HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-12-22, Page 12THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 22, 1965F»g« M>
irl^y the blessings of this
Christmas Fable
Features Meeting
A Christmas Fable staged, .by i
Miis, Art 'Cann, Mi’s. Winston
iShapton, Mrs. Ray Jory, Mrs.
Robt. Dinney, Mrs. Ted Insley
and Mrs. Harry penhale was
a feature of the meeting of the
Women’s Federation of James
St. church on Monday evening.
Rev, II. J. Snell brought the
Christmas massage stressing
“Glory to God Peace QU Earth
and Goodwill to Mankind.” A
solo was contributed by Mrs,
iRobt, Reilly. The program was
presided over by Mrs. Aubrey.
» Mrs. Ken Hockey, president,
conducted the business session.
Mrs. Robt Squtheott read the
Christmas message in (Scripture.
A collection was taken in place
of an exchange of gifts amount
ing to $15 for the Children,^ Aid
Society of Huron County.
Mrs, Mervyn Cudmore was
named the president for 1956
with Mrs, H. j. (Snell as honorary
president and Mrs. Ken Hockey
past president; vice presidents,
Mrs, Carfrey Cann and Mrs. Rob
ert Southcott; recording secret
ary, Mrs. Reg McDonald; asst.
Mrs. Glenn Mickle; treasurer,
Mrs. A. Lindenfield; asst, Mrs.
N. Walper; 'Corresponding sec’y,
Mrs. Norval Jones; pianist, -Mrs.
Robt. Reilly and Mrs. Ken Otte-
The secretaries for Christian
Stewardship, Mrs. Glen Fisher;
'Christian citizenship, Mrs. H.
Cole; Mission band, Mrs. R.
'Southcott and Mrs. Cal Beckler;
baby band, Mrs. John Schroeder
and Mrs. 'Aubrey Tennant; re
lief and supply, Mrs, C. .Boyle and
Mrs. N. Walper; literature and
press, Mrs. K. Hockey; mission
ary monthly, Mrs. Cal Beekier;
The committees for Ways and
means, Mrs. L. 'Snider, Mrs. E.
MqBride, Mrs. R. Jory, Mrs. E.
iCarscadden, Mrs. L. Wein and
Mrs. H. Dougall; church, Mrs. C.
Cann, Mrs. G. Fisher; parsonage,
Mrs. L. Wein, Mrs. K. Hockey
and flower, Mrs. H. Penhale
Mrs. H. Cole.
Rev. H. J. .Snell installed
1956 officers, s ----------------------
Gram Says:
Salads For
joyous season surround you. May your
holiday be merry and your happiness enduring.
From the Staff of
Ersman's Bakery
Mrs. Clara Harris
Mrs. Verda Beckler
Clifford Ersman
At this happy time
cur best wishes go out to all our
friends and neighbors:
may peace, health and
good will be with you always,
Special Christmas Dinner Menu
Salads add a colorful touch to
the Christmas dinner and are especially nice to servo with sliced
cold turkey. From Boston, Mass,
we have a recipe sent to us
Cottage Cheese Salad
(Mrs. H. H. Wallace.)
% pint heavy cream •
1 Sos. carton cottage cheese
% a pimento (canned) chopped
14 tsp. chopped olive
dash of pepper.
Whip the cream and blend,
with cheese. Thoroughly -mix re
maining ingredients with, cheese
mixture and put into, your fa-
vorite mould. Freeze in ice com
partment of refrigerator for at
least hours. IJnmoid by run-
I ning slightly warm water over
the container. Slice and serve on lettucl leaves with French dres
sing. Garnish with thin car-rot
sticks. Empty soup tins may be
used as moulds, Above recipe
fills two 8 oz. tins. Open bottom
of tin and push salad out. Re
cipe may be varied by adding
drained pineapple and chopped,
nuts. “Not reducing-but delici
ous sister adds.
* * * *
Cranberries seem to b'e a must,
at Christmas and one way to use
■them is in a jellied salad. This
recipe came from our sifter
Kendall, N.Y.
Cranberry Salad
(Mrs. C. A. Lind,)
1 cup raw cranberries
1 cup diced celery
y2 cup chopped nuts
1 cup sugar,
1 .pint prepared lemon jello
But cranberries through food
chopper, dice the celery and chop
the nuts. Dissolve sugar in hot
jello. -Add other ingredients when
jello is almost cold. Turn into
molds. Un mold on lettuce and
serve with mayonnaise.
* * *
This gelatin salad, has been a
favorite in our family for many
years. We call it
Perfection Salad
1 level Tbsp, gelatin
% cup cold water
% cup mild vinegar *
1 Tbsp, lemon juice
X cup boiling water .
cup sugar
'tsp. salt. a
cup shredded cabbage
X cap celery cut fine
1 pimento cut fine.
(Soak gelatin in -cold water
minutes. Add vinegar, lemon
Main St, Circle
Sends Gift To BC
The Christmas meeting of
Main St, Mission 'Circle was held
at the home of Mrs. B. E. Balk
will. The roll call was answered
with an exchange of gifts. Christ
mas carols were sung, .
It was decided to send three
Idolilars to Marie Wildfong at
Bella Coola B.C, as a Christmas
gift. They voted also to send
Christmas cards to the senior
mem’beys, The money was col
lected from 'the traveling apron,
A social hour closed the meet-
with Mrs. Balkwili a$ host-tag
Celery Heart, Sweet Pickles, Salt Almon, Fresh
Mixed Nuts
Soup-—Puree of Royal or Tomato Juice
Grilled White Fish, Brown Butter .......... ,
Breaded Veal Cutlet, Tomato Sauce ........................
Grilled R-ork Chop, Pineapple Ring ........................
Filet Mignon with Grilled Mushroom ....................
T-Bone Steak with Strip of Bacon
Roast Young Turkey, Cranberry Sauce
■ Boast Young Chicken, Apple Jelly ....*
Roast Prime Ribs of Beef Au Jusi „........................
Vegetable—Crew, Whipped or French-Fried Potatoes,
Butter Sweet Peas
Green Apple Pie, Cherry, Hot Mince Pie, Christmas
Cake or Christmas Plum Pudding, Wine Sauce
Exeter Grill
439 Main St. S.
Caven WMS
Elects Slate
Rev. S. Kerr spoke on “The
History of Christmas and its
Customs” at the annual meeting
of the Women’s Missionary So
ciety of Caven Presbyterian
Church on Thursday evening. 'He
stated that Prince Albert, con
sort of Queen Victoria, intro
duced the first Christmas tree to
England and it was Frances of
Assissi who introduced the sing
ing of carols.
The; devotional- period was
taken by Mrs. Alvin Moir, Mrs.
Ross Oke and Mrs. Harry Strang,
using a special service arranged
by a veteran missionary, Miss
Agnes Dickson. The program was
arranged by Mrs. James Taylor
and Mrs. Hilton Laing.
Mrs. William Sillery occupied
the chair for the annual reports
of the secretaries. Miss Lillian
Ballantyne and Mrs. William
Sillery presented the slate of 'of
ficers in which Mrs. Alvin Moir
was named president with Mrs.
William 'Sillery, honorary presi
dent, and vice-presidents Mrs. H.
H. Strang and Mrs. Thomas
Pryde; secretary, Mrs. Frank
Nixon, .assistant, Miss Margaret
(Brown; treasurer, Mrs. 'Carman
Cann, assistant, Mrs. Gilbert
Dow; Mission Band superintend
ent,, Mrs. Jack Pryde; C.G.I.T.
leaders,. Miss Mary Ann Brsking
and Mrs. Arthur Whilsmith.
The secretaries are: literature,
Mrs. Ross Oke; supply, Miss Lil
lian Ballantyne; welcome and
welfare, Mrs. David Millar; Home
Helpers, Mrs, James Taylor;
Glad. Tidings,. Mirs.- Harold Simp
son; press, Mrs, H. H. G. Strang;
pianists, Mrs. J. G. Cochrane and
Mrs, Frank Nixon; auditors, Mrs.
T. Pryde and Mrs: J. Pryde.
Rev. Kerr installed the officers
and paid tribute to the retiring
president, Mrs. Sillery.
A highlight of the meeting
was the presentation of an honor
ary life membership certificate
in the Women's Missionary So
ciety to Mrs. Carman Cann by
her cousin, Mrs. Gordon Wallace,
Of Toronto. This represents tile
gift of $100 to .Caven Auxiliary.
The Talent Table was in
charge of Mrs. Moh\ and Mrs.
Kydd and the social hour was
convened' by Mrs. T. Pryde and
-and Manson.
When new leather' shoes hurt
the feet put a cloth in hot water,
Wrung out a little, and place on
the part that hurts while the
shoes are on. It makes the leath
er expand, -
I* a
May Your Christmas
Be Happy,
Your New Year Merry,
Thanks for your
Beauty Parlor
To all our friends we wish
good cheer, not only, for
Christmas, but hr e|l.of
the coming New Year,
— By B. A. -~F
Then when it is Christmas eve
With candle burning low
Through the crust of one more
Can the feeling grow.
Creep to light of thoughfulness
From heart where it has lain
Dormant through so many days;
Expose the child again.
When for a silent moment
Each withdraws to thought
We know once more of promise
No other time has brought.
Food Market
know that
Marjorie Dilkes
Your Hairdresser
Have A
. Our
For a
• And
To clean a burnt aluminum
pan boil an onion in it. This
causes the burnt material to rise
as a scum.
you one and
and Mrs. Jack Jamieson,
Phone 79
5 _ . .
juice, boiling water, sugai’ and
salt. When mixture begins to stif
fen, add remaining ingredients.
Pour into wet -molds and chill
iunmold on 'lettuce leaf and serve
With mayonaise.
* * * * ,
And don’t forget to make some
raw cranberry relish. The last
time we made it we followed
this recipe Mrs. Delmer Skinner
The Story In
The 'December meeting -of IShip-
ka W.A. was held at the home
of Mrs, Harry Clark, -Devotions
were led by Mrs. Earl Ratz, '
Mrs. Arthur Finkbelner took
charge of the business? Christmas
gifts money 'was voted to (Rev.
and Mrs. Don. Irwin, 'missionaries
lin 'Korea, Miss Audrey Flnk-
beiner missionary in (St. Lucia
JB.W.I. and the War Memorial
'Children’s 'Hospital in (London.
■Rev. Rapson presided^ for el
ection of officers. (Honorary pres
ident, Mrs. A. Finkbelner .presi
dents, Mrs. Jacob (Rutz, Mrs. Cliff
Russell vice presidents, Mrs, Matt
rotary, Mrs. Verne Sharpe f ass'it/,
retary, Mrs. Verne iSarpe; ass’t,
Mrs. Ross Love; treasurer, Mrs.
Harry Sheppard; ass’t Mrs. Wray
Sweitzer; -Missionary treasurer,
Mrs. Harold Finkbelner; pianist,
Mrs. Ross Love; ass’t, Mrs. Wray
Sweitzer; corresponding sec
retary, Mrs. Milton Ratz; flower
committee, Mrs. Earl Ratz, Mrs.'
Jim 'Clarke, Mrs. Leslie Adams;
parsonage committee, Mrs. Jacob
Ratz, Mrs. (Cliff Russell, Mrs.
Verne Sharp; Mrs. Harry Shep
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jamieson,
Louise and Harvey of Thedford
•visited recently at 'the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Verne Sharpe.
and a
Our Dairy Twins
And All The Gang At
Cranberry Relish,
(Mrs Delmer Skinner.)
lb. cranberries
red apples
cups sugar.
Wash oranges and apples “but
do not peel. Quarter to remove
seeds. Put all fruit through food
grinder. Add the sugar. Keep in
* * * *
May your Christmas be merry!
Elimville Institute
Hears Yule Story
A Christmas story was told by
Mrs.| Warren Brock at -the meet
ing of the Elimville Women’s
Institute on Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Howard Pym gave a help
ful demonstration on wrapping
gifts -and on decorating.
Mrs. Theron Creery had charge
of the program in which Mrs.
William Thomson gave a reading
on Christmas customs, “The
Yujelog”. 'Sandra Walters contri
buted a solo and Miss Spearin, an
Miss Ruth Skinner gave the
report of the rally held at Grand
Bend and Mrs. Jackson Woods,
Sacred Moments.
The president, Miss Ruth Skin
ner, presided for the business
meeting. Mrs. Harold Hunter
gave the hospital report. The In
stitute are justly proud of their
scholarship winners. Miss Anna
Routley, who won the Ontario
Women’s Institute scholarship
this year, is the third girl from
Hurondale Institute to win this
scholarship. Miss Joan Ellering-
ton and Miss Beth Taylor having
won it previously.
Mrs; Edwin Miller and her
committee convened the lunch.
Your patronage we have enjoyed,
Good-will and friendship, too!
Our gratitude we try to show
• 'By saying ' “THANKS” to you.
We’d like to have you
'Our efforts we will
To keep your valued
(Good-will with us,
And now we wish
hearty -wish
very Merry
a 'Prosperous New Year!
May you enjoy a full
measure of happiness
and good health
this Christmas.
.-A 5 <4
z; ................ ;<-< ■
^/Vlay your holiday
happiness glow brightly
WW •
this Christmas and
may its warmth remain
with you forever*
Beauty Shop
'Lx nee again it’s the time of the year for Joy and
Merriment, and we wish to take a moment to
extend to all ouir friends our very best wishes for »
Holiday Season full of good cheer and happy times.