HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-01-12, Page 12w *THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 12< 1954.
US Migazine Visits Grand Bend
Summer Resort In Winter
(This description of Grand Bend
In "winter is from the January
Issue of Buick Magazine, a U.S.
(publication with a circulation of
SPEW 'PLACES in the world are
SO nearly deserted as a sum
mer resort in the winter time.
During warm weather the fam
ed Lake Huron resort of Grand
(Bend booms with more than 20.-
000 inhabitants—some transient,
and some permanent, at least for
the summer. On weekends and
holidays, thousands more swell
this number. But, comes the first
threat of cooler da.vs and longer
nights, the population begins tn
dwindle—slowly at first, and
then rapidlv.
tSnow fills the Dodgem pavil
ion. The hot dog. and ice cream
signs squeak in the snowv wind,
iforlornlv calling vanished pat
rons. Wooden cottages that not
Song before sheltered perspiring
vacationers now stand bare and
forgotten as snow slowly imbeds
them.(But some people stay at Grand
Bend. A faithful few maintain
that necessary link between sum
mer and summer. The winter
■population stays auite close to
the 650 figure. Many are car
penters, plumbers, and electri
cians who thrive during the win
ter. They make needed repairs
to the seven hundred cottages in
Grand Bend village, .and do what
ever new building is required for
another vacation season.
Vital Activities Continue
Vital activities continue, too.
Churches, stores, a few garages,
and doctors, all keen going. And,
•of course, the children go to the
public school, where more than
150 are enrolled. 'One hotel stays
open all winter, although the
■staff diminishes from twenty to I
three, and it’s here that the Lions I
Club meets twice each month.
But the Lakeview dance cas
ino, open every night during the
warm weather, is closed, Forty
attendants are on duty here on
summer nights, but now it cold
ly echoes to the footfalls of a
lone watchman.
The bathing beach is a glacial
graveyard. On balmy iSunday
evenings, hundreds sit on this
same beach and listen to the
band concerts.
But, perhaps the most start
ling and awesome thing of all
about a summer resort in the
winter is the quiet. Now and. then,
crunching ice sounds from the
beach. At Intervals, a carpenter’s
hammer rattles the crisp air. Oc
casionally, even the voices of
children at play break the still
But altogether these sounds
are only a few muffled decibels
of the happy clamor of Grand
Bend when summer is at its
Report On Grand Bend
Hensall District News
Thursday, Jan. 12
WOAA Hockey
(At Hensail If Mild)
Friday, Jan. 13, 2 p.m.
(A good chance for mothers to teach
Saturday, Jan. 14
Sunday, Jan. 15, 3:30 p.m.
Monday, Jan. 16
Junior Hockey
State Farm Mutual
on auto insurance
15% LESS
than rates charged by most
other companies for liability,
collision, and comprehen
sive coverage.
imunANce Phone 25-r-22, Lucan
Mr. Jerry Kading returned last
week to Ridgetown, where he is
attending Ridgetown Agricultural
College, after spending the holi
days at his home here.
Miss Betty Dalton returned to
London last week after spending
■the holidays at her home in
Mrs. Wm. Baker returned to
her home last week after attend
ing the past few weeks with her
daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Hicks in Kincardine.
Mr. and Mrs. Ervine Devine
and family and Mr. and Mrs. El
gin Adams and family snent Sat
urday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Devine, the occasion being a
birthdav dinner celebrating the
90th birthday of their grand
mother, Mrs. Ellen Des.iardine.
Mrs. Wm, Patterson returned
from Sarnia after spending the
holidays with her daughter. Mrs.
Roy Snott and Mr. iSeott, and «nn.
Mr. Warren Patterson and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Russell of
Hensa’ll snent 'Fridav with their
daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Bossenberry.
■Mr. and Mrs. Eric McIlroy and
Mrs. G. Ecoleston are snending
the winter month'; in Florida,
Mr.s. Mandell Mason has been
confined to her ‘home through il
lness for the past, two weeks.
Mrs. James Dalton attended
the funeral of her uncle, the late
Judge J. J. Coughlin, in Windsor
■on Saturday. Mrs. Dalton’s brother
and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs
ITosenh Coughlin of Owen Sound
returned with Mrs. Dalton from
the funeral and spent, the week
end with Mr. and (Mrs. ‘Dalton
and family.
New Yeai- visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer were Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Barr and family
of Sarnia and Mr. and Mrs. 'Geo,
Clarke and family of Thedford.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Baird snent
Sunday with their .son. William
in London, prior to his leaving
to 'take a ten weeks’ course in
electricity at the (Ryerson School
in Toronto.
Miss Barbara. Cutting returned
to Toronto last week where she
is taking a nurse’s course, after
spending the New Year’s holiday
with her ‘parents in town.
Dr. Judith Brigham returned
last week after spending the
Christmas holidays in Hamilton
and Louisville, Ky.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Walmsley,
London, visited with .Mrs. Walms
ley’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Man
ford Luther, over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Miller and
son, Jack, spent the Christmas
holidays in Florida, returning
home last week.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Herdman.
Helen and Anne of Exeter spent
Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. J.
Mrs. Willis 'Gi'll has accepted
a position as teacher in the Dash
wood Public School for the pres
ent term.
i Mrs. Geo. Oakes is visiting in
London this week.
Mrs. Lawrence Mason and Di
ane spent Thursday in London.
Miss Sheila Finan of St. Jos-
eph’s Hospital, London, spent the
weekend with her parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Earl Finan.
Miss Inez Desjardine spent the
weekend in Forest visiting with
her sister and brother-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Everett Desjardine.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Keown spent
a few days in London last week.
F/O, John Kowalchuck is tak
ing treatment ' In Westminster
Mrs. H. Wainwright spent Fri
day in London with her daughter,
Mrs. R. J. Book and daughters.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Whiteford
visited Mr. Wm. Gibson at Cor
bett. on Sunday.
Mrs. Wellwood Gill has been
confined to her home for the past
week through illness.
Mrs. Tony Schultz and daugh
ter Marion of Hamilton, are
spending a few daws with Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer.
Library Members
Read More Books
The annual library board meet
inc was held on Friday eveninc.
with Rev. W. C. Smith as chair
man, The financial statement was
dealt with and approved.
The renorts for the vear show
ed almost 25% of an increase in
membership fees over the previ
ous vear, and nearlv 200 more
readings, or 14% increase, In
spite of television, which has
served to decrease lihrarv read-
incs to a large extent in many
A disnlav of new books pur
chased for the vear wa.s set out.
among which are some of the
latest in fiction, non-fiction, both
secular and religious, and a num
ber of the latest in books for
teen-agers. Among seme of the
hooks displayed are The Tontine.
The Amberwell, Gift from tbe
Bea, A Night to Remember. Life
of Albert Schweitzer. Rower of
"Positive Thinking, by Vincent
Peale. God Love You hv Father
Fulton Sheen and Secret to Hap
piness bv Dr. Billie Graham.
These books alone with many
others on the shelves nromise
som® rich and deep thinkin0' and
readinfor the members during
the present vear
Grand "Rend Library also eniovc
the nriviDce of having an ex
change of hooks every three
months with Lamhton County
Lihrarv and every four months
with the Department of Educa
tion Travelling Idbrarv.
All residents of the district
are eligible for membership in
the library.
The election of officers for the
ensuing year was held when Mrs.
E. Keown was re-elected librarian
and secretary-treasurer, with Mrs.
L. Mason as assistant. Mr. C.
Reeves then took the chair, when
Rev. W. C. iSmith was re-elected
chairman of the board -for 19'56.
The meeting then adjourned.
Amber Rebekah Lodge Plans
The regular meeting of Amber
Rebekah Lodge No, 349 was held
on Wednesday evening with 'the
Noble Grand Mrs. Archie Mac
Gregor in the ehair.
Plans were made to hold a so
cial at the next meeting January
18, each member to invite a guest.
Arrangements were also made for
the anniversary of the Lodge
which is early in February. A
report of the C.P.T. committee
was given by the treasurer, "Mrs.
Sam Rannie.
Ladies’ Aid
The Ladies’ Aid of Carmel
Presbyterian Church met at the
home of Mrs, Clarence Reid on
Mondav afternoon with thirty-
one members in attendance. The
president, Mrs. Malcom Dougall,
presided. Mrs. Bonthron favoured
with a vocal solo. The treasurer’s
report was given by Mrs. W. R
Installs Officers
Rev. C. D. Daniel presided for
the installation of officers of the
Evening Auxiliary of the United
Church at their -meeting Monday
evening. The devotional was
token bv Mrs. Ron 'Mock, who
chose for her 'blieme "What God
means to me”. She was .assisted
bv Mrs. Dave Kyle, and Mrs.
(Brian Kyle.
Nelson McClinchev contributed
a Piano solo, and Mrs. E. Rowe
a humorous reading. Mrs. Ernest-
Chipchase, new president chaired
the meeting, and Mrs. S. Rannie.
past president was presented with
a life membership certificate and
pin. i
Cannel Ladies’ Guild '
Carmel Church Ladies Aid met
at the home of Mrs. Clarence
•Reid for their January meeting.
The meeting was in charge of
Mrs. Reid’s group. The devotion
al was taken by Mrs. Alex Mac
Gregor. Mrs. W. Sanster and Mrs.
Glenn Bell. A noem was given bv
the Rev. Donald MacDonald. Mrs.
James Bont'hron favoured with a
Mrs. R. Y. McLaren read a
sermonette-entitled ’’Blessed are
■the mire in heart”.
Mrs. Malcolm Dougall. new
president chaired the meetin.a.
Mrs. A. Kerslake as Girl Guide
representative was named to fill
a vacanev from the church Mrs
W. R„ Roll srave the ‘financial
statement showing a. substantial
balance. A wash room and faci
lities is to he installed in the
church basement early in the
Personal. Items
Mr and Mrs. A1»x Rharthouse.
and family of Ridgetown, spent
.Sunday with the latter’s mother,
Mrs. -Catherine Hedden and Herb.
Mr. William Kerr returned to
Malton this week after spending
the Christmas and New Year’s
Mr. Harold Bonthron was in
Toronto this week attending the
furniture convention.
Mrs. Edna 'Corbett of -Exeter
spent the week-end at the home
of -her daughter, Mrs. Edna
Mrs. A. W. Kerslake, who has
been confined to her home, with
an attack of infuenza is able to
be out again.
Mrs. Letitia iSangster who
spent the holidays at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Len Noak
es, returned to London last
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cook of
London called on relatives and
friends here on Saturday.
Mr. Casey Hudson and daugh
ter, Diane, of Goderich visited
with his mother, Mrs. George
Hudson on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Hudson and
family and Mrs. Olive Hudson,
all of London, spent Monday with
Mrs. George Hudson at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm.
Mr. Joe McCulley of Bruce-
field visited with Miss Hannah
Miss Greta Lammie and Mr.
and Mrs. Ray, Lammie and fam
ily of Centralia visited with Miss
Amv Lammie of London and
with Miss Glad vs Luker at Vic
toria Hospital, London.
Mrs. Alda Dinsdale has left
for California to spend the win
ter with her sisters.
OSCIA Program
Features Variety
A worthwhile program has
been arranged for the annual
meeting of the Ontario Soil and
■Crop Improvement Association,
January 24, 25, 26 and 27.
A wide range of topics will be
dealt with, some of which are
lang range weather forecasting;
our water resources are limited;
soil management with cash crops;
irrigation from all angles, and
agricultural outlook for 1956.
There will be short talks by
farmers handling pastures, Plus
other subjects related to soil and
crop improvement and the econo
mics involved. There will be
separate sessions for potato
.growers, seed growers and tur
nip growers.
Most of the meetings will be
held in the Coliseum, Exhibition
Park, Toronto, at the same time
and place as the Retail Farm
Equipment Show which is the
largest of its kind in Canada.
Comments About
• • •
Weekend Specials
Meat Specials
Blade Roast .................................................
Hamburg ......................I.................................. 290 Lb. :
Stewing Beef ..............................................., 450 Lb.
Short Rib Roast ............................................. 370 Lb.
Side Bacon, Cello Pkg........... ...................
... 470 Lb.
Weiners ....... 3 Lbs. $1.00
Sweet Pickle Cottage Rolls .......................... 450 Lb.
Grocery Specials
Maxwell House Coffee, 1-Lb. Bag
Orange Juice, 48-Oz. Tin ..............
Cohoe Salmon, Va-Lb. Tin ............
Nescafe, Large Jar .........................
White Beans, 2-Lb, Pkg. .............
Dainty White Rice/2-Lb. Pkg. ....
Salada Tea, 60's ............................
............ 990
............. 310
............ 360
.......... $1.65
............ 270
............. 290
............ 750
J And Meat Market
X Hensall Ontario
News Budget From
Topics From
Thames Road
Personal Items
Mr. Ed Francis, of Croswell,
Mich., and Mr, Ray Fletcher, of
Exeter, were Saturday visitors at
the homes of Messrs. Ed Coward
and Melvin Gardiner.
Mr. and Mrs. iRussell Morley
and Ralph, of Exeter, visited on
Thursday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Knight.
Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Jeffery
visited on Saturday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thomson,
of Woodham.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Knight
and Linda visited on Friday eve
ning with Mr. and Mrs. William
Miss Margaret Bray, London,
spent the weekend with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Godbolt,
Maxine and Lenore and Mrs.
Annie Godbolt, of Mitchell, were
Saturday evening guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris,
Susan and Bobby, of London,
were Saturday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard Harris.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Strapp, of
near London, Mr. and Mrs. Don
ald Bray and Robert were Sun
day evening guests with Mr. and
Mrs. John Bray.
W.A. And W.M.S.
The January meeting of the
W.A. and W.M.S. was held in the
basement of the church on Wed
nesday afternoon. Mrs. Reg Hod-
gert, president of the W.A., was
in charge of the meeting which
opened with a prayer for the
now year. Mrs, W. J. Moofes was
In charge of the installation of
officers for the W.A, and W.M.S,
’’The Call to the Mission of
the Church Through One’s Voca
tion” was given by Mrs. Moores
and Mrs. Wiseman. The topic,
"No Vanishing Race” (The In-
TL?c Ira
Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Snuire
rape Friday eveninr cuesta of
Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis, San tabu rv
Mr. an/i Mrs. Rav Parkinson
wore Friziqv avenins’ o-iia«ts of
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Willis.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Squire and
Dnno-las ware in T/nndon Sunday
with Mr and Mr.s. Dick Lamond.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Chanman.
Exeter, visited rcrcnt.lv with Mr.’
and Mrs. John Whelihan.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Squire were
Thursday visitors with Mr and
Mrs F. So H ire, Prospect.
The Massey famjilies of St.
Ma.rys were Sunday guests of Mr.
and Mr.s. Grafton Squire.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hodgson and
family visited on -Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodgson, Lon
Graham Thompson returned
home from St. Joseph’s Hospital
on Wednesday.
_ Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hern and
family, Woo-dham, visited on Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mor
ley Sr.- and Elva.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cunningham,
Clandeboye, were Monday visit
ors of Mr. and Mrs. Alton Neil.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnson
and Carol were in LLondon, Sun
day, visiting Howard Johnson,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Johnson
who had the misfortune several
weeks ago to break his leg and
is still a patient in the hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Flynn, Mitchell,
visiited recently with Mr. ana
Mrs. Hamilton Hodgins.'
Mr. and Mrs. Alton Neil were
in Exeter Sunday visiting the
latter’s father, Mr. Rawlings,
who is at the Heywood nursing
Te Euchre party on Friday
evening was in charge of Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Hodgson and Mr. and
Mrs. Linkman. Prizes went to
Mrs. Cecil Squire for ladies’ high Laverne Morley for men’s high’
Ross Duffield for lone hands,
and Mrs. Finlcbeiner, consolation.
Communion Sunday was ob
served in the Woodham United
Church on Sunday morning. Rev.
J. Slade, pastor, was in charge.
Hockey practice for the jun
iors was held on Thursday eve-
nine of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wheeler.
Verna and David, and Mr. and
Mrs. John iRodd were Mondav
visitors last weak with Mr. and
Mrs John -P. Cook of Arkona.
The married ladies and nre-
sehooi affp eh i Wen were given
the privilege of using the rink
the past two Wednesday after
noons. rPhis was much appreciat
ed hv the skaters.
Eniov Turkov Dinner
After choir nraetice Thursday
evening. the members of Wood
ham choir treated themselves to
a. tnrkev dinner which was held
in the basement of the church
Four new members were adde-d
to, the choir—Misses Mnriivn
’Brine. Ruth Homer. Marian Mc
Naughton an-d Jim McNaughton.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Chatten
had as 'their guests on Saturday
evening, Mr. and Mrs. Cowdry
and fam-ilv. of Kirkton.
Mrs. Harry Squire and habv.
Colleen Jeanette, returned home,
from -St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon
don, on Wednesday.
Assist In Library Concert
The senior pupils of Woodham
School assisted in the concert on
Friday evening in Kirkton Aber
deen Hall sponsored by -the Kirk-
'ton Library. Several musical
numbers and a dialogue, "The
Rest Room”, were given.
Rev. and Mrs. John Wheeler,
of Alienford, were New Year’s
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George
Donna Mills of the Teachers’
College, -London, and Donald
Morphy of the University of
Western Ontario, London, re
turned to their studies on Wed
nesday after two weeks holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rodd were
'Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Martin, of Tillsonburg.
Mr. John Tipping, a patient in
St. Mary’s Memorial Hospital, is
doing nicely.
The Evening Auxiliary of -the
Woodham Church held their an
nual supper and get-together on
Sunday evening in the church
■Mrs. George Squire, Whalen,
-is visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Squire this week.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Stephens on Sunday were
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Chisholm,
Mr. and Mrs. Mack Patterson,
Mrs. D. Stephens, of St. Marys,
an-d Mr. William Stephens, of
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Knight
returned home after spending a
few days with their son, Mr.
Lloyd Knight and Mrs. Knight,
of Winchelsea.
• Miss Helen Webber, London,
was a weekend visitor at her
home with Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Webb or.
A fast game of hockey was
played on the Woodham rink on
Monday evening between Mother-
well and Woodham. They were
tied 6-6 and played 10 minutes
overtime. Motherwell won 8-6.
Tlie January meeting of -the
Women’s Missionary Society was
'held at the (home of Mrs. Thos.
iS'cott ‘Sr. The president, Mrs. L.
'Sorsdahl, presided and opened
the meeting with -a New Year’s
poem. Mrs. Scott led in -the de
votional exercises assisted by
Mrs, Houghton and Mrs. Moore.
(Current events were given by
each member present.
The members of the Marian
iRitchie Society were .guests of
the McDougall Society of Knox
(Church, Mitchell, on Wednesday
evening. Those taking part in the
program were Mrs. Jas. Miller,
Mrs. Eldon Allen, Miss Olive
Speare and Misses Anita ■ and
Alice -Sorsdahl.
Miss Margaret Walker h a s
■taken a position in Victoria Hos
pital, London,
Mr. Tiros. Laing has purchased
the property recently vacated -by
‘Mr. and Mrs. Francis Glossop.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey at
tended the funeral of Mrs. Car-
ey’-s father, Mr. Taylor in Weston,
last week.
Miss Alice Howe has resumed
her studies at Wells’ Academy.
Pte. Alex Walker who has been
■on a month’s leave with his par
ents has returned to Wolseley
"Barracks, London for further
You Get All These
RCA Victor Advances
90’ Picture Tube.
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Look at the trim, uncluttered
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watch these clear, sharp RCA
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• Better Interlace.
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• • •• •••••••••••••a
Only $189.95
In Plain Metal Finish
Slightly Higher In Wood Finishes
Matching Table Base Slightly Extra
Phone 18 Exeter
Topics From
Klondyke Gardens Co-op
Enjoys Grand Bend Fete
Zion West Young. People met
on Mondav night at the school
house. Ruth Ann and Rov Dyke
man were in charge of the wor
ship service. Election of officers
was held with Rev. Slade as
Helen Herdman was named
nresldent with vice pres.. Roy
Dvkeman: sec. treas.. Doreen
Brock: pianists, Alma Hern and
DorL Brock.
Faith and Evangelism conven
ors. Ruth Ann and Lynda, Dvke
man: Stewardship and Training
convenors. Ronald and Lome
Hern: Citizenshin and Communi-
tv Service convenors, Edward and
Tom Hern: Mission and World
Outreach convenors. Fred Miller
and Margaret Brock; Recreation,
Harry Jaques and Doris Cornish.
Zion West W.M.iS. held their
monthly meeting on Wednesday
at the home of Mrs. Angus Earl.
Mrs. Tom Hern and Mrs. Warren
Brock had charge of the pro
gramme. Mrs. Harold Hern play
ed a piano instrumental.
Personal Items
Last week’s visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Ross Jaques and with
Mr. Daniel Nicks who lias been
ill, were,-Mr, and Mrs. Arnold
Anderson and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Herb Anderson, Lloyd and
George, Science Hill, Miss Jean
Wilson, Seaforth, Mr. Harold
Bell and Mr. Bill Routly, Blimvil-
le, Mr. Wilfred Herbert, Whalen,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Whelihan and
Pat, and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Chapman, Exeter.
Mr and Mrs. Lome Johns and
children were Saturday evening
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W.
D. Spence, Woodham.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques
and family visited Sunday even
ing with Mr. and Mrs. .Harold
Bell, El'imville.
Monday visitors with- Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Jaques were Misses
Sadie Anderson and Bertha Hod
gins, Kirkton and Mr, John Lam
bert and Sharon, Prospect Hill.
Jane Dykeman returned to her
duties at South Huron Hospital
after .spending the past few weeks
at home.
On Friday evening a banquet
was (held at t-he -Brenner House
at which 100 members of the
Klondyke Gardens Co-Operative Limited 'and their wives 'were in
attendance. Among special guests
dians), -was given -by Mrs. Moores
and Mrs. Wiseman,
Mrs. Milton McCurdy was in
charge of the program which
consisted of a pklne solo by Mrs.
Nelson Squire and a poem,
"Father Time”, by Mrs. Jack
Roll call was answered by the i
paying of fees.
were Jack Drennan of the 'Co-Op
erative Limited -and Markets
Branch of the Department of
Agriculture; Robert M cCubbin,
assistant Minister of Agriculture,
Ottawa; C. E. Janes, M.P. for
Lambton East and Gordon Math
ers of 'the United (Co-Operatives
of Ontario.
Mr. C. (Stockerman -acted as
master of ceremonies. Geo. <C.
Anspach of the Anspach Whole
sale Fruit nd Vegetable Markets,
Toronto, was guest speaker, The
program for -the evening ended
with community singing 'followed
by a dance.
By their nature alcoholic bev
erages cannot be treated aS ord
inary commodities. Personal, do
mestic and -social problems have
always been prevalent where in
dulgence in liquor (has 'been
practiced. Hence have come "con
trol systems,” designed to pro
tect t-he unwary,
It is illogical therefore to per
mit advertising of liquor by vest
ed interests. Such advertising of
fers unlimited appeal, reaching
to ■minors with whom drinking is
not only recognized universally
as undesirable, but is also con
trary to law.
■Constant pressure on this group
as exercised under present ad
vertising conditions -is unethical
and unjust. (advt.)
We Sold 2,000
Hart Batteries
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