HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-12-01, Page 14Page 12 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 1, 1955
Town Topics
Mr. Roy Coward and Labelle
and Mrs. Frank Coates were Sun
day guests of Mi\ .and Mrs, Whit
ney Coates and family.
Mr. and Mrs, Hugh McEwen
and Susan Of
Mr. and Mrs,
■Mrs. Emma
is visiting with Mr. and Mrs Geo„
Mr., and. Mrs. Walter McBride
and family entertained Mr. and
iMrs. Whitney Coates, Mr. and
Miis. Doherty and Denise, Wilma
and Keith Coates to a fowl
ner on -Saturday evening.
■Mr. Charles Parsons of
IBank of Nova Scotia has 1
transferred to Newmarket
left for that place on Monday
Mayor R. E. Pooley, Council
lor R, D. Jermyn, Thos, Pryde
M.P.P. and W. C. Allison were
in New Hamburg on Wednesday
attending a meeting of the
Industrial Planning Board,
Strathroy visited
Wds. Witmer on
Basinet, ■Cornwall
Cromarty News
—/Continued from Page 1
Mr. Henry Ruby is suffering
from an attack of pneumonia.
Mrs. John Houghton, Mildmay.
Mrs, Donald Scott and baby
daughter returned home from
■Seaforth hospital on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coleman
and family, of Staffa, were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. Laing
on Sunday.
Pte. O, A. Walker returned
■home on Tuesday after serving
18 months in Germany in the
Second Canadian Battalion.
After undergoing extensive al
terations the Cromarty Feed Mill
(has been re-opened for business
and is now operating on a full-
time schedule with Mr. Don
Schellenberger as manager.
basement of St. Paul’s Church,
Hensail, Saturday, December 3 at
3:30 p.m. Bag of samples of
useful products will be given
free with each tea. Tea' tickets,
50<f, may be purchased in ad
vance. 24:1
■house in 59 calls wins the Jack
pot; §5,00 added every Saturday
until someone wins jackpot; also
14 games of “Share the Wealth’’;
no admission; 10<f a game. Le
gion Hall, Hensail, Saturday,
December 3, 9 p.m. Sponsored
'by Hensall Legion. 1
SANTA CLAUS will be in Dash
wood with treats for all the
children, Saturday, December 17
at 4 p.m. Sponsored by the Men’s
Club. 1*
South Huron Hospital will meet
for sewing and mending on Tues
day, December 6 at 2 p.m.
Pooley Vs. Snelgrove
For Exeter Mayoralty
—Continued from Page 1
Clerk C. V. Pickard presided
for the ratepayers meeting which
followed the nominations
Mayor Pooley told ratepayers:
“We can truthfully say eur re-
eord can stand up against any
record over the years. We have
not done all the things people
thought was necessary but we
have tried *to spend your money
wisely and well.”
“There are several problems
(which must tee met next year,”
he said, Thej Usborne dam will
have to be tyuilt to provide ade„
quate water supply for domestic
consumption and industrial use.
The town has had trouble with
sewage and pollution in the river.
“We hope to have a remedy for
that soon.”
The mayor said he would not
predict whether it would be ne
cessary to increase the tax rate
next year.
He paid tribute to the work
of Clerk C ■
Reeve William McKenzie said
he had been on the road com
mittee for four years and the
town still has rough streets but
he hoped that the hard surfac
ing program started this year
would be carried on. The town
spent over §6,000 repairing
Huron and Wellington streets.
As chairman of the Cemetery
Board, he reported this organi
zation would not require any
grant from the town this year
to meet expenses. For a number
of years the cemetery board has
operated without financial aid
and. the reeve said this is a re
cord to be proud of.
“I don’t know of any munici
pality which has been able to
run their cemetery without as
sistance from the council,” the
reeve said. Goderich paid $10,-
OO'Ot to its board this year and
Clinton has to levy two mills to
meet cemetery costs.
Turning to county council ac
tivities, Reeve McKenzie reported
that as chairman of the property
committee .he was in charge of
the construction of the new
courthouse. He repeated the pre
diction he <made at county coun
cil last week that the new build
ing would not exceed the original
estimate of §700,0'0'0. The con
struction is progressing favour
ably, he said.
The health unit, of which he
is a member, has had one of its
quietest years in its history. The
unit assisted the town with its
garbage disposal problems (this
year, he pointed out. *
Deputy-Reeve Chester Mawhin-
ney, • who was chairman of the
drains committee, Sported the
construction of new lines for
Cann’s elevator and for the Ex
eter Dairy. This, along with a
V. Pickard.
number of drain repairs, costs
■more money than was budgeted
■for the committee but the depu
ty-reeve felt the expenditure was
The second member of Exe
ter’s delegation to county council,
the deputy-reeve said the admin
istration of this organization is
now “big business”, The bud
get exceeds $1,000,000.
■Councillor Ralph Bailey, who
is completing his third year in
office, o u t li n e d the progress
made in the development of Riv
erview Park.
Chairman of tee Community
Centres Board, Ed Brady, told
citizens this board was financial
ly “beginning to see tee light”
after a four-year struggle to get
out of debt. The town now has
a top-notch .community centre, he
said, which is providing import
ant recreation facilities for the
youth of the community.
As Chairman.of the Protection
to Persons and Property Com
mittee, councillor .Brady paid tri
bute to both tee police and fire
departments for their efficient
Councillor Dick Jermyn appeal
ed to citizens to assist town of
ficials in industrial promotion.
“I believe that tee promoting of
our town can only be done as a
group effort.”
The program was hampered by
lack of funds and time, He said.
Councillor Snelgrove listed the
■achievements of the Recreation
Council, of which he has been a
member for several years. He
rpad a report by Director Doug
Smith which stated Exeter’s rec
reation program .is one of the
best in the province for a small
town. Proof of this, tee report
report suggested, was provided
in tee number of requests from
other .municipalities to study the
local setup.
Activities covered by tee re
port included a wide range from
■minor sports to Senior Citizens.
As chairman of the sidewalk
committee, Councillor Snelgrove
■reported a shortage oif cement
had curtailed the work planned.
(Councillor Ross Taylor stated
his department, sanitation and
garbage disposal, “hasn’t been a
bed of roses this year”. He felt,
however, that an excellent job
had been done in cleaning up tee
dump, subject of considerable
controversy during tee summer.
■New nominees Alvin Pym, El-
drid Simmons and Don Sbuthcott
'Other speakers included R. M.
Southcott, public school trustee;
iGlenn Bonnallie, new member of
the school board; L. J. Penhale,
P.U.iC. chairman, and C,- S. Mac-
IS.H.D.H.'S. Board chairman.
NightTDepos,^e County Levy To Be Up
The Bank of Montreal’s Exeter; office will soon have “around- i
the-clock” banking service. np-
cording to manager C. E. £
Arrangements are being
for the installation of a :
depository, which will be
able to local business
aftei’ regular banking
seven days a week.
Under this system, each
depository customer will be given
a key to the depository and a
•small canvas bag fitted with a
lock. Upon unlocking the de
pository, customers will place
the bag in tee opening.
The bag will then slide down
a chute and come to rest in a
safekeeping unit situated inside
the bank. Later, night'-depository
customers will collect the bags
during regular banking hours
and make their deposits in the
usual manner. If tee customers
prefer it, the bank will under
take to open the bag, process the
deposit, and. credit the customer’s
“Merchants, service stations,
restaurants, food markets, ho
tels, theatres and similar late-
hour businesses, should find tee
system particularly beneficial,”
states Mr. Shaw.
This installation is one of
many being made by the Bank of
Montreal at a number of its more
important branches from coast
to coast.
Demand for this type.of ser
vice arose earlier this year when
the town experienced a number
of robberies.
Dep t Reports Indicate
a®‘i Huron taxipayors, can look for
bnaw. ian increase in their county taxes
next year.nWi m *..... ♦...........
Reports from tee county coun
cil meeting last week in Goderich
indicate a number of depart
ments, particularly roads, will
meed more money in 1956.
Present road budget is $500,-
000 but teat was exceeded by
$50,000 teis year, Reports indi
cate the department could use
up to a million dollars if the
county had the funds.
The 'Children’s Aid Society and
the library services will require
a larger budget.
■Grants to hospital additions in
Goderich and Clinton will neces
sitate almost one extra mill alone,
Goderich is expected to get a
$35,000 grant on a $'370,0'0'0 ad
dition and Clinton will 'get
$6,000 on a‘$45,000 addition.
.Present county yate is 10 mills.
It was raised one mill in 195'5.
Road Costs Higher
Road costs in Huron are going
to get hi'glher, not lower, in future'
years, Huron county council was
warned Wednesday by Peter Pat
terson, county engineer.
A supplementary ■by-la'w is
needed to .cover an ever-r.un of
$50,000 on this year’s road bud
get, it 'was reported by Arthur
Gibson, deputy reeve of HoWick
and chairman of the county ■roads
One Key Duplicated FREE With Every Purchase
Beavers Hardware
Our Elevator Will Be Closed
At 12 O'clock Noon Saturdays
We Take This Opportunity To Wish
Our Customers Season’s Greetings
For The Man
I Phone 62 Hensall I
| 3
T. C. Joynt & Son
For Gifts That Are
Useful And Pleasing
Men’s Viyella Dressing Gowns with
matching tartan collars. Eider and
Terry Bath Robes.
Men's Nylon Tricot Dress Shirts
and Lovely Silk Broadcloths by
Socks, Jewelry, Sweaters and Sport
Shirts by all the famous makers—•
Arrow, Currie, Hickok, Holeproof,
All Gifts Boxed Free
A little vinegar in shoe black"
Ing makes shoes shine more bril
Hensail Meeting
—Continued from Page 1
Chairman of the board is Howard
Soane and the two other members
are Douglas Cook and Harvey
• R. E. Slraddick was returned
to his fifteenth term on the Pub
lic Utilities Commission.
Clerk J. A. Paterson was chair
man for the ratepayers’ meeting
Friday night which was attended
toy about 40 citizens.
Grand Bend Vote
—Continued, from page 1
English were acclaimed for
P.U.C. Mr. Love was elected
year when the Commission
formed; '' — -
Herman Gill,
run for reeve.
In his opening remarks Reeve
Dalton mentioned the new road
■that had been .built for which
the government pays 50 per
cent.; a new .police contract has
been drawn up at a saving to
tee municipality; weeds had been
sprayed; a new resuscitator had
been authorized by council and
•contributed to locally and it has
saved the lives of five or six per
sons; an effort had been made
to deepen the channel.
John Manore stated teat he
was dropping out after two
■years in council.
iC. P. Chapman said that he
was proud of what the council
had accompished with tee money
they had to spend.Herman Gill brought up the
question of parking on the beach
between the hours of 3 to 6 a.m.
“Grand Bend is losing out on
the better class of tourists be
cause the riff raff with little
money to spend are crowding
them out over tee weekends.
They sit on car bumpers and an
noy others, especially the female
■sex.” he said.
Mrs. Desjardins endorsed tee
idea teat the speed limits should
be curtailed. She shuddered at
times when she noticed small
children on tee streets as cars
■Whizzed by. Mrs. IDesjardine ques
tioned the right of council to
spend $500 for an information
booth as there were many o>£
the older citizens who derived
no benefit, who had to pay to
wards the upkeep of the booth.
“A ............................................
cants . -----------------
Mrs. Desjardine. iSh-e thought that
some effort should be made to
■curb the noise during the Sun
day hour of worship in the out
door camp.
Mr. MacLareii presented tee
report for tee school board and
stated that the accommodation
was now taxed to its utmost.
Mr. English replaced
wiho resigned to
4-H Club Awards
— Continued from Page 1’ '
In the Queen’s Guineas Class
ait tee Royal Winter Fair, there
were three entrants in tee first
■groups of calves—'those of Gerald
Wallis, Don Pullen and John
'Robinson with Gordon Hodgins
in the second group.
The Club leaders were: beef,-
Ray Nethercott, Arnold / ‘
son; dairy,-Rea .Stephen, Allen
Bruce McUarquondale,
ant agriculture representative,
called the boys forward to re-,
ceive their awards as follows,—
■Beef class: (possible sQore-
100'0 points) Gerald W a JM'3 ,
Granton, .9’36; Howard 'Ballan-
tyne, R.R. 3 Stratford, 895; John
Robinson, R.R. 3, St. Marys, 880;
Gordon Hodgins, Granton, 847;
Bruce Wallis, Granton, 842; -Lau
rel Robinson, R.R. 3, St. Marys,
829; Grant Hodgins, Granton,
■Prize donaters to this group
included. Kirkton Agriculture Society, provincial gov’t, dominion
gov’t, Oxfo-rd Artificial Insemi
nation .Unit, Perth-Huron Short
horn Association' Ontario 'Short
horn Club, Fergus Lannin, and
Ontario Hereford Club to Bruce
Dairy Class: (possible score
1000 points) Keith Stephen, R.R.
1, St Marys, 919: Grant Bert
rand,. R.R. 1, St Marys, 901;
Wayne Stephen, R.R. 1, 900; Bill
iCrago, R.R. 1, St."Marys, 88'5;
Wm. Spence, R.R. 6, St. M^rys,
870; David Wheeler, R.^. 6, St.
Marys, 8,65; Wayne Pridham,
R.R. 1, Cromarty, 864; Allen
(DoWj R.R. 1, Cromarty, 858;
Leonard Hawkins, R.R. 1, St..
Marys, 852.
Holsters were presented to
first year members, Leonard
Hawkins and Wayne Pridham.
Howard Ballantyne on befalf
of the Club members thanked
the leaders and the Kirkton Ag
riculture Society, their sponsors.
Reeve Verne Pincombe of Us
borne and Reeve T. A. Crago of
Blanshard apoke briefly.
Woodham United Church lad
ies served the turkey dinner and
they were thanked by Wellington
iBrock, Mrs. Jack Thomson, W.A.
president, replied.
Topics From
Thames Road
better class of tourists
be secured if renters of
would screen the appll-
for accommodation” said
News of
Rev. J. H. Anderson, is a pa
tient at St. Marys Memorial Hos
ton on
Mr. ... .. ___ _____....
•WOfe in Stratford Saturday at
tending the Mehzie wedding/"
Hev/ Malcolm Hutcheson
preached at St. Paul’S Anglican
Church Sunday morning.
and Mrs. Fred Frldham,
and John visited in Kirk-
Sunday with relatives.
and Mrs. Fred Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jeffery
were guests on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Coates, of Eden.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johns,
Dorothy and Johnny, of IldertOn,
were guests on Sunday with Mr.
■and Mrs. William Rohde.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jeffery
were guests on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. John Rodd, Woodham.
Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde,
Douglas, Glenn and Calvin visit
ed on Wednesday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Riney Keller, of
Exeter. -
Mr, and Mrs. William Thom
son, of Exeter, visited Sunday
everting with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
A number from this commun
ity were deer hunting last week
and they shot three,
Miss Margaret Bray, London, spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. John Bray.
Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Miller,
Brian and Barry Were guests on
Saturday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Warren Brock, Of fclon.
Mr. and Mrs, Jim Rowcllffe,
(Peter and Katherine, of London;
and Mf. and Mrs. Tom Brock,
of !Zion, wdre guests on Sunday
With. Mf, and Mrs, Edwin Miller.
Birth, Death and Marriage Notices
are inserted free of charge, Cards
of Thanks cost 75c, In Memorlam
Notices 75c for single verse, 25c
extra for each additional verse;
and Engagement Notices are 75c.
Warden’s Banquet
(Campbells and more Campbells'
were among the guests, as Earl
Campbell of Hay township, warden
of Huron for I955# played host
to a gathering of 200, Wednes
day night, at tee annual War
den’s Banquet in Goderich.
■Not all the guests were Camp
bells, but it seemed so for a few
minutes, as Warden 'Cambell set
one precedent fay Introducing his
parents, Mr. irnd Mi's. John Camp
bell of Exeter,—and then set an
other .by introducing seven sons.
'Old-timers could not remember
any previous occasion on which a
warden*, had been able to present
seven of his sons at the banquet
which annually brings the ward
en’s year of office to a climax.
At that, one Campbell son was
The one missing Campbell Was
Glenn, of Capreol, Ont.; those
who were present were Roy of
Hensall, and 'Gerald, Lloyd, Har-
jjld, Arnold Kenneth and Homer,
all of Exeter. Also among the
guests were the two daughters
ip. Warden Campbell’s family of
10 children,—Doreen, the fourth
child of the ten, now Mrs. Leon
ard Smith of Lucan, and Mary,
ninth in family sequence, now
Mrs. Larry Cronyn of Centralia.
'High point of the evening was
the presentation, to Warden and
Mrs, Campbell, of a sterling silver
tea service, ‘as a gift from the
1'9'55 County Council. The presen
tation was carried out iby Reeve
Verne Pincombe of Usborne, and
Reeve Harry Gowdy of Howick.
Lucan Election
-—Continued from page 1
veteran; and Jack McIntosh,
was first elected in 1953.
A second nomination will be
required to fill the fourth chair,
The date has not been set owing
to the illness of Clerk Don
Stewart park, George Paul and
Tom Hill of the school board
were returned. No one qualified
for the position of Commissioner
so another nomination is needed
for this post.
The Earle
Terry Singers
m a
- Thursday, Dec. 1
8:30 p.m,
Admission 500
Junior Farmers'
Mount Carmel
Monday, Dec. 5
8:30 p.m.
Admission $L00
For 15 Turkeys
And Dance
BAYNHAM—<Mr. and Mrs. Russell Baynham. R.R. 2 Dashwood, announce the birth of a daughter, Constance Marie (Connie), at South Huron Hospital, November 2G, 1955 —thanks to Dr. Gul ens,
BEDOUR—Mr. and Mrs. Theodore
Bedour, of Zurich, announce the ■birth of a daughter, Susan Marie, at South Huron Hospital, November’25, 1955,
BOSSENBERRY—Mr. and Mrs. William Bossenberry, of Grand Bend, announce the birth of a daughter, Debra Ann, at South Huron Hos
pital, November 23, 1955—thanks to Dr. Gulens.ELLIOTT—Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elliott, 93 Alexander St., Exeter, announce the birth of a son, Edward John (Eddie), at South Huron (Hospital, ' November 23, 1955.MACK—To Bryce and Elizabeth (Mack, Zurich, a son: 9 lbs., 4% ozs.; in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, 'Saturday, November 26, 1955. MILLER—Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller, Staffa, wish to announce the birth of a daughter in Seaforth hospital, November 15, 1955—a .sister forRonald.TURNBULL—Mr. and Mrs. Allan Turnbull, Grand Bend, announce • the birth of a son in Victoria Hospital, London, on' Monday, Novem
ber 28, 1955.
SHAPTON—Afr -South Huron Hospital, on Friday, November 25, 1955, Jane Gould, beloved wife of the late James Shapton, in her eighty-fourth year.
■ The family of the late Harry Zimmer gratefully acknowledge the many expressions of sympathy received and the kindness shown them in their recent /.bereavement; special thanks to the ladies who helped at the
home. 1*The family of the late Mrs. Borden Smyth gratefully acknowledge
the many expressions of sympathy received and the kindness shown .them in their recent bereavement.1*I wish to thank all those who so kindly remebmibered me with cards and visits While a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London; special thanks to those who donated blood. —IMrs. Ben Cook. !♦Mr. and Mrs. George Squire and family wish to thank their friends, relatives and neighbours for their kindness and sympathy shown during their recent bereavement; also for the beautiful floral tributes and messages of sympathy; speclakthanks to Rev. Clarke, Miss Claypole and staff of South Huron Hospital, Dr. Fletcher, the pallbearers and the Hopper-Hockey funeral home. 1*Mr. and Mrs. Bill/ Parker wish to thank all who remembered him in any way while a patient in St. Jo
seph’s Hospital.I wish to thank all those who remembered me with cards while I was a patient in St, Joseph’s Hospital; also the friends and neighbors who helped Mrs. Allen while I was
away.—Thomas C. Allen. 1*I would like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to all relatives, firends and neighbours for the lovely flowers, cards and treats sent
to me while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London; special thanks to the blood donors and all those who have helped in any way. —Mrs. Norman Brock. 1*The family of the late Mrs. James Shapton Wish to express their gratitude for visits, cards, flowers and treats sent to Mrs. Shapton while a patient in South Huron Hospital; for the many kindness and expressions of sympathy shown them in their recent bereavement: special thanks tb the neighbours, Rev. H. J. Snell and the staff of South Huron Hospital. . 1c
WOODBURN—In loving memory of a dear daughter and sister, Evelyn Woodburn, who passed away four years ago, December 3, 1951.O happy hours we once enjoyed, How sweet their memories Still!But death has left a lonelinessThe world can never fill.—Ever remembered by mother, sis
ters and families, , lcWOODBURN—In loving memory of ■Evelyn, whq entered into rest
December 3, 1951.We think of her sayings and treasure
her smile, . .We know she has gone, gone ahead
for a while. , 4We keep in our memory the 10v6 of
the past,. . , , ,For-deep in our hearts it was planted
—Ever remembered by Carman, Olive
and Marion. _ . .lcMCDONALD—In loving memory Of a dear father and grandfather. Jack McDonald, who passed away Nd-
vomber 30, 1954. -How we miss the, Welcome footsteps
Of the ono we love so dear,Oft we listen for his Coming
Fully sure that he is near.If we could speak with him today. Laugh with him in the same aid
Hear his voice and see him Smile.Then life Indeed would bo Worth-
While. . » „ «—A I’W ays remembered . and jiadiy missed by Clare and Rov. ^Fiora, Colin and Mabel and grandchildren, lc
Dies In Accident.
—Continued from .Page 1
funeral ‘home where iburia'l ser
vice was conducted on Wednes
day by the Rev. G. J. Hoyitema of
Clinton. Interment was in Exeter
Ducharme’s Orchestra
Everybody Welcome
Senior Citizens'
Tuesday, Dec. 6
8 p.m.
Exchange Of Gifts
Special Collection For
Children’s Aid Society
Ladies Bring Sandwiches
or Cookies
Thursday, Dec. 1, 7-11 p.m.
Friday, Dec. 2
Forest vs. Exeter
Saturday, Dec. 3
8-12—Minor House League Hockey
1-2:45—Public Skating
3-6—Figure Skating
8-10—Public Skatings
Monday, Dec. 5, 7-11 p.m.
Tuesday, Dec. 6, 8 p.m.
Public Skating
Wednesday, Dec. 7
4-5—High School Skating
7 p.m. — Admission 15$
Clinton at Exeter Bantams
8:45—Midget Practice
Phone 421
Previews Its
Coming Attractions
December 2 and 3
Far Country
James Stewart
★ Ruth Roman
December and 6
Many Rivers
To Cross
* Robert Taylor
★ Eleanor Ranker
Wed., Dec. 7
Come One, Come All, and Bring
Friends For a Night of Fun
Boys Bring Sandwiches and
Girls Home-Made Gandy
Wives Of RCAF
Centralia Personel
A warm welcome awaits you
at the Women’s Auxiliary
The Ladies Aid of the' Christian
Reformed Church are having a
Saturday, Dec. 10
at 3 p.m.
Home Baking
Children’s Knitted Wear
Fancy Work
Sewing Wear, Etc.
Tuesday, Dec. 6
8:15 p.m.
“Ideas For Christmas” provid
ed by Beta Sigma. Phi Sorority
of Exeter.
Watch for monthly notices.
•Basketball night for wo
men every Tuesday, with
the exception of W.A.
Night, at 9 p,m. in the
recreational centre.
I ' ■< r * '
Saturday, December 3'
3:00 p,m, ■!
Public Library
• Fancy Goods
• Home Baking
• Christmas Cake
• Delicatessen Table
_ • . »
Turkey Bingo
December 7 and 8
A Prize Of Gold
★ Richard Widmark
★ Mat Zetierllng
Wednesday, December 7
Games Start at 9 p.m.
Admission 500 i Extra Cards 100, 3 for 350
Sponsored by Exeter Branch Canadian Legion
See The
Forest vs. Mohawks
Friday, December 2