HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-12-01, Page 5THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 1, 195S .mumJBliW' I H. J. CORNISH 4 CO CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS H. J. Cornish, L. F. Cornish, D. Mitchell s C s Report On Grand Bend By MBS. E. KEOWN 294 DUNDAS ST. LONDON, ONT. j£ S I, We Pay A Premium For ATTENTION FARMERS! I o Poultry Prices Are Firm——So Get Your Poultry In For The Christmas Trade i TURNIP PRICE IS NOW 600 PER BUS. DELIVERED CANADA e PACKERS % = Highest Prices Paid E e For Beans ATTRACTIVE STORAGE ARRANGEMENTS E Contact Geo. T. Mickle & SONS LTD Phone 103 Hensall Pea Straw 9 FOR SALE c $3.50 PER TON Stack Will Be Open Dec. 5 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.Monday to Friday Canadian Canners Limited • BRANCH 100, EXETER ONTARIO ! Miss Muriel Fallis i spent the weekend i Mary Yeo. ! Miss Sheila Finan ' spent the weekend at her home in town, Mrs. Clara Manore of London i spent the weekend with her moth- i er, Mrs. Sarah Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baira : spent Saturday afternoon and i evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ernie ; Little in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Anderson of London spent Sunday afternoon with friends in town. Mrs. Lew(s Thomson of Embn, spent Tuesday visiting her broth­ er and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Johnson. Mrs. Mae Holt spent Monday in London. . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer vi­ sited "with their daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Clarke, in Thedford, on Sunday, Mrs. Glen Brenner, Mrs. Eliza­ beth Smith and, Mrs. Annie Bren­ ner, spent, Tuesday in Port Huron, Mr, fchd. Mrs. ’ W. J. Beer and Miss May Skinner spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Lammie in Centralia. Mr. and Mrs. John Allen of Woodstock spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Holt. Mr. Wm. Sweitzer attended the Empire Life Assurance Company Convention in London on Monday. Miss' May Skinner, who has been visiting in Crediton for the past few weeks returned home last week. Mrs. H. J. Laing of London vi­ sited with relatives in town on Sunday. The annual meeting of the Uni­ ted Church Sunday School will be held on Wednesday, December 7. Mrs. Wm. Rendle is spending a few days in London with her daughter, Mrs. Douglas Coulson. Mrs. and Mr. /Thos. Desjardine, Grace and Darlene spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leesume Des­ jardine in Exeter. Miss Inez Desjardine spent Sun­ day with _Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith in Those saw Mr. England, da and „___ ___, __„ __ Library Board, were really'pleas­ ed with the pictures,and especial­ ly seeing Grand Bend in picture form. They felt the scenery in some of the pictures was second to none. of any shown. It was a most successful evening in every way. Mrs. P. A. Allison of London spent last weekend visiting with friends in town. Mr. 'and Mrs. Ted iStanlake ^at­ tended the wedding of their neph­ ew Albert Dixon to Marion [Smith in Strathroy on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James Dalton and family visited their daughter, Betty, in London on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Daniels and family of 'Strathroy visited Mr. and Mrs, Bruce 'Stanlake on Sunday. The Orpha Club of Grand Bend, who have been making Christmas toys for orphan children, will hold their last meeting of the year on December 6. On Thursday, Dec­ ember 8, they will have a display at the town hall of all their handi­ work and toys, prior to their be­ ing sent to the various orphan­ ages. Everyone is cordially invited to this display. There is no charge for admission, and refreshments will be served by the ladies of the Club. The display will be held from 8.00 p.m. to 9.30 p.m., and your at­ tendance and support will enable the Club to carfy on with, the good work after Christmas, when the Club will undertake some other charitable work. of Sarnia with Miss of London Exeter. who were present and Wainwright’s pictures of Guernsey Islands, Fiori- Grand Bend, under the CO-OP CO-OP CO-OP CO-OP CO-OP CO-OP CO-OP Topics From PIGS TO FASTER PORK WITH Co-op Hog Feeds Co-op Pig Pre-Starter The complete feed for baby pigs for “creep” feeding from one week to five weeks of age. Will help cut , litter costs. Co-op Pig Starter To prevent that “weaning time set-back”, and give thrifty, fast growth to about 70 pounds size, Help the sow do a better job. Co-op Hog Grower The complete feed for growing pigs from 70 pounds to 140 pounds. Well fortified with minerals, pro­ teins and vitamins. Co-op 15% Sow Ration For feeding the bred sow and up until weaning time. This ration will help to produce strong pigs and a healthy nursing sow. Co-op Hog Concentrate y Your assurance against slow gains, runts, and high - mortality litters, when fed in a proper mix with your home grown grains. EXETER DISTRICT Phone 287 Collect The Farmer’s Own Store CO-OP CO-OP CO-OP CO-OP CO-OP CO-OP CO-OP Re-elect Cann President Of Usborne Federation By MBS. WILFRED HUNKIN Arnold iCann 'was re-elected president at the fifteenth annual meeting of * the Usborne Feder­ ation of Agriculture held in Elim- vil.le United (Church on Friday. Other ■officers Were: Vice-pres­ ident Harry DougaU, secretary­ treasurer, Wilfred Hunkin; dir­ ectors, Harry Dougall, William Snow, Allan <$veleigh, Walter Mc­ Bride, (Royiance Westcott, Horace Delbridge, Ross Skinner, William Lamport, Gerald Hern, and lady director, Mrs. Roylance West­ cott. ■ Andrew Dixon, guest speaker, showed pictures of his trip ‘to the United Kingdom this summer. Commenting on (England he stat­ ed 'that one can * eat cheaper and sleep ada. “are ly.” He visited Exeter, where he (was shown the silver cigarette box given by Exeter, Ontario, he thought. it was the “most popular gift in England.” (During the evening Sterling Ince and Boh Russell, accompa­ nied by Mrs. Ince, provided com­ edy numbers. ’Barry Jeffrey ren­ dered accordion solos. Operates At A Loss Wilfred Shortreed, Huron County Federation President, said 'he thought farming 'was the only business over a period of years .that was still operating at a lofes. Overhead costs were too high to allow for repairs and im­ provements. • “Wheat,” he declared, “'would even drop one cent a loaf. If milk was given to the dairy it would still cost the consumer 11 to 12 cents a quart. Fancy packaging costs money.” Gordon (Greig, seretary-field- man, said Huron Federation is the envy of other counties. More -1 1 - L1 - ........ T"”1" farmers in Huron contribute to the Federation than in any other county of 'Ontario. “We are far ■more than satisfied with our Fed­ eration unit,” he stated, “The credit is due to the farmers for supporting their township. Fed­ eration.” Reports of progress in their various fields were given (by Ken­ neth Johns, of the Huron Medical Co-operative; Ross Francis, of Co-op auto insurance; and Hor­ ace Delbridge, of the Cream Pro­ ducers. President Arnold Cann conduc-; ted the meeting. The 1Q0 who at­ tended were served dinner by the members of the Elimville W.A. cheaper there .than in Can- “Engli'Sh people,” he said very courteous and friend- HARPLEY England, Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hayter __ John, of Sarnia, visited Saturday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Hayter, Mrs. Laura McLinchey and her sister, Mrs. M. Kirkwood, Lon­ don, visited with Miss Maude I-Iodgins Thursday afternon, Mr. Bobbie Murray and Gordon Brown were around collecting for the Bible Society on Satur­ day for Grace and United churches at Greenway, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gooding, of Parkhill, spent Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, Newton Hayter. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Hodgins visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Max Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. William Love, of Grand Bend, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Love attended the Stewart- Love wedding in Toronto last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ford, of Parkhill, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ridley and Jean. and Letter From Brinsley By JIBS. L. CRAVEN Mrs. Nellie Simpson of Moores­ ville spent the weekend with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nil- wood. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ellwand and Mr. and Mrs, Lin Craven visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. George Brest. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Thompson spent Sunday evening with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lewis. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Fenton vis­ ited Thursday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Ellwood. Mrs. Clover Lewis of Ailsa Craig spent the weekend with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lewis. Mr, and "Mrs. Earl Lewis spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hodgins. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Hamilton entertained a number of-friends recently in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Allison’s thirty-seventh wedding anniversary. ’ Mrs. James Trevethick spent Thursday with her mother, Mrs. Hess of Zurich. •Mr. and Mrs. George Brest en­ tertained a number of friends to dinner on Saturday evening. Mr, and Mrs. Lin 'Craven spent Thursday evening with Mrs. Vi­ ola Watson and family of Park­ hill. Mrs. William Darling has re­ turned to her home after being a patient at Victoria Hospital, London. Mrs. Mabel Led of Ailsa Craig spent a few days with her son, Mr. and Mrs. .Ansell Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schenk at­ tended the funeral of the latter’s aunt, the late Mrs. Martha Mc­ Phee. Heavy reliance on world for­ eign products at home, renders 'Canada vulnerable to the slight-, est increase in product costs. gig Out custQTD^Tf unroT till MT CD Superb traction in deep snow or mud—on treacherous curves—up steep hills and driveways—away from slippery curbs. It’s leaps and bounds ahead of other winter tires! Runs quietly too. Come in and let us show you how its 1856 gripping, biting edges grab the road. We’d be glad to tell you—plain and simply—why the Suburbanite gives unequalled traction—- outsells all other winter tires. E.L.CHAFFE AND SONS R.R. NO. 1 CENTRALIA, ONT. PHONE: EXETER 548 YOUR FRIENDLY RELIANCE DEALER BECAUSE OF TERRIFIC VOLUME BUSINESS... We’re Forced To Repeat BIG TV SALE OFFER! By MISS JANE DYKEMAN Traquair Hardware Brings CITY PRICES TO EXETER Admiral Giant 21" Console Exclusive 3-dimensional picture frame forms handsome “stage setting” for TV picture . . . gives it new depth and realism. Removable picture window lets you take off safety glass yourself to clean picture tube. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller and Mr.’ and Mrs. Luther Row- cliffe, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ win Miller, Thames Road, and Mr .and Mrs. James Earl were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock. Mr. and Mrs. ROss Jaques and John and Mr. Daniel Hicks visit­ ed Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Anderson, Science Hill, who celebrated their thirtieth wedding anniversary; ■Mr. and Mrs. Herman Paynter, Kinkton, were Saturday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lome Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Tom .Hern, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hern and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock attended the Federation of Agriculture Banquet in Elimville on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. 'Glen Range and Wayne, Centralia, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. RosS Jaques, 'Miss Muriel Hern is in London for ‘a few weeks with Mr, and- Mrs. Jim Rowcliffe. Mr. and Mrs. Tom 'Brock were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller, Thames Road, Mr. and Mrs. .Ross Jaques and Mr. Daniel 'Hicks visited Satur­ day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jaques, Hensall. Regular $329.95 Traquair Discount Price 279 Only $41.85 Down - $3.00 a Week II III] I] IJ I THlBj to V' 21" Table Model $209 17" Table TV $169 *'■ M On Every Television Set Sold At Traquair Hardware You Receive 90-DAY PARTS GUARANTEE 90-DAY FREE SERVICE Noted. For Fast, Efficent, Courteous WorkService By Our Own Trained, Dependable Technicians; ONE FULL YEAR WARRANTY ON PICTURE TUBE ■J2K1 *■ MAIN STREET