HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-12-08, Page 7Stamp Out Tuberculosis! Buy And Use Christmas Seals Thank You HAY TOWNSHIP I wish to take this opportunty to express; my ap­ preciation to the ratepayers of Hay Township for elect­ ing me Reeve on Monday. As I promised, I will endeavour to serve all parts of the municipality without fear pr favor and I will work unceasingly in the interests of the whole township, Season’s Greetings to All. Valentine Becker e 1 g '* | s c E £ § S McGillivray Ratepayers THE T1MES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER «, 1955 GRAND OPENING What Is IGA ? IGA stands for INDEPENDENT GROCERS’ ALLIANCE the ‘world’s foremost group of independently owned and rated food stores. The IGA movement, started in 1926, extends from coast to coast with over 8,000 stores located in major cities and towns in Canada and 35 States . working to bring the housewives of North America foods at lower prices. Wat Betekent IGA? IGA betekend zelfstandige kruideniers vereniging. De vereniging ter wereld van zelfstandige kruideniers. Dezc vereniging begon in 1926, en heeft nu van kust tot kust meer dan 8,000 winkels in steden en dorpen in Canada en in 35 Staten van Amerika. Allen met het doel om de liuisvrou- wen in Noord Amerika betere goederen voor lagere pryzen to verkopen. IEDERE DAG LAGE PRYZEN Ja, een-zelfstandige krnidenier brengt U de boste levensmid- dellen voor lagere pryzen, jedere dag van de week. Pryzen, die door geen kruideniers vereniging ter wereld verbe- terd kunnen worden. W IPS g| 11 A S Re-elect Earl Dixon tlI £ E E E|c Having served six years as your Councillor, I solicit your support for re-election on Monday, December 12. I have served the ratepayers of the Township of McGillivray to the best of my ability in the past and if elected again I will continue to do so. £= = E B EARL DIXON For Councillor e -E = E s In McGillivray Township ELECT £ Fred L. Heaman (Reeve For 1956 Once again I solicit your vote and influence at' the polls on Monday, December 12. I greatly appreciated your support last* year and have endeavoured to merit the confidence you placed in me. If re-elected, I promise to continue to conduct the business of the township in the best interests of the ratepayers. As it may not be possible for me to have the pleas; of calling on you all personally, I ask you to consider record during the six years as Councillor and one ure my year as Reeve. I shall be grateful-for your support. Respectfully yours, Fred Heaman SOUTH HURON 4-H WINNERS—Five district 4-H members who placed first in South Huron clubs this year are shown together at the Achievement Night program at Wingham on Friday. In front are Jim Hyde, of R.R. 1 Hensall, who topped the Exeter Kinsmen 4-H Poultry Club; and Marlene McLachlan, of R.R. 3 Kippen, who copped first prize in Hensall Kinsmen 4-H White Bean Club. In the back row are Edgar Willert, winner of the Zurich 4-H Beef Calf Club; Keith Coates, Exeter 4-H Beef Calf Club winner and exhibitor of the Huron County Champion Hereford calf and No;man Hyde, brother of Jim, who won the Exeter 4-H Grain Club. —T-A Photo London Choir Sings Carols Christmas carols of many lands were seng by the Earle Ter­ ry sinig'ers of London as the first portion of their program at the South Huron District High School on Thursday evening. •Their entrance by way of a processional from the rear of the auditorium to the platform in their wine, choir gowns, singing “Hark the Herald An-gels Sing,” was dramatic and captured the1 enthusiasm of the large audience. During intermission Michael Farrow generously favored with instrumentals on his own grand piano. Folk Songs of the world were sung by the girls of the group dressed alike in pink evening gowns for the latter portion of the program. The singers were generous with their numbers and the audience most appreciative. The concert was sponsored b> the Travellers’ Group of Grades 12 and 13 of the High School. The proceeds will be used to fin­ ance an Easter trip to Washing­ ton,-D.'C. This Week In Whalen By MRS. F. SQUIRE Garages Evening Service Open this Sunday, Wednes­ day afternoon, and during the evenings throughout the week: Mathers Bros B.A. GARAGE AYLMER Tomato Catsup 19c J1OW eerste . . all hotter OVER 200 PRIZES AND FREE GIFTS!! FREE! TO THURSDAY SHOPPERS, DEC. 8 25 Shopping Bags Of Groceries To The First 25 Customers Purchasing A $5.00 Order. MAPLE LEAF Form Club At Sunshine The -first meeting of the “What Shall I Wear” club was held' on Friday at the home -of Mrs. Gil­ bert Johns, Elimville, with eleven members present. The leaders are Mrs. Ward Hern and Mrs. Gilbert Johns. The meeting was opened by singing “Winter Wonderland” followed by the election of offi­ cers. The president is Mary Skin­ ner; secretary, Grace Routly; press reporter, Mary Dickey; song leader, Grace Johns. It was decided to hold the next meeting, Friday, December 9 at the home of Mrs. Gilbert Johns and everyone is asked to think up a suitable name for the club to be presented at the next meet­ ing. Alma Hern is to design a suitable, pattern for the cover of the record books. Mrs. Johns and Mrs. Hern gave notes on “Requirements of club members” and “contents of a sewing box”. Home assignments were given, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Arnold and family, of Kirkton, were ’Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs. Alex Gartenburg. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McLaugh­ lin, of Waterloo., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Rodd and child­ ren on Sunday. Mince Meat FREE ■ TO FRIDAY SHOPPERS, DEC. 9 A Bottle Of IGA Catsup Free To The First 50 Customers Friday Morning And An Attractive Sherbert And Plato To The First 50 Customers After 2 p.m. Starting at 7 p.m., Friday night customers will receive a package of Coleman Weiners absolutely FREE! 2?,ndz- 39c 1Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor and family, of London, visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Alton Neil. iMr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnston and‘.Carol spent Saturday even­ ing with Mr. and Mrs. S. Fields of London. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morley, Jr. and Janice spent Sunday with Mr. Alyin Pym, of Exeter (Mr. and Mrs. Murray Johnston David and Dale were at Port Bur-, well for the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilcox. iMy. J. Finkbeiner and daugh­ ters visited recently with Mrs. Finkbeii-ner, LiStowel. Mr. and Mrs. Corbin ■ Pearson, of Kintore,, were Saturday even­ ing guests of Mr. and Mrs. Graf­ ton .Squire. Mrs. George Squire and Mrs. Allen Jaques were in Exeter on Tuesday with Mrs. Rudd. (Mrs. Arthur Hardie and girls visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Parklinson. iMr. and Mrs. Ronald Squire visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Walls of London, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Neil visit­ ed the latter’s father,, Mr. John Rawlings at the home of Mr. Or­ ville Rawlings, Clandeboye. iMr. and 'Mrs. Gerald Hern and family and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hudgins and family were Wed­ nesday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morley, Jr., in honor of the birthdays of Gerald and Larry Hern and' Mrs. Morley. Sunday School Meeting In the absence of Rev. Clark who was ill, Wm. Morley, Jr., was in charge pf the annual Sunday School meeting. Gordon Johnson was secretary. Reports were re­ ceived which proved a beneficial year. The officers for 1956 in­ clude as Superintendent, Wm. Morley, Jr.; assistant, Kenneth Hodgson; secretary, Gordon John­ son; treasurer, Donald, Pullen; assistant, Gerald Wallis; organ­ ists, Miss E'lva Morley and Miss Betty Duffield. -Primary class teaehers will be Mrs. Laverne Morley with Mrs. Ronald Squire; intermediate class teachers, Mrs. Fi-nkbeiner, Mrs. Ray Parkinson, Hamilton Hodg­ ins; Bible class teachers, Mrs. A'lex iBailde, Gordon Johnson, Ce­ cil Squire and Mrs. Roy Hodgson. Mrs. Milne Pullen and Mrs, B. Duffield were appointed to 'buy new lignin hooks for the Sun­ day school, collections from the Intermediate c-lass -amounting to $22.00 were given towards thb cost of books. Plans for a Christ­ mas concert on December 22 were made. Mol lard For Council AYLMER SWEET Gherkin Pickles ’Sa°z- 29c STOKELY HONEY POD Fancy Peas 215 Oz, TINS FREE! TO SATURDAY SHOPPERS, DEC. 10 A Shopping Bag Full Of Groceries To The First 25 Cus­ tomers Saturday Morning And An Attractive Plastic Table­ cloth To The First 50 Customers After 2 P-m. 6 TV Lamps - 10 Juice Sets A Free Lamp Or Juice Set To The Lucky Person Being Creoked-Qut When The Alarm Clock Rings. Lucky Draw I Come In And Get Yoiir Lucky Draw Ticket On An Electric Floor Polisher. You May Be The Lucky Winner. 1 TO THE Electors OF The Township Of . POLLING HOURS: 9 A.M. TO 5 P.M. Give Jewellry Having served* one year on council and eight on the school board, I respectfully solicit your vote and influence in the election on Monday, December 12, If elected, I will continue to serve the Township of Mc- Gillivary to the best of my ability. IGA BRAND Beans With DOMESTIC Shortening SALAD DRESSING Miracle Whip NEW ENRICHED Ogilvie Flour . IGA BRAND Margarine WASCO BRAND SULTANA Raisins FARM BOY Bleached Raisins SUN MAID Currants . DALTON’S SHREDDED Coconut . • • • • * Bridal Bell Diamonds Rhinestone Jewellry Take your pick of our Special Y u 1 e stock of "Rhinestones, Pearls and other fine jewellry. All new. L1V FLATWARE VALUES! Famous 1847 and Community Plate In Handsome Wooden Chests Clearing Out Inactive Patterns China Gifts Beautiful Cups and Saucers, Dinner Sets, by famous pottery houses* Ornaments, Shavers Choose from Sunbeam, Schick, Ronson, Reming­ ton and PhilisbavC. JACK SMITH JEWELLER Norman Mollard Vote For Hod gins Your vote and influence is sincerely solicited for council­ lor for 1956. If elected, I will endeavour to serve you to the best of my ability. After serving one year on council and having been nom­ inated again, I- have decided to let my name stand in the forthcoming election. I would appreciate your support at the polls on Mon­ day and, if I am returned, I promise to serve the rate­ payers of McGillivray Town­ ship to the utmost of my ability. Arthur • • • • 2 2D az. O^> tins SUNNY MORN .JAS: 27c COFFEE 16 Oz. JAR 89c 35c ROYAL GUEST COFFEE 4 Las. $1 1 La. QQmSAG V 7V Bis: 41c DOLE’S FANCY 23c FRUIT pkg?* 23c COCKTAIL pkg?’ 23c TINS —...-.....—................. IGA TABLERITE FRESH MEATS ■SWIFT'S |IGA TABLERITE BEEF Premium Franks LB. 3 Zc Blade Roast REBMLS?fo 43c MEATY Pork Hocks .... LB.19c IGA TABLERITE BEEF Short Rib Roast.. 45c COUNTRY STYLE Sausage loose..........37c IGA TABLERITE-—BONELESS Pot Roast shoulder . - 39c Fruits &. Vegetables IGA tablerite sliced GRAPEFRUIT, Size 96.........10 for 49«!Side Bacon half* lb. pkq. 31c CRANBERRIES, 1 Lb. Pkg............. 250 IGA TABLERITE TOMATOES, Cello Tube............... 190 Back Bacon half lb. pkg. 49c DARLINGS - Exeter PHONE 9 FOR FREE DELIVERY ■A