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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-12-15, Page 18
PM* 13 THE T1MES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 15, 1955 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS H. J. Cornhh, L» F.. Cornish, D. Mitchell 294 DUNDAS ST. LONDON, ONT H. J, CORNISH & CO. a gift that will make your little tot’s eyes sparkle. Tor a gift that will last the lady of the house for time to come, • To make the man of the house comfortable in his leisure hours. Choose SLIPPERS For A Useful And Attractive Gift For easy shopping pick up a GIFT CERTIFICATE AT Smyth s Shoe Store We will Remain dosed All Day Tuesday, Dec. 27 Open All Day Wednesday, December 28 Phone 376 Exeter By MISS JANE DYKEMAN Y.P.U., Zion Young peopled Union met at the schoolhouse Monday evening. Tom Hern and Edward Hern had charge of the worship service. ■In the absence -of the president the election of officers was post poned until the next meeting. Personal Items Wednesday evening visitors With Mr, and Mrs. Ross Jaques were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Range and Wayne, -Centralia, Mr, Herb. Anderson, Lloyd and George, Science Hill, Miss Jean Wilson, Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hodgson and Margaret pf Gran ton and Rose Anderson, Science Hill. Mr, and Mrs. Lome Johns and children visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. -Gordon Kirk. Exeter. Mr. Wilfred Herbert, Whalen, visited with Mr. Daniel Hicks. Mr. A. |Q. Dykeman, Dundas, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jud Dykeman and with his mother, Mrs. Elmer Dykeman. Mr. and Mrs. Ev. Miller and Elsie visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Johns, Elimville, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock attended the Montgomery-Stewart Wedding Saturday afternoon in Metropolitan Church, London. Mrs. Ross Jaques spent Sunday afternoon with her mother, Mrs. Herb. Anderson, Science Hill. Peter and Catherine Rowclif- fe, London, visited a few days last week with their grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock, Mr. and Mrs, Tom Brock were ‘Sunday visitors With .Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ogle, Strathroy. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller, Thames Road. Mrs. Ross Jaques and John, land Mr. (Daniel IHick-s visited Thursday with Mrs. Jack Prout, Mrs. Gerald Chapman and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jaques, Exeter. -On Monday evening the Mis sion Band entertained the ladies of the community at the school house. Mrs. Kenneth Hern and Mrs. Gerald Hern, the leaders, were in charge of the program. I Zion Mission (Circle met at the [home of Miss Mary Dickey last Friday evening. Thames Road Children Contribute White Gifts Qn (Sunday, December 11 a White Dift and baptismal service was held. A member (from each Sunday School class put a gift of money in the manger on. the altar table. Miss /Carol Ann Hume read the lesson and. Master Ger- aid Gackstetter read a story. Rev. AV. J« Moores conducted the baptismal service when four children were baptized, Dorothy jean Evens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Evens Patricia Diane, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Jack McNichol, iRobert Calvin Bray, son of Mr, and Mrs. Donqjd Bray, Calvin Edward Rohde, “son of Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde. W.A. And W.M-S Meeting The (Christmas meeting of the W.A, and W-MS. was held in the church basement with a good at tendance, Mrs. Edwin Miller was in charge of the meeting which, open ed with the singing of carols. Mrs. Elford conducted a worship service with the theme “What Child is This." The narrators were Mrs. Mac Hodgert, Mrs. Wil liam Ferguson, Mrs. William Cann, Mrs. Wiseman and Mrs. SElford. Mrs. Moores gave .three short Christmas stories and Mrs, Robt. Miller read a poem “What Child is This," Mrs. Roy Bal- la-ntyne was in charge of the program which consisted of a vocal duet, Mrs. Don Bray and Miss Doris Elford and .a piano solo by Mrs. Reg Hodgert. Mrs, Reg Hodgert -took charge of the W.A, 'business, Candlelight Service On Sunday -the Young People’s Union were in charge of a candle light service. Miss Label-le Cow ard, president of the Y.'P.U. was in charge of the evening. Young 'people from other churches were guests. A fireside -service was held after the service in the base ment of the church. School Concert The anpual Christmas, school concert was held at Burnley school on Thursday evening. Recitations, dialogues, chorus and a Christmas pageant were presented by -the nupils. A film by th© Bell Telephone Co. of Lon don was shown. (Santa (Claus made his visit. Personal Items Miss Margaret Bray of London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Bray. Mrs. 'Ernest Pym spent a few days last week -with her daugh ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mi’s, Tony .Shulman of Embro. Mr, and Mrs, -Mark Strapp of London, Mr. and Mrs. Dome El ford, Ava and Michael, Mr. and Mrs. William Elford, 'Ronald and Doris, Mr, and Mrs. John Bray, Agnes and Margaret were guests on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Donald Bray. Mrs. Thos. Hodgert of (Seaforth spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hodgert. Mr, and Mrs. William Cann, Mr. and Mrs iRobt. -Cann were Saturday evening guests with Mr, and Mrs. Earl Johnston of Lon- The Story In Shipka Mrs. Dan. Gower of Kellwood, Map., sister of Mrs, Harry Clar ke, left for her home Thursday after visiting her daughter, Mrs, Alton Finkbeiner, and brothers and sisters in this area. Miss Ellsie Comfort of Fenwick is staying at the home of her Sister and' brother-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. ^Stuart Sweitzer- Mrs. Jack Ratz, and Mrs. Stu art Sweitzer, have returned to their homes from St. Joseph's hos pital in London. Little Miss June Datars spent Monday at the home of hey grand parents, Mr, and Mrs. Rqss Love, Mr. Harvey Ratz, is building an addition to his garage. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Volk, form erly of Kirkton, have moved into the house they are building here. The Sunday School is planning to have its annual Christmas en tertainment on Wed. Dec. 21 in the church. Mr. Jack Ratz and daughter, Joan, visited Sunday in London at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Walter Scott. ORDER NOW Christmas Flowers Our benches are stocked with beautiful Poin- settias^ Azaleas, Begonias, Mixed Pans and Mums, Holly and Mistletoe, Cut Flowers always on hand. ■* REDERS FLOWERS Phone 761 37 Main St. S CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE - Delivery .Phone 56 WILSON'S 73 Huron Street West Hopcroft Poultry Highest Prices Paid For FOWLBOILING ETC. ROASTING CHICKENS DUCKS, 79 Jack Smith Jeweler PHONE 510 MAIN ST., EXETER DASHWOOD The open-hearth method is em ployed for most of Canada's steel production. Phone Give Your Family The 1956 PHILCO Television TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE SPECIAL XMAS OFFER PHILCO'S SENSATIONAL MODEL 2130 Sensationally Priced PHILCO ELECTRIC BLANKETS the ideal Xmas Gift See this Exquisite Console of Rich Classic Beauty, Value Leader of All Consoles in your choice of Mahogany or Walnut, Inclined speaker panel to direct sound to ear-level. Optically Tinted filler glass combines with the Bonus Size 21 inch Aluminized Picture Tubs, to insure the greatest eye comfort and freedom from glare and reflections. Complete Finger Tip Control Centre on the front of this set, has only two controls in view, combining Custom Styling With complete operating efficiency , . . see the many other features such as PHILCO'S GOLDEN GRID TUNER (Just like a boost in station power) , the new MAGNETIC RING FOCUSING SYSTEM, the BONUS Size Speaker, larger than used in many other 21 inch sets, the Electronically Matched UHF- VHF Built-In Aerial, designed for peak sensitivity—in many locations no other aerial is needed-— just plug in and play? Let youi deafer explain all the extra features. REGULAR FOR 329.95 ONLY