The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-01-26, Page 44 THE TIMES»ADVOCATE,EXETER,ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 26, 1956
Sorority Asks
Court Action
The mexnbera of Beta Sigma
Phi (Sorority agreed to stand be-
hind a petition for more drastic
■count action against sex deviates
M their meeting on Tuesday eve
ning at the home of Mrs. William
Schlegel, -Grand Bend.
Mrs. Ross Tuckev and Mrs-
Van Laughton were in charge of
the program, the topic being
’“How Is Your Conversation?’’.
iPlans were discussed for the
fashion show to be held March
14 at South Huron District High
School auditorium.
The gift was won >by Mrs. L.
G. Schulthies, Mrs, Jack Fulcher,
Mrs. Jim Hay ter and Mrs. How-
*rd Klumpp assisted the hostess.
United Church Officers
Appointed At Centralia
A pot luck supper, followed
-by the annual meeting of the
congregation, was held -in the
schoolroom of the church on Fri
day evening with Rev. J. T. Clarke
presiding. To open the meeting
two numbers were sung by the
Truth Seekers Class and a wor
ship service was conducted by the -----T>
Rev. J. T. Clarke and a number
of the members of the Y.P.U. at
tended a Young People’s service
■in the Woodham United Church
on Sunday evening
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Powe of
Exeter were Sunday guests with
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Hodgson.
Topics From
Thames Road
On Wednesday evening of last
week the meeting of the 3-M
Club was held with Mr. and Mrs.
Aimer Passmore and Mr. and
Mrs. William Rohde in charge
for the evening. The theme was
“Witnessing for 'Christ” taken
by1 Mrs. Rohde and Mrs. Aimer
The program included a piano
solo by Barry Jeffery, a story
by Mrs. Rohde, accordion sel
ection by Barry Jeffery, and a
story by Mrs. Edwin Miller.
Mrs. Reg Hodgert, president,
conducted the business. Rev. H.
J, Moores presided -for the elec
tion of officers. Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Bray were named 'presi
dents with vice-pres,, Mr. and
Mrs. William .Rohde; secretary
treasurers, Mr. and Mrs. Aimer
Passmore; literature committee,
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner.
The remainder of the evening
was spent in playing crokinole.
Prizes were awarded to Mrs.
Glen Stewart, Mrs. Robt. Jeffery,
Mr. Donald Bray and Mr. Reg
Personal Items -
Miss Gloria Myers of London
is visiting with her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Squire.
Mr. and Mrs. William (Rohde
visiited on (Saturday with Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Thomson of
Mr. Arthur Gardiner, Mary
and Bert of London were guests
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin Gardiner.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Urquhart
Of Kirkton visited on Sunday
J with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jeffery,
. Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Passmore,
David, Dennis and Darlene were
guests on. Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Wellington Haist of Credi
ton. ‘
Mr. and Mrs. James Cottle
quietly observed- -their fifty-fifth
wedding anniversary on Monday
evening, January 23. All mem
bers of the family were present.
| News Of Your Library |
W. Skinner, K. Greb, E. Wilson
were appointed to the session;
steward's, A. McFalls
member), A. Isaac, K.
F. Hicks, G. McFalls, R.
W. Elliott, G. Hepburn,
foot, F. Bowden, R.
Morgan; treasurer, Miss Flossie
Davey who named Miss Agnes
Anderson her assistant; auditors,
Frank Hicks, K. Hodgins.
M, and M. committee, K. Greb
(treas.), J. Essery, E. Haist?, Mrs.
Hepburn, L. Hicks, S. Hicks, R.
Hodgson, Mrs. Hirtzel, J, McAl
lister, Mrs. McCurdy, L. .Smith,
S. Skinner, Glen Robinson, Mrs.
G. Hicks, O. Squire; .parsonage
board, M. Elliott, W. Skinner, J.
McAllister, L- Hodgson, Mrs. L.
Hodgson, A. Isaac, E. Powe;
church trustees, A. Essery, G.
McFalls, E. Powe, E. Wilson, W.
Elliott, R. Lightfoot, F. Bowden,
G. Hepburn; ushers, L. 'Hodgson,
O. Squire, F. Bowden, K. Greb,
J. Hepburn, R. iShoebottom, E.
Powe, J. McAllister, F. Hicks,
C. McDowell, F. Osborne, G. Rob
inson, L. Hirtzel and W. Elliott;
choir com., Reg Hodgson, O.
•Silent tribute was paid to those
who had passed on during the
Shower For Bride-Elect
Mrs. Wilfred Huxtable, Mrs.
■Elmer Wilson, Mrs. M. Elliott
and Mrs. Geo, Hepburn enter
tained, in the schoolroom of the
church on Wednesday evening of
last week, at a -miscellaneous
shower ’for Miss Marjorie Mit
chell, bride-elect.
A reading was given by Mrs.'
Alton Isaac. Duets were sung by
Jean and Joan Essery and by
Mrs. Ross McFalls and Joyce Mc
An address was read by Mr-s.
G. Hepburn, followed by the pres
entation of many beautiful and
useful gifts. Mrs. Wm. Musser ol’
Exeter and Kay Ondrejicka
sisted in displaying the gifts.
Personal Items
Mr. Geo. Baynham and Mr.
Haddock attended the funeral of
the late Mr. Russell Baynham at
Grand Bend on .Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hicks vis
ited with Mr. and Mrs. -O. Pol
lock in Ripley on Sunday.
Mrs Nora O’Brien of Lucan
called on Mrs. -Cook, Mrs. Allen
and other friends in the village
on Sunday.
election of officers for
Isaac (honorary mem-
Elliott, W. Essery, L.
E» Haist, 0. Langford,
R. Light-
Blair, L.
By MRS. J.M.S.
Fond of Poetry? We suddenly
realized that -maybe the :poetry
lovers would think we had neg
lected them by not mentioning
fiany -books of poetry.
Leading Canadian Poets
There is a,n -astonishing lack
of interesting and (precise in
formation on the lives of our
principal poets while the studies
of the thought and -style of our
writers of verse are intended
for the specialist. Dr. W. P. Perc
ival writes “Canadian poetry is
not over popular, though this is
a land that lends itself to 'poetry.
The great wide stretches of coun
try, the mountains -rearing aloft
their lovely heads, the wild water
that spreads over so much of the
District YPU's
Meet At Rally
The Young People’s Union
Area A, comprising Y.P.U.’s
Grand Bend, Crediton, Centralia,
Hensail, Elimville, West Zion,
Thames Road and Exeter, held a
get-together in James St. Church
on Tuesday evening.
Hensail Y.P.U. conducted the
■Worship and Maurice Love pre
sided in the absence of the presi
dent, Mary McKnight.
Four discussion groups on the
four commissions of Y.P.U. were
led by Douglas May, Rev. H. J.
Snell, Ken Tuckey and Maurice
Elimville Y.P.U. conducted
recreation period.
surface, the trees, the wild ani
mals and the habits and customs
of the Canadian people are all
fit -subjects for song. Canada
■needs poets but we have done
little to encourage them ’to per
severe in their efforts. One day
Canada may produce Chaucers
.and Miltons and even a greater
than Shakespeare. Why not?”
This book “Canadian Poets”
contains the ’biographies of Al
fred . Campbell, Bliss Carman
Katherine Hale, Pauline John
son, Marjorie tPickthall,. Duncan
Campbell iScott, Arthur Stringer,
Robert Service and many others.
It is a valuable book of -reference.
Poems Of Robert Service
-Ever since -Robert Service be
came the troubadour -of the Alas
kan gold rush with his first .great
book of poems, “The Spell of the
Yukon” ihe has been delighting
readers with his verses.
His poems (have been collected
in one volume entitled the Col
lected Poem-s -of Robert Service
including, besides.the Spell of the
Yukon, the (Rhymes of a (Rolling
Stone, Rhymes
Man, Songs of
Since then __ ____
“Songs for My Supper” published
in 1953 and “Carols of an -Old
Codger” in 1954. When he reach
ed the age of eighty in the -spring
of 1954 he had almost twenty
books of poetry and prose to
(his credit and the wrote “There’s
a lot of fun in living even after
eighty and the (last phase of life
should be the happiest.”
/Read these books at Your Li
brary. *
of a Red 'Cross
■a 'Sun-lover and
ihe has -written
—- Continued from Page 9
Mr. Stanley Haist T of London,
Spent the weekend with Mr. aiid
Mrs. Everett Haist.
Mrs. Alma Hopcroft spent last
week at Niagara Falls with het
brothel* and family, Mr. and Mrs.
fed ward Hopf, and at Welland
with her son and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Hopcroft,
The Story In
Mount Carmel
Mr. Joseph McCarthy, Mt. Car
mel, returned home from New
York where he attended the wed
ding of liis daughter, Marlon.
On Monday evening iC.W.L. held a meeting at the .hail. The
group discussed a pot luck sap
per which they intend to hold
soon and they also discussed a
social evening for March 1?'. The
prizes and orchestra were -chosen
by the ladies.
Mr. Dave Morrissey, student at
Ridgetown, spent the 'weekend at
his home here.
On Friday, Mrs. Alex Voisin
and (Shirley visited with Mr. and-
Mrs. >Sandy McNaughton and
Creditor! Bride
Wed In London
With Rev. F. T. Darnell
ficiating at the ceremony
Egerton Street Baptist Church,
the marriage took place of Mar
jorie Genevieve Mitchell, daugh
ter of Mrs. Hector Mitchell, of
son of Mr.
Hoopef, of London.
Given ‘ _
brother, Mr. Donald Mitchell, the
bride chose a powder blue suit
with blue accessories and a cor
sage of pink and white carna
Her 'bridesmaid, Miss -Betty
Grover, wore a grey suit with
pink accessories and a corsage
of red and white carnations.
Gordon Hooper attended
brothei* as groomsman.
A reception was
home of Mr. and
After a wedding
York, the bridal couple
side in London.
and the late
to John Earl
and Mrs.
in marriage
W. W.
by her
held at
Kirkton Kirk
Elects Slate
The annual vestry meeting
St. Paul’s Anglican Ohur-ch took
place Monday January 23.
Rev. R. A. C. Mills was chair
man and the officers for 1956
-include,-(Earl Berry as people's
warden; rector’s warden, Theron
Creery; lay delegates, Theron
'Creery, Maurice Blacker; sub.
delegates, Andrew Knox, Fred
Hamilton; rectory committee,
Cecil Dobson, Harold D-aVis;
cemetery com.m., E a r 1 Berry,
Jack Roundell, Garth Blackler;
auditors, Walter Creery, Wm. Ir
vine; vestry clerk, Burns Black
ler. i
The Kirkton 'Community As
sociation donated $200 to the
Women’s Institute for the pur
pose of installing new cupboards
in Aberdeen Hall. The cupboards
were installed this week.
Class Presentation
Mrs. Clarence Sweitzer and
Muriel were hostess to the Seni
or Girls Bible Class when they
(honored, -one of their members,
Miss Mary Willis, bride-elect. The
evening was spent playing pro
gressive crok-inole.
•Muriel -Sweitzer read the ad
dress and Eva 'Greenstreet .pres
ented Mary with a woollen blan
ket and cup and saucer. Mari
lyn Marshall, Donna 'Stone as
sisted the hostesses.
Miss Adeline Roger of London
spent the weekend with 'her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Roger.
Miss Jean iShuten spent the
weekend at the home' of -her.par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Heljer .Shute.
This past week the Thames
Valley" Park Authority placed on
the grounds of Kirkton swim
ming 'pool two buildings for
changing bathing suits, in pre
paration for the coming summer
Mr. and Mrs. Thurlow Willi
ams of Woodstock visited, (Mr.
■and Mrs. John Williams. •
Mr. and Mrs. Les. Fai-rbairn
London visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Blackler.
This Week In
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jaques and
Mrs. Vina Hern, Exeter, were re
cent visitor-^ with Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Morley Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Melville Gunning
and Muriel also Mt, Wilfred Her
bert visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Bruce -Cooper, Elim
Miss Marion Morley, Toronto,
was a weekend visitor at (her
home here.
Mr. and Mrs. John W'helihan
visited on Sunday in London
with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W'halen
and Mr. and Mrs. La’wrence
Mr. and Mrs. E. Ferguson visit
ed recently in Strathroy with
their daughter, Dorothy.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dufton
and family, St. Marys, v-isited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen
were in Woodstock on Tuesday
and visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Pullen.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Morley Jr.
went to St. Joseph’s Hospital to
visit the latter’s father and broth
er Mr. A. Pym and Mr, Howard
Pym, who ate patients there.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morley Sr.
and Elva, Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Mor
ley Jr. and Janice were .Sunday
guests of Mr, and Mrs. Aft Hod
gins, Clandeboye.
Mts. Finkbeihet entertained
several girls On Friday afternoon
in honor of Jackie’s birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Grafton iSquire
and sue Ann were in Guelph on
Sunday visiting Mr. and
Gordon McKinnon.
The Euchre oh Friday
Ing was in charge of Mt.
Mrs. Hamilton Hudgins and Mr,
and Mrs. Thompson with a large
attendance. Frizes went to Mrs.
Laverne Morley and Murray
She Crochets
At 93 Years
■Crocheting is the hobby of
Mrs. Hannah Taylor -who cele
brated her ninety-third birthday
on Tuesday.
Last winter, Mrs. Taylor cro
cheted a lace tablecloth and last
week she sent a number of
crocheted doilies to her nieces in
Six of her neighbour friends
celebrated with her on Tuesday
and a small group visited her the
day previous. Mrs. Taylor's favor
ite pastime is a game of euchre.
Mrs. Taylor lives alone on
Andrew Street and -does all the
household chores.
She was formerly Hannah Butt
and was born*on the farm now
owned by Mr, Clark Fisher. She
is the last survivor of a family
of ten. Her married life was
spent in Fillmore, Sask. She re
turned >to Exeter to live ten
years ago,
Birth, Death and Marriage Notice*
are inserted free of charge. Cards
of Thanks cost 75c, In Memoriam
Notices 75c for single verse, 25c
extra for each additional verse;
and Engagement Notices are 75c.
first class condition. Phone 38-r-G,
Dashwood. 26c
3-BEDROOM HOUSE, modern: 1
-block from school; available February
1. Phone 143, Exeter, mornings, or after 6:00 p.m. 26c
tion wood and electric, with hot
water front, good condition; price
$175. Apply R. H. Jennison, Grand
Bend, phone 182. 26*
GARAGE—Apply John Luxton, phone
764-W, Exeter, 26*764-W, Exeter.
PHILCO TV, 360 Model, 21-inch screen; had 4 months; $225 or best
offer; reason for selling, moving away; must be sold by February 10.
Fred Turnbull, Grand Bend, phone
6 HEIFERS, weighing around 600
pounds. Clifford Scott, Box 57, K|rk-
t'on.__________________ ___ 26c
MAN'S SUIT, grey, size 40-42. May
be seen at Brady Cleaners. 26:2*
3 FISH AQUARIUMS, partly equip
ped with gravel and light fixtures;
two 15-gallon and one 10-galion.
Phone 443-W12, Exeter._______ 26c
25 words or less 70c
More Than 25 Words
20 Far Word“
Move Than 25 Words —•
130 Per Ward
200 OFF
if ad paid with order or byi
Saturday following the last
Senii-Display Classifieds
(Restricted to one column)
First Insertion 980 Per Inch
Subsequent Insertions
, 840 Per Inch
•Classified ads accepted up till
Wednesday noon. Auction sale
copy should be in Tuesday at
2-R0OM APARTMENT, suitable for one or two business girls; available
in early February. Phone 384-W, Exeter, 26c
possession; two adults. Phone >76, Exeter. 26c
FARM HOUSE, with hydro, op main
road. Phone 123, Kirkton. 26c
APARTMENT, unfurnished, private
bath, private entrance, hot and cold
water on tap, heating stove provided.
Call 400-W, Exeter (evenings), 26*
3-R00M APARTMENT, downstairs,
furnished, private bath, heated, light
and water paid, Ipply 321 Huron St.
or phone 673-J, Exeter. 26*
MARRIED MAN, capable, reliable,
for South Huron poultry and beef cattle farm: separate house, hydro, etc. Write Box “F”, Times-Advocate.26:5*
EARN $75 and more, weekly. Sell our guaranteed products in your area.
Wherever you may live there is an
opening for you. Familex, Bo# F. Station C, Montreal. * 26
Night Dock Man
Capable of driving trucks and checking freight. Must be reliable and responsible. Steady employment. Apply to Guenther-Tuckey Transports
Ltd., Exeter. 26
BROCK—Tom and Norene Brock (nee Lynn) are happy to announce the arrival of a daughter, Karen (Lynn, at Victoria Hospital. Lon
don, January 20^ 1956.D ENOMME—Mr. and Mrs. Garfield
Denomme, R.R. 2 Zurich, announce the birth of a daughter, Gail Marie, at South Huron Hospital, January 22, 1956—a sister for Delores, Gregory and Lester.DOBBS—Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dobbs, R.R. 1 Centralia, announce the 'binth of a daughter, Wendy Lea, at South Huron Hospital, January 22, 1956.DONALD—Mr. and Mrs. John D. Donald, 123 Wellington Cres., Cen
tralia, announce the birth of a son at South Huron Hospital, January
18. 1956.KELLER—Mr .and Mrs. Kenneth
Keller (nee Shirley Pearson,), of
Dashwood, announce the birth of a so-n, Randal Kenneth, at South Huron Hospital, January 2'2, 1956— special thanks to Dr. Gulens.
MULLER—Mr. and Mrs. William Muller, R.R. 1 Crediton, announce
the -birth of a daughter, Joan, at South Huron Hospital, January 23, 1956—many thanks to Dr. Butson
and nurses.WOODEN—Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
Wooden, Exeter, announce t.he birth of a daughter, Deborah Lee, at South Huron Hospital, January
20. 1956.VRIESE—Mr. and Mrs. George Vriese.
Exeter, announce the birth of a
son, John George, at South Huron Hospital, January 23, 1956.
GRASSICK—In South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Friday, January 20, 1956, Evallne Johnson, beloved wife of James Grasslck, and dear mother of Mrs. Frank Wildfong,. of Exeter, in her seventy-sixth
year. , .KYDD—In Clinton, on Sunday. Janu
ary 22, 1956, Margaret Joan Allison, beloved wife of the late Robert Kydd, in her eighty-sixth year.,
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Ford, Exeter,
wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Norma Kay, -to Mr. Dale William Armstrong, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Armstrong, of Exeter. The marriage to take place on Saturday, February 11. 26c
Thanks to St. Anthony for papers
received. 2ocWe wish to sincerely thank our many friends and neighbours from the bottom of our hearts for the
wonderful way you helped us save our store, house and furniture from
fire and for the many acts of kindness shown to us since. It is most deeply appreciated.—Lome and Muriel Marshall and family. 26I wish to extend my appreciation
and gratitude to all the many friends and neighbours who visited me during my 'recent confinement in South Huron Hospital. I also wish to thank those who offered help to my family and myself during and since
my confinement there, with a special
thank you to Dr. Read and the South Huron Hospital staff.—Mrs. Arthur Idle. . 26c
I wish to thank all who so kindly remembered me with cards, visits, flowers and treats while I was a patient in South Huron Hospital.— Mrs. Jack Stewart. 26
Mr. James Grassick, Dorothy and family wish to thank their many friends, relatives and neighbours for the kindness and sympathy shown during their recent sad bereavement, and also for the floral tributes: special thanks to Rev. Rapson, the quartette, Dr. Fletcher, the nurses at
South Huron Hospital, the Hopper- Hockey funeral home and all the
bearers. . 26*On behalf of relatives from other points and myself, I -tf-ould like to express my sincere thanks to all those who remembered or helped us in any way during the passing of my mother last week. Special thanks to the bearers and Rev. MacDonald of
Hensall. —Russell Moore. 26*I Wish to thank all those who so
kindly remembered me with cards, treats, flowers and visits while a
patient in South Huron Hospital and since returning home.—Mrs, R. B.
POLLOCK—In memory of husband, who passed away
30, 1946.God saw you were getting weary
Then did what He thought best, He put His- arms arbund youAnd whispered come and rest. The flowers I place upon your grave,May wither and decay, But the Idve for you, who sleeps beneath,Shall never fade away.
—Ever missed and remembered by
his wife Laura. 26*
HERDMAN—In loving memory of a
dear brother, Enos Herdman, who
passed away January 28, 1954.
You left us quietly, your thoughts unknown,
But you left a memory we are proud to own.Though absent you are over dear, Still loved and missed and ever near.
Also of Mrs, Enos Herdman, who passed away March 4, 1955.The world may change from year to year,
And friends from day to day, But never shall the one we loved,From memory pass away.
—Ever remembered by brothers, sister, sister-in-law, nephews and
nieces. 26*
SKINNER—Tn loving memory of Ina
Delores Skinner, dear wife and mother, who passed away January 30. We. do femember, A. loving thought we give
To one no longer with us, But fa our hearts still lives. —Always remembered by Wellington
and Arlene. 26*
3-Piece, Second Hand
* Lindenfield’s Ltd.
Phone 181 Exeter
MILKING MACHINES, new and used. Lovell -McGuire, phone 693, W i n -g h a m, Surge Service Dealer.
Satisfaction guaranteed._______ 26c
19 CHUNKS, about 75 lbs. Apply Charles Rollings, phone 720-J1 Ex- eter.-________________________ 26c
BABY CARRIAGE, in good condition. Phone 176-r-23, Exeter.__________26c
REFRIGERATOR, 10.5 cu. ft., with 50-60 lb. freezer, automatic defroster, 2-year-old, like new; Kenmore stove,' 4-burner, ;23-i,nch, fully automatic,
glass door with automatic push but
tons, 3 months old; also ei-inch
Westinghouse TV, blond console model. Reason for selling, going overseas. Apply Lorne Ford, phone 541-M, Exeter. 26c
1952 Pontiac
Like New — Full Price $1,095.00
1647 Hudson
Paint Job — New Slip Covers
Will Finance and Trade
Huron St., Exeter Phone 56
a dear January
Johnson and to Laverne Morley
for lone hands.
Mr. Ned Hicks Is able to be
out again following his recent
See Them At
Phone 38 South
—........— ...... ■
Lumbago, can be helped by taking
RUMACAPS. Recommended by thousands of thankful users. Ask your Druggist. _________________6
EVENING GOWN, blue, size 14; half price. May be seen at Brady Clean- ers._________ 19*:Mc
1947 Chevrolet
Top Condition
Cheap for Quick Sale
Phone 364-R Exeter
49 AUSTIN COACH, in good condition. Apply Albert Deichert, Zurich. phone 218,____________________19:26*
It Costs Less
Many cattle and hog owners who
have used International Cattle or Hog Special in the diets of their herds can tell you that the few cents a day that it costs is good
International Stock Food Co. Ltd.,
Toronto, Ont.
Local Representative:
P.O. Box 557, Phone 767-J,
St. Marys, Ont. ___________________________12:19:26*
MAGAZINES—New and renewal sub
scriptions for apy magazines are re
ceived at The Times Advocate.
BRAY BROILER COCKERELS and mixed chicks, for February-March. Ask for price list, etc. Pullets (a few started) including such special strains as Babcock Leghorns. Ames Hybrids. Full particulars, agent: Eric
Carscadden, Exeter, p’hone 246-W.26c
News Budget From
i Mr. and Mrs. fl0. ;Saakel of
Mitchell were Sunday guests of
■Mt. And Mrs. M. E. Hooper.
Mt. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker
and Joy Visited with Mrs. Waugh
of London on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomson,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomson and
family were Sunday guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Carman Rinn of St.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Mossey and
family were Friday guests of Mr,
and Mrs. W. >B.' Young of -St.
• Mr.- and Mrs. Geo. Hann of
LLondon spent last week visit
ing with Mrs. Mossey, Mr. Gil
bert Ferfis, and Mr. Roy Ferris
of Prospect Hill.
Mr. and Mrs.
and Kim spent
Mrs. Evelyn Mills
Leonard Mills
iSatutday "With
of Seaforth.
PREVENT CHIMNEY FIRES—Use Fire Chief Chemical Chimney Clean- er to eliminate soot and scale from your stovepipes and chimney, No
need to remove stovepipes! no fuss; no muss: no odor. For use on coa), gas or oil fired units. On sale at Ex- eter District Co-Op.__________26:2:9
’42 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, with Chrys- ler engine; good tires; mechanically
A-l; best cash offer, Phone 657-M, Exeter.______________________ 26*
1954 4-DOOR SEDAN. Meteor Niagara, medium green, 20,000 miles, per
fect condition inside and out, direc
tional signals, undercoat, new wax
job and motor tune-up. Owned by
Protestant Padre. A bargain at
$1,695 cash, Apply by letter only be
fore January 30 to Box ”G" Times-
Advocate. 26c
4-R00M APARTMENT, centrally located, partially furnished, heated, -bath and -hot water, separate entrance; adults only; reasonable rent. Apply 343 Andrew St., Exeter. 26c
•with bath; also 5-room downstair
apartment with bath; both unfurnished; on Main Street. Phone 378- Wl, Exeter. 26*
HOUSE;- well located, near schools;
would accomodate one or two families: 3-piece bath up and down; heavy wiring; immediate possession. C. V.
Pickard, Realtor, 394 Main St., Ex
eter, 26
I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds
of horses, any size, any age,—G. J.
Dow, phone 83, Exeter.___________tfc
day week service for- horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, calves.—Glen Kennedy,
phone collect 168-W Lucan or Exeter 235. 9-2tfc
SMALL COTTAGE, s u ft a b 1 e for
young couple; hot and cold water in laundry. Phone 880-J3. Exeter. *260
pletely private, all conveniences, pri
vate entrances, partly furnished. Apply Times-Advocate.__________26*
3-ROOM LOWER FLAT—Available February 1, furnished or unfurnished,
heated and hot water laundry room
in basement. Apply W. F. Abbott,
Victoria St., Exeter, or phone 637-R,
A P A R T M E N T—Three rooms and
bath; heated: hot water supplied; unfurnished. Apply John Ward, phone
3418. 26*
HIGHEST PRICES paid for feathers, new and used. Call Exeter Salvage
(•Harry Joseph), phone 423. 1:26-3:1
GOOD BOLOGNA BULLS; also fat cattle. Apply Coleman Packing Co., phone Doug Forbes, London, or Ned Armstrong, Exeter, collect._______26*
For Your Scrap Iron, •
Steel and Metals
The Price Is High
Now Is The Time To Sell
Call Or Come To
Phone 418 Exeter
Street, Exeter, Saturday, January 21; reward. Apply to Betty Parker, Henr sail, phone 175-W,______________26c
in Usborne Township, January 23, 1956. Apply to Clarence Reid, Hensall, phone 166._________________26c
HOUND, young female, black, brown and white, (Trig). Apply to Frank Hicks, Centralia, phone 881-W1, Exeter. 26*
MASONRY REPAIRS, etc., plastering done for alterations. John Web- ster, phone 29?-W,_____’____l-19-4tc
IT IS NOT TOO LATE to have your cattle sprayed -for lice, or to have your young cattle treated for stomach worms. It is not a well-known fact that young cattle do have a very ■heavy infestation and 'that they can be eliminated very easily. If you want to be impressed -with this fact bring me a small sample of their faece and I will put it on a microscope slide and prove it to you. L. V. Hogarth, phone 266, Exeter.19:26c
SEPTIC TANKS EMPTIED, immediate service. Phone 108 or 130-W. Lucan, Butler Bros. 12:1 - 23:2
WHY WAIT till a dry time, have yoUr well drilled now; faster service. Apply H. A. Kerr, New Hamburg. Phone 226-W. 12:19:26:2
FARMERS! Have all your .saws
sharpened and set at Stew’s Sharp
ening Service. 105 Sanders St., Exeter, phone 454. 3tfc
“Where Better Bulls Are Used’’
Artificial Insemination service for
all breeds of cattle. For service or
information phone Clinton 515 collect, between 7:80 and 10:00 A.M. on
week days and 7:30 and 9:30 A.M. on
Sundays. tfc
TENDERS FOR .WARBLE FLY SPRAYING— Sealed tenders plainly marked will be received up" to 3 p.m. MONDAY, February 13 for the con
tract to spray cattle in the township for warble fly. A guarantee of $75 is required.
will also be Considered at the same time.
TION OF WARBLE FLY INSl’EC- TOR for the coming season will be considered.
NOTICE OF FIRST STTTING OF ASSESSMENT COURT OF REVISION—Ratepayers are hereby notified that a court o-f revision will be held in the Township Hail, Elimville, On February 13, at 4 p.m,, when all
appeals against 1955 taxes (dogs, buildings destroyed, etc.) will be heafd. *
H. H. G. STRANG, Clerk Hensall, R.R. 1 26
usborne & Hibbert
Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting of the Us-
borne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be hold in Farquhar Hal), Farquhar, on Monday, February 6, 1956, at 2.00 p.m., for the purpose of receiving the reports of
the Directors and Auditors for the past year, for the election of two Directors for a three-year term, election of Auditors, and any other
business that may be in the interests of the Company.The Directors whose term of office
expires ate E. Clayton Colquhoun
and Alex J, Rohde, -both of wh<5m are eligible for re-election.
ARTHUR FRASER, Sec.-Treas.20:2
APARTMENT, ground floor, furnished, 3 rooms, heated, hot and cold water, built-in cuphoard, use of
laundry for washing, private ent- rance. Blatchford Apartments. 26*
APARTMENT—Available February 1, 3 rooms, furnished, “includes frig., heated, utilities paid. Phone Crediton
8.__________________■ 5:12:19:26ft
HOUSE—Compact, 2 bedrooms, liv
ing room and kitchenette, 3-piece bath, furnace-heated, clean, quiet
location. Apply Pinedale Motel, Grand
Bend, phone 8._____________12-141fc
Floor Sanders
Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers
Vacuum Cleaners, Tools, Etc.
3 tfc
HOUSE, red brick and stucco, fully
insulated, Main‘Street, Hensall;. hallway, kitchen, dining room, living room with fireplace, small porch on first floor, 3 bedrooms, bath, deck-
and sleeping porch on second floor, nearly new automatic oil-fired hot water .furnace in full basement; good
lot with private drive and garage. Apply William Kyle, Kippen. 26:2*
100-ACRE FARM, well drained, 75
acres fall ploughed; stone house; all modern conveniences. Apply to Aug
ust Gregus, phone 172-r-23, Exeter. • 19:26*
HOUSE under construction. Owner
will complete it or sell as new. Extra lots fol’ building. William 'Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen._____________________19tfc
1-STOREY DWELLING, in Centralia, suitable for one or two people; low cost. William Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen, Ex- eter.______________ ________ lfltfc
50-ACRE FARM—5-room house: 3 bedrooms; barn; well; tiled; hydro;
immediate possession; full purchase price $8,060.00,
100 - ACRE GRASS FARM—Overflowing spring well; will grass from 35 to 50 head of cattle; immediate
possession; full purchase price $7,- 500.00.
100-ACRE FARM on No. 23 Highway, 6-room brick house; 3 bedrooms; driveshed; barn 40'x60’, and
26’x50'; -well; tiled; hydro; immediate possession; full purchase price $18,- 500.00.
1-50-ACRE MODERN FARM—8- room brick house; bathrooms; new furnace; garage: driveshed; spring well; barn 57'x66'; all cement stab
ling; water and hydro; immediate
possession; full purchase price $20,- 000.00
BRICK POOLROOM, with 6-room living quarters, fully modern; 5 pool tables; tobacco; cigarettes; sundries; confectionery; stock and equipment
included in purchase price; cash or terms; immediate possession; moneymaker.
REPAIR “Garage; auto body shop;
paint shop; gas pumps; keeps seven
employees; turnover $200,000.00 annually; immediate possession; full
purchase price $20,000.00; half cash will handle.
For further particulars, contact:R. S. TOZER,Real Estate and General Insurance,Huron St., Mitchell Ont., Phone 353
ALVIN HANES, Salesman. Kirkton, Ontario WES BOSSENCE, Salesman7 Market Pl., Stratford, Ont., Phone .1(809 Evenings; 3115-W,Stratford, Ont. 19:26c
CEMENT BLOCK COTTAGE, 2-bed- room, almost new, nice kitchen. 2- piece bath, large living room, plaster- ed throughout, full basement; price
$4,000; immediate possession; terms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor. _____ 5
CENTRALIA—Brick duplex, comfortable accommodation for two families;
separate entrances; each has full kitchen and 3-piece bath; heavy
wiring; • price $7,000; $2,000 cash will handle, C. V. Pickard, Realtor, 5
FARM—Lots S20, 21, 38 and 39, Ex
eter, Ontario., 1st Concession Township of UsbcitnC, County of Huron.
For further information apply to
Canadian Canners Limited, Hamil-
ton, Ontario. ___________ 15:22:29c
BRICK HOUSE, 3-bedroom, hot air
furnace, 3-pieCe bath, nice location,
Huron st.; garage. William Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Salesman, 8tfc
I-IOME for a couple, plus an income.
Very well built 2*storey brick house
with 4 apartments, netting a good
inceme. See William Pearce, Realtor;
Earl Patsons, Fred cole, Salesmen,
Exeter. 8tfc
CLANDEBOYE — 2-bedrodm cottage,
almost new; modern kitchen and bathroem; hardwood floors; full base
ment; oil heated; price $5,600; $2,000 cash; balance in easy terms; immed-
7* Pickard, Real- tor, Main St., Exeter, 17tfc
NEW, MODEftN HOUSE with oil
furnace; east side of Exeter; close to schools, R. F. Balkwill, 47 John St.
Huron County. Trade well established. Excellent opportunity. Full time. Write at once. Rawleigh’s, Dept. A- 202-189, Montreal, P.Q.________19:260
ATTENTION! Have fun while you
work—selling Stanley Home Products on the party plan. Commission averages $50 - $75 weekly. Car helpful.
Phone 657-M Exeter.__________10:26*
Earn $54.00 Or More
Part or full-time opportunity in Huron County for a farmer or ambi
tious man with agricultural background. Age 25 - 50 preferred. Car essential. Take orders in exclusive territory. Be home every night. No
investment. We provide completo
training at home office plus field
Reply giving age. and experience
in first letter to:
2 Langarth St. W., London.
iately, for 2 or 3 months, in Dashwood home. Apply C. Andersen. phone 122, Dashwood, __________26*
SALESMAN, anxious to make a
place for himself and family;, exper
ience in sales work not necessary. The big qualification is that you must be willing to work. Your chances of advancement with our company are excellent. Please do not answer ad unless you have a car.
Write Box “R", Times-Advocate.19:26c
In the Estate of
Gordon Ernest Howse
All persons having claims against the Estate of Gordon Ernest Howse, late of R.C.A.F. Station, Centralia, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 5th day of August 1955. are hereby notified to send particulars of came to the undersigned at 2428a Bloor Street West, Toronto 9. on or before the first day of March,
1956, after which date the estate will be distributed, with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned* shall then have notice, and the undesigned shall not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall
not then have notice.DATED at Toronto this 13th day Of January, 1956.Cecil Edgar Howse, Adminstrator,
2428a Bloor Street West, Toronto & By pis solicitors,
Henderson & Murray,
25 Adelaide,;.StyeeL East, Toronto.19:2fa4
coast to coast, IGA brings you.
the finest foods at lowest
every-day prices. These sav
ings are made possible by the
tremendous buying power of
Canada's largest chain of food
-stores. The extra savings of
big buying power and big sales
volume, enables your IGA Re
tailer to sell foods to you at
extra-value prices. EVERY DAY
5-Star Specials
Peanut Butter
Libby's Beans
2 37c
Margarine.. 29c
Cake Mix 29 c• •
Corn Flakes. 23c
IGA Meats
■ Wing Steak
65s. lb.
Pork Tenderloin ...... 830
Sausage, Skinless .... 390
We Have CFPL-tV Matinee
Watch For Our Specials
Iti Thursday’s Free Fress