HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-12-22, Page 10THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 22, 1955 Classified Directory FOR SALE TENDERS WANTED WANTED FOR RENT STRAYED NOTICES TO CREDITORS MOTEL UNIT—-Barge winterized modern unit with 3-pfece bath, furnace-heated. Apply .Pinedale Mo­ tel, phone 8, Grand Bend. 12-14tfc HOUSE—-Compact, 2 bedrooms, liv­ ing room and kitchenette, 3-piece bath, furnace-heated, clean, quiet location. Apply Pinedale Motel, Grand Bend, phone 8, 12-I4tfc WHITE DOG, with one black eye, strayed from home. Finder please phone 165-r-2, Dashwood. FEED TURNIPS—Several truckloads.Phone llderton 3I-T-31. 8:l'5c:22nc GENT’S SUIT, brown, size 38 to 40, like new. Apply Brady Cleaners, Ex­ eter. • 15:2'2* Legion Corner w M« F. Harness I'resident SHOP EARLY! SHOP WISELY! SHOP AT WHITE HOUND, with dark spots; lost around Chiselhurst. Please phone 22-r-10, Kirkton. ‘iiRFtiF-iF?.! Fea straw rncilariAImI 191IQMW FOR SALE Stack Now Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. —• Monday to Friday Canadian Canners Limited BRANCH 100, EXETER ONTARIO To all our friends we extend our sincerest wishes for a joyous Holiday Season. Exeter Produce And Storage Co. Ltd, The Exeter branch of the Leg­ ion are mourning A really good Legion member, Boland Motz, With the kind permission of Mrs. Motz and family we held a Leg­ ion funeral service last Sunday ■night with about seventy five members out, By >the number of members attending you can tell he was well thought of but any­ one who knew him don’t have to have anything to tell them he was a grand person. * < * * Well, I guess you don’t have to tell the children that it is get­ ting close to Christmas nor the old man as far as that is con­ cern ed„ All he has to do is look at the old wallet, cheer up, fath­ ers! You may eyen get a new one, a wallet, that is, from San­ ta Claus. We do a lot of talking and joking about how much it ■costs hut it never seems so bad on Christmas morning when you see the look on the kid’s faces when they are opening their pre­ sents. The Legion are playing iSanta Claus this year and we hope it will help to make a happier, merrier Christmas for a few at least, and we wish every one a very merry Christmas. * * <s * iDont forget the New Year’s Dance this year. We hope to have a bigger better one with ■lots of noise-makers, lunch and everything that goes with a (New Year’s Eve dance, The committee decided to hold nigjht dance starting at Monday morning. * * * * The general. meeting this month will be held on Thursday, December 29, The new officers Will .be installed that night so GIRL'S bed COAT, fur trim, and leggings, size 4-5. May be seen at Brady Cleaners. 22 LADY’S WINTER COAT, grey, full chamois lining; gent’s brown over­ coat, size 38; gent’s blue serge suit, small size. Mid-Town Cleaners, x BUDGIES and singing canaries for Christmas. Baby budgies: males. $6; hens, ?3. Canaries, ?8. Mrs. E. Cur- rie, phone 138-J, Lucan,______16:22c GEESE—Apply Marcel Van Hevel, R.R. 1 Clandeboye. 22* ■DINING ROOM TABLE and chairs. Phone 361-W or apply 64 Huron St., Exeter. ______ 22* FREE—Six-month-old puppy, house- broken, trained, fond of children. Phone 120-W Bxeter.______ 22c '37 CHEV 16'TON STAKE. Apply to James Sangster, phone 43, Hensall. 22c STATION WAGON COAT, girl's, brown, size IQ, May be seen at Brady Cleaners.____________________15:22nc TEAM OF HORSES—Louis Masnica, R.R, 2, Crediton.____________ 22* TAN SPORTS COAT, young man's, in A-l condition; also fire grates for Pure Air furnace, in good condition. Apply at 'Times-Advocate._______22c 11 CHUNKS OF PIGS—Mrs. SilasStanlake, Carling St.____________22c CHRISTMAS TURKEYS, broad breasted bronze. Apply Bruce Shap- ton, phone 599-W1, Exeter.______22* BLUE ROAN HEIFER, vaccinated, due to calf on January 5. Apply Vic­tor Jeffrey, R.R. 3 Exeter. 22* 6 PIGS, 6 weeks old. Apply George Kellet, R.R, 3 Exeter.___________22* dance a mid- 12.05 Crediton Notice The Trustees of the Police Village of Crediton ’hereby pro­ claim Tuesday, December 27, a Civic Holiday and request all citizens to observe it as such. Stores are requested to open all day Wednesday, December 28. WISHING YOU A FOR RENT with option of buying— Cottage, 4 rooms, 3-piece bath, full basement with good furnace. Apply Box "B", Times-AJvocate, 15;22c APARTMENT, steam heated; also steam heated store with or without living quarters. Apply Sandy Elliot, phone 476, Exeter, Itfc Floor Sanders Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers Vacuum Cleaners, Tools, Etc. BEAVERS HARDWARE, EXETER 3tfc Proclamation t. At the request of Exeter Businessmen’s Associa­ tion, the council of the Town of Exeter has empowered \me to proclaim a Merry Christmas and a Public Holiday on Happy New Year and thank you for your patronge during the past year. Tuesday, December 27 Mrs. J. Heinbuch Your Avon Representative And, I hereby urge all citizens to observe it as Exeter Ontario Tenders will be received until De­ cember 29 by the undersigned for a Secretary for Stephen Township School Area, also for a projectionist to show pictures j?nce a month. Tenders will be received separate­ ly. Dowest or any tender* not necessar­ily accepted, Apply Roy Mason, Chairman. R.R. 1, Grand Pend, Ontario. 22c In the Estate of John C. Appleton, deceased. persons having claims against Hess The Jeweller ZURICH For The Finest Gifts Of All Bridal Bell and Blue Bird Diamond and Wedding Rings Dainty Jewellry Necklets • Earrings • Bracelets Compacts • Community and Rogers Silverware •» Balova, Elco Watches • Fine Crystal in Cornflower {Design Royal Doulton Figurines and China • Electrical Appliances 400-Day, Chhne and Kitchen Clocks Electrical Appliances 36 Years* Experience Christmas Specials Start the New Year Right Cutting Repair Bills We CAN Finance At YOUR Terms ’55 FORD CUSTOM 4-D00R ’54 METEOR CUSTOM 4-DOOR ’■53 METEOR CUSTOM 4-DOOR ’53 OHEV BEL-AIR 4-DOOR ’53 STUDEBAKER COUPE ’53 CHEV 4-DOOR'51 DODGE CORONET 4-DOOR ’51ISTUDE. COMMANDER ,2-DR. ■51 OLDSMOBILE 2-DOOR '50 AUSTIN 4-DOORS (2) '50 FORD 2-DOORS (2) ’49 METEOR 2-DOOR■49 STUDEBAKER COUPE ’48 CHEV 4-DOOR ■48 CHEV 2-DOOR'47 CHEV 4-DOOR MERCURY 2-DOOR PONTIAC 4-DOOR Many Pre-War Models Name YOUR Price MERCURY 16-TON PICKUP FORD 16-TON PICKUP Compare Our Price On Any Make Of New Car BOB COOK MOTOR SALES Phone Hensall 173 . Bob Cook—188 .Mike Quinlan—65 . Blighton Ferg—159-W APARTMENT on Main Street, with­ out modern conveniences. Apply at Times-Adyocate,__________ 22tfe APARTMENT—Apply Ainntrong Mo- tors, phone 216.__________ 22c UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, .pri­vate bath, private entrance, hot and cold water on tap, heating stove provided. Call 400-W, evenings. 22c All ____„„ ____ _ ____„ the estate of John J. Appleton, late Of the Town of Exeter, in. the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died, on or about the 6th day of June, 1955, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Daughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, ’by the 24tli day of December next, after which date the estate will be distributed having re­ gard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Executors, . EXETER - Ontario. 8:15:22 In the Estate of Mrs. Mary Regier, Deceased,. persons having claims against HELP WANTED All persons having claims against the estate of Mrs. Mary Regier, late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, widow, who died on or about the 20th day of Novem­ ber, 1955; are required to .file par­ ticulars of same with the undersigned Executors by the 7th day of January, 1956, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Fred Regier, Zurich, Ont. Edward Denomme, Dashwood, Ont, Executors 8:15:22* in the Watch and Clock Repairing a Specialty To ail our friends—old and new—our warmest wishes for a Merry Holiday Season! Jolly Radio, TV A. Electric Phone 187 Exeter ■4jS’46 ’53 '46 we should have a good attendan­ ce. I believe, we are .having hot Jbeef-bua'ger.s' that night. We ■thought ithat would be a pleasant change after .the big load of tur­ keys most people will be taking on at Christmas, ;; \ I understand the Ladies Aux--' ili'ary of the Legion have insta'l- !led their new officers:-Mrs, Ger­ ald (Anne) Lawson as president, Mrs. Eugene (Hazel) Beavers and Mrs, Stanley (Marion) Fray- ne as vice presidents. Best of luck io the coming year, girly. I know that the men .of the Leg­ ion are behind you and will help-' •you any way they can. There’ll be one telephone in Exeter that won’it be so. busy now that my wife has stepped out of the ehair,. ■ (GRADE 3) required for Department of National Defence R.C.A.F. 'Station . at Centralia, Ontario Salary: Up to $3,780 depending upon qualifications. Note: These are year round, posi­ tions. Full particulars available on post­ers displayed at Post Offices and National Employment Service Of­fices. 1 Application forms, obtainable there­ at, should foe filed with the Civil Service Commission, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto 7, NOT LATER THAN DECEMBER 31, 1955. 22 ' REPRESENTATIVE wanted for your locality and surroundings to sell> guaranteed ‘line. Floor polish, pepper, ; specials with free products bring re- peat business. Write now to: FAMI-' TiEX, Dept.-C,,.Station C, Montreal. H' • '* • 22 WANTED AT ONCE-Rawlelgh Dealer in Huron County. Write Xaw- leigh’s Dept. L-202-R, Montreal, P.Q.22 SERVICES wishes relationship established? 41c28 dz. Tin 2 33 c14 dz. TINS a □z. ice Bax Jar 23c 25c 89c1-L.b. Bab 19cl-LB Carton FOR A GOOD CUP OF COFFEE Sunny Morn IGA TABLERITE Lard HEINZ Ketchup DELICIOUS, ECONOMICAL Jell-o 3 PKGS. Christmas Suggestions LOW PRICES EVERY DAY in full appreciation _ _ _ with you throughout the years. IGA Fruit Cocktail green giant fancy Niblet Corn IGA PIMENTO Olives extend our sincere goods for a very Merry Christmas of the friendly CUSTOM CHAIN SAWING—Ivan vPfaff, Ailsa Craig.__________8:15:22* FARMERS! Have all your saws sharpened and set at Stew’s Sharp­ ening Service, ,105 Sanders St., Ex- eter, phone 464.__________ ______3tfc WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial ■ Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or information phone Clinton 515 col­ lect, between 7:30 and 10:00 A.M. on week days and 7:30 and 9:30 A.M. on Sundays. SAVE AT IGA R. E. POOLEY, Mayor STOCK WANTED REAL ESTATE 45c 89c BRICK HOUSE, 3-bedroom, hot air furnace, 3-piece bath, nice location, Huron fit.; garage. William Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Salesman. 8tfc KRACKING GOOD such. MERCHANTS WILL REMAIN OPEN ALL-DAY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28 well, Actually, rm not really pointing at anything; I’m merely here to point put the Value of having - a well-known trust company to administer your estate. You see, your estate is fat too important to put away in the background," He has < point, you know. Xf yon were ft* take advantage of the co-operation and experience m The Sterling Trusts Corporation now, It could very well save a lot Of inconvenience and trouble later, Write today for out free booklet* "Blueprint For Your Family?’ It covers many Of the aspects of estate administration. Of STERUHG TRUSTS C O R P O R A T I O N M«A» OffKl BRANCH OWOI B71 Bay Ttomtai 1-3 Dunley St., Barrf* May all the joys of the Holiday be heaped On you and those you love. A Merty Christinas and a Happy New Year to all vf . Th e very best of Holiday t Wishes to all our friends, extended, in warm appre- ciation of your good will and patronage. Glenn's Auto Wreckers Phone 418 Exeter Gratton & Hotson Propane Gas Grand Bend I AM IN THE MARKET ’for all kinds of horses, any size, any age.—G. J. Dow, phone 83, Exeter. ________tfc DEAD, - DISABLED STOCK—Seven-, day week service for horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, calves.—Glen Kennedy, phone collect 168-W Lucan or Exeter 235. 9-2tfc FARIM—Dots S20, 21, 38 and- 39, Ex- dter, ’Ontario, 1st Concession Town­ ship of Usborne, County of Huron. For further information apply to Canadian Canners Limited, Hamil­ ton, Ontario, 15:22:29c HOME for a couple, plus an income. Very ’well built 2-storey brick house With 4 apartments, netting a good income. See William Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen, Exeter. Stfc BRICK HOUSE, 2-storey, 3 bed­ rooms, bath, new oil furnace; near business area. William Pearce, Real­ tor;- Fred Cole, Salesman. 24tfc 3-BEDROOM BRICK HOUSE with 2% acres of land, 66x40 painted barn; cement block building 60x20. This is ideal for man with horses or retired farmer. House includes built-in re­ frigerator, 35-foot deep freeze, auto­ matic washer, 3-piece bath, R. I. Harris Real Estate. Agent William Cochrane, phone 42-r-15 Grand Bend. VACANT LOTS for dwellings. W. C. Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen, Exeter. 24tfc CLaNDEBOYE — 2-bedroom cottage, almost new; modern kitchen and bathroom; hardwood floors: full base­ment; oil heated; price $5,000: 32,TOO cash; balance in easy terms; immed­ iate possession. C, v. Pickard, Real­tor, Main St., Exeter. 17tfc RANCH-TYPE BRICK HOMES, nearly new, three bedrooms; spacious living room and dining room, modern kit­ chen and bathroom. Basement lends itself to use as rumpus room; per­ manent laundry tubs; oil-burning fur­nace: priced below -building eash; terms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, 394 Main St., Exeter. ..................... 10 NEW, MODERN HOUSE with Oil furnace; cast side of Exeter; close to schools. R. E, Balkwill, 47 John st. East............... , 3tfc HOUSE with basement, furnace, Hv- Ing room, dining room, kitchen, .den, bathroom and sunroom, main fl cl or; 4 bedrooms upstairs; garage and nice building lot; ail moderately^ priced. W, _ Pearce, Realtor; i>rl Batsems, Fred Cole, salesmen. Mixed Nuts ALL POPULAR BRANDS Cigarettes CARTON Of 2OCJ $2 99 IGA QUALITY FRESH FOODS Grade A Inspected TURKEYS Ready' For The Oven Eviscerated C TJ t 18 Lbs. And Up fD« Maple Leaf—Ready To Eat Short Cut Shank nams whole dr half lb. Maple Leaf—Boneless HCIITIS Whole Or Half lb. 65C z Side Bacon i lb f>«o. 59c ■ We Have A Full Line Of CHICKENS, DUCKS AND GEESE ^Zdery hearts 'bunch 19c Head Lettuce 19c Cranberries sab 25c * Tangerines o^. 29c Pears ahuon 5-23c■ ** • z1 1 ‘ DARLING'S IGA ««« Watch The Free Press Every Thursday Our Prices Are The Same