The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-12-22, Page 14THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 22, 1955
Topics From
Groups At Grand Bend
Enjoy Yule Activities
Message From
CDat| this ^Holiday season
be well remembered for the
joy and h-^iness it brings to
you, j and friends.
H. R. Sherwood
Your Massey - Harris - Ferguson Dealer
May the light of the Holiday Season
shine bright and long upon you
and yours; and nay its cheerful
glow remain with you forever ...
Dashwood W.L, along with
Elimville W.I., were guests of
Zurich W.X. at their Christmas
party on Wednesday evening, De
cember 13.
Ladies Aid Annual Meeting
The Ladies Aid of Zion Lutheran Church held their annual
meeting on Wednesday. The
treasurer, Mrs. E. Kleinstiver,
reported receipts for the year
were $1,717.64 and a balance on
hand of $516.62, The Missionary
League receipts were $60.93,
It was decided that a letter be
written to the church board re
commending the holding of a
decoration service next summer.
Elected as president was Mrs.
Merner with vice-president,
Ervin Rader; secretary,
Ernest Koehler; treasurer,
E, Kleinstiver; pianist, Mrs.
Edgar Restemayer; librarians,
Mrs. Elmer Rader and Mrs. Ru
dolph Miller; card secretary,
Mrs. Herb Wein; flower and treat
secretary, Mrs. Albert Miller;
reporters—Lutheran Witness,
Mrs. Lome Genttner; local, Mrs.
E. Rader; auditors, Mrs. Arnold
Becker and Mrs. Charles Mar-
Group 4, with Mrs. Schenk in
charge, took over the Christmas
party. Carols were sung. Santa
appeared with an exchange of
gifts. Rev. and Mrs. Higenell
were each presented with sweat
ers. The group in charge served
Christinas Party
Mrs. Ernest Koehlei' was hos
tess for the G.N.O. Club Christ
mas party last week. All enjoy
ed a Christmas dinner followed
by bridge. High lady was Mrs.
■R, Hopcroft and low, Mrs. Stuart
Wolfe. This was followed by an
exchange of gifts.
■Personal Items
Miss Ellen Gilbert, of
ford, spent the weekend
Mr. and Mrs. Courtney
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin
were weekend visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Weiberg.
Mr. Garnet Wildfong, Sarnia,
and Mr. Neil Wildfong, London,
were weekend visitors here.
‘S.S. No. 8 Hay, with Mrs.
Emil Becker as teacher, present
ed their Christmas .^program last
Monday evening to a capacity
Dashwood E.U.B. Church pre
sented their program of songs,
recitations and dialogues Sunday
evening. s
Those who attended the fune
ral of the late Louis Kraft from
a distance were Mr. and Mrs. S.
Adams, London; Mrs. William
Schroeder, Mr. Herbert Kraft,
Miss Dolores M. Wery, all of De
troit; Mr. Milfred Koch, Charles
Koch, of Utica, Mich.;
Laura Preeter and
Kitchener, and Mr.
of London.
Mrs. Mary Doerr,
Eldeen, of
John Dale,
, of Laird,
Sask., spent last week with Mrs.
Santa Visits Dashwood
With snow in abundance, San
ta Claus arrived in Dashwood by
sleigh. Excited boys and girls
were treated to chocolate milk
and packs of candy.
Topics From
'On Thursday evening the Lieus
'Club held their annual Christmas
ladies* night 'in. -the farm Of a
banquet at the (Brenner House,
Santa Claus was 'present, present
ing each lady with a Christmas
gift, after which carol singing
with Mrs. Clark Kennedy at the
piano, entertained -the visitors.
A short dance was (hold to
the evening’s enjoyment.
On Thursday afternoon
Women’s institute- held their
nual Christmas meeting. The hail
was decorated with the Christ
mas spirit dominating, by cand
ies, evergreen, cards .and the
(Bible taking the central position.
Mrs. Kenneth Johns, president
for the iSouth Huron District,
gave an interesting address on
the part that women should take
not only in local affairs, but in
casting their votes, and in the af
fairs of the community, the pro
vince and the world at large, af
ter which Mrs. C- (Smith gave
an interesting talk on the
topic for the day “If everybody
cared -e n o u g h, and everybody
shared enough, everyone would 'have”.
At this joyous Christmas '
scason...wc extend to everybody
Our heartfelt wishes (or A
happy hotidayz a prosperous New Year.
Huron Lumber Co. Ltd.
Personal Items
•Peter Rowcliffe, London spent
last week with his grandparents,
Mr. and -Mrs. Wellington (Brock.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman iBrock
-and family and Mr. George Earl
visited (Sunday evening with Mr.
and ‘Mrs. Milne - Pullen Whalen.
(Mrs. Ernest Knowles is -a pat
ient in iSt. Joseph’s hospital, Lon
Misses Perla and Phyllis Hern,
London, spent the weekend with
•their parents, Mr. and (Mrs. Ward
(Sunday visitors with Mr.
Mrs. Jud Dykeman were:-
and Mrs. -Gordon Dykeman, .Dian
ne and (Susan, Galt, Mr. A. C.
Dykeman, Dundas, Mrs. Merton
Lovegrove and Harry, Thorn
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jaques and
John were (Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jaques and
Mr. and Mrs. iSam Bowers and
family, Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton J-aques
■and Yvonna spent -Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Ross (Skinner, -Elim-
Mrs. Wellington (Brock is visit
ing this week with Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Rowcliffe and family, Lon
Mr. and Mrs. ’Glen Range and
Wayne Centralia visited Wed
nesday with Mr. and -Mrs. Ross
Jaques and attended Zion school
Christmas concert.’
Zion School Concert
The annual Christmas concert
was hel-d at the schoolhouse Wed
nesday evening Rev. Slade was
chairman for the evening. After
a varied program by1 the pupils
and their teacher Miss Clarke, a
Thank You
For Your
Bev. Sturgis
Mrs. T. Bierce of Sarnia visited
with Mrs. Agnes and Miss Marion
Calwell 'last Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Desjar
dins left on Friday to
(Christmas season at
Sunday visitors with
Patterson were Mr. Warren Pat
terson and son Gary, i
and Mrs, iDonald iScott,
(Sarnia. On Monday Mr, and
Roy iScott of Samia visited
Mrs, iSeott’s mother, Mrs.
Many of the local residents
will regret to (team of the .pas
sing away at the Egerton Private
Nursing Home London last Fri
day of Miss Bertha Blanchard,
who has been employed in the
lopal post office as a summer
helper for the past four years.
Miss Blanchard also assisted in
the London -post office during
■the Christmas rush for some
years. The funeral was held on
Monday in London.
Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Bail'd
spent Sunday with Mrs. Marjory
(Bell at Newry.
■Mr. and Mrs, -Alvin Bossenber
ry, and family and Mrs. Myrtle
(Bossenberry left on Friday to
■take up residence at Florida. Mr.
Bossenberry for the past few
years was proprietef of the Al-
don Theatre in town.
Mr. William .Sweitzer and son,
Samuel Sweitzer, made a busi
ness trip to Stratford on Satur
Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Eng
lish and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Paterson spent Tuesday in Kitch
Mr. and Mrs. (Ray Sweitzer of
Shipka spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Wan. iSweitser.
Mrs, Milton Russell of Hen
sail spent a few days with her
■daughter, Mrs. Harry Bossenber
ry, last week.
spend the
■Mrs. Wm-
and Mr.
all of
wttb Pat
Mrs. H fi ve ream p and two
daughters, and Miss Riestrap of
Exetea' were (Sunday v^Rora of
Mr; and Mrs. Norman Long.
Mr, Jim McGregor was able
to return home from Louden Hos
pital on Sunday much -improved
from his recent attack of lock--
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sxiuitli, Joan
and Micheal of Hamilton visited
on Saturday with
parents, Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs, N.
Merle spent Sunday ___R_„
Mrs. Anson Wolfe of Melborne,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wren
spent iSunday with relatives in
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cud-
more and Lorne of London were
Sunday .guests of the former’s
parents, Mr, and Mrs. iSam Cud-
more. Mr. and Mrs. Cudmore re
turned to London for a few days.
Mr. Ross Faber of the Agri-,
cultural College in Ridgetown is
able to be home
Miss Ina Ropp of Zurich spent
the weekend at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. A. Gackstotter.
Mr. Bob Love of the Univer
sity of Toronto is visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love.
Mirs. Smith's
Mrs, Gordon
Deckert and
with Mr. and
■the holidays with his
Mr, and Mrs. Rochus
Bradley-‘Littleton is
from London
May the warmth of the Yuletide
•pirit surround you and your loved onea
throughout a bright and healthy New Year,
Lloyd Ford's Men's Wear
Ford Fuels, Building Products
film on “Hydro” was shown.
, “iSanta Claus” arrived and dis
tributed gifts and bags of candy
■to the children.
Some Models Now Available
j have enough”.
; Mrs. Wm. Love told the Christ-
’ mas story, as to little children,
L using the flannelgraph to exem-
. plify the story, after which Mrs.
I Emery Desjardine who had char
ge of the program -led in the sing
ing of Christmas carols., telling
-the history of each -carol; and al-
■ so gave a reading on the Inn-
• -keeper at Bethlehem. Mrs. Smith
rendered some Christmas music
on -the piano. About 4J) ladies at
Christmas Meeting
The church of God Missionary
Society held their Christmas
meeting on Friday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. Watam. Mrs.
Rufus Turnbull had charge of
the meeting.
Several caro-ls were sung, after
which Rev. Mrs. Wattam gave
a \ short talk on the different
looks in Christ’s face:-compas
sion, love, patience, -kindness and
strength. Mrs. Lulu MacGregor
sang a solo and Mrs. Wattam
played a selection on her auto
harp. The meeting closed with an
exchange of gifts.
Conduct Vesper Service
The C.G.I.T. girls held a ves
per service in the United Church
on Sunday evening under -the
leadership of Mrs. Edward Gill
■and Mrs. Willis -Gill. -Cecile Wii-ld,
■the president, Jed the service
while Joy Lamb read the scrip
ture lesson, Marilyn ,S t a 11 o n,
Marion iGill, Kenlyn Shaw and
Yvonne Wild conducted the can
dlelight ceremony. Mrs. Wii-lis
Gill .read a very interesting
Christmas story, after which the
service closed 'with a recessional
march of the girls with their
candles to the back of the clturch,
■singing the Christmas carol “Holy
Night, iSilent Night”.
Guild Raises $500
The Women’s Association
Guild of -St. Johns-By-The-La'ke -
at their annual .meeting reported
-that during the year $500 was
raised toward the building fund
of the new .parish hall. $-30.00
was voted towards the Flood Re
lief Fund of the Diocese of Ar-
mi't’za-r in India.
In the slate of officers elected
-last week the names of Mrs. T.
Hopcroft -as vice president and
-Mr.s. Cox on the v-isiting and
si-ck committees were ■ omitted.'
Personal Items
'Mr. Bruce Bossenberry -left
last week for the Southern States
for the winter months.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Irwin and
Greenway Lodge
Elects Officers
On Friday evening Greenway
L.O.L. No. 219 held their annual
meeting with a good attendance,
for the election of officers. A
donotion was sent to the True
(Blue and Orange Orphanage at
Richmond Hill and to the Crip
pled Children’s Home in London,
'County Master of -Huron South,
)J. "Ai. Caldwell conducted the
election and installation of the
new officers. The new slate of
officers are:-Worshipful Master,
W. M. Earl; Deputy Master, Wal
ter McPherson; Chaplain, Peter
Roe; Rec. Secty, Les. Hutchin
son; Fin. iSecty, Roy Hutchinson;
■treasurer, Horace Lake; Marshal,
Orv-al Mellon; lecturers, Omar
(Burney and Wm. Little; commit
tee members, Wes. Mellen, Her
bert iHar-lton, Herbert Slierritc,
Chas. iPaulitzki and J. A. Calwell.
Bro. Roy Hutchinson was made
an Honorary -Member of. the Or
der as.' a fine tribute to his be
ing a member of (Greenway lodge
•for the .past fifty years, and con
tinued faithful service during
■that entire .period.
Down To Earth
—Continued from Page 7
later, that they might grow fat
and fertile. (They used to do
that. (How the chickens fare now
we don’t know. But in Budapest
the Communists have allowed
Christmas to come back. So may
be - -) ... In Norway no bird,
beast or fish may be shot, trap
ped or netted during two weeks
before Christmas ... In Sweden
they put up a Christmas tree for
the birds, and tie a sheaf of
grain to its top.
Styled With A Flair For The Future . .
Setting The Pace For Power
Glad tidings to all
out friends and patrons,
We wis It for the*
fulfillment of
your hopes and prayers,
now- and always-56 BUICK
Exeter Bowling Lanes
Rene Francois, Prop.
“Have A Merry Holiday*’
, Ai*.,..* 4i-...V... A.
j ‘-’iJArtrtwvuiii ’"•',7