HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-12-15, Page 17'flFflFflFflFflFflFflFflPfll THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 15, 1965 'flFflFflFflFflFflFflFflFfl!Creditor! Wl Members Treat Senior Citizens Practical £ FROM AMERICA’S FINEST SWING-A-WAY CAN OPENER Always Handy — Safe —- Sure No Spills — No Cut Fingers Swing flat out of your way when not in use. $3.95 Ironing Board All Metal—Can be Raised or Lowered for Comfortable Ironing, $11.95 t i: li’l v iWW •§ ■ \ Not Exactly as Illustrated, 'F?.jFflFj>,F?.FflFfl!'fljFfljFfljFfljFfl! COFFEE Percolators Electric' Polished Aluminum Fully 'Guaranteed ELECTRIC Corn Popper A Gift The Whole Family Will Enjoy L I N D E N F I E L D 5 Orediton Women’s Institute en­ tertained 60 -senior citizens of the community in the form of a turkey banquet in the Community; Centre on Wednesday evening.; Following the supper a social time was enjoyed. ■Mrs. E. M. Fahner led a sing’I song consisting uf Christmas car­ ols and Rev. Glen iStrome presid­ ed for a variety program, which featured numbers provided Iby the guests. Rev. A. Rapson gave a short talk and Mrs, Strome con­ tributed a violin solo. Mr. George Stevenson favored with a vocal solo and readings were given by Mrs. B. Paske, Mrs. M. Faist and Mrs. J. Woodall. Mr. Harry Beav­ er, on behalf <jf the guests, ex­ pressed appreciation to the Insti­ tute. Ladies Aid And W.S.W.S. The Ladies Aid and W-IS.W.'S. of the Evangelical Church held the Christmas meeting in the church school room, decorated with a lighted Christmas tree, Mrs. L. Hey, Mrs. R. Krueger and Misses C. G*aiser and N. Faist, in charge of the program, gave the story of Jesus’ birth; .Barbara Dundas sang a solo, “In a Man­ ger” and Mrs. F. Morlock and Mrs. e7 Fa'hner played a piano duet. A playlet entitled “Tea with an International Committee” was given, Carols were sung. Business conducted 'by the president--$85 was reported rais­ ed by t'he sale of cards and, in preferance to gift exchange, a collection was taken in aid of the Children’s Shelter. Material had been purchased and gowns made for the Christmas concert, W.A. And W.M.S. At the Christmas meeting of the Women’s Association and W.M..S. of the United Church, Mrs. W. Mack, who 'has faithfully filled the office of president of W.M.S for the .past five years, thanked members for their co­ operation during her term of of­ fice. Mrs. G. Hill and Mrs. * F. Clark, on behalf of W.M.S, mem­ bers, voiced appreciation to Mrs. Mack for valuable service render­ ed- Mrs. R. Motz conducted a brief W.A. meeting after which a candle-lighting service was en­ joyed. Taking part were Mrs. Motz, Mrs. E. Neil, Mrs. iS. King, Mrs, H. Lightfoot, Mrs. G. IZ’wick- and Mrs. N. Lamport. Gifts wCre exchanged by mystery sis­ ters and lunch served .by the com­ mittee in charge.. Personal Items Mrs. Daniel Gower, who spent some time with -her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Finkbeiner, and other relatives, left on Thurs­ day for her 'home in KelWood, Manitoba. Mr. Howard Beaver of Ham­ ilton spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beaver. ■Mr, and Mrs. G. E. Wenzel and Rev. W. F. Krotz of Dash­ wood spent Tuesday in Kitchener and visited with the latter’s fath­ er, who marked his 85th birth­ day Mr. and Mrs. 'Grant Roeszler of London visited over the week­ end with Mrs. William Roeszler. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Finkbein­ er of Exeter were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fink­ beiner. Mr. Garnet Hill is confined to his home by illness. x GINGERICH'S*/^ HEATING" ENGINEER. (WH Y WEAR AN OVERCOAT* IN6IDE-V/HEN EXPERT HEATING IS AJOUR PRIDE? •» $4.95 $$4.95 'fl^fl^fl?*fl^fl^fl^fljFfl^fl^fl!Ffl^fl^fllFfl^fljFfl^fl^fl^fl8Ffl8Ffl&FfljFflEFfljFfljFfl ROASTERS So Aluminum and Enamel A Size for Every Purpose Priced From 1.60 To 9.95 L I M I T E D Kinettes Donate To CAS, Family The Kinettes- at their meeting on Monday evening decided to donate $100 to the 'Children’s Aid Society of Huron County and $100 in fuel, food, clothing and Christmas cheer to a district needy family. Two new members to receive Kinette pins were Mrs. Douglas Rivers and Mrs. Prizes were won by Mrs. Ray Wuerth and Mrs. I. Armstrong. The meeting was held at the home of ,MrSt Les Parker. Lloyd Ford. Christmas Tree Lights Inside Sets $1.60 Outside Sets $3.80 We Stock Extra Bulbs and Sockets Tree Stands $1.00 0’ Electric Clocks General Electric or Westclox Kitchen Clocks and Alarm Clocks $5.95 Marx Electric Trains For Dad And The Boys From 12.95 Up .4- fo-: & Zb's) O5 03 A°o pnOw fy\qd ■ 1 TOYS COUNSELLOR BATH SCALES Fully Guaranteed In White and Colors 8.95 Fully Guaranteed with 3-Heat Switch 6.45 up 'flfFflfFfljFflflFflfFflPflPflPflP^fl 'flJFfl!rflFfl^lFflJFtiFilFftjFji|FsifFsijFji Phone 181 R$flFflFflFfl 'flpFfljFflfFflpFjiJFfl!'fljFflfFflFflFflFfljFflFflRfljFft!'fl FOR THE CAR Car Rugs Scotch Plaids, All-Wool *8.95 Christmas-Wrapped FENDER MIRRORS Smartest Designs $3.95 DIRECTIONAL Turn Signals $9.95 I MOTOROLA CAR RADIOS $49.95 Complete With. Aerial Installed House Radios $26.95 TOOL BOXES Metal, 16” x 7” Reinforced Leather Handles One Shelf, Green $6.95 Thistle BICYCLES TRICYCLES And Larger TOYS Trivitt Guild Reports Top Year The president, Mrs. L. Gib&on, presided for the 'Christmas party of the Ladies Guild of Trivitt Memorial church. The officers presented their an­ nual reports showing one ,of the best years in the history of the organization. A musical program followed with Mrs. J. G. Cochrane at the piano. Mrs. R. W. Watkin sang several songs also leading in a sing song She was assisted 'by Mrs. ‘Les 'Gibson. Mrs. A. Geddes contributed several piano selec­ tions, also Miss Shirley iGenttner. Miss Jane Russell recited. A tur­ key .banquet 'was served smorgas- board style. Trivitt Junior Auxiliary Mrs. V. Heywood, leader, told a story from the study book “Bright Pathways” and led in the discussion which followed at the meeting of the Junior Aux­ iliary of Trivitt church on Thurs­ day afternoon. The new ' president, IShirley Genttner, conducted the business. Plans were made for the. 'Christ­ mas party. $9 was raised by ■the girls by t the sale of candy at the W.A. bazaar—this will pur­ chase literature and sewing ma­ terial. BRINSLEY —Continued from Page 10 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fenton were taken by surprise on their forty ■fiftih wedding anniversary when about twenty .relatives met with them and enjoyed -a turkey din­ ner at the home of their son, William. They were presented *with a coffee table, Lazy Susan and silver basket. On the pretext of attending a movie at Exeter the party were taken to Neil’s school where 75 relatives and friends were wait­ ing to further surprise them. Progressive euchre was enjoyed, Mrs. Earl Lewis and Howard Fenton being the high scorers and for lone hands, Mrs. T. Koey. The lucky prize was won by M.rs. Earl Dixon. M.O. for the occasion Mr. WeS. Watson read an address when Cecil Ellwood and Lin Craven on behalf of the group presented thorn with two hostess chairs and other gifts. The couple are active members, of .Brinsley United Church -and the former Elbenezer church. Mrs. Fenton was organist for many years at both churches, is a mem­ ber of Brinsley W.A. and W.M.S. and also of McGillivray Women’s Institute. They have always farmed on Con, 4 McGillivray township un­ til recently when they moved across the road and gave their farm to their Son, William, An­ other son, Howard lives on a neighboring farm. It Anywhere Else — We've Got It RON WESTMAN Sports and Auto Supply Service Station 791— Phones —Store 211 GINGERICHS Heating-Lighting-Plumbing OIL BURNING-AIR CONDITIONING EQUIPMENTA.SUPPLIES <^$2) ELECTRICAL REPAIRING ZURK^ MOTOR REWINDING If You Haven't Been Able To Find 1956 Chrysler Windsor V-8 4-door sedan MANUFACTURED IN CANADA BY CHRYSLER CORPORATION OF CANADA, LIMITED Push-button controls! The new way to select the drive you want push a button *..step on the gas. *. and GO! > LOCAL TRADEMARKS* InC. Now! Enjoy an owner'seye view of this fine car Now the exclusive circle of Chrysler owners is easier to join than you might believe—and belonging is more rewarding than ever I You will drive in unbelievable comfort, reassuring safety, and easy confidence, with eager power ready to work for you, instantly. You will control this new V-8 power with your finger tip—select your driving range as easily as you tune your radio, with push­ button PowerFlite. Full-time power steering*, new centre-plane brakes add still more to your driving pleasure. And the very fact of knowing that you own a Chrysler will give you a wonderful lift! Ask your dealer about the true facts of Chrysler cost. You have nothing to lose... and a Chrysler to gain/ ♦Optional at extra cost. ... REG. ARMSTRONG MOTORS Exeter •Phone 216