HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-12-08, Page 14P««e »THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 8, 1955 No License Needed To Hunt These Bargains FOR SALE FOR SALE WANTED REAL ESTATE GOOD YORK SOWS—Bred over 2 months. Apply Ken Baker, Shipka. Qnt., phone Dashwood 41-r-18. 8:15* *47 M O N A R C H—Priced for quick sale. Phone 779, Exeter. Sc TREES Scotch Pines , PLAIN OR SPRAYED We will deliver your order. OR COME AND CHOOSE YOUR OWN AT HEREFORD CALF, white-faced.William J. Thomson, Centralia, phone Kirktpn 48-4. 8* 1 COMPLETE SET of Canadiana Stainless Steel Cookware, plus prem­iums. Brand new. $65.00 less than cost price. Phone 38, Crediton, after 5:30 p.m, 8* CHESTERFIELD SUITE,” used, in good condition. Phone 112, Exeter. Sc FEED TURNIPS—Several truckloads. Phone Ilderton 31-r-31. 8:15c-- I 1 I 1 1 .--—---. . , . . , J.... GOOD 'USED PIANO—Call 68 or Box 25, Grand Bend.______________8:15c Bev Sturgis 240 William St. Phone 189-J STARTED CHICKS 5 WEEKS OLD 115 Hy-Line Pullets No. 934 4 WEEKS ODD 4 White Leghorn Pullets White Rock Pullets Columbian Rock Mixed Barred Rock Mixed 3 WEEKS OLD White Rock Mixed Indian River Mixed 250300200145 900100......................... ........ ,200 Cornish X Rock Mixed240 White Leghorn Pullets 2 -WEEKS OLD 315 White Leghorn Pullets200 Indian River Mixed300 White Rock Mixed.200 Cornish X Rock MixedPriced to clear. Come in and see us. n-euhauser hatcheries, 81 Kins St., London Phone 2-0383 Stuck For Gift Ideas? Check This List For Gifts That Would Please Any Man PULLOVERS New orlon and orlon and lamb's wool pullovers in the latest colours of cherry, maize and mint, attractively priced at $7.95, GLOVES Lined and unlined, from $2.95 to $7.95, Black, brown, grey. Cozy calf­ skin gloves -with fur lining, just $4.95. WHITE SHIRTS Beautiful, silky broadcloths by ’Arrow in the new short-point collars. French and single cuffs, $4.95 and $7.50. SPORT SHIRTS From $2.95 to $12.95 DRESS SOX wool, wool and nylon and nylon stretch sox—all prices. TIES By Currie, Arrow, Frame and Famous, ($1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 PYJAMAS Warm, cozy, flannelette pyjamas, $3.95 and $4.95 Broadcloth Pyjamas, Cuff ‘Links,,. Tie Bars, Belts, Work Shirts, Work, Sox, Dressing Gowns, Smoking Jackets, Suits, Topcoats, Slacks, Sport Coats and Slippers. & A Store Full Of Gifts For Him <■* T. C. Joynt & Son Phone 62 Hensall s 5 8 CHUNKS—A, t. Willard, R.R, 3 Exeter. Sc SWEET APPLE CEDER—37-gal. bar­rels, 25-gah barrels, 18%-gal. barrels. 50V gal., delivered, barrels extra. Phone 12-r-13, Dublin, or C. J. Wal- ker, R.R. il Cromarty. ______8:15* HEIFER CALF and bull calf, Hol- stein. G. J. Dow, phone 83, Exeter. 8e 15 CHUNKS—Around 85 lbs. Charles Rollings, phone 720-J1, Exeter. 8c PROPANE GAS STOVE, extension ladder, step ladder, garden hose and tools. Phone 415-J, Exeter._______8c ALL-METAL CRIB, tubular frame, brown enamel finish, size 27”x51". Phone 34-13, Kirkton.____________8 Christmas Trees We will be selling Christmas trees again this year. Load arriving De­ cember 9. Come and take your choice. MCKENZIE’S PAINT STORE Corner of Wellington and Main Phone 253 80. ORDER YOUR Christmas Flowers EARLY We have our benches stocked with Poinsettias, Azaleas, Begonias, Mixed Pans and Mums.Cut Flowers Always On Hand REDER'S FLOWERS 37 Main St. Phone 761 WOOL GABARDINE SUIT, boy’s, brown, size 6-8. May be seen atBrady Cleaners._________________8* 18” TIRES, tubes and rims, good used. Apply Tom Jolly, Blacksmith, Exeter. 8* MALE CANARIES, imported, Hartz Mountain; guaranteed to sing; choice of colors. The Christmas gift that sings its way into your heart. Can­ary, cage and food kit, $10.95. Cann’s Mill Ltd. 8c COLLIE PUPS; also Police Collie, female. Apply Jim Harris, phone 33- 7, Kirkton._________________ 8* WATER BOWLS—Otaco and Beatty water 'bowls; all parts available. Beat­ty Litter Carriers and parts. Carlon plastic pipe and fittings. Special 10#> discount this week on all cow chains. Exeter District Co-op, phone 2S7. 8c CHILD'S COAT, light bro-wn, size 12, in excellent condition. Can be seen at Brady Cleaners.______________8c 2 CHAIR-BACK and chesterfield sets, hand crocheted; 9 pieces to a set; color—ecru. Phone 631-J. 8* HEREFORD BULL, registered, one year old. Dietrich Bros., Dashwood, phone 31-r-5._________________8:15 CHRISTMAS TURKEYS, broad­breasted bronze, dressed or eviscerat­ ed. Apply Bruce Shapton, phone 599- Wl, Exeter.__________________8:15 COB CORN—Apply Mel Gaiser, Ship- ka, phone Dashwood lG4-r-14. 8* GRAIN GRINDER, Massev-Harris, nearly new. Phone Dashwood, 164-r- 14.____________________________8c CANADIAN CEMENT, fresh car­load; $1.15 a bag off car. Apply Cen- tralia Farmer’s Supply.__________8c 9 WEANER EIGS—Apply Robert Pfaff, Dashwood. 8c Good I - /-XG Service Is Our Motto COB CORN, few tons; also some mixed grain and oats and second. cut alfalfa. Phone Granton 5-r-7. 8c HOUSES—We have buyers fpr houses in Exeter. If you wish to sell, con- tact us. C. V. Pickard, Realtor. 8 TRAVELLING—Anyone wishing re­turn transportation to Cornwall dis­trict for Christmas, please contact Times-Advocate._____________ ltfc HOUSE, small or medium, and gar­ den, at low price. Buyer can im­prove it William Pearce Realtor, Exeter. 24 tfc SERVICES C U S T O M CHAIN SAWING—Ivan Pfaff, Ailsa Craig._________8:15:22* WHY TOLERATE LICE on your cattle. For the price of 1% lbs. of- beef (live weight) you can have your cattle sprayed with Linbane, twice, at intervals from 10 to 14 days and. be free of lice all winter.; also controls mange and ring worm. L. V. Ho­ garth, phone 266, Exeter. 24:1:8c CLIPPER BLADES—Leave your clip­per blades with us for fast sharpen­ing service. Exeter District Co-op. & 118c FARMERS! Have all your saws sharpened and set at Stew's Sharp­ening Service, 105 Sanders St., Ex­eter, phone 454. 3tfc WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used” Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or information phone Clinton 515 col­lect, between 7:30 and 10:00 A.M. on week days and 7:30 and-.9:30 A.M. on Sundays. tfc NOTICES RE COLLECTION OF TAXES I will be in the Town Hall, De­cember 14, from 9 a.m. - 12, 1:30-5 p.m. Please arrange to make pay­ments on or before this date- and avoid penalty. ERIC H. CARSCADDEN,Tax Collector 3 FRAME HOUSE, 3-bedroom, hot air furnace, 3-piece bath, nice location, Huron St.; garage. William Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Salesman. Stfc HOME for a couple, plus an income. Very well built 2-storey brick house with 4 apartments, netting a good income. See William Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen, Exeter. _____________ Stfc UNFINISHED HOUSE—Opportunity for someone who is not able to build an entire house. Real bargain. Phone 224-M, Exeter.________________8:15* FOR SALE Lyric Theatre EXETER For Full Particulars Write GEO. D. THOMPSON Box 929, St. Marys, Qnt, AUCTION SALES 8 FREE Get An Anniversary Deal! ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CANADA, LTD. (ALCAN) Penman’s Preferred First Quality 51 Gauge 15 Denier NYLONS 2 lbs. for I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age.—G. J. Dow, phone 83, Exeter. tfc DEAD, DISABLED STOCK—Seven- May week service for horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, calves.—Glen Kennedy, phone collect 1G8-W Lucan or Exeter 235. 9-2tfc STOCK WANTED Your Studebaker Dealer 9*4 JI J&Iw WITH MATCHED LUGGAGEAUCTION SALE Of Household Effects Promises of Mrs. Annie Richardson VILLAGE OF HENSALL SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1 P.M.Kelvlnator z refrigerator; Coleman oil heater; 2-burner electric stove; cook stove; studio couch; 2 single beds (iron), Springs and mattresses; 2 dressers and stands; love seat; buffet; kitchenette set (complete); rockers; odd chairs; end tables; com­plete toilet sets; arm chair; cup­board; radio; wardrobe; utility table; all kinds of dishes; scatter mats; clock (antique); pictures; curtains; cushions; step-ladder; extension lad­der; garden tools; well bucket; trouble light, and other articles too numerous to mention. • ’MRS. ANNIE RICHARDSON, Prop. - ' BERT HORTON, Clerk ED CORBETT, Auctioneer FA'RM FOR SALE Consisting of Lot 25, Con. 9, Hay Township, % mile east of Zurich and l’i miles north.aOO acres of land on which is situ­ated large 'bank barn, 75x40, with new cement stabling, water pressure sys­tem; also small barn, 40x30, consist­ing of hog pen and hen stable; newly built silo, 33x12, and double garage, >26x22. Well 'built brick dwell­ing with all modern conveniences, pressure system throughout,Land consists of choice clay loam; 4 acres mixed bush; 45 acres fall plowed; remainder grass. All build­ings in first class condition. Farm well tiled and fenced.Inspection invited. Proprietor giv­ing up farming due to failing health. For further particulars please con­tact Henry Clausius, proprietor, or Alvin Walper, auctioneer._________8 BRICK HOUSE, 2-storey, 3 bed­rooms, bath, new oil furnace; near business area. William Pearce, Real- tor; Fred Cole, Salesman._____24tfc 3-BEDROOM BRICK HOUSE with 2% acres of land, 66x40 painted barn; cement block building 60x20. This is ideal for man with horses or retired farmer. House includes built-in re­frigerator, 35-foot deep freeze, auto­matic washer, 3-piece bath, R. I. Harris Real Estate. Agent William Cochrane, phone 42-r-15 Grand Bend. VACANT LOTS for dwellings. W. C. Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen, Exeter._______24tfc CLANDEBOYE — 2-bedroom cottage, almost new; modern kitchen and bathroom; hardwood floors; -full base-, ment; oil heated; price $5,000; $2,000 cash; balance in easy terms; immed­ iate possession. C. V. Plqkard, Real- tor. Main St., Exeter._________17tfc RANCH-TYPE BRICK HOME, nearly new, three bedrooms, spacious living room and dining room, modern kit­chen. and bathroom. Basement lends itself to use as rumpus room; per­manent laundry tubs; oil-burning fur­nace; priced below building cash: terms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, 394 Main St., Exeter._____________• 10 NEW, MODERN HOUSE with oil furnace; east side of Exeter; close to schools. R. E. Balkwill, 47 John St. East. 3tfc Carson And McBrine Luggage Ladies’ Matched Sets of Assorted Colors Men’s Gladstone Bags., Zipper Bags, Etc ALL REASONABLY PRICED Russell Electric PHONE 109 EXETER Christmas Specials At Stan Frayne's J................................I. 2 lbs. for 390 ................................... 2 lbs. for 350 . 3 for 290 . 3 for 290 . 2 for Seeded Raisins . Seedless Raisins Quaker Tomato Soup, 10 oz.................. Sweetened Grapefruit Juice, 20 Oz. ... Green Giant Niblets, 14 Oz................... Pineapple Marmalade, 9- Oz. Tumbler Raspberry Jam, 9 Oz. Tumbler .......... Snowflake Shortening ........................... Lipton's Tea Bags, 60’s ......................... 350 190 190 390 790 TOWN OF EXETER NOMINATION’ & ELECTION Public notice is hereby given that a meeting of the electors of the Town of Exeter.will be held in the Town Hall on Thursday, December 8, 1955, hetween the hours of 7:30 o’clock and 8:30 o’clock in the eve­ning for the purpose of making and receiving nominations for three Councillors for the year 1956.And further notice is hereby given that in event of more candidates be­ing proposed and qualifying for the particular office than required to be elected, the proceedings will be ad­journed to Monday, December 18, 1955, when polls shall be opened from 9 o’clock a.m. until 5 o'clock p.m. at the following places with the under­ mentioned officers in charge as fixed, by town by-law: Polling Sub-Division No. 1-A—at showrooms of Reg Armstrong Mo­tors, Main- Street; George Lawson-, D.R.O.; Vera Rowe, Poll Clerk..Polling Sub-Division No. 1-B—at showrooms Ipf Reg Armstrong Mo­tors, Main Street; Charles Monteith, D.R.O.; Edna Taylor, Poll Clerk.Polling Sub-Division No. 2.-A—at Town Hall, Main Street; Eric Cars- cadden, D.R.O.; Louise Heywood, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub-Division No. 2-B—at Town Hall, Main Street; John Camp­bell, D.R.O.; Grace Wurm, Poll Clerk.Polling Sub-Division No. 3-A—at Glen McKnight’s residence, Main Street; Sarah Laing, D.R.O.; Grace McKnight, Poll-Clerk.Polling Sub-Division No. 3-B—at Glen McKnight’s residence, Main Street; Arthur Amy, D.R.O.; Lois Learn, Poll Clerk.And all electors are hereby re­quested to govern themselves accord­ingly. Exeter Ont., November 30, 1955 CLARENCE V. PICKARD, ________Returning Officer_______1 THE CHANGE OF NAME ACT, R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 47NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pur­ suant to this Act, that an applica­tion will be made in the County Court of the County of Huron be­fore His Honour Judge Frank Fing- land, of the Town of Goderich, in the Province of Ontario, at the hour of two o’clock in the afternoon, on December 22 nd, 1955, by Gladys Baker, residing in the Village of Hensall, in the County of Huron, to change her name to Gladys Luker.DATED at Exeter, Ontario, this 23rd day of November, A.D. 1955. W. G. COCHRANE, Barrister & Solicitor, Exeter, Ontario. 24:1:8 Solicitor for the Applicant. HOUSE with basement, furnace, liv­ing room, dining room, kitchen, den, bathroom and sunroom, main floor; 4 bedrooms upstairs; garage and nice building lot; all moderately priced. W. Pearce, Realtor; E^rl Parsons, Fred Cole, salesmen. 23tfc STRAYED. — ", WHITE STEER, branded, with red markings; from E. Willard’s pasture. Allen Westcott, phone 176-r-32, Ex­eter. 8 ... To print your own, that is. The Bank of England has made the counterfeiter’s lot an even unhappier one by pressing a thin strip of aluminum foil into the paper used for making bank notes. Seems the do-it-yourself enthusiasts find it virtually im-' possible to duplicate. . It is nice to think that there . will probably be a little bit of Canada wherever this new paper " currency circulates. Great Bri­ tain imports 80% of her alumi­ num from Canada, and in turn represents one of the major mar­ kets for Canadian aluminum. COMB. UNDERWEAR With Each $5.00 Pur­ chase, 1 Ticket on a BEAUTIFUL 28” DOLL 890 Pair Complete Stock of Christmas Cake Ingredients^ Christmas Candy, Mixed Nuts, Peanuts, Etc. TREE DECORATIONS — LIGHTS — WREATHS STAN FRAYNE Phone 301 We Deliver ROAN HEIFER,, about 900 lbs., horns, T.B. tag in ear, from Con. 5, Lot 6, iHay Township. Leonard Greb, phone Dashwood 38-r-20-._________8* RED YEARLING HEIFER, onto Lot 12. Owner may have same by prov­ing property And paying expenses. Ed Penhale, phone 35-r-7, Dash­wood. 8 TRACTOR BUYS JOHN DEERE 60 with hydraulic loader JOHN DEERE M with mower and scuffler JOHN DEERE M with scuffler JOHN DEERE BR with starter, lights MASSEY-HARRIS 101 Jr. MASSEY-HARRIS 102 Sr. 1952 FORD FORDSON MAJOR * CASE TRACTOR SPREADER 2 HORSE SPREADERS on rubber W. G. SIMMONS <1 SONS Farm Equipment Ltd. Phone 115 Exeter 8:15c BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 1 1 FULL TIME FOB THIS DISTRICT To enroll applicants in top Canadian Motor Club. The men we want must have direct selling experience and be determined to work hard for the most profitable and satisfying J6d they have known. Must have a car. Personal interviews given to appli­cants with complete resumes only. Please include phone number. The Exeter Times-Advocate Box B-89 If you need grain and can handle if bulk, we can deliver and elevate the grain right into your bins with little or no labor involved. Our 31 ft. grain auger mounted on wheels and gas engine power­ ed will take all the work out for you. Studebaker ^60 IF YOU SEE GOOD IM EVERYBODY NEARLY EVERYBODY WILL SEP GOOD IN YOU/ ONTARIO OATS AND MIXED GRAIN $46.00 Craftsmanship With A Flair” CORN Western WESTERN WESTERN Iff1 OATS $46.00 $52.00 CEMENT—$1.25 a bag. Read Bros. Fertilizer, Exeter, Ont., 2 miles south on Highway 4, 1:8* '51 DODGE SEDAN, clean, and in good running condition; also 4 new tires. Apply Ray Ducharme, R.R. 1 Dashwood, phone 100-r-8, Zurich. 1:8*NOTICES TO CREDITORS BARLEY WHEAT $49.00 17 PIGS, ready to wean, Alvin Gin- gerich, phone 90-r-6, Zurich._____8* $48.00 $48.00 The above ton prices are truck loads delivered and elevated to yqur bins. PEAS >•< We Load, Deliver and Unload Bulk PREPARED MASHES AND PELLETED FEED SAVE MONEY AND LABOUR WITH OUR BULK DELIVERY SERVICE TRACTOR LOADERS, Stan-Holst; Pax Hog Feeders, McLean Silo Un- oaders, Booms Self-Unloading Feed Trucks, Portable Feed Mixers and Wagon Unloaders; Used arid new grain grinders and Hammer Mills; in­formation on request. New Idea Dis- .ributors, Goderich, Ont., phone Car- ow 2821._________________24:1:8:15 TURKEYS, choice, dressed. Apply Harry Hayter, Dashwood, phone 47- r-5. ________________ 2Qtfc SUFFERING FROM Backaches, lheumatic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago s over if you let RUMACAPS help you to relief. Ask your Druggist. 22 HELP WANTED Have You Tried Our Molasses Mixer Service? Heated molasses is sprayed right into your feed with no mess or fuss* Try it once. If you still want to .mix your own molasses at home we’ll supply in drum lots at 28^ a gallon, Take advantage of this low price. Our Delivery Service goes right to your farm. Inquire which route day you’re on* And it will pay you to investigate the big savings you are entitled to on cash discounts. /J s SOMEONE to feed five head of cattle for the winter. Apply Henry Pfaff, R.R, 1, Exeter, or phone 626- W3._______________ __ _________8c YOUNG MEN, with at least two vear High School, but preferably Grade 11. Must he at least 17% years old. To train as railway Operator- Agent. You will be trained near Ex­eter and 'paid while training. Con­tact Mr, Frank B, Nixon, Supervisor Student Training for Ontario, Can­adian National Railways, Phone 603- ■T for interview. * 8* Irt0the Estate of John C. Appleton, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of John J. Appleton, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on or about the 3th day of June, 1955, are required to file particulars of same ■with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 24th day of December next, after which date the estate will be distributed paving re­gard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Executors, EXETER - Ontario. 8:15:22 In the Estate of Mrs. Mary Regier, Deceased. persons having claims against -----. :_u in the ROUTE CIGARETTE MACHINES UP TO $800 MONTHLY Long established U.S. . Corporation, distributors of CIGARETTE Ma­chines, is now expanding its opera­tions into CANADA. Reliable MEN who have a few hours weekly SPARE TIME will be selected and offered an opportunity to become OWNER­MANAGER of a cigarette MACHINE ROUTE to be ESTABLISHED in this area. Cash investment of $2,950 to $13,800 plus duty and inventory is required as full payment for new type cigar­ette machines built especially to dis­ pense leading brands of CANADIAN CIGARETTES. The route should have unlimited op­portunities for EXPANSION to a FULL TIME OPERATION that could earn as much as $10,000 yearly. If you have the necessary capital—can follow instructions—and a sincere de­sire to start immediately in this type of business—write fully stating age, references, territory preferred, tele­phone number to: AJAX, 1060. Broad St, Rm. 438, Dept. F25, Newark, N.J., U.S.A, FOR RENT Graham Arthur Motors celebrates TWO Noteworthy Occasions 1. Arrival Of The 1956 Studebaker Cars ATTENTION! You can make from $75 to $100 Weekly* in Exeter and surroundings. If you like meeting people, write immediately for de­tails, FAMIDEX, Dept. A, Station C. Montreal. 8 AU persons having claims against the estate of Mrs. Mary Regier, late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, widow, who died on or about the 20th day of Novem­ber, 1955, are required to file par­ticulars of same With the undersigned Executors by the 7th day of January, 1956, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only te those Claims of which notice has been received. Fred Regier, Zurich, Ont. Edward Denomme, Dashwood, Ont.Executors 8:15:22* In The. Estate Of Edwin Wein, deceased. 2-ROOM APARTMENT, furnished; no pets, Apply 352 William St. 8* APARTMENT, unfurnished, with hot and cold water on tap; unheated with stove provided; private bath and seperhte entrance; available Decem- ber 15. Phone 400-W evenings. 8* AIPARTM13NT—Available January 1. Apply Armstrong Motors, Exeter. 8c APARTMENT — Available December 15. B. W, F. Beavers, phone 39, Ex­eter.................... , , 8 c 3 “ BEDROOM HOGS E—Immediate possession. Well located. Modern con veniehces, C, V. Pickard, Realtor, 2. Our 20th Anniversary The-Great New Studebakers for ’56 have arrived just as we’re observing our Twentieth Anniversary of Business in Exeter. This- Special Occasion demands a Special Celebration and we’re Whoop­ ing it up with the Best New Car Deals ever! You’ll be amazed at the price of a New Studebaker—less than many ^low-priced cars!' See Us Today! E WANTED: Reliable man as Dealer in Huron County. Experience not necessary. A fine opportunity to step into old profitable business Where Rawlelgh Products have* been Sold for years. Big profits. Products fur­nished on credit. Write Rawlelgh's, Dept, L-202-163, Montreal, P.Q. 8 WOMAN, Ambitious, well-groomed, to train asr Beauty Counselor; excellent Chrwtmai!1 and advancement,JftI% Bost " G'\ Times-Advocate, or call Medina 28-14, 9 to 12. a.m. 10:17::24:1:8;16<j All persons having claims against the estate of .Edwin Wein, late of the Village of crediton, in the County of Huron, Farmer, Who died dn or about the 11th day of April, 1955, are required to file particulars of same with Bell <& Laughton, Solicit­ors of Exeter,, Ontario, by the 17th day of December, 1955, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received, Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Executors. EXETER - Ontario.1:3:15 APARTMENT, steam heated steam heated store with nor without living quarters. Apply Sandy Elliot, phone 476, Exeter, ltfc Floor Sanders Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers .Vacuum Cleaners, Tools, Etc. BEAVfeRS HABDWAR^ EXETER 3tfe APARTMENT on Main Street, with­ out modern conveniences. Apply at Times-Advocate, 22tfc PHONE 210