HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-01-05, Page 10THS TIMES APWCATSe 1XBTW ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY & 1956 *s Beauty Shoppe (South of Jack Smith Jeweller) Naturelie JPermwent Waving ‘ Lustron Cold Wave Dorothy G, Pfaff, Prop. Phone TUW Exeter Gram Says BACKACHE MaybeMhrninq , Bidykhe i» often caused by lazy kidney WKen kidrieya get out of order, •Meat acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest *r that tired-out and heavy-headed feeling aiaay soon follow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd’s stimulate the kidneys to norma! action. Then you feel better—sleep better—wwk better. Get Dodd’s Kidney Pills now. 51 Fourth Sister Joins Us By MARJORIE STEINER st Festive Holiday Gatherings In Exeter And Community V »LOOK 10 YEARS YOUNGER Your figure fells your «ge! A Splrella individually made Garment will make you look 10 years younger. THE WORLD'S GREATEST NAME IN CORSETRY Mrs. V. Armstrong 89 Anne St., Exeter Phone 135 Just before Christmas we re­ ceived such a nice letter from Mr®, Haist, three more, Oren tribwted. a number of splendid recipes, some of them prize-win­ ners, to our column. Her sisters and her mother, Mrs, Wellington Haist, urged Mrs. Listoen to send us a couple of her dessert recipes which are favorites with the family. We are sorry the recipes came too late to be used before Christmas but We are sure they will .be popular at any -.time of year. The Angel Pie recipe calls for • a meringue instead of a pastry shell. Angel Pie (Mrs. Lome Listoen) 1% cups granulated sugar *4 tsp. cream of tar tai’ 4 eggs separated 3 Tbsp, lemon juice 1 Tbsp, leimon rind (finely . grated) 1 pint heavy cream. -Sift together 1 cup sugar the cream of tartar. Beat whites until stiff but no-t Gradually add sugar mixture continue to beat until thoroughly blended. Use this meringue to line bottom ahd sides of well- greased 9 or 10 inch, pie plate, Hollow -out the centre being care­ ful not -to spread too close to rim of plate. Bake slow 275° oven for 1 'hour, then cool. Beat egg yolks s-lightly and stir in remaining % cup sugar, -lemon juice and rind. Cook in ■top of double boiler over boiling Lorne Listpen, -nee Doris of Centralia R.R. 2. Her sisters, Mrs, Aimer Pass- Mrs. Lloyd Jones and Mrs, Grace have already con- Water about 8-1Q minutes until very- thick. Det cW. Whip the cre-am and fold' % of it into the lemon filling. Use this to fill the -meringue shell. Cover with re- piaining whipped cream. .Cliill in refrigerator for 24 hours, 6-8. Jon and and Serves supper in ans- Jennie * #' * » Several suggestions for dishes have been received wer to our request. M-rs. Moore, who makes her home with (her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Snow of -the Thames- Road, sent us her recipe for fish chowder which •makes a good cold weather meal, Smoked haddock is suggested or -fresh fish may be used, Fish Chowder (Mrs, Jennie Moore.) slice salt pork cu-t in cubes onion cut in small pieces Brides - Elect l See the “Personally Yours” Album at The Times-Advacate and egg dry. and = Stokely's 15-Oz. „CREAM CORN RESOLVE STORE ^INTAINEO Will be AS HERETOFORE WE DO 7 far $1 for 23 c Brunswick Large 14-Oz. CHICKEN o AEn HADDIe ....... 6 for HOG for 95c 1 1 2 cups cubed potatoes several stalks celery 2 cups boiling water % tsp. salt 2.cups fish 2 cups hot milk dash of pepper % tsp. paprika. 'Cook pork until crisp (2 Tbsp, drippings may be substi­ tuted for pork.) Add onions to fat in soup kettle arid cook >5 min­ utes but do not brown. Add cubed potatoes and celery cut in .match­ like pieces. Add boiling water and salt and cook until potatoes are half-done. Add fish and sim­ mer 10 minutes. Add hot milk and seasonings. Now blend 2 Tbsps. bread flour and 2 Tbsp, butter. Add a few spoonfuls of chowder, stir until smooth then add to chowder and cook for 3 to 5 minutes longer. Add more milk if necessary to .get desired consistency. Serve with crackers. (Recipe serves 4 generously, * >k * * The Clandeboye Menuettes, a junior girl’s club whose .project is “Meat on the Menu” sent us a meat loaf recipe through our good friend, Mrs. James Paton. We appreciate -their interest and hope they’ll come again. Piquant Meat Loaf (Clandeboye Menuettes) % cup dry bread crumbs 1 cup milk 1^4 lb. ground beef 2 eggs slightly beaten - . U cup grated onion 1 tsp. salt % -tsp. pepper % tsp. (or -less) sage. iSoak crumbs in milk. Add beef, egg, onion and -seasonings. Pack lightly in pan. Spread sauce on top and bake 1% hours Serves 8. or 3 at 300°. • Kadana Brand 4 fift OOn TEA BAGS .. I UU for O£G Alien's 20-Oz. O apple juice .. C Any Variety, 10-Oz. CAMPBELL’S SOUPS .................... O Dr. Ballard's Animal HEALTH FOOD O Tins ................ v for31 C Sauce 3 Tbsp, brown .sugar, tomato catsup, % tsp. Spread over meat loaf baking. 4 Tbsp, nutmeg, before GROCERY QUALITY X COURTEOUS SERVICE MAIN L WELLINGTON •• EXETER ^37 A crushed aspirin tiblet ded to the water in which are going to wash cretonne covers ion''proves the material, brightens the colors, and pre­ vents them from running. Remove a screw which keeps working loose, dip the point iu glue, and replace immediately. ■ad- you Out of Town Mr. and Mrs. Cal Beckler, and Leigh in Port Elgin; ■Mr. and Mrs. Wm Jupp Joy in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson family in London. Mrs. Clara Wellington, in Lon- don with Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Elliott and family. Another •daughter, Miss Leona Welling? ton of Grand Junction, Colorado, was. home for Christmas. Mrs. Wm. Welsh, and ©on in London with Mr. ’ and Mrs, Lyle (Roberts. Three other daughters and their families were also present: Mr. and Mrs, Fred Nixon Of Flint, -Mich. Mr, and Mrs. Bill Hurst, -Sarnia, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. White, Toronto, Mrs. -Nixon spent a few days- in Exeter with her mother and Don, Mr. and»Mrs, Bruce Biggart and Barbara in Clinton. Dr. and Mrs. H. H, Cowen, and Peter, -Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cowen -and Debbie in London with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reynolds and -Susan, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Brady, ■Betty and Nancy in St. Thomas. Mr, and Mrs. Mo-se Beckler in Toronto. ■Dr. -and Mrs. F. Butson and family, near Mitchell with the -former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, Laurel 'Butson. Mr. and Mrs. L. -Butson, Mr and Mrs. James Cur­ tin and family of Dublin and Mr; ■and Mrs. Harris iBu-tson, Munro spent New Year’s with Dr. and Mrs. Butson. Hip. and Mrs. A. -O. Elliott and Mr/ and Mrs. Larry Snider with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Swim in London. They spent New Year’s with Mrs. Elliott’s brother, Mr. ■and Mrs. (Stanley- Tripp at Dut­ ton. Mr. and’ Mrs. Don Harris and Kenneth, of Woodstock and -Caro­ lyn in South River, Northern Ontario. Miss Nettie Keddy in Talbo't- vi-lle. Mr. Frank Coates with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Coate-s in I-I-ensall. Mr. and Mrs. Reynold Wuerth and Stephen with Mrs. Wuerth’s family in Strathroy. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hodgson and family with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hodgson and family - in Ridgetown. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Becker with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Koehler in -Zurich. t/l*' ♦ I i i i* f s « Hip]''iiiiff™ jLVloppets can punch the pillows, scramble the sheets and bunch the blankets, but when the war is over Tex-made is the winner. Long Wearing beautiful Tex-made sheets are the choice of Canadian homemakers 5 to 1. Plain, fitted, coloured or striped, in qualities to fit fevety budget. Every bedroom in your home, a showroom, with Tex-made sheets—-yours for years.- SoM at better tfont* everywfier» DOMINION TEXTILE COMPANY LIMITED Show Relics At Hurondale At the -Christmas meeting of 'Hurondale Women’s Institute Mrs. Alvin Moir showed souy^n- irs she had collected on her re­ cent trip to England and the con­ tinent. The singing of carols, Christ­ mas readings by Mrs. Wilfred Hunk-in and Mrs. Wm. Rowcl-iffe and quartet numbers by Mrs. J-as. Kirkland, Mrs. Wim. Sillery, Mrs. Hugh Love and Mrs. W-m. Ether- ington constituted the program convened by Mrs. Les Gibson. Mrs. Mac Hodg-ert presided over the business session in t-he ab­ sence of the president, Mrs. H. H. Strang, swered by resolution, was given by Mrs. H-ugh Love. It was decided to assist t-he Exeter Drama Club in the sale of tickets for their next play .“No Rhyme or Reason” to be presented in February. In a Dutch -auction Mrs. -Le-s Gibson won -a wool blanket. The meeting was held at -the home of Mrs. Alvin Moir and the January meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Kernick. “Jills’* Plan Sewing The fourth meeting of the Hur­ ondale “Jolly. Jills” Club was held at the home of -the leader, Mrs. Arthur R-undle, on Tuesday, December 30 with seventeen girls present. -Discussion was led by Mrs. -Rundle on materials for blouses, ■prepa-ratibri of the material (pre- -shrin-kiing and straightening) and the use of patterns. Mrs. Tuckey, assistant leader, gave a demonstration on pinning pattern to •material and cutting out blouse material. (Cookies were served to -the meeting. The roll call was an- g-iving a New Year’s The hospital report close Eastern Star > Society Exeter Chapter -O.lE.lS. held its annual Christmas party on Wed­ nesday evening .with Mrs. Jack Dickins, worthy matron, and Mr. Maurice Qu-ance, worthy patron, presiding. It was repotted that a donation of $10,010' ahd used clothing had been sent to the -Children’s Aid Society at Goderich. -Following the business, San-la Claus arrived, in the person of Mr. Allah Fraser, and distributed gifte ftoim a gaily decorated tree, to all who .were present. Mr, Lawrence Wein, led in the sing­ ing of Christmas carols. Special Vocal selections were given by Mrs. Ron Squire and Mr, Lloy-d Hodgson. Impromptu numbers were, a duet by the worthy matron and worthy patron, a duet by Mrs. Erhie Jones And Mrs. Sandy Ness who had come for the Oc­ casion from ..their -respective homes in Applewood Acres and pt. Credit. The Star points favored with- a chorus. A Dutch auction of a chicken, donated by Mr. and Mrs. wm.- BOl-L was WOn by Mrs. Ron: Squire. Mr. and Mrs. 'C. M. Farrow, Michael -and Jane in Be-amsville. Mrs. pearl Rowles 'iu St. [ Thomas with her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. E. Lindenfield with Mr, -and Mrs. Nonrian Floody in Windsor for Christmas and New Years. Mr. and Mrs. David Millar in F Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. W. . G. ft Turnbull and family. Dr. R. W. and Mrs. Read and family in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stone with , Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Stewart in London for Christmas, Miss Ger- trude Stewart Mr. and Mrs. New Year’s. Mr. and Mrs. and Elizabeth, New Year holidays in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Lex McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Bob McDonald, Mrs. Hugh Parsons, Grant and Gary McDonald in Glencoe with the former’^ daughter, Mr. aqd Mrs, Frank Pierce. Mr. and- Mrs. Pier­ ce were in Exeter for New Year’s. In Town Miss Marguerite Pickard, _Miss Trudy Pickard, “ - - W. H. * “ Guelph with Pickard. Miss Helen 'her -mother, Peter .Cowen, -St, Andrew’s -Col­ lege, Aurora with his parents, iDr. and Mrs. -H. H. Cowen. Miss Marie .Hodgson of Mac­ Donald Institute Guelph with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H'. Hodgson. Rev. -R, E. and Mrs. 'S-outh- c-ot-t, -Oil -City, and Mr. -and M-rs. Jack iSouthcott, London/ with Mr. T. O. iSouthcott -and Mi-ss- Stella iSouthcott. •Miss Joan Thomson, Macdon­ ald Institute Guelph, -with her ■parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tyndall, Mt. Bridges and Mr. and M-rs. Laver­ ne iStone -and -family of Kirk-ton with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. -Squire. M-r. and Mrs. Jack Robertson ■and Ann of Galt, Misses -Isabel •and Alice Taylor of London with Mr. and Mrs. Lloy-d Taylor; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hills, By­ ron, with Mr. and Mrs. Taylor; Mrs. Beatrice Tate of down with Mr. and Mrs. Finkbeiner and Mr. ________ Jack Fuller over the holidays. Mrs. D-avid Walcott and fam­ ily of Vancouver, Mr. and Mrs. James Pringle, a-nd family of S-t. Catharines and John of London with Mr. and Mrs. -Ralph Hick-s. Mrs. Wa-lcott and family -are spending several weeks wi-th her parents. Mr. -and Mrs. T. J. Page Tom­ my, Teddy and -Paul -of Lyn­ wood, California; Mr an’d M-rs, Gordon Matting-ley Douglas and Ju-dy of iS-ar-nia, Mr, and Mrs. <C-h-as> Cox, Pat and Sandra, Nia­ gara Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hannigan, Randy and Johnny of Waterloo, Mr. -and Mrs. Wm. Jef­ feries, Burlington, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ho-ltzman and Cathy -of t-o'wn and Messrs. Ewart and Mac (Cornish of Clinton with Mrs. Mary Hannigan. Mrs. Hannigan returned with the Page family on. Wednesday to California to visit for a few weeks. Mr. Sylvan-us Cann, Bayfield, Mr. and Mrs. James iC-ann, Guelph with M-r. and Mrs. Robert 'Ostler. Cpl A. and Mrs. Hor-ton and Larry of Alli-ston, and Mr. Pat (Hennessey with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hennessey. Mr. Pat Benjamin of C-ha-t-ham was a ’ visitor for -the holiday week. Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Werner and family, of London, with and Mrs. 'R. E. -Russell. Mr. Bruce Cudmore, of Thomas, with his parents, and Mrs. Mervin Cudmore. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Wuerth Susan, of ’London, with Mr. Mrs. Alf Yhterth'. iRay 'SnOll, -and failhily, Cpl. .and Mrs. Ja"ck -Smith -and so-n of Al- listen, Mr. and Mrs. George -Snell of ’Seaforth and Mr. and Mrs. John iSnell -of -Dashwood -with Mr. and Mrs. -Wm. -Snell. Mi1, and Mrs. W. J. Plumsteel and Miss Eleanor of Climtio-n -with ’Rev. and Mrs. H. J. ,Snell. Mr. -and Mrs. V. L. (Roul-ston and daughters with Mir-s. -G. F. iR-oulston and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Howald. • Mj*. and Mrs. Wm. -Pot-tell -and Mr. -and Mrs. Fred Martin -and Miss N-orene, .all of W-allaceburg wi-th Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Martin. Miss -Gertrude (Beaver, Detroit and Mr. Howard Beaver, Hamil­ ton with relatives in Exeter and Credi-ton. Mr. and Mrs. ’Harry Parsons, Janis and Bradley, -Detroit, .with ■relatives. Mr. -and Mrs. -Chas. Reaves and family, Seaforth, Mr. -and Mrs. Chas. Salter and Jane, Win-gham And Mr. arid Mt-S. Fred Rigby Of Galt with Miss Meta -Salter. Mr. -and, Mrs. Arthur La Chan­ ce with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. -Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Jones, Kitch­ ener, With Mr. and.Mrs. J. H. jofies. Mr. -and Mrs. Clarerice Haw­ kins and Leonard of 'Anderson With Mr; and Mrs. Maurice Quan- ce and Clifford. Mr. and Mrs, Alex MeBeath arid boys, Kipperi, Mr. arid Mrs. Hugh IJendrlck and girls and Mr; and Mrs- Wilfred Hunkin with Mr. -and Mrs. Alfred Hunkin. Mr. and Mrs. iSim Pollen of Mint, Mich. With the former’s mother, Mrs; Arthur Mitchell. Mr. and Mfrs. B. W. F. Beavers With Mr. ahd Mrs. Lloyd Beavers and family ih Detroit. Lac rind Mte. ft M-riillet and Tony hf Orillia with Mr. arid Mrs. Melviri King. of London with W. H. Stone for J. Goman, Susan Christmas and and London, Prof. Mrs. Waddell of Mr, and Mrs. C. V. Sweet, Toronto with Mrs. Muriel Sweet. Mrs1, Lome Finkbeiner, Miss Nellie Hotson, and Miss Erma Finkbeiner, London Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Rosser and family of Stratford, Mr. anb Mrs. E, E. Wuerth of Zurich, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Finkbeiner and family of Shipka with Mrs. Ernest Keyes. Mr, arid Mrs, E. F. MbNamarh and Bryan, Mr. and Mrs. D. W, Buckner and’ Mark, Windsor with Mr. and Mrs, EWart Pym. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Dearing, Sarnia, with Mr, and Mrs, Frank Taylor and family, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Margison, Bob, Barry, and Alan, Mr. and Mrs. John Grundins and Jim MacDonald of London. Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Skinner, Edward and Frances, of Elimville and. Miss1 Norma Greer with Mrs, Ed Johns; Mrs. Johns spent New Years in London. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walker and daughter, Jane, of Milton, with Mr. and Mrs, H. Bierling. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dennis and Jon of Hollywood Cal, Mr. Ted Wilson and Darlene of Lon­ don, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wilson of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wilson. Mr. and-' Mrs. Dennis left by plane for their home in Cal­ ifornia on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Kestle, Susan and Janice of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Rufus. Kestle. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Warwick Gary and Terry Lee of Port Huron with Mr. and Mrs. Clark Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Taylor and David of Sarnia with Mr. and Mrs. Hector Taylor. Mr. Frank Whilsmith, Marilyn, Donald and Graham, Toronto, with the former’s mother, Mrs. for Moke 1956 A ,c Eve- arid with the former’s1 mother, Frank Whilsmith. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Gibson, lyn and Gordon with Mr. Mrs. A. B. Idle. Alberta still has some 30,000,- 000 acres of unoccupied land1 suitable for cultivation. Wedding Invitations Serviettes •— Coasters — Gift Ideas Hose, Slips, Handbags, Umbrellas, Scarfs, Panties, Slippers, Etc. — All Greatly Reduced Jackets 25% Off THIS SALE IS STORE WIDE r Our Entire Staff MRS. BOYLE MRS. FRAYNE AND THE McKNIGHT FAMILY wish everyone a Most Prosperous fir Happy 1956 EXETER FROM PHONE 331-J James Water- Dalton and 'Mrs. At McK nights Ladies Wear Starts January 5 May we take this opportunity- to thank you -one and all for your kind patronage during 1955 and to, broad­ cast our annual New Year’s Clearance Sale with values never before offered. Dresses ) Skirts J Housedresses 2 for $5.00 Blouses j 25% Sweaters j Off Housecoats V3 Off