HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-01-05, Page 3GIN6ERICH'S<ZM, HEATING" ENGINEER. Happy New Year j VOCAL HUOiMAUJ IM, / WE ALWAYS SHOW APPRECIATION f FOR ANY PLUMBING invitation And Thank You FOR YOUR KIND PATRONAGE IN 1955 (fatattoC GINGERICHS Heating-Lighting-Plumbing oil burning-air conditioning EQUIPMENT&SUPPUES electrical repairing MOTOR REWINDING Happy New Year from YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR New Year Prospects Are Bright FUTURE GAMES Milverton at ‘ Forest10— Exeter at strathrpy 11— Forest at Milverton THE TIMES ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 5, 1»M Mo­ win £ s defenceman marry Doak showed up well in his first appearance with 'the team this season. Gar maker was back between the pipes after a three-'gaxne absence- j Bow-Par Cleans Right Through — No Residue Will 1956 Be Exeter Mohawks Year? With Exeter Mohawks firmly entrenched in first place of the WOAA Major Group at the half­ way mark ip, the schedule* it looks like the club’s three-year rebuilding program has finally hit pay dirt. The locals have a bigger edge ovei* the pack than the official two-point lead indicates in the Standing because the Tribe has played three games less than its “A” rivals, Strathroy Rockets and Goderich Sailors, who are in Statistics SCORING LEADERS G 18 21 21 . 9 17 15 10 12 9 8 6 7 — 6 13 9 ' Emms, Strathroy Barash, Strathroy —. Oberle, Exeter---------- Loader, Exeter_____, Heideman, Exeter — MacDonald, Goderich Gravett, Exeter ____ Fallowfield, Strathroy Wharnsby, Exeter J. ’White, Goderich Hatt, Strathroy______ Thiel, Milverton ------- Williams, Goderich __ Moffatt, Strathroy Mortimer, Goderich - PENALTY LEADERS A 26 21 14 22 10 9 14 11 13 13 14 12 '.3 „ 9 8 10 P 44 42 35 31 27 24 24 23 22 21 20 19 19 18 18 Barton, Exeter ______ Graham, Forest _____ Wiese, Exeter _______ Hatt, Strathroy _—,— Fulton, Strathroy ___ Barash, Strathroy ___ Mortimer, Goderich__ SCORES December 23—Exeter 6, Strathroy 2 27—Milverton 5, Exeter 2 •Strathroy 5, Goderich 5 30—Strathroy 9, Goderich 3 Forest 4, Milverton 2 January 3—Exeter 11* Goderich 5 Strathroy 8, Forest 4 Ga. Pen. 14 13 14 17 • 17 17 14 78 73 72 65 64 44 44 second and third place. Even if Mohawks split the points in those games, they would emerge with a five-poiut margin. As the group passed the mid­ dle mark of the 72-game sched­ ule at the beginning of the New Year, Mohawks show an 11-3 record which indicates supremacy over every club in the loop, Mo­ hawks have a 2-1 game edge over Strathroy; a 3-1 margin over Goderich Sailors and Milverton Royals and a 1-0 lead'over For­ est Lakesides. With this impressive start* Mohawks show the brightest prospects an Exeter intermediate club has had in a decade. If the Tribe can maintain its pace, it should bring home its first group championship since 1948. But that won't be easy. Any of the four other clubs in the group are capable of upsetting the applecart this year. Strathroy and Goderich have a greater po­ tential than they are showing at the moment. The Rockets have been set back with the loss of Moffatt and Jessiman and the Sailors, who are loaded with talent, have been hindered by dissension, Even if these clubs hit their peaks, howeveh, Mohawks have a strongly balanced aggregation ■that should be able to stave off any competition. Red Loader has assembled a smooth-working unit that excels in all departments and it has yet to be pressed to its limit. In addition to a strong unit on the ice, the local club has a hard-working sponsoring group, led by President Lloyd Cushman and Manager Bruce Biggart, which should help to Tribe Enjoys Field Day Against Ailing Sailors Mohawk pointgetters had a field day Tuesday night when the Tribe rocked iGoderich Sailors with an 11-5 depth charge. The highest scoring contest in the group this season, .it was the worst defeat the defending WOAA Int. ‘‘A” champs have suffered for several years. All three 'members of the Tribe’s front line—Red Loader, Bill Oberle and Ted Bogal—col­ lected five points with two goals and three assists each. Larry Hei- DAtAYTAW Our Our Phone 508 Equipment R. D. Jermyn For Safety No Mixing With Gas — Trucks Carry Nothing But Fuel Oil For Accuracy Get Full Measure With Printometer Service For Economy Guaranteed More Heat Gallon Exeter deman, who was the top sniper of the evening with a hat trick, also added five points to his to­ tal. John Gravett picked up three with a’goal and two assists. The scoring spree narrowed the gap between Mohawk marksmen and the league’s point leaders, Don Emms and Junior Barash, of Strathroy. If the Sailors were humiliated by the defeat, they were lucky it wasn’t worse. Mohawks, .parti­ cularly Red Loader, missed many chances including a number of breakaways. With any luck at all, •the Tribe's playing coach could have added another five goals to the total. The Tribe blew a 3-0 lead in the first period by letting the Sailors tie it up but they 'left no doubts about ‘■he outcome of the contest in the next two frames. The local Braves outscored Sail­ ors 4-1 in each of the periods." The lop-sided Exeter win, ad­ ded to the 9-3 defeat the Sailors suffered at the hands of Strath­ roy last week, brings up the burning question: “What’s the matter yith Sailors.” With men like Jackie White, Ted Williams, Bill McDonald, Tex McPherson and a strong bunch of homebrews ■the club is loaded with talent but it isn’t working together. The past week’s result give weight to current rumors that dissension in wrecking the team. Ted Williams who returned to the Sailor’s lineup after serving ■two nights of his three-game sus­ pension for boarding a referee here Nov. 29, scored two of the visitor’s five tallies. The, others •went to Gord Walters, Bill Mc­ Donald and Jackie ’ White. Other Mohawk pointgetters were Jack Dwyer with a goal and ■an assist; Earl Barton with two assists, and Bill Wharnsby with one assist. keep it on top. Over the holidays, Mohawks laced both Strathroy and Gode­ rich, their two “A” rivals, by 6-2 and 11-5 counts. They lost a 5-3 decision to Milverton, a club which is much “better than its cellar position indicates. Strathroy Rockets won two victories over Goderich and For­ est and earned a deadlock with the Sailors. Forest Lakesides surprised the experts by whip­ ping 'their ”B” opponents, Mil­ verton Royals, 4-2 in their, first meeting this season, Mohawks meet the Sailors again in Goderich Friday night and travel to Strathroy Tuesday. Next home game isn’t until Fri­ day, January 13, when the Rockets are here. Too Much Turkey Spells Yule Defeat Suffering from too much Christ­ mas turkey, Mohawks blew a 3-1 lead in Milverton Tuesday, Dec. 27, to let the Royals score a 5-3 victory. It was the Royals’ first win over the Tribe this season al­ though they’ve given the Exeter club some of its toughest opposi­ tion. Goals by Larry Heideman, Don Gravett and. Jack Dwyer gave Mohawk’s a comfortable 3-1 edge in the first period and held it throughout the second. The Royals, led by Bob Toman, blasted four pucks behind Dick McFalls in a hectic third period, Bob Gaul and Jerry McMillan were the other Milverton marks­ men. Both Coach Red Loader and Bill Wharnsby had to leave the con­ test early with stomach trouble. Earl. Barton and Glen Wiese, the league’s penalty leaders, re­ ceived eight and ten minutes re­ spectively to maintain their edge in that department. Wiese suf­ fered a misconduct when he ar­ gued with an official for starting play when Mohawk’s weren’t at proper strength. Royals scored a goal on the play. Strong Defence Beats Rockets •Strong defensive play by hawks gave them the 6->2 over Strathroy Rockets Dec, 23 Which put the Tribe on top of the heap over the holidays. Except for a few bad moments ■late in the second period, Mo­ hawks threw up a protective shield against the Rockets and their scoring stars Don Emms and Junior Barash didn’t earn a point. So good was the cover, Mohawk sub-goalie Dick McFalls had exceptionally few shots to handle. moth Mohawk lines shared scoring honors with three g-onls each. Larry Heideman potted two for the junior line with Bill Wharnsby netting the third. Bill Oberle, who picked up three as­ sists, Red Loader and Ted Bogal notched singles. Max Fallowfield and (Norm Emmons fired the Strathroy coun­ ters, The Rockets introduced, to (Exeter fans their new, young goaltender, Clayt Tourangeau, a Windsor boy who played baseball for Strathroy this summer. He’s fast. The game wag rough and threatened to break out in a don- nybrook many times. It started early when Glen Wiese and Carl Hatt tangled ip the first period and drew blood with their blows. (Referees ,Stan Smith and Wally Leinweber didn’t do much to con­ trol the contest. Scores A Standing MAJOR group standing ------------------- (As of Wed., Jan, 4) IL. T F A pw-Exeter __11 3 0 89 53 22Strathroy9.6 2 85 83 20Goderich584698514 Forest _________5 7 1 54 69 11Milverton______4 •10 1 63 70 9 Success Of Teen Fest' May Spark New Club January Sale Of OK Used Cars & Trucks 1955 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan Turn Signal, New Car Warranty 1955 Chevrolet 150 Series Sedan Turn Signal, New Car Warranty 1953 Chev. Belair Sedan, Powerglide Radio, Turn Signal, Low Mileage 1949 Mercury Sedan, Radio, Turn Signal, White Wall Tires, Low Mileage 1950 Chevrolet Vi Ton Pick-Up 28,000 Mlles, Good Condition t See Our Selection Before You Buy! PHONE 100 Honor McEwan On January 20 Mohawk Manager Bruce Biggart announced Wednesday night that arrangements have been completed for a Harry McEwan night at the local arena on Friday, January 20. Mohawks and their support­ ers plan to pay tribute to the crafty playmaker who was cap­ tain of the local club before he transferred to his home, team, » Clinton Colts. Besides being one of the most popular ( players with- ‘teammates axid t fans, McE'wan' has been.lead­ing scorer with the dub since he first joined it in 1954. The McEwan .night program will feature an exhibition game between Clinton Colts and Mo­ hawks. Siskins Rally For 6-5 Win (Waterloo Siskins scored four goals in the third period to edge Exeter Mohawks 616 in a fast exhibition contest in 'the local arena Friday night. Mohawks took a 2-0 lead in ■the first period and held the mar­ gin in the second teams scored twice, buckled in the third strong attack of the Darry Musselman Success of a teenage ‘Fun Fest’ at Exeter Arena on Wednesday night, Dec. 28, may lead to the formation of a youth club, ac­ cording to (Recreation Director Doug iSmith, who organized the event. Nearly 100 teenagers took part in square dance instruction led by 'Stan Moore, St. Marys recreation director. They were entertained by comedian Ian Penning, of <RC AF station, Centralia, and en­ joyed modern dancing to records. Director Smith says another session will be held in the near future and if it is successful an executive will be formed. The Lake Huron Zone Recrea­ tion Committee is organizing a square dance competition among teenagers in the district and local boys and girls have been invited to participate. The “Fun Fest’’ was one of a number of activities conducted during the holiday week for school children. On Tuesday imorning films were shown in the gym of the arena by Public School Principal A. B. Idle. On Thurs­ day morning, ’Mrs. Hilton Laing conducted a storytelling session for .30 younger children. Minor hockey, skating and bowling activities were also in­ cluded in the program. Director Smith announced" a broom'ball league has been form­ ed for play in the arena and a badminton club is being organiz- ed, A kid’s carnival is planned for Jaunary 20 with an adult carnival to- follow on February 2. Winners for high scores in the bowling competition were: senior girls, Veronica Francois; seniox’ -boys, Fred Ward and Jim Russell; junior girls, Linda Hunter-Duvar'and Shirley Qentt- ner; junior boys, Bryan Sanders and Peter McFalls. MINOR HOCKEY STANDINGS T 1 1 NOW OPEN Central Supertest Service LUBRICATION & WASHING A SPECIALTY when both The locals under the juniors. and Tom ■Brown scored two each for the Siskins,- who were strengthened with some Seaforth talent. Mohawk tallies were notched by Larry Heideman,-Bill Oberle, R'ay Richards, jack Dwyer and Bill Wharnsby. Former Mohawk Windmills Lead Men's Bowling _ Windmills started the new y6a.r with a five-point lead in first place of the men’s bowling league. Milkmen are in second place with Strikes and ‘Pinpoppers tied for third. Top triple .over the holidays was an 804 rolled by Hugh Smyth of Spare Parts. Best team score was 3,753 trundled by the Jets. Tuesday, December 27, 1955 'Pinpoppers (B. Nicol 640) —_ 3195 5 Big Six (K. Hockey 645)------ 3084 2 Ringers (W. Stanlake 573) __ 3270 2 Spare Parts (H. Smyth 804) _ 3340 5 2 5 0 7 2 5 3508 5 3162 2 i __ 3144 3 578) 3104 4 ____ 3336 5 -----2 5 2 3277 3375 3021 3460 3187 3277 News of Kirkton By MRS. FRED HAMILTON Mr. and Mrs. Ira Marshall left for Florida this week. New Year Visitors tSgt. and Mrs. Stephen Cordell, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Burgin, George and Harold and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamilton with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Burgin, London, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Paynter had more than twenty guests in­ cluding Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Paynter and Miss Margaret Bow­ den, Centralia. <Mrs. 'Charles Paul has been ill but Is recovering. Mr. Wes. Batten had a fall on the ice and is confined to his home. Rev. R. A. and Mrs. Mills spent a few days at Windsor.JRCV. Moores of Thames Road and singers from the church vis­ ited Mi’s. T. W. Parimer* formerly of Hensail, Who .is ill at the home of Mrs. 'Gladley Stewart, Kirkton, ■and sang Christmas carols. Sign Work Addressing tfao The Magic Marker THE tmMBS-ADVOOATE Squee Gee Whales_ ___________ Seals ________________ Wee Wee Blue Devils -_______ Red Devils _______ Pee Wee Boston, _________,____ Rangers ____________ Black Hawks _______ Canadiens __________Red Wings_________ Leafs ____________ Bantam Rockets _______ _ Mohawks _______ Sailors _____ Bantam All Stars-™ Midgets ____________ _ J'1-'" W 3 2 L 2 3 P 7 5 3 2 6 4 3 2 1 1 5 4 1 1 4 2 3 0 2 8 3 4 5 1 1 5 1 0 0 0 2 2 2 3 3 2 6 4 14 10 8 7 5 4 111 — 2‘ 10 1 3 1 3 0 18 R. G. ’BOB' MOLOY Your Supertest Dealer Main and Sanders, EXETER 25% SALE! SAVE 25t DOLLAR Take advantage of this opportun­ ity to save on quality clothes at substantial discounts. MEN'S WEAR LADIES' WEAR R. Rollers (L. Stewart 659) — Applejacks (C. Parsons 680) _ Tradesmen (Glendenning 584) Milkmen (C. Edwards 747) — Spares (J. Fuller 696) ----------- Windmills (R. Osgood 615) — W. Bangs (B. Preszcator 742) Sajsburys (C. Wein 558) __ iS. Circuits (B. Fetch 555) Hay Seeds (A. Farquhar I Jets (G. McPhee 651) ------------------ Strikes (A.’Ford 604) ----------- 3273 Maroons (E. Ince 568) ---------3226 Butchers (H. Wolfe 596) 3000 Monday, January 2, 1956 Spares (J. Fuller 700) --------- 3451 Jets (Lamond 773) -----i—------- 3753 W, Bangs (D. Jermyn 564) — 3115 Hay Seeds (Later Date) Ringers (B. Preszcator 641) - 3270 ■Strikes (W. Shapton 557)---- 3172 R. Rollers (C. Farrow 688) — 3263 Salsburys (J. Crocker 648) — 3316 Tradesmen (T. Pooley 613) - 3199 ■Short Circuits (Later Date) Pinpoppers (B. Nicol 725)---- 2540 Maroons (E. Ince 589) ---------- 2623 Windmills (H. Harvey 679) _ 3508 S. Papts (B. McKenzie 1359) _ 3405 Big Six (K. Hockey 598)____ 3229 Milkmen (M Learn 606) ____3312 STANDING 2 5 5 2 4 3 4 3 2 5 Windmills Milkmen _ Strikes___ Pinpoppers S. Circuits Apple jacks W. Bangs Big Six — Ringers __ 5 2 63 S. Parts ——46 _ 57 Jets--------------45 _ 55 R. Rollers __42 _ 55 Butchers ____41 _ 53 Maroons -------■41 _ 53 Tradesmen__40 _ 52 Spares ---------34 _ 51 Salsburys —_25 _ 47 Hay Seeds —20 Your Library —Continued from Page 2. to Us in the Beatitudes. Thinking Life Through Bishop Fulton Sheen’s latest book “Thinking Life Through” has just been placed on the Li­ brary shelves. tin this book Bishop (Sheen covers a variety of subjects af­ fecting all of us. He gives mean­ ingful guidance and sound under­ standing to the problem of al­ coholism, and the training of •children, discusses the effects of the hydrogen bomb, religion In Russia and soime heeded changes in the United Nations, “Thinking Life Through” is a (positive, (message eotly It pies to liheanlng (For Year Your ■personal, and inspiring for all* Simply and dir- appllos Christian princl- the act of Hying and „ of life today, inspiration for the New fend these two hooks at Library* I Sport Shirts Winter Weight Wool Jackets Station Wagons Suberban Coats Skirts Blouses Dresses Housecoats • Children's Snowsuits Special Racks MEN'S TOPCOATS MEN'S AND BOYS' JACKETS 507o OFF A FEW ONLY Snuggledown Gowns And Pyjamas Values to $5.50 — ONLY $2.95 Cut Your '56 Food Budget Here GOLDEN NET SALMON 7% Oz. Tin ...................... ROBIN HOOD OATS 5-Lb. Bag......................... CATELLI SPAGHETTI Large 28 Oz. Tins.......... CHEEZ WHIZ Large 1-Lb. Jar *.............................. 590 SNOWFLAKE PASTRY FLOUR 24-Lb. Bag ............ $L19 350 490 AYLMER FRUIT COCKTAIL 20 Oz. Tin ......................... LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE 20 Oz* Tins ............................ 2 for 270‘ CREAM STYLE CORN Aylmer, Large 20 Oz, Tins .... 2 for 310 YORK BOLOGNA 12 Oz. Tin ........*........ ... 330 BREEZE SOAP POWDER Giant Size Pkg. With Tea Towel .. 790 290 GOULD & JORY PHONE 16 *313X3