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Huron Signal, 1867-3-14, Page 1
>+ M -I F i f WEJIMKLY EDITION. ® t 1 - l t. \, I .0,.-, � P, ; � , iJ�•, � 11 ,. :. ., —_ _ _, L�__ . .1 A : W. T.40Z' Editor and Proprietor.] ~- — - - -- - — -- - - ------__.._-- - - _-__ _-_ - _ _ - -_-_ d -- to the Greatost Possible Number.'' -- - - _ __ -- - — ->---- — -_ ----. .b4 PER ANN. IN ADVANCEi $1- ' =- -- tIUUENICH, C. W.. THURSDAY, MARCIi t4, t867. �IleiriC00 1DirtctorI1. -- — - - --- -- --- - - -- . tVOL. XX.—NO �1181T1f88 �IYK[tOrZ. - y - - - !I� --♦ -T (1I,-p-� -1 ��r �l{� From our w"ortoo corran. Ml{tatttw ower r•tbla•e►. rr�ra Ttw - - 7 _ Busillroo 'D1rtCtor Ghee Chel -1 Chea ep aniondaa artillery, which will ba spiked to pre. Captain Moriarty rah. were in i{ Ma bra. / T �• P P P pendent. t Milia no a aerrow board, b•riu�{ pias ! •rut accidents, will ba dwwuuulnd and U,, h jv� N W Irwr it N-. --- ""' - — AT rag — for do Dar W nen on ; _ _ r ill mw bdlamer. The atiatemauu o(Mr, Berlin, March 1st, 1886, thew is ,lure of tba'v u then u an slur win, edUrrreachhig the artier ode forty rrwnds of otic e&PLilln low taken ormant into cere wlludr. veld rr o Maleolsu IIAKWNtehoAL D Tb the Kador .(It,* Hseun 3qual. or wardrobe, in which the ladles place their I IlaUO coat in the sub uglier ma ill lowland ro yds he his poptain un wire freed wile Or -SU p /1 CLIPS. C aV$OICA!. }SU NECIIANICAL DENTIST T. DRUGS, DRUGS! Goderich Boot & She Factory T � aU$(iICAL t t/ , (;. w. CAL L'L TERTrpA'rH1ted in . 1 Utaa Sta,-Ruing unavudably called to bonnets ayettrearlsele ill apparel, . uourJ to the uvoua• tamwKat other it is said a documurt Paper" .�Q pewrur,Uoeerub,l:. W, Tel3TS1 ir+aerted is either Ple the Ewt, 1 here nut able to resume my sue ew4 wuwan young of w.rra no boqurt, Tu{leiber Nnh•one da7's ration or told by Urn"ral O'Connor, aait... °yths D,ad una, 0,ild Sdror. or Vulcan I rally*, at an earlier date, which, with your ur shawl in meeting, take Coven bar head �A11UiiL FULLS$ has on hard and keps ,edutgegee 1 sew probeed V) do : with a what .'uslir cap, um•Iime, bordered Q'I hay ill tl atuseac.'s Own e m is t.0 t emountain r nteriw. other it Is, g.,i(u1 dalrftI Cy calor Mt.ranrhe 1Rg0aN OTO! 1Yr. F. Tordn l Palo ry 9'Ars -1 `— a rJ Rot, , at ce. W st t,trmaair q•Testb street -1 wnfuwt r !?O e°a over the Poet Orace, Wen tltrse I You wail remember 1 wait t° spend an even. with a trill; bill toil is a piece of gaiety mach The Were for Alta carni brio :iudl lm IeanO t» T Jaau •prey, W ff seta c---- • _ CONSTANTLY JI ANUFACTURIDO mg with Herr Jchawkefpferde-wise is roh. deoutimed by the man 11,AMI ruuurkDrr neck losrr•d cur the ocaw,on by toil inhabitants, Y, Ilrllgertr, Titanium red UNtdt'ugdl'Jsm �idi,i eb• i _ JYUM• 114.few - - •wIe-,I] rA0?OGB.APH C!L[.E$Y 19 =•a.r aTrt.r or rLl],as pram r spedmeo of the [egni•e hp'ean. i► a plrin iu whae h•nkerchinl o•er b r drew ; W hu rip •peva ag.;,ut the k'uuww ween an, who arra r•rrtaled ahorltr q@er LDa Wp• LADIES', GENTS', CHILD$ENS eyl cancan •■ u to bit found to Oot,rio. As Yetk chuo•er w oar [racy, t6uag h, tall moat the] are put upon trial. loin was hiuught �rJsnner into talar,, F • R D N, 1 prumimd admi•Ihiag of the Yauwylraoian w•fre. of gaiety. The pulpit u raised Strout Artrr bwwtnq up the Kielland canal, in (p lv IAu !'!!fret tr.nr uility pp ' r•e muwen m my oast, perba{» 04a &Ccuavl, of •ix ipcD" from W* Istel of the duur, a retaliation for, this seven hundred gran of Killarney, but the action whiehra Mi I., t4 '( �/ ,9. i(soeavawrtoH,k,Re]nolL) • \ j / Yr, 9's might cereals y lar •code of ibwtra bout Irehs feel wog, looks like • rchad wrwl{inflicted upon their yn, ratan, they undirtr,r afuraarda mien by th- Awa list riga O n ©� j �! >E/r 1 H t9, 1 two u cou,d be adopted, -on my arrival, I duels, WW is unpainted behind It is a rough .dl march upon 5u"peluion Itndgo• Of the dwtrict ted the loci' cut I, i found aim quietly emukiug bre pipe, he spade hard paned to the wall, for the presshert Hrvaa,l Orptured and paroled the b,id s,eue u( l 7 taut' a a Boots and Shoes a4 exOaatrs demowtratioris o 1 weleume, yet Oe sit on, orer6e d .re hr W Drgg their the neat thiel .,If 'omelhui ciao. anpaniklFd esriumeot in that 4er"r•yfewr.SYe.-•,07..fr•.rs bjafrwuldcosymetbud of wUuu, made hat.00. 1erhecuu"edasfnw tt ``uecefulW.u. like may'alrotes 04,11 their r DISp[ Ile ah,o keeps oar of the Largest Stocks a' aic and And thee, ill wreessioa, Turuntu, ilatw% rZ.A1a took refuge in tla Itri;.uy Ila r1, KI NSING CHEMIST A DRUGGIST et ""I..,rtrd Work m'lbrD, all of which he ma feel I was so. l was obliged W putio:m w mealy u Leu Piro, M, I drew the inference allots, Q•,gbec u1d Sfmtteal wig tap,dty fall. and the p'lice wero Drouabl from Ate b..- - is determined w "ell m cheap a any bow# 'be circuit of the rcom said shake baud' with that urn 14 tM mAxiM,lm ,lumber of dlrinry Iso oath Nisjara Frilm. reels to keep retch over them. T u t.jJ to Campo• I, m Ygataee,esdlmporteros b the trade, "- Call and xs. sit &aid wodry, v'x : M,wts, Aron, Abraw., aver exP•eted present oe any occartun. All lis Ike hau',r which ire to take lace, nn Lbs tato ke eat clad ver %r ill; the ptoplr, 0 SAMUEL FC'RSk, lwrC, Jacob. NurL, Ac., and luroing to tie their pl&O" of .urehip look alike, to are one quarter lis tai ,,town. P i out only did ,be lwliee muse W tlw hutrl- Po a �F E N U I N E D R U a S Ellira Street, Aurot Row fair puruus of the household, with Ruth, E.*, 'e to see all. 'rho oreaching was such u is Aa no one ill the mail a expect .tfagdelitu• Rachel, Esther, k• ; never bo. hand story day from illiterate an, Lat on. I ene fthoat him, L paced it have which n may be thaerved Y unfolds the a`+, Cat \ OM'm••.(�,lN/Yasip, OnperieD Not. IY. INfB. wd3 if tire) turn --but lfw \�•_ (ore bavin¢ squeezed bands cath so m,ay 1 (vee of pulamip, w ill corer taubinj. The crpWrrJ cities will he err'jtArr, J look with them their b"d* sacrad and kwwrie charuterr, I Telt duly area •re, To the uut,r .urs i it it the mrwt ""aa"`l gurd' p,rcrd aruu'.d abs bank., and M . protoo;wr1 yusrt,ra t�ere,*Ml,laled to till, lit K.1! .auto. and �T.�,iiemoboe fRESN QYSTERS church iu christeadum, ro ala ones memb"rr, Tu p�tvr+nt cora wldlen from yak i/j lbs IV hen murum{ Intake the lxrhsanent c( (logged with the awful impurtwce, and .be• BYl,4(0 6p u u' a , c [ , req 10IW,C*Lrar,OTearwra. finished felt much rei.rrd I wits shown a perbalr, the must exacting: it being were bill's W li "ruat uta take. Aa0 TMTae sl d is .114. chair, rough, strong, dean, and tree of print; o. tit day (had the pleasure of it'ataut j Ytra,d-rat lWlaertb.ffU • 11 betdrbiled to Oct ore Is nf•Iwt coal • body of Amenran F*r Prtrrfase taken in exert style end is all Qts RSE •� TTLE MEDICINES CANS AIV D IiEt s t°king • awrry of the room, 1 ubrnrred oat I their pecuiulr rim -.octave dupe,ung the rs cu"'o -01;IetOII currul.o . kinds of ws•th*r, Pororlain or Upelotype 1 tba turuitum euaaiytrd of cru Arun s,,. Lord'asupper the wemtw,a ar.uaged the&, And it is rets J "ns hid rTeeted a 1•rnling rent Krd■ ; that Pictany and OApOtmg eg, lO..ae, foibles, a dawn chsi �� i j anew in runPlrr m Iroru of each touplr was De can conical �u roucy'I�fahybuoJ can. stt� 1� orlh•rr, acrd �haauhr°mrh;cuwtgrmJ P R O P R I �: T O R B ururxD Datt r, . vu out u n, and wd roach• a Jar THE HELTOARISTOTYPIA OMer.trom stomcs:oat• uneg"W yalteM«k acs board, & sick, and the aver p,e.ent /•laced &small Wb ¢onwni.. water a f m.rebie,- Ofgaw Mille, Wvallbst Hilly, Floor and ' I at !scan. 7r d, 1'rtr.r, ° At cite L west Figure, rood te uyso„ • 8 , Piece Uu regohinj Kmg+lon, lbs arm] rnJer to rouge for ILillrnrrr, but no ■miner Oh 'gBF,'+T 81JX PICTURE; • N.B.- �' Q i, all, tberbai,s, pnwtrd red, p ads Uw*1, when all set to, and Gua, John O'.1r111 will be wr:comat by Lha news been ntrarrd than Il .,n. ■11 bid Oast MIR', Paean Mille, Machine Shore , It•- Pb]eleiu'• Pre•rnpu rar.fallydts• a large cooking stove at ane end ill lbe to J; wsabed each vtbere fact. when finished each P'alDer Sletitrbw Ana Cul. Lyuh. maraud b] she funkier 'thanl.rosat isself mre� a allose, Fusadriw and Itacbia Shops, le., Taken m various t(f1a from g1 50 to V2o Praised' Dy SHEPPHARD (G $TRACHAN, and a boa ature at the other, laic h"rt to alrtd Dia neighbor cath a holy kuu, then all tt'Lo will sing- g- teat The Fruiting ill Kerry bid rt,*u and, , Lti ♦e., (colored in wet" cnloen nr nil, __ &�mh ,Ida Markel Square. the room, a large eigbfday cluck ticked iu . par Wok al brrrd and wine, and the ser•ice • • Ir(*"SixA Pbut.,¢rapha tnkt& ogrouoneble LIGHT ! Goderich, Sept. lit. 1688.. ew5tf curt•gwhile the walls were hue with cusu, oar. eoucludtd. Mr. Schauks! .f rd ad [ •4• the pri•os civil see rel, (iel>wra: U (:unuor, Asad were on tbtir war to Use the Lubric 011 i Irrma—rtth" otrrn refired. • LI GILT (sI T __ I theU u f 1'hGen. - Johnny drrr, of you" j„iu the igeudlar _ Cap1, Il„'• DWM, kc., tC., it lira!nl coq P Wdr I 1pucDdrhRkted and De tenor To which Gen, •U'tiaill will rc•{,oud A• the day ad.•gC*d the remove whiCfl » PRICES L(j ll'El{ than elsewhere in JOHN H fwnw ; sill all souk clean end tido. Th. ingly hap, y. W't4 regard to the ]lrnnoaite b tr laaevatrcamD Iyt ca: Cwado. e y ud.,rinj them the freedom uF ton city- wen eireeluted became mlsaw sax nom tc ROCK f�: r i1 female part of the family were brae) s wuiog holy, 1 tmijbt a►y they were on,liadly a cervi. And agreeing to take chart;” of their in- eitm2, u1d ulUmat')y it became known D.C.A)jpj;j�j,ri - COAL OILS[ HARRIS'S Bsaor,�ld tuhionud crrepia whnrli, pw,�t•'ISC acct in Germany, which imrmgratcd terertin the pudJ!iu,( bwln,ae. Ulb hYal•.11 finny Dal Drhrd in Taontiac Itis the Best did Cheapest! Oodencti,Jap. 1, lAG6. purring sway, w earnestly as if the wlet of about 200 years o into Pemu Iv aia.wkere After hw.m all ■molar e1Wr •Bd _ — w27 Burning F1nid,Lamp OiL• r y J R Wood valiant slat moles from the floras, HEAP CASH STORE I the u averan aependtd on their dill jeuee.— under the mild rule of the lira Uovero- towns iglu ■mnhereegm err IS This time matter true bad •rrirrJ Lahncetin oil iC _ math t �e 119erptMl and London and Clobe For vet• by Spe*kist offlnx cu,ture, Mr, S. said De would many they enjoyed liberty of cw •ienoe, made sur lw tai r riot w Uiura,athe ieul'i y J o rill Orin having ad wawa gg � nut grow it on his farm, except for his own I a number of them culunaae Waterloo about tat, Y d 1 in town b Pit g I•Dere is lea fp%ti v with this than with F. JOSUAI\. gr,,i,hrd lar tl,r ev, ui ,q Lefu,", Six bila, any °they vii, and log t° i4 eeeell.nt body INSURANCE COMPANY. toJ•neh,J area 11.1 aDf ie we, but cottons watt now so dear and worth- 63 years •gra, and bis it wad W their butter This will be a cap;lst iJen. drrd m_17 u ill the F'm ty rtghlh atiJ Sa■lh n. - the John sir "oil Com n i old s4nd, ♦smaller quantity u toaessed. While or, - - -- ,._ p•) less he lumtd it W pay well ; be commonly they tom wn backbone of the township at Artrr Ib* lace hyo cy ritulrted, General K faTemabd Feeds, H'here Js Hassle is now the man. mane a hundred yards of linea doth rreh i tow dad, they are honcot, frugal u d indw- ' U Aft, oil! P I I ImeWs arrivtd Iron. from Newbridjo is a for other hand �I5,000,000 CABINET WAREHOUSE oCcuPy the Far;iament bulid'n r "," c d Ivain tit niuetaen rrrria a, Iassat*d is C•s&ds L, Add sW Das come to baud, (year, whisk cwt Daft un cenu (ur wearing, j iuus, °oat °°amumiaK in manner, they as his brain utrfan. by Lundrrd orthe ll are" IT NEVER CUMS I 250,000 That will suite ell the folk tit the :and ( the reit being done by home labour, The never areal, tote, or bol, uHi:e, the never 1 Fuurt"th foul arum l'e,uwn bin toms ower••, •rd 4re,.a the• Nysnogs and - 7 T ACJ proceed to establish • new ¢overn. and nn" pund.�:d and fifty of the Si■uelh wewkol para smoufA and V. arse sigh& gTwErT. � - doth u made into ahirY", chert,, pouts, hayfr I [o W law one with lbs other, cony support meat -which wail !re kuu% a ate the coaled r,Ucv from Cork, under Coiond PlImer- Ae., of •past ty not often fuuud in an Eng their own poor, pay no clergyman, but octal Stafas pf ire, Sold whole tore* being cwan,andwl by Colonel rhtr Sold by shoat napecuble ,al t e t Getr . 11fSURA nres oracexrel at.L vre. orL Co 1 � I.rmer'a hu,ue ; m this, speeira of i,,1rr All randy, they aro "i"We in lite, aurtere In N a1 It kforots and Ud Ueyien is the nouutry, PanrtavT mT Craatry Rare&, t Real Goo tr Ake German$ am far ahead of Us. Each manner acid flet fray ambition, the Jes ate tth new'ee„sry and mob, ', ,red Ruderal. M s wn ta the milliary are Mk talc Lha female, id a day spins tbread for a yard of g, j T P' No con'ttfutiou will be rdu;rtcj, rnrJ three hundred of than were tuareD,.q PARM ftE9E5 er9ncuLLT Rtaccdr RaTu laroin and are hence ignorant, kite arms I'lu,, it a thou,bt, ala rdr-tudl e ISf3ii1br11 Labile 011 Compan}''s OII. 1^-; CENTS PER YA cloth, the cloth is well worth 75 cents per bent* unprtrottic, they never examn.a the all attrm T attire OIT to t mics with the ria. of herlmiu; lard, by this process lem:de labor u made world &ruund them, bcoce they yrs aero- And row eat ameuJmenl. ui the iata uts, who, it oars 'taled, **IV JUHN H. S1 R.L TFOi;p, LIFE DGI•ANTq E\ /`, rahwbb. I .ant out with my bat, w tires gressire, they lose mail"y, atad pain] frugal the ruck ni onawfhrcha new Ana type ii�Cdte valoid �tMlrtheJ o18 t,'kure"er so eu •n u * M3"Ang r. - - -- - - (THE OLD48T IN THE COUNTY. him farm; it Contained of500"tea, aeatit,306 rod wdLITIow, aril mostly rich. ltd, b 3. 111414. tr23•m! 60 EXTRA Charge for IKaitary Bei A Iso rill be immedirtnl enretrd forbid as may Le wppu• d. The pl.c* has nuurol vice in Defence of the Country. C of which wan. cleared Lod cultivaud-if Years, Ac.. J + D. GORDQIIY, REAL GOOD Ub'TORY, ploughing mid draggingcan be ca,ledsuch- SACERRRAUT• ding the a culabon of anything except the rdrulloges which could not be exctlled-i I, UK (-�• + Life Policia for the Fenefit of wits ori P R cosuterfeit pnstrl cutiene the a-� ehildraa are secure from teilarw b ack oft Irud ww cold and wet. long- J) y got eq%S11A. The celebrated (imp ,,f (,:1131'N U 1' AIA 12,11; Which wil. bt Carnia *from this side, lfonlue is"iWated close to the wood, •ail _ iCrtldttprs. T� 40jj,tacncs one ' led the Leoefit, of a (rw dnnu, heshook TlIE I•'t' VIAJVs. awl M rrcu_�. x d +a • Ir xl tender, a99&ad9,raa9• B, a h* .lisp a AND UNDERTAKER,i '• w cad audwidemphaticall that9bun, g tLts ravine a few Lrays men could korry+ /i�l rn•eterglOperan; Lilt ►eret.lmvu A rot Ir'T ",. tt0pe, a the envied Nanm•cturcs area hu now,m Isu bug, jotgrow vloud cru in Waterloo THEIR MUVAYENT3 AND Every min welt tui sl,pmated to a (at of a,r►t.athundreds At each cod of tBosee 1 at hm "raw" n •.r e, v � Pr IdTTEN• Gc". and ha &alar will M rhod of urn hut.drod red pity frxnegl WI 1 "rtyqusner allot! ,n tag u•., W. D-. ve„r. -b.iM n ir.v,awe 11}x.70• ..•ur[menlorP'urmnure,wu• N'■ww.wms, 31'40 OtB. I,7®31• waalcT. aaauy rr Platt, and I don't think then is T pad so ■d•ancn. 1 Asad•Y, tt per we; sad w To • Leas n parvitw after 6 ldsra, WEST iSPREET, a thou ail rods of drain in the township." TIONS. �Nralbrr Toad Stserlr, Slimmer nor Oen. F•"rt1•ri_hth mud Sixth Rgiment, wen Od.wmh"poen 630.0o,sen a• naw As Ap -*""Mh o, the Pwummr ■ro rrturneJ, wu4 GODERICH, I Ru4'er, tical be al'o,lod surd to paereut IDC rmaCe 1 b•. urn •murnl• dntrr Jul .v:n. nm+ -heal .n scrag Ar "You Fragile "be tootiaard "bees ttrsu area r tp-Oiur tb�0ountry. P pe of t►*•ieeu r, v / (Fawn Ake BuAaau qum of o A Imari- r.) Crxurqueuuy Ina guvnrnmeut oil; octet genu. llu,u,j tl.c night the lab! pmrgstsl f1O rrcore••t; "it"'jo veer., rho'-. -4-•; •n r Sofu, Bureaus, Td.:et, iiwdarads, Hair, tiaw•buutplo hipg,d:ai_mng,eropping,AC.,. WrmtheBu ii squad of our fvarsise,) � i r[IOs wEATH ERAI,P, 51, the eu.o �•ag vd r. doubled. end the REAL GOOD CANADA TWEED T plans w v ow, 04td deep, you're aA be broken n , rear toil silver wan w found Vi•ms.•Ire* trap mntly, and clumpted in oseI rinderw•e meal ala un lanl0 ! ! t kern I r oat you __- Cantonal and cl eat-est,d Chaim, Gi+t VuulJitg soi's and cuIli, :u, Lut it is all u've s and reportors the other day I,x special ° imm-'. the gwri, hat were d teotererl and drat! u ��(�1( �{ (p�t��e( DinII ij•Alum• p•]•,de one month aver Proof wdLnokivgGlsosea;ir.rariety,rat all wool, 75cis per et d. our ploughs gi duty. And all the ale will spend their lives r.°etol„W,Irrivansd huoriu �1ITLAl�D HOTEL, DL, �bDE�lYA cyan P 1 p t(D■ turn fro I8 lis 211 inches, and PrP back 1" 41 rd■- U. F,c, vann H, Be.rdent'trr IlUme IISUllT3CIUIC slid Ilnpnlled w• earl plu. from S to res, ever day, sae Their amlrectimu were to look ager the 'O Isr&ce aJ dui happily, lLe artenloon, the cru q, rrmawed stwu, ,r yo.rnr.,'. D. G, has always, oat hand a ewm lel" Ata, row fair cru T Feoi&w &qd the Fenian mu►ements KeoOr - _ on tib• watch, Vuiuse reports fracbad E. H0SKEa. PROPRIETOR. THE A Rr)•b• k rat far Crrl"rirh • B. V, ortmeni of u a R pit too.' Rruumng way ally. �' _ Elf,mi, Exra- W N. Wsuo•, lofa.•f, COFFINS, Also, HEARSES R5E3 "*less, u he belonged to a leas tbul neve} Knlarnry during this Lime. The rum"r alwr• a rwostpl•simmW,It &ted •a a rah. TO HIRE. About 100 pieces Canadian and In. orted Chan e. On looking at his P ugh I obser•• And to is the moult of licit intvetiga- 13olfer, ,Nurii,Idol., p j R History Of the $eCBIIt $18jIIg generally credited wall the I'egiwa eosld qui smI Lsrr IlOteetsyb, uvenrsuka, u• Harbor •q! (,r,} La.ober and .ordwogdtakew t u X. fealty and plain ed i1 turned the Curfew to the Ie inat" clone, web Ouch f"ot• at they might be •hlo lII Ireland. ge er al escape ;soother that end L"ke fturoe,- .goon (Jeri aid•, (m.• od -- r •d of to collect, without regard to ex nui or autp lb&y"ftad L a chanre,or F urnilure. r the ri rat bind. " Are" S. Pr &tool* .wars •ngeged, and eoudieting slaty. a.rol walk. ntses*d. guard / 1 peNey,rraq!• r f ' w1 $err eutictt) .uvxAas» nr Txt rA.v a•[w inert, were given of the result. u,d•r.e b . thh lRr..l Ra Y•"Ir.rMd•,taaN#• vta11Ue1v sd ' ' that u •real, genuine Dmc6 pfo and Howehe at witted themselves, let the pub vtr.gerAn,va arra d Shirting Flannels a he went on to show its ednntr¢es o T 9 r, Iaaexsn u, rex aura&tat. Finally it became kuuru that the Fmbns New Marble the lie, who pays its money rod tab*■ its paper, were not in the wend, and that They hal 18891 ,i (•;Til ftY i rIIgW ji Ills* ■tr O ks ARRIVED THiS WEIEK pr E'iglyb plow. Hie trim i,11, menu m doe tie. GJlarnry Currtq,uv,lnnee, Cark Hrn;d, Feb. t.1, •ileotly made their wcrpa Gem it and y hat 23 percent tower than weal. ithe all ehun.y, arkward, anhanJy, read •uW's terata 7y compiled the etnou.ctoanu over the ode their ce Kenmore• ., pa dDepdrtlnpnlal, 1 Jrllafl/1 Wil,, Popoek's Block, A f TE1F. txgtnry behind the times. Now b° ii oar tit must progressive of his people ; be be. °Omitted eraeog such statements And q.ec- I The F"nisne Dare at length, an is new w&s foiled that they had decamped it AND PATENT ACEPIT, �J7 t,� Bii1 37, 'S J� :1►S CHFAP CASH STORE lieves in msnuring, If one don't put or, too u "sum "A might APpear Contradictory of iq• egtrrN led the wu.,d a A L A R G E LOT O F murk ; be Ines to improve Du stock, ta.ou h con aenL generally. known, taken the field on Irish w� seucNed, old two sword. were tuund it OTTAWA. 'nil, waiting tile kin d, it. Tn.r•etr Meme." war■ the t;rown [weed• sad 9 he abhors Agriculture' Showa, and occnvi.g. The rand combined total figured up same- b g )m of Kerr their While the trop As. «►r, uAVr o of uep•rlrreeV; -rck" ons BOXES NEW ; NICE NEW NUDIAS : where a at as follows : M stated ware watching 1L* !'vent. I.., lis.euuou.; MR,.- lo..•..Ir i5 n ally efl"ges hu seed,though he is acepbead The F'en' , movement, from herd ceolro baa° of operations. The exciting rumor desterted • larger odb mf orf+ Fe°iuea hell Kllwirrrte• ,Olson wr ^.o,p•me• by Letter. Pat- IiL1Y�.RrRAjST1T0 or Cloods, from 37 cents, of toe benefit. Aim buildingsJ nn; Urtn...I take charge oI 1.1L�T aS, 1 tut", but very comfortable, is Dan r�up�k to circum(er ce, may be considered ml, play. Circulated on Tuesday and Wedn(vday �a grightwtOuu.Tlf iinnm.n, :read a atom,,; ROXL3 AhtV j �_ nn", of r,arse_" Dutchmu' wd1 have • �' have bora nlmo•t fully verified bra what wrw wwJup:,tchrJ w that diredwa us, the PArur H.Ib drrrmerh.r •*� bank Dern though l6e 7hoq�h the w ell PttnPM"rel will pre has occurred. It is true that no cngagu- y a,u".dcr ,•uryarn�••r.- - ��ty�{] p >, spot b" build, on is core. And a:mosl immediate) f,olluwin., •d,eg vr.M•rt. X- R. -'RAISINS, •■ level M Lake tturou--hit Louse seemed to wail$ n, this and rat r loratrties, and arlivr this lnfonaauan to, news ams received Wiefei Gb�es & Winter Hosipry y T• prrpanuons are mak! for the coram cam Mont took place, an was reported, between R S F E R E N O B �3 : _ BoXg. f tt vitt s!I a (ems o!sarcbiteclnm, end looked g Unt a large body ur uwar frq,s wrn marep- M•. u 7 =m ifeate room h■ti been built ate sra•el Paige. the innurreeliugi.b amt the s.,vura went f Ij on Cahiniveea •ud $;11or In.. ldCw'"' 0an.t.,Com•,, . M wSLING CHOICE RAISINS, g Whish in tuppoaed to be Ontm,r filter and tur" A, but it is the fact that a body g" j e mush. muooeer ofCrow, tluwctre. t ttxaed to "Aker with a I P T and Pitch fork, thentoofe l fester ever da of Ltd M•as•n r car itakently a roocbIn Kill, Lar1Am. Hoa. J. VAa Ltwe, hila- A. 11 elf erhnliton ' - °ver m they chanced to light, hie orchard y y' the Fuuinns had bivounckc.l oil Thursday the troops that Lad taken the turd W Kill, IS it. E,I Hamar• dun. � ROSI'S \!'R eonmisted of apple trees alone, &lid bore At the present time the lead! are reported evening In the wood which ,,kine the 1°am, and, in compos...* ilk the ordera h" roe, R.NuLL, E•q.,l•.pet 1/ONUMENTS, HSAUAr('Nes, Table BUFFALO ROLES ! evideut*r of much ne;;l"ct, eh* lances w"rat to Iw comm tbrongh the old rye. Lnomiee Mountains, and that lbc� held delivrrrd, thty retaroed into Wwq ud Merin -K Lma• 6•r,, MO(A.•eea•,(%o!eatat T1j Wpb Pw� j; , fomk$, o(e"cry descriP VALENCIA RAISIN$, tri! but irrevulu,Li•.wtk wa ggq,o The number of troupe already enrolled wlyreh^d un to Kalov hc. Toro■yrs. {Lata Mwunm*O• tion and style of workmanship, fornisbed on at about two thirds the rice what the were. lair, but a rou•,bnt 1 their pta.ition in it until this atlerntren, R Up to the time QCARTEI: 111 ig fS price ! pecia;ly Lbs sh"e t,kie all end uniformrd in eelimsted at ahr" adred of writing this. I c04rout state anything ygmi, rRintoul Brothers rhos toric* and •t the learnt priers, Lie". P i R when they retreated series the mount 000, • rel n duCt%oo myd" for camh. All order LAYER RAISINS' WgelheI his method of firming was eery oke and meanly -fire m'llior:e• lively respecting the mornm, m, of the •u Or lh"reabouts. in the direction of x1(cnmare, This sdJ- U K M [ Sy [ 11 s' % E A C H AN T 3 punctually attended to, IJeOtna of kions• jectinnable, though h, artful aunomy and y ser (creta ur the troops. berA workin he "alitrdfwr don outbreak, when it was hn ,& E! Sr. 1•'att T a t ora& Sr&atrv, menu, nseb meal be seen at Lbs soup. FF.f C \ i;tV g pro6u. Oq re- Each gtit whom i' to have a farm when Cr ped that in. 'the li+rmer bare been met in lou or thus _ __ r RESH (IROCERIE� g ad. i. gobbled. priaonm•nt and 61putriation had put & kudiea, their Wt It strength being estimated ■ O a T a a A L . Ottderse6, Dee. 19, IIIA". wa1 I yr v 1 + .� entering the Ilotlse, wit R"ro taker, into a 6 SEEDLESS RAISINS I large uninviting room, which served all the awe ve!Y Mau. on joining the orgais.tion lietum to Fenianism in the country, at "I'm thousand min. Ai to Li,�med* on cnnutnmeets of Pro 8PEOlA i..NOTICE —n — ' purposes of den*' rig room, meeptinn-room, In C. p■u•o slid oonsterna'iun ■mogg Tt"y air roily anard-in fact' some of doe* to Liverltvol, OI"a,fow and other bort are received every week, tiWng room and dining-rorsm 1 the f°rnitvre ( (s.a they all swear more or lea.) Ihw& f the people who had openly eon- thein Imre bctn sten to cprry two muskets, i& Oreat Brtutn• TO 1LRRZVY7a was mesh and bushlike, not a picture grated ` l bat be will n•member tha glories of the extra arm. Nein; of ¢ourvo intrndrd for Conti;&menu of Aatiu, Rutter, kt., re S?, D►?flFRINEB MBERIES BARRELS JEW CU$RlI(?8 the tui" weC". the window' were email and Rriw the lSnr$, and strike wherever he sere dtmue r were known W di -prove OF it .q Fonia,u nbu w I& their r&nlsa ID, a common box stove heat- y JJn y apeet(ell solicit __. • without hangings,•hat— And produ d excitement amuua all CIA%- ars deacril,ed as yaunj men whore ales i t t ed the apartment. On lilting down to go i That he will strike for his home on the We. cipally vr-y from twelay on. to trentj,ix Sept..hf6i. awl INAS11l'('ll..crrtain p"nnna are melting THF.AR(tVEAT' N00110inCanadasellsGbeaperl R le B'ntcumeri"nun rtanit 1 tr""t in (lit Cn°nu"" of (iornn and (Sr°ee ji°r� e° Ole"siug .as $Aked stood, each one ppo T- It was liar g oral opinion tlaroughoat Ye ars i %her march, it is xaid with tka err• MONS' Y O LEND under tor• t,ltr pr"lance that they are ob pR11 FS 1iARD TU B)iAT. bis hese s few minus,, in srlerace, -That he will bare Din rights, forcibly if the county of , wherever III@ IOWA c`"oun "n'( oump"etnra of Laiurd Soldiers, ♦* is to C from the 9r Ail P. J ler Nnrt" i.e, this ACHESON sit SM' b"y"re *sting• the viands consisted Of rye- he can, peaceably i( be moat- 01 the n,•in trach that the entire As Tel they have not gtt moral adtierenG, EIGHT 1' E It (7 is V'1' s to Certify that M,•.e P. James 8uwort sold TH• coffee, deeseuar•d wit!• ma 1e--I-hut he believe St. P►triek to Dar" R ' Un'u hit w wnlida611 ►art.• To arms or &.hero O .nlAn am the only persons so. Ooderich, Oct. 23, 1866. wl/ (loud ttoodma always at the apple and other butter, elderberry ien cabbage, country---st )out an m •h of it as cont- g y i lost it cloy Non s better man than ever the Fourth of 'h.. ulJ hold out a title wlu," tun;; broad, potatoes awd "use e, 7 P P Jet- was-- primed the Feotan clam" -Was a m er lbe,r Oar Anndred Dollars and upwards. authorized sell trace from my uureeriea — , , Very Lowest Pricer, r R tot one article p nmks wail br toquderal.ly aujma.ied. to those Counties. was there that Su own farm slid not produce, —That "Grid Save the Qnen" can't hold arms. It is even muppnaed t t "itch was No a• ner dial it become known that 1h,jr bro�erj and Pror>. !on Stare g, a "Idle 16 "Garr owrn,"nor 11Itule, Rri", was the opinion of the gr, -At Ix • of the were in Abu Tnomiec )food, some yutw;( Apply to r nor one article of clothrn fid i observe but J m`lbs ! MU lliF;, D. W. RE tD1,R 5 JOHN 8d$$I8 m°ch u wu home made, and in this stringent an' (o the /•Akan Van VngbC'- insurgents thtvrs Iv, n, EI■peaty r file men (r m StI', uury Jitapfwarrd from pie 1drulo- flaopn 10 I '� system of home roduction, 1 heliere lira the That able Harp that one* through To"'s Mental peace of " the !overm of law ud , CRAJ•1t•/ M6t1I BLAt:K 15 My, 1868, ill 1)r • 'eer.t of the proverbial "was! to do Dutch Hob' laym alar o►er the e'Ha ' of • {hour , town, and, 1°°f°r u"t ur Joined them A Oodrrie►. B•!t. tol,l"fa. 6111 " _ • IIAVING tented and fitted up the sign God*^ch, Corner of Market Sq, and Wean man's' wealth. Ile never bull in a diatribe1, qs'•- r( order," amid for their cor; octal salrty l."to nom' -T of young men left Caldreirern H area atria it was not no. 11' the outbreak bad bbn also to ).,iu Ih:ml acrd I rnder'ta' l Skgt __- -_ -----_ - - HE and"nigil•il, Araints for the above lat"1, occu ied by A. F. liwb, for the street. Nor. let. 198d. w2! `root his alth. and maker buoi n clothing. , C:rOD3'2ii3IL7$ p HAnd that we will deliver Ireland or data or icer adoerenY want uran it. The risure of Yi rti re, are Pawgg•red fn 611 all chic above hwrnea, / •m now prepared to furnish -____ -. __. _- _ err S. •mare me, that ie the course of r perish in the •UempL general throneral I Ute as)&ntry-if it had t K*1 a toa•tjna,d statiug enuld scarce be BROOK FACTORY 'n lh"te personally, and he ns mak" toric t"I•c f•.niliea with ` year 1111. not rhapt'pend ten dollar rn T1ie men a" all acmes witA r" scan Deere even Aenenl throw hon{ ,Nungttr- cions nopaintheir hatrnns may rely Upon tj & J SEEGMILLER g g called an ,utrck, a the uuur;you only r n1.r• irthe no Croeeries and Provisions tib" w., o;ohopl"ng. $ bible, him n_MmTq Sh"remail and breech -art i ng improved t the hTt to I is else than venula have us took plen,,eito ,. Lha arms there wit�out / poor will M eprrad to gar* seta- g g ' f found it to conyi't of • bible,gb ren-brsols The later bean of ate in. ro►ed win . y P laetioo, which l An•tl A-11 •t the Loy: ■t lash price*, y g p prftero, been left W lhernaclvcn, read- the onnr,r- d ivlbn,sr to w utiles men rah t plc STF.WART k QORDON. r f and an almanac, all seemingly bald in equal and warrankd never to mita Bre, quenoes are not over pleasant to content- rrbaoR:reJ i"citta• ce. June lat. I_'!. Fiour and Feed 1��1 , ~ � , I Z � " respect; his almanac M cmlaalted daily, the The uniform to be worn cowi.ls principal- lute. Owing W the Ai( the lice •round the d .bi,,t of Kit. Hgw or tM sudlae guide him in sIT his labor, (T of Coate and lrows"rs. P 6 ltturegtent 11•in¢ P" Isaac Dobson &Sons• — - - Ir --- ' - kept cnwsantl on hnaJ. nothing Can M ond•rtak"n, aro under a The eO•p &n of •green color. Ix°lataid the authorities were egrbled W fares► are cunaelnrrdJ iu the tu.n. Soars �~ U 1� �. �' ti * A share of your pct rnnmq" oil! be th&°k ��J 1, I. J �� ' 1 favor"ble sign, never did kam►n consult the whit" the trowen by way cf eo-'traat am rouorntrale trtn5n iq the eOont aq,I u( the local jentry still remoin at the hubs, 666 LL (uSly received and 1ai16tullyattend"d I.. 114 I A°g°rasa, or oromen hn f• mow Meeh the same, the reownce of the military re"tnr ry ,'tit .,v there an u"lilary Wlieucd there now HALING $RTA RLTSHRD A FACTORY Oelphie P J ed C°to- nn nccetsia, exwu Our the pr<rume u( the (or the m&wnf.wnn of Aronpu in God- Q ACRRf! of (int No.32 Rut Lak" Wiseta and Liquors, Creeltbr Orad". icall more faith than do thew tymple abs stripe' and trimmingsbean p( 8dence to the alarmed. But for the erieh, the eehsefiben are reared to rtund SU Road, Ha 9 f I Ib" ar.li•cal aigtu ; all sown I men. t police. Dlu►emau of unope will cooties", prepared and Ciaft/WAff Fant te0ddg LEATHER FIKDiN6S r» 'n y g rdening, / tre:chrry of sem° of the inawrgrnls, or A large proportion or lbrm spnnl the evemyt,l RIRST - iiATE LAND rid y Raeh Fenian, when fully equipped, will person who became acquainted with their in rt:oww Ike mounWoom in pumilo(the,u- to s11 orders in their orae of bustnbm from f ' ! wo dpr alse1ns, a1/ bible thou, h these carr in addition to the other traps, a saddle sc'e'nt, eonsiderxbl" r rent would hero gnu. any part of Caned, iib prompin"tr r� rm• o.a s d tr �'C•1 DHtreAlf Cerasleal, ,are.,ta. � ;b GtN• and AridrR•, p crlj surgeons. d I y pi ❑� recd is Brml believed, And the melodies of i1TU. ALD 9TITIIRRLANn, Qseltltheat Fiasr, ITVDERICH. C. Was bis b ma book while many s tedious loop To arpply lbs C•n•Aianr, who an under y y S"We O' the mJittr patohed AT WHOLESALE ONLY. r ) been naadr b them in the amt the had T wi.l tb di• n the premipe, Or &C., 81C .way. The evenin pyuad ill talkie of Oct Dcfore tbonl era A military force could from b"re W-mormw I r thio right to Tnlee, r heal facilities for anwnutyrtu " .all, the Petmmty t!, tutee, [wasg sand to ari short of throe articles. have been o T The muneJs in rite Tr•;e and I(tll•rme Y. C.CAIIERGq, �,s■ �- N► fuming, horses. rank, +c, arnv" The reriwab Peairn rag anent, m this cit ppruud W them. y feel eta8.lenr, •wmht• then to eOmpaa wt O O A L O Z 141 - - - - _ - , reed with f h wu iuuude11 that the F*nians el the branch of 1n. N:atiun.l Ru,k bare been iur- tO wtabliabment of the kind in the bona, GoA*rico. p grown nui urged. droughts o(t(d.er;•rd smoking home me"t for QnH ftwrteen night, In a week, wt d y 9odarish. AorilAOtb.I881. ole -•r AND SALT TERRITORY g'O� owed• Un rtlitiod an invita- district between Killarney mud Ken:gor. Fd t° UuNbn. Rnm.nrr•cked here tDh try' --_ -- uppermost, and I we o Opinion found good ain't to int the head quarters fit taw signu should rise i& arms nn "1'u wiry aught. The .vaning thnl there wer, narneroev arrests F&"!nr in C•m*•nn'r A(wk, Rin - BARKY & ORO C A OIL LAMP 5i, P mad* b Crabbrirerv. but j brve .ince tse"•- y (` FOR 8 A L E O R - LEA 8 E . 'emposn. its [foremen lire go•erin[, but a" sins•. order, it is sold, Came (rum General O'Cot- tamed that only two mora were arrested,and acts Street, next door u, [[•roe HeI*I, / gg s U. F$ROUt3ON. - Irofrecuoa I found there wen two h"ds, ooa He was in Company wkh clan•"I O'Neill, nor, and its oats delivery wq intruytad fn chit they we" discharged nhu Lacing lx,q Add", P. a." Goods will M delivated to any WITHIN 180 ]aM• rel IV ,ee•not liod*neb •(1Ov, the nihil, land i crawled in between Prerid._n1 HoLwrts, and kir. O'Day, w►ex (!"Ptatn Moftarty- both men whey" nunes IAAAC DOR:ON - Ai, a Part of the town. ,,all W„rk•. AI•o, them, end tome enseoneed, bid defisnre to elirini&n name, as w" herr had rmeainq to &a •e bnq o(!au a"erciated with the Fenian kept in cler"I for a shad Lim", The gremt- Oort►rirb, Q !q', aoderie►. Polls. 2w1, 1888. sw15 P A IL M I N Q L A N D 9 I -'it -oil eoanfort alike. IhOegb ware each out" Mwtoto", u e barn, and not 1•w movements ben in ;eland. Captain Manan Ott pr"e•rtion, h.re be" taken by ,he nil- j)maeerlsr I i, 1118, w{8{( AeAe are w romfnrt10" so d••pinA Our roporar, though not of the Irish pb", left Cahircirern on Tuesday on his m$iaivn w"1 satbnntiea both byre area In Trehg to CABINET MAKERS -- -- _- — --_ e,,..ra ally tui tbt (JOHN Ap I, fRj seek. N - it dr . hA, h"re elate temaunkarlsu e.rrkd rah Ietwlen -�FIRE u �j TAILORING JOHN BF,LL gVRpf1R, t (r"in` dunA• aecomprwr flat himself, hes a friend who k&' a bomin taking his seat in the public tar whtch hee VIRE, JL11 1{ • r , 1 - mMmuer, o.n"r h rd Iter! 8dmlakaleferd to eburo►, who bars, from the country IMwn, between that town And Killarne jj lure both tnwnt. There p,"r.uI,_s, be" poen lJr.dlrml. 1R Arc., rsdg, ween oolf a a .I.f•tor in ibe V-,- niu Desi rho Tbnefore be wit regarded as snend, and by rear6*d the Mll"/ town a cusirngOieatuxt tak"n to 0 0, too' of a fair "nort Mr'rg ma""r of etronel.g P"I hors,L tmlmilted to the e°nf rat s"o' r( the leaden, kern plar"d Cts them rail* yraterdsy rgrrll' -- SOD -1 U Ll Iit� ! a fi !'ARM ROR_RA�"t. onom.het ti• a ti i m, I. oar tewivyd by kir. Tuoma. G•!!we►, J. P., weer Tr&(Pq whir► raustM 1 Txea &nee ofmatin been Ra'lOElrlHIS1114MIJINCNNL'THANK! 1• t PI"'■ing ew m 10 b. crimetote Dim erenthiag in rel.bm, to &gent ofI~dCiatlerwe, infurmis,( Aim of �r's 1„rMaart .,A a hie etj !tat&d. `s rev the verl8atlerr■t"""oanp"m."1 h• hag Tow�rsgip oP gvao�" 1ab•fit r a m.widng w mn•an"d in tM weal[ their fears" p1a"$. the projected risin j ■^m+ of the mraigwr.y til rM trwCp rA sM' g,,ACd cmutiona him to i.r it M he lbws e.gerssr an hmlplop,• t% AND IINDEBTAHERB ere,..f bcoA 4. ,"..I orf Owalar .•card.- -_ _ u r at wht*h each member W the right And gave him a prngramme. be on his Alward. Mr. Gard-ty was At fire Tho tom!, i, "ei,y Iwpiloo as I bwwOnl M unoaI" i b• • M el•tr that o h■1 / orb, di be,.g•nt- . ".«•ors near ..-hat o w The •perenb.r odrre, rM W. • ser ►epee* • asdidsu. VMw ria err pie Ol &ogre he u not at IiMrtto disclotr 111 W Ina► low eom,qunirrlioh q b •P•■ed " tow dM,tAA,Y A end fa Me tM ap}earapssu rat w}awed a how ■lice in barldiug ob*spmd �.f t►refaMr.s•.w,!sl to hire lan"*•eee a ►eared bran is W lown•brp .( N .roe, I- rho Dial a tans• celeste rc Dx a iw a row, •040 co Ml he to n In t lih the casae. Doa[, °r to ail •"nu t° ."ouider that Die this t,164 .y t tM rt"Na, the rawaM„d tr M Hampton $� Goder�cll •raw .ewred r.ctnw aver t eewr, ,A ttr.•. w.,.g tot I m tM w leo, ate w marbles toewe • (mrd of elw And (e rhwretere nal a►le to give a law OLD POST OFFICE 5 n les as •e• A sew goad eteek acru•s Theedle'y bra, ab. y g anraymow f. wad I,ed merely written of wn faarryro O11 so Ez�easire�� ' t,g W "'"`'m them • faeward.ad draw aidan tent f �, . temp of er"ved edlirve sod atm .erns,.•) 60 •lno sterid tae Ir, r brass w,A ,W,b !oP mob • Iw'• aeM.' 111• rogmr. A parag* int latter, bow. T KUP eonaI440r) an hand for ale elf arti- Oar& IO•featorrh•rd,ba•nag. Tb— tie sow ad "* "pawed puhtld The teat Asch mO" 1"* bE• . s•.r, arrested ►r attention, it ww to the wArih Augte nrNe ea am wnaM etslpsmlt Mat �a = 8 T T R $ R T , K else an their Ifxr. Inch a swat.," ■, 1". tar err -tau lr•dram*w wAk,a Ham • �tla-lrtwel, t egfw, f earl siva,. lDs said M dol] e(,c{ej. TrAl11 Aoed dram of Clanads will takenta es% ear~ some effect that it IM Crhiteiteee ear oar" wet. we are w "Was, the "mallet n1 witl.rt 'q,. cel, A •ao•vaab.a, Ie• h w • o d ea. 4 M*en aitee mlaint• n bn•ren soLCU And mrrnin *"e wtllDr W stet ►isfrlegds Aada•D.A r"hev."ar•.ep"r»trrM fefhrre s Ike o .keds gent("moe of American s !"nee „�„ ►•PPT Eedltlesds, Qhairn, riablea. 1 • eerart 1« u o s ryrlrbsnry rM av Me "r man, bene (heir minut*n an ell Ix D g woo Sig found n. h- t t the •I rttlewrwn Th• rr.+...,•,h Oe !Jlreer, wMvM & Ad `_ brew•Ar»yn."..t� .d._ ".hosiw Ketosis". ■ l a ppm"aed, to their bel A m.••r"ly injunA b)) tib• Orwod 'r'fweYme.. dJi.a, fD.• Iwm,.ereeyuw"r•". rnA..rertdru).w b start *ober • r•rwertevaw, a *Ana. T'Me Blurek n" Rirdrjemt,nit ate (Ile eight ha �rnsbtrated wet( fain No•iart • 'ya aAlcer, u1d esdewt near 1-1-11 ipr, ala tilenday tar js tvisltee to radars him pew"' All via tl sM-al■Mruwunan e d reels IUCUAAW MASTEN. y p' Cao • M oR.rsd at liner mrxth AN bled* .t wnrwl-u"i•A draw. $alba N�Hr �•r./ tae Priwe(p•t 9oe4.aLri .~a Te"laa p, a NaragJ 1 two sews, �w, raP"tepe{ese frN1Nm��-,� having And will be ooa•ey.d ,,Tilt to r(v"r by tN • pO' "f arrested and searched thigh, ,s. P od ata.! b.wakle• .eek ei< 4. (f Jig. tJ. AP [ l sell do" ra Moet *w far *aft ltml K t a n .n dui". di*rl. His rormawa oars Mir 8! the P■ess r•, f se, w81 Alms e. • A* onclowty atbedsd W. Always on hared, a storm, H ate ge. i"orl•nq he rurlewrr.t•t*r to a _ The fartle" dot- at"swara Mieligsn, Cagmodon Iw.r,y sad fm,tartnal docum•eu --old he felted i• it ) teverwlnj,�•Mlr twat --- —.�- McMB er{rassely eatt&d, rfu ]►aas",dgq, r.lnd. Mr. Orllw lest no time (n Mater I� MO Nml� 01 60 �wrd a. DUNLOP. A>Iti08T1[EP(T 0? t:uiFlX{r, hl (rl'PsrR(i (:Sf $$ x�I1i MY�E� IC Lisa at rreeea.N* rtN oeets .... bw"ek & abom sh ws fret i..`, Irhlal be. Doe elaeesfed /br the Per. """"Jog walla kr. Cruse lie rs1Wa t Truett 6" by llaHsllasa •.. - r «.,» West it r poderrch. sad a HBA R32 to hiss on r000"blo t&r"L a etr.a w "ace• Aw h• 'vet StAWbilllsL ` 1 y to *Ost•btdr .red w•utsg tom flu pip{' !w Yvse• P sed 1[04 Colombo, w• leevw try letevla rlr4*va, orfrt)s!. �, lad/ wd/ W np,Iim?O IOOTMeuserI. C. C �Q s�� Mm of • fit". • few W e rase le, aha Titer wmA. will dew be ON hand wk► Ni t WOO&IWW gbkl�,s w vi.w's m•ilee�st�►I•C�gdlD&ie _ suiieiel. say /sit IS" ld.fi.g1 rtgdletl' Part JI/ 1110/ maA1}"Nl --dwo a f ek, them was iate"14 4 the N0400n, " move, to reafirs that resiuma an *air t �tq 54-11 be loan lM $ra�tiM e4q� 1 l0. ooked fn M 9lwjy� ~ be ,, 1 + n r - rat ' ' . ,.-.- - `•`' r t h rfyolita. . ,... r