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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-12-15, Page 16
Fbj* 10 Dot’s Beauty Shoppe (South Of Jack smith Jeweller) Naturelie Permanent Waving Lustron Cold Wave Dorothy G.Pfaff, Prop. Phone 7J»W JBxetcr Cookie And Candy Recipes By MARJORIE STEINER, THE T1MES.AUYOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER IS, 1955 SUPERIOR Propane Limited Your Distributor for Propape Gas and Appliances for Farm, Home and Industry Call Stratford 4174 '91 We have had a request for ‘Frying Pan Cookies and since they are easy to make and deli cious to eat it should ibe a good recipe fob the husy days ahead. Frying Pan Cookies (Mrs. Oren Grace) 1% cups -chopped dates - 1 cup brown sugar Put into cold frying pan add 2 beaten eggs. Place medium heat and stir mis- tor 10 minutes. Turn off and add— over ture heat 2 cups rice krispies 1 tsp. vanilla. Let cool for '5 minutes. Shape mixture into .balls fine coconut.t * * Now for another needs no baking and one which Will add a touch of Christmas color to a .plate of mixed cookies. Mrs. IGordon Ratz, w'ho kindly phoned this recipe to us, says these coconut marshmallow rolls should be kept in the refrigerator and sliced just before serving, Coconut Marshmallow Roll (•Mrs. Gordon Ratz) In top of a double boiler melt 4 l.Vv Tv w-> n 11 J ’ and roll in * cookie which Reeve's Daughter Wed At Dashwood Decorated with blue and white chrysanthemums and fern, Zion Lutheran Church* Dashwood, was the scene of a marriage on Sat urday at 4 p.m. when Verna El aine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Becker, became the bride of Howard (Edward Paters, son of Mr. and Mrs. .Elmore Dat ars, all of Dashwood. 'Rev. L. F. Higenell, the church, .performed le-ring ceremony. Miss diger and Mrs. Edgar er played traditional ___ music and Helen Nadiger sang “The Lord’s Prayer” and “O per fect Love”, Given in marriage by her fath er the bride wore a full length, princess gown, featuring long lace torso, lily point sleeves, cir cular net yoke and full skirt of nylon tulle, A crown of seed pearls and sequins held in place " ............... veil. She red roses pastor of the douib- JJelen Na- Restemey- weddjng Brinsley Ladies Groups Elect Officers For 56 T ww stuk soumeme $0 TENDER AND JUICY! _ .<✓...............................<*’ AYLMERAYLMER Horn* Economilt sgys Dredge round steak with dour and pound with edge of plate. Brown in a little hot fat. Add 1 tin condensed AYLMER Tomato Soup, cover pan, and simmer 1J4 hours or till meat is tender. JVYLMEfc TOMATO SOUP-PURELY Canadian ’ W.A and WARS. “ A >C h r i s t m a s program was given by the WARS, with the j leader, Miss Mary B. Ainos, as chairman. iSfte was assisted in the open ing by Miss Kathleen Morley and . Mrs. Wesley Morley. Readings were given by Mrs. Manwood Brest and Mrs, David Morley and a. solo ,by Mrs, Lin . Craven. Mrs. Jack Trevethick took , business for the meeting, Mrs. Ken Sholdice presided the Mrs. leen awarded to the Memorial Hospital, and tlwenty- five dollars to the M & M (Fund. Christmas boxes will also .be sent to the shut-ins of the congrega tion, The pastor, Rev. A. ,E. Men zies, closed with prayer, then conducted the election of officers. Mrs. J. Trevethick was named president of the W.M.S. for 1956 with vice president, Mrs. Fraser Dixon; recording secretary, Mrs. Ken iSholdice; treasurer, Miss Mary B. Amos; assist, treasurer, Miss Kathleen Morley;, correspon dence and supply, Mrs, Earl Lewis; christi a,n stewardship Mrs. Harvey Tweddle; associate members secretary, Mrs. Beatrice Dixon; pianist, Mrs. Fred Fen ton; assistant pianist, Miss Mary B. Amos. The group leaders are Mrs. George W. Lee, assistant, Mrs. Billie Fenton, Mrs. lEarl Morley, Mrs. Marwood Brest, and Mrs. Mac. Allison; auditors, Mrs. Jack Trevethick and Mrs. Earl Morley. W.A. Officer’s Mrs. Ken Sholdice is president of the W.A. for 1956 with Mrs. Jack Hodgson and Mrs. George Lee as vice presidents; secret ary, Miss Kathleen Morley; as sist. secretary, Mrs. Earl Lewis; ■treasurer Mrs. Karl Bickering; assist, treasurer, Mrs. Fraser Dix on; pianist, Miss Mary B. Amos; Mrs. .Stanley .Steeper, ■Flower fund committee Mrs, Lin Craven, Mrs. Stewart Wither spoon and Mrs. Beatrice Dixon, parsonage committee, Mrs. Ken Sholdice, Mrs. Karl Bickering, Mrs. Jack Hodgson and Mrs. Wes ley Morley; billeting committee, Mrs. Leslie Morley, Mrs. Arnold Wasnidge, and Miss Mary ,B. Amos; auditors, Mrs. Fraser Dixon and Mrs. Ken Sholdice. Personal Items Leslie, son of Mr. and (Mrs. Stanley Steeper, who was injured in a motor accident at West Mc Gillivray recently, lias returned to his home, after spending some time in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Morley of. Lieury held a dinner on Wed nesday evening in honor of the Morley family. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ell wood spent Friday evening with the latter’s sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haskett of Denfield. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hodgins, Phyllis, and Bobbie spent Sat urday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lin Craven. Mr. and Mrs. Edward 'Dixon visited friends in Detroit recent ly.Mr. Joe White and friend, and Mrs. 'Earl Dixon spent the week- end in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. iGeorge Brest., Mr. and Mrs, Edward Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hamilton, and Mr. Douglas Dixon were enter tailed to a chicken dinner at Mr. and Mrs. (Cecil EUwopd’s on Thurs day evening., -JPlease turn to Bage 11 the if or by.She was assisted and Miss 'Kath- W.A. Earl Morley ■Morley, donation of • •« • • ■• ♦ * I •V. your Christmas shopping, include a Food Gift Certificate from IGA, I u □z. Tins 1 3-5 minutes. Beat until and flower were 'her as maid of Kitch- ten dollars was children's War « • • Rl In planning your Christmas shopping, include a Food Gift Certificate from IGA. This convenient certificate made out for any amount you wish, could cover a delic ious Banquet Ham for New Years ... or some exciting imported relishes or season ings . . . There just isn’t a more pleasant or practical gift. THIS YEAR * 5 STAR SPECIALS I © LOCAL TRADEMARKS, He, EXETER Across From MacMillan’s Children’s Wear at McMillan s TOYS AND GAMES FOR GIFT EXCHANGE From 25$ to $5.95 TESTAMENTS AND BIBLES FOR CHILDREN From 40$ to $3.50 CHINA GIFTS, INCLUDING EASTERN STAR AND REBEKAH DESIGNS; from 49<5 up EVENING BAGS, $3.49 to $5.96 SKIRTS—TOTS TO TEENS—Sizes 12 to 18 From $2.95 to $11.95 BLOUSES^ Sizes 2 to 44; $1.39 to $6.95 BOYS’ SUITS; 12 MONTHS TO SIX YEARS ' From $2.98 to $4.95 BOYS’ WHITE SHIRTS AND TIES 3 to 7—$1.89 BOYS’ DRESS TROUSERS; 3 to 10—$3.95 PARTY DRESSES; 2 to 14x TEEN SIZE From $3.9.5 to $11.95 OPEN EVERY EVENING DECEMBER 16 TO 24 Phone 37 1 lb. marshmallows. When melt ed add >2 cups chopped nut meats and chopped fruit mixed. Red and green cherries and glazed pineapple may be used. Choice of fruit is optional as long as ifruit and nuts make 2 eupsful. Spread 1 lb. coconut on Waxed paper and pour marshmallow mixture over it. Knead well to mix coconut in. (Shape into rolls about 1 y2 inches thick. Roll in I coconut. Wrap rolls in waxed paper and chill well. (Slice and serve.* * * * How would you like to make some chocolates that look so much like the kind you buy that your friends’ won’t .believe you | made them? Here’s how to do it, [Mrs. Norman McDonald of An- jdrew St. tells us. Chocolates (Mrs. Norman McDonald) 8 Tbsps. corn syrup 4 T.bsps, soft butter I 3 lb. sifted icing sugar 1 can Eagle brand condensed ■milk.J Mix all ingredients .together until the consistency of a heavy dough. Divide it into portions. Add to each part a different fla- (orange, vanilla, peppermint etc.) Wrap separately and put in frig for an hour or more ’till firm. When set cut into squares then roll into ball. Make depres sion in each and add various cen tres (nuts etc.) then roll again. In top of double boiler melt 1 package unsweetened chocolate and % cake of parowax. Stir un til it begins to thicken. Dip cen ters into it with tooth pick or fork. Put on .waxed paper to set. vor Makes 6 lbs.4 ** * * Just room enough left for a fudge recipe sent to us by a friend.The addition of peanut butter gives the candy a ■differ- ent flavor. Cliocolate Fudge (A Friend) cu.p brown sugar Tbsp, milk Tbsp, cocoa T.bsp. peanut butter 1 -3 2 2 small piece butter vanilla. Boil thick. get dollars for pennies' with T-A Want Ads. Give The Lady What She House Dresses Sizes Patterns Colors Dresses 25yo 6 to 9 p.m. Friday Pretty Clothes From McKnighfs Blouses Gloves Housecoats Nightwear Umbrellas Slips From 32 To 4d Handbags Lingerie Party Dresses SZXXS33CB& Mcknights LADIES" WEAR MM her fingertip illusion carried a cascade of and white mums. Three sisters attend Attending the bride three sisters, Margaret, Of honor and Barbara, ,JH ener, and Eleanor as bridesmaids. They wore ballerina-length, prin ces gowns of delfnblue crystalet- te with matching headdresses and shoes. They carried bouquets of white and blue mums.. Earl Datars, Grand Bend, was groomsman for his (brother and another 'brother, 'Eldon Datars, Waterloo,, and Rill IBecker, broth er of the ibride, were us'hers, Church Reception The reception Was held in the church .parlors decorated with pink snapdragons, white mums and white candles. The bride’s mother chose for the reception a steel blue, two piece dress, navy and white accessories and pink carnation corsage. Assisting, the groom’s mother wore a mid brown dress with .beige and brown accessories and corsage of pink carnations, Mrs. Robert Hayter, Mrs. Al bert Rader, .both of Dashwood and Miss Anne Messner of Lon don assisted in serving the wed ding dinner to’ 110 guests. ■For a honeymoon spent in Ot tawa and Eastern United States, the ibride chose a blue grey worst ed suit, navy and white acces sories, a dusty blue top coat and corsage of white carnations. On their return, Mr. and Mrs. Datars will reside in Dashwood. ■Guests at the wedding were present from Kitchener. Water loo, London, Sudbury, New Dun dee, Zurich, Exeter, iCrediton, Lucan and Grand Bend. A -A 4 IGA Beans & Pork 2 20 Qz. tins Spread Sunshine Speaker Urges “No matter what organization to which you belong, be faithful in the little .things. Come to the meeting with prayer. The more you put into your work the more you will .get out of it,” counselled Mrs. Jacob Ratz, Credlton, in speaking to the members of James Street Afternoon Auxil iary at their Christmas meeting on Thursday, afternoon. Mrs. Ratz spoke of .the cele bration of Christ’s birthday,, say ing that today the emphasis is placed on holiday rather than on holy day. “The real meaning of Christmas,” she said, “is to bring sunshine and cheer into lonely lives and homes as Jesus did.” ■She contended that all the ■Christmas pleasures were right and, good if not overdone—take time to enjoy spiritual uplift in music and reading especially the Christmas story. She further said that the birth of Christ is the most glorious thing that ever happened as it gave to the world a Saviour. A carol worship was taken by assisted by Mrs. Frank Armstrong, and George solos, with Mrs. Frank King, Mrs. 'Lloyd Taylor, Taylor and Mrs. V. Mrs. Clare Green Godbolt contributed ____ ___ the Christmas theme. The meeting was opened with a tribute for a member, the late 1 Mrs. James Shapton, who passed away last week. The tribute was given by Mrs. V. Armstrong and Mrs. Halloran. Mrs. Zurbrigg conducted the business. The new executive for 1956 will meet on Wednesday, January 4 at the home of Mrs. S. McFalls to fill in reports plan for the coming year. Circle At Caven Elects Officers The Rev. S. Kerr was in charge of the installation of the officers of Caven. Congregational Circle, Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. W. G. Simmons. TheThe nominating committee, Mrs. N. Stanlake and Mrs. Jack Bryde presented the slate of offi cers for 1956. Mrs. W. G. Cochrane was re-hip- pointed president with Mrs F. Whilsmlth as honorary president and Mrs. F. Simmons and Mrs. S. Dick as vice-presidents; secretary Mrs. J. Taylor; assistant, Mrs. J. Bryde; treasurer, Mrs. H. Laing; gift committee, Mrs. D. Millar and Mrs. Kirk; manse commit tee, Mrs. L. Learn, Mrs. A. Whil- smith and Miss A Bfaff. convenor, Mrs. R. Russell; pian ist, Mrs J. G. Cochrane. The devotional period was tak en by Mrs. D, Millar and Mrs.. W. Slllery. Annual reports were giv en by Mrs. H. Laing, manse com mittee; »Mx% R. Russell, flower convenor; Mrs. A. Moir, treasurer and Mrs. J. Taylor, secretary, Mrs, W. G. Cochrane, .president conducted the .business. The mem bers decided to purchase a num ber of hymn books for the choir. Christmas cards and gift boxes are to be sent to the sick and By B. A. Final Touch It isn’t really’ Christmas Till you have a tree Of fir. or pine, A greeting card or three To sign, Your turn to .be. the last in line for Stamps and free advice’ on mailing time. It isn’t really Christmas Till you dream the taste Of mucilage, Of birds to lace and baste, The smell of sage, ’Till you must stop to waste the moment’s rage remembering faded paste and candles of an other age. shut-ins of the congregation. The meeting closed with an exchange of Christmas gifts and carol sing- RIPE & RAGGED Pineapple Chunks - JEWEL Shortening SOLO or IGA < 25c lb. c™. 2/ C SALADA Rose Cranberry Sauce Sunny. Morn Clover Leaf Solid Coffee Tuna La5 89c I 7;,Y 33c Peaches 20-OZ. TIN IGA Quality Fresh Foods Turkeys 2 ibs.35cOven Ready 18 Lbs. And Over 'c lb. Fully Cooked, Fruited, Glaced Banquet Hams lb.75c Snoboy Cranberries Cello EL -1 Lb. bag AJC IGA Tablerite Florida—Size 176 St&ClkS Sirloin Or Wing Lb.69c Tangerines Daz. 29c Lean, Sliced Cooked Hams lb.85c Tender Hearts Celery Bunch 21C FREE FRIDAY EVENING A Loaf of Lewis Sliced Bread To All Shoppers In Our Store Friday Open Till 9 Saturday Open Till 10 • May we take this opportunity of thanking all who attended dur opening last Thursday, Friday and Saturday. We would like to apologize to those who Were unable to get in the store and also to those who had to Wait so long getting checked out* The winner of the electric polisher was Ticket Number 16173 held by Mrs. Bill Gilfillan Of Exeter.