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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-12-15, Page 14
THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER IS, 19SS | Trivitt WA Relives Pioneer Days | Dressed In the costumes ot | pioneer days—many of them I over a century old—the members I ot Trivitt W-A. endeavored to re Hive days ot old as outlined in ? their study book, “Who Dares p Stand Idle,” at their meeting on & Tuesday evening. L those, olden days h - played including K, makers, antique >ar discharge papers and others. (Instead ot the usual Christmas ; party this year the memibers de- l elded to pool the money they * usually spend tor it and prepare a Christmas 'basket for a needy family. Many relics of were also dis ancient butter jewellry, civil During th© week a large bale was sent to the Mohawk Institute in Brantford. Mrs. II. Bierling was elected president for 1956 with vice- presidents, Mrs. V. Heywood and Mrs. R. Dickins; secretary, Mrs. John Luxton; treasurer, Mrs. A- Andrus; Living Message secre tary, Mrs. H. Heywood; literature secretary, Mrs. F. Dobbs, assist ant, Mrs. IL Dickins; social ser vice secretary, Mrs, O. Hodgins. Superintendent of Little Help ers, Mrs. W. Middleton; press reporter, Mrs. N. D., Knox; con vener of Dorcas work, Mrs. Middleton, Mrs. V. Heywqod Miss N. McTaggart. The meeting was held at home of Mrs. O. Hodgins. w. and the ■Miss Marilyn Bissett was guest soloist in the Bayfield Baptist church on (Sunday evening. Mrs. Irving 'Snider was her accompan ist. To The 1 Classified Directory FOR SALE FOR SALE STOCK WANTED LOST E PALE YELLOW FORMAL, worn once, size 10. Phone 70S, Exeter. 15c 450 BALES OF HAY—Apply Arnold Westlake, Cromarty. 15* GENT’S SUIT, brown, size 38 to 40, like new. Apply Brady Cleaners,. Exeter, a 5:2'2* BUIDGIES and singing canaries for Christmas. Baby budgies; males, $6; hens, $3. Canaries,. $8. Mrs. SI. Cur rie, phone 138-J, Lucan. 15:32c WALNUT PIANO, Sherlock-Manning, in good condition. Mrs, E. Tomes, Clandeboye. 15* I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age.—G. J. Dow, phone 83, Exeter, tfc DEAD, DISABLED STOCK—Seven- day week service for' horses, cattle, sheen, pigs, calves.—Glen Kennedy, phone collect 168-W Lucan or Exeter 235. 9-2tfc BROWN GLOVE, fur-lined, either east of Mr. Jolly’s or across from Doug Rivers’ store. Finder please leave at Exeter Times-Advocate. 15c AUCTION SALES I • wish to thank all those who voted, for me at the polls and I extend congratulations land best wishes to the council. Electors Of new Norman Mollard I wish to thank you for the splendid support I received at the polls on Monday. SEASON’S GREETINGS TO ALL. Thomas E. Hall WESTLAKE FURNITURE The Store Where You Can Make Your Christmas Selection FOR THE ENTIRE’ FAMILY With every cash purchase of $ 175.00 a Christmas Turkey will be given beginning the week of November 28, through December 24. 6U” SKILL SAW, new motor; also skill saw attachment for U” electrio drill. Phone 380.____________ 15* 8-FT. SNOW PLOW, V-type, Frink, with wing and frames complete; hy draulic control; In good shape; cheap. Apply to Wilson McCartney, R.R. 3 Seaforth, Ont., phone 656-r-15, Sea forth. 15*, |H|| ... ... ... . ... ... STATION WAGON COAT, girl’s, brown, size 10. May be seen at Brady Cleaners. ’___________________15:22nc LADY’S DRESS, tricotine; green with white lace trim, nearly new, size 12-14. May be seen at Brady Cleaners. _______________ 15c 20 YORKSHIRE PIGS, thrifty, 12 weeks old. Apply Russell Brock, R.R, 2 Kippen, or phone Hensall 684-r-12. 15c NOTICES BULL CALF—-G. J. Dow, phone 83,Exeter. _________________15c Scotch Pine Trees Charles Cowen Phone 769-W Exeter 15 RANGETTE, good condition. Apply 84 Gidley St,, Exeter.____________15* BELLE ORGAN & STOOL, in good condition. Apply Walter Lagerwerf, R.R. 8 Parkhill, evenings.________15* GIRL'S BICYCLE, excellent condi tion. 185 Columbia Drive, R.C.A.F. Centralia. __________________15c 2 YORKSHIRE HOGS, registered, ready for service. Phone 171-r-12, Exeter._______ 15* 1952 Meteor AUTOMATIC CUSTOM BUILT RADIO CENTIPEDE TIRES MANY MORE EXTRAS Must be Seen and Driven to be Appreciated Good Reason for Selling SUNSHINE TRICYCLE; also boys' sidewalk bicycle; in good condition. Phone 9Q-J, Exeter._____■________15c ELECTRIC RANGETTE, 2-burner, automatic oven control, one year old. like new. Apply Beavers' front apartment. 15* SWEET APPLE CIDER—37-gal. barrels, i25-gal. barrels, 18^-gal. barrels. 50d gal., delivered, barrels extra. Phone 12-r-13, Dublin,.or C, J. Wal- ker, R,R. 11 Cromarty._________8:15* WATER BOWLS—Otaco and Beatty water bowls; all parts available, Beatty Litter Carriers and parts. Carlon plastic pipe and fittings. Special 10% discount this week on all cow chains. Exeter District Co-op, phone 287.8:I3« TRACTOR BUYS JOHN DEERE. GO with hydraulic loader JOHN DEERE M with mower and scuffler JOHN DEERE M with scuffler JOHN DEERE BR with starter, lights MASSEY-HARRIS 101 Jr. MASSEY-HARRIS 102 Sr. 1952 FORD FORDSON MAJOR CASE TRACTOR SPREADER 2 HORSE SPREADERS on rubber W. G. SIMMONS & SONS Farm Equipment Ltd. Phone 115 Exeter 8:15c TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE NOMINATION & ELECTION 'Public notice is hereby given that a meeting of the electors of the Township of Usborne will be held in the Township Hall, Elimville, on Fri day, December 23, 1955, at 1:00 o'clock in the afternoon for the purpose of making and receiving nomin ations for the offices of Reeve, 4 Councillors and 2 Trustees for the township Area School Board. And further notice is hereby given that in the event of more candidates being proposed and qualifying for any particular office than required to be elected, the proceedings will be adjourned until Monday, January 2. 1956, when polls shall be opened from 9 o'clock a.m. until 5 o'clock p.m. at the following places with the undermentioned officers in charge and fixed by township by-law viz: Poll No. 1: School House No. 4, Eden; J. G. Hunter, D.R.O.; Fred Ford, poll clerk.JPoil No. 2: Residence of Lloyd Stewart; Charles Jeffery, D.R.O.; Lloyd Ballantyne, poll clerk. Poll No. 3: School House No. 1, Hurondale; William Sims, D.R.O,; Harry Jeffery, poll clerk. Poll No. 4: Public Hall, Farquhar; Leonard Harris, D.R.O.; Roy Ballan tyne, poll clerk.Toll No. 5: Township Hall, Elim ville; Lloyd Johns, D.R.O.; Laverne Skinner, poll clerk, 'Poll No. 6: Residence of Ross Hern; Ross Hern, D.R.O.; Norman Brock, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 7: Residence of Russell Morrison; Cecil Camm, D.R.O.; Ira Marshall, poll clerk.Should an election for Township School Board ensue, voters in Blan- shard and Biddulph will vote at Polling- Sub-Division No. 6.And all electors are hereby re quested to govern thmselves accord ingly. R.R. 1, Hensall, December 15, 1955. H, H. G. STRANG, Clerk 15 MOVING SALE Large buffet, walnut, excellent shape; $45; dining room set, walnut, large table 6 chairs, $35; table-pad, like new, $9; two steel cabinets, one S3, the other ?5; pressure canner, $10: new steel wheelbarrow, heavy rubber tires, $9; girl’s bicycle, $4; Congcleum rug, 9'xl0&’, like new $9; telephone stand, $1; kitchen- stool, $1; . studio couch, $9; two rocking chairs, $4 each. Inquire at 243 William <St., Exeter, phone 575-W, _________ 15♦ AUCTION SALE Of Furniture The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by public auction at FRANK TAYLOR’S BACK YARD ■ Main Street, Exetei'SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1 P.M. Chesterfield suite; bedroom suite; kitchen table with 4 chairs; 2 cabinet writing desks; 2 bed lamps; washing machine; MC radio. This is all good furniture, TERMS; Cash. (MRS. BREAU, Proprietress CLARK FISHER, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer This is not a large sale. Anyone wishing to put- articles in this sale may do so. REAL ESTATE Special Christmas Draw Visit our store, sign your name and address, and be eligible for Christmas Eve Free Draw, ZURICH Prizes Displayed In Window PHONE 89-J I Store Will Remain Open Tonight, Dec. 15, and Every |I Evening, Dec. 21 to 24, also Wednesday Afternoon | McGillivray Fred Heaman BUYS For Men Christmas Boxed Electors Of £ Don’t Forget OurFamous77 Dress 2-PantBow Ties Shirts SuitsIn Plastic Boxes Broken Sizes $1.00 $29.95$1.95 Real Estate AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate Lot 28, Concession South Boundary STEPHEN TOWNSHIP m Miles West of Mount Carmel The undersigned auctioneer receiv ed instructions to sell by public auction on the premises WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21 , at 2.00 p.m. sharp Real estate consists of Lot 28, Concession South Boundary, Stephen Township, 100 acres of land, 8 acres of mixed bush, remainder in pasture. Never failing water supply. Ideal grass farm. Terms of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold sub ject to a reasonable reserve bid. Note: 'Terms of real estate can be arranged with the proprietor before day of sale. MRS. HAZEL WELSH, Prop. ALVIN WIALPER, Auctioneer I wish to sincerely thank you for your whole-hearted support at the polls on Mon day. I shall endeavour to merit the con fidence you have placed in me. SPECIAL! This week only. New low down payment this week only—3-bed- room wartime house, many extras. Phone 4H5-J Exeter. 15*TRACTOR .LOADERS, Stan-Holst; Pax Hog Feeders, McLean Silo Un loaders, Booidb Self-Unloading Feed Trucks, Portable Feed Mixers and Wagon Unloaders; used and new grain grinders and Hammer Mills; In formation on request. New Idea Distributors, Goderich, Ont., phone Car- low 2821. 24:1:8:15McGillivray township HELP WANTED FINISH WANTED SERVICES FOR RENT All YOUNG MAN to do chores during' winter months. Apply Emerson Fen- hale, third farm north of Winchell sea.________________________. 15c, Doug Rivers PHONE 79 EXETER 15* News of Kirkton By MRS. FRED HAMILTON Thank You NOTICES TO CREDITORS l*< □ z BRICK (HOUSE, 3-bedroom, hot air furnace, 3-piece bath, nice location, Huron iSt.; garage. William Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Salesman. 8tfc NEW,, MODERN HOUSE with oil furnace; east side of Exeter; close to schools. R. E. Balkwill, 47 John St. East._____________ 3tfc UNFINISHED. HOUSE-Opportunity for someone who is not able to build an-entire house. Real bargain. Phone 224-M, Exeter. 8:15*: (!•*.------ , J, --- -------- --- ------- ------- EMPLOYMENT WANTED GERMAN WOMAN wants any kind of housework, from 9 to 5. Phone 167 Or apply 46 Huron St., Exeter. 15* I wish to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to the ratepayers of McGillivray Township for electing me Councillor on Monday. As I promised, I will endeavour to serve all parts of the municipality without fear or favor and I will work unceasingly in the interests of the whole township, Season’s Greetings to All. «*■ Earl Dixon TOP QUALITY FINISH WHAT YOU WANT WHEN YOU’VE FINISHED- "FEEDING BEEF FOR MARKET '-AND FOR SMOOTH DESIRABLE FINISH AT TRULY ECONOMICAL COST THE FEED IS BEEFMAKER /MAY WE DISCUSS YOUR BEEF FEEDING NEEDS? 24% BEEFMAKER, 100 LBS: (BULK) ............................. $ 3.85 $72.00 TON ARRIVING BY CARLOADS THIS WEEK OYSTER SHELL .......................................... $27.50 TON GRANITE GRIT ..... $25.00 TON SOYABEAN MEAL (BULK) .................... $69.00 TON BRAN ............................................................... $56.00 TON SHORTS ............ $56.00 TON Above Prices Off Car Only Please Leave Your Order and Take Delivery On Arrival GRAIN-FEED-SEED 7AS-WHALFN CORNERS KIRK TON 35RI5 GOOD YORK SOWS—Bred over 2 months. Apply Ken Baker, Shipka, Ont., phone Dashwood 41-r-18. 8:15* HEREFORD BULL, registered, one year old. Dietrich Bros., Dashwood, phone 31-r-5.__________________8:15 CHRISTMAS TURKEYS, broad breasted bronze, dressed or eviscerat ed. Apply Bruce Shapton, phone 599- Wl, Exeter. 8:15 j*.;, TURKEYS, choice, dressed. Apply Harry Hayter, Dashwood, phone 47- r-5.___________________________20tfc PAIN OF RHEUMATISM, Sciatica, Lumbago, can be helped by taking RUMACAPS. Recommended by thousands of thankful users. Ask your Druggist. 6 Annual Meeting The Kirkton Horticultural So ciety held its annual meeting in Aberdeen Hall with 50 people in attendance. The slate of officers Was presented for 1956 with the president as Mrs. Walter Selves; vice-presidents, Mrs. Norman Haz- lewood and Mrs. Harold Henn; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Eric Hum’phreys; ass’t, Mrs. James Willis. The secretary reported a membership of 180. A good program followed with Mr. C'lifford Allen, of Fullarton, shwing four films; vocal duets by Doreen and Doris .Johns; flute and vocal solos by Mrs. Ronald Squire accompanied by Mrs. Bert Duffield; piano solos by Miss Al ma Hern and tap dancing by Rosemary Dobson. Each member attending receiv ed gladiolus bulbs. Christmas Party The members of the Circle and Senior Girls (Sunday School class held their Christmas party at the home of Miss Pauline .Simpson. The Circle girls prepared the worship service. Several Christ mas carols were sung. Mary Wil lis, president, read the scripture. Adele McCurdy and Marilyn Marshall were in charge of the program which proved entertain ing1. The mystery phis were re vealed and there was an exchange of gifts. Rosemary Dobson, Mur iel Switzer, and Shirley Roger assisted the hostess. United Church Bazaar The United Church held a suc cessful bazaar Friday evening. Mr. Ross Marshall wag chair man and the program was given by Mr. James Levy, of St. Marys, Showing colored slides on his trip to Banff, Columbia ice field, the Grand chorus 'ladies’ ■gave a ta-ls. ‘Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Kirby had as their guests on Sunday, Rev. and Mrs. Wagg, of (Stratford. Mr. Wagg had charge of the combin ed service in Kirkton United church Sunday morning and de livered a Christmas message. St. Paul’s W.A» The annual meeting of St. Paul’s Anglican church W.A. and Guild was held at the rectory. KeV. R. A. C. Mills Was in the chair for the election of officers for 1956. Mrs. Alex Irvine Was appointed president of the W A. With vice- president, Mrs. Cecil Dobson; sec retary-treasurer, Mrs. Miller Mc Curdy; Dorcas sec’y., Mrs. H. Copeland and p .r ay er partner sec’y, Mrs. it, Humphreys. The president of the Ladies’ Guild is Mrs. llardld Davis; vice Please turn to Page 14 RAWLEIGH BUSINESS now open Huron County. Trade (well established. Excellent opportunity. Full time. Write at once, Rawleigh’s, Dept. L- 202-.189, Montreal, P.Q.____________15 START YOUR OWN BUSINESS in Eixeter and surroundings. You can easily make $75 weekly. For sales plan and free catalogue write to: FAMJLEX, Dept. B, • Station G„ Montreal. 15 WOMAN, ambitious, well-groomed, to train as Beauty Councelor; excellent Christmas earnings and advancement/ Write Box "G”, Times-Advocate, or call Medina 26-14, 9 to 12. a.m. 10:17::24:l:8:15c COB CORN, few tons; also some mixed grain and oats and second cut alfalfa. Phone Granton 5-r-7. 8c Phone Ilderton 31-r-31._________8:15c FEED TURNIPS—Several truckloads. CUSTOM CHAIN SAWING—Ivan Pfaff, Alisa Craig.__________8:15:22* CLIPPER BLADES—Leave your clipper blades with us for fast sharpen ing service. Exeter District Co-op.1:8:15c FARMERS! Have all your saws sharpened and set at Stew’s Sharp ening Service, 105 Sanders St., Ex- eter, phone 454,________________3tfc WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used” Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or information phone Clinton 515 col lect, between 7:80 and 10:00 A.M. on week days and 7:30 and 9:30 A.M. on Sundays. tfc HOUSE—Compact, 2 bedrooms, liv ing room and kitchenette, 3-piece bath, furnace-heated, ' clean, quiet location. Apply Pinedale Motel, Grand Bend, phone 8. 12-14tfc MOTEL UNIT—Large winterized modern unit with 3-piece bath, furnace-heated. Apply .Pinedale Mo tel, phone 8, Grand Bend. 12-14tfc Canyon and ^Florida, a by the junior choir; a la- trio and (Robert Anderson couple of piano instrumen- FOR RENT With option of buying— Cottage, 4 rooms, 3-plece bath, full basement with good furnace. Apply Box *'B”, Times-Advocate. 15:22c 3-ROOM APARTMENT, furnished, private bath, water and hydro paid. Apply Ritchie Traqualr, 321 Huron St. W. 15* WARTIME HOUSE, 3-bedr0om, part- iy furnished. Phone 415-J, Exeter. 15* FARM—Lots S20, 21, 38 and 39, Ex' eter, Ontario, 1st Concession Town ship of Usborne, County of Huron, For further information apply to Canadian Canners Limited, Hamil ton, Ontario, 15:22:29c HOME for a couple, plus an income. Very 'well 'built 2-storey brlclc house with 4 apartments, netting a good income. See William Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen, Exeter. 8tfc BlftCK HOUSE, 2-storey, 3 bed rooms, bath, new oil furnace; near business area. William Pearce, Real- tor; Fred Cole, Salesman.______24tfc 3-BEDROOM BRICK HOUSE with 2% acres of land, 66x40 painted barn; cement block building 60x20. This is ideal for man with horses or retired farmer. House includes built-in re frigerator, 35-foot deep freeze, auto- .matic washer,’ 3-piece bath. R. I. Harris Real Estate. Agent William Cochrane, phone 42-r-i5 Grand Bend. VACANT LOTS for dwellings. W. C. Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen, Exeter.________24tfc CLANDEBOYE — 2-bedroom cottage, almost new; modern kitchen and bathroom; hardwood floors; full base ment; oil heated; price $5,000; $2,000 cash; balance in easy terms; immed iate possession. C. V. Pickard, Real- tor, Main St., Exeter,_________17tfc RANCH-TYPE BRICK HOME, nearly new, three bedrooms, spacious living room and dining room, modern kit chen and bathroom. Basement lends Itself to use as rumpus room; permanent laundry tubs; oil-burning fur nace; priced below building cash; terms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, 394 Main St., Exeter. _____________10 HOUSE with basement, furnace, liv ing room, dining room, kitchen, den, bathroom and sunroom, main floor; 4 bedrooms upstairs; garage and nice building lot; all moderately priced. W. Pearce, Realtor; Eerl Parsons, Fred Cole, salesmen. 23tfc In the Estate of John C. Appleton, deceased, All persons having claims against the estate of 'John J. Appleton, late of the Town of Exeter', in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on or about the 6th day of June, 1955, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton; Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 24th day of December next, after which date the estate will be distributed having re gard only to those claims of which notice has been, received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Executors, EXETER - Ontario.8:15:22 In the Estate of Mrs. Mary Regier, Deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Mrs. Mary Regier, late of • the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, widow, who died on or about the 20th -day of Novem ber, 1955, are required to file particulars of same with the undersigned Executors by the 7th day Of January, 1956, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Fred Regier, Zurich, Ont, Edward Denomme, DashwOod, Ont. ____ ______ Executors 8:15:22* In the Estate Of Edwin Wein, deceased, All persons having claims against the estate of Edwin Wein, late of the Village of Crediton, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died oh or about the lltli day of April, 1955, are required to file * particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicit ors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 17th day of December, 1955, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. GIFT GIFT TIES APARTMENT, 2-bedroom, modern, private entrance, self - contained, partly furnished; no children, Apply Times-Advocate, 15* APARTMENT, steam heated; also steam heated store with or without living quartets, Apply Sandy Elliot, phone 476, Exeter,______ltfc APARTMENT—• Available December 15. B. W, F. Beavers, phone 39. Ex eter. 150 Floor Sanders Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers vacuum Cleaners, Tools, Etc. beavers haresware, EXETEft.................................... 3tta APARMFINT on Main Street, With out modern conveniences. Apply at Times-Advocdta. 24tfC which notice has been received, Bell & Laughton, ’ Solicitors for the Executors, EXETER - Ontario. . B .1:8:15 .......... . * A Suede Jackets Perfect Gift! ' Reg. $19.95 $16.95 Dayella Sport Shirts Reg. $6.95 $4.95 Sanforized Plaid Flannel ' Shirts $2.60 or 2 for $5.00 Dress Gloves Unlined $4.89 New! Better Quality Station Wagons $18.95 Penman’s Quality Men's Wool Cardigans $3.29 FREE FREE FREE 300 PAIRS Galoshes Overshoes Rubbers We want to get tid of George Wright’s entire stock of Rubber Footwear so we’re offering them to you FREE. They’re all brand new—never been used— K. but the styles are a bit dated. One pair to a customer. Come in and get yours today. Ladies’, Men’s and Boys*. Lio Mens yd F< And Boys' Drd Wear Successor To Gedrge Wright > > * 4 7 * A 4 £ Ml