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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-01-05, Page 4
4 James St. Class Visits Orphanage W L. O. G. To-un-g ladles and young men’s class of Jaiiiee St. United Church with their teaeh- ■er, Mrs. C. Fletcher, visited We Froteetant Orphanage, Loin* «ion, on. Thursday evening, Decern- Ibeir 22. After singing Christmas carols the group was shown through the Home. After ihe presentation ¥f gifts, to the inmates the class motored to Lambeth tp view the. Chrfetm-as deoorafrions. They re turned to the home of Mrs. Flet- ipher for lunch. Portable At The Exeter Times-Advocate By MRS. F. HORNE <and Rus- have past and Alex This Week In Winchelsea Mrs. Wil- with Letter From Crediton East By MRS. W. MOTZ SALE girl THE TIMES ADVOCATE, EXETEJt, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 5, 1»M Install Legion Officers In Special Ceremony Reg McDonald, an army veter an who ‘served in Holland and Germany in the second world war, was installed as president of Ex eter Branch, Canadian Legion, at an official ceremony in the vet erans’ huh Thursday, Pec. 29. The branch’s vice-presidents are Harold Holtzman and Graham Mason, both World War H veter ans. Garnet Shipman is sergeant at arms; Stuart Pick, secretary;, and Albert Qstland, treasurer. Members of the executive in clude Max Harness, past presi dent: Cliff Brintnell, Bob Sanders, Harold Kelson, Gerald Lawson, Jack Cutting, William Gerry Campbell, Herb and Tom McMillan,Rev. N. D. Knox is the chap lain and his assistant is Rev. exander Rapson. Mayor R. Pooley, a past president of branch, was named Pirector Ceremonies. The installation was conducted by Ches Merrjan, Tara, and Geo rge Inglis, Clifford, both district Legion officials. The branch approved a $300 donation to the Exeter Minor Ath- letic Association to assist in spon soring hockey and baseball for boys. The program is also sup ported by Exeter Lions and Kins men. The Association asked for 5500 for each organisation hut the Legion felt this was too much. The branch sponsored cessful New Year’s dance midnight which attracted hundred patrons, duck and Bob Sanders were in a suc- Sunday several Cutting charge. Lawson, .Johnson, Winkler Al- E. the of ^*«>iiiiitiiiiM*<>iHiiiii>iiHiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiimii«Mi>iiiiiiimiii>m>iiiiiiiiiHii!iiiiiiiniiiiiii>iiii>iii*«nu<">|i||||,"4L 2 = DRY-CLEANING Outline Program To Huron Officials Huron 'County officials will learn about the proposed new regional promotion program at a meeting sponsored by (Huron Count y Industrial Promotion -Board in -Clinton January 11, A, V. Crate, of Industry Branch, Planning and Development, will outline the new regional organ ization, which involves the coun ties of Huron, Perth, Wellington and Waterloo. Each of the county councils and the urban munici palities are being asked to con tribute towards a $15,00 budget to finance a full-time promotor for industry. Huron County Chairman R. D. Jermyn, of Exeter, will preside for the meeting, which will be attended by heads of all munici palities and industrial represent atives. 4 Miss L. Sweet Exeter Native Miss Louise Sweet, a native , Exeter and resident of Tillson- burg for the past 35 years, pass ed away on Monday, December 26. Miss Sweet was the. daughter' of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Sweet of town. She, with her two Sisters, Charlotte and. Ethel, established a millinery and dress making shop in Tillsouhurg. 'Surviving are one sister, Miss Ethel, in Tiljsonburg; two bro thers, Theodore, St. Catharines, and Robert, of Winnipeg. The funeral was conducted from the funeral home in Tillson- burg Wednesday with interment in Exeter cemetery. * of on. Wednesday, the Trade and Department oi Comments About Crediton By SIRS. J. WOODALL 75c FRASER BROS. DRY CLEANERS Vernon Schatz DASHWOOD .......... . NOT IMPRESSIVE Normal young people love to drive cars. But as a class, even without alcohol, their driving re cord is riot impressive. Indeed, theirs is the worst record of ’all age groups. The “no-alcohol" rule universal ly enforced in athletics transpor tation and industry, is based on sound scientific research into the actual effects of drinking. Fati gue is one very important effect, but only one. Alcohol blurs visions ,and interferes with skills invol ving split-second timing and good judgment. Reaction time is in creased and gross errors are made in judging spe'eds and distance. Little wonder that alcohol is responsible for one out of five fatal traffic accidents in the United, States, and that drinking drivers are involved in upwards of 50 per cent of highway crashes in Ontario,— (Advt.) ?©>' STY It OFz- opportunity to buy Canada’s finest 4 J® ----------------------------- WARREN k. cook suits CUSTOM TAILORED TO YOUR ORDER ................. '.................................................... ... ----------------— SWiSi S^iS?. iWSGS.;) SW iS5t«SK4 iftW/l'rMrSl IW&WJZ i05®!SSr£itf ss’iws? WdSlM Afl'.WX-d?! ■•A'SiSrSllwt-’.'iJSrSg W£wsQRSS&5'Sfe; : fujiimisasw ijsjfjSfaww.’e? asfiffiSiwsi Mw.'jisiiaaa •*d*’ TAILORED j Here is your standard of quality Vernon Schatz$ Dashwood, Ont. tailored clothes at a very substantial discount. Come in today while the selection is varied i, »i iVXSW.'i BSSrSSi ♦W'XwKWS litf^-^K-; mwawsi ivXvWUw vifeSK’ilSK'! WaWWS wj'-srew: JWW warn W%W.' ____ wwsw wawjwitiww ■WM WAW. LAST LENGTH CLEARANCE imported SUITINGS Every suit sold in this sale is hand-tailored and finely-detailed to the regular Warren K. Cook high United Church Concert The United Church School concert, convened by Mrs. L. Preszcator, was held Thursday evening, December 22. Rev. A, Rapson was chairman and parts in the different exercises, drills and recitations were all well taken. The exercise, "Signs Of Christmas”, closed with the manger scene in the background while Connie Jackson enacted the pantomime "Silent Night”. Crediton W,I. The W.I. Christmas meeting was held in the Community Centre with the president, Mrs. R. Motz, presiding. Roll call was answered with a collection for the Children’s Aid Society which amounted to over ten dollars. Mrs, E. Lamport was appointed a representative to the Ladies’ Auxiliary of South Huron Hos pital. Mrs. -Gordon Morlock presided for the following program, read ings by Mrs. N. Schenk, Mrs. E. -Neil and Mrs. E. Lamport; vocal solo by Miss Stobo; vocal trio by Mrs. R. King, Irene King and Sandra Finkbeiner. Mrs. I. Fink- beiner spoke on "Origin of Christmas Carols”. Carols were sung and gifts exchanged. Holiday Visitors In Town Mr. and Mrs. Russell Clark, of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. J. Schroe der, of London; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dale and sons, Brampton, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. William Bennin- gei’ and daughter and Mr, and Mrs. George Vincent with Mrs. S. Lamport. .Robert Wolfe, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wolfe sons, of Exeter, with Mr. Mrs. A. Wolfe. Mr.. and Mrs. Ivan Grigg Rickey and Mr. and Mrs. _ Appleton, Grand Bend, with Mr. and Mrs. L. Gaiser. Rev. F. Faist, Mrs. Faist and family and Mrs. Pauline Ness,., of Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. E,1' Faist. Mr. and Mrs. H. Renny and Morris, of Detroit, with Mrs. J. Hirtzel and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Fahrner, Toronto, and Mr. arid Mrs. Wall ace Fahrner and family, London, with Mr. and Mrs. E. K, Fahrner. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schenk and daughters, of Ancaster, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Schenk. Mr. and Mrs. A. Robertson and daughter, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Beaver. Miss Lulu Morlock, Windsor, with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mor lock and Miss Ella Morlock. Mr. and ■ Mrs. Grant Roeszler and Carmen Rosezler, .of London; Mr. and Mrs. Don Bell, Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. Matthew England, of Hensail, at the home of Mrs. William Roeszler. Mr* and Mrs. Martin Morlock, of Galt, with Mrs, H. Young and Mr, A. Morlock. Miss Gertrude Beaver, of De troit; Mr. Howard Beaver, of .Hamilton, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. .Beaver. Rev. W. Kritz, of Dashwood, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Wenzel. Mr. Art Bailey, gt, Catharines, with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Radford, Mr. and Mrs. William Wood- all and daughters, of Windsor, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Woodall. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Haviland and family, of Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Haviland. Mr. Royal Haist, of Chicago, visited with his father, Mr. H. Haist, and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. Sisson and family, of Montreal, with Mrs. Mrs. Sisson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. England. . Mr. and Mrs. J. Finkbeiner spent Sunday in London. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wenzel visited in London on Sunday. 'Rev. and Mrs. G. Strome spent a few days in Kitchener. Dr, Lulu Gaiser and her fa ther, Mr. William Gaiser, Sr., left last week for Florida, where they will spend the winter. Mr. E. Gettinger left Monday for Chicago where he will spend some months. Mr. and Mrs, Herb Fahrner spent the holiday in London. Mr. and Mrs. S. Wuerth spent Sun day in Monkton. Mr. and Mrs. C. Radford and Shirley visited in Blyth on Monday, Mr. Fred Braver, of New York attended the funeral of his bro ther, William Beaver, In Credi ton on Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. William Oest- richer attended the funeral of Mrk. Oestreicher’s ‘brother in Blyth on Monday. William Beaver Dies In London Mr. William Beaver, bom near Crediton and who had lived in London for' the past ten years, died In London hospital On Fri- and and and and G. Plan Services For Prayer The week of Prayer services' Will be held in Exeter next week beginning Monday evening, Jan uary 9 and continuing to Friday, January 13. These services are held, under the auspices of the Exeter Min isterial Association and will fol low the program as outlined by the Canadian Council of Churches, The theme for the week is "The Evangel is Christ." The schedule as named by the ministerial association: Monday—Caven church; theme— ■Evangelism; preacher Rev. H. J, Bnell, Tuesday--Main St.; them e— The Evangelism of Christ; preach er Rev. H. Fikse, London. Wednesday-Main St.; theme- "God is the loser, man the lost"; preacher Rev. S. Kerr, Thursday -- Trivitt Memorial; itheme-“Man Found by Christ”; preacher Rev. A. Rapson. Friday--James St.; theme — Call to Evangelism; preacher Rev. N. D. Knox. CJiristmas visitors in the com munity were, Mr. and Mrs. Har old Clarke tand Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Bev. Morgan and boys. of Thames Road with Mr. and Mrs. ■Newton Clarke. Mr. -and Mrs. Harry Sparling •and Hazel of London, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ford of Kitchen er, Mr. and Mrs. Newman Baker of Wellburn, Mr. and Mrs. W. Dickey and family of Woiodham, •and Mrs. James Home with Mrs. Harry Ford and Gordon and Mr. •and Mrs. Freeman Horne family. Mrs E. Walters, Mr. and Bill Brock and family, Miss ma Walters, all of London, Fred Walters. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Skinner and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Skinner and children of iSt. Paul’s with Mr and Mrs. 'Elson Lynn .and family. Mrs. Nelson iClarke of Farqu har, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clarke and boys of 'Sunshine Line with 'Mr. and Mrs. William Walters. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Denham and Barry of Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Armstrong of near Hen sail with Mr. and Mrs. W. F, Batten. Mrs. W- Veal of Exeter with Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Kersla'ke. Holiday Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. 'Smith and Alan with their families in 'Orillia and Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wein, of Pankhill, with the former’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wein. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz with Mr. and-Mrs. W-nf. Horney in Ex eter. Miss Marcia (Smith, of Exeter, with her -grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. iBaynham. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Edwards and Plane, of Walkerton, with Mr. and Mrs. iSam Sims. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Glanville Sr., of Manitoulin Island, been visiting here for the month. Mr. and Mrs. H. Lewis Eb er with Mr. and Mrs. omilton, Grand Bend. Mrs. S. Ba.ynham and son sell and Marcia Smith with 'Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Baynham, ■Hensail. Mr. Chas. Anderson is holiday ing with Mr. and Mrs. Jack derson in Windsor. Discussing the question choosing colleges, a 'bright .suggested; "First, you -decide whether to go to a coeducational or an educational one." day at the age of 78 years. Ke was unmarried and was a vete ran of World War 1. Surviving are four brothers, Harry and Edwin, of Crediton, Herbert, of Stephen township, and Fred, of New York, and one sister, Clara, of Stephen. The funeral was held from the Hoffman funeral home, Dash wood, on Tuesday and was con ducted by Rev. Glen Strome. In terment was in Crediton ceme tery. Walpers PRESENT THE GREATEST EVER Three Exclusive OVER 300 PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM Tailors Choice Of The House Sale W. R. JOHNSON'S LEISHMANS CLOTHES OF DISTINCTION 20^o Off FREE PANTS LIMITED TIME ONLY ACT NOW! Big Savings! Bargains On SPORT SHIRTS TOPCOATS WINTER JACKETS WALPER’S MEN'S WEAR Phone 81 Exeter