HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-01-12, Page 10i THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 12, 1956
US Migazine Visits Grand Bend
Summer Resort In Winter
(This description of Grand Bend
in winter is from, the January
issue of Buick Magazine, a U.S.
publication with a circulation of
FEW PLAGES in the world are
nearly deserted as a sum
mer resort in the winter time.
During warm weather the fam
ed Lake Huron resort of Grand
Bend booms with more than 20,-
000 inhabitants-—some transient,
and some permanent, at least for
the summer. On weekends and
holidays, thousands more swell
this number. But, comes the first
threat of cooler days and longer
inights, the population begins to
then rapidly.
(Snow fills the
ion. The hot dog;
signs squeak in the snowy wind,
forlornly calling vanished pat
rons. Wooden cottages that not
long before sheltered perspiring
vacationers now stand bare and
forgotten as snow slowly imbeds
But some people stay at Grand
Bend. A faithful few maintain
that necessary link between sum
mer and summer. The winter
-population stays quite close to
(the 650 figure. Many are car
penters, plumbers, and electri
cians who thrive during the win
ter. They make needed repairs
to the seven hundred cottages in
Grand Bend village, and do what
ever new building is required for
another vacation season.
Vital Activities Continue
Vital activities continue, too.
•Churches, stores, a few garages,
and doctors, all keep going. And,
of course, the children go to the
public school, where more than
150 are enrolled. One hotel stays
open all winter, although the
■staff diminishes from twenty to
three, and it’s here that the Lions
Club meets twice each month.
But the Lakeview dance cas
ino, open every night during the
warm weather, is closed, Forty
attendants are on duty here on
summer nights, but now it cold
ly echoes to the footfalls of a
lone watchman.
The bathing beach is a glacial
graveyard. On balmy (Sunday
evenings, hundreds sit on this
same beach and listen to the
band concerts.
But, perhaps the most start
ling and awesome thing of all
about a summer resort in the
winter is the quiet. Now and then,
crunching ice sounds from the
beach. At intervals, a carpenter’s
hammer rattles the crisp air. Oc
casionally, even the voices of
children at play break the still
But altogether these sounds
are only a 'few muffled decibels
of the happy clamor of (Grand
Bend when summer is at its
at first, and
Dodgem pavil-
■and Ice cream
Thursday, Jan. 12
WOAA Hockey
(At Hensall If Mild)
Friday, Jan. 13, 2 p.m.
(A good chance for mothers to teach
Saturday, Jan. 14
Sunday, Jan. 15, 3:30 p.m.
Monday, Jan. 16
Junior Hockey
State Farm Mutual
on auto insurance
15% LESS
than rates charged by most
collision, and comprehen
sive coverage.
Lucan And District News
Report On Grand Bend
Mr. Jerry Kading returned last
week to Ridgetown, where he is
attending Ridgetown Agricultural
College, after spending the holi
days at bis home here.
Miss Betty Dalton returned to
London last week after spending
•the holidays at her home in
Mrs, Wm. Baker returned to
her home last week after spend
ing the past few weeks with her-
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Hicks in Kincardine.
Mr. and Mrs. Ervine Devine
and family and Mr. and Mrs, El
gin Adams and family spent Sat
urday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Devine, the occasion being a
birthday dinner celebrating the
90 th birthday of their grand
mother, Mrs. Ellen Desjardine.
Mrs. Wm. Patterson returned
from (Sarnia after spending t>he
holidays with her daughter, Mrs.
Roy Scott and Mr. Scott, and son,
Mr. Warren Patterson and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton iRussell of
Hensail spent Friday with their
■daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. 'Harry Bossenberry.
■Mr. and Mrs. Eric McIlroy and
Mrs. G. Ecoleston are spending
the winter months in Florida.
Mrs. Mansell Mason has been
confined to her home through il
lness for the past two weeks.
Mrs. James Dalton attended
the funeral of her uncle, the late
Judge J. J. Coughlin, in Windsor
on Saturday. Mrs. Dalton’s brother
and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Coughlin of Owen Sound
returned with 'Mrs. Dalton from
■the funeral and spent the week
end with Mr.
and family.
New Year
and Mrs. Wm.
and Mrs. Donald Barr and family
of Sarnia and Mr. and Mrs. Geo,
Clarke and family of Thedford.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Baird spent
Sunday with their son, William
in London, prior to his leaving
to 'take a ten weeks’ course in
electricity at the Ryerson. School
in Toronto.
Miss Barbara (Cutting returned
to Toronto last week where she
is taking a nurse’s course, after
spending the New Year’s holiday
with her parents in town.
Dr. Judith Brigham returned
last week after spending the
Christmas holidays in Hamilton
and Louisville, Ky.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Walmsley,
London, visited with Mrs. Walms
ley’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Man
ford Luther, over the weekend.
Miller and
eph’s Hospital, London, spent the
weekend with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Finan.
Miss Inez Desjardine spent the
weekend in Forest visiting with
her sister and brother-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Everett Desjardine.
Mr, and Mrs. E. Keown spent
a few days in London last week.
F/O. John Kowalchuck is tak
ing treatment in Westminster
Mrs. H. Wainwright spent Fri
day in London with her daughter,
Mrs. R, J. Book * ’
Mr. and Mrs.
visited Mr. Wm.
bett on Sunday.
Mrs. Wellwood Gill has been
confined to her home for the past
week through illness,
Mrs. Tony Schultz and daugh
ter Marion of Hamilton, are
spending a few days with Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer,
and daughters.
Jay Whiteford
Gibson at 'Cor
and Mrs. Dalton
visitors with Mr.
Sweitzer were iMr.
Library Members
Read More Books
The annual library board meet
ing was held on Friday evening,
with .Rev. W. C. Smith as chair
man. The financial statement was
dealt with and approved.
The reports for the year show
ed almost 25% of an increase in
membership fees over the previ
ous year,
spite of
served to
ings to a
A display of new books pur
chased for the year was set out,
among which are some of the
latest in fiction, non-fiction, both
secular and religious, and a num
ber of the latest in books for
teen-agers. Among some of the
books displayed are The Tontine,
The ■Amberwell, Gift from the
Sea, A Night to Remember, Life
of Albert Schweitzer, Power of
Positive Thinking, by Vincent
God Love You by Father
Sheen and Secret to Hap-
by Dr. Billie Graham,
books along with many
on the shelves promise
and nearly.. 200 more
or 14% increase, in
television, which has
decrease library read-
large extent »in many
Phone 25-r-22, Lucan
■Mr. and Mrs. Ray
son, Jack, spent t/he
holidays in Florida,
home last week.
Mr. and Mrs. S.
Helen and Anne of
Thursday with Mr.
Mrs. Willis 'Gill
teacher in the Dash-
School for the pres-
Exeter spent
and Mrs. J.
has accepted
Oakes is visiting in
some rich and deep thinking and
reading for the members during
the present year.
Grand Bend Library also enjoys
the privilige of having an
change of books every
months with Lambton
Library and every foui-
with the Department of
tion Travelling Library.
All residents of the
are eligible for
the library.
The election of
ensuing year was
E. Keown was re-elected librarian
and secretary-treasurer,' witb Mrs.
L. Mason as assistant. Mr. C.
Reeves then took the chair, when
Rev. W. C. Smith was re-elected
chairman of the board for 19'56.
The meeting then adjourned.
membership in
officers for the
held when Mrs.
a position as
wood Public
ent term.
Mrs. Geo.
London .this
Mrs. Lawrence Mason and Di
ane spent Thursday in London.
Miss iSheila Finan of .St. Jos-
This Week In
Weekend Specials
Meat Specials
Blade Roast .........................
Hamburg ..............................
Stewing Beef ......................
Short Rib Roast .................
Side Bacon, Cello Pkg.......
Weiners ................................
Sweet Pickle Cottage Rolls
... 350
... 290
... 450
... 370
... 470
3 Lbs, $1.00
....... 450 Lb.
Grocery Specials
Maxwell House Coffee, 1-Lb. Bag
Orange Juice, 48-Oz. Tin
Cohoe Salmon, Vz-Lb. Tin
Nescafe, Large Jar ...........
White Beans, 2-Lb, Pkg. ,
Dainty White Rice, 2-Lb. Pkg
Salada Tea, 60's
.. 990
.. 3y
. 360
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Squire
were Friday evening guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis, Sants-
Mr. and Mrs. Ray
were Friday evening
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil ._
Douglas were in London Sunday
With Mr and Mrs. Dick Lamond,
Mr. and Mrs., Gerald Chapman,
Exeter, visited recently with Mr.
and Mrs. John W'helihan.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Squire were
Thursday visitors with Mr
Mrs. F. Squire, Prospect.
The Massey families of
Marys were Sunday guests of
and Mrs. Grafton Squire.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hodgson
family visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodgson, Lon
Graham Thompson returned
home from St. Joseph’s Hospital
on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hern and
family, Woodham, visited on Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mor
ley Sr. and Elva.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cunningham,
Clandeboye, wore Monday visit
ors of Mr. and Mrs. Alton Noil.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnson
and Carol were in LLondon, Sun
day, visiting Howard Johnson,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Johnson
who had the misfortune several
weeks ago to break his leg and
is still a patient in the hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. P’lynn, Mitchell,
visited recently with Mr. and
Mrs. Hamilton Hodgins.
Tp Euchre party on Friday
pv was in charge of Mr. and
Roy Hodgson and Mr. and
T*’pkman. Prizes went to
qp’l Semi re for ladies’ high,
p Morley for men’s high,
Dvf’ipld for lone hands,
Pinkbe’ner, consolation.
guests of
Squire and
Gowns For Choir
Auxiliary Project
The W.A. of Lucan United
Church held their January meet
ing last Wednesday afternoon in
the church parlors. Twenty-six
members answered the roll call
by the payment of fees.
A discussion on gowns for the
junior choir resulted in the fol
lowing committee being appoint
ed to inquire into styles and
prices, Mrs. Dave Park, Mrs. C.
W. Parkinson, Mrs. Mel Culbert
and Mrs. Arthur Black.
To permit members from the
country to get home earlier, it
was decided to change the hour
of meeting from 2:30 to 2 p.m.
The date of the pot-luck sup
per was set for Wednesday,
January 25. Each member was
asked to include sufficient meat
for her own family in her dona
tion of food.
Five dollars was donated to
the War Memorial Children’s
Hospital from the flower commit
Mrs. John Park, who was
group convener, was assisted by
Mrs. Warner McRoberts in the
worship service.
Mrs. Arthur Black, who was
the guest speaker, spoke on seven
great women of the New Testa
ment: Mary, mother of Jesus,
Anna, Elizabeth, mother of John
the Baptist, Woman of Samaria,
Mary and Martha and Mary Mag-
Mrs. Black introduced her talk
by displaying a jug molded by
the women of Israel, filled with
water from the River Jordan,
scented with orange blossoms
and containing a scroll in He
brew, French and English.
Evening Auxiliary
The postponed December meet
ing of the United Church Eve
ning Auxiliary was held last
Thursday evening in the church
parlours with the president, Mrs.
D. Park, in the chair. Miss Reta
Chown was at the piano and
Mrs. Eldon Young’s group was in
charge of the program and re
Mrs. Young was assisted in the
worship service by Mrs. A. C.
Maguffin, Mrs. Ivan Hearn, Mrs.
Erie Young and Mrs. Bert
Thompson. A sing-song was en
joyed by all.
Church News
'Mr. J. P. Prest held his first
evening service last Sunday in
the Parish . Hall where he in
tends holding the evening ser
vices. Following the Litany he
gave an interesting and instruct
ive address on church symbols.
Owing to the extreme cold, there
was a small attendance.
London Winner
A ticket sold by Miss Beverly
Brooks to Mr. Don Young, 126
him the
doll and
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon
and family spent New
with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Brophey,
of Parkhill, and had as Saturday
guests, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hod
gins and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Carter, of Clandeboye.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Reilly
and Kathy, of London, spent last
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Haskett
were Monday guests with Mr.
Harvey Haskett and Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey McConachie, of London.
Mr. Thomas Dickins, Corning,
Sask., is visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Coleman. His sister,
Mrs. Frank Coates, and sister-in-
law, Mrs. Richard Dickins, of
Exeter, visited with him last
Thursday at tihe home of Mrs.
Coleman, who is also a sister.
Miss Dallas Hodgins has re
turned to London after spending
the holiday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Evan Hodgins.
Mr. Wilbert Revington,
Wes Revington
this week on a
'Mr. and Mrs.
and family with
Henry Hodgins,
■Guests with Mrs. Joe Murray
for New Year’s included Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Murray and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Zurbrigg and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Poole and family and Mrs. Mar
garet Stewart, all of London;
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coursey
and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar MeFalls.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins
with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll
and family, last Monday.
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Noels and
family, of Springfield, with Mrs.
William Dickins, on Monday.
Mrs. Fred Simpson, who has
been in St. Joseph’s Hospital
with a broken ankle, was able
to be taken to the home of her
granddaughter, Mrs. Harry Mc
Naughton, London.
Miss Marilyn Brownlee entered
Westervelt School, London, for a
business course last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Les Woodward
were sufficiently recovered from
an attack of the flu to accom
pany Mr. and Mrs. Irving Gibson
and Ronbie to Kippen last Mon
day for a New Year's dinner with
Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Jones.
There was no school in the
Lucan Public School last Mon
day morning owing to the burst
ing of a water pipe during the
extremely cold weekend,
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Perkins,
of Exeter, were Friday guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Culbert.
Elliott and Mrs.
attended a Credit
meeting in
Steal $400
From Elevator
Last Wednesday night thieves
broke into Scott’s grain elevator
and stole ?400 in cash and a
number of cheques. Constable
Donald Laughton is investigat
The owner, Mr. Erwin Scott,
has been in the habit of having
some employee take the money
home each night, but three times
in the past five months, in the
rush of business, lie neglected to
do so and twice the place was
Ave., London, worv.for
Auxiliary to the
and Glen left
motor trip to
Arthur Abbott
Mr. and Mrs.
on New Year’s.
Mr. H. B.
Irving Gibson
Union chapter
ton last Wednesday.
Twelve - year - old Terry
bert, sdn of Mr. and Mrs.
Culbert, will be confined to his
bed for the next two or three
weeks with an attack of pneu
Mrs. Robert Kew
Dies In Granton
Mrs. Robert Kew passed away
suddenly in Granton on New
Year’s Day in her eighty-second
year. Funeral services were held
Tuesday from her late residence,
.with Rev. R. A. C. Mills officiat
ing, assisted by Thomas G. Head,
Pall-bearers were Oscar Meters,
Walker Gibson, Carleton Ridley,
Roy Kew, Gordon Bell and Alvin
Mrs. Kew, the
annah Fulton, was the daughter
of the late^Mr. and ”
Fulton. After her
Robert Kew she lived on a farm
in Blanshard Township until 18
years ago when they moved to
Granton. Her husband prede
ceased her in 1949. She is sur
vived by one daughter, Mrs. B.
Nixon, and one son, Alan Kew,
both of Blanshard Township;
also nine grandchildren and 11
great grandchildren.
Man Found Unconscious
Mrs. John Casey received word
this week that her brother-in-
law, Mr, W. R. Rawley, of Cass
City, Mich., who has been stay
ing at a nursing home, was
found unconscious on a road five
miles from the home. How he
got there or how he was injured
is still a mystery. Mr. Rowley
was unconscious for 48 hours
and even yet can remember no
thing of what happened.
Holiday Visitors
Mrs. Barnby and her three
■daughters, Misses Vera, Jean and
Dorothy Barnby, Toronto, with
Mrs. T, D. Orme and Murray.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Sam Earle and
family, of Woodstock, Miss Betty
Lou Fortey, of London, and Mr.
Milton Robinson, London, week
end guests of Mr. and Mrs.
AC Billy Brownlee,
Brownlee and family with Brownlee’s parents, Group _ Q
tain and Mrs. Limberek, Ottawa,
for Christmas and with Mr. and
and Mrs. William Brownlee, of
Lucan for New Year’s.
Mr. Edward Fitzsimmons,
Joan and Eleanor and Mrs.
Walter Fitzsimmons, of Thorn
dale; R. Robinson, London, and
Mr. Eric Hodgins with Mr. and
Mrs. Evan Hodgins for Christ
mas. Mr. and Mrs. Hodgins and
family spent New Year’s with
Mr. Edward Fitzsimmons.
Mr. and
spent New
Mrs. Elgin
of London.
With Mr.
for Christmas were Mr. and Mrs.
Earle Carling and Leslie, Lon
don, and for the week, Terry
Walpole, of Kincardine. Mr. and
Mrs. Carling spent New Year’s
with Mr. and Mrs. 'Elmer Wal
pole, of Kincardine.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Black
and family spent (Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Barrow
clough, of Qshawa, and
Year’s with Mr. and Mrs.
Deyo, of London.
■Mrs. Warner McRoberts
Mr. and Mrs. Mac 'Lamond, of
Cromarty, for New Year’s.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold West
man, of 'London, with Mr.
Mrs. Allan Westman.
Mrs. Isabel Underwood
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Coursey
Miss Kate Bowyer with
don friends.
A'Cl Douglas Stone, now
tioned . in Alberta, with
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Banting
with Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Banting,
of 'Bowmanville.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Garrett
and family, Messrs. A. and Scott
Garrett with Mr. and Mrs. 'Cole
man, last Monday.
Now Year’s Dance
The (Lucan Ladies Auxiliary to
the Legion held their third an-
nal New Year’s dance in the
Community Memorial Centre last
weekend. Lunch was served from
11 to 12 p.m. Sunday evening,
followed by dancing to the Zur
ich orchestra until 4 a.m., Mon
day morning. All the committees
in charge were elated at the
success. They had hoped for an
attendance of 200 but there was
over 250 present. The substantial
net proceeds will go towards the
building fund.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Haskett
are spending a few days in To
ronto, where the former is at
tending the furniture convention.
Mrs. Eldon Hodgson has re
turned home after a week’s visit
with her sister, Mrs. Leia Beadle.
While there she celebrated Mrs.
Beadle’s birthday on January 3.
Mrs. M. Cranston is spending
part of the Winter with her
daughter, Mrs. Herb Gray, of
Mr, Alf Dickins, who under
went an operation in Victoria
Hospital, is making satisfactory
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Whyte and
family, of Bothwell, and Mr. and
Mrs. Eric Armstrong, of Dundas,
with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Whyte,
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Hodgins
and Joan have moved to London
for the winter.
former Sus-
Mrs. Thomas
marriage to
Mrs. A. M. Hedden
Year’s with Mr. and
Hedden and family,
and Mrs. Ira 'Carling
Trinity Auxiliary
Installs Officers
The meeting of Holy Trinity
Woman’s Auxiliary was held at
the home of Mrs. Irene Coursey
last Wednesday afternoon with
an attendance of 23. The presi
dent, Mrs. T. C. McFarlane, pre
sided with Mrs. C. W. Hawkshaw
at, the piano and Mrs. T, C. Mc
Farlane, Miss Gora Neil and
Miss Dina Abbott assisted as
hostesses. Mrs, Erwin Scott read
the scripture and Mrs. Harold
Corbett read an article on the
‘'Ever Useful Towel”,
The new rector, Rev, J.* P.
Prest, held an installation ser
vice for the officers, honorary
president, Mrs. J. P, Prest; presi
dent, Mrs. T. C. McFarlane; vice-
presidents, Mrs. Harold Corbett
and Miss Lina Abbott; secretary,
Mrs. Frank Hovey; treasurer,
Mrs. Jack Murdy, and Dorcas
secretary, Mrs. T. A. Hodgins,
Mr. Prest gave a short mess
age on New Year’s resolutions,
positive and negative. He urged
all present to share their talents.
An interesting letter from the
prayer partner, Miss L. Powell,
of Japan, was read.
Mrs. T. A. Hodgins read the
reauirements for the next bale
and members chose the articles
they would donate.
rca Victor
/7/» HURON
• • • • p ■ •••••••«
You Get All These
RCA Victor Advances
• 90° Picture Tube.
Struck By Auto,
Hunter Injured
Mr. Charles Windsor is a pa
tient in St. Joseph’s Hospital,
London, as a result of an acci
dent last Saturday afternoon.
With a party of four, he joined
a large group of hunters near
Tlderton to go rabbit hunting.
“He was standing about eight
feet off the road when two cars
collided at the intersection of
Con. 11, London, and the Camer
on sideroad. One car went out
of control, knocking Mr. Wind
sor to the ground, breaking his
right ankle and badly injuring
his shoulder. His gun was picked
up undamaged. No one in either
car was injured. Dr. C. H. George
attended Mr. Windsor.
Hockey News
The Lucan Irish chalked up
two more victories in the WOAA
Big Eight when they defeated
Watford 11-6 at Watford, Tues
day, January 3, and Ilderton 8-6
at Lucan, Friday, January 6.
39th Wedding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hardy of
Lucan celebrated their thirty
ninth wedding anniversary at a
family gathering at the home of
their daughter, Mrs. John Kin-
tore, on Tuesday. January 3.
Personal Items
Miss Gertrude White is stay
ing (with Parkhill friends for the
■Miss Marie Stanley, R.N., of
London, with her parents, Mr.
■and Mrs. IJ. F. Stanley.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Atkinson
spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald Atkinson and family, of
• Extra Sensitivity and Stability.
Better Brightness.
Better Contrast.
Better Interlace,
Easier Tuning.
Better Sound.
e • o
Phone 18
News of
Mr. Hiriam Thompson is im
proving in St. Joseph’s
He has been a patient
six weeks following a
Mr. and Mrs. Jack
and son, Joe, have taken up resi
dence in Cooksville, Ont.
Mrs. Fred Simpson was able
to leave St. Joseph’s Hospital on
Sunday and was removed to the
■home of her granddaughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry McNaughton,
London, Mrs. Simpson was a pat
ient in the hospital for two weeks
following an accident, when she
suffered a broken ankle.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morgan of
Leamington visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Simpson last week.
Mr. Mac. Harrison spent last
week at the Ontario Agricultur
al College, Guelph, with other
pupils from Medway School, Ar-
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Paton and
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bantins?
spent Friday, guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Paton, London.
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Sawyer of
Petrolia visited the latter’s moth
er Mrs. Emily Tomes and fam
ily on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mardlin
of Denfield were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Eaton for New
The Euchre Club held theii
party at Neils School on Friday
with 17 tables in play. The con
venors were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Joe
and Mrs. Lin Craven. T.he lucky
birthday date was Mr. Lin
W.M.S. and W.A. Meeting
The ladles of the Clandeboye,
United Church were entertained
by Mrs. Wilmer Scott for their
January meeting with 17 mem
bers present.
■Mrs. Katie Collins presided and
read a New Year’s story. The
roll call was answered by the
paying of fees.
Mrs. Rea Nell Is the new presi
Mrs. A. Mac Intosh, new ptesh
dent, presided for the W.A. meet
During the
was reported
in the church __ _______
finished and were satisfactory.
Plans were made for the congre
gational supper to be held on
Tuesday evening, January 17, in
the Sunday school room.
The winners were Mr.
• •••••• • ••••••••
Look at the trim, uncluttered
picture-frame styling..,
watch these clear, sharp RCA
Victor pictures .... then check
the price. You’ll agree
the RCA Victor “Huron”
is today’s outstanding buy
in 17-inch table model
Only $189.95
In Plain Metal Finish
Slightly Higher In Wood Finishes
Matching Table Base Slightly Extra
We Sold 2,000
Hart Batteries
In 7955 .
business session, It
that the windows
and vestibule were
there for
heart at-
and Mrs. Gordon
Compare Our Competitors' Prices
•• ■'fj;
z- -11
Check These Features
Genuine Hard-Rubber Case
Four-Year Warranty
Triple Water Level
Super-Active Plates
One for Every Make and Model