HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1867-3-14, Page 4I.ta1 by Lead 1,6641 "News tall. , b y Ise( the ,nate fdl, GTDrop ►)drop 1 aapp run dry; M 6.w ' Suemor uUug lad+ �,td die ; But the ruses b:u(rrrt .gain, And the springs nil gush sae-, In thin plebemat April rail, And the eenoaer sun and dcw. no a tar bows u( dorpr•t gi..um. W beenathe apnngs in gladutw fail. ANA lo A's ruling n,ahr bloom ,,.., like inside. ..a and pule- ,, e 61.411 find some lupe t4at i's. like a stleut gem span. Hdsdea lie$ rioter .nim eyes in The golden of title heart. Bomr a+get \ops N glyduew wed, 7 but stiff spring alresh add or., When getters winter shelf 4aa, sed, Giving place to nils mud dew - Some erre% bupe %L.1, L..wlhta of ,prigs, r imr T ro bihd we•y, weary . 114 \Bud,libg fl r its bludgeoning, \ lis the ep«iC s All., iteds'I me. shame !tat are suit to turn u ally, Charles Diek•tw, harltrg fees late---- P 2.867. ly exposed to groat danger from rwwklag COURT6. driving as an 14ngliah railway, bas wri► DIVISION ten to the London Times on the swbjeet. --- 'I fly fulWeAgig we the times for holding The beginning of his totter, is character- the Division Courts im the 'talk :-'I It is better to prevent a horri- Lle aecidest b timet]] tia,suoo, than C O U N T Y O V H U R O N 6.gaciouely to o eve after its occurrence in the wootb of March, 11467: Oust any Oust nt•9uuuted with the elream- MA19C11, None* out of which it &rose might have b1, Dn unuu cunt AtonJ■y is...O,drrrek. fulsewu it.' lob du Tuc«I•y 19..rhetw. W(Weead•y So... Lhrrtiorbar aerA man in California urged a young 1,d do Ills d.. F,.Jry 6f... W rometer• woman to shoot at hon with s hallow Ab d., M„rad., ,i..R.)tteld. Tuesday m..EaNer. pistol, and after she bad done so fell down lab do Wb do Tbund.y ffe..Du.g"oow and pretended to ba dead. She threw hcr�tlrwildly upon the body, calling him S. 8H01'OH, her 4arlitig and her beloved, whercupou J. C. C. Huron. Be gut up and married bar. Novel mods 64h I(rbrnsrv. 1"67, of determining the state of a wousam's I certily the Above to be • mus 6opy ns I in the Division Court Record Book aUctions. ( enter* punuabt to the Statute. ribs diQ ou •' I sey, old Joa, bra. many T U.AN LIZARY, . ►ill Aoriag the war ? , '• It w No Toy rebs did Clerk of the Penes Huron. Ikill 1 -how w:utr miss did i kill ? Well, 1 (ice of the Clerk of the Peace, 3 • Du 1 cow I .. w u t k n w Batt b "Tow u dont 7 e 1 61► F 1861 4T tai h t Ondr C , a\ 7 dee much -I killed u arm) u' them a they - , GODERICH did o' me.” all rivbl lou,g\ shares. He . �s as questions at all is gaNr, ; R:Y' 1 be St. Cath-,ioes Journal says that �•. but he -Ito $ maul questt..0 u tb. a young man named Gough recently arrived ut TTref. to ibat IAacc from the tillage of St. Lied ids! .mi ' d 4 for the Purpose of procuring a maresre' f j In Ohio, the ogle are so heul'by, license to unite him w a fair nue in Thwulu• !bat • wan .M lately i led there to start a Fi„d,ng Le had not money enuullb to buy the ! ckW,Ch yd. lit -t-, or a^1, means of procuring it, ^1141 - �}• llall is often oar ode, and we %bat \e w.aW he uwhle w su151 his prumme h ������ WORKS pan Ler by ; mWortuue is a off, and .e .f 0.rr)ing t\m ,neat day, he purcLr&rd and I reel, to well her. swallowed a wire, d.ee of opium. A friendly C`/' Stull l,()rop!e war ret Lw i y should doctor rescind him from death at • the las1 i W C. T Ft E L E AVE N. not talk. I i,aN moot,: say, he mal uougb women'. *& batiks of dtpwit, but not of issue. An r.thwia,tic believer was missing to a • r whRi d your husbn,il deal ' . 1'"I' is cerumu sprnturl pe,forman' w Monuments, Headstoues,l ombs, maim?" ., fIe deal, Gard-•, chiefly, air. wio♦b he could testify ; and among cine, n' U " Well, regia the de'd will W apt to get Lim mA$ \e gird that w one occanuu the spirit when the tart Gum► a Turned.' .. a wife, who had bee. dead several ycsrg. Tablets, Table -Tops, Nkc. ,tau ,d Iu him, and ku-if him, much to pu�A litlte iri is one of lhe''Gloaeenter I bio Prue Stene kept on bend for Build- . L,- ra 'eatiun, mahe used to du mato d the O 6cbuulg, army .ilk, d w the ew taw ail 6 log purpeaus such ns (`ops, &IIs, Ba- ler geugla rby lessuu whut • waterfall wool "l ou du ut menu to say," remarked for cisco aWv, C1rE r lsab. repii+I that it saw hair wrapped round her $crpue. •eta IM ayiril of year wife really !P r , embraced v,u aid trimmed you r' ' No, not __ _ DODERI- C. W•_ _ dnA'btold stocking. ezactly fit lied the believer; ,,but ` - -- �} Fur sweeter music to a true woman P i� Iw:r eputi look p wnu of • fewle mad- • t tL-uan .ale of burp air panic ceeliftouched ►y Tom, and though embraced and kiawJ Ler 4d, r,C the cLre, fol vuicn of La.b me 1 , .ti4'4�- t end ehrldrea, made jov, w by bet Pn•am ee. The Cargo curl buyr of Qurbee here fr•B:dd said O'Mulli:aa to hu wife, ..l . Ing resolved to trivial is futu on all cargoes C 1• befog wtiglod un delivery, tee rd ail bewga bw ,usld yr have. A drop of the craft- J_ „ taken as p eta d4ip'• sss.ilraa are r ut to Ithr uJ d , you no h•rrom,"- Uch bone,'l r,Ju • aric,t•ul uundwr ail eu,tabN ridir i Ink, theid ,e but sre ne6 d ILJ,�t• P - , y`m`c e■ u rrafiures (air lbs u)auin,g ,nave Hcera mix n drink, Jimmy, wJ Imce me to g.uuo. w illy iL" rxA3 JUST RF,CEIV F.) A LARGE .\ t•ntlrman hones .rut t guinea to one t�' A meseor,.of wttrmrdinsr) size, p whose lo -onside Im@ hid not much firth in, wee de ,urs.reclit neer the bcuhboed isp Of Bre' SORTMENT OF CLOTHS wrplwtd to tied he Iris him pucteally. '1 he deans, 1,u re Inuit ith les bis ■nodes, three same i+e,dun own after was desirous of bar of which were (wnJ in hotel burnt in umhrrl• C.a u n pat ad Went of EaClsnd lfr , las car'ied'by !how who were out of doom al I elwhr, •vin, Wnaoev., tf.■nkn., Po, e rowing Another tuines. -N,- said IM mh- ILO %, Los. I Eat,•it Web,&wJ Frm.h'rw,a4,Cuhu,etra eta ; "jou Lot• drecnwl ma once, and ! •m I kind, o va,dly of Canadian ChAM rewlved you shall ,..1 do it *,gain. Qr A North-ALican railway r proposed PLm, Sales aJ Flowered Veunp, Sb,nm b the. FrelehGoverusumoo. between I'sugiere (:Nores,l`a,e.o .the. .. X' -o meds the world?" asked a troche *t 7 lir feel- c-1.1. d ,pvfng satisfaction to of IL little boy who had not been long al rohwl, sod Suez to divert a portion of the trade be who may lavor,uu th their Orden. Thu buy shook his Lead and gold notbiur. Isee� u the Me, ilerrvnean p,ol$, now em ' The itacher threatened to ah,p him able" he tirely he by the L'+erpoil ■team TW1 E) SUIT) (all 1)SI2 and upwards -1.. araweted. The boy, feeing imr gilled to. sou- •'s• ro- N. 3. -Cutting do to Order. fesion of some sort broke I..th "Well, was- A Cr*tore R".R -The Urn, -r News I Goderich, Sept cath. 1966, ow ter. 1 mnde it i but 1 prowfso never never to sayb that them a s curious rumor flora IM - -- •. do it again. mouut&un, by a renCeman jus.♦t Jowls, that a + t0lAeT RNIT TUT. -II Tommy, my son," remarkable :wobel or cavity bis been foumd• .1�' ; said r foicd mother. "do you say lour in one of the minro near the Gregory Pviut, Ij tnyrre ni, ht and ,moving ?"-I- Yes, that the walla of which Ate absolutely listed or troy ; but gni smart boy can take care plated with g.:d. 1's aid �rmant had seen . threat Redaction' of himself is the day time." small ar•aimwn Imm It which w.0 vA!ned at / , - no ra cce AT T0[ Yuorlioil.-1fksn.Srr Waiter Scott was two bandied dollars. Thediec••veren seem i :obekrepiu6ttasocret. 5limiag oiterations it NAMXUTH Y extooding his garden of Abb,bford, an old were ret.rdea s.erewb.t by uufavor.bie I 900T .R SHOL arrant saw gettrnt tarsperated by digging weather,' yet good rrsuits are reported from some stony groqud. Sir Walter saw that the the difrvrent ludca. 1'he last week'$ ship - STORE. •IJ saw's (onlrn o were rather ruffled, and g. HE ei deraf d ha- ¢ mens al IJ deet •muun:ed to woe Lsndred r said to Lim, Il hat'. wraud soil ou'n wee- 1 eta' arxlydarrb ounces. saw . sod ■ lorgr king on 1,M day.' -Grand *nil I eicleiored stock of li..b and Ah.x . the gardener, a.rceitirall 11 think it's the HaALI■ isSTatrarw,-To prevent or con- n 1, .fire best m Wass, go, nddlin'• u the ereaiuu.' floor disease a one of the gn.kat attain- .'hrWroas', LWies', s., • i�. , menu ere, rimed at by mem i and Bryan's efend<maru' A Wmdmful adv* .-'•1 o.d,' amid a Palnmonie Wafers will os sure cora couwhu. Yankee a unt@baek ,met • mm who made colds, tickling in the tluwt and pulmonary' IkuREF.Ro, ae. nerrr and bone all hwlmg solve. He -m ,umplalyda, ns war and 6tilrnte will de- I Ali of wench will he e.k an r.serpradsvp kind of iell,w, so be %bought Ceuta tea C:•.. *troy. Severe eolJm, d not attended tool he wouid tzperiment a Lisle with it. Be ttM. D1 NCAN. wooer, of th eta, lead to the situ, eomamp• fiat cut off hu dog's ltd. sand applied some nab, and tae strength of the Nrohlfr■t won lJoderie►, Dse. is, 1868 to file stump. A new toil grew on imme 'wm7f P11 diatel). He thea applied wree to The pines 'a is If "eilectrd. Ilse readiest sod beat of The tail which he rut oil; end's new door mean koaun for the cure a1 T\eem which Ievents, .--- 'i row out. He did not know which do was u r litor u Pulmonic for the .Eich h•e g a burn thoroughly turd for the tut twenty ,hick." years, and have never been known to foil; . Jolly Particular. -A tar, afteeking against Singers and public mpeakere will also derive -_ the New Mercantile Marine A", complained gredt benefit Imm the use of them. Sold by GALT TERRITORY. of the�ower which he slid the new Act rave all uedic{ue dealers, at 25c s. per box. _ the d■ptaim; std spoke wiceiy of the char. 0 nater.f many of the skippers of the day. The Illinois Central Railway Cumpaey, 20 ACRES OF SALT TEW11TO , i s;," good he, I'nnt long ego, on the tout month of Chicago, are but ding eleven miles to ,mage, diswted on sad adjacent of Atrik-r, . cap'n was going to throw one of Cure Cribs, the cape. i:y of which will be she River Maitland, and just east of o' the crew that was dy ice overboard before three millions of Umbels i they an seting Goderich Railway .station, sod frontin+ !i be wm ck■d. So the man save •You ain't a theme cribs to receive corn m pave t fee 10. T. ltad.ay-very eonrrweat for a nidi going to bury Iw aiive, are you r -rob,' lands purchased of the ('am dirty. and the full I into main fine. says the ca ,lain, nu needn't be so }ally Chicago price a to be paid for it them,- Apply lo, I )r It 14ATHf :t.\1,.D ricultar.l staple a Corn the nil • (%bat Co r I&e �, • It m'nlnts/."' rap Hier t 4 sR 1a o Two Ni rather fetid of their beer, country, and the •' Canadian Pain y)eetror- O Jeri reused from their regular hoose of call to a •r" le the beet remedy in any country where Nov. 29, 1866. •43 field, out. fine ,rerun,(, mid sat down on a •disordered condition of the stomach, livor --- Qs. - p beach to enjoy their farounse beverage alone, and bowels, is combined with great debility, tar or edible or 'to 11,8 bsrin4 prer;uas.y suppled themsclrn mil , nervous weakness and intense melancholy, • tair stock alter imbibing i It foul lu effects an most beneficial and w.,nderful, , 6 l Pitt J That well known Torero Stand Th they both fell salt saltsip. About elidinOt price 25cu per bathe. Sold by all Medicine one of them Rot y+fur tb♦ Perp lse of reunngg Dealers. F'AI Dd _ IIT but not kuowhhw bis whereab„uts very -dl,—_.-'�' with large $tall- ntnchrA. Situated on watrd:rrd about Nur s while, ud the b nam- New York, Feb. 27.-14 is reported Markel Sri lure, Omderirh. Al present in . bled upon his c, m,aniu., whome he awoke, ,bat a Fenian emissary has arrived here occupation or Mr. Andrew D enough. A remarking, 'I�ur«1,y this a an awfu arm of . from Ireland, and n•porls to the brother- to , . room, for i cwrna find the door, and I've hood that the Fn ;lieh steu•menG that the Q M T R U E M A N dflz{r bres loading' fur it for a ore Ilan buf an h,-ar. rebellion Lag ended are false. The or- noderlch, Jan 29, 1f67, --I ken ■•.Ling about the miss of the room! I g.sizatlon is stronger than ewer. The ---- --- ---- hiccupped his companion,” "but as thick ' ioldiers are under the immediate drill of nee," looking up, •9t has • tremendous high' 400 officers who Ta rand is this countryImportant Notice. ceC:3- A Minister was one Sabbath day duri, Q the rebellion. An to defection ALL PArties ind►htwd to the E.tete eaaimutn;r the mothballs school is catechism, among the British troypI, it ts under. A M"an Jahn Fair(7& Co., mut pa in the presence of the congregation. The stood they will march wberever ordered, their accounts AT ON . a'I unpaid cI • dl be pat to suit for nnxl Divi.inn Cour usual question wait put W the first girl, a but when they come to fire, they will D. 8HADii COOING, strapper, .bout Ihirtren iron d age, who know what to do. An American officer Snlcitnr for Assignev oressionally winced her father, who wait a hu enlisted 8,000 BritiLh soldiers since Godetick. Tan. 16th, 1867. .41 ,1. obn beeper, in wailing on cwlamen' Christians. '•that isyoar mower' he repeated in • _____ ' perrmpto ton-nf ,nice. ''Roue of your IIEaRASKA. Take Notice• fan, fir. �LWer, rttPoded the tel, ., you _ know my same well @.curb. hen you Wanhi■gten, If ,ch 1. -The President come to out house .f a u,ght, don't you e.1, issued • psoclsra.tfon declaring and pro. I & to m-: - Betty, briAg me some more ale.' claiming rho 1c."That fundamental eonditiws ll The comjfre,gluon, forgetlini thevascredu@ss ,imposed by Congress on the Stals of Nebns Lu of the ``dice, grinned *uditAy, and ,hek*, to entitle that State ti, admission thin the SAMUEL Vol LOCK, F.'p:, INo N di6comfi led parson lonktd daggers at lbs anion, hese bee* ratified aid accereltd, and s•/ Sheriff hen been appomled affncial A maiden. _ _ _ __ that the admission ofs■d Stan late the union •a under the Insolvent Act of 1464 for 4 HRT via Sno-ar"' orticatis.-A fast is now complete. Unit -d Connlies of Heron and Rocs. -� yoon,I nohl�rntan at Vienna, older bend and - Mr Office in Cault Block, K 4 ens 1n debt, at,d famous for his success with RITMOR OF CAHiNFr CHANGES, stow street. the fwir gee, received recently • perfumed, A Herald sroeisl ears then .0 • ru nor 4?,Itlw"ary 2Mh, 1866- t colored note, the consent@ of which rue in wmlrngtm last night that the President -- - .- ---- ---- - 11 saw: with b p1,■tie r crept sweepIt is hie (:•w1,-,. NORTH BRITIS ' Sir -Your agn,eahle fico and ligan with but oN exception. Its $,id Juol,;e little mode such an i'apression on me, slut I Black is to b-eome_ Secretary of 8utee. earnestly desive ho make roar "triintsm". The ane exception Judge Staaberry, Attor. A ND Came thin ovening to the Vienna Theatre. ney General. HERMI TILE FIRE .AND L I have Taken *tail No 78, is the parquatte. A ev,hrespondent of the Brantford Courier Insurance Co. and i have exited the vel et-sell@r In keep tells of slaughtering i3 fruits wvighing over -_ r Nei. 79 for a gentleman who would ask for it 5000 Ibis. its : one weighing 970 Ibm, one 890 ZSTARLnetD 1809. + saZinr, No 79 for over I^ 1 trust 1 may four about 16 months old weighing nearly _ ►Av. the pl-mure of ending you." F]wmA. i 000Ihs, end seven last spring pip weighing CAD♦II AL A2,00o.000, 8TEf4LLv The Nb ndy dr+msod himself i^ the most over 1600 Ibe, and mks. cam you beat this. elegant m•uner, and " soon u The door$ it is Jfffi^rlt for the prisorim,fro of a news Fire Department. were .,r•ned, he applied for "No 79 for paper to fems "eolle,led" if their dues can't �VelITRANCE.Y erect -J on all etas$ over I and rtwivd i4 A. the certain be. risks at moderate rate.. homes pro N rule.. g tntlmma. rams into if,* llamsrv, and The man As be "en■Id's stand it soy longer," ly paid. bode the sent neat to him. As aliov, ns be icy taken a seat. and now Wle Irwin, s omfor Life Department• vat at his ,•s s, he bent over and whopered ubie Is virtas ofthe guarantro airdec by Is Q,e dandy's ear, A am a consist, o ; 1 large Capital and aslea-14t,d profits, bar* bees. bestial for you these put fifteen The Times say/ that Orn. Grant yeabrdat fao,mpen)� can adapt ref-$ lower the dna ataseeemakiIy.-Don't make a war, ear reused hu intention of visiting the Pr. I •,racticahle by maty other offices. W. seen tat , ,or I tell you 1 hew the deal for the purpose of &,)rising him so mise To Farmers. warrent fer year rr,.A ie my par Is if yO* the military recnmtrrction bill. Rp-tial iow rale have been mado for will bet 11nioer, you may bear the opera wt A seven pendty offaimt selling cigar box I uildings And nlh.r veal., -d risks. A p'rench jnemd sop:-I•A mm�rkalile so will, cancelled stamps upon them wm pia Tb@ rad -signed \owing been a pO sw,d p -,herds almost anri,•nl'-A eaineidenee in the tax bell. The g.vrnmewt ►m boas sgeN of th. she,* ()am pan r for (I M unneeded in the well registry d Unrest- greatly defrauded by W pr.rriw. %rad acerounding country, will he glad t lifetime. in 1844 1Mn wee. fniveruh@fi tbn A Herald's special w))$; A man attempted ewiee (rot,esnls for iwsmace in both br 106 MrtM. 106 deaths, sad 106 morni-g•w' so .kddi .4mtssion to Sorfatl yesterday by as, a•w *ill dwayif be result, to give info Pae•• is the only el t� m the world wberv, pretending M the his hmther just from Texas, U*R to part yea min ." to iraa " lice *now In r-mneed m st m h salla, but bat the gourds nfa i d to admit him. Wm. RICHARD30N, A @n of as @mormn•is tt nae. All the men .out R*ell of Nnnllewai, brat lx Tae es, o ni a er-efol iris: - The salted God@rleh. Mew Lt. 1811. IN etwi are rt In siren o onau, •t y. onmmip@s a. foreign •tmn ymtenfq vo1-d __ _ kt*etlRrm tdaA ttoMty tee. eon say •day mi the rs to ranc of [hc ad Y.ia< r �O gree - Mr. Neldne Dawiq d Nomet►l, y cern minitsw te Fr..tw and the Hag.- 7V1. Y {ns •himself Is" at Ht. A.driews, C. F.., ,rotes tbm far NmArmmg std three lbs w6Arwill make tic• milk of 6e6 N -s. Ntmt Itjtcling-' ON iidPSOVbD PAR wand an e. last ms Iemh.r tial awry q..ay Prig .apnMsi.wt MN apto be rpt@�aPri AT a PEis CZXT oet �. Wank daem•f wusbbeard an no. w. od bytheHH&a"rierietr�solt m shambles, �rLw,- •,rmmwardedte ladkm -k. eomolain of dye• whether Iter pan the knows. hrattle to Want Is Tows Pro Young ora Trael.tad in IM mem J. B. GORDON �= be eur•d y a H'bog im non tine of esP0^ Whitt the Rg at!M virtm In i mw Oortorieb.R,otRl t, ist{4, L., 0 see I `4 ,..'T :Tv 4, ray, ; • __ IM�ggoo and sleigh Makia�! �AMU��� .na�r6�vi �La, M isA�' tEnERiC HOUgts tiltl ft. ;1 u.Nwl QS ts f Wbl-,.COLONIIke pbtk ue s illeve 111" wUUU tlhe 39- 1 thhu lIft Ike Itafa4tdMN U$pol, Ilar\rl 1t41mus, UW. ,� N•,rw•J ,nils COAL O I L t Tailoring & Out$tting Department !4 e4 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A Irr11.410llwmps 4te.,ho. Owlrea,Oor WATCHMAY.Eft h JYWKLZR, i`IIlt BabgorlMr Ilsg. to Inform hit many .d fiber OOblso ganer011) .that he kOOM per, W ea■. !tag• tract r•uk-ge aN smoVr■■ rMile m sash■.[w. gT(' WEST ST., 601)EhIC8, euhatautty, on baud the largest rsri,ty and beat sele"loo e English, scotch. French, Swiss & German Tweeft, Ir HE Untleni,grand would �espw=11 in. ELL NEIGHBOR, how NEAR THE POST OFFYCE. IN 1'HBCUGNI'IE9. AISU A LAI(GE VAKIHTY OF IarmlM rarnen of Hero• aesd I stns Manufactured Goods end the p*Lhc generally ilei h• has com- W d0 you 6!1, •10116 wILIII A Uoow Aesomtrtar or Canadian Manu y uerlred,M6b,ve bw'r,e•s our lo,Aill t1lir wet weather 'I Gold and Plated Jewelry on Hand. ENGLISH, FRENCH dt GERMAN: BROADCLOTH*, Abig told st1. now aa id at.tDavid estreent rt I y ,t?hy1 I !Sieve thrown aside I WAT1;MiS CLOCKS AND SPECTACLES 1( j,% �ti I NI 1 :1( 1 '.� & I I rU EbiK I N S, `men! of the leu materiel be u prepared to a g,♦ A plow that cost 24 dollars, If Ua[AT V ARIETT. ENGLISH A N D FRENCH liEAVER AND PILOT OVER('OATINOa 1 execute all orders 4i his line In •say which' 6 ^ `' OVERCOATINQS OF ALL OTHBIt DBJSCRIPTION8, cannot (tail to ,ri.e wtutarton. it was like plotting with a log, RFPA1RINU 1N AL1. BRANCHES Hating secured the services of Hafting hid great experience is this and ivent, to Kearle & l)aVin' done on short notice. in good style and war. basineus, std all work in his shop behalf do" revised according to Agreement. �Z � N`j��, a,M ��301R, under his I.eger•wl ■uperinteud«see, he am afld bought a steel plow for de s10 h Ann to he of m����� he is prepared to execute r1, oml«n w.rh pr onptimde, and i0 a Nyle so■urlrsoed by may warrant •rut m y � rgl�tall lllllg8 glll'ayS 10 liaD�. MANUFACTURER m this PROVI\'CE, Cilia mot exepled Try Lim sad satisfy yobs, the best quality. -hila his terms will be toned EiJtfren dollars; 1lOW 111wVe IW Jobs U btildatmed in ml bonds will be solves. A Perfrol ht 91111antrrd iu every insta,ice. ve,y renavinahte trh uble in plum 1116 ; Iny i1GraPa Farmers give him a call ! .old u lati.wmiir.ti.m of ler« moat►s to tiw Constantly iso baud the LARGEST STOCK and LaTEBY arYLEB in U T hMllun it Cleank I1xJ Ulla ; ray up.rus. Gentleman's Outtittings of Every Descriptlon ! •,,d we for ya•reelvw.' K B lir 8:1 All atst sl senor C1 so Ned. • N. U. -Horse shoeing and jehbisa of all they are teat thistle cutll•rE !br hest quality q1,' Cloak Oil at gb it0 AMEKiCAN MONEY taken at the highest rate. kiudgstrictly Attended tai. . bottle. Chas E. Archibald. LEWIS ELLIOTT. . uaog rowarwsRT o► Goderieb. Now. 14, 1866. WIS Uoderich, August 22nd, 1566. ■-103 "*rich. Dec.. 27tb. 1866. w4tll - -- --- o T a v jowl WHO WANTS A HOME t THE COMMERCIAL UNION 1Y "XYl;���' OVER S RiNDS. TLSO A LARGE STIk'K O1,' TINWARE To' ►.t t °""° rLLCAAL[ tic r[RTT ASSURANCE COMPANY. C On hand. Sign of Leos Tea Kettle, In the Town lnd Tot4osblp of Ctlderlcl is u&red fw &&In, on the meet ,m$eoaRbl• BASE LINE CLINTCN• term, win : 19 AND 20• CORNHILL LONDON, ENGLAND. ' 1. Los 902. North uvea ajoin,&# 1,k+ ' r., / EXARLE & DAVI$. Wrsleynm Mrtbudi$I Church, in (od*uch. Clinton. Sept. 20. 1666. w21 2. Lots 12 and 13 oil the corner of Well CAPITAL, (Folly $ubseribed) - - - X^-,500,000 Sterifll . and Wellington Street&. On 13 than in INVESTED OVZ& $1,000,000 - DEFOSIT FUND IS CANADA, O,OW. Hotel N otice g t: baht hunm and bakery. _ • k} Tneso lou form an excellent alU for a FIRE DEPARTMENT, THE SaMcriberin reti•Ing from the Pro- bold'1 i it„ail” Guda 3 lot 11.1 on Lighthouse street, upon FTlee di■tiaou"SMR, WWI* OI The Company beat -N, the Imahlalmrol of on equn■Nr cfas•,8- prietunhip of the '• 1'si.n which there u •large frame bouso, so me. c•hon,rh•rp-, is mile&" a prmiurn pr., oniunatr to The r,k, 1h rich, heirs to return his aincen thanks for the Ther-., w•b.eh ee■ ahtrodd the Cumpaw's o.p, lvi i Me been such w fully a mdse the I liberal patronage whieb he has en „yed. and ranged an to •ecommodate three totalling. m,at"nmu,r.r empe IGlt..e.f the D'rvetun, -\u base rettdvei turs,ruJ rhe 1•umncr mora ..1.Iv. FRESH O Y S T E R S I ( 1 3 4. Lui 191 aw the corner of Essex @4 cart naw „Aur wtk.e ('mnad.. pubhc. � atit 1,h- same time inform his friends the wauT.eute AMD aerALy � fr•vellieR public that u, future he will he Elgin gdsou, open whkb there U • asset PERFECT MURITY guaranteed by large Subscribed Capital, sad Inwuted BY THE KEG, CAN Oil COUNT frame Vim." slid • good orchard. Fulda loved al h:s old staid "Prince of (h6n ( 6. Park lot 14, con. •• C " to the Town Pr„..),t Hettl,... tot Chinn. The Doreen -. .ad (;,.er. l Agent., being g,.t'ee,en large, ,a• LOBSTERS, SARDINES Hotel” Dungannon, where no fifit shall Ss[rd,u Cumu,Orc., wJt Islet ■ U. -I .rad tunnrw-hkc view .(all garNNln• cumtsg bwionitem, I shift tit land. r ro"glmng he sen* of •s► A V U 1'L.AMS, m"^tmR on his part to make those al loam eel *tit land, t`pao this Int there i• •o u• -' a mall. r im with .bis ma lower k -LIFE DEPARTMENT. FRESH LEMONS, ORANGES, J ANTHONY BLACK. eellrsfTwrStory BrIrk Hoaee,PrnmeHarn i►e Company ofen terms to those rearing Le* Assurance unsurpassed bye any LIG Office. I sed outbuPtlings. Also, a Send bomiag edcnle Prr iume-Permetbecunty-h,-o■omyo(msn. ganr.p tendon, to mer.ase the Blew Cocoanuts, Figs, Crapes. Roderieh. A•,;; 5th. 1866. wll l L orab•rd hi conic, of tt. msl ua p•rinrt,alnR •+Ie, amu^" whom t.0 per reel air profile ase divwNe. Ur.C. Q,0. �0. Bt - - Thu a o"• n( the belt $itwhOns fK • Claim. paid use raeelb wrier 141 1 n death. ` f , IMP ROVED FARMS for SAIEI pit%& trtsidence in the town. And ulhe• sd,aalag►, whr•h may W area m tae Compony'e Prospe -tui• FA- 33 I N (� ii A M ' 8 6. WAN EXCELLENT FARM- 117 aeres. Morland, Wat9on A Co., West side of Afarket Square, i Lo1* 97 and 13, ad11-ininlf lou, one fronting General A enle. or Cawdds. Uodereh.Nov.30.1z6s. am" UT 14, con 4, Hedrick 100 aereg 60 Road g f __ _ _ _ _ I T , , on the Huron sed the u1Ler on tb0 y Fah. CNI - - �OrItIC�,+ =J acm Cie", also Lot 33, con 14, We- seventh conclusion, in the Township W w.nwb, 200 acres at the latter 100 or 200 Goderich. 40 acres cleared and under cults. OFFICRC.•-M AND1t7,.IfT. FAUL 8 rREET, MCNIREAL. leers t^ suit purchasers. Terms lihenl slid valion, upon which there u a brick derailing �yrrssee�porr /gpectOr eJ Agencies, IItiIE. onders;,med • having purcheaed the a r-a6enahl• credit Riven on a paymeatLive. bouse, frame barn and 1 H.MIfh1111 eTagaw T.C.11Vor of A V cies, . 1 Iarostock of Saddlery aid -tire TiUtsioduputable. Apply to 11�� - x A x�. N 1B s s a.s116"Icss, A LARGE ORCHARD. H. GAItofNER A CO..II`eet fMOoderteh,and Lrcknew; Wm. aammsl, Yi ieerdiee 1 J'thus ve Diisgle, '11h$ Iarm u sttnsftd S miles froze (ioeerisb, l.rvo *,n, W'alkern'ty'ed sister". evr74 1. way 111x1. 10,66. jilt tied 7 fmm 1`linton, it r good rolling had, �' COLONIAL HOUSE I wen. iflef .d. sed .good gra d rasa .. 6 � T Mo ndrs of it. COLON L II OUSE. __ 1'ur terms and eorvdORG sale pp�y a pJI I GEORGE It AplY, KID GL01E8 I KM GL01EB Goderith. 17th dolt. 1866. w25t1 READY-MADE C L O I F GI ', DEPARTMENT Liace J,esepbacks AIlexadrr. inwha , blackDuett LANDS FOR SALE. The Subseri bO fie largest colo backs a Alves Stock a mbar, Coon ltd g t B V * 1 N ass s � colon. The larve*t Stuck in the Counties. Me O OW H I N S :T O 40 $ rl1r. g CHAS' Is. ARCHIBALD. o urate Horton, i'bo has been w loo L`UN wl.r•on re■w,n.Ll< rrrma, lou lea■d It, aI'd fyvorably known in that cap•chty, Mg to Goderfeh, August 22nd. 11146. 6.10 i tf. ). a. 'Ju W-l"p e. I/—it , l'eowly eel in the Caanties. The quality of Goods a III 'I he Iwo ,.,mats to serve each. 40 state buss ,.p t ars pro sed air erm*. to the OLDEST ESTAIl LI31IMM ,.wand on the taw.- Note "be land -mrm-rale, The LOWEST PR IS In TORN � k-�-.a have F. hitherto tjoyed. pee. TIS well watered .rad umlerrd. No kid -.b, 4 abs001n w they have lithrein enjoyed.- =i�T TOWN- AI« hN. 17 o■a Ib,am. e,'owsMtp ail TlOder,ehi, The Subtler igen have on band at their no se ere each, over 1010 Wedded on Ili• Two. �}Csll, ex•mm, and judge for yourselves. Ameri R Isosttr fakes at highest rates, shop, Market Square, • very. .large Assetrt- Lxe.wal w«L•wawred lard-tnml.r,bardwoW CHAS. B. ARCHIBALD. ment or sl.pul 6 mike INM firalto t l:.rad Ir+air kava Goderich, Aug-et27nd,Y866. see "i ow-ra J'D a u"�i71SAnl� o ■o berg. aid cvw " sopos houseNIVI fiy Im . nh•rd. %VAI he mn.ld wpoulm ata laartiNr les Its avert NTT]. g. sad r.n ec \seen. ADMr'n Saddles, Trunks, Valise%% i T H W . JOHNSTON, I" IITON , F�~nYT & C O J MA R T I N A M A N N .. t.. pr..,■mm. THOS � ail , sr , which They err ere .•red In neer to +r W .J,JUu �8TUb.loal<rr-r, _ _ - -- --- iwderab• C0.9 the public a [Kalli ,.duce poets, f"r rash. SEGS TO INFO KN ❑!S OLD ('CYTnII I seen. iti 1FM wlst HAVING OPENED THEIR HULi SALS WAR OUiE, , Farmer. will do well til cell and fnq+" I mn that be is gi ll able at sell for emh, ' their stock and prices hrG,n Purehsnng else at the law -At rat• a. I G 0 D F R I NO. 3V FRON i , ST 'ET, TORO N 1 O, ,-here, M tech a cban,- i, seed"m offered. ILL BINDS OP FURNITURE C 19 It t )t. MARTIN. N O W 0"Z1 1, 1 s s F O s I A L E \ Goderich, Oct. I6,h. I'+66. w38, At ha shop on Rnnirelnn street• aprdatte A DI the Hnron Hotel, Ooderieb. Uin him a ,r � S x A r� Chests, Half Chests and Caoldieg, Young Hyeene, Gun j( doss, Twa•� eeyes, J•P.n �A 1 a a b 1 e Farm safe^ •h, Oct. 3. 184fi. ■eel1-31 Young Flyson, Uncolored JApdow, C(tngous. `.luuchuugs4range sad 3ed�ied liner ; FUR SAL�3 1 I'ckue. \ N'UR SALE. gxEg• RY :•iuCkA , K.1� i I TH - prof,,. t,r of til No. 11, on the M■ir- to J1, ,sndl.,mrr-.,.,-. East,- Vermoo, fe Ihe �HEwiaeeiber offers for sol* i* tbs Vil. Y lihds Porto Ryer, Uels. Nos. 2, 2 1.2 std 3 Yellow Rofiael, Crusbod X Rad A, C he Tuwmbp of toll.-cior t ..sly m( lianle, wlovem AXE FACTORY! 1,M and Ground. to cell out the .T.,., p-, ,es -a Is their appear Iowa of Belfast 19 miles from Goderich, eta �.$..i I<� 1�' G Lkl : telaer< . Tn,• lot cv...urue. Ito ■-res, 76 of end 3 mils from Lockouts, on the North. nlf sap'.hnekare -- Thi-or n s liege orehud4• on i Rut � O—, Ht, Err hs '.n recomme Med Jr Ass round. +r•A i mad [ Roosted an U a,dw In lieu,. he amide Be z- L. Uuayn. Rio, lata and lloe\a. aloe. IW 4 very .r.ml, rt r A GOOD BLACK 111T11 SHOP / T '1013AGC(>i•:y� : I It.pNoion, I.,tlen,I,.. I prewar. $. Bu. ,c.* It uNear nv.phiMiU ends. In,d. Gedorwh, reed b which (ken u attached -if, • good Inme AT 'Tills OLD STAND. Matta, f0a, C&dbes �ulaee, Twist, and (lark and tlnghl 1-3 IWq B.eiw Old Vtrgiaio tarry lights ed ni v„w It,•n1ff.8&r'e grant nulla, sew mJr ■d boiling • • ad Rerden of , n •err Of lend, tb. *buu e. I e, and in thsi fhn. h 41.Ivment Then r R” e 1 os Ike ( .,rare.( I 1' u a j•� x f u s M I hiller on Tn< corner ,.r the lot. This •red a Ree/ wall of water. This a Oram OI *� Brain sand H.if Nu.r•. New esu (lid VnkIt lla t Bax• s. i Host.. ■rad l Ibis- Sew Layer sed 1 ,it. .ni .' d of • heavy I.v I„em the h,.I ,,iii -miles for a blacksmith in the Watef m ,a rd Ligbt•11005e StreM, M.K. Nat -110 !b.-. and and Old 1,■ ,., WuWe rows., i tt. Wra ted L•yrn.. L. yet me) TT+r' ^�• a very rr•o, sb-e, ■rad .ST be Cu ,NIT c( Huron. All of which will be wm�W b” to'"I'." ' No him .• 1-ri'l., sad as IIs• l l w wnau+ no * ,, anon to the pn,pnetM em I gad she■p, us the s■taeriber a about to R^ , me„y mew enc a ravuun bra H► a rail aid L7. sea i he■e v.ed,a+. ktuw-st,le I h, g. s ■ B•v-up B.rrrb Pur&. Currant.. (new slid Wd) the Ile, m; , J„e. u.tgamer), air at the .ie•t Ifdttw F.Xe, Prune. m krgw .,,teen. eeA glees an, Vnn`e, Letwoe and Carw Peel•, R,ndOd and O1 on a ,semi Terme $P00, hell down, the toss, that w waI sad sellfro e�� e C,rd.I, r,.tu (.. F."cy "..r.). Hose. sod NN 8uhana R+ ns, Bap and R.xeo Jordea, t R L. DOYLE, rest in on• year• if to $*it poreftwvn. Fr,r WARRANTED HOME-MADE AXE,CH�GN Iv i 8, Salt •aid Valencia Almurala, Wduuts asd Fd.rru. I B. ter, he .G.drnck f�rtiCalan apply on the premises, or by �></ a .� 1�'i Jrn 7th.116611. '04'.. letter oat id to else nM oncs;umped •t o•mad cost, /TsN,hr., P 1,n' Wed, .nil .1baipeavd ...limit ...Arra the p'pea, HW.. Qr. Cask. sad lktavu■, 8.0.ko aJ■, Unharn's, ■rad Utley's Part., Tem■nm'.. Duff, "� i--- ftPR I Nn i. rAMPRFLL, N.B.-Also a eumher of rikttM un bond. the ti,•rdun S Cole, C, arne, Suter at 4.u.'s, ..opps Jt Cold, Palm and (1.,1,11 n `Jherra•, tlur{uody ■Olt' T11� `1 I -D W PRO y RotfaN p. o. To -whip of A•keeld, PPDs trench Purisol varum gnJse, t:uaropagua,Llareu, N acluaed Huck. tT V Coanly of Hamra. -JOHN McPIIKK8UN. 13 at ,1 .V Il 1 L•' 1'4 : i O B A] iM Januar) 31. 1867. w2.6mq �Ieb. Oct. 901►, I4". 40-1 HAda,l-{reeks and Cears, NanelPa, lisoeery'e, Ut aid, Dupuy S: Co'-, Jules Rohn do C -'s, V •'IHF. RESIDENCE OF HE LAIN - -- -'--------"- will ,'bduupr.tu..'a•.ad other brands. GALT, 1,k , NOTICE. SKRRIFF'SSALE OFLAFDi. LIQ'U ORi9 --� Punrhen• Jsmn,a Hum. Hld. end Cad a Lh Kuvpar's Hollo.d u d Ron'bra OM Tnm n,..%.",dlr'e %f 1TIiS property n Ma'Itifell 'tu&104 OPPo further notified parties indebted to County of Hur^e,) 7)T v,nw of two wsh6ol In,h, +4e-.,n'e and flarvr)'•Swtch Wwrktrs,C.asilu. VW aye, ldrh, —ton's loddy end Com- 1 Dile the TOWi of fled 04• on the rhe Su ober .r- -quelled to p•y IL- to wn: `L D Ikrl P*ciP IesNi of ^fou Wnut,r.. North Bank af'M owe .f Her M•trw• tam• uta Ba of Tornrin to my c"dil. C^aatr ('wit of The Vaned Consisted d Hvs*n iso 1 it -300, PORZ`M33M la. elba., ffybo.b RIVER MA1TL D, WILLIAM HAWKIN8. sod Hmce, and to m, d,rrc tnl opp.ou the loads •ims RNs l)"mnwae, ^ort", H..•' end Y„unae P. Ai<, C•a.dae lk,tilu,g Co.'s Alyd mad Porter, Case* , I orontn, {Th Jsn`11`67. 6w4t sod Trasimeno, of will... Cnnf er ed Geeewa IknrrJ'• Iim4er W neo• Jeb.N&ra yclm pym', k Bench Iryueun. Conlule, he , he and on the Basks of Lithe Iorno. ern, Conner at the set r M rh.me, 1,'a it us. liners t. turns 61 T-10 sewn+ of Lend tmrrejiA w. Johwtln,ero ad Wdh-m orf.,• Murray, aa% TOGETHER WITH A LAl(UF STOCK UB w;,b Dwelling Itn..e, (luth.wea Soh . C O II (i H M DIC 1 N E ItoksolpA r hnglnd, 1 b■.. modal and alae m . R t rasoaticw all the nett, This rad interest d the sof Roan, Ins -,Pool Soap, Belno"h aJ Frvnrh Cawdk-, Hutiw tliee, PIR and InJ-mo Mod, Punk a gk. -rah Imide Gar.k.e, Vinery ahA Ureha Al FR►PARLD AT end drlrnd^els ,n and to how .omh hntl or Im ono.. kmJ., Np” •,es, I6A.-., y 1-lY,.Carb.m,t and Wmlung wit”, Salinas arks Canadian Gl it •pbe W and Lwntl e0owete reN� a)Iy Of Oek JK A 8 . M A R Y I N O tr I 8 ,eve Poltsd F, h. Meal, d[e. M number, ,sone, in 1,s. toted Courtly .I of Ili• rad the flowemig bind -r, herry, dple, be. Township „( Moira. m th, Cnnnly of Hvoa. Crosse and Blackwell's Pickles and Sauces, .ad the ars in tot, good order. There AI-roaD190 To wh,eh 1.^d. sand fe^tamenl.I •Ivan neer tar eete 9.11 1n ,.lar is.. aLccor.m end Ve ro,•elh. Gq....IT -, Whatng, Candlewick, 11 -me, Wrapping •Ir there never f..ilint • rim of n water r al my o6... n, TM Coan w O~use, is th, Taws of W sprints i+• D fit• C H A B E f3 RECEIPT. fi.denr l,, v. 7 rs.d.y, see .win► der a may s of P.W.Erighith, Fnnrh and C...rh.n Vv,. IN -,;Ingo, Hsieread ,a. ,;,wk-, Reap, Jmltpeler,/.resm ontheProperty Tbenaustina fora private bextah lhi<hour ofT welvr ofibe clink neon, Teter, Pails, Lied Undo• Dar .ed :Nonn'..ad Lwm6'a Block -rig, dtc.. G:c• residence u6noot be surpsssmd to the Prat I, FT,W dove of "nee trhl-.spoon at • JIIHN HA(1DONt1LD, ALSO, in•e• A nrrw, will mslevi.te the most distressing. BhenirH. For tering apt fa e. Rh of the lungs, brothels. iud alloys irm. 9herdl•sdt19r@,Uod,nek, r Rh:. R.Imon. Nu. 1 Kra. rad and LstxnJ,w 3ut t H. rang., tlble and Kra. Mackerel, Ada Cdfie\, P . ] lehh Jao„ erv, 1667. ( eel D,gby firrnnae ,n large slid -mail hasty, Liverpool Cows■ and Fine eau. 1 Elisa, GALT. EOII • marfow, and, i( ermlinoed, sehdbr•g sty ten - 4 Barrister, Toronto, denr77 to ea„bomption, basks Op entirely --- ---- wigm Sole Agents in Toronto, for James h Son's Celebrated Dome Blaeklead. or D. SHADE GOODING, the 1Vh .o m Cough. and no (letter r* the The &have wal he ("ad on iw-pealton the twat w-aretti Hoek *vat offend a Toronto, and will W P R R mfdl SfIERIFF'S BALE,OF LA1iD8. Barrister, Godmrich, can he found for Croup, Asthma, Brnnchiu$, - , mid I.w (air Cas, or w.br&1 �ems-b,r appr.vd Pape-. Gedarieh. 6th 3oI,. I r•64. gw90t .rad all .&eiiam ofth- Lan s and Throat. g Coanrqy of Huron, tI�,Y venae i ,k17,"nts of ing- T110S. GRI.FFITH & G0.9 - -- — For rolls at DOVOLAa' Grocery and 7aw,f: JrF-.dfH.ntlyt,reeu&d W60 39 FRONT STREET, 'TORONTO. Balt Territory I JOHN OiLER'S Borh$r shop. Two wn-41". rf Firms G.derich, Jilt, 18th, 1166 w52 3etp low"M out A Her oj-atr'1r tour his Of Cooraoti Torwlo, N.vember 2T, IN" w4 -- -- _ Plsise sad ('can o(Q...a a He■0b, sN M ms r' TIF, Sulacoher offer. to •rel Per,nn m , dinctrd ■rrains the ]*?ids sed le to ms enmpany (.r • rOymll, ail nNisonr,th SHERIFF I!1, 6AL8 OF LAADB. Henryr,Oomh.e Jnhn (.dt sed Ira Lewis, H - -- ---- --- -- --------- of the n,du, w,O, Onr hnl erre of and, wink I the S.M., f M.ih,irn Mr,kere^n, The Con. pp County d Hero", T vi" M & wM mf msec- peak .1 C•u la, Ctevge I. Mno<e, and 1I O O IP it 1i 1 1;. T 1111 I H V O p iii 11L i 1 L W a i about filer h., -d feet front. i,e, d sito.. ,. sad : � 1 iisei L -t») tr..ed eet Tha sank eta Mnnfrrat, I her< .,d,N and uk,s LI red shout eighty yatda from the present of Her MorMy's County Coar1 of the Co„nty M in size,■Imo that r ,t -m pa,rel or it., t or lead Tit W merlon, a.d to taw do*ewd • in■t the I.rnda W _ - OoM.kh Salt tP I bent ttwn W IrA •r D" wt+.w (ln,n.s of hhe For farther particular* inti by 1@Itet so end Te -w mens ,•f anhur Mifrh<I IM Je16nJ.ms Tnwnsbp rel Lrl hova0, sad more p.Nrrel- JUST Ri CETVED AT THE l to •I the seta of IB..vY C. Lits ons )&arse Cowes domsn4d m tee„ d,<d. from Ilohert orgasm personaly the F alms. I b■- mused ad.eken u Ezgmwlam flirnMp to D*vN tinvi sod Waller IM•e•., F. CA ifPA IONR, .111kattrns.n paroe.ortmet wf Lsdswdpw,d- .ft- !ytbep.jvv,ty.4 in, ler- John Usti, NT T THS C --p-r of County Gaol. We nwotsi IyIA` end hang in the Town tewehher with nil meeNr<r, -r.1 n is ingth0 0. C O L O 1 w 1 A L ll U k J J Croderich, Ilse. 91h. lion, wNl( F,ndwi h ,n the T.wn•k,p M Howrrk in the row miff, .n , ill anter, en6fa0 sd mNa _ (;-very or Hun,n carrnm,ng by Mmw*wremrnt i 1p.h-eery emofmtd, Ibr , Vim raw. and Nw 2Cams ofHL'hT;dCk1,F,RRAT1iDWATCH SPMNGBTRRLBRfRTAin all the Iu-rel Wtrwsetetrlla(gtel.3TllteafellC.w TantahlgM&avamonM1.0 ,mtneet themTaebfgaryconsfecrdwishlb-,.rc.l.rmw. .(an that pen "(the Aedd dim sod Mal Prepenl , go[ He canis w nllhe .81.01, a4 deo The Lee.- S.Nish oil-- of Fdl Nylee. Thew Shirts is ebdp@ finish, a it gst.lity tan wp*rior to Any cher make of gbirr Y 4 apt is Ameries. Ie fact they are the Lilies' Skirl of the Season. ata e►rrd yrwb@r -uhw•n 1M b.ildlw arwelod - 4161,1,, h� rOalt. which leaves s s liks d I ... diumme 1 JOAN HICKS, Proprietor. This is th there--, WM aluMh •d 'I ■amMlo I Nslll ek.11 eller my neira is 1M Court qi1, LADIES CALL AND EXAMINE THEY AT r•rR•.tand W/tCnentry ,Inref 'n W@nmr ^ger I-me.■,at my 1 in. 7. a the G'seri H,'"I. Hra.@, m Tic. tow* of flotdeneb, cu Tuesday. .heir ConaA&.&MI *burette a& moderate.. any Hwa ,n rhe Town ms, ,1,-N ch, ow T-Obhl the Fwo1h the sevvath ,far d) ey soxf, at the boor .b this C. E. ABCHIBALD'P. s M1aM11. .1nge P lwlor. Uuod ■•abl'ag(. day of )..* nem at the boor d Twat,* d tics Twelve of the elak, na,n clock, ranee. n an Goderich, Novemlter 6th, 1866. w41 (A Horses. ,l.dme.4a ,:aen• es for HnO, e■ JURN MACDONALD! be 1,h-mt-lNmswa 14.1 JOHN MACDOXALD, ,yr.fi,R, 8beriff Hares. Nh-n V.UTare.(Imlerftb, we 8herfd'e Ogley Goderisb, flesh J.wmsrr. mm 4 *1 ear. Go"n'" 2twd F*btmary IW7. 1 w6 kQNFY TO LOAN (}ODESIOH F RDRIRQ 1[,ZL ���0� CARRIAGE ----- ---------- Ml.r;a Y11IMP un"Cory ! a THE C'ILONIAL Olf. E TIFkB COIIFA _ Rev siLLs Di I"is 8WElIM'S S� OF %� I* taw' NT OF LU NOON.L►"rOIAfT1. r�HE3UBal:RiBSR8908TOINFORM mel- A Vi! • large Amount of =One♦4o Leta theishehu n. O1 the r.nntleo of Hann Ceweiq etwtnms, I By we F -i d • A'ra est roe II upon the locar.%r M Tmprnved F[rM* Im end Rroc-Inn b•,e •e illMan"hrf -ells, aid►nIm C.mar me UsamO, ♦ er<ne M a vent N 1. W1tI ff ) At" /tart ►•ans,rmned t rive years, or The mON favorable Tit,. n. band r .emher of bis �e wit se Iy.ar s co eN e -r M H,r M&j-my's r',,,nty lt4 gI�Qdu term*an alt oth@r Inform•t bg, apply to tN leer W •evem f'r.v7 fe.ntlus d Hod as•M q mrd ft�.. 8UPERIOA FANNIA6 MIiLLB (ti PUMPS•ce•.t,rhhe aO11M COv-rwaorry.rww .r Nene. *e "WOW lb. )...e gti"i Taatir.atg .1tbofko cud e. mes d(nwed •oweew rhe twM ad M1e smwg* wt loop it erJeb r 1. WI 1 baasw7d WILLIAM DUEININ. Pro Would p•nir-IoAy draw ."..",• In bis*wren m /,■urea Mo story, nt .he salt d R. gem-/ cad 9A 'e 1Rµ tyTwaewwr, nwnshit awes veb, Mab.■. he will.turn-tthe..t.f.r+ Whamfrom!orb •s/ COM, l have eslmd seed rhea a Iib and mlolegt w A mmDDOUT. C 1•, n I not , neresti ehw, he. Perp,dare ord0r%.men treed the ,-ill- gil l-4 mad ver dull N the rhe Na•y kNr or LM ytnEtwfl' � M ■and rkpwAlsso a need N. IN bamhet w the oft, n/lM i dl lb the -m sessokmw orb ('HAq KfDUUT, Clinton. tadwastuptwds wveasbq CHdr$ N IDUNJ� Oed•efCh. $ Fwvr,•+ 1Vs(see tar , 6sew..s Itseer.sefrr jfi w I7 u i A O L Q sr Y . rwwirw,-�,-sift.`of I 0 the t .midi, eta no., Owr logo-NdM yrygR Lr♦o ill,a" s shay A t%QUY, 001 l`*e.t.is R..d.an cher wow bwad.ad v M knew 1 BEVJ FRAf.IC1t all•, •THM" ,herwm,yonaoewdre tbwptiMk = **Ad Twawamtl sl *boll �W Asa 0010;b �M} eel,? kt EahPor-. at ssf aAl 1 n RB1tJ 111,1401'r, Isms•.. d A w,eg*rA}YonM,•I* •l MOrpah pr•mslm l OI H-rew A -A Bryr@ bmh ►. kis Oa b -d I fIMFo'- the Vat n Roe", I. The To.n- a�M Tuve■ dBedw' �� GRT b avd wlllwakr (wMferC err s. Wa ae,Nar- N N Jw eat. lw(M Mar rel tenly* d lbs Uta��a1s1110 LTIFatT'oM,whir hi.m0*v@r imr ' O.r/wat,e T*e0-My.IMare" . m1 eteek,a0ta. jt' N. fir--Mprrie ,o•ir•d ou arroanl of u1,AfMgiv-gawmra,*.tisowK,.wtolarmmn wk. mere,&{ wh.rh sr., he ■ ,heap rreeAp Z. at rhe bs.r as#*owe�prffb r a JJfllt MA plseipdit ant ilea and interest allowed is...uaadNham. swozemoft MMudrsAlnr sate@W►• 1VHNNAC oia►iell iM rat- atfir" -ons psi annum. 11URY DODD. JO Y j' 'SMOR2:r, A ` • Id ,essOra. a -I f January 21at, I lie wits" WuLrwl AptTa►A J #&- 0 f9wkmele ebslt1 Assowo• INNIM. � f a" Fdbw uy, son. A � wt apn11e1,IN1 www NJuti4asrslMr, a of e - - -- _ T' - --a yy 'f ptiJ�. 1 ;e t