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Huron Signal, 1867-2-7, Page 4
-..---.- . I. -_- - . ...T.- - -ts" T rE 16 - . L r - ..-.... t t .,raww.Mwr*Mw .ra.wirr',r• -. _ _ _- ,glg. r.,. -- - – -- e — -- Bee HM"'S BALI OF LAXD8 JUST A "SITED ISAAC FREAE$IC _ Tealper[ace AneodOts, Important Notice. G}ODERIV . [ ^AAH UYAC'ITU:R AND DEAL[, 1N ♦n English paper d<wrihna •se amu in umld Car°Ue■ul ppY virtu. opt w. W ill&of M Bt. r.. Ploug6sued C.,ttag. of ;@: d•- [ FPI' a 1 A .mail temikiance aocn t] had Deeqq AL1. P.irties indeb•td to the Estate se( Hunan u1d Wrae, D Fa•n P.•tas .deusd out THE .ortp,oa '1'i., Cupprr tea Shwt Iron W■m,st - M1lelorws, wbich occurred on )lie 24th i swrtrJ in a cummuuity yr] wucD w+drr thi A Mm ■ry JuDn Fair s Co., must pay rp 1t) Wt,: : lit Her Mulertv'• ('..-Ay iter ilarketstove Debt, Market Squirm, Uud.- tp '' , y 016, u the '1'6nrire Royal, PutIfuluutle :- I cuutrul of a rivL d,suller, commuul, telco thrix account) AT UNCE. all unpaid claims _ Court tel the Umst ddd C°rnul the is -do Slid tl.utle T ARGEST and Best Selected Stock of rwk M After the dmma of • Faust.' a •lace was sold w w dlreold aguaet them veuJa of sari<. •/ x T Q I L . y e e } "hill .dyers." TLiX rax, h&d se►eml sans rtl be put tU suit five Deal Division Cowl.vw J uvroatsvel IrdliuwJub.sn,.l the.alt ofWito.... (y % iA ccproduced entitled .The Nbq'a I;rven c,' rAo hod beeum•,lruukuds emu the facil.tice D. SHADS GOUDING, ] it6utwultadin c6amdrurbeu, rslvvoaiwl'_ N.BW. •:nitRoberliluaknnlne,►b.v<■vls- l eR y iiLll© Clothing! W1i0LS5ALIL AND 1iF:'!'AIL.[ K rffurded by tLtu'tcducel &t home. The Solicitor for Assignee•al ■rid iv 'tri lie eua uton sit Ibe right, title suit I a planer. it) the course of the play the whole to t,ly was arrayed u:aiust the move- "*tie%. Jan. 16th Ill s4ltlwt il.earca of if,e ...d deleodgmt is and to the But alavo r turned over to the lenfeq who is _ ___ _ _ __ __ _- _ ,rCwloil Lam ,.,dew off. old Ir.a,e'up- wA'I'CIIJIAKER k tTF:R'BLERt P I mens, and ttirealenad to bleak up any meet T T RftITORY. A( 1 p Shot uUut nun,)re 'Cw.vty-two 1a the )bird con. r, Bra". H■P w IPwkugs aYJ Steri' fw pmt}] hAa•ml m til• u.r of tilt lash. A it) called to wm Jr the ub'6c1. 1. rn.;,14 8AL iaiD LE WORKS cooku.n oflhe 'rowLrlup .1 Wawallo.h, i° the (-Ter offered for Salt) in town, which will likes a each+par. - W1eST ST„ 130DErtICH, numb 1 eramtu Lr!uuuu to )Ira .1,' s g p , • y, of and tenrwen,. l - W J t!as, kir. )lust went to u neizhbonng Jul.ict •Ldp u"rr lux vela at mr .di- v lu tie<(burt Iluu.• tu)IJ •t prices ttrat will J tT's chip HrcWr wNrc wYINJ in tLc I'.L and ! rill v„im,lrrr. tux that particrlar ucooaiun• A('RF:3 OF S.\L'f TElturrUltl' W . C . T Fi E L E A V E N• ivtbe'row.,,((i,Jr1,:h,.1eT.,s.l.r,m<tw.u.h -Lr LI, hi)HjIG1111U1t, how NEAR. THE POST OFFICE it r'Bu observed ties they did cul riq+rar 1t) Ito that) gave vol curd for • meet u{, sod 2,0 to lege*, situated m, mid adjacent to ddv of t'ebru■ry neat, at the hour of 'rwclva of Defy (,`ofYlpetltlon. »lith them slate of things, vi att-Im.g the rt the tivue fuur,d Lu friends Ad euee,ir• the ltirrr auill■ud, aria! just shat of tLrl tht cluek sou°. IO ng you t .j,Ct 1110BS her A Goose AxsoryelrT (1111” n teOrlm/nU O) ties two with an;iota IU.ke r.b„Ul equal In hu Wbe n. Ihlf Iat'1 p:rrcut G.der"" ltallw'r] SUt:.n, at,d Goutiug un ( p[ tr I Rcmlintler theold 9taud- - 1' ted their U riiurle tt dw. h it"Ji u. M l- ] g IVIOr1I ment$p Haad lone$i onlbsi JURai MAcnosi lAi , I _T your p1oN'iug tltry \out weather1 (}old and Plated Je73©']ry on Handy F f i V ed. u:] vutirsak, Lut cuuW not plrvcut G. T. Itailwn rex l•UIlY1•IIIr11l f.r a 71'1111 yh.n •1f b H• v `j l.,l I I I Why, 1 length 1De dare is v pusa•J ty be laid, fb• „04.10, int. main .int. 3LrrA'eU1nc,,U.IFo,, h, 1. i 1`7 y, ItAVe .thro\y'n aide WATt;HES COCKS AND SPECTACLES sensible• slid the hrutal planter u about to I Mr.11ont wountid the platform. &,,it by a .% ty to, Tablet3, TablO Tu 9, t1xC. sank (a'tob•r• i 'A to rhino n F11, num, spurt) him rich Lia fust, siert) oncl of lbs P - - v p' fl plU\\' that COSt'aZ:li011ars, [9 OasAT VALI[TT. Itw ehaop rnecd.,tes oil wmv-s,lyiage suoo T. W1:ATIt1'aAl.n. Ohio Free atone )rpt nu hand for Build• - ' _E+atadr unrket:yuan. i warren could stood it Ito :.n_er, but IeAled'g,leavrd ull u.i a except Mho duerdy "$ill Goderilh.— , upon Stage. puuw Limse'.f m a tiJhlis p Ing lir ,sea such ns l`n Sills Be.Ba• SHERIFF '$ SALE OF LANDS. it was like 'plowing with a (, RRPAtRINO IN ALL $RANCHES M'x t l3lter,; 1 the Did Dutc!oran, trying out, ?Toy. 29, I86G. w450 6 p 1" ' Allen La %%,, ,'s f, .t -.Ins ginger •zit Searle S Davie' attitude, and i.0 xpptalance ao strlticd the s.'t,Qemhter Hoot, money wakt•s a-tearo go.'' - et;n, kO., Cheap for t`uab• UnrrJ Countee+rel l)\' v,rn1, , a ant of C.uibl•.uon I atllj went lU done on Short notice in good style and war• planter, that he rade hem exit from the sl►;Pe I fb coaly abut akmh .<rwad naso L. de- !' r - GODERICH C _W__ u.ron■nd 13 Io, N, 1) F1en F■cus Iwurd out rented according to agreeu,v°t. as 1 1i s t w made em exit om til I wt• I r 1, y A IU L 7 1, W E I( w ant : .t Hrr Msir.ty'. Coon .( SEWING M A C H I N E S. ,rill bought n steel plGw for 1 1 K 1110 ish Mill, ILC „,J te l.w' m-elllyd IIIc .uC •Qua 1a Hrnr h. slid IU tae dlraa•lr,l a,ausl tilt disturLad posaeMiwse. 'Tpe a.•iior looked up• vbl.-A. „ Slik,Lk,r !lout, m.ucy laa'irs ties A'r l u E TAILORING ' land+'rid trril of 1v'.diun ICrunedy at file An ■rurtnun, eoo.untly ou hod, SIXtI'ell 11UII;lrS i 11UW 1 have UI - !Yelling Rln s a1wa1'S Oa Iland. emu the macer as • tealil kr he loud, tA• ; .lid lit .1 nJn•w IIuaX. 1 Lsve e*.Ard cul ukrn m GuJ.ncL, rine, 271 A, It6fi. 1 _ . w37 1 r o1 a and will clriwrd : ' K1ck t wan whcu he is d wn ; 1 war , Kiat kl r. Iim,t stn rJ soil rddre&e*J - rrtta•uuou oil lies right our suit intra., of iter trouble Ill ph- ilig ' Illy horses sold at lett uncia m d sty hands W nut ii I It n " cud t.kiu un lhc,nat u.' rte /g• EAP CASH STORE D• D A AS Ms "•,l iia. ndsni m •nit w l w+ numtwn, w mq• sold et the lxpinuuu of three wuv,hs to de j e iter intp ee W,bAL;e Gel wan. '"Look herr, CH c Iwo snJ,wrmy.thrrr oohs moth l'osrrwl lie `d w9 0n and Sleigh Makin heal right 1111111 F! It CIClt IIB so) "ice; xray ceps uses. i,hrd slave in ilia w: ms u cvretuUy rs i! be! 1::11 .turn, you soy tient mote] wrklt l6n M RICRNS HIP Mu.TSINt ERETHANK` thrTownshlyofArrvo 1° tae County ,.I" Hou.$ U ' 1 8} AlJrrlicles warranted u represented. wroea baby, he quietly d•'p,S,wd h -m in the ,,is jt), doyou l" , BOXI:i NEW til for I h v ver)• datter;n r,,aeon rscmu-na he ten wluch lwreds cul Tenrnunu),boll uaeriorso el they are real tl113tle Ctl:1'er'a wisegs: qL,a a: r.tnge u,t:Ar,a rx<itrl e:o ,•acs. let ish Wl what 1 sa • Mr. 11uriL' ,et•en'rJ.,n,•• Lnronwirne d buau,ru 1t) L, o,lr- ej•Tho best quality of ('luck Oil at 25 :e 1 y LAYER RAISINS r;ch, i u' 11g ■ble to tae, ute over uu<-Lala my lid;ee lu t 4% til Nin" voth &Yoe February a Goderich, lift!! eommuUuu u. a well ti.l, d Lauw. ]ver 1, ••. \4'.11 )till !liar emu .an sod work a , rich un'I'ue.J+r ,hr Nuieloenth soy tel February - l" , - --- h 7 tbrvedrr.6riughe to bun Is.tr.•n.oa:luvm, '' A LAecx nnouiet[f 'and; Goderic6, Nor. 1•I, IF68, ■16 curtain w'as I.,wer-d u: it it .us scut unto demtp.e-y. it * U V inquired kir. Ilunt. BU\E'3 NE\' dow.eeur-I Inas htie.for ■rtE. hour cl "f tee, vJO N el..:k lie.+n. Jack brit bran.!, less d ie W e :kwrtiou of y„ ] q 1 I I JOHN McIt1NALD. S x17 Q V D ( , ..Dats..,l our busiutaa, Membter k yyrr p p Q r r .honel,It.&B. For Sale cheap for Cash the slave that tie bryl not been Ill•t.esied, Runt. But date I'ab not SAL.wPd tel it. I X- R..RAISINS' Carrj neon Business Extensively °hrn0'. U11ire,(iodenob, veal OVER 30 KINDS, /LSO , tbat he retired from the stage and ulluseJ had gut r still, and work it, too." BUSES NEW hth Nu caber. Ih•id. _ _ - the play to proc.rd. I .• Ayd'iuu say, " M );ley makes the ;mx:o and era,l,,,ria none Aut frr.t-11a•.Lrsderkeel A tANGE STOCK OF TINWARE _- I gn ; d. you w"an that l have event here to CHOICE R1sIISINSr AOdo' ' ' nrtoric.hl.vt,Iv ^rnlr a. C'uu•r 1a gH Iv ,g BALD OF LANLS. THR ptemieas Dove occupied by the ander. Rosa rnoTAefvlr.-.\ l.•Aotifal, wall ,the moor' of them n 1' 1' ,"!.'at -most), itis 1•ruv.nce.haysagcarrwdo° U. hand. Sig* of IA ng Tea Kettle, sill ret the Village of Maitland/ I1 rducnteJ, and lrliik.- yowls lady, Well ga y lit I'` RQNFSNI:IV berme.s<xtensvrb■ndwcerrlullvu,ll.mllion, d •L 1be r lir or in rvlrnd I "Y`y 6luLtrr limo, J.1t is jus: what I pnncyu+llynrat•rI...,•ustunlrr.:rn 1 Lavma !warn Coumr of Huron,) 11Y v(rtue u! ■ vera ,d Doe quarttr of a mi'e from tha Sall Well. aur terol& hu pop t 1 ,ime,o,• T Ieuttrr,n.°roethtPrkueip■ C.IdJobov,.... To . }1)FoftFacluluuaalout TfIF. Cndeni_ued could reai.•et[ully in- BASE LINE CLINTON- On. Sere and.quartrr of land on the side eluped with the soli of a poor fartner, taking .. %'cr we'l ; you : work a Ji>tillery to VALENCIA RAISINSf E,liuba kfh, A.•uti.ad, be frarle•el)•tam* to • 10( Ilrr .f af.ny'. c'ouuiy a form the frnurn ct llurou suit Bruce t hill, bewtitu!I] situated, cumtwndidga view puusag• on the ship Avscnelra C„ngrrsa I mak! m roc] mud l lecture tea t awl t,u1ce to QUARTER BOXES desc.rnsna pul,ilr that Conn oftLe I'n,ud ('. Mn vt It..... and 8,,.ce slid the public generally that he has cum MEASLE A DAPI(!. of the River .Maitland said the harbor, used which arrivrd last .eek from New lurk. I,Cuke in' y; and u you say, ' M.,uey w l"to p n T[ Tvp CLOTHI CAN BE MAPF *nit to rot .hove tel arsin.t the Isnd. ■rid tent• minced the abote busiuehv Clinton. 5ert. 30. 1806. w29 a comfortable cottage. (bete aro two wells lit) brother fuaowrd in ILe.J.:df, and In>m s, d y LAYER ER S1A1011\ k7, bisvuhL.bw a equa,rahe. -,,I E.1.hl,ih. ,nems of Fr.m•u Me-'r„'Iri at .Le suit of R. t kis old staBd St. David street, I of Ipood water. Also a wlrcCus of choice I U.” mare g•'.' Hid Mvet brio out our • Park arJ Coale, I Ldvr or, uJ ■rid 1. m II.!if w tel. •tr •Drs to ties New 1't)' k Drina „•w•;eT,.r!-b-' \lontmal. Kn.ouu0 all lb, nght,tltl snit unen•sl tel the r LEND. butt trees. superintend i41to 4rvw IDs lady Jetrloed mum, anJ i'il brinj out w:uq and we'll KEGS Ni" N Colertete: 1,•130 'ab3 owl'.Ivw40 sail bevmg now on hand an excellentawort- MUNLY i•U LLN supero the cL. arrive a Ilia he 'old. The Show them tiozether." , _ _ __ and JefenJsnt 1t) slid to lot rulpler nine, in Iha p par Fur particulars apply on tilt praised to P By thjs t!n.e t6o 11'"tt ,.. ft,bll was in . gEEDLIaSS R .ISINS, p c fourth conesiron of the Tuwa+L,l or AshfirlJ, merit of the beets ut liirl De n re rd to \1'kl. SUNF:L(S, det.ctire. baud the ill %lits the Ship lifter tel d+;ijht ; and recti '1 _• r d n Store es•terod.vollon, u, rhe r eunty lie Huron. c , - I execute el orders m Aye line in *way which THE HURON 8 ERIE or at the Sigrid ofiee. 1 : )e., '.';.wire ; Gr e Y and e ,.,v,o r huudred.l rr•. rivers or L.., we,°A I SAVINGS AND LOAN SOCIETY. aceLumd in Il:r Lu], and lig was tSkcn to could out n.resa tiwir war,itu"a at the p a o,r eannni toil Hind lit evilwri Goderic6• July 14, Ibt 6. w ( It w Lyre also ,toted lD.t take ( L1nd• se=a trneaaenu I h■II udrr for •vele et u.y ll Bake, bad gnat ex* shop a in this Ov'ieleul embariledil lit of 06 r oracle. lit rm D 1X= ii= I'a udn•e-ra tfi• •e'„a+l Houae, n, til• Town , 1 'Iter allure ttaw ,•1Y a prrpareJ tomeb t6 wIJ marry nuuu nut glu mon who wt). rtes the mrao:.pa w mu+t emi.e thmt k(r. Iluut 1j( D yIg1Q Godrnrh, ou'ru eohkV, the seventh day of.t+y hu'ler bid god all lurk in his.A.p being dune WANTS sbo 'it ion 1.l teen tll tint that e:ho o h the ! pl ?fit BARRELS NEW CURRAIITB.I AVING tented and tined' up. the store next, at the hour oftwrlvc.1ih d..•k,noork. under his pdrxoral surwnuteudeoee, he can ,A:DVAW4030 W 0 n +yA 0 P d r j tusw a .a,!e nu•nher lir the aruakar rr• H ga„rJ to a gru4rma,. our in Client, with rt) seep suit nwm • lir:n axes of U'aro 6uu lately occupied Ly A. 1'. Itu.b, for the JUfIN 31A('l10\ALD. warrant every article m.dr by hint to fou of ON IMPRUYEU ,income of geoCkiv . gar, ahs chose the t, ^ i '1'lIE .1110VG AT l above butuseos, I am now 1rel.red to furnish . Sheriff H. the best quality, while his terms will be (Quad FSr X"WC30p(92•Ap. TOR ►ot.Lexitc y11 A'AaLx PltOra RTT T sa;f. I lamilies Witte 3her•g`. OtO•'.•, t:,•derir k, l vel rely r.•as, asafi!e. ON MUN'1e AUYANTAG FUUS TEHkIa. a mail of Ivil lir ra:,k, whom *lie learned to .a Bill klyers, who it that holding himsolr P0:ES llARD TO BEAT, Ja°"r')''a7' i - Farmers Ive him $Call I The r„•, of ees,11-r a L.e■ -'ll be f ... it In the Town and ToWnsbip of Cuderick! love when her pael %set pure and her un L that tree T” int ulred Use Vout, Point- - CroCerles and Provisions --- - - $ , touch lower th■o ,n other Soc,eues a a sirn,ur is offered fur sale, on the most reesouaNse lore )Gat lit inunca•nce ; .rid him aha would' ] I , Ing to • 7oung mor a. Jruuk that hu could t:HESON aie SMITH. whish 1 shall Yell at the Lfea at C'aah pones, SHE SALE OF LANDS. and see for yuurvt.ves, n.wrc. Thr at,enu.a .(the NunoWer a nll.d hive. She Lad s dd her burse and, bot rowed not sbwd Yiuue. GatderieD, t• 23, 1866, wl3 _ N: It.-IIur;1, a!r • B1. and jobbing of all I t. the east, iLM he wul rreelr<the lull awrool a term, Tiz : 201. of htr Lad heli to pry the d, hot of 'the ul•1 man scant 1 as if slum to wt) -- - - - tel ---- - - - Fi011! and reed dkindsstrietly anted, 1 to the 1-,,. without any J.ducouu trclog male for 1. Lot 902, North street, adjoining the )set juclroey. 97,cle aeetual Wbn but una T (3Vuatr .f Huron•ftl,elg: n.lawn vents .I 'LEWIS ELLIOTTr .a..... or payl,.eni•,u Wyncs. wrdeyo Slrthudist Cbureh, in ti.Jerieh. ad.ler. but wai oh,14. 1 t, n•,,It ; " I W lab T(I!; Oi.DI:S'1' EaT. BL1S}[1IE IT krill conataritl].0 hand. Tu wit: e.n. F: xp.no. andway, and a elarg,wan vers aecoldinglr mm• t . wnrw.,rF',N .'Faros GodeticD. Uec., 27th. 1865. x491 Adv itIf .v av' ev rod of from -m or Yt•e n 2. Long 12 and 11 s. the c13 til of West ro sou ; L,.t w at of Lr .II,uR•r l n('P• s&ttndmg ver ■ penoJ of from &< t. ,ossa mooed, and the marnsge e.•.em .sly perf.im- l ] b 4 ` IN rOwly' :\ ahurw of your patrnnw e will De thank 1.ne,hlut.,l ller Va,e,ty'd Court' rN 1,-mmun --- -- tiro. od wellinglor `ttrrele. On IJ )ken is • eJ, the brother arriving just i. u:uu to be I r !r U.,o,1 de:J ut'that, It, I .11•re ; foj 1 fully receu'cd slid laitidu:ly attended In. pias, (•,,,,not Que.n'. Ikneh, sed A rile + T gad tome hone* and bakery. ueN that son has Leen nJuig your wart, hrntrd oris iter f,nJ. and trot. u a FUR rl'Lf, PARTICULARS APPLY TU on! of the part] rt s waJJu1;I w hick Le had g 1 .E3Y F Yl;• - Q} Totems lois form an excelleset site for e _eoftJ 1)&ct tm thw,idast, butte rh'e heI•,ol•gol t.,1u•xu. tool' I Woeq and Liquors, Crockery HanrlC.,l1 Mr,JoLn t..lt ■nit Ito Ltwu. f.$. POLLOCK, It I travailbecame rrconnied up )n luaroing all the Hrcc there wad w •affect rover from all , ; I of the ams, 1: .loan ,Ceol•;eF F. The (•.WI- Arest and c.u'..str16,r tan S.,r.et, at (radix -b 3_ Lot 113 un i.ig6thone* street, upon I i3r i and Gla..ware,F alley hoods. j n,erru, R.ak n CaruJ■, Cr age F. M,.,rc. ■rid Ua1•rrr6.C.M.. IMA. ewq puts of the as,eulb!y, ueJ, u Bunn w older Which there u •large farina ..use, so or - parts of the romantic ,tesla oaf rislured. Mr, hunt oruteedcd as Le - Vie., U.Itnle;ll, )'Orn Weal, TLe Nu,k qi Moritreil, 1 h+vr wuJ snit uk.•n - . - --- -_ elated t0 auu:Lt•r xnu : 1 n •ae.•auon IL■t ,•-ar3am pp•nrl or InU lit IanJ • mugrd u W accummuarte three fvmiliM. ' wtxrew.xn15AD1. P MARTIN AMA N L'uchitheat Flour, Femg l,art lit lot •11) t Wekllrra Divi n ofthe E+1 / ♦. Lut l91 on the turner of Eoser N The following propel&r sereorde r bt. '• Bitl Myelo, vele is tl:rl9tmegeenu, Shoal c Towo.lnp ret C.•lbunev,u,d more pana•nlaric or, r •7• Elgin Strrr la, Upon w'Lfeh there is a &mar I if bis Ie,;e writ us w.ok u p ,ut -riots erg •,• y [.(F'oli`o 11!S 11LD CC'. f)111 `' " S"( Je+r 1-1 of two Iredr q R.•I,rrt 4, lit L • y Rpt]' extrturecl] euuj now :- - C l7 A _L 0 I L t Dunk, to JAiul L. wuro roll W"altar LT a..,n. fZ r i t forma hoc e* and •gaud orchard. ager frost 7: els. that he is Still able to sell for c b 1' /'l j 5. Park tut 14, cum. C " m the Town. Uk 1 ask me Jut to blow m dyne ' I suit lurl)i iter prnpw q ( r Isle J,.hn Gthe r+y `/ ahi of Goderich, containing 10 acres of off. T r " N_'r!I,' l 9uppome d:,, ve mT s )n, too,' re- :AND ey B] c6ar.n;o: one, h, Fwd ; p!ie 1 ties •Id ma•y with r cresLtAl:et) look. at the lowrat rales, .. ti•ceihrr with Mt m■.•h,rr J m dooms iter ser ."„ K Too ba] out know for paid 1 feel, He try+ A(•cu ri•littg jour mare, toq and iLL KINDS OF Fl?R\ITCRE C ( A L OIL LAMPS. 'n -mol, the L alta, rn,n(, sad' other E,.t E x —• cel est land. UP* u this tut there a as es• It nater esu be duJr . m.chmrry n,cint.Iter 1,ltlrhl w. -ad ■Iw evs 0 t94 cellrnl T.) Scor] Buck H1,irse. F'r%mr Bun got \t ills shop On Knlgaton street, opposite 11, I••ER(itSON. - Ithe,.cel„nrrrr„n.eelydw,ththr elsraiu.ave, M1 ` Uh1bightreIl Mutncr,cells I t snitihtcon.aroftheum,,os.Iw(hrfur°- 1 . • tad odoftalose. Also, • good bearing J r ' At this cwt t ,e old man put un both tier Iluron hotel Goderich. Gire L:m • 1 orchard of choice fawn. UrA+rl! id ybndrr xtar ; 1' r t ' I': .--Gbrdt win be dti:vuad i° any I .,x Lil m the .rid I., 1. tie pn,prnh of the , 4 Mi -< ;aa This a one . f the best situations for a Dmidd in a most imploCo j tel w•id ex I call. gat a leo town, sa*loin Gdt, Vannes Isndm a-,1 1rn,nilCnt. 1 e ^ o Uh, t6cd, by love:y Lail, u, Ill claimed : Now, .li.hter 116nt, if you won't G •6, Oct. 3. i <'r,. s.11x37 p .L.II oSer for . It al env utb. m tar (,curt • W Ell.gsA privets rthidrnrr in aie io+u. 1'd sUikn•hy tight catarrh ! ■sly any mor , I wLl Lr xtl;l:” — - G rJer D. Fsb.2m1. 1966. - ow45 Ii.m.e, 1a the Wwn o1 Gidenc6, on 'lucid p O TLiaaonouucemrot was teoNived with s GUI)t.lI1G'll the•rveuih dor nfNay lie=t, a ole hour u IFAE►7H OY$TE$8 1 A„ >• 6. ANF:k;('ELLF:NI'F'11HY-117seree. The wiud that blows across Ilia boor,*, - o u.t a and 13, ed .mina lou, one frostise6 r r.ar tel .p(,L..+r .rd Iar,eLttr, and from tL.a ,FIRE &MARINE T- 'rr.rtLr r L k. e,..n. wN,)LL'?AL1.\Ir RCT AIL, • m _ ' EU ) Hall it a dosedo blow, mumrnt k1 r,' !loot halt all the erounJ to WAGON & CARRIAGE v r1UI1kI.IAf 1 ONALD, I+• t,r m ws : .. .00hs I[uroU FL,td, and ties other on tJN Wld such a, cold re I Lob got, mous ll: 7At tills Het. T. P. NdonL ' bet"r.11, H. THF+, KEG, CAN OR COU$ Y+i V = D W o seventh cunrewwn, it) the Township o< g ` L BSTER3, SARDINES = Godo ch. 4U served clrrr•d add under cults - Ali 1 w.,uid it Lion, it 7 Do l _ w_ ---- 1.\ 114 I t I%-- vie• I SL,n6•,rldke.(1VJ.,i,h, I , Z.a ” T- - r ` L.,h ,lsaw•ry IVh7. t wl` 100 Y v.wwn, °poo which lAem a ►Int. dwelling But tic, the rays of clubbing dated AU Ice a0aa atmce OO Ske I/,a l• - — f ---- ---- AVD CL:1k10. Ate slearw ng -d the lar ; bp, 'k H.£NIN FIRE ASSrA:ANCE Compare, if SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. FRESH IEMONS, ORANGES DATES I house, frame baro and . - [ L.•°J.'. Evigtwrol.-1 cJ'lt:rbrd u, I'ho,nne of Cocoanuts, Figs, Crapes. A LARGE ORCHARD. I het) the barn bugle horde < By baiden fair -AT -risco 1 A liveir sixtcen mile race Wok place on a v ukcu:da•.I ta,rrauna twa „•1: •.:n r.nad■. Cobrry of llur,n. 1)Y v,rtue,I two wlrtsol' Pg. ^ # fhu farm is utmted 5 miles from Goderiche HORACE HORTOF, AgeOt• 1. wt): li lrn F• :.• ...ung ! C, dLC„ l i l', at r aced 7 from Clinton. It is good lulling ideal Tuemd..y, between two boats of the I'.ugh- - _•_ ,n1t .,f Iter klge+ti's', t i a 0 j k well .w■lerad, and by • Dud riot road N A dancer once said to 3.,erstno a you keel•ie Ice 1: •ut Av,-clattOa. ries ° u' - R(1VINCIAL IN,URANCE C npsee .I rFully ('nun rel the Torrid C.vun Las .f Hunm £_ B I N H A Q B . w .4 c L [ os intended u+Vn For a rr connuitrina ex P C'■ndJ., HrsJ Or6te In, ovl .0 W ill !eke .wd Hruce and to mr duectell ser■mal ,he Lomb war $i de of Alarktt Nrryarb Fes! ra i Fggl two sidrrof it. eaanot stand on one lee ..■ lung as fern.' +. - r' 'fr-ue i'• re lied the ,hilus ,her " but Jitiou than •trial o[s ,suit, the ufticrem tel - - _' - :•_ = r .k• on ('.,unto,• bnJ city I'n ,•, .w. Hums l sail traru, md ut Will, m Craeaer snit Grurge I Uode►ic6. Nur.30.lfe6b.' ___ __ - .N! k- • M , Z y Fur terms wd conditions of i l' A'JW b P 1 W r I he association (a•inj anxious to Mcettain --• ' - n.Nt,tLen al uL,w ratcl,a-,,:.,er i;nt claw Co,aw,it thr.m. of rhomu l'olAb1n, Krrr, . _.___- 7 V _ L • I GEIIIt(iE 11r NAROV, • goose cwt)." which course ware the Legs 1. sail ovtr for the ria B .I1 u TA O L Q Z" p • •dice. Johrl Hrown and Wahuu r+Ab. Murray, and I-"1 c-• M . ;Q ,,. .•ten G711wricb, itItb July, 11.66. wlbtl it make • great diff,rence whether laws -- HORAC$ HORT03 R,dolphu. baal•aJ, I h■- •:,aril ■,Id r.krn s WHd81 a fl Purls Treatment W W < , •9 n _ __ [ rood ruse for a service of ail ver. 'Il:e two rj' 11 P..aAs•ri},er-Dull■ :r uonreto the public A jest. execution m!i like Wahl, utie and lmen•t ,1 tAe ....n- amused over or under the now. Fwta were the ll,.xe roil the Snow F,vke. 1 rel llAron ■ml flrurr that h< ten• uU Aa.,11, __ I • A r o LANDS FOR 17J'.1AiE• T]e old logy who poked kis he*d from Uu the (urntarwere Aaron Innis, the owner .ndwillmaktf..rilevlsnu;t., W'aaun►.11a► Mal detenJant.,nand tF tAe .outh Lal! a tot DR, JOHNSON'S MONEY TO LOAN: ■nmle. lona, m the third c,.".Iy I d the, • •behipdthetimea,"had it kouckedSoundly lof,he veuel,'1'heudure \'.Juhrwn, owntr rows,arc.,wh,ebw,ilbr,11-1. enpfnreoshort ownrlsip,dAtort v t.I.h.11ryedllr..1, Office andDisoensar `• It "pacerng creat• of the Miune6nh►and R.cLard Knijhl. Uu approveJcr_1,t. C u hand mad for aalrche■p, I _ rte In,,, se.lteremenb I.hyl oilerI u1r J9 O e_ [uR rile on rel, •n•Llr irrmr •r.0 10 and 11 al .,Iflrem the ('Dort Ilou.e.mtil. Town of No 61 Little St. Jamas Street, . O sQ B e j,t U. A.'I uvil el Orren, ek,('nu°t,J As the quickest way to make a fortune, a the latter weie Thomas I'vsish, owner of the 11 F. "ol,.rrD,rr Lwa also ret eereJ the Agenrc // // J faro. a-nknty pyoLle 'wl< rh,.a Tueday•rhe xv.nth ddy oI .Icy Z i < Hroce. The love annum e0 acre. ..rle. 40 1 T `?V \ . i newtwdvey.ars. N. next he hourOf'fw,heulmr•elwk, nwm. I. DdbNTREAi. eoetemptnrry sugxests marrying a fvsl ion• veue , DAviJ Marro and Flute JvhosOu, the Deltec Crleta■ccd , t e.r.red on 1M two Shu. Int land is ant -rely, able young lady, and telling her clothes. Wt --r the owner of the Petrel. 1 he 'tions ,sten• retuned a„ .,,:caner. J ,IIN SIACWNAI:U. F..IM C•..• w' <'s.o.r. ('urnpLra.r,, cr.•frtdy A _ ' wail-w.ttr•J and timl••r d. No lk.w ■g•. made w.a yr !fell wlwn. the tact .r the BULL'S 0 H 10, C01IBiNF:D HoaecE HORfionl, 8ike.,g a Nd.rc.. Ji ekr,r,. n1.rd.r.,, rAr lir".!, a -s A1,ol.,t. I7 •rill lh. eon. 5, tnwnw,p of Godrr,e►, Why is young lady just from a hoard- very REAPER AND MOWER Ajeul. - "he"fil,lR, ,Uujen'll Sil.wr..d IP,.ol.r»: avid all 4 ; j w •try, ...h, over ,t0 ,•leered „n tb• two. Ing whe,ol like a building coral T Ife- t"rnbly r•,ujh state of the ice is considered. , r3.d.rfc.. %hitt 31n.1hG6. SW70 $6th Jdnnm , IL -67• {t vel A•wef. C okkajdok.r.. yr. •,\ ^t • Evi-fleot w.u-w.irred I■nd-umt*r, h.nlwutd cause she n proparad to receive proposals. Both boat* lest 1'uugtkeep+eieat theee p. m. MANi'FACTURED BY _ -- — w al.,ul S 1ml<. IrF.n l,rnld r,rh. lic.,J In m. LSn Queer thin. is an insurance policy. Ir the liaze it) the ludra.ce UR Blue Pint, t ;; !j1v , T1R.1r1HNPUN,LATF.UFI,O%DVX•EDIN ____-w --_. - and sh.d..ad.'.,nluriddr lug house, and as. I can't sell it, 1 can cel s i al d 1 can -eel if three miles south of the ,tasting point, tba SAWYER OF HAMILTON, THE RIDG PROPER t i GENER I INSUBAiICE AGENCY lit burai, •n'1 Pau, dev.tra his utenc,un• ea ____ .n he'd Will .r vlt srp.wr w toitu.<r to it, I can't Kell it. Snow Fl.ke cave un wail her rsv I Atilt from wht•.h hu wan Je•.,Ard b, he the most Complete F V 8 d L E• clusvtly, to the Trammell -f the e'omplunts fhO p + c oily lwrrhee*u Apu1r o1 (herr to M&r;boruujh they ran eumpar.urely implement ul if,,. k,ni now moor. referred lo,°thl.neuce. Manyye■nein, ke 1 (b l, NOI/lVe. YNUS. JOHN<TUN, Brigham Young has been mak Ll inspect• side by.ide. t''rum the last named point lite c, THE RESIDENCE UE 1'l1F L.\lE JOHN in Europe. u,d the Itemklh rnb.n,w.r,,s ,k• bun o thr prcoarsee. 1 lours found about his d•,tri,.ion&. He JOHN PA,ck[OT(K, `FIRE, LIFE & AAARINE.!,. p«t.rm.omr,il o-eali.Me eu,P. f and bu •ie W.J.IUII\87UN.lU■kr•petr, helemmanofthe Snow Flaks ut ht+ boat GALT, EsQ, `- 'was I. unultad " by a Lack woudamrn, who din Vito the roup p Vriors treet,(f,,,knc P. j 4c,line. Ina „Colon _ the naso mnJ Ietr.: rcme- Saver M . y h ice,leapiu,; I.ummocks Alevel fat.)9C3 wt9 die British American insurshce Co. II,ad UI5ce, d*, are, sorb, Idl ill r.lrre.lr,ndenee with the lain- Act. t3 Ik6A -ser propounded Artemus %V11rd's quesGun direst : h e, das!iin,; int• snow dri,4 there said nn- _ _ -- _ _ fSlllli prop^rly is Arnrtifu'!v Aitusted opprr Tuuuc rt), I of celehrnNd phyr.•un." Ill. Wd world, that f How's your mother -lave 'f'' I m from Due cid: to the other ante (cartel 1 site the TOyIa 01 (i0derlCh, oil the heron ofknndnremrnu to the ualnn,mue of • ( $ Capital 8100,000. Murine Department. apwnly•n.]11"t enrt. SAMUEL PULLOCK, Esq.• late [,put] 11;rV SALE. An old lady and her eon, fire years old, velocity maoagind to keep a full initiative 11 all N ,Illi Intik of uw GLUR', .Itl'M Il:11.1,, h Co., Agents. for "T.a..T• To THE , W'=Aa.-Dr John A7 Sheriff lens been iplro.,,ted .Sicial Assign. were gathering va'.Id tel iron it) one of o til while. and beatioz lila Haze to Newburg Neta Marble Works t J + j r ` jl .a'. HrmnLe• well re..ore 1st •very .bun um•, ra tinder IAa Insolvent Act f 1 G4 for the back vards, wherewith to recur• theirit ]!duck at least four wiles. IIAd the owrn•r of , • y i `" , ,a ' !`Y • •p.wLnarc ,nlL.ae.lwnh Na•rvou lk Aon Lu" United S c o LO ;7s■nit• ran • N. a the torn,.. • Pollock's Block Western Inalrance I'onf r+n Limited r' f lnmtie. rrH.r-p and Pence. a P broad. O;d woman sat own oil a ro to , the )laze risked his Croat in the mush ic•,th, , rind on tLo Beh1:a of LwkP Ilmm . It tris• 1 T of Memory, Vrrur,Ae, ianlev Ysd per.crr ;East 2] .err., eTelI rnl Preeuciuus Shu ext:aims-•• kl wm , diaLinee would Drive Leen cut ksaaeal , NUN -TARIFF OFFICE. ENGLAND Ir Ym'wo 5/n, TA■R No7u,,_Tbere a am AW Offiee in Camer_a's Block, King- tssirrl u■ner of Int 2 ,n Ir., 9th c„&_ w. D. ], T g' ,, 'r f 1 lr •t t• Iona al 7-10 strias of Lv1d more or leas, , Yq , go to work. I can t sul,pwrl til wLula fila ruunin; utile of the rata, iuduJin;l6e. ' JS1i 9 J JJ a t10 with Dwelling Hoax, Outh.ue'a, Stabler. eat halm linen a•„ntraavJ by t.y •t arhwl, alMl street. A.nnriJ, ,s per Be,,; .n j r. Town Lar u FOR FIRE: LIFE AND MARINE. le hgrmv. ■o w,lh them to mmoill tht February 20th, 1PG6, iJ0 (ider,ch,pnce, $30.(Xltsrh ■no upwards. Apol family,” nuking Irvin and silo lit them river to the - ,kc., with halms Garden, Vinery &lid Orchard , rt) of Iha ev I ;,netrre s m,:•1 depluriet le, cel, e axdrLT OF Kill TEx arTCHES. I' )fly dear," tail an 1LTcciiuoatr wife, ,1 wlkat shall we terve for dinner l0 -Jay T" ' 4te of your- smiles," repl.ed the has fund ; 11 I cat) dine on that every day." i1 Bolt i can't." ref urd tits kill Thlu take this, he gave her a kin, and went to his business. He returned to dinner. e• This isexcelleot steak," said he; 11 what did you pay for it 7- 11 Whv, wlist ]on gave me this morning, bbe sure," replied the aifel " The deuce ]l,u did," exclaimed he ; of you shall have money the next time." -- s The )ferket fee% of the Town of S■ratlJ'fd wore sold at public eump,titinnhast Werk. for the handaom• sum of $1833, being 8235 above iLe upset price. IxordTRY.-Every manshould remember fh►tthe world will always honor indwirT. The vulgar and useless idler, whose energies of body and ell tire rum:rng for writ of occupation, may look with worn upon the laborer engs,red at his loll : but Did worn id e, his co'Itept Lon•ir. Ih•ah Hwihft enys rimm v never knew a twin rise to eminence who ,ay late ,o filed in the vimming. The Mayor of Quebec sea on Tue•lay made the subject of a hoax. Ihappear■ that a largo number of fictitious invitations to dine with bid sv nrstfip wore forwarded through the post : and it is calculated Ihat a couple of hundred donne rrceived In the i,owrw Town. A n::tyl of the guests webs only net aware of the fart whin th•-y reaoln•d ill* Mayor s residence in lima for the dinner, Mrs. }'.r,uogien, on reading en account or a mebooner, h.ving herj•boom carried awny on Long Would `iuund unR night last week, wondered "why people would leave .rich things cut odours at uidhts. to be sto en, when there were 'go many Dngle:e abom filtering everything they could lay their hands w." RraOLR.ALS POIA.11Sa.- 1'he C.Ilingwnod EntTyri a Buys a most daai.,d:y atlPmpl was made on Sunday last, to puiscni Iha Rev. Dr. lwtl and fall seven persons is all. Fortunately the.dlainowe scheme wos fras- trated by the pmmpt attention of the mt.licsl Cgg entlemtn of the town, who edminsmtered the l-oary antidote. The lives of all were oared, and rotting w.reve happened thrn two or three hours' Solvers tuner, A reward of ✓ loo had bree offered fur much information as will lead to the conviction of the party who attempted the perpetration of so for[ a crime. - — Tan HA1.IPAT Distu.t.ggv CARR.-Thim gem notorious ease tame up befn•e the Court se(QUeen's trench in To,ento, ria Tuesday, M the form of a civil suit brought by the 00swenal for the mcevery of thirty rents pw goniven ria 300,000 gallons of whiskey of jrbjele Halliday is &Ocssed of d"(mud,n IM setts, reveeoe, ranking a total mum of190 ' 090, 000, A vardiet 44 11147-000 wt) sivon by do jury to the Govorna wnt. IR "" hadred Action were Bubxerlleed is Oa down Imet Weak towards a to-op•nrive ,usu sty and mt,rm in that town. The **be - k mw folly ia•egemted. R other, was at least fifty mi..s an h(,ur. a----- - --- Time Gll Were7nse.-The iron steamer '•G rash \1'. atcrn" snow in eplsasd,d Wutk Ind trim and lrerf, r us her duty r,lmirrb;y. Iter ever - - w_ -- - I he Wont Land consists pnucq mil of Oak I avid tie" flowering Until Cf.e,ry, k wp;e, Ac rhe, On,uuds ser., in very gooel order. '1 herr ore !Lase never fail in( springs of pnro water on the Prope•ty. The sltuanon for • pri•rte remAence canu•,l be surpsaskiJ in the poor rArfTAII L1,00n,000 11TY..rl.1710. Chief Olnc,m-7 W eeterinn P:a". Loodon i i Kin `1k, MancLPate,. Chairman -J. Tomlinson Hibbert, Es M. P. fur Oldham, Reform rluh, bond n, nitewpr durinr mmanity, Sr . h,•. All who ere al0lrt"cl.enolJ.pp )-t.Dr J.hn...n 1n,nl,doetel) and ht w,11 effect ■ .IelIr1cJy and n,nn•i ewe. is a mr rluys,e,q if&lr1h "ook. . l.l'RI y 1oup to do.e•+enw,ngYnthe nnsktlb,l and ,mprnprr use .flo"It". Dr. Join 'Ws Compn,vid Syrup -- ---- - ---- G 0 I) E It I C II ' teltADfq 1`1102 W EATALKA1.D, Oo/trsele r. FOR BALE• __ cvptcity rsegrs, to the expeeta' tons (i urlench, lyre. 19. 1865, w47 1 yr fuer. and the Gnng,, Unnsurn, near 5lanch••St•r. wA1iM,r-,u hl ■rl•,nrfrom a Y ee,ed rete atl Au s. . " / rHA o nlurh{e propdrl, in lbt TowU• Pn tertMl reed Cu neernu,,( her, and with some Ill k nti,e!y owing to &o obstrurti,,n at one For terms to General A/onager-.lrthur Hcntchl•r• ■dnem.dunm 1 ut,onhrAh d. liemrdde if rr sod suit a lack of steam. -Detroit T'rbune ttkap Colborn", knowse as Gu►raid slight usprgvemertm In her motive power, rARADA ■RA%I'n nrnrx, r7ilnr apply T(IU3. (W.T. Esq., Frq , M. A., former) Fellow and Sadleriu0 ll torw entad in nkrytn Jt Anon "1 or that have been reale, mile now cuts Veruugh - - Ilnn-sver, lbroolo, I,rHead , Qu,•forn'to , S. , Ir:•m s 2 t All r.:n,ntm,r"• lw te.drn*n 4,,b rho.. P. J„Aaron, THE DUNLOP ESTATES the ice very nosily. Un kfuod,ey s,e corned nrmathrn.r11t1cvnlluuled with freight . ala ./esllnster,n or D.Sfi.\DI..,nooDtNO, R. V. , Ontario Head U9icn for B. N. A., Unleriu Hall, Church Strrel, Toronto. Dom ad..re•wdeUr. . non• "hnul.l rel.Littli,St.J.mP.Ntree.,Mrntr-I.C.E. gmd wunwld. comprising about 430 acres of land, 170 inside of fru Lour&. lirretufore tle •therm Did _ OVT-MFNTS, HFADSWNERI Table U..rnmter, Godetich. Godcricb. CIL July. 1866. sw9ot SCUTT A 11F,GRASST, - ts• it of which are cleared. This property, situated ferry - boots combined veers ul.aule to erten more than than lie ear,•.,rites of freight 11 top., Posta, Ae ,Tombs, ofevery deserip ,- kf.nm rre B.N.A. , CABINET WAREHOUSE I A X E FAC 7 C R Y en near the town and so near the Godo,ich Set Works, oltme veer, 6itarshle irducr dam tion and style of workm&rship, furnished on or. CAPT. R. TTiORVA j _ for in nein Demurs, which fact ie.„tticeut In •bort notice and at the lowest priced. Litre• GEO. I;I'}I I::\T.1,, ACD.. Aernlg. lAT.I.e Co.. mrnts investment to Capitalists, lir per. of strate the value of the new cr.dL The idea tl..,t the -'Great \Vemvirk” wait s failure, ,sl reducllon made for rash. All orders punctually -attended to. Demigres of Monu- IIOTICE.. -- QUEEN FIRE d6 LIFE INSUR obtained tul'fency frook an obe•rrstins of menu, Ae.. mnT bo seen at the shop. --- those inde6tnd to hhn will r,all a. Party lie their at big her movements in the river, but her failure have (i urlench, lyre. 19. 1865, w47 1 yr TIE uni:•rm;znrd having d;enn.rd -f ilia R,•nry C.pifal Two- Millinus Strr to cut through the ice then iAshnwo to Thornlike. Kar, lion. John 5 ry Th,,inkem, tsaq., Dievid Trianon, a Han t.m Itminrm% to the M••ssro. Chief U(6w, Qurro r,euraace Ill k nti,e!y owing to &o obstrurti,,n at one TTOItACF. NORTON AW ilham Martin of Chive T„+O, begin to he' Liverpool, sod suit a lack of steam. -Detroit T'rbune -_. -- --- --- .peak from his friends rind customer a eon• 1 rARADA ■RA%I'n nrnrx, r7ilnr — Rt wunco lrutr.atnus or TQ ces.-AEW FHOTOGR01 GILL tin°&°° of that pntrnP hr bamn ring e,gor,.&,I,] wq MONTREAL. D! We regret to bear that her Majesty caught day ”.I ,t the see of gond, on n.;w1i„n ow preppaared 1, mreire a ill Mill and those inde6tnd to hhn will r,all a. Party lie their at big I WT1,T,1.\N MGI,.;ON, Fill.. - cold -n the of Tidiung the mane"!sum of the !'amts ('ousurL Tier cold n salted in w - 1,• fry ,d ` r /.• , y A pnsmihle and rax indehteduess .friee at the old Itarvmt ikrpnt. Thornlike. Kar, lion. John 5 ry Th,,inkem, tsaq., Dievid Trianon, must I-ainfui atlack'of free -eche, fry w1.iRl V \ \,\ / // and ,in out ,#impose of the same as I o best t,rmt the TTOItACF. NORTON Bank. I I the Queen is still Suftieriuy. Iter Majesty hal O "', -_ '..' Onderich, ii1tD Oct. lafG. /hrnk"►s-M ,lenn"e sirs-Me:mr&: Torrance A klnrrif si:mhedher intention to publstlr opt& the .7 \ W Ad ' sv, y t a F'ae ! I Mlle! Memorial Amy'ium, At ('ullinjwood C - - 'r euuit, 1Fayshot, m June next, slid at the - :•t Ill Ilene to lay the lou d..tion atoee of a V) ►. ('anlpjn'j1, diuinj-ru.w anJ cLkkpel.-[IidmLserjL Scuts- - man. W rn Drillok AanerlcwO Bklpbuilds The Scottish American s yet :-11 Iter the United States, it was ,ho,ghl s g thing for American indust y to abrogate neriProtity treaty under Wit ch ;umber c into this market bunt the Prov:nr,m fret sty. Wbut has Leen the c.neryu"ncs ready T Why, that Amene..n caplWisu !wt..i,oA thelde*lvn to tie provinces hundreom, t., ■►As, them•, I,re of cheep ieirals slid chrnp lah„r. We venture to flees the bobel, that ever you shat w"to' the conlinu.nre of the ►marl di tiM nnw posed on British American raw prod, e+l"•ciielly lumber, will &x the great I bue.ding pots of the Provinces er,.dod t orders, ■nd paying orders too. St John Qorbt•c vii I not ung] hold their own, they will dutauce all compe"I'”, on this of the Atlantic, from the Penobscot to Chesepeake. And we do not know bet may b., P=,ually the rasu,L 1t the mcipra treaty were revr/M to marrow ; for until industryof the United Huta is relieved 1 the ove,rwheiming bardeo of tarauon me now Wri,ibe it down, and until contracts be made on a SAM moody basis instead flatsea ring, vmdeemable currency, it if Frrr,hle to Bee how any industry can be healthy condition. L,k, the Clyde shipbuilders, rho" of fish America bay the prime advantage reesonahly chteap labor market, &,,it for w on ebgn they have tiro mw materiel it c6klap"et form. At times the trade u r dune in the Provincial markets, tent Ilia not an inedent of the a oidmoas under w prudent contro lnn carry it on I it in ill act of over opeeolkil and thaw timsive of the extent of the demand Trolkill CJ H Os. i C 1 til P, in U Ila n r n l C if. sU►taloa LIGHT AND TASTEFUL n00ts, Pectr*&s taken in every style and in all kinds of ,wenther. Porcelain or Opalo.type Pictures, and THE 1II:IJ10ARISTaTYP1A, OR "HEST HITIf PICTVRF," Taken in carious Atyles from 81 SO to $20 (colored in Witter colnurs or oil. 1,;fe-9ixe Photngraphsloken on reasonable NrmA-either plain lir colored. ,I PRICES i,UWERthan elsewhere in Canada• D. C.\NIPBF,I.T,. Goderieb,JrN L 1266, sw27 Con►erse Colson& lamb, t COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Connor's Wharf Halifax, Novi TI1E undPre;Qe•d having purehas,-0 large stock of S0,11,ry and entire H A Ii, N :2 E3 ;:4, riser- m. ..l ,Pr an . the Se►r , , Jnmea H. Snringlr •F Bfor-' hndene It Johnson, Feq Sr z"b"y nndGenrraf Arent- elie,yF ' 1re,. Esq. . /1'nion lb,ildingn, 26 St., Frar ivtreel. BUSINESS I of Nr. Tlnrare Horton, who has been so long and favorably known in th&t capacity, heg fr mtRte that we are prnpil to eontmue the husinegm no the AnnrP favorable terms to par cleaners a•they have hitherto enjoyed. The 4nbsrr;hers have on hand at oft shop. Market Square, a very large Assort m,nt of R;1iPAf0iD,3 112 11011 goo I% RTURT RTTLE, Saddles, Trunks, Valises Ae., h., which they are rrepmrod to oRer lr the pablie at Smartly reduced prickle, for rash Ferman will do well to,call grid Inspect their atock,and prieea befnn pnmhaerng elm where, u $title a cgsnee is amld-m of"". H. A W. MARTiN. Goddrie►. OdL 16th. Is". w38 Scotia. from rhe record. W. T. Cnx,Esq., Goderich, who will s°p. __ ---- NAViN(; opened an nlftco in 1),ie• oily for we are A F AR M SALE• the see of gond, on n.;w1i„n ow preppaared 1, mreire a ill Mill and , brit 16, being. branch of the k(oni. .I firm +* as Z1.9 75 Af'RF.a, A0 (`LRA1ZtSn. Cnlleat'ne, Cnvnty ny tho very host facilities for tondecting / 6th ennc.pinn of A Vo- prem• R.en, 1,ng Tfnese, Canadian bwived". We will at .11 Gmkla mak.lih• rwlarlvanras, Haran. and an eirc.ard. new On the omni.". with ifur&d, on goods roneignrd to one earn, :B; defeat diligent "ndrarom to s erst "Ian mol site on the River Maitand. Apply d by letter rot pwid. to and ,in out ,#impose of the same as I o best t,rmt the R. W. ROTC?,. market will afford. Aube" P. n., or M the pnmi"N. Imo_ jack. loth, 1867. will ire Janos,120t6, 10187. x25 t GEO. RUMBALT•, k 1 The kill Compe nice take r most favourable terms. GFO. Ri'MRA Goderich. 3rd April, 1866, MONEY TO LQ THE COT,ONiAT, 99CITRTTTE NY OF 1,0NDON, EVG1, HAVE wthlarge ,morin -f Mont HAVE A $ecer,tr 1 Implore Fite )cars, upon th mt I For terms andall Mher in6,rm&ti WILLIAM DURNI Treasurer. Township W Dangannon.I or to CRAB itIDOUT, Cli, CHAS WIDDIKK j A. T,FI'ROY, RF,YJ FRALTr•K. h BBNJ SLLTUT I', E N. B.-Dopo6to received nn priNipal 1t -or times and inter Ilea rat• of S per cent per ►nnum. Jvcaary 21&L 1097. IMPROYEO FARMS fo LOT eon 1, Ilnevietf, 10 acne dared, al an i,nt 31. r wanosh, 200 wms of the letter syn• to suit parahell Terms it romonahle credit gtTel, on A pay Tithsindlgpotablo. Apply In 11. FRA tea] 31st, ieitI .... it r sty having recommencedthe AS Tt u AT THE OLD STAND! ,.n the ("nava of Waterloo and Light=lloase Streele would beg In intim"t, to hu ole 1,,■mdo, sad r many n"wnnea so Iavour. him With S cel at tits[, Thal he -.11 pre i,ov .rid "if a WARRANTED HOME-MADE AXE, CHEA atko old on,• lumptd.I n ---[I •o.t, Picks, he Made and Sha, prnrd.if sh.ri n.tlre N,B.-Alan s n.n, everof rel -ah. nn hand. JOHN Mc1,11ERSON. Goden,le.Uct. 30th, I1,e6, 404 ___ a --- Money to Lena, ON veryreuonableterme. Apply to B. L. DOTI,F, 9AVAGF,'A New Bloc Ooderich.9th Jen. 1865 WS0 ly• \ll' 1 1, I, i A M'S Victoria Qrgans and Melodeons 11 ALL ?"It ntrFFIO%T RTTLER. IlbstratAd Catalogues Free. arms desirous of Poing into the mmnofueture of Tait, and rill he sold cheap fir cash, or for one-third down and balance in three equal annual instalments with interest at 8 per cent. Fry further ppaarticdam apply to IIORACE DORTON, ESQ., rhderich, or to WALTER R. MACD6NALD, E3,16 Barrister, Ac., Hamilton. Goderic6, 27th Ike., 1066. wits 1136'7• DIVISION_ COURTS. TIf & rat sitting of tike Division Courts for the C O U N T Y O F H U R O N for the Year I 146 will be held st the times and plaits following, JANUARY. IM Uivmm. Court Mon.I■y, It.. .GpderiC6. loth do Tuesday Ib. A inion., Rod do Wednewikey ]a..Hopurher bill do Thuralsy 17..Ex,lrr. 'Ilk do Fr,dt IN...AmleyTdlm.' 7th ,M Mo ops, III . 6tyff ld. title do Total 22. .De°p°nem. The Courts -pen at 10 A M. ISAAC F. TOMS, D.pnlw Judge H A R. CertiB"d to he a true copy as extracted \ ,I AUUrtGCIY-It. N. w,luam'a, Toronto' from rhe record. W. T. Cnx,Esq., Goderich, who will s°p. DAN. LTZAiIR, 0:, NMlosum&. ell Clerk of the Pesos H. used Bs offiesitifthecl.rkiviftlitereel Wanted Immediate Goderieh. I5tb nee. 1e68, I w47 TOUTH shunt +7 or im ye■rm of ago, hem hadc-enrderahl•e=pkln,nce .*a Ses I 1. '- _. _. .- ____ e Mor., sad .b.'en wen r,P.mm.eded.• Add"""SedmlYry GODEJUCH FANNING MILL .prtpm,d,[,tong,4*mn,u, It.. lost employer, A. H.,O.dmch pin. A ;U IAllila]p I' IrLc'•t.ory Z Oad N/c6. 961. (Mt., irae wN THERTTR9CRT TOiNFORM Ja Vr g SEEGMILLEB t.ofib:Ga ilei*AebNante rel,.e O„oretlee lir H.. -r S.,I Bmeklt h at he's rill I M oaheterinef, lid ha m Fn TAPT1%EIt" I h.nd •klwmb•r.1 Shu SUPERIOR FANNING MILLS A PUMPS. Htw Arawattention to Ns Mau . os h. well wgrra., , burn t. fr.r. Wbear 1F.m .slowed, DEALERS Irl I amu, reklkla. e6ee■. ,ke. Padepe made!• eedwr gmd wunwld. elf "-'-I'."..".".1 w". "A"o" 1'" LEATHER FINW99 1 "' °ww`'" R-.. — Atu.,Sgeatfvtkseals of Monate•• plwwnw 16t"46:11 aiLTITATIM, -hail h:04vi gRe„Ae. GODERTCHg C. yeljam/N,,•Rae gewnlnitsfa<1reHnfawrdoH vele• bire°Wthew. vve HEF Y DODD• pabernrR 13, Itee, w17 YitdRrel A,a1Rf•I J ti • ,unslh11111le a a r ry. 44W x •t i1 - t# r. agid ,,. #•v..,,”, °%m y<,.:.. i}: ,F%v,,. 4f `7 , y x•74 , , ° :