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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-12-01, Page 2
This Journal shall always fight for progress, reform and public welfare, never be afraid to attack wrong, never belong to any political party, never be. satisfied with merely printing news. Nt- THURSDRY MORNING, DECEMBER J, 1955 Guest Editorial THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 1, 1955 Jottings By J.M.S. Make Every Day Safe-Driving Day Central School Discussion of a new central public 'township brings for the considera- school in McGillivray up an interesting topic tion of all rural areas. It appears that Area Board, under Chairman Bryden Taylor, is convinced that construction of a new central school has more advantages than maintaining the present system of 10 one-room schools spread throughout the township. In an attempt to sell their plans to the ratepayers, the members of the board have distributed pamphlets outlining their proposals and presented them in person at a township meeting last Monday night. The ratepayers were not enthusias tic about the plan because of the increas ed taxation costs. Wisely, the board does not intend to press the issue to a vote until there is more public acceptance. There are many things to be said for a central school. It offers the advan tage of separate classes for grades, of specialized instruction, of a wider scope of activities. It is more attractive to teachers, an important consideration in these days when they are in such short supply. Central rural schools can give farm children the same educational opportuni ties as city and town children. The de velopment of such schools is one of a number of improvements being made in the farm areas to make rural life more attractive. Central schools will cost money and it well may be that they cost too much. But money shouldn’t be the prime con sideration. The cost should be consider ed an investment in farm youth and the future of the area; the returns may well justify the initial expenditure. In a prosperous agriculture area such as this one, the purse strings should not be drawn too tight on education cause it is too vital to the future of community. Perhaps central schools more than the taxpayers can afford serious thought should be given to advantages they provide before they rejected. the McGillivray be- the are but the are Panthers the the was The- South Huron District High School football team—the Panthers— have added more W.O.S.S.A. honors to the school’s long list by reaching finals of the district competition. Although the local team lost in Purple Bowl championship game, it not disgraced because it put up a tough battle despite crippling injuries. The Panthers won tributes from the champ ions and officials for their keen play. To reach the finals, the local team staged two thrilling finishes in sudden death playoff games to eliminate Mit- *chell and Wingham. Both times the Panthers came from behind to win these important 'contests. The boys deserve the plaudits of the community, as does Coach G. M. Mickle who seems able to produce championship teams in any sport. Let's Work Towards • An expanded industrial promotion program in Exeter and in Huron County. • Completion of the Riverview Park development. among Exeter from heavily-travelled highways. • A town plan for Exeter. A business promotion organization Exeter merchants. A parking lot close to Main Street. Removal of unsightly dumps in and Biddulph which are visible By POLICE CHIEF REG TAYLQR Obedience to traffic laws can, make every day S.D.-Day! I urge that all citi zens cooperate to make Safe-Driving an every day practice. It is high time that pedestrians recognize the fie laws and regulations their protection. Too many people are motorists and fact that traf- are made for inclined to re? gard traffic laws and regulations as re strictions on their personal freedom and to ignore them whenever it suits their convenience. The current disregard of traffic laws so prevalent throughout the country is suicidal. Almost all traffic ac cidents occur when one or more traffic laws is violated by motorists, pedestrians or both. It has been estimated that if every driver and pedestrian observed traffic laws and regulations and safe walking and driving rules, the annual traffic toll would be reduced between 85 and 90 per cent. S.D.-Day should be an every day oc- curence., I want to list five acts that are high on the list of traffic law violations and urge motorists to avoid them. The five acts include. Exceeding a safe speed. Failure to give a car on the right the right of way at intersections. Failure to have brakes in proper con dition. Not coming to a full stop at stop signs. Ignoring a red light or a school zone slow sign. I am convinced that if all drivers would obey these five traffic rules—all legal and punishable for failure to obey, by the way—we would have no difficulty in Continuing the practice of Safe-Driving Day every day in Exeter and community. i Royal Winners You can hardly say that Huron County 4-H members brought home the bacon from the Royal Wintei” Fair Queen’s Guineas competition because the class calls for top quality beef. Neverthe less the Huron boys did capture majqr prizes in the celebrated contest. ' The county congratulates Murray * Gaunt, the 20-year-old Lucknow youth who won the Guineas for Huron for the third! time since the war. The young . Shorthorn breeder succeeded in captur ing the coveted prize.after four years of trying. Such persistence and patience de serves recognition. Three district youths placed among the top five of the three divisions of the contest—Allan Rundle in Angus; Keith Coates in Hereford; and Lome Ballan-- tyne in Shorthorn. In view of the fact that 187 of the top 4-H members of the province competed, these standings are noteworthy. From neighboring Middlesex County, Keith Campbell of Ilderton won the re serve championship honors. of these enterprising young deserve a hearty slap on the All farmers back. Impact impact of newspaper advertis-The ing on the community economy was de scribed by an advertising director of The New York Times who spoke in Toronto. “The press plays a vital role in the economy of any community through its advertising columns,” he said. “These provide its factories and its merchants with a constant market for their goods and their services. In this way they help make f or an expanding and a strong economy. “Through the power of newspaper advertising, which builds increasing' mar kets for new products, prices’ of these products are brought down to level where everyone may enjoy then* ownership^ QHje Cxeter gfotoocate Advocate RetabUzhed 1881 Amalgamated 1M4 TfmM Established 1878 * Published Each Thursday Morning at Exeter, Ontario AM Independent Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of the Town of Exeter and District Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa Member of the Oanadiaa Weekly Newspaper Association Member of the Ontario Division Of the CWNA Member of the Audit Bureau Of Circulations 19158 All-Canada insurance Federation National Safety Award 1958 Ontario Safety League Award 1854 Winner of the E. F. Stephenson Memorial Trophy for Beat Front Page Among Ontario Weekly Newspapers Paid-in-Advahce Circulation as of April 1, 1955 —- 2,725 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Canada (tn advance) $8.00 per year —• U.SJL (in advance) $4.00 per year Published by The Exeter Times-Advocate Limited /MiMMHO Ljj&rr BureauIr m JftCUUhd The (following items have .been ■gleaned from the Exeter Advo cate in tih.e year 1888, the first year of its publication: A (Grand 'Bend item .states that the local merchants are paying 17^ a pound for butter and 17^ a do?, for eggs. The following officers were elected by the Stephen .and Us borne Agricultural society: Pres ident, James Ballan tyne, vice- president, John WilUs, ^directors, B, (Davis, H. Sam'well, S, San ders, J. Hunter, jr., H. Edll-ber, E. Christi e, John Delbridge, James Westcott and Jas. Oke* “On Wednesday last another of Exeter’s fair ladies in the person of Miss Maggie, daughter of Mr. ■Wm. .Snell was led to the altar and tied with an everlasting knot to Mr. Edward .Snell, our popular livery man.” Gregory H. Tom has retired from the pedlgogqe field and is about to enter into medical stud ies, Messrs. Boss and Taylor have •moved to their new premises and have put in an excellent planer and matcher. Supports MacDonald In January, 18'86, Thomas Passmore sold the (Exeter Advo cate to Mr, William 'Sanders. In ■his announcement Mr. (Sanders says “Believing that the public affairs of Canada have been, on the whole, wisely and able ad ministered under the leadership of Hon. iSir John A. Macdonald,—. ■the Advocate will dp all in its power .to promote those principles and aims of the Liberal-Conser vative party. At the County Council meeting in Goderich Thos. H. Kay, of Us borne, was elected warden. At a meeting of the village council, James Creech, constable was granted $82.00 salary; $3,72 for charity purposes; 67^ for Butter, Eggs At 17 Cents Albert C. Hess Jeweller & Optican • Prompt Watch and Clock Repairing • 36 Years’ Experience • Expert Violin Bow Repairing telegram; $2.00 rent of ground ' for burying qnimals and $19.50 wood for town hall. From a February issue iwe glean -the following: “Some colts ■got into the G. T. Bailroad cub verts on the Devon sideroad and were stuck fast in the snow. Mr. A. Down saw the colts in this position, and the north train ap proaching, he dre’w his handker chief from his pocket and sig nalled ths train. The train: stop-? ped, (but within twenty feet of the colts, when the hands got Off gnd extricated the animals. At Centralia some miscreants ■broke into a car ’bounded for London and stole a sack of pork and some $50 worth of shoes. Operated Salt Well ■Few in Exeter will remember the old salt well that stood on the west side of the ■railroad at the C.’N.R. station. It was oper- a ted Cor many years and finally the building went up in smoke. A report in t/he Advocate says: “Business ds booming at the Ex- etei' Salt Well and farmers from all parts of the county are taking advantage of the low ©rice of fered tby the-'Co. to secure large quantities of salt for fertilizing purposes. A 'Grand Bend item •says that a number of our young people Of both sexes were attending a prayer meeting* at the home of one of our residents, and before the meeting 'was over, they craw led out of the -window and made' for another house where a dance was in progress. A county item says that Mr. Thomas Cadson was on his way home from Michigan lumber woods, a corpse, which cast a shadow of gloom over the whole neighborhood of Londesboro. K ZURICH ONTARIO Legion Corner By M,E. HARNESS, President To Fit the Purse or Person Cameras Brownie Hawkeye ..... $8.75 Complete Gift Outfit . $16.45 Brownie Movie Camera IDEAL GIFTS z A We sure had a good meeting ■last week. 'There must have been 90 or 100 members out. It was good to see Comrade Milt Pfaff at the meeting. There is an ex ample for some of the other mem bers to follow. When a man has gone through as much as he has to come out in a wheel chair, surely more able-bodied men can get out. There were quite, a few mew members initiated, I don’t re member how many but I think six or seven. Comrade Andy (Beirling once MERRY MENAGERIE As the lUiiiiiiiiiititiiiiiiiiiiiHiitiiiiiiitiiiiHHiniitiiiM iiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiifiitiii "TIMES “NOW maybe we’ll get some rest! •'“wiljrij 50 YEARS AGO Last week (Rev. IS. A. Carriere of Grand .Bend was very pleasant ly surprised tby a number of his Corbett 'congregation .calling and presenting him with a hundred bushels of oats for his horse. Mr. George Heaman of London has secured 150 acres of land here (Grand ’Bend) and is esta blishing a deer park. He has so far secured eight splendid deer and expects to get more. It Is said that when complete, this park will he the finest sight with in one hundred miles of (London. (Mt. Heaman purposes to open his park to the public for two months during the summer. He expects that ’before many years iGrand Bend will be the favorite sum mer resort of 'Western Ontario. Mr. C. B.v Snell electrician, during the fweek has replaced the old are lights by new ones and the result .is a very .great im provement with regard to bril liancy and steadiness. The annual shooting match of the JRodgerville Gun Club took place bn Mr. -Wm.. White’s farm on Wednesday. The best shooters of the day were 'R. IB. Case, Ed Willis and J. Jeckell each ikilling five bird's. 25 YEARS AGO Christmas cakes baked oh Tues days, Wednesdays, Thurs days and Fridays at 'Grant’s Bakery. Mr. Gerald God-bolt of Cen tralia lynhose theme was “'Choos ing A Calling’’ was judged the winner of ithe first prize medal for men at the Huron. Presby- t er lai Oratorical contest held in Clinton. (Monday evening. At a meeting of hnckey enthu siasts held in the Dome Rink •Monday evening it was decided to form a hockey league (com prising i0 r e d 1t >o n, Dashwood, Grand Bend and (Exeter to be called the Cyclone (League. (Chas. (Zwieker, tired 1 ton was elected Uon. President Thos. id amp, Dashwood, president; the execu tive will consist of the officers and one man from each town. Over one hundred neighbors and friends gathered at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Coates of Usborne on (Friday evening and presented them with two wicker chairs and a fernery. 15 YEARS AGO 'Something like a record for snow so early in the season has covered the ground for. the past week. Motor traffic off the main highways is practically at a standstill. Mr, John E s s e r y, Centralia, was honored on the occasion of his 87th birthday by the officers and directors of" Usborne and Hibbert Mutual Eire Insurance for which he has been agent for ■35 years. Chief John INorry received two letters from two transients who made visits ,to Exeter and whom Exeter’s chief has befriended. Mr. and Mrs. ,F. J. Wickwire and Miss 'M. White ihave moved from their home on Main (St. to the property two and a half miles south of Exeter recently pur chased from the estate of .the late 'Samuel Smith. Merchants in town are 'feeling the loss of trade since the lapse of the (Exeter bridge. col- IO YEARS AGO While returning to his home on (his bicycle from his black smith shop shortly after six o’ clock Thursday evening of last week Hillary Horton was run into by an automobile and .“was almost instantly killed. Mr. IE. J. -Wells recently (re turned from overseas has re sumed his old position With J1ones and May. Under the spur of organized effort by the Huron Federation of Agriculture, registration of hog producers in Huron (County for the vote now being taken on proposals to organize the hog producers Of the province for re gulation of marketing has reach ed a total of 1,740. On Monday evening a iCjCf.I.T. group was organized at James (St. church under the leadership Of Mary Johns and Vera (Decker. again came to my rescue and handled the nomination and in itiations. 'Comrade iReg McDon ald assisted him <in the 'initiations by explaining the principles and aims of the Canadian Legion. The nominations went over well with Comrade (Reg McDonald being elected president for 1956, ‘Oom-. rade Harry Holtzman first vice- president and (Comrade IGraham Mason, second vice - president. About half of the 1956 executive is new. 1 The Legion donated $25.0'0' to the Canadian Legion’s, Christmas . fund for hospitalized veterans and $25.00 to the War Memorial Children’s Hospital, London. It ■ doesn’t sound like very much but I assure you if all branches donate as much it 'will make a grand Christmas for a lot of peo-' pie. * ♦ ♦ ♦ We received two stunning blows when the bills and accounts were read out Thursday night at the meeting. The first: it cost the Legion over $800 to operate the ball team this (past year. The second,: the hill for the hand iunl- forms was over $1,200, although some of that will come hack grad ually as the members of the band pay the instalments on .their in struments. The fellows are buy ing their equipment at the rate o.f a few dollars a week.* * * * We suddenly remembered, or reminded, that it was our turn •to look after the (Christmas Party for the children this year — so we are going to have a lot to do in a short time. I said we, ibut I really meant you because I will be away for awhile. There are some of us ' of the hydro going to the Strathroy Area to work for awhile. 'Comrade (Reg McDon ald will he looking after things so if he asks for help, don’t let him down. News Of Your LIBRARY , By MRS. J.M.S. The limelight has been center ed in Canada this year on provinces of (Saskatchewan Alberta who .celebrate their den jubilee as provinces of Dominion. In the library are .books depecting the history of these provinces in a readable manner Saskatchewan This is an authoritative and exciting history .of a province from the earliest days to the booming present—.a book which captures uniquely the atmosphere and the spirit of Saskatchewan and its .people. As of the great explorers; the rise and decline of the fur empires; the days of* the RM Biver carts, when thou sands of pioneers struck out ■bravely to 'wrest their homes and their livehood from the prairie; the coming of the railroad, and the rite of .the 'wheat pools. (Most ly we read about the people. The dramatic record of tradi tion and .achievement is all in the pages* of this 'book for everyone to reftd an'd enjoy. The author, Jim Wright, is the editor of “Union. Farmer” and holds a Governor-General’s a- ward for his history of the IDou-k- hobours in 'Canada. Alexander Robb took leave of absence from Ills Regina teaching post to do original research for this book. Alberta Jubilee Anthology If you enjoy tales of the old West; if you .are interested in Alberta as it is today, its indus trial development and its future; if you like a good story.....here is a book you will want to read. This 'book, “the work of Al berta authors,” is published to commemorate Alberta’s Golden Jubilee. It is a panoramic view of one of Canada’s more impor tant provinces, its history, its tra ditions, its people and their way of life. The illustrations include color reproductions of eight prize-win ning paintings from a province wide competition and there ate many black and white drawing’s. The Honourable John J, Bow- len, lieutenant governor of Alber ta, in the foreword writes “It is Indeed a credit to the people of Alberta, that works of such cal ibre as those published Within this anthology are all by Alber tans” Christmas Cards 50 for 980 Also 400, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50$45,75 Electric Razors Sellick, Sunbeam Ronson, Philishavc Remington Viewmaster New Type With 6 Reels In Gift Outfit — $5.90 Light Attachment — $2.95 Shalimar Perfume and Cologne ■ Special! Both for $5.00 In Gift Box Elizabeth Arden Blue Grass Puff Puff With Soap — $2.00 Fashion Cases ............ $6.00 (With Compact) .. $15.00 Comb - Brush - Mirror Sets $3.49 $4.98 $5.95 $6.95 $11.95 Baby Brush and Comb $1.00 Billfolds $1.79 to $9.95 Key Cases $1:95 to $2.25 2 3 Exeter Here's The Best Gift OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS 'Phone 50 Power mean* the difference between good or not quite good enough TV reception. The complete new line of Spdrton tet», now on dis play at our »tore, has 20% more power than ever be- Tore. You need this big reserve of power for dear, •harp pictures, without in- terference. / •Please turn to Page 11 21" Table Model in hand rubbed wak nut or limed oak. Largr-sizr Alumi« nized Tube. Teleglas Filter. Cascade Tuner. 1$ tubes (28 tube perform* ante). Distance Booster Switch. Lighted Dial, Built-in Antenna. Matching legs optional. The “Murray Model 21 EIL ExeterHARDWARE