HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-12-15, Page 20Page 14 THE T1MES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER IS, 1955
Town Topics
Mr, and Mrs. Alf Wuerth were
■entertained to dinner on the oe-
coston of 'their fortieth wedding
anniversary on Sunday at
.home of their son, Ray. Mr.
Mrs* "Reg Wuerth and .(Susan
Lando were also present.
Mrs, Robert G. Dennis
son, Jon. have arrived from Hol
lywood, California to spend
Christmas with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs* C. L. Wilson.
Mrs. Asa Penhale underwent
a major operation in Victoria
Hospital, London on Monday,
Mr. Pon*Gladman was a guest
at the home of his sister, Mrs.?
Warren Sanders and family Fri
day and (Saturday last 'week.
White Gift Sunday
The White Gifts presented at
Main. St. Sunday School last Sun
day morning included 75 white
gift parcels and $21 in cash.
These will be used in Child Wel
fare Work through the Children’s
Aid Society of Huron County.
A film, “(Christmas in other
Lauds” was shown. Mt. Sterling
Ince is superintendent of the
SANTA CLAUS will be in Dash
wood with treats for all the
children, Saturday, December 17,
at 4 p.m, Sponsored by the Men’s
Club, 15*
day, Dec. 28, Aberdeen Hail.
HI-NEIGHBOR Christmas Hop.
Exeter Legion Hall, December
22. Clarence Petrie. Admission
750. Everyone welcome, 15
North End
Sunday School
Sunday, Dec. 18
7:45 p.m.
Christmas Offering
Friday, Dec. 16, 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, Dec. 17
1-2:45—(Country and Public Skating
3-6—Figure Skating
8-TO—Moonlight Skating
{Spot Prizes)
Monday, Dec. 19, 7-11 p.m.
Tuesday, Dec. 20
Rockets vs. Mohawks
7:30-9:30—Flight Cadet. Practice
Wednesday, Dec. 21
2-4—Public Skating(A good day to bring the tiny tots)
Milverton at* Exeter
S:80—Midget Practice
Reserve ice Now — Call 333
Phone 421
Hensall And District News
Install Officers
Of Carmel WMS
Rev. Donald MacDonald instal
led the officer? of the Women's
Missionary Society of Carmel
Presbyterian Church at their an
nual meeting on Thursday,
Mrs, S, Dougall was elected
president; vice-presidents, Mrs. G.
Walker and Mrs. J. A, Paterson;
secretary, Mrs. R. Y. MacLaren;
treasurer, Mrs. Inez McEwen;
supply secretary, Mrs. B. Ed
ward?; flower secretary, Mrs. W.
R, Bell; welcome and welfare,
Mrs. J. W. Bpnthron; assistant,
Mrs. W. R. Bell; Glad Tidings.
Mrs. B* Edwards; literature, and
library, Mrs. J. Forrest.
Helpers’ secretary, Mrs, L. Purdy;
pianist, Mrs. M. Dougall;
Band leader, Mrs. Harry
Christmas Party
A large representation of mem
bers attended the meeting of Am
ber Rebekah Lodge on Wednesday
evening, with Mrs. Archie Mac
Gregor N. G. presiding.
Following the regular meeting a
short program was presented .with
Mrs. W. R. Bell as chair lady.
The singing of Christmas Carols
was led by Mrs. Harold Bell pres
iding at the piano. Miss M. Ellis
and Mrs. Alex MacBeath gave
A quiz concluded the program,
after which the members assem
bled in the lower hall where
tables were decorated for the
Christmas season, and refresh
ments served. A decorated tree
centred the many gifts exchanged
by the members, who also pres
ented gifts of toys and clothing
for the Shelter at Goderich,
Report From
Hoy, ,
Previews Itsf
Coming Attractions
^December Id and 17
Red River
★ Van Johnson
it Joanne Dru
December 1ft and 20
We're No Angels
it Humphrey Bogart
ir Jorin Bennett
December 21 and 22
Trouble never seems to come
alone as Mr. and -Mrs. Henry
Hodgins found out last Monday
for the Melbourne man, Daniel
J.. Mullins (who was shot to death
was a brother of their son-in-law,
Mr. H. A. Mullins of London and
Mrs. H. Mullins also shot and in
■critical condition in the hospital
is his mother. In the evening they
received a telegram announcing
the death of Mr. Cecil Atkin
son, Mrs. Hodgin's only brother,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Acheson
last Thursday night attended the
London Real Estate Christmas
dinner and dance held at Hotel
•Frank and Pat Egan, having
■each secured three new custom
ers, were among the group of
■carriers treated by the Free Press
last Tuesday for. increased sales
effort. The boys enjoyed tours of
the London Free Press, C.F.P.L.
Radio, 1C.1F.P.L. T.V., Kellogg’s
IR.C.A.F. Station at Crumiin, and
the London Fire Department. Be
fore being brought home the boys
were taken out for supper.
Mr. Harold Morgan has open
ed up a radio and T.V. store in
the building vacated by A. (B,
Evan’s second-hand
Teachers’ Meeting
Inspector R. J.
spoke on Ausable
and on Maps. Larry Lewis, a win
ning oratorical address on, the
homing pigeon.
Legion Auxiliary Elects Officers
The Ladies’ Auxiliary Cana
dian Legion Branch 540 elected
Mrs. A. E. Reilly as president at
a meeting in the Legion Hall.
Other officers (were, vice pres
idents, Mrs. R. H. Stanley and
Mrs. IB. Nagle; secretary, Mrs.
C. F. Sovereign; treasurer, Mrs.
C. H. Haggar; executive com
mittee, Mrs. F. W. Hovey, Mrs.
OB. W. (Thompson, Mrs.
and Mrs, D. W. Ball; swvuuaixi
bearers, Mrs. V. Young, and Mrs.
R, ,S. Smith; .
The purchasing
tee, Mrs, R. Rummell,
Hodgins; veteran’s box, Mrs. D.
(Edgan; chair-woman, Mrs. C. H.
George; entertainment commit
tee, Mrs. H. Bond, and Mrs. F.
A. Hodgins; Auditors, Mrs. F. A.
Hodgins and Mrs. 0* Haskett. ,
Mr and Mrs, Frank Dickins
Of cAilsa Craig were- Thursday
visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Bob
Anglican W.A.
The Woman’s Auxiliary of
Holy Trinity Church held their
December meeting at the home
■of Mrs. F. 'A Hodglns last Wed
nesday afternoon. The president,
Mrs. F. iC. McFarlane, opened the
the meeting assisted by Mrs. Er
win iSCott, and Mrs. Jack Murdy.
The hostesses were Mrs. Har
old Corbett, Mrs, James Hodgins
and Mrs. Wilson Hodgins. Mrs,
F. A. Hodgins reported on the
Dorcas work and Mrs. Irene Cour
sey displayed the Scrap Book of
Pakistan Clippings
iOCficers for the new year are
to ibe Honorary president, Mrs.
J. P* Prest; president, Mrs, F. C.
McFarlane; vice presidents, Mrs.
Harold Corbett and Miss .Lina
Abbott; secretary, Mrs. Frank
Hovey; treasurer, Mrs. .Tack Mur
dy; Dorcas secretary, Mrs. F. A.
i McNaughton
IS, Park,
Mrs. W.
Kippen WMS
Chooses Slate
The W.MB. met on Wednesday
afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Harold Jones with Mrs. Herbert
Jones as co-hostess. Mrs. Archie
Parsons was in charge of
Mrs. Ross Love reported
the visitors for December
Mrs. Robt. McGregor and Mrs, J.
The supply committee reported
having packed a bale for Korea
also that a personal gift had been
sent to the prayer partner, Miss
Ada Sandell, in Korea, Mrs. El
don Jarrott reported for the
Mrs. Morley Cooper, treasurer,
reported the allocation had been
Mrs. McLeod favored with a
piano instrumental. The roll call
was answered 'by a Christmas
The Christmas program was fol
lowed with scripture readings be
ing given by Mrs. Alec Hyde, Mrs.
Lloyd Lovell, Mrs. Howard Fink-
beiner, Mrs, Eldon Jarrott, Mrs.
Russell Qonsitt, Mrs. R. McAllis
ter, Mrs. Bert Faber, Mrs, John
Sinclair, Mrs, N. McLeod, Mrs,
J. W. McLean and Mrs, S. Pepper,
Mrs, Bruce McGregor favored
with a solo.
The.candle lighting service was
then held with Mrs, Joe McLellan
lighting the first candle in mem
ory of our departed members;
Mrs. R. M. Peck for the officers
for 1956; Mrs. Emerson Anderson
for our prayer partner, Miss Sari
dell in Korea. Mrs. N. Workman
for our churches throughout the
Masters’ Grant and Kenneth
Jones favored with a duet. Mrs.
Ralph. Turner then gave the topic
from the study book. Mrs. Bruce
McGregor led in the singing ot
carols. Mrs. Robt. MacGregor pre
sented the slate of officers with
the honorary pres., Mrs. Emerson
Kyle; president, Mrs, Emerson
Anderson; vice presidents, Mrs.
Joe McLellan, Mrs. Russell Con-
sitt and Mrs. John Anderson;
secretary, Mrs. Wilmer Jones;
treasurer, Mrs. Morley Cooper;
press sec. Mrs. A. Gackstetter;
The secretaries are:—
Missionary monthly, Mrs. A.
Parsons; mission band, Gerda
Bennindyk; baby band, Mrs.' Ross
Broadfoot; community friendship,
Mrs. A. McMurtrie; Christian
stewardship, Mrs. McLeod; sup
ply committee, Mrs. Emerson Ky
le, Mrs. A. Parsons, and Mrs. R.
McAllister; pianists, Mrs. R.
Broadfoot and Mrs. Harold Jones;
Sunshine Associate Members', Mrs.
Eldon Jarrott; Christian citizen
ship, Mrs. S'. Pepper;
W.A. Officers
Mrs. Harold Jones was named
president of the W.A, for 1956
with hon. pres., Mrs. W. Work
man; and vjqe presidents, Mrs.
A. McMurtrie( Mrs, A. Gackstet
ter and Mrs. Verne Aiderdice;
treasurer, Mrs. E. McBride; sec
retary, Mrs. B. Faber.
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Taylor of
Stratford spent Saturday with the
latter’s mother, Mrs. R. Dinsdale
and Miss Mabel Whiteman, ■
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Fisher of
Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Don
McKnight of Galt visited recent
ly with the ladies' parents,
and Mrs. Robt. Elgie Sr.
Mr. arid Mrs. W Hauck
family of Waterloo spent
weekend with. Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert
and Merle visited on Sunday with
the former’s mother, Mrs. J, Dick
ert who is ill in Listowel.
Mr, Hank Bennindyk who is
employed in Hamilton spent the
weekend with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Harry Bennindyk.
Mrs. Robt. McBride is ill at the
home of her daughter and son-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Schnell
in Camrose, Alberta.
Master Bradley Littleton is a
patient in Victoria Hospital, Lon
Arnold Circle
The Arnold Circle of Carmel
Church 'held their Christmas
meeting at the home of Mrs.
Stewart Bell on Monday evening.
The president, Mrs. Mary Hilde
brandt, conducted the
The worship service,
■theme “Good Tidings
Joy” was prepared and
Kippen 4-H Girls
Discuss Materials
Thrifty Kippenettes held 'their
Tuesday evening meeting at the
home of their assistant leader,
Mrs. William Caldwell, The meet
ing opened with the theme son,
“The More We Get Together,”
and the 4-H pledge was repeat
ed. (Members answered the roll
call by showing samples of a
piece of material suitable for a
dainty person and samples for a
more aggressive type, This was
followed with a talk on same.
Cardboard models were displayed
on which were fashioned blouses
and dresses to fit these types.
The leaders gave the girls valu
able advice on the selection of
patterns for blouses and dresses.
Kinsmen Sell Trees
Hensall Kinsmen are selling
Christmas trees which are on dis
play at the Texaco Service Stat
ion and beside Drysdale’s Hard
ware. The club is also presenting
a technicolor movie ’’Snow White
Foreign Customs
Topic Of Circle
'Christmas in other lands was
the main topic for the Christmas
meeting of James St. Mission
Circle held at the home of Mrs.
Howard Holtzman on Tuesday
Christmas in Germany was
taken by Mrs. Gerald G'lenn; in
France ,by Marion Brock, ip Rus
sia by olive Parsons; in England
by Mrs, Wni. Skinner; in. Brazil
by ‘Mrs. ICaJvin AV ein and in Den
mark by Mrs. Alma Davey.
Readings by Mrs. Earl Dixon,.
Pauline Lynn 'and Mrs. Gerald
MeFalls and a Christmas mes
sage by Miss May Jones were
features of' the program* An ex
change of Christmas gifts
eluded the meeting.
c on-
and the Seven Dwarfs” at
town hall Saturday, Dec. 17.
draw for a rest rocker with
stool, and Christmas turkey
take place at 8.30.
Former Councillor
Returns To Hay
Oscar Klopp, of Zurich, was
elected by acclamation this week
to fill the fourth
Township council,
on council
seat on Hay
Mr. Klopp
several ■ yearsserved
ed for
dined to run.
At a recent council meeting,
Oscar Greb was appointed as the
township’s representative on the
South Huron District High
School Board,
Decker was
the position but he de-
also nominat-
Order Trial
For Growers
The Ontario Court of Appeals
at Toronto has directed a new
trial for the 30-member Grand
Bend Marsh Vegetable Growers’
Association in an action against
Armand Declercq.
The Association is trying to
recover a $2,000 promissory note
it says Declercq owes it.
Evidence was the association
was formed early in 1953 for
growing vegetables, mainly let
tuce, on swampy land near Grand
Bend, reclaimed by irrigation.
Claim Negligence
Declercq was made association
sales agent and signed the
promissory note May 21, 1953, as
surety for “faithful performance
of his dutie?.” The association
says Declercq was negligent in
his duties and the growers Want
their $2,000-.
Theodore Kelders, Joseph Van-
dongen and Marcel Collez are
named in the action as suing on
behalf of the association and its
other members.
In a Sarnia trial last June 15
Judge J. A. Legris dismissed the
growers action without costa.
Association Counsel ' A. M.
Fergiss argued Judge Legris was
wrong in ruling the growers
■could not bring action as a
“class”. He argued the j,udge
erred In granting Declercq’s mo
tion for trial dismissal when only
one witness for the grower? had
been heard.
with the
of Great
_______ given by
Mrs. Sadie Hoy with Mrs. Han
nah Murray and Mrs. Shirley
Deitz assisting.
Rev. D. McDonald installed
the officers for the coming year
and gave hn inspiring address
about Christinas and what it
means to one and all,
Bible Society Elects Officers
At a meeting of the Bible So
ciety held Tuesday evening W. O.
Goodwin ’ was elected president;
treasurer, H. W. Horton; secreta
ry, Mrs, R. Y. McLaren;
These officers together with the
local Ministers Will meet at the
home of Mt. Goodwin , Friday
evening to arrange for collectors
fof a canvass of the village and
District Men
On Executive
District men were elected to
executive positions in purebred
cattle associations at annual meet
ings held last week.
’"Whitney Coates, of R.R. 1 Cen
tralia, and Percy Wright, of
Cromarty, were named directors
Of the Huron Hereford Associa
tion. Allan Petrie, of Dungannon,
is the new president, succeeding
Stan Jackson of Kippen.
Guests of the Hereford group
at its annual banquet were 59
4-H Club members who showed
Hereford calves in 19,5 5. Particul
ar mention was given to Keith
Coates, of R.R. 1 Centralia, win
ner of the Association’s Past Pres
ident’s Trophy for the champion
Hereford calf in the county,-
Shorthorn Breeders Meet ‘
Among those elected to the
Perth-Huron Shorthorn breeders
Association executive were An
son McKinley, Zurich; John M.
Peck, Kippen; and Bruce Keys,
Varna. Howard Armstrong, o f
Seaforth, succeeded Clarence
Switzer, of R.R. 1 St. Marys, as
president of the group.
Pond Building Program
Exceeds ARC A Budget
The farm ponds program of the white spruce.
Turkey & Chicken
Create Jobs
For Winter
A campaign to persuade Huron
property owners to have interior
construction done during the win
ter to help offset seasonal unem
ployment has been launched iby
the National Employment Ser
vice office at Goderich.
Manager J, D. McLeod, who
said unemployment has increased
rapidly since the first snowfall,
urged homeowners to do their
remodelling and redecora
ting now while skilled tradesmen
are available to do the jobs.
Mr. McLeod said that ,by do
ing these construction jobs in
winter time, citizens can relieve
the unemployment situation, save
.money and get qualified labor.
“In winter, with construction
reduced, carpenters, plumbers,
■painters, electricians, plasterers
and all those involved in building
and finishing houses and busi
ness establishments, usually have
fewer jobs on hand,” Mr. McLeod
said. “These workers a,re avail
able now and anxious for employ
ment. In the summer when de
mands are heavy, householders
may have to wait for the work
to be done.”
Huron’s unemployment
looked brighter at the
November this year than
similar period last year
has since dropped considerably.
In 1954, the November figures
showed 61 women and 351 men
off work. This year the compara
tive totals are 81 and 252..
.'Since December 1, 10 more
women and 100 more men have
been added to the jobless total.
end of
at the
but it
Authority has met with such
widespread support the board has
far exceeded, its (budget this year,
Chairman Joseph Bryan of Bld-
dulph reported at the meeting of
ARICA Wednesday, Dec, 6.
The Authority has dug 136
ponds in co-operation (with land
owners in the watershed but it
has been able to pay subsidy on
only -5'5. To provide for the other,
81, the Authority approved trans
fer of i$3,'000 from the refore
station 'budget to the ponds com
The Authority also approved
an increased budget for 1956 to
provide for subsidies on another
135 ppnds.
Since 1951, when the pond'
Program was started, the Auth
ority has aided in the construct
ion of 453 ponds. McGillivray
township, with 108, has the larg
est number. (Biddulph has 75,
East Williams 70, (Stephen 46,
West Williams '34, and (Bosan-
quet 2-3, Others are located in
Lobo, Usborne, Hibbert, Blans-
hard, Hay, 'Tuckersmit'h and Ade
Drought Destroys Trees
This summer’s drought played
havoc 'with the ARCA tree plant
ing program, report of Zone For
ester Hendrick de Vries of Strat
ford revealed.
Of the 2'0',000 trees planted in
Hay swamp this spring. >50 to 60
percent died during the summer.
In some areas entire fields, were
wiped out.
During the year the Authority
■purchased .300 acres in iStephen
Township and 75 more in Hay
for tree planting.
The Stephen ^purchase marks
the start of the new reforestation
area which will involve 2,600 ac
res when completed.
The new Hay aeqitisitions
■bring the total Authority acreage
in that township to 1,300. 'The
objective here is 13,000 acres in
forest. ■ '
The Authority plans to .plant
over 100,000 trees in 1956. They
will he mostly white pine and
Asked about 'the progress of
private reforestation, Mr. deVries
praised Huron County’s plant
ing plan by which the county and
the township pay for Ml refore
station costs on private farms.
“This plan is providing so pop
ular we can’t hope to keep up
with the demand,” the forester
said. “We have enough work to
twokeep us busy for the next
Preserve Historic Sites
A proposal to set up an
■tonic Sites Advisory Board
approved. Fieldman Harold Hoo
ke, in proposing the board, said
it “could do a Jot to .acquaint
people with 'the history of the
area by preserving and restoring
historic sites In -the Watershed,”
10 Rounds for Chickens
10 Rounds for Turkeys
a Game, or 3 Games for 250
Legion Hall
FRI., DEC. 16
0:00 p.m.
Sponsored by Hensall Legion
Boy Scout
Paper Drive
Saturday, December 17
Starting At 9:30 a.m.
Official Opening
To Name Dam
After Chairman
The proposed dam in Us-
bome township ■ was dubbed
“Morrison Dam” in honor of
the chairman of the Ausable
River Conservation Authority
at the meeting ip Parkhill on
Wednesday, Dec. 6.
A motion signed by several
members of the Authority pro
posed the name in tribute to
the devoted leadership of
Chairman Joint A. Morrison,
East Williams Township. When
the motion was read, it was
cheered by all representatives.
If the dam is constructed, it
will be the first built by the
Ausable Authority. Morrison
has called it a “pilot” dam be
cause he believes it will lead,
to many more. The Authority
chairman has backed the
scheme enthusiastically since
it was first proposed.
The motion to name the dam
was presented by William
Haugh, Hay Township, chair
man of the flood control ad
visory board.
of the
New Christian
Reformed ChurchKirkton Report
—Continued from Page 8
■president, Mrs. Jack Roundell;
secretary, Mrs. Wm. Blackler;
treasurer, Mrs. Eric Humphreys;
Huifcon church (news secretary,
Mrs. Theron Creery; floral com.,
Mrs. M. McCurdy and Mrs. R.
Humphreys; decorating com,,
Mrs. Geo Hall and Mrs. M. Mc
“The Class That Counts”
The Christmas meeting of “The
Class That Counts” was held at
the home of Mrs. Anderson with
the president, Mrs. M. Allen, "in
the chair.
The worship service was taken
by Mrs. Batten followed by carols
suhg in unison. Bob Anderson
gave a piano solo. As teacher of
the class Mrs. Batten was present
ed with a lovely brooch.
Mrs. Dorothy Switzer took the
chair while the new slate of of
ficers was brought in. They are:
Hom .president, Dorothy Switzer;
president, Margaret Allen; vice-
presidents, Leona Amos and Don
na Paynter; secretary, Ethel Ur
quhart; ass’t secy., Joyce Paton;
■treasurer, Marion Urquhart;
pianisfs, Clara Watson and Violet
Stone; card secy., Christina Eve-
leigh and Greta Humphrey,
Press secy., Dove Horton and
Laurel Francis; nominating com
mittee, Myrtle (Bailey, \ Wanda
Robinson, Beatrice Rogers, Dora
Cowdry; auditors, Verda Morri
son and Evelyn Wright; group
conveners, Verna MoElrea, Joyce
Paton, Dora Cowdry, Ruth Shier,
Dorothy Switzer; flower and gift
■committee, Mary Neil, Muriel
Marshall and Sally Scott.
Numbers were drawn and an
exchange of gifts followed,
Kirkton W. I.
Fibers was the subject dis-
cus'sed by Mrs. Alma Dobson on
the (Canadian Industries program
at the Kirkton Women’s Insti
tute imeeting held 'at the home
of Mrs. Archie Levy.
Mrs. Eric Humphreys presided
for the program. Miss Doris Levy
accompanied <by her mother gave
a violin selection, and Mrs. Wes
Batten, a reading. Mrs. Gallop
gave the report of the London
Area Convention and Mrs. Allan
Eveleigh gave a short account of
■the directors’ meeting at Mitch
ell, Mrs. Clarence Sweitzer pres
ented the highlights Ot the Fed
eration of Agriculture convention
In Toronto to which she was ‘a
Mrs. E. Paton presided fOr the
■business meeting, plans were
completed to entertain the resi
dents >of Tweedsmuir Hall, Lon-**
don on December 12. Mrs. E.
Watson and Mrs, A, Dobson gave
a summary of Club fwork they
had completed as leaders of the
girls’ club. They Were presented
(With gift’s in 'appreciation Of their
The balance of funds in the
treasury will be need to buy
equipment for Aberdeen Hall.
Area Farm Forums
—Continued from Page 1
nearer large industrial cities.
They met at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. Ferguson and euchre
prizes went to Mrs. Ross Hodgert,
Mrs. Glen Stewart, Mr. Ray Cott
le and Mrs. Jack Stewart,
Due to lack of space the report
on the Farm Forum meetings did
not appear in last week’s issue of
the TimeS-Advocate.
The subject under discussion
was “Retirement Plan for Farm
ers.” Most of the forums were
agreed that if a farmer can do
so it is better to retire from the
farm to an urban centre and he
should plan for that retirement
through investments in govern
ment bonds, insurahce and in
Friday, December 16
at 8 o’clock
The Legion, Lions and Kinsmen Minor Hoekey League =
Presents Three Hours of Action-Packed Hockey |
Mighty Mites Nite
Friday, December 16
7:30 to
8:00—Red Devils Vs. Blue Devils
Seals vs. Whales
8:30—Leafs vs. Black Hawks
9:15—Intermission '
9:45—Canadiens vs. Red Wings
9:45 to 10:30—Mohawks vs. Sailors
Admission: Adults 350; Children 150
Proceeds to go to Minor Medical Fund—a plan whereby
every boy playing hockey would have a complete medical
South Huron District High School
Presents Its Annual Variety Program And Commencement Exercises
“Till We Meet Again”
“For Me And My Gal”
The Stately Minuet and the Spritely,
“Tip Toe Through The Tulips”
District Accidents
—Continued from page 1
south of Hensall, and on Tues
day, Peter Grldzhk, of Kipperi;
collided with one north of Hen-
OPiP 'Constables Elmer Zim
merman and Cecil Gibbous in
The only
four weeks
on Sunday,
Wes Sims, of R.R. 2 'Centralia,
■and Murray Scott, of Exeter, col
lided at the corner of Main and
Huron Streets, Constable John
Gowen Investigated.
Safety stickers for car wind
shields arc now being issued by
the local OBI* detachment to ve-
COMEDY* Sailor Blues
Tues., Dec. 20
Diplomas—ACE Chorus
Wed., Dec. 21
Prized—4&r. XI11 Diplomas-—BDF Chorus
8 p.m. Both Evenings
Portrayed In ‘‘Bobby Sox”
McGillivray Election Results
REEVE POLLS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TOTAL
Hoaman ....... 78 89 92 79 87 112 127 664
Thompson „„....... H 3 36 17 64 8 14 153
Drummond „....................... 62 77 109 72 91 87 70 518
Dixon .......... 97 76 109 48 65 45 57 497
Hall ......................... 69 27 65 49 72 97 103 481
Morley ...................... 88 54 106 63 80 21 32 444
Hodgins ....... 19 68 31 38 79 44 84 843
Mollard ............ 21 X8 14 37 48 48 37 223
McGregor ..................... IT 8 28 23 89 81 52 188
Dam Busters
# Richard Todd
it Michael Redgrave
accident recorded In
In Exeter occurred
December 4,. when
stickers are good for a
of throe months when a
of different color will ,be
Hides in proper mechanical cond
(Drivers can get a decal by im
plying at the local detachment
"Land of Hope and Glory”
Reserved Tickets Purchased From Any Student At Adults 500; Children 250