor- Of gentlemen mile were sensible enough View*- They are well who can expre s class goods, which lie is Prepared to make .an.
Until they should their Opinions fairly, openly anti in a up fit a style not to be beagen,at modera e sdV,,ki-ha,h ,a very LOA -- .1 Ill. 14.1a, I,- the scheake. From the report in tile Boston ed by Fiance sod Holland. &aid can proposal
,,Ile on Wvjoe,iday morning, at 10 o'ciocL. to remain unl)ledLzcd t ..... the , "Il". say. y Way .1 -].!.,y 4!"t god explai. ed the loading festures of ; at the Maine act, Promis need nut be commit-
. I opiri would oppose Grand Trunk job- Uhkvid Pil,k Likki. in the chair. Mr. have an opport unity of hearing the oppom, wanner ere btable to thecsisel'v'es and their rato-s. Plot Hyro. mly., ,, Ieo a hoero.od I.,.,, " .Disily Alkeritser we lemon that I, Mr. Cap, I no conditions to them. ,jv much as regrards
I bery in every sha2e, advocate a liberal caparron's add"" here was rteemed with ifig Parties race to face. The Exeter . jamilr- IN a would direct attention. to the tol.er, why,bte. he q ... 4,this line -nk liv11 I rout stated that during his recent visit to i the questiun of right. But, in fact, 11nnatim,
I c"nstituents, ifelected. They can make 1. a 'IfIrgem
"tat system, the Settlement t of our waste repeated rounds of euthumintatic checring, Ili* gentry having been sittit home, the best of' dot. annotanein-, tile holding of the Huron noti.inaoi,iose tit* 'iwn wel"Is ""It Plo.'adelikillos, the eadvilalista Of Pennsylvania i is in Luxemburg, arid the difficulty is how to
. otrow I (W.Wrond'is, ha"'"w"d
order was in-aintain.;J, throughout, their voices heard on our behalf in the ' "n'. I "ply I I do no.1 1,111y ,.,'U I I r.red ill guarainst a one half or the get her out of it. The importance of Lexam-
larlis by a system of free grants, and do vio.wimppearin, it) coincide per:ectiy with bo th ' Te sell c rat. A ssOCi4 t i 00 - I .oporefivall the '4 '-f I .
sides being heard f4irly from first to la,t. hills ofour legislature, without tile so hool- . I ; hill I ,an e y p,r,-se ti..t #I, ' Y mlansil, on c -rd -tion that the other burst is fit its furvess, it hich it is here con.
I loake or lOrl,tiandis, oft I'al audience, Me , Va- A contempirary ii NIN a * 'R One
f a" it, 'is powe, 10 Ill-roce ,lie general iiiii,onst also spoke well and Ivirt a &Lrunz Tito at .1 I Iss to Fw4 I'Ve, give 1-olhorrio an equ ......... .k`.'ytfic lildt *boo!,] be advone,d by fir.tiAh capited. 1 sadefed low& be a door open us the Frokscia
interests of the country. 'es through speaking i,ig required by their opponents. These understand what coi,titudos honesty in a IQ,,I.;V. of watch be -.an. ... t #,I Ineeken'. And. jet, ,,,it other&, ,I'd first tile townships &lung frontier, when it in out a reimposes ; and the
:Inlorvsks.on, judiing from tile favor will, "Indola as no Ifinse'st. it boor"vir so .dv I'orh 11, "'. . line at
made a most favorable impreoisiou upon .bi . I, , heolowon an,, .",all. o . . -)old *mkoke advances'annexation wou:d be worthless it this gap
Mr. Cameron .boat desk, isheug"',the proevedinga broke gentivuien appear to think th- lion" of I iwver. It'lic li vl as much tzperience of the Ilia Canal .It
; Ill It vores received, Inst be Was 11CLidedly up with cheers for the Queen and for the I - -,v de.
kk'a;::,eoo..;I ,.
" to Parlinnicut are fit Places to learn public the fraternity throu,hout the country in f-to'eir w-wre-d in the ts"ol ,ee.m. I oldico,naz tho,r favor ot,ward he ent...prise. were lo& stoplisid up.
the winds or the audience. the crondidat. bvdt qualified repreasn't rival candidatevi. As the audience start- , he would have Ir"!a!,Io,e,tk.liew,ilpr,,61niu,t, a - id I
I Speaking. They h . . busine,l; w ty, as we have, ppli, lie lat'n'led to go ill Effithan Soon, all Cori I ___ . -
, , 6outh Huron in tile Assembly. ,d up to retire, 31,-. Crabb jumped upoir 3ve both said that 'I on. , .1,fo,V'!,,We,,l',. Hat tle` .,' ta,it lid , mi"'c".11 'w""N'. "' in"icu".11 she "I'd I
I Us based Ilia claims to their suffrages their usual apiwal that the slecturs wo "I e
I I Mit. GirinoNg was next introduced. Messrs lLt,h,c nod Carling fl4lowed witL I no diffi,ulty in understandio,4 what we ny.a was took a se,tk hnloia, and hall I- liel'-d. trusts tt-siquiloser." . COLBOK4NE.
: old the stand and endeavored by on ild ee,sti,, returned they voill in a short time be able main. We flitter ou,%,.Ivca th3t the ,r,g;,t,. ,h,we in.too.ir ae,,*. file I ... d". 1. re the citntia of the rineeting, i-, lion. -
. IN- ask!rrI,.-n boo kri,owled,o IN in.-,vt I
cultions to obtain a hearing is fill a 6- he tit id behalf 4 f yoom inry (f S)uti Ifirm unlerstand ,I,,,, J' The Muuic;nal Couricit ul Colborne 'amet as
\ upon his Ion, and thorouf,h knowledge of leave politic-@ alknito until after their election. . . ., but as lie - to It t their voice A I be - . eventor J wro I
. to 7 y Ilia Idtok,ctbe, , oti&h Quincy, after expressiont, the opinn.n
the various subjects which want,] come Mr. %'. r. Cox sproko at manne length . ,,r sido cared fee stoppiog to listen to hit South Huron. Ive cant belit-ve tile tile point e..Z 'hatis all womire ifel", I. a,d-hWs atotle'r r'.volrell",m, 1.1"Ith t the enterriiiek, wouId be ragreat isdivan. I lWaWs t%veru, SMILAI'S 11411 Do Monday sks,
upon the floor or the House of Ati,eudifir, 11 - borciestimony to the unblemished personal silly clap -trap, he was atimply laughed at elvTtor can be dvpvd arid hooderiolicily fu r. .ad 111hat'll. holafttf . a r bill day of April.
e I . n.dX In Aberlecal,b,he logo it) BVotuou, submituag the ILAtivirt reou.
I #inch as the Asseszment Law, Fducstio' 4arx,tc, of Z".3. Rieb.e &,,,I C,,Nj, but or his pains. any Ruch pretext. Let them biib th,ir I 14,oa.N1 olow partwivilbOyhOod,1nd ..... ill, as tutlet :_ I Prevent the Ueeve and Count,illors.
, - . well Lootan, h,ky, s very , t Iran"', 1. I A:tvr readmit; the minutes of I"& meeting
n, roi'Ued lift they were suiing uod false E 11-% .urjox. " Resolved, That the thanks of this board '
I Crown Lands, Agricul,ure, &c., all of colc r , their political boust being, at bottom, C U A 8 B . tiale of prubat ion, and it' po&-ible gain _ ;All -W - ,it- Nature.. a c.rvtointer eas,,y "ed An ..Ill. be presented to Sir. F. C. Capeorol, for boo 'he Cwurt olivued for the revision of the
. which would receive his attention in a the same old craft or coaackywisin. lie ad these nocessary acquirements which at - -).3. tit his rool-e-t slid beef njr.. to wit:--- Dark , Assessment Roll arid other business.
- __ An extriminati,on of.,;,hool sectian \ 1-hossrur," fr,". Dba.N tNeft ,ar few lo-tur ic @fit explanation of the importance of the
spirit of progress and liberality. The vocated the cla;ms of Mr. Cameron as a man IN in the Towtiship,f I'Uckeramith.lketter know,, s%IN4ISlI,hI%rtvs stshtot. My arx, error, liumq allil (ja o . illlp Canal. Moved by Mr. Morris, seconied by Mr.
I . c are glad that .%fr. Crallb half, at present thoy do nit possrss, before &((k ske like Brucefie'd solood, tau4lit by .Mr. W. h, tan Makiruy, Tbat ,he BY Law no. ",dounriv op fog
I beat prolific, could rfiler (if his loyalty of energy arid progress. and stated that the . -cord ... at, ...,.,a. is, in five, .I..= vorNear, I to I t- I; ".A. Plmt of the opution of t his I
which had been called in question, w ; LookkeX.tIoU cry A.;.il.$L Mr. (iltillon. muroake length, thrown off -his chameli It. Yuill, took place on tile So inst. The n,," tsphe'-1 the oviol 'o-Antry. I the clocLoui of Reeve mud Cuuncillurs for the
. dUr. I ell on-liLc Ing electi n of any const;tuelicy. Lo' "twellax )ILI' board the c-nompletion at LL;4 work will feel] .
Lis charsetA-r, public and private, in Mrs. Orioidy telling Mrs. Partingion, political cloak, anI come, pot as a pure them ]earn to express some'original i jumor clas-em urtire examined duritq the day -11 reined Ins Nestor " lie -erl. I ,,at ,,I ...... .I,,. year, be ItId at one place in the
log who told hot si-iter-Of law, %he told Mr. Jeas does-Vilvir"'ar'lund0el"vol (w,oll; no Lklit.-ir! greatly tuproomot. l4e blocilityulf the expor , 711
by the L. S. S. 'ev. Mr. Barr. Tbey-skeq peenval I"',riev). X"., it .... 4!it he ....... v a I 'Stion b,t.ee , outuakup be col,firesed Lad sigkied,-Csr.
hl' 1',ahlb whi'traw,lied all the way fnial, to a the .eat anti tile Atlantic anti I ,
. a long scrus of years, and the part - blooded conservative. lie will now be in in Plain and intelligible English,l arid ed themselves in a cm di able mante r I uu t philusVIlt oloirmanki, vornen I".
took when the country was threatened (;uder',cb to Exetcr to tell Mr. I;Iiivtt that the opp,, itc camp, and while reformers "e"r el"dws play Ikeillue more apparent lieve. A rec,si of :1 hoors wife gilr,u c aroilholis It, do with I .... ... Ibu, ,r law I-vort has -," soch in worthy Of the patromage, both of ,
i ve ,,I "Iti.le, the pub:ic and inklivi Ilia]$. .%loved by Mr. St,ence, seconded by Mr.
with rebellion. Air. G. was repeatedly I he gel.tholuo, all lineation wait not ad loyal as W . om there are a 1'.. 011o-Iol-Iii-e-, I I the cine at Iā , MIAlloy, Thus an engtooler be employ" asur.
.1 ! Mpplauded. , 11 Ou4ht to be, *rid 11r. El I toil had met Ill rejoice at his kil,fection, they will But to ocad men to Par:iameot who cass. mencing at 4 o'clock ; near th hour of 7 ...Va. so bo meant tile, ,be wart .--..other I Tit#- retolnuotis wer" adoptvd, and the Vey and draw out a plan and sileciacatlen fur
W Flifort ,,eat numbers o:d arad Plan, Uli4ht h4ve bre7i 11- v, Vo, ; ,hall A b-rcv punip for propellokK the 'board adI..-urrked.- Leader I.ith
Mr. Ritchie made an ex!r-mely with *,tell a ritc,ptiun that he wan likely to heartily endorse the statement of .%Jr. not give ex--ressions to the situplest and ,itten werldin, their w.sV to the school room. W"`db1`aIi;b1h1v1eNo- And,..-emul.b= . .- r - a new I .... .. f road I too boil io,mIng to ,be
-a little. Sinclair, that his new friends are Leartily molt coriluileniplacc remark, ,corute I in lkv I not ei-alpe'l d I. 't Ilk, 09.
specigh wool,, ro'S ,which was well lighted up will do , a -y be of Ili" ly I. I Who .Jdadoe Gold ,Min Village of-Ills-flandwdle, tbeemkid road not to
', to which be stuck faithfully at c ova,!* th . 'IN
every succeeding meeting. 11r. Elliott, cheered on,bf twenty or thirt manner which she** the tamw of bWi the have nie full hearot .,I h -ft ovir., al, 41 augg - tkeJens Virso 20 feet in width, and the work
lie coincided youn: men, whom he IDA brought all t y welcome to him. As he stood up before redounI much to the credit of d " I
with tina views 11, Its con- tea,lier mod pupils. The scho,il wict Called 'look turning 11 --to low I"- 199"N orWilialit Is"ok The rush to MadV,! arid Folarvailot viflag, to be dInk, to the spring as soon as possible ; ,
.of Mr. Carucroin in nearly -y flow Exeter for the purpose, produced a crowded assembly in Exeter and air- ozituency. Such would be th t'loory-t-cl,ro"he lueen"im, w1oolvis ilime.. 1. be north of it stillIcintinues,sond the sm.-ea from the said work to be left to the lowest teadc,
I e posi- to order at ' o*clock. and was carried on t,) bit oveirt-t m.,W. ,,, ,_,a_uk, Ne.t be got. ".I I
I I a very ,%,i t:;ir,,,but begged them to fill eta to prove That lie was a lawyer Ili Boo nouncvd his determina,lion to enter the tion of .Nit. Ritchie an.] M Carling ken. There were about I 40 pui)i:t present to aforne totat - 77o,o, %.1 - ..h4an'ty I , the I ;ellevillit are daily crowded by miners, specu., by ',lyulg luffic;cnt security, ,Ckrried.
, and also a great many visitors. There- were 4t,f ,A,L/A_.J.,l trell, lN.,b.,._,r*, al., .. ,too ,,,, .. a Moved by Mr. Morris, secoaded by Mr.
Canada. through a mistake. rescnW a should the electors honor th,tin with th,ir several teachers present whi took part in 1. fr- as regari, itoo l -men, .4 A-,,,-- whis It h lie' of goid Was, J,sc,,vknreA at the latter M .;lay, Tin&& tile lWura,. - Ufficers ellipsoid
I to be a oplea 'id representative. rinks of conservatism, he p d othem I),, the Is% at April
eI., X camicho wou:d prove lain. He wan refused a license to practice '" r.the ,
Jrja arwli: \ on ful't, soake. I-ple'. '.1h,1,16-4 se".. ..?) a place on the property of Mr. John N. Moore be paid 113.00 owsh for their servics,-Car-
.7ass equally reticent. Hill Mr. 6inclair showed, on the evidence of living example of what a turri-oriat looks flonfiJence. In no such position would the evenings proceed ifiI Th.! senior classes.
-on C 1171 it several persons, that Mr. Elliot had received answering the family (location l* ,"'o.st.ou .( 4elplevis."I..1.1" RoVell IV S Very, and C d great, exciteawnt in the nei,iblikor- ried.
he was an old resident, .Oat like when he has just chiprwd the eg ,. say refi,cting man who has tile best inter- 6 put to them by . ,vereed "'le in I'll, Wit. .1 Ahvl. Aluld -P- hood Mcved by M, Spence.
' y for ad,ice, thus making Mcod his as- Mr. Yulll, anti i0er teachers rosalill. and 1_1 , on N., e fiven 6- ,.I a I,..,] of nialured ' ' A, man we^ d,;. --,r a 1,00 -lo Ae (or a we. by ]tit. Mal-
mo had Cled D.114171! ,,er, litd! 'flice sertion that he team pWl,,.I,.g in open viola- The Coolness of Ilia reception was not 01ts of the cowitry at henrt, and be riot eorrectly. We wk.rc favoured with excellent ;uillec.".y. *,.it marrer errf,,yed aniih-if very house in c,,j-sl- tit erection and the earth , toy, That the Treasurer butild pay no lialls,
. from pallimaster 'evoink" 11 ion of flit law. I'o,,r Elliot satisided amidst very flutterin.v, but after he had rcceived blinded by party bigotry, like to ace Ilia 14*1.14ul,s arid rmiations -ell performed by i-tooll t In . I Is ..... 1.1 pooka .1 view, arforso livrookill thirt,ran lip tht-onj washed Apecits of tile preci. i footballs the Situation o; the Cowhcjf,_.C1Lr_
AI r. Crabb of GOL`o aftlo.urn.c.1.0or'no- sralneaJous reform cheers. , I. .ard'.'a.., . 'my ki, " or IN. worr, pa"'I .. d:ar ou,i metal were w.eo It the Sod ,d` a micr ried
'. 'he pu:41i. The whole oixs ination evinced v I'll"I '-wo fi. " I` vivillril " -
iiag that he bad just tu ed him cost and Mr. A. Bishop of Ushornit, delivered a short ail unmerciful castigation for travellm, r3prell?ntntive phoud. We want men the grcatP,ot care and win .41,_.. t- or.kir.ao ,up**, Dole fee, w,ylnn asi 1 i,,,4 by Mr. N. Marriott, se.oaded b
tteniiiiii of both 1--tv"Vow I -W," 1NvvsN1.h,, t1V..o..,1 It, be pretty W4
I if ru" "`' "=Wy- ul lielar- -N-1 N,- I I v`k`c , Locales that g.,61 may i Mr. Spence that sixtY blibi (,I ,be Treasurer sk
joined the toriea, unbo4jed his V,Dnm but telling ad6eskiik. lie inall, Several s Plen so far to vent his personal, spleen agai tat like Mr. Cameron in the House -Of Con.. teacher wel pupilA. After the distribution of ' Ins bed lbor, and it ,,, 7
I against Mr. Gibbons by 'ohargimig him did point, slid hill ham the no party preten Mr. Gibbons, his discomfiture was most mons, who knows What WO Want and el 11 I ar,". a; a - `7 ""ve"Y"" `" "" "'"S - own' 'I h, found n,,t only ,to tile rockyllhut is so in tile albaltact be prononsill Slid disirbsted. and the
. lipfria,la all rttired to thpir rt.siwctive homes """at I""h ... ,.I." . . ...... ."
with annexation proclivities, Cod in It i &ions or the corservalive candidates .kill el satisfied with what they had witnessed. 4, I those any or, aler.a a Won - '.V.; ' " ' %' .
Ing t Nb_ ....; .:% I,kw ?.ail, ,if the township, Sir. Muk,rt's farm ' minutes Of Council be also priusesil at the
uaworthy to remarks were received Yourlik truly, . . en"' ""N" ran "I"Wevion-I th-lail, V -1 -as i w ,fa., bein; fit the level country. It Is stawd that Sig"111
to prove that be was a man ry 41111parin, hand. 11 "n- Complete. Ifooted and bissed by both advocate our interests. We wan coo , , - Carried.
I or . X . - w- , IN.., I .1, _ Sim ,vi, I vVILIol',k go d I
belief, had the lie thrust down\ his own ,;,,4,, , It it -co found in lot No. 14.. in I lheX'ourt adjourned to meet at Ron's
with i"agooll rounds tit ailplause. idem, be drew in Ili@ borne, and subRidtd 1;kut him whose interests an'the prosperity A VISITOIL y I.N.g sr."I .-y frigh F,,h --to * - I has s0so III, I
a 1:7oall"a ,..I." -,
cc. ,.q., orl"I" air lovellotook, an tions, rs- A:lhort Mclorkly, Said on lut,No. .1 -. ' o*abock. I
onstitueacy, and whose wish is A'.WDRIW JITFI.T*M, F , rat ... or *4: Ins C a In Smith a 'III], on Thursday the I&A oL
The Checks, forourcandidatem, at the close, into a great deal less than nothing. What of tLis C . - - ___ to ".I " - rio, niga'S 11-Pless, th, I-skah-a , , -4111 crincestore- ,4 MaJoe, --,).,I by Mr. !t le -
AL threat, to the immense eat ir 'he *ere a :noss unanimous, the only voi took place during tile night, or by whom the ady _;i _Nadse I or. '4L ....... ev. ' , I. file, April, NA I'- ,
dionco. raised by the opposition, .,ill but low ex ancernent of the interests of its DEAR FATI10.1t,-Knowing that ynuAre ever ,'Ik, --.Ne %,`h"w,,,e"`,' ,',"""` .4 an' e"un" *nit 2 id
Mr. Sinclair gave , .1. .-A fly - v'r,po," I'll . The, I couctasium (;O:A in quartz baus been JAM&i TFWSLFY,
go cep , Pr..Ople. We don't want the represents- interested in political I thought I d4coverki-d on [tit No. 10, in the Tth conces- Township clssdk \\
, M tions, bring those of The Exeter gealky, which he was advised, we know nit, but one le , I - I .
an - until give Ifitill"e'.."'.. .,At . -.,. oa. . ,"..':,:l ,.,,=t` I
we need hotodfly a III were duly stimulated thing is certitin, , w :. ';" In' I :Jp ____
dressing for the palpable mulem b to fh M r. Crabb was seen tiou Of fossilisso still of days gone by. We you a alizht inkling of bow they _ - __
r. C m =,-:ii natt., I ley f".. d to ,.,,t,' ., ,,,I at Tudor, and in lot No. 1. sit Ili.- 3id
:,Unit m Ili" on -1 "I I,",, neessnon of Ra.ver. the lie.ilevilie Intelli- The volunteer jiuu"a - .
8 1, .r it, 1%ollitaIV,sk iu . . . gencer is informed, tip precious m,,.W has . -
fur the t,c i,)n. he weeting van, in every pretty early n--xt morning making rapi I want a ma if ofenergy, preieverance and I County of liviron, at tit^ pre ,tit tin*. I ,:;.,,h"7k.i I 'The following which we cl fp rt
.i Conduct, that the latter C.C.". acd ed nod !, it".
P -.. h ., i. .o. hill ,
I " 7'ot' . T ". ,,,, "'. Wan found will -lin ri,41itern jocheo or.the
scouted by men of &)I parties, and to judge respect, a glorious so,ccess. , tracks for Go,lerich by the bark rood. A a bility -1 311.0f which 31 r. Camerun pcnkooes most say that since your "nol'irad to .111chi *"' ' """ ' - M ',,, w,r,l - L- - ,,, or" " I
by his chop -fallen looks, it w:ok evident hill 11 A Y. gentleman who met him at ffi%field till. ,volt": ...... to ". for .. face. Other kninor t1knicoveries we manner, 6 -vier, tit tile loth it, he tereaLies
gin a _,rest impetus has been giren 10 Ila. in. NN,N, it, 14, will in I
- elf to a" eminent degree. In th-2 Local I. . ,,, ,,,, , ,*, . ,w,_e,o ,,,., I , ., , - I ::,
career, as a tory orator had been nipped gnoetin6 was held iq the Town Hall, vrond,red what ini,:e him war s6h .,' 1" .""!" ,, ..;:! .. ,,, ,.,.. ,, ,,:ng,f4,o,., 4, sell eye,
in the bud. If the " peopledid'at appre- Zuric Ian Wednesday aftern on, Kohl 'Ifj,vtcd air, and i I not distsIort r illf, Legi,lature of Ontario, none could be , cat i,,Iere,, by Ile palvaing, ,,' 11, Confe I,m 'I,`a..o;. h it- I- ,!,.,. It," I. future. It wi Ifiefy "I'lef ",""u' " "' "" "I - I-Iliom or on, ,raiders !-.Tlrl flat ,
11 be s,)kkke wkic,14,, however, be - tattalion of Jntsr7To be Pay Menter :,
. tion ]till, si much so that alillo. ,h r,ur next (7f'o", ...... I "' I- atla-i" NO, anti -0w ,atevor - I - I., fare hictive soperatienis I r i n 11. Barshol. rile. ney-leur. To be (Jamar-
, I ciate " Mr. Ninclair's speech. according to Brown, 'Rill., Reece, in tile chair. Meovers cause until lie arrived in Fx,-ter. Wo.1; more useful to us than Mr. (;ibbonp. , writes me, ,iVe, .. no ol"Ni'a"'.9. It. "e"Nol i ... eas low CA tied 0 . "'i
. Elliot the Scribe, Crabb did, for he " cut Caingron &lid Gablisins were eathusiasti- might .Mr. C. Crabb feel khjct-td ! el -tion will not take p!acp till about the .... o N,, "no = Nr 'inionveloyeal 'oekk It, I.t.", ,,, The weather he. bee, - IV. the I ,.,,
. I It, The nature or tile legislation will be such Ih.,ffia 1-1 likolly .4 Istalm- pif ..I) ... I very 101-7 lat X.er ; I"morica ordeal (;rnilernan- .
ia luAy " bright and early next morn- cally recei* by the G,Irman and other drove all the way rrom Goderich to that his previous training will i 'fleginning of SUrIT06s, libere have been s! Ilike frost is hill (lot of The ground sto'd th, No. I (;,,',!r.vb Garris, n 11 it, . 10 be
. ready e's In" "' "'a -1 toll -141 Ovalft. bv -2-9 "lle"No- ly r,:,,I, an wall ,, the to hot, surface of the it. " via * 5
Ing. ratepayers cir the totriship, large 6um. Exeter through mud and rain for ti, ftPtIY fit Covered conventions f d, legate* from both :j.1`,'A.mf"i,r,a,I`N"o'c *" pta.n : Itt Lresternaot V ... X.rlok,
.,q ,eiverruive , r_e,mv oce,wry ,,,,
A division r;.f 'it"' .' "' "4"-* country fire in a horrible condlitiun, .
`il of the meeting being so - liters Of Whom 4cre present. In fact, 6x- Other earthly purpo-ek than to grjtif , him. Ile has qu3llfil:zktiuns that none the North and Soutb Orillifiv at Hurrin held anor, ... !,.it , .1.1 I UNIA Itile . _ - Ano - --- sic- IL,", promoted, To bvale*
. g -1 , I ";I, ' Ile lot Lientonsot.
, 0 of t Z ',"!':.,a .
. James Thompson, vice Kirk, promoted. ,No.
a:;,'n":. '-' :-or ,voll koi Ill., in pho al,,i
. gested by Mr. Calling, Mr. Cameron said cept the Esitt" risen, or boys, for nix6y Feelings of spit which hat] been bottled ther in tile Courtly row-elookes, and from at ("inton. Two he4e an ii!.;;s I tho"lit I .W enly. ..I one those ,,,, .." . s%,y Cheap hirdware of every dentrip- tComparlyCiantork-Tolove Locale t-
he was quite willing, but the former , .hN 1, .,-. ., "". ..!, santion"it ov, riant me
I vi. of them had no vott a, there was hardly up for years. lie he.] the poor gratifies his acknowledged honesty and uprigLt. In I 'It be or some ititerest tc)'e I Carl, at .1. ,,, , tio
11 I ntly fearing to yo.. ,(, I ,::N 4 whork- n at It. Gardiner & Colo. , Ing till turthell orders : Ensign John Dinslay,
11, I.,N:".t -4 nod .. ... .. .1 -1 ,kouo, -I -
d present, howevor, only prumise to give yorio ,__.4 . 'te, at.. IN, a wam'...l. No o,-,,,-,- .
I c expose his weakn;i in one in tile "in wh&, did not int. -till , lion of being heard, but lie &-,on learned neam, we can s-ifely rely on their proper all account of one at them, ,,ton and XViar'n, , vice Whilt who" resignation IV hereby accep.
I, h I, . =
its ,my time is -,. I. .. ...I - H... To bw Ensign. actinit' till forther orders :
necessfory. honorable So toli,rate . . Vaim , t -d',, 31111111111leary Preparadisessigo In Ger- 'I'd *
interest. Ruch ".. I
his own stronghold, thought it was not give his vote arid inflouenoc to the reforria that t c People OrSOut'll fluron social too a-cerrise. lie who has been so long and rather 'imited. At this one t1) w tell I allude :=11 w -.,h ,,-,, a he .P.Ad O.hfi. kit.1,ne .... . ... Edward Grijfg, (ions, vice lkina!ey, promot-
As an indication or how tio, contest proostding. flo-rotte a @conditions so successfully a prominent min in thi t here were nominated Messrs. Ratchie arid I, r.,ur t-ta.1-o __-ovt he, . -1 many. ,-d.
Our itandidates were, As usual the 5r,t Poor Cr7bb'A ignom- , Carling fur the flouill of Commo *
. will end Mears. "amertin anti Gibbons to a", it, and it is un.-.omeaary to a I thn rear. making of our municipal inst I tat onto, [,,cat L_. I t . ni, and "" k&`fh`O`n' "O'k-4 In- " awkwookovill-no,-1,enit- d IlAlayencit, - No
' a , ."-,a-" I tort, robviltly 1-1 w,I .is- I 7, - - I Company, C d --:ch T,oinalop.-
,ls a u,p respect ,.oh, -1--),*, UonrcA . C,worespondence of
! ay iniouit defeat and hatity fligl't to i 'r I for ill . quit, " A tile 4,r".b.1.7 ,4 Or- onc.,I-N-4 the Courier n llalat,drelk. - will henceforth be 4anognated
I h; Sri - N. This Complany
had every reason to be gratified with the more thlif that they created' a first rate Had III ,been succesiful, he would, no a Inner bi tyker than an influential man riJin., (I .Nit. Hot ' ex 4n,je r 90 li-ig 11 -,-..it Ny .- 1,.V..,.,J,s __,. h -..
in 0 ra,littagiotoo.to,u, .we& V, 14, Net r- wvf --i w,.t... Portair's Hill" Company.
... ..14-, 1-191'... n-1 blikervat on. Sod a 't - - -
I molt of ti.is meeting. inal-ression. lolestirs. Carling and Ritchie . doubt, bilove been happy to follow Mr. i% the HJUNT LO which he at,pires to base [tit the Nurth,-the latter, however, hu sin4 "I S_"...l. ..I. = 7 . Whet i if taking Place here in worthy or se to
I I STEPHEN. - \ \ Gibbrnq through the Riding, and do hi, & ,cat. rorinjawd. .14"Jor Father would Yin Actually --.01. I'live si- I -r 11 Ili, O no importance. SW Fre;ything from a alrablet to an
On Tuesday morning a meeting was followed an usual bilieve that the man who proposed the (,... "-t W.11 k-ki,st Vol stop !" It.. Ne.A.,, nit There is all activil it, e foru"s which can anvil At Gf,rdickey's.
I , ,:y. for , ,hithrut
,Mr. Iloas,nbury, very much to the dis hitterest in Irvaping a full harvest of re- The views we have expremse, delates for the ,-be -,rok.,gripli) .werkok,.,V.tX4em bsrkr,,lwI1)ai% only Ile compokirvil to ,flat 4 bo-,* in a beehive.
- 'g` .. South, ,%ctu-%!Iy dooplaire . ..rrl 111-11,11-1. -111,19 thin 11 oil ..... . lt t,i I -
Nervir ,W"o,ous. Nor , "'W'Wel.1 wh't . h-...
-18t ,if the opp ,sition candidatce, do4er I fire Ili%[ convoritioa, a lot of p,irelimpat rude I ' "' lietse loor-rit.4 Art- econtioning 1i reinter". the
held in Crediton, a village near the Centre , \ I are we
; ".:'_
eI a spirited, a d, no doubt, tellin, Let Mr. Crabb learn from th . feel certain, those of the great inijoritl wrwen ":within an I w:th(vit" whie i ll,t term 11sou ....J., ,nalikerol.."A . "norrous &a -hen
- K Ad- e experi- I I-I.W-'Io Ilia d-. . "er I'd' 'I"... roks"ji'L, 4.,rition, wh;ch in now as to AVNIi.EV 'I'll, 1,E.
- of the township or Stephen, Messrs. drema in Germa "but ah Mr. Carling had, ence of this week (hat, in the hands of of' the electors- People whi think for ad I"%nsiti,)n4. This min w "" ,;ogna, lf,r'wu it ,,, -
U' ni Nit. Connor. I -- -,of A. Ili, 1.1ler, as I-111.,:. 6',", ,,- rivilk.r., . parrizoorked by F.deral troops. you 90me Or our Village merchants are assured.
Gibbons and Cameron, with their friends fr ied Ilia hand at a little of the language, \honest men, the character of a good mail themselves, will no doubt concur in our 'band ,:!thou,,h a great dpal of blame Cannot r,'_T r: ...... "' " Il... It. , .1 C.N.4vol, in 'Y judze of the accumulation (if was, here
* be if sacred by every right -think id to his char4e fre, life nN,re rpavhnog ,,,r,fhW'I-NkI whkki h- ,- N,+tW--e,. I from thp- f,ackiblat the Badf-rot ,N1 thenry ('(tin in; Their Ankin* and refitting then in elegant
14 were in attendance, as were also Messrs. it was considered perfectly right and . 11 I'll . remarks, but those who have other of . _, ,,,,; :,,1n vinvot .R.,,, (,) it ... ,tit
I oJects and di4play of them there lot I sornehos, -N, * a liar- I ' -ni,,-i-,n InVi recotiv(d Six thounark,# 'wedle. !voilocia'-jud ing by the stocks daily arriv.
Ritchie Roll Carling, and the inevitable proper. !ng Wirson, and let an rejoice shot there than the well -b( ing or this constituency th,,ught it looked as iffougi, they .Iqlw,l it, ;ol h,r ,-wo to ....... .s ("unna ne""fe's ""y guns out of the retire$@ without cowling any (I
Ellivtt. There was , a fair turn out, but Dr. Woods spoke in a very character. is a Iterieral disposition on the part of , he' -s. .. 1 6.1,4.11 'N, 1119, we may i,ok for great bargains in Mining
.it '&'..I IN.. -1 -- -h. I.. ...I.'u. on and mrstowner floods.
Is miy differ with us. take thei opr,orent4m,t ftomool wloit of V,;" ,,,,,,,;- '.4..".k.."Ph.. I o' .0" Ilk,
we soon found out that the conservatives i-fic manner. lie. deprecated the ide a, 0 of all patties to carry on this contest Divest the minds or a drs. v., N. Pprecialo: ,aid I,. the arar,al. c,,,,,,,y
e "I" ko to I ti ,lie practice Ili other countries, the Pick. _.
I 3 a "' ;.!,., oil .Koh th"...-art'.1, .-' ,Zl 11171.
ady"aloo. - t seemr,l sa thou4h they a I ;, by .
ft tie.i too.. 1.11 It.. .1.1 .1. 111.111.x I., , the -0 a
"o., '.,I 1' to I .7 ...
had resorted to the dodge of having their that capacity for public speaking was Ile- in a spirit of honor Arid good nature. 11 of a rantiourous party spirit I private afraid b )!tl;y to ent,-r the riti , stwt in 'ell we'r '. I-- ori.-- I,,. I""'.... vviol'. isr: arkily, or at all events, tile garrison of mounin.
. a. I -, is busy &I r day. -
' 1". .
committee appointed to meet at the same qUired in a good representative, and urg. Another I111reak Dovor . a. Pads, or deep-scaLed animisity an I we OPI"n-int visa via, a, the Preach have it, ; - . ..,y I.." ". -W- ...... It te errivok."el .is tilitypec, Afore than Itt,oliff
time and place, in order to increase their Cot that the bad laws were made II law- will have the people who are never OW but preferred ratheir attolviriptin, th. form or "I"I":!"lls, O.O w'li.. I-o,ttAIoetiajt .... i_kh. carbouches are tnanufa( tured daily end you An in9cm9f ill" held on th, Bob ins, ,.
I.., no.. ks,'.h ,k --N-r; ot,r.-IIIII., It. van j",14. .if I h. Recur kid lion Oi roate'loil
strength. Another dodge of theirs was yerd, of whom there were too many in the - ' P, ,heir opponents bY dinsn:-acy. crc the com on.I0. wis' 1, the body af incept, loteloture, whs, d;;4 .
in forming correct opinions or men, it ,,, hat he"an kh"!. 'Ns' - liZvolle, 11, -I I- I a
on I, 4'.:;'
to create an impression throughout file House already. The Dr. represented 01 The Conservative conven.ti-n in Bly th, - Or perhaps ,kill quit. to hill Zoins. is .!;k`,t,; d- r-.h..h from the fart that this work is nysterrinticalf, will supposed from internal injuries received
at the hands of James its ley warm few days
township that tile meeting wait called for Ooderich, as a place that wished W4111,29,121 hat (loth) resulted in a claiming by their verdict at the pol I I., ,,,n, 1,,,,,n likely eocill toll" 11941 .f illat try is, ,tll`f `kvt " "' .. .11 kon.oav,.' No lit so.o. to ..'al 'rointr (in. The monin,olt; whiph were le t Jury &fn
Is the ' I'le, i, is , Ili,., rn,.,,.. w,,,wl,r .1 h. Ila, oil,
I to grasp . in I previously. The teran examination
the afternoon, thus keeping away morecompit-te fixate than that field at just roward of honest man nore like hiring men t I Z.."no ",?,.'11.1 on.. "..-,,# 'i;- A. W. hi-ro. it are beirox now brought to ibis place of th
I fl "Iyl .11" "In",", 'If thr,ir tiopplineatim, so this. , , X-_ N, ",....I " It Ludwi4ibefPe. Tan Blooden (toy it -
many cv`rYtl1iD9 without giving anything it, body and hearing the evidener, reform,
rutOrn to tile Soulliern townships. . . h ,a: '" . ..... by *ay
or our friends. ,M r. Clinton recently. After much squabbling, --- --_ - h it. heaerchonee of at A...."-... ..e driall1 phl.- , wit torTirstent have meeived "I 00 quottals of cat ed a vardict in aecordan ,e with the facts
I a st,n,, pt -v, - Plea, - --ionat. ul. ,to"7 1,_.ko. :,alo
John Persons, Ersq., was called to pre- (;ibbonx contradicted this statement, asly- Dr. Slonne was asked to accept the nom- T1111r, PRINCEIgs 4DF 111VALEA I .11;ta, ; Iool,,,e clom.b.mool sr, ,,,,,, ... isbil'a stated. It is reported that both
)w You renerril"r ,".'he "of 'It""" '4 dW -h":- M'k"rv4v`- ,00l wavol ")"'llesfor the nevoilleguns. The artillery parties were under the influence or liquor at
. t,,,. ,n. IN ne noto nithork Pa;'NA,.o, -t- I,,,,. to of if,. fortress is lvein &Ian organized, cape
- illation for the Amilembly, but lie refused . "'N I ', r1 11lrdI1N,,.o'.1.:-1" ,. the limit the affray took place, a warrant hour
. I side over the meeting. ing that the grayfl Toad system wait Pat - hil, .I .. .h ill b Ts a,. I to call , , :,,., " " cosily with a view ill *' t"conair Ili# strength 'been issued for the apprehension of Hawaley.
j. ticularly favorab , ,,,a co,tardti." BUt I WIL, ""'a "'*-I, -4 -PM, &,, " "Trill 11.111, In'.. IN, In
come . , tell yu ,about Mr. ,ov . I ... a_,4nI,IokfflIwfW.I,myvk, rsIu. %%,?I r1le w,rr of the batteries. We a" by this noilte."Ise; ----.--- ---
I 'I:.,h ,h-o'lIoafhlIIV1I,t 1-7 dwor,dosa- .A- activity, pursued like that of rho, quiet arvoton,
'\ td his views on'soll matte're likely to lion and detrimental to the North. The Then it was proposed th'st Mr. Ifolmes, Princess of Wiles' recovery is now hope. .,,;,r,n winning. Certainly I. -11. - 11k,, spirit ...... !,,, soviol- , oUl I,. -,r ..... , -
I Nit. Gibbons the first misesker, ezpoun to to the Southern a" to b2ve saythiag to do with such a body. If late tele rskkna are to be trusted, the I :1 u..n,-r; r ",
. )r. in return, , - , Vol , a.
that his Goderich, suil ')'I - .1 he Saltan threatens to declare waa,
before the local legislature, nod Claimed asserted that Mr. Dedor, of should retire from tho Coalitions can. less. The, amiable Princess has found S 1 Z,l haiZe'llioligla", lip wait doing admirably "'n with the g,cilot't regularitf,lb T
- "I 'Aill-11 fintill Maternal n,,ak,.n. ..-I have at as the Prussian armorelt (Imeore on account
ty hpn 9 the claims of the Former on :7,v",Mk`_1`k.t - 'it lun . -yokord. lof .it 1. d.o"g so ale,,nown who are now in power bar@ R I of the insurree.
township, AshfiAl and Colborne bad de. the hope that the former wight be ran _" tile Y."t'. Iāā -kr- .it .hl -r and more precious, ,des, or five meallipg tOinary trokablegi on In, frontier,
,)ouncil and otherwise entitled hits to the I .till it
I, long training in the ('onto the R -eves of' Oo,:erich did4ture in favor of Dr. lidleDougaill, in P11Je in the warmest rekardi of the Brit. I twhe e ntr`yllebih d-pr"i&tJn.t the Lawyer. I P -9 -1 -nor - I sonalkeno 0. e4wariss. .,of at 1.1161.1 clemok I
ibefatclY roted to & left in (he rowit.- into the Assembly under the wing of the sep- I th ou h nesom vevontit hot tWocal, to( an armed peace and or the duties of a Arrivals.
Consideration of (lie ratepayers. i,h people, and her death would beA ,hi %,tetae time it wouid hate been much :tI1-1(,%1".;':` N-7". "It """', t,.,eak.,w l.Wl,q,_ ne. standing army than %Ilia@, of -that Countries
""" 104 vnai_" , .
Mr. Cameron followed him with the We efolumerid the assurtion tan the con Doctor's popularity. This plan promised III deplored. b,Z, rid common Draw when speuking rn, ,,(,N Th '. Is It -mok. -
t 5 a . --- I CA he tit 1, Atemomer nreal p4sterom 040" 40 bar
finest speech we ever heard him utter. I idvrltion of those gentlento-it. .inch r results that it or .lay it t1h)o?bt . in (swur of Mr. H)Im,,z not to "I m "r", I se'llo, la -al, N, the evi,ov ii no min w- where, from long custom, the arnory office no this morning, sall ackehaved in Hedges Rivers
fr ma given up, try Ing elf or pro or c on about lawye" 'I""'al"ot -"it P"llialls 1-1 w1,tl ...... rd ('.Na. witiful work.
of 'N'r- 11. L ve Is In LRPRTI(I.- U tt h I na. Ival, 1-4"", on" I I. ..... M ...O... ,in k4eviNn"t We do not
was clear, Round and itatesmatilike, at, delivered a short but and ceting broke up in difiguat. A fine warm rain has fairly ,,r,,Ii's topporkent .i no t a lawyer at all. it -l-. hrr- , .oqrs. . -i .11. hy _p , in, so A.N It" on& Irish fr) Inquire I'an off Mile 4.
embraced every topic which can come liercible molifeeks, after which the meeting - 7 --- int'roduced spring weather and our farm ! if I . mnk kry .I'd I,, A, flow what iniferene 7 be dro"n, as far as
before the House of Commons. lie broke up I iihei if) cast any reflection on -I) - 74- - I- -he, has invor... onvod! voricerni the tid projects (if Jimmie, - - -=--- ----- --i'll,
ja rs lh ,-n ... tr I 4,g ,. ,..f,,,, rk,o,w,. wit., ,color. now
Comer -in und Gibbons will have a TIRE PROSPECT. em will be At 0000 busily engaged wit I thin 11' of'honormitfle rilix-nn (or to in from Ihe metivilY shrlsit-al which she exhitill; quamirb.
touched on Confederation, now so near ': . "n. -11 Ili. -01 4i'm Itatin 0 h
I their spring work. ' tlieir standing in the country I think he ha, 1 -1 ItZ' '.'.ki,'4 I X=r heil"A"T"" resn"O""', in the organ n f er military force. On the 14th inst., by the Rev. P. L. n
panl__o - v"I' kinvolothl- C) .,,.it ,vNVvp..
CO"Alm-nations the opening up of the soreeping mijority in flay. Every day nor prospects become more NA __ ___ taken the w,on4 plan this time Por if he "'-I ;f.:,,,, hlh,,h .. Wlwn. . vvIkkoh, - - - wood, st the residence of John 8slkia hfo jr..
'N. VI(iAlTinst ritirm.-The lake ii now known any thing at all about , t vlamor " 4 veh"Is No opens. .. W Maple Grove Firm, Mr. Joke JenVirs, of
for navigation along this atInst. and be I " no or. - eirr, 1-1 "It", II,N:oI,,CaOd It,
igrest North-west, is fress grant Crovin KI ['111, assfuring. The electorm are securing their , PC ham,, ,,, w, ',, ,an, , 44,nZ;"ll M`vp` .. ....
Lead policy, which he revered, n I( he molt know that praiminx one ties, at I , 'Z :* hat a I,UXPmhnrg Journal 'Iniabefth Best, of frioderich,
.-',-,-. I h ,,, .h- I . ........ ,.."I. . Ilia To. Chicago, to Mrs. E
and kin- or ghe meeting at Kippen on Thurt. int-arevits, and giving lbeiradliesion to the the .Vpr,,.Y will take up her route early I '0n1P'1hn".;,'1 one or mortality raises rho, I t'ler at-rooll hOW"lle, 11 Ill., rId_,d t-at - , township.
11 of the pubi not I br --' Phor" to I h, ---oroo, ,11,,vvknw ',-,n,- (From rhe Courier du Lwilembur1r, 241A ()a rho 12th ing., at rtuarsispon, by ill*
fired lopicit, in a style which made a day morning we need only pay that the can" of Cameron and Gi bkons. Every next westir, after undergoing a thorough . Itrk.,J l ic. A a Pit
i. kv
I ;: ,,dosr At bits for Saying a bar, ,".',' " "it' "''4-1-11,1111-1 in ,sh.1h It, ,I-,I,1
'm _rn'terv! harn,t,nl., Ink- xivrn I,. ,r) p,Irat .h,.,I.
" I' ,7 1 Af4rcA.) Rev. W. Dowit Mr. Frederick Videan, of
plendid impression on the audience. 'SChOof 110use-a large orsti-wan densely day men who" votes never were expces. repair. We are not ,,are yet som to What 1:syer 0, lie lonit enough,fdr course _ 7. ,7 -liar T Lost news which has come to hand Dengarrion, to I Miss Mary Robinson, of the
I y route the Bro"RY will take .h,mil7' 11l0' ,111r. Ll; -11 .rill hill. - - I lie
*11 p e go e I " U'onz we never ., it y% Ill
is possible, beyond agreeing with friterly and toU with (me I , .1 -11 been farm,,, "','h` " _, ,be,.. le: Mi, h wh,.k,y from .11 ,life%
I Air Ritchie spoke next, "yir* as littit packed with sturdy honemst-looking men ad voltintaril crime forward and I of up. Th bar p`
, '. ,,,;d.n -I,, - riol.re-, Macros rof . natora
.,,try thing Mr. Cameron bad I exception, at the Can- Prince Alfred gunboat went out yeste _ in lie onallho ... l all, It". to croorlit To
-aid -lid mene,ment, they were $11 sound on the their influence to t .eon. . uro'y the poor man', h-- waship of Goderich.
. i!
. t of reform side. 1% h- n the proceedings I :,,y,rrin,,.q..rt,r. little e1rcieted, Iss fa tax him. for he seems . A,,,l'TW-I-INoII- ,--I 1 -9r -r. gardto thournikentanding which exists be 30141111.
urging against that gentleman ,be i how gentlemen, Sull" (lay for a trial trip. memory ,no, tile reports corro.rit for somp tiow, with re
his being &lawyer. The contrast between ir' i.,,, ., - _____ -Il-;,,h1r 1. froolret how nicely the timori X'a. II.. knivild (iii "I".) 1.,.0 .h. hrwk , 11 or , r-
. about half over, the Exeter body-gaw'rd' I :ad ho more appreciated. FIRT-IT Tatals. Inoten Franc^ and Prolsons to demand On the I fith in.t., Jerinsit R., mill" dngii-
Ili- two Sposeelorkis was ouch as ,a strike. dashed with , t -Mr Win Campbell han OU4 J One$ Mekison a former anti Fk very hill,. IV"'. .. ,,, Iā, livataki "..'d 6, bit. V- in his he
the attention whiskey, crowded into f all ,r ...... 1,r, am,,, -J _ Grand [)like the ",uji,in of his rights a for of Mr. Will" xayl,w, " 7 ,am
bad d7r.t kkkm, in the Riding know the now On hand a choice st,ock or fruit trees t , 'I .all be. trsy-if h in cormoa. "I'l- .., 1. Is" J, . sep"ally. having d k V..t the duchy., It, tolf-munsfely, it two trap thVat . _ _ -_ - - --- .-
fall kinds, Give him , trial. tents a very short tire * -11-1 onst, ror prvvk--,,h,.,W, 1
'", a "
of every ret"J"Yer in the And about the doorway and Ificloi an * .i gentleman, o tit that in your American - - it it, , " I, smarowlepe nee is Ili,, ,,,
. 0 ""ce, ( I Rappo" ) 'Z'o17"`::"-` t ; 1'f"Oo! 11I1'iO`-V,vk.; ka.r!r. , ; it is . . . _ I
room. scandalou ly that one or two decent voters I V.::.: Y a ..I y of those Fe the, yon Raw A&q 4. he Cofirproorkin'd f
'arling followed Mr. Ritchie with left theirs meats and advanced into the I icld ____ joarsoll ) I .rrak; ,1,1*,1l1111,- oo -r lip 1111.11w- there is nothing Ion t 'to. I THIC IIIIAHKFTS.
( & lie only therefrom needed the OP. on is . 4, evio he Country but to
Mr. C and thl;; willing adherentint bakour OtTa ,9A?,T WALL in prrogrossin - r-l"ohlneelf., lh. liar* I il kir.111110". Orvat
,t The brine ne g finely. Prrtimit to make him a fini hod nivin ; bet As I hm I lolln't? exists -
a few sterefitypied re-rotenties,whielf, werejust room, rather then nit near them. I Off -me, -.ad -by houldn't they ? Imn Ter falls in strength below,i a" "" 4 a I ., I , I likkon,tt r-fue, wwoo her waseake, among I,
mffieient to prove what we I .,. . a Is . zto, , is , .om,n@rcixl and industrial C,relike a Conlanterr, Alford 15, IM1.
I rted, that however bon@! t he may I e"W"""'NIII to ill* "*Ill' of an lkn"OtRtion set Frwm
.tat, is arer whi having Many ptations. still " A 11. IRA. .. -
have it"'Jor" Mr. rariinR tried to ra ins is local r,,J. .. " A, hest man in the County 90 firg., and the daily Production of the I rate ... a the rop-tatient of -1 h"O'""eitt" colft, .-.:.::, ks:P-,-, f
ry firomot quality of molt averages roman - merits the w4rm All gly . riot illybood. .......... 1:60 (4 1:46
by Ing against G.derich, the, pit of srhich,, for the pondition be aspires to, and im.-t Vc Fall do ............ $1 00
so a man, he is not capable b I his IN if) be easily "firlorst,,od, for wnh So SP
is said ' pf"I'll"t of every lover of __. -_ *,@tit Would szorciore a do,emi'. influence a 2 "
of uttering a I a,w,Y, 0 P) to 60 barrels. The enterprise is an his country. 'xpe
dozen mentelsomes, of lCogligh in an ingelij_ is, bet Is ppoPerlouthern im. MT- Gibl"Ovis Peculiarly adapted to the i I, kilk"9 a reply shortly. thol Material p,napoority of ,he n Oats .................... 0,-.40
giblet manner. Is spoiled his argtl undoubted suakes. I re Inam WIEST WAIlViliNINtiall. g ecronlry. Floor ................ I 00
, me"t work of she "I LaitiolAtiorts ? - - -11 Every emire in already disconntin the .
Z11cy"c" .eg *54
y 0 mlit In that he had been Prged ohl JINKLIN.Q. - ble conscript ba- Barley ................ 0 .
'Mr- J' CSUO"`Y attempted to show up upon by 03criela men to raft. From all parts of the If iding the glad SW Mr. Farm ham opened (In ___ ,P,rp. DN,d many seem ratc, I ." 0:57
_-41,- ___ W92T INFAWANORM l0fIk April I`I67. fear than to . ( PONS .................. fells 0:66
I P~ of Mr. Ritchilt's delinquencies in I I SW i.cf,hestpossol, sheep .................. 4:00 5!00
- I \
"an", a
7 -
I/ `%1i -__"I
Iti:--:--, i--
Tito meeting, it was easy te, pilromive I tidiin:.sor on-- ! success ! encomia I alepull stock of mosennumble boots ' 'in I Begidwilipp, gn to 11. T -,h- FAo- ,.(,he ,I._ sic_, I . . the @vast is to JOIN
and Increased so rapid I DRAS Sum, -As tile actions of parties in, Ila M, it is to he floolared that an #Poch will .
- 'a _ chosen meltable go all the "'toesurto at llides( ere") .......... gibe I( 0: 04
Pseong toorsag" but *a "On's 'PRO ma rest at th class, was almoork unanimously in .,ill ... 4. aims. Lrdi there be a Ames in Parsim, Block. .,d 0 di & C C Booff, V cars ..... ...... 9;00 111-11,1111
be bmd. 17 that he coull not fak,ore K- .. r---__--. - .:.,, "or Sri",Ioi 11firial expoteity are a] ways prnpp, subjects it*,. If. for the moti,04 of political impor [Intlia 14
- Comornin and Oibbons. I d' `banfted will, Old sockaft will be in- Tpljt I'. , 9
11RUCFFJ9J,D. W witill, I$ Wag pushed down back TT --W6 hat's received 'in a f "on's-th" autonomy and indopen&."ee of
flor critirimm too following facts would eat he I.hxpmhurq_whi,d, we strongly Cod ,
'E. evlta I numbers or this splendid monthly ' t -.---.-.----.-- : 0 .",
rsBORN 1'. "farmtsartwilkle. Horpral ortheamo&I I i; ..... . ... .. . 01, N.
A Meeting was hold sit the from IV here of vg
Is 4166 dkemoon of Tuesday I meeting lIr ----.---. lr*wbaekx have occurrod, but the ron to * ('hes"'tt A Co., of Toronto 1 *miss to place berries, this politic- for that y he Asenfirms). lot . hope, ,it least that 11 ............... 2!00 1 1 "
- Y, know V too ........ I 0: Off 2.1 "
rifler forRy Ftv finr engraving and ' . "d Efform .................. 0:10
110, 1111old. The crowd win fill .X: The male of the hal-nold nf th oftlifigisrotlemAn in purpose. Somov time in ilop___ no' I
we heM in the Two II&H alf 1:*Wu, I them tin Kippen, *04 n agod in the work pleasant hit .--. the sionfiro will ,,,it go beyond that, . s
I 'be fe'disit av"Pt H =41 c T Chatiry reading this work is us rooliminfirm was per y I that a ol"
. 6 t 10000 lots has bon postponed. must prove an ,u 11 C sentod to flea Istpul i4w
,!no will be devised by whiph nor
I I I of the 4_00 nostons interests may saft bill,, to , ('b,ekona .............. 0:36 0,2111
. For'skilo at litoorbousit's. I sterile oty, requesting b,,n much from an scomaggim to pam,,. off" '" Turkeys ............... 6:30 4,40
1 i Park .................. 4:00 1 4:60 1