HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-11-17, Page 14P*«e 12 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 17, 1955 Comments About Cromarty By MRS. K. McKELLAR Native Of Kippen Area Wins Wheat King Title Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. T. L. 'Scott and family and Mrs, E. Moore visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Moore and family at Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker and Mr. Oswald Walker visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Currie, of London. Mr. James Ramsay, of George­ town!’, and Miss Patsy Ramsay, of Etratford, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ramsay. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Ilarburn visited in Mitchell with Mrs. Mc­ Cully. Mr. and Mrs. T. Laing visited recently with friends at Wyoming and Forest. Mr .and Mrs. Wilfred Annis and family, of Zion, were Sunday .visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Will Miller. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Binning and children, of Mitchell, and Mr, and Mrs. M. J. Gibson, of Listowel, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar, Mrs. Robert Laing and baby daughter have returned: home from Stratford hospital. The W.M.S. Thank Offering service will be held next Sunday with the minister, Rev. S. Kerr, In charge. Marion Ritchie Auxiliary The November meeting of the Marian Ritchie Auxiliary was held in the church with Miss Margaret Walker presiding. The scripture lesson was read by Miss Anita 'Sorsdahl. Mrs. John Miller had charge of the study book and the topic on “Remembrance” was given by Mrs. Gordon Scott. Plans were made for the bazaar which will be held on the evening of December 2. COMING EVENTS YOUTH FOR CHRIST, Clinton Area, presents Dr. Bob Pearce in a one night rally. Dr. Pearce is president of World Vision Inc., a great missionary project in Korea and the Far East. Clinton High School Auditorium, Tues­ day, November 22, 8 p.m. Special musical numbers will be provid­ ed by the Clinton Ward Party and Miss Marilyn Bissett, of Ex­ eter as soloist. Everybody wel­ come. 17 ANNUAL BAZAAR and Chicken Pie Supper, Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensail, Saturday, No­ vember 26. Bazaar commencing at 3 p.m., supper at 7 p.m. Ad­ mission $1.00 and 500. Come and bring a friend. 17:24 Word was received here over the weekend that Mr. Robert Cochrane, of Grand Prairie, Peace River District, Alberta, had been chosen wheat king of the world. Mr. Cochrane was born on the Town Line west of the village and attended school at S.S. No. 3 Hay and college at Belleville. He later moved to Winnipeg, Man., where he was employed as a contractor. He then moved to Grand IPrairie, Peace River Dis­ trict, as a pioneer, travelling the 35.0 miles northwest from Ed­ monton by pony caravan. This summer Mr. and Mrs. Cochrane enjoyed a 10,000-mile motor trip through British Col­ umbia and the United 'States and spent several, weeks in this dis­ trict. Mr. Cochrane was chosen timo­ thy king at The World’s Fair in Chicago a few years ago. Mr. Cochrane has one brother, John H., of Kippen, and five sis­ ters, Mrs. Hugh Cameron, in Clinton, Misses Jean and Agnes Cochrane, also of Clinton, Mrs. Bruce Walker, in Hensall, and Mrs. Harry Fuss, of Zurich. W.M.S; Birthday Party The W.M.S. of St. Andrew’s United Church met on Wednes­ day afternoon in the church and were hostesses to the Evening Auxiliary and the W.M.S. of Hen­ sail United Church on the occa­ sion of their annual birthday party, Mrs. Robin McAllister and Mrs. Ross Love were hostesses. Mrs. William Caldwell was in charge of the worship service. Mrs. Bruce McGregor reported for the visiting committee, Mrs. R. McAllister and Mrs. Ross Love are the visitors for November. Mrs. C. Kennedy, of Grand Bend, sang a solo, accompanied by Mrs. Ross Broadfoot. Mrs. Mc­ Leod and Mtts. R. M. Peck were appointed to select a personal Christmas gift for their prayer partner, Miss Ada Sandell. Mrs. T. Coates and Mrs. G. Hess, of Hensall, favored with a duet, ac companied by Mrs. L. Mickld. Mrs. David Kyle, of Hensall, gave a reading. Mrs. Emerson Kyle introduced the guest speaker, Dr. Judith Brigham, B.A., M.A., of Grand Bend, who is a daughter of a former Main St. United Church minister in Exeter. Dr. Brigham is an analyist and lecturer and spoke on “How your attitude to­ ward life affects your physical health". Mrs. Winston Workman read a poem. The ladies were invited to the tea room. Tea was poured by Mrs. R. M. Peck and Mrs, N. Mc­ Leod. Mrs. H. large birthday Personal Items Mrs. Hughes, spent a few days last week with Rev. and Mrs. McLeod at the manse. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter and girls visited recently with Mr. and Mrs, Bob Denomipe in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. David Moyer and Adele, of Parry Sound, spent a few days last week with Mrs. Moyer’s father, Mr. Robert Thom­ son. Mr. and Mrs. Walker, of Peter- ■boro, are spending a few days with the latter’s brothers, Mr. and Miss Jean prison. Mr. and Mrs, Milton Young, of London, visited recently with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Young. Bunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dawson were Mr. and Mrs. Ewasack, Stratford; Mrs. Noble, of ipeterboro; Mr. and Mrs, Mero, of Zurich; Mr. William Cook, of Goderich, and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Kerr, of Winthrop. Mr. and Mrs, Eddie Taylor, of Stratford, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Dinsdale and Miss Mabel Whiteman. Miss Peggy Goddard, Hensail, spent the weekend with Miss Margaret Elgie. Miss Alice Pfaff, of Exeter, spent the weekend with her sis- ter and brother-in-law, Mr. ’ and Mrs. Robert Elgie. Chesney cut the cake. of Calgary, Alta., Cadet From West Wins $500 Bond Approximately 400 people wait­ ed anxiously while Miss Marci Miller, singer with the Billy May band, drew the winning ticket for a $500 Canada Savings Bond, at RCAF .Station, Centralia, Tues­ day night. The winner was,Flight ‘Cadet H. C. Swainson fr&m St. James, Manitoba. The draw was made during a station dance. Billy May’s orchestra is the third name band to play on the station this year. Announcements Birth, Death and, Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge, Cards of Thanks cost 75c, In Memorlam * Notices ,75c for single yerse, 25c & extra fqr jsach additional verse; * and Engagement Notices are 75c. Topics From Dashwood By MRS. E. H. RADER Town Topics Items of Social and Personal Interest In and Around Exeter The Exeter Tinies-Advocate is always pleased to publish these Items. We and our reader? are interested in you and your friends. Phone 770. Of Of $85.09 JACKPOT BINGO—Full house in 57 calls wins the jack­ pot; $5.00 added every Saturday until someone wins jackpot; also 14 games of “Share the Wealth”; no admission; 100 a game. Le­ gion Hall, Hensail, Saturday, No­ vember 19, 9 p.m. 'Sponsored by Hensail Legion. 17 Report From Harpley By MISS M. HODGINS And Dance FOR MR. & MRS. BILLY DIXON (nee Marilyn Hern) , Nov. 23 LUCAN ARENA Mrs. Minnie Oliphant, of Bur­ lington, .visited on Sunday at the home of Mrs. Jack Ridley. Messrs. Maurice Murray, Jim Love and Jack Hutchinson have arrived home from a hunting trip to Sudbury. Mr. Fred MeLinchey visited friends in Detroit on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love and daughter Katherine and Mr. M. Hodgins and sister visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Love in Goderich on Sunday. ‘Mrs. Cann, Exe'ter, spent a few days the past week with her daughter, Mrs. Jim Love and Gin­ ger. Mrs. Max Desjardine is on the sick list. Mr. Wellwood Gill on the Mol- lard Line, has sold his farm to his brother, Willis Gill. Ladies’ Aid The Ladies Aid of Zion Luther­ an Church met on Wednesday November 9 for their regular missionary meeting. There were forty ladies present. Rev. Higenell discussed the topic “That I may be His own". Group three with Mrs. Allbert Miller in charge provided the program. Mrs. E. Nadiger and Mrs. C. Pfile sang a duett. The ladies presented a skit “Thy Kingdom Come.” ■It was decided to buy a Christ­ mas gift for a hospitalized mem­ ber of the congregation. The an­ nual meeting and Christmas ty with an exchange of gifts be the December meeting. Celebrates Birthday ■About 40 members 6f Mr.__ Mrs. L. H. Rader’s family gather­ ed at their home on Friday even- ing to celebrate Mrs. Rader’s 7’lst’ birthday. They were present from Waterloo, London, Zurich and Dashwood. All 8 children were present. The evening was spent in playing bingo and visiting. Mrs. Rader was presented with some lovely gifts followed lunch. Personal Items Miss Anna Messner, Mr. Mrs. Helmuth Messner par­ will and by News of Ducharme’s Orchestra Ladies Please Provide Lunch .Everybody Welcome Phone 421 THURS., FBI. & SAT. November 17, 18 and 19 Previews Its Coming Attractions Kirkton By MRS. FRED HAMILTON Lyric Theatre J Strategic Air Command ★ James Stewart A Juno Allyson NEWS — CARTOON Prices For This Engagement Only Adults 650 —• Children 200 MONDAY & TUESDAY November 21 and 22 Three For The Show ★ Betty Grable ★ Jack Lemon CARTOON •— COMEDY WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY November 23 and 24 So This Is Paris •fc STony Curtis * Gloria DeHaven CARTOON — TRAVELOGUE Hold Successful Bazaar The Ladies Guild of St. Paul’s Anglican Church held a success­ ful bazaar Friday, November 11. Rev. R. A. C. Mills was chair­ man for the program. Dawn Blackler played piano numbers. Sharon and Darlene Mills sang a duett and a one-act play was well received. The play, “Cinder My Eye”, was real comedy and the cast included Ken Blackler, Mrs. William Irvine, Gwen Dobson and Mr. and Mrs. J. Roundell. Nine booths were well patronized. Turkey Supper Well Attended The Kirkton United Church held a turkey supper last Wed­ nesday n ight. The supper was very successful with a large at- •tendanfie. Three films were shown and Miss Muriel Spearin played the piano during the eve­ ning. Personal Items Mrs. Nathan Doupe' left Satur­ day to spend the winter with her daughter, Miss Velma Doupe, London. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Luther, of Roger on Sunday. Mr. Ira Marshall and Mr. Lorne Marshall have returned from a hunting trip. The party bagged five deer. “Class That Counts” “The Class That Counts'* met at the home of Jean Allen, The theme for the meeting was Home Economics. Wanda Robinson conducted the worship service. Mrs. Robert Hazlewbod gave an interesting paper. Evelyn Wright gave a read­ ing. This was followed by a duet by Grace and Phyllis Allen ac­ companied by Mrs. Margaret Allen. Later, a cookie sale was con­ ducted consisting of home-made cookies, Bach lot Was sold for 250. The next meeting will be the Christmas meotfn at the home of Mrs, Anderson, An exchange of gifts will be one feature, and . ---------- -------------- and daughter of London were week­ end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Messner. Miss Barbara Becker of Kitch­ ener spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Becker and family. Miss Ellen Gilbert of Stratford spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Burmeister. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weilberg were— Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Weiberg and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wei­ berg, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Wei­ berg and Howard Weiberg, all of Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Gamble and boys of London, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Taylor and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Weiberg and family of Waterloo were visitors during the weekend with Mr/and Mirs. L. H. ’Rader. Robert Wein the weekend Wein. •and Mrs. Ivan Mr. spent Herb. Mr.' boys and Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Weilberg and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rader. Mr. Harrison Weigand is ill at the home of his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. £larence Desjardine. Congratulations to Mr. Frank Ogletree who celebrated his 80th birthday with his twin brother Henry in Chatham on Saturday at which their sisters entertained, for them. Mr. Earl Peifer of Ohatham, Mr. and Mrs. David Baird and T. Baird of London were visitors during the weekend with Mrs. M. Peifer. Mrs. Emma Dietrich, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ziler and John and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Restmayer and family attended the 25tli wedding anniversary- of Mr. and Mrs., Jack Ryan at Mt.. Carmel Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Reste- mayeT and family spent Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Rader and family. ■Mrs. Lou Eagleson spent last week with Mr. and Mrs, Stanlake at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hutchinson of London spoilt; the weekend with Mrs. Lott Fagteson and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brown of London spent Saturday with Mr. Wm. Wein. Mrs. Jim Poland of Sttdbtiry and Miss Lois Galser of London were visitors with Mrs. Cora Galser. Choir Annual Supper The choir of Zion Lutheran church held their annual turkey supper kt the home of Mr. and Mrs. V, L. Decker, The evening of .Sudbury with Mrs. Taylor and Ted BIRTHS BOBBS—Mr, and Mrs, George Dobbs wish to announce the birth of a son, John Stewart, at South Huron Hospital, November 13, 1955; a•brother for Bobby; thanks to Dr, Butson and staff, HAMILTON-Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Hamilton, 3 Elmwood St., Grand Bend, announce the birth of a son, Charles Andre, at South Huron Hospital, November 10, 1955; abrother for Carole. MORGAN—Mr, and Mrs. Beverly Morgan announce the birth of a son in St. Joseph’s Hosiptal, Lon­don, November 12; 1955. •THOMSON—Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thomson, R.R. 1 Granton, are happy to announce the birth of a son, Earl William, Friday, Novem­ber 11, 1955, at St. Joseph's Hos­pital, London; a brother for Janice. NEEB—Syd and Mary Neeb, Credi­ton, announce the birth of a son, Curtis, Keith, at Clinton General "Hospital, November 2, 1955. DEATHS STEPHEN—In Victoria Hospital, London, on Tuesday, .November 15. £1955, Cora M. Bell, beloved wife of Charles Stephen, of Elimville, her fifty-second year. ENGAGEMENTS The engagement js announced Miss Catherine Stewart, daughter __ Mrs. Margaret Stewart and the late Mr. Stewart, of Toronto, to Mr. J. Alex Love, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Love, Grand Bend. The marriage will take place Saturday, November 19 in. the T. Eaton United Church, Toronto, at 3:30 p,m. 17Mr. and Mrs. Valentine L. Becker, of Dashwood, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Verna Elaine, to Howard Edward Datars, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Datars, Dashwood: the marriage to take place on Saturday, December 10, 1955, at 4 p.m. in Zion Lutheran Church, Dashwood. _ 17*iMrs, Emma Bazinet, of Cornwall, Ont., wishes to announce the engage­ment of her daughter, Marie Mar­garet Anna, to Mr. George Ernest Rether, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Rether, Exet.er; the wedding to take place on Wednesday, November 30 at Trinity Lutheran Church, London, Ontario. 17 c CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs,- Maud Heywood wish to thank their many friends and relatives for their kind­ness and sympathy shown them during their recent sad bereavement; also for the beautiful floral tributes, cards and messages of sympathy; special thanks to Rev. H. J, Snell, Dr. Fletcher and staff of South Hu­ron Hospital, pallbearers and the R. C. Dinney funeral home. 17*I wish to thank all those who so. kindly remembered me with cards and visits while a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, recently.—Francis Ryckman. . 17*I wish to thank all those who so kindly remembered me .with ' cards, treats and flowers while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London; spec­ial thanks to Shlpka W.A. 17* I wish to thank my many friend3 for the lovely - cards, flowers, candy and visits while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital; also special thanks to the Centralia Y.P. for their lovely box of fruit.—Miss Blanche.. Morgan. 17* in of of IN MEMORIAM CALDWELL—In Moving memory of a dear father and grandfather, John Caldwell, who passed away Novem­ ber 15, 1951rDays of sadness come o’er us,Tears in silence often flow, For memory keeps you ever near usThough you died four years ago. —Lovingly remembered by daughterDorene, son-in-law Emerson and grandchildren, Marilyn, Ron and Gary. 17c EACRETT—In loving memory of our dear Mother and Dad, Margaret and Robert Eacrett, who passed away November 18, 1953, and Sep­tember 4, 1936.Time may heal the 'broken-hearted,Years may make the wound -less sore,But it cannot fill the longingFor the loved ones gone before.Who shall say the grief is lessenedThough the smile may hide the tears,Memories keep the wound still openDespite the passing of the years. —Ever remembered by daughter and sons-in-law.They say you would have loved us, You would have made a fuss,For you were the kind of Grandma and GrandpaWho’d think the world of us. —Paul, Jane and Eric Hancock. 17 EILBER—In loving memory of Her­bert K. Ellber, who passed away one year ago, November 17, 1954.However long our lives will last, Whatever joy or grief be oursWhatever lands we view, We will always think of you.—Ever remembered by Bernice, Ward and Mary Louise Fritz. 17* EVELAND—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, William Eveland, who passed away six years ago, November 20, 1949.We do not need a special dayTo bring you back to mind,For days we do not think of you Are very hard to find.—Ever remembered by his wife and family. 17c ROESZLER—In loving memory of William H. Roeszler who passed away one year ago, November 19, 1955. 4God took you homo to be with him,And you ve been gone a year,But time and absence changeth notBut you are just as near To those of us you left behindAs when We had you here.—Lovingly remembered by wife Beat­rice and family. 17c WALTER—In loving memory of a dear mother, Carline Walper, who passed away November 21, 1947,You can only have one Mother, Patient kind and true.No other friend in all the WorldWill be so true to you.For all het loving kindnessShe asked nothing in return.If all the world deserted meTo my mother I could turn.To those who have a Mother,Treasure her with card, For you never know her value’Till you see her vacant chair.—Ever remembered by her family—Linda, Theodore. 17* was spent in playing Sfogtesglve eitcrhe, Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold Miller won high prize and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Nadlg&r, consolation. Mr. and Mrs. W. m. Stone vis­ ited in London for the. weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Moore and family of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith and with the former’s mother Mrs. A. Moore. Mrs. Netta Robinson and Lou- ella and Mr. and Mrs, Bill Bloe- sing and Billy of Detroit visited over 'the weekend with relatives in town. Miss Leona Alderson of Paris spent Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alderson- Her parents and Mabel .accompanied her back to Paris on Saturday to spend the weekend with her. ‘Mrs. J. H, Jones attended the funeral Of her brother-in-law, Mr, Harry Atkinson, in Toronto on Saturday. Mrs. Harry Whetton of Ham­ ilton spent the weekend with Mrs. Chas. Harris. Mrs. iR. H- Russell spent the weekend with Dr. and Mrs. A, J. MacKinnon of Galt. Mrs, Frank Triebner under­ went an operation in St, Joseph’s Hospital in London on Monday. M'iss Marguerite Pickard, Ham­ ilton and Miss Trudy Pickard, London, visited with their par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs, G. V. Pickard, over the weekend: Mr. and Mrs. Clark . Fisher, Mr. and Mrs, Glen Fisher, Yvonne and Glenda visited for the week­ end with 'Mr., and Mrs. Amos Warwick at Port Huron. Mrs. John Spacek of Lucan, Mr. Frank Gregus, London, and Mr. and Mrs. August Gregus spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Woodall in Windsor. Mrs. August Gregos returned home with them after spending a week with her - mother, Mrs. Wm. Fallon in 'St. Thomas. .Mr. and Mrs. Len Wilkes spent the weekend in Detroit. Mrs. W. Cook of Delaware spent the holiday weekend at her here. Anniversary Visitors Visitors who attended James St, anniversary and visited with friends included Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Tebbutt, (Seaforth, with ■Mrs. M. Hawkins. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'Rodd, Gran­ ton, Mr. and Mrs. Albert iScott, Woodham, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cann and Judith, Thames Road, Mr. and Mrs. James Earl and Mrs. Gunning with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cann. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tyndall and Miss Shirley Anderson of Mt. Bridges with Mr. and Mrs. James Squires. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Welber and Ronnie, Crediton, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eagleson and Gary, Dashwood, Mr* and Mrs. Lloyd Lamport and Dennis, Grediton, •MK. and Mrs. C. Featherstone and Johnny, Mrs. Malcolm and Mrs. Sparling, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Doupe. Mr. Douglas Smith is attending, the Recreational director’s con­ ference in London this week, ■Mr. and Mrs. Q. A. Neil, of WaHaceburg, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. Albert Keys. Challengers The .Challengers of the Pente­ costal church met at the home of Mrs. Jolly, Sr., on Thursday evening. Mrs, Stewart Triebner conduct­ ed the worship service and Mrs, John Ostler, of Cochrane, gave an interesting message. Bend Ladies Make Toys A few ladies of Grand Bend __ cently organized a club to meet weekly for the purpose of making Christmas toys for orphans and underprivileged children. During the past three weeks this club has grown exceedingly, and is now known as the Orplia Club, ■ meeting each Tuesday even­ ing in the town Hail at 8.00 p.m. Headed by Mrs; A. Bristow as president, Mrs. M. Young as sec­ retary-treasurer, the response for workers has been most encoura­ ging, and the work produced will make many a happy child this Chrismas. The Club is open to everyone interested in giving a hand with this worthwhile cause, and con­ tributions of old nylon stockings being sought, with a lunch, business with. re- Mrs. C. Stephen News Reporter Mrs. Charles Stephen, 51, Elimville, formerly Cora B.ell, Winchelsea, passed away in Vic­ toria Hospital, London, on Tues­ day. Interested in community acti­ vities, Mrs. Stephen was a valued member of the United church and of the Women’s Institute. She was correspondent for the Sea­ forth, St. Marys and Exeter pa­ pers. ■Surviving, besides her husband, are her mother, Mrs. Thos. Bell, Exeter; three sons, Laurie, Lon­ don; Murray, Toronto and Don­ ald, at home; two daughters, Mrs. John Robinson, Kirkton and Bet­ ty at home; four brothers, Har­ old Bell, E'limville; Wellington, Flint, Mich., Graham, Vancouver; Lloyd, Toronto and three sisters, Mrs. Ralph Taylor, Mrs. Harry Wolfe, Long Island, N.Y, and Mrs. Harry Price, Detroit. The body is resiting at the Hop- ptr-Hockey funeral home, Exeter, where services will be conducted to-day (Thursday) by the Rev. W. J. Moores. Interment will be made in Exeter cemetery. Mrs. S. J. Hogarth Marks 92 Years Mrs. S. J- Hogarth celebrated her ninety-second birthday on Tuesday with a family dinner with her daughters, Mrs. Russell Balkwill and Mrs, Enialie Carter, with whom she makes her home and Mrs. L. V. Hogarth and their family present. Her son, L. V. Hogarth, is in Toronto at the Royal Winter Fair. CAVfN XMAS FAIR Saturday, Dec, 3 Watch This Corner For Further Particulars NeWS of South Huron Junior Farmers Message From Greenway By MRS. CARMEN WOODBURN Personal Items The Berean Bible Class of the United Church will hold their meeting on Friday evening at the home of Mri, and Mrs. Dean Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Willi’S Brophy, of Toronto, called on relatives here last week prior to leaving for Winnipeg where they plan to reSide. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gillies and family, of Berkley, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Harold Honsberger and family, of Vineland, and Miss Mairon Hicks, of London, spent the* weekend with Mri and Mrs. William Hicks. Mr. iDawson Woodburn, of To­ ronto, spent the weekend at his home here. ■ Mr. Jack Hutchinson and Mr. Maurice Murray spent a few days in Northern Ontario, hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown .and family visited on Sunday with Mr .and Mrs. Gordon’Wil- •son and family, of Thedford. Mrs. Minnie Oliphant, of Bur­ lington, spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Ed Stewardson and Mr. Stewardson. The November meeting of the Sunday School executive of the United Church was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elton Curts. Plans were made for the .Annual Christmas concert to be held on December 21. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kading, of ’Grand Bend, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. George Gollen and Donna. Mrs. Carman Woodburn spent A few days with Mr. and Mrs. Anson Coleman, ; Mr. ___,________ - weekend with Mrs. Andrew Pol­ lock and Miss Ruby Pollock in' Hamilton. Mr, and Mrs. Ervine Eggert ■and family,' and Mrs. Mina Sheff- ler visited on Sunday with Mr. ’and Mrs. Norman Kleinfeldt, of Exeter. W.M.S. The "United ____ _ vember meeting at the home of Miss Evelyn Curts with Mrs. Car­ man Woodburn in cha'rge of the worship and the third chapter of the study book, 'She was assisted by Mrs. J. Geromette, Mrs. J. Horner, Mrs. L. Brophey, Mrs. D. McGregor# Mrs. L. Pollock and Mrs. R, Whiting, Mrs. A. Pollock gave a reading “Child and Youth Training.” Mrs. Smith led In prayer for their misslenary, Miss Harris. Mrs. .Toe Horner was appointed to help Mrs. 0arm,an Woodburn with the C.G.I.T. The roll call was answer- ______of Varna.. Harpld Pollock spent the And W.A. W.M.S. and W.A. of the Church held their No- and old toys are Each meeting ends thereby combining pleasure. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Everett Desjar­ dine and Diane of Forest and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith and Judy of Exeter visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Desjardine, Pauline and Joan. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Sadler and Lois of Sylvan visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Johnston and Neva on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ramsden of Toronto visited with Mr. Mrs. Ramsden’s parents and ter, Mr. and Mrs. Edward and Marion. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Flear son of Dorchester spent’ Wed­ nesday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Flear. Mr. and Mrs. Murton Desjar­ dine and daughters spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Des­ jardine. Mr. Fred Baldwin of Stouffville spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Keown. Miss Pauline Mason is visiting this week at the home of het parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mansell Mason,' while convalescing a tonsil operation. •Sunday visitors with Mr. Mrs. Clifford Sheritt were and Mrs. Leesum Desjardine, E. Kipfer of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. Ford MacGregor and family of Parkhill. Miss S'h e i 1 a Finan of St. Joseph’s Hospital staff spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Finan. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scott of Sar­ nia spent the weekend with Mrs. Scott’s mother, Mrs. Wm, Patter­ son. Mrs. Hettie Lovie of London is spending this week with her sis­ ter, Mrs. W. J. Holt and Mr. Holt. Mjss May Skinner is visiting for a few days with her sister, Mrs. Eli Brown and Mr. Brown, in Crediton. Mr. Everett Desjardine had the misfortune last week to have his ankle fractured. Everett is able to get.around by the use of crutch­ es. Mr. and Mrs. E. Keown spent Saturday afternoon and evening with Mr. and (Mrs. O. Mathers in Parkhill. On Friday evening, November 25, Mr. H. Wainwright will show his colored slides on England, Wales and the Guernsey Island, and some on Grand Bend and Florida under the auspices of the Grand Bend Library Board. A silver collection will be taken in order to buy new books for the library. These pictures were taken while Mr. and Mrs. Wainwright visited these places recently. The C.G.I.T. of the United Church entertained the mothers and friends of the members at their regular meeting on Monday evening. The Exeter Players Guild are presenting their play “Angel Street” under the auspices of the Women’s Auxiliary of St. John’s- by-the-Lake, in the Aldon Theatre, Grand Bend, on Monday evening. Mr. OlVer of Sarnia spent the weekend with his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Statton. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Goodwin of Detroit spent the weekend With their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morenz. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hensail spent Sunday Morenz* grandparents, Mrs. Albert Morenz, Mr. and Mrs. James________ Mr. and Mrs. J. Whiteford Grand Bend; Mrs. Egg and Mrs. Colbert, London, «■ - - dinner at evening, Mr. and bud Mrs. E. Desjardine have re­ turned from Detroit where Mrs. Vine and Mrs, Dejardine Were at­ tending a hair stylist demonstra­ tion. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Desjar- diiie and Mr. and MrS. J. White- fdrd spent the Weekend in Owen Sound, and sis- Gill and from and Mr. Miss Corbett of With Mr. Grigg and attended the Anglican Thorndale on Friday Mr*. B. Vine and M*. od iby 26 members with A versa oh "JPeaOe”. Sunshine By MRS. WILLIAM DIGKEY DANCE Surprise Party Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rodd mov­ ed to their home in Exeter on Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrg. Lawrence Mills entertained friends and neighbours of Mr. and Mrs. Rodd to a surprise party one evening recently when they were presented with some lovely gifts. A fine program was also enjoyed. Personal Items Mrs. Wililam Dickey and her mother, Mrs. Harry Ford, attend­ ed the St. Marys Journal-Argus banquet held in the Orange Hall in Woodham on Friday of last week. Mr. family with Miller Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miller and were visitors on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Charles in Exeter. __ and Mrs. Clarence Johns visited with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hodge and Judy at Ripley dur­ ing the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Woods, of Owen Sound visited during the past week wltih Mr. and Mrs. Win. Lee. TRIVITT MEMORIAL LADIES GUILD BAZAAR AND TEA Central Hotel Saturday, Nov. 19 from 3-5:30 p.m. EXETER LEGION HALL 9:30 p.m. X Admission 500 Desjardine’s Orchestra Trivitt Memorial Ladies Guild will hold a Progressive Euchre PARISH HALL Monday, Nov. 21 at 8:00 p.m. LUNCH — PRIZES Admission 500 Exeter Schedule Home Baking and Candy Fancy Work and Aprons Plants and Vegetables FOWL SUPPER THAMES ROAD CHURCH Tuesday, Nov. 29 TICKETS SOLD IN ADVANCE Supper Served At 5:30, 6:15, 7:00 and 7:45 p.m. TICKETS AVAILABLE' AT FISHER’S HARDWARE Admission: Adults $1.50 Children (6 - 12) 750 THURSDAY, NOV. 17 7- 11—inter-section hockey FRIDAY, NOV. 18 8 p.m.—PUBLIC SKATING SATURDAY, NOV. 19 8- 12—MINOR HOCKEY ; 1-2:45—COUNTRY & PUBLIC SKATING 3-6—FIGURE SKATING 8-10—PUBLIC SKATING MONDAY, NOV. 21 7-11—INTER-SECTION HOCKEY TUESDAY, NOV. 22 WOAA HOCKEY Milverton vs. Mohawks , 8:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 23 4-5—HIGH SCHOOL SKATING 7-9—WOAA MINOR HOCKEY SNACK BAR OPEN FOR ALL EVENTS Usborae Township Federation Of Agriculture Annual Meeting And Turkey Banquet ELIMVILLE UNITED CHURCH Friday, November 25 s 6:30 p.m. ] Speaker: Mi*. Andrew Dixon = Tickets Available From Directors — Admission $1.50 | Arnold Cann, President Wilfred Hunkin, Secretary | s s Follow Milverton Royals Tuesday, November 22 EXETER ARENA — 8:30 P.M.