HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1866-12-13, Page 1•1.i, -- . 'T , r Y . II , f I I' 1' * A '„ - r+:.T'. acre- rrwe0 y,.,.� '. r,f 4 dare, t _ res. . .1 maodo its *0 *, I .111 wl►t•N r1 , Ifow"" , ,i r = 4 t ,t1 nk "."-, h �- ( �:: 1'L' i ! % i' d , + trNet .. .. ..f ..,T,., .aawttlws iuYl NIL' .. .. .. ..Isiise, 'WEEMli'v EDIZ�ZO74 ,. ; ,, _ _ _ _ 9 -ter-' ., - --- - - fe .�..._.�_.... -T-�- '�. T.00Z, )idditor frsdProprietor.l the Oroatest Possible 3ood to the %roataat Possible Number.'' - ' '- , ;r _ _ . $1.50 i'ER AN1�I. IN ADYANCEE (�DEIiICH, L. W.a'rHti7RSDAY; I?ECRi$I:R !3, I8GG. a +.. rt.rrt, eArW �wd�yUL. %IX. -NU 46 - ----- res �eraa. Guoint88 mitetocu. Dr. I'. A. Bat Doses*11, WILL BB AT HUMS FOR CONSUL tatiom " to 11 u'sloAk, a.m.. avert darr WW Yuilptiestoat say tour alawwudr,altY w day. Ci. O. ■baaaoaf aa.D,. pHYRICIAN,SUAGEON,Ao.,Ao ,OOD aaw:w, O.W. IT40.1y Dela. McLEA;R, PHYSICIAN, RURORON, CORONRR ta. Obosasd laertdeev U,rddoorsaatol C pats I Sehodl --- Dr. Mtwnberr, G/'�RkOUATE .f the Medical Depsrl,weet d V,a.ne Uanarwv. Toronto, bed lase Grace Ilw,aal sad Ur,erarjgr New York• RomadeaaG Pdi.aa'- Hold. 13. ,,. . _ Into 4MOO era LMr.a. BARRISTER ANDArTOUNKY•AT Law, sad Solwaor-rn-CMatrry, County ere. a Attwwy,Qrwbrwn,:audaW - ,rice a Cosrlit.w" •14e40 DR. 40. t7aaneron. B\:gi�CFlt, ATrORNRY, OONVRY avane. tsa.Alowstos etreea,uoderie►,O,W -- mlaolatr 1k Walker. BARIIJSTSR9, SOLICITORS, CON- vsT■e0ta, &t, Utt,v, over the `Store of ; . 1. Unkr A SGA. Uvalsarc. B�rrt a r ■�Q +}., r1 +1'at' r� at Q a■'�, a• •■ soh there i6 00 Ynr Peony FInshr I wither the tromanit'ctiss, nor Ne men's M•. UdL died awWculT at UIMws,, Wed ill* THE F'g \ f IL N FR#PO.f RRN am 'ML'' ',f 0UX - C01T, �i s usiness D1Lett04t�• lousiness air,e Cola I y labor Ili yrlu d,.titsicd WY half w mYah w C,:Dly 1Ydfie, 'fr. Cuuicef, a,ot' follow td L.AN-ADA. - ` Ite•Mn who hrre an arm nth aD there lbs patting and curesaing lot Turner •c it aha bli Io ilr grrre. Ituth of these ul5ees cc4• .� 1639) ) j I•' N KY L31;IST• (1666 - -_- �n O I p ' p T R e0old Lave only known when she Aroppd i erred borllwrable and lucr:.t:•e positions Br BARRY & iR•M P q°V "ill Dut fail w a aeclrta the luuchiu type terra upon bM crwl ", that thele i duiu+•tbe lura of foc•umbr•uta. T1w before A�IeitN■ rr NtN TtINb n g 1 narraues wbach 10110"s. We Copy H from wan a ecausiderable qu tity of human gash- of those agires requited th:,t inimudiate ap Tw rss,dxu 1 Iltei Nel• Departmrglal, 1tirUalseYlg , s,, Eoglisb periodiesi. The sto,y is perfectly 1 ointments should be mndr, but the suns 71 °1 jL-, acartids S IAX AND PATENT AGENT, a h y m� sash n that foment lying ie hAt f Ta{IT 3.wauuA u a 7111; ox 4Jr F►aC- I>:o lie , .oJ is told b the lte,nnnd Peony nWmaen in an Yodi "IMl slate I 1 Could I gmdis,l pra•r"tinatiun rue dillgenll tulluw- Flesh himwlf, a modest curate ,u the Eatab• Eve, "I"cs DET A -T AT fates Ptt'r:uX-. nut rupprcY a grwu lot Lolrur and soil yua-' sd in :eJr'J w them• ismW A1U's DsreewT"arum To ratmtnvs I On Srtu•daTr I'sdgamp raa gird{n Its O T T A W a► CABINET MAKERS I Irked Cberel. ! Pn' liamcut ,net and dra recd sluwly A!•.n Coprtg s! Qurrr'• lknch r 1 Cowman Placa Tnnucts Lu.iner wnL Ibe /;ruwn Lauda aed tion. g Tr• NATIO" 1"TArT- 1Y maT Rntu WAT I e [ was, L• Sart once enraged to be sr Hush, bush," •aid Luc , and there was I for ten weeks, blot though L s recummenda- Is 0st moment of face D'+slhtwso rk's N; M.hou other Uow,, ment Dnpenm.ats ; T■ks, Out married, (bens I weut so fat that is • mar I Qct 7v C: D.. ►Ta. Paswb f r lo"atim.; Ob,uo. I.an,rpo- e• a aftevce, derin. whish I amid bear Towser tions Were still J�uWaided, rnd alt tfirst luerr• Lvnan, Scbuul Arid Dlnvia, on w►us. be4nit ntwe wr "camp■nta• by (.et, Pat- ( 1n r s ' r I w me suit,) Cwt au Incident of so fright lickisg hie chops I Was drwppr-rule by this Cite useas ill •scant, kf r. 16ckeou to the Cdr. M, Kerma, 61awr cuutael not • d for a rule sot{ Unna acrd lake-cn.rge of W Ul/l./ - U �, \ fol • chm'acltlr took place a l0 Yl the tame• soil hall:wed out w m (runt';'"r d, utooi.hmen ofarer to.asl�a CnrrtaplNdeaet .`. l 7i'tinaae I 1J I' Jb6�T wet rev pntirnt v on the Attorury-General ui alto eouaD war a I l,oudue. Nu., 17, Ib66. Pnstate H,u. duo fS t4r gee- °atter jurell oat of the question. 1 rw • u (Sarfonl end nuh(d else to come into the • Iamb, and bud nut otlb word of cannot* fer W ssnefeliew eb•mh1 am M bet •ad .lots, he , fur pander re .Vis under raduata, s endin the summer I Tba se-Al,;ua Chia %wk hrre Las beau tM sidm elsewhere. 1 i f I f eopw with • blaoYtlt." I remmmb-rail IM Adminislrattiuo 1 llad tW chola tfdng naw 4ida yrauleJ lou vstwuu i�.uend .•wiAeQ r lith • rmrdin n at 160 Irish tett•, when ' public.ui pd of kir. Seward't Juprtch to Sir ad AND IINDERTA$E8S a P• n0tbin else. Immediate) J. ail lar W, : bkra R lotted b. twaeu tLeni, " hubest Jaml@ I LnYr etre r epcearejl mo,m tba.0 oo is REFERENCE B : ' I met with- with ue and of in short to Ito. smothered, now irn setaDl breakiC ' ` g g, Feeder• k IL . on Ihr lid Mc a lbs two 1, 1 'Die aunt" cool) not have our more si thcae c0 e'colaL H oN.A:' ArirsaLL, C UM W. N. Wll olw Emat be aCnouted. She was residin with her I 3 wretehr•I ma n, Lrneh orad Me!Lfahon, aha Limas ofCruwo H,meOe- II * S G �.y� a forth, exprrrious u( thankfuluetra of bffne• utgMntlT thrutgL she fa re. aro Irin u,. 1.•r s.utentw of death et roronto. l;lte CD/etJtteli" v tkf Qs/w'eilp•` HA II111tUII tSt ITO�ea •Ci mother Is the nacos hotel in I,illa-uay Y olu Afters whiN came some votY that tested • ; liar e,l ud.emaut in thu cnre'of �1iAellso Land■. How. J. CAaLi" Ices- tf lMn oil sympathy Meinuing, but never fioub- .. iu"■ Eaq., Hsmd-I don• selr.e, and wt all °tet every day. We boat• and ",st fo-th, as it were, D floods of men tlla firmawa to their rinciples of ilia Liberal 1 regret a. w• that Chu hich sit li n LY I Hr. JU• IC0 If* :u.r us .lel of Lnteb t Ila. ton. ''R. Hou. Eeq..l g, ' I P made in FngLa ,d a nne which ell Iiiaaldn l0 •opal' •EFP constantly on hand for sale all srti• *Jbs tM lake tuge/he,r,stad baht d, and ass rimeet ; aid the ba•kin the eternal bark meml,an of Up r Caaadr; and '• Luuest t i Juetica Mumu" dilivend.jedgeams to this Meler+ H Lewis Sr Sox,r arof A, Caere.,Colun:d sad Rad, We tendril on lM wooded ielatd 6, 1'a 4u;h cuuut oat must ,keply n•4tet. It is re- Torunw Wil• Am,r .(,'. ties to their line, such u Ing of the, exererble doZ. 1 Ie't Killarney I Jamie 1)i:l non ' grave rotes thea Quo yea• aIJeJ :u r distinct tLcrm u.d a tbrwt eau- caiaratf Schaal. •uy',kLadWifuw Alam tYi.• _- $etliteatis, Chairo, Tables, 1n she soft summer swellings, to Suite Wer tea t Ytt game *writing. Lucy and the mother of , berate he would bate aco•r,ed to M_.d gaide i t oto i,u net auii �n li Liab foam w1 sou delivered jud. emeut iu ilia cont of Cu a• $OiaB, QLC•, in ginsy fashion, and w rletcb, but she and Luc , raid m fellow studeota, rod the ab..m- I Ilia two sow had bowl providud•/or by the g mu* Pleas in .M e"o of Rlawim.-tbefr Ia••d• RintoAl Brothers, I moody whYprled-rlmt about love at all, inable Tuweer; I loft them Cor ,rad mid all • Slate for life, said soup i, began lu be Lru'O•d "n- pnlitlnl endo .rf the writer dad pflm g` t der w Ilia bnmlraMic u,sainctt of oar mhh. ablps t'kat ,I uttJcr4ivimrdl wJ Yr. JtS•tiM C U 91 M I SS I q N K N R C H AN T 8 0} All kinds of wood -turning dot e� soh ae w 1 remember, bot of list weather rnd the and that was how m erg*Zeme3t was bra- l that now their father was a crnotdrte for tb. I J. S ilson ewtvu.-iu 1• "1 noir W"'Isblps It RT A 89 9T. Faawcom XA"gA 9Tagzv, Nool posts, stair banuistors, nee yu es, Ac. ubrto oat it "toed so sweet to sack our ll A mod -nate .rad L'terrl n as•lch Y Ike I i 1 ken off, and wA] thdtt is to Sin. Peon• I le,000 p se r. 3 ,. ielaii worth nee,- 1 i MaH fa'oa,i:e, daterp - deen ,,te Jed .. If ,, wkic:l hod a-mW,wA Alwr s un hrre), •cum tete epr,m Il Yus ° "Wa • O e T. C A L . 5 P •o ors rnd speak low Wed aloCL 'UOce, ie • rlwb. \ � Ir 1,000 r tear, 5t r. Dicka,n'a f.lrnd, Leen ,�rrpa:rJ Inv h ;:ant v e, lulls g•uai,rd • fr over. the moo:a %4110 1 was lead,° her will enjoy .he ,elwsn a of dicuusg b' you ASSORTMENT OF COFFINS, R \ I lotalll disereditd 1►e roatoor, and iudignael- tlN , ahng u( Air. Jus,.ca �I.."I Xllsun tun Adwnees made on cooai,-rnmente of Pro• a user some baggy R ound, 1 rata ht bar roil : ts;mg Tea G den till it win oar tun- pt) r g -_ 1 eoalrad l.d Il. lar e{ lhw arnyoY P C.IJIIi :I )jd�e ata Ilio trtA'a Ill td t p gran- aed • HBAR.9E w hire on reronaLle teams. --- _ J Y 9 vnmrace u takr p,w"arion of you durnialuua ince c Lt ithnol, OlY6ow load dtber pore 1 by m;strks utsteaJ 111 bur bridle, stvl ahA -" irect w alt UlMsa;Y, was it taw -and, to Y. a Ane o.'r Leuauts un suffe,j•fe, and we IRs, toil cunaegseuth rehtatd to Brant is Oreat Brium, Gedrrich, flay 3rd, 13G6 lSw6m'll"i dad m,t snatch it away. JAMES DI E0N. tiler suc .e,a0d d'sausl, be falle.ed, a u�vJ the vete fol W►dab lir, Neliesaier had • Consiq°mens of Ashen, Butter, At., re. - , cated and eun'ce. d that lie mrdit:,teil Iiia rill cerate you fret tt. This it thrlr rruM in; pl,.d. P H UG �I D UN L0 It WY tN heyday and Cha prime of m� r tM dl@ strh, sad f awn 1 Ag. -e with ;t - spself311y soL•eited. li'e, w Ct enh and t rad ouch lot the s Int ouu•hse. It was anon c'rnr that' '• Loneat kir. Yrfiensie then anted ►air lui.ve (v eanh Se t. 3. 1886. awl T I P - Wl:en • S" slm • of State berms',. himself to P wbich no ower tan ever more renew. I Jamin Dickson" had sold hitaaelf, body and , roan) df appwal. T'keir hmis.:ia repair l 1 1' (Fmm lAe Globe o([Ac rrah. writer ' (3001 nlumcna a s drays ,igictdt Jobs oa"aos. knew .flat she felt, raid what would lease ) stint, to LM ASWr,tewUsne.-at-tLat kir. that they had wtfcipuiee Mr..YrKeatir's BARIti.irSIiATTORNEY.80LiCTTOR 1'}{{t OLDEST' E�TAHGI3HMENT �:�C EI T P mod dohWs in Six;es that ares •tend o n Craaury, Ne O,•rer Market mere her, w soon as lite feelin rnd thw wish DtcLwo sone W get the lit�l@l-ar.bip, ,,ad 'c wuUuu, rutl that Sidclp relrsed Ilia role they yq T 1� 1 Zs O g The recent a pointment of Mr. JamY ear h other without being seperrt Ly ins• Co..,.lKuaawa'SlreatrUodenek. 4s4f IN TOWN_ - tMmxlrY wen baro. Uur t touwed ay Pf Yr. Yandoa, Co frit, Jo weir W get the h�iate Iwuudr•irh" Jkmvm Mig": w Chia w0r14 not be Ina,r.tu.e iu a Io.iu,S air, ul•- -xos- Diclson, member a fIuron and Bruce, w osiers that iu common fYli'nas3 boson rJ w � l.uwder. i N murning thank: w the Pudic ler theLherrl thuurLt sl lets, "leaned cul tit wed with ei cu -mi ecom Of the ease i.l anada one can Peal's tbou ht, aro thoa.•ht coCIJ wed itorlf with t.,e ngthe m btp of th- County r Huron, ;t want flung a All sante of div_u,ar It t f ohs Ill. fio Mon, pstmn.ge branwed on nbn, wunr. to i.- R one of lbs mast Jr eyeful termin,,tidyls of Fe's")' P' oral• corr►mle that he. meat bullying. We -.�. _ TTORN6Y'A'C-LAW, iULICITUR iN fwm them that I rva, rolarged hie Irremi•ea w soeveh "• She tuuk a fancy to a beth iP .0 dung olds, mud the memhcr Cur klwon all know, as well as m; that the w►pis of • mrtiRder Mlai tin to • fisherman ; and 1 a polittwal earwr which this counl.y by voted swidght lhrooab An his muter bid him. S' Shipwreck and Less of Eleven Chwerry, Nota P.Mar, (%rr•eyfeOwrr CONTAls a LARGE A+D WELL SZLetTCD STOC[ •f . lrnr wlln fwd. L:anaJa LY been man in- our Noah A riotimis pusresaioua on IW baro Lera•. As, Jtr., G.Jeria6, 7itada Wrst. Uftr--os buu�Lt a fer her xC onro, al,Lou;fh it +as y LY hen Mr. l�noo's Faeetiun Bill came up- bad may be ov.•rrun at Ary ume longkefur•o _ "Lancet of pulitieAl profit,aDiry-man a time on wbich M:. Dieksun had been au unbe:sdr° s t ijustb.,da of wast rtrecr,thuJduur (raa the of F,A LL AND WINT}:R GOOD. , terrible asrage. end '-xerpt fur Lurl's liking ad g re eOWd t4 ow u,,. torr. ima tM taDnt•. Q,art-H.uw'quare. Lava e h is dAlun for •pactto a of p -the ,srq f:r sur m -J of 6r, was t0„Teuieot• Tho llchaoer 1g dTuffur'tl 4 Detroit -- - -' MARTIN A M A N N Were ce w th dieted is Ihe, ly o Martel, al nut either Mood or ou d ifan lu name, ' w e a euone make head ad ti re a01amrr t the s , Ina"hx wnh a Wr . 1'•.wt d raw -the uulr ate it would answer w• Wed reprusent,tive of thn people ' buuthl up Ir nbr•a. il0 wLu Lad been W loud iu de- hlf�e4 wish whtwt eYd' Oullnrd (air O s y like a heat in the maikeo," W note the tTe aro "lug ye riira to CLe toed tial en i pRit, A et RNEY•' DRG3 TU INP•UKY RIF OLD CU`JTON SATS COLLARS TIES tume,imetit woald not wIhu-WensTowwr, q Bills, of the G:r�,d 'lluuk d BOWl MWIT time of the aur has Yt uri•rd %harm �°rMfE, want nharr on F•Ida], :USIt )ARRI9TP.;t, ATTOK. 30L1C1T D mea ,i rt ba is soli able to Intl for cash, r nut a nmos fur a Iud '■ t at all, still •cares. •aPnMire len caro ar Mr. Dickson'a pup l;(IIs ail fu Wer r w,atuna trot now err lac I ) 1) ea.tc.,U•wAtce,U. w-brrlca: t' I M' n iv ri:twtlly Impi,nal:du fur .Y w du 1,aAke Ust i a Oa We li ell& a til P .t the tor•st rates fora enlleman'r There sou a little chaser; bat in thw whole political history of with Lia ve a to pmL throw the Btll. Rc ' Stare Waject Bliverk, Weat i(t.t netr..- I g ,he Province, there l@ not w be found • ,he nee (or Cbe. a, huntier se co . L*ke Wtxmo TIN YwM1 g a the Pwat neor ,west al Olasgew Horns. , BEI!IUCUNPICSST HP. CAN CIYE SA 118- wdvd•d field, lied,rd in by • c0 i¢-, wbich had mlways mu:ntstned l wt ate mtse#•e !LL K19D9 OF FL6NITORE P'' muroshatmeleas trrurctiun thw M•. Dick toe need may bac. and unuer Cheer con• rLwl rnd'wcutdUwa at lho Cwt mod, uF ►ACTION lop -d into the lake rho t a n ala Isom tM Would W rmoow bac bra eoYlitasmn ; bm a . Irons* el: NiGore. ,6 TTORNIB9, 1.00A..1TO RS. Ae- f:ndr ', ,.k,C. W. Uses-Gg A88'S NEW aI• NIK '..e... o... La -1a ae-R.. (#.rdenca-- .Amt°at7Lh. 1f64. swl03wJl q.1NAws'r Rahe. [j TTORNSY•AT-LAW. IROLiCiTOR IN ' f, Cbaawm"4. acv PuNie.Cw#evememr,be. U den. -h, C. W.-O4e*,nrer C. E. Aar•hslrld'e Sten, Crabb's Block. •15.19 )ttntl to Ltd aa_It1 Property B. V Dav�te. ata C. W. e IIrR fo wa c a s t s. On e.•-Ja 1V.r BtocA: t� 1. Y. nkwi2.os. �iRTER, ATTORNEY.AT LAW, Qes rgr,,.,vr, ke. U-11 - Blalta's &eek. mem" f, IISO. awt7 At bra shop on Kingston street, ooprrite the Huron flute!, Godench. Give him • tall. (.,• •h, Oa. 3. 18GG. swl1w37 - --- - -- - -- - -- IiEW YHOTOGfl1PH GILLEBI ovra t' DG '73 6N0\kNNTARDTMTiPULM*0t6. Perfect Flt W arrautce In every Ptyle of Grrimeal. t1- He solicits am Inspet•uon of hu Goals. HIiGH DCN LOP, •two Dow. West Dark'•Hotel. Qederica ton. Stn. Inns, ave -11 -rt s I Y I hotel, and there Latey agreed (f Ur the first) w meet me *toil#. I Sian to be there beiure nrerkfut, at ei�nl u'cloeh in the morning, I and you mar bra sure i was there. At .it -wish Tower: lierpapa 1 was.r•er Happier chit° at Ihu rticular time. Pe The universal irawrt seemed its harmony with my Maasfj�I G•elin a CLe San eb oc ort bright gad clear. so that the hath -moo an brefesrs could scarcely could lM pleasant son's male of lirarall w the Moister who bra load paid him Lis pries, Mr Dickson entered Parlirmeol Y the candldaae of the Liberal party far the larg• eat eonstitaenry in the Provime. The Cni• tad cou°tines of Iiurnn aed Brace wilt a PCPs lation of mon thaA a bare" thousand welt, hrre wthu htw Out one trprvsew• rive to Parlirmeat. '1'hore are hath mai hers now situ„ in its Aaarmbl sthwu g 1. pity h, trwi naw zna Y' d d.c meat ID the ti free of tho•Ir iudi,uant praeas, that it Wens h. the #Cry thing they wanted. Har who d glwaye pr••aeoed econ.tly La loudly Snap now prompt with bac vee of wstrw every lliuu. Soared eauu►a�puos. lir ruled to ,a, M,- t : ouporr a aLd• R. Ii•• coat• d fur the bah million to the Ullawb DuildivJe. Ile euro voted for Abe sz,ndalnaa great of 11'JI,OJo to ahs iaatelu Tuwaships of Lower (:an►da. your 8 cr ary*s dm is b. I the Casa of UYf SCC rC Wr adYl awh. 1 am Very Wer: V I Wer it, I owns. a pe,ly, aridun mu. L Chu bra aea.n:d to Ina Ir YYd YgwUl,h Ufa W' •' y. m°^ crl.rd to the front of a free ,amwr, ;a such It rids as Tums, I b.re Alai tried oto keep up the i rspeel Which 1 wcqu,red fur kir, issi l whra teudm the d:batea on Kansas g '1" a lou acs yvu a r;o. TM dasardly ruempt on bac life, associated w it was with the mar 1y, the Icef in deep Wadi•. Tile csp:aio and crew o; tun m n wen: het with the Teelcl. l p to this rima only three ixdks bare boat I000vered. _ -_ �iaTRIrJYIAI. TIU.Ix.-GII Ralardry ni at. the °sun, y quiet village of 3 am ma•r s"t wa (he cirrus of eo,ride bis eae{termeLt A --- D R. MILTON'S v h MED 10A L D I S P E N S A R Y, throbbing v( ml hhoJ tke blas rippling united e(aystlnteacles do not number as m n I lug Ili tact, Le uuck at u,,4eOA lltdum of lour grmr,d aiid t, re waved iu ew,s,, uaace of the rrr:val b ilia 7..i3 4 7 1 la COLLL+OE' 8'F'RK);T, ;but , sou ea of the lake looted irropre"iLll tempt- w'l le a#CLe con;u:ucnc of Mr. Dc i 1' 7 �" ' jobs, seLgme, tui;f, and wieaear1leuau jots, all ro these errlr (regret saLl. min bud It ie wnh cowidrr.ble regret that l sm oblijed totbrnr frau, kber pr lotY ee.lenxi .] •' W - ing, act i a,uld not moist a awifa. Jest a Chu dNp injwtice -ne keenly felt ail Hur, a came alike w Mr Dickson. He brdbbrgwn- lLem orerbw,J. If tbn drsp,mtcb• weans who oaf all, waits • numMr of pen!ale wane anaarly W ? M NTREA C. E. 0 , I -•r n a b n m, • d out al .Ili ° hl 1 • for thou h D �c 8 aN•d Ilwse; Mr. Dieksun was sent to the o r u of .d b is tri � t r ag;a fo A ed k ,fe e M s •• n w on ibis oil- bnJ u iu lulhi„ 1 r w*tun A sbert lime b an adve,,wsnent r• p t- C j�'b 1- ERTARLI3HFD FOR TSE CCISE OF i t h tem of ti a [ li d ane m to # n. I deter• P 1 ase minted w W droasrd and acted] for tM icer to i t ar tad m Ins isle n e al ch d . Wed int. A •f1B 1 g• mediate redre.s Cur hie onstiwr,art aatd P i r ria 't a w ,e Gse � We o -ail tFh u 41 race sou d' rut t P ate lie,,etrsrELip then on the people rL(r g r I 1, M rad Ur Wl.te l*a* l wN and b ie � P hid for 1 it mac ht �hsva bean . , k r , nr u1t4a klaue4reter m the a rd I t o p t 1 aid { i rL Jetmul c,•t.neetaJ wish CLe chrrcA wlaL- g 'a ,C A ',x - - Scrofula, Consum ton in its incl ent view an hnur u least before the a entad' Lticy h liA hepa little °nbu.oded wofideoce wun reposed ins hr f fidelity to Ibe popular cause. bd Rvstavt him, rad who" fuaacsls he writ batrll :n tiro rah ru;e, d done at enl rale w Iry better Lists• n lu eat be, d,. with i Ibdv who Mid some mares rt Mrdta lwitia a rirw Ipael w• !'a~ 7 pD "' �� st es, Dy"� n, Nervous aR peri![ Ihbilil PemalC Nrak- I ume. m. m self, S. 4 I earlier ; bud et *n evenA. with such an bas• I'or seyeal ortsilons after him election, Mr. anulus. 1t'ell, PatitnuuF}tltame w an end -a taw 's N rah ll agre to the r was I c n I-,,, " Ina Were dl agreed, eo far w la cmc jel.r, iu triwoo fLin attrveud thn ulteotiou of a I• t few 1 lar a Rtoak of 9rddler utd eosin r I blas, and all ChrooiO fol eo once io ble a rehension, i "seq 1'n� PF would not run the shadow ail a rack. Dtckses Hee ell rant lits eounitoents unt;ef• pa eA. He sou an unpder•ing supporter of months wt -e allu red to fur ecene PB06 � ) sate-ar�I then the decd. wu cnnsutnw&w8. ►he Jrrlro th«t evat talo co0sulenuon I Pn••s ]netts Co yumme-wnt, nne of he *- wnh rlecled w car•wpond with him. TM "Mit" _ Complaints, 8yp►ilis, Seminal Weakness, ! " Mind my c otres, artind them," said 1 the rioei Ir. b sou mtettrd to maiotaiq P D his last week's Gazelle disclosed the whole Mould be given to the tar of these prilius Uur perpr revolt, "lours weal) du. al"t havi ", bee:: taken, u our lad was rt )' t 1 ►Plan ed to.ueet the b•!rr.,u,:r lot t!re aiu.ioL, a:.J • r a o D a a 1 c a. die t, Towser (who took hi• seat thereon, saga c,tigl elroo h) for I had heard of -Inch and no man wunmure setiow that votat rude each" should be n ht is lieu"lwe, P g ,tray of the tulamwu Compact. Of ,ha foura•acantcom,ty offices m 11•uce Dutone Jd tbeebecutiunofs p!r"4 and it k1nM"On therewaenJdltRcolt itrauotirl reeci etition. 1 Z J. 1warancia C. llaldan N I I r and wtulrewr to tae eorntr Nu mem can make out • ab*Juw of a ewe sock un thla• .Aviv eaalrnl Io •low wurlu Le w PIMCILts take° ill ever• style and in all -- things a cloth• -s bring starless from wueon- 1 y said tJ be the poo eat of them all, is filled by g f proposed TTORNEY-AT L.t W, ROLICITOR 1�7 her sow mon nick to mark • de stun set up for him, that he was i. Cksn la os Ism writ which was arcaded t awl Ins it A. C►wrrwry, Ceneeyaneer. Nc . hr .tinder- clads of .'ether. Porwl,,im « fJpalotlpt f1R. MILT, rN 4.t w I■Gwm t Pub(aa that r aciow d,ppen ftefo a tker,, witb reaelte not to q pa • "Mal p the other three have been given own Dsuw and ural tilled in b the 61r r T o IJ h devarr h s weotr ume w ehr In rlment M Inueakt of ; uNl in 1 went. 1 remember bot° tin path of poliur•I tact lode, load lutlr w tiff -bi.rer o orlmallO of Mr. Dickson. m' I I proceeded Ina a ready Irce sear the ata ith .rb. C A. o,!w-Kste'a Sock, aserrer Coven Pistures, acrd ,.t the •bv.e e.mpl.tsts- 't'►. tr"Imau .dO{a' hI0 delight of that babe en• to ski■ da meal did he show to the recreant who bar- The At orney General lira ratified hr spite b'•k'~ to du the duuw ail hie ogi,r to wwud when a number of I wan atrmbled wilA flew Omar»rM 1Fer ittrees• a kwte TILE IIELIOARISTOTTPIA, .d u Ibe result rel ..say vein eape_0ee acv ]J La.•ed bis renes !w for li; No fr oen,tr gg ad and dying men, he should be parduumd . � Kw T w ltd 04 nal Property• Gun, •lou Amens-• The gl.w, the frash„esa, the luxunons sok P P P• eq against'the able loader of Ihe� tGoderich bar you pocks wad shot 4aa aft ,..,fy. As [. ' Ob "BtyT MIN PICTURE;' P s J em t of the Parliamentu theriw can haws for• - ftarll. lu like mrnncr, II Lynch Yn addm" a Iuachtd abeul tt haatd a wl.is r of, "Is arse of etch anicr>'*r wear net he tut 7 got b ie' atm6 hu eleiew in Moor of bra ca4 PP F'• New Remedies r Quick Cures otten Mr. Diackson'a oumments as the n;a I F an• proof that he arms net a belligerent, bel tlart him with CLe a ectecleaT' when he be• C. IP, Clsrww. Tskenln n•inlr stain from EI SO to g20 "er ti6icb h:e rya rented oo int painted on f sad -r. Aad a the p.iu uf,being s Dani w ;' Dor low Venrral Dleenr+, and all •ate com- uwnice of Mr. McDuueall'■ career. When •spse,rl't ed f t � Its em siol., w spun some tar itti @*J Wel sbe�k for ull stn• TTr)RNF•Y•AT-I.AW, ISMi-,ter ,n C►rs• P^ the memo of one who hu M:rn stricken Ihis Dose in Welles, Mr. J Dlek I is P °Y•/ (Cnloeld in wear colon^• nr „il. 7 ) W A .err. N,a:. Palo- Cotla"'ar r, lea., plaits. siert,, al n, Werra, srmu■I wcskne", blind, air the Inst herd melody l@ treneuird I'rortnr.a! ti•crututy gun uepreu•ut► Iteg *redo( M. --a 1 t ea e i far ea er tha i hat Of blisho tM pots. ill Wens tuhpwed aid greated with 7 Welt �,ifr-Stu 'I,•buLt;rrr4.'m .sk-n nn naonabl• yore• m Ihr hung, sntrrwts. W rhe talnry•., des- . i. that of a ma° stunn,d deaf b a fall ; it to"' he 1'opulauan Io tree win, rr and wLKn Cate IR far weaker than lRr- of Mecif ofd loo def intro stir=. s oa,.k ivluoe w the Waiuu Clmwy C. W. terihr-ith-r nYr.i„ o• c ,! ,-,• I. a.e• el rill, h,•,.d, tl.na.t, nu.e and also., and a'I y Apar from tAe sl,etiding et at Of En Lsum.ln -Auld wnh lh,• senleuce ail death g e he b"onte u sudden convert w Grand Trunk K mnm, but was fnikaw,•d h♦ the aroNrd ; o - --------- --- - PItICEy IfGt1' EG thou a •eabere la ,M w Jrendfw rahcuun. uiu.g Pwa, • .acres rY m• Inst rrr(�et pleasure, and succeeded tLts mfomoua cff*i: firm r int a of Mr. Amelganrection, no more ste,a eritin b ad be ' VI"' w be carrrrd nut. Itw a IrlsLmeu wLr,ber char man war . ,toted and his ow,r letters m. Mwlcomaes. Ca„ Mlwt of yonlA, whr'b Pnduce. d,naiwuooal by a aM+ck tbrt 1 abull oerer ) lbisk, gaYte Dickson Ii w violation of the spirit o laws. PP ARKIVKK, Autasn,"T, Snhaur. At tar D, C.ANIPBFLL. rladnt, renden mar-laar .nrwrr,hlc, and in get over. than tbe umhawable member far Hero", titiuns ail t4u Gmtrd Sate+or nut, will m• wetereadtohim. UvwashmW dhooted B Cunlo n. C. W• wH resod da•arn .. Doth Lod ■rad man), s"k fbe independence of Parhamrnt Act ee- vada, loo' Ihc•tr raw° old codmlr , but o rov ,Y• I y When f had bathed as loo Y I 'ud ed to `3o eatremeir partteular was Mr. Dickson clall y P rnd eshioitrd to aft comes rot ha tallow MOkIEY TO LEND. noderiel•,Jo" 1, 1466. s -S7 u 1. . me�■nrhuly far. that tnouatarls lett gg J a Ili"t -beg he sura asked n the sermon of P° T termed to pruthet the rep ki lb."r• iota io wLitb t. -y hnra nu'u4ln:uoalwnn'g who wantrda wile." Then weld no boteht "'t... tri I'll n ,ntci lots owmg Ira -„aril lie Pspot vw, 1 boded and blond T lows i,. G urns of the people from the era• rvpIt fn Cul men, Who, hr the use of ,to,rmoue drug.. the e t whe•s my warmenl■ and Towser Inv; 1tltiS) by hu own pailmal f -inside in the to nrec,e, sail r hen Wer. pre pb Lave no about, as,: the eommsC inetica o1 s 11 pre cute of Government ,ftuuourje. It •Quid 1 W WIwm P•rweer pWt"oerttMlHstel.7llttMel l l;.A oo. r NT""-, e.Udmg p,emetum derav, and Y i dial so every indi•dual hair upon his back kLniytry to rid in postpmrng-rad W oppoa, not be es smiAs'oua to revert to the old jalcon shy won them, std in tb do,°g shoot th. VICAM ••ar rad res. • could rut be car":5 Ar1'(11tNIRY.AT-L.\W, iOL?CITOB IN , Ima n u,laer.ydDlonremoo ne.Wn e• tt; mea- seemed w bristle with fury, Rod bis stns bet merely to postpone -Mr. Dnnou • Elec spas le of allowtm she -itis n ist•*n, Ar., dm-° vvlonit'en rho bare turned wt fur the .jI.-LI'ng1-' Yuprr. Obmaerry, ('ua•eyascer, aro. Wkl1.•s.r, A Cwt, Or. MJIw ,■ ne .rely I'nyo• aO w • curdled with coal@ of fin, M gave me notice tion Bill for one session, he ibdl;tnantll re- n be lelected to Is lisment, a g it w to here Jug Ale °f 1Ln,r o •u bernlu, they fare tu.u• f _ _w» (1....d9raee. V16.15Tly "lra•ia!i•t, nu.• n. the Cny. that cu Lr -I.-y t fused, and, at the risk 0( ettdangerin,i • lug hYt u shun ehri:t uNiope fur from us. it I 7.oW►wr trwwanwvwsa, ORN R(CRs, Prnprictnr. This i. lh ,rb(ai u{r •n. Ir art ether. l.d to sum you, d.O t I'• a low Jrtet mined growl, Chu Its wou1A membere conapa d LI the prom Y of rain J measD m to ndnu tbe anocW aria of hie res Id rM wall it our po,uOatu; and jot th,s Rctsr to Lewwuw herco IdAToa'• I.,,,m, d be,tC.nntry hotel in Wnwer despair; .g•rr ham a call It el oral . comm.,.. swing on me and U or we urlu fr.,, , nit d Ra Y tM once of ord relw. in .Ireaing logicial• I DAT. -A eorrw oedeot of the Lumdoe CIYIL ENdiNEEK AND PKUV INCiAL # iso curl goal it raa Shur bnuru to 11 tact thv f r,. a I...nJ N,er,ra a .',odenle:. enf Har•. .,r.".A with him to rare .each ■■rot HI* i nopr0ac bed naarer i it " acvidem that he OonstitmeiY. ruled .g.iaat any pwtr aM to liar ilmen the -o Ile wuuid knuw what d lased Nevevw. Torwto Sssat,liudrne.. RyRnrlavll. Stare Proprrtor. Good•'rMaF f" HOUMy AKE SEPARATE FUK PATIENT"' did not recoa°ise me, ; the least,- without meal of the Bill. � i � 1 1 imh grrrllQm with mon carNlor rnd bunutrl. �'i rap, demc.t or'a cues wrwrsaed iu l.oudun •16nt d rber were Burn and what the had to ea 100 Hawrar. llurneraa t;arnage. fns tire, ne irT wedN al ad•w,ntn to da• mac elMhn. A few baeC dlontht cant n heavy .hrdu dp I (can . prce>Stte rbc temptatimt lot • Did for un "Curd klncor's DoT ':- �ga.�. Hwrnlin N 3hurte•t Net era t•'' Psutlntsm ay Part of rid nawntry treated by ., pact. L:ul when the Guvrtnmmat Gra Lal yy - [YIL i><GINBP.It AND AURVFYOR ____ Ms,l, Tbuw soh. w_.h • nand otenaew Tow, Tow, Tn., ow, Tow," said 1 oxer thl@ i, rano of `hunMl Jamie '• Di,L- toe L tach tutu u your elects ,w ; Lut stns nml " It wort Wynod IDs power 0( my pen to ppee ` al, a man who was elected in the belief that leade.sa should be roof a riust ouch 6.t ve an of, vete Macri tion of the aet.Y t■rd Cosve amen, Kinc*rdat man addrerw Mrs tt Mnmreal, and Ihr ISOMDII ood old 'ow, low remember •" n-" me his const;tutents wen wont to cail J' K °T'ta- IP 9 P C, 64WAW T tar I.p.n, P 1f' R I hr• wlnainderendent kLnise,ialpatrona r. Iwtor surd m-ke tbrtr ■.Perm .pru.,tment. me bat the brute, like tLe friend we hrre him, The Pustmart•rehip of Godcrtch--the loon-wJ 1 cont q Uma tree Wee lot even the parseuteJ w -stay ;Dat ford are li4irrtdwst t Ihr boot coastitWocv in tba co.nuy meJ f1Qe�mmlm6W Mf 6Yt pillet flliteg 01 Munnenl, Nov Illa lhM. wtr lTr kaowo io •better d« , nuJ • al to when Cuenir Tewn of Humn-be,etaoe vacant f 1 _ I DPr IinJ rkall' wp{,urfiug tba wrwr mcroJwluw "••t lir mbueaua on;thu, ueauf. r a W°rte ,ea,"ectnbb pr•.una wbu we•ro pteseDt who A&be V-•9 NGTICE. us dtffem It apparel, , alt shook hu head i° The ode. wY aY) to fill and highly remu°• frau"ctiutr of which a reckiess \limstr cru of much bumilnati ,° to your must firTO sera 1nt!f� with me tkattlrey Went"' inns l din• Ii A, ]A, IiC a it"T F• L. a menacing manner, add abused his teeth vented ;twine of the oldest and ov fat respect- be uil , . I Iritil bare. hwr3 in lour eolum,iw I got•. erdttalle to.tbe Ilett ay of tbeww!d, 1 ams the more. ed residents of the erturity were applicants )' I Lrlard elawtd in the sone cate{uay lith oldl :ata,li:le tee imprtaaiuns •hey mast lease OEN Mtn ftsm 9 o'clock. a m., to 3 _ _ HF. undersigned having disposed of hu 1,>r it •-and ever one ea ad Ctrl tbr• rat the wBn!e affair, fres fist (n teal, 1,,. •rad ad other o r rea•ed aatioue, aced (his a .n m: i,uelli:eul 1'" 1--i. cr In mace tine f� ' Towser, be auiet, lir ; how den yon- i I has Deere a+ndumsl h bs er •sad seller in b sleet[, �• m. - + HarneM Business w the Meson- Henry Tuw, Tow, Tow -To Aero hs pearl bfo•IonR rniex of tome fairhful o!d puhlw I I •about any r roof of argumrtd which wised , Rtrneta girrn op ti j+nrMiu 'u of • 'roved) --'-_..-" - f L' T be t be- ws�-( I afterdefien" or public opinions as well u 1 I ' b I t Lt mob,' whllw nw"hef facie p.*etNsd sAl JAmEFi t't1lAI1.l. ARCHITECT, PL1.N3 ye gut lot s'sest.er, orrec Htyl . J!Sjne m lbs Ifdren A.0. Mart, M.r cwt d"sere.l,,.daneb. 1 ew T 1 a71 Tlr t4. , rl. '1 tt I T E: Ali A LANDACCNT• Ooderich. t�tr Est 8aus,re, ToodsJLlaTorevery WeldRMday�rum 1MIA w i 0. a. _ _ _ __ Jokn 4i' a Ptsell. �MNnRAL COMMISSION GEN aerial eatacorla new'• B0a,la, 6IW& e,(;"vey.ec t.. age. Otloeml Br 9 OMT, tsaof9mers, tj'A .Z.W• __. - c Peter +Vnass. P O�wNN�llntaltowf", C Ar� Nietes* Aroedauconeend. Beal"" of ■e7 trod e s ■tedlo elm Weil l rtc,elve proaDl War'atl's' x W. Me $AVACE, [iVy; •ed wells New York Drafte-Gree sty �tNdN-National currency -Stale note etd Wa�e"nt Monty, at Current raa T• - xd s• ^- of r•:tnain-tN A Wil mm Martaa u I u awe, gas o + ak from his friends and customers a von- P- bed a bit of my call o�+Yoe county, br list dog; Ke may. air, ain't\ you wbamed of servant would be rewarded Ly ri. Ilot Mr. Diekwn hell IM p*tronrde in lits hnnda un ' of the Iowa of Cha 1'rurince. It tar r � 'car of flu: on Rh.,uld live fifty to draw not here app leo Wen rt ens r fired Welg W your low^ Rebel 9wles-(air it all rom" lot rhe n,neua rand cbgegw of aw:d•ahi glee, as da: 1 t;nuaoee l.f that patronage be has so lout further that Olt ourteit I•, Dro of fns oozed throw h I �' a memher for the county, and he determined Teen the emoluments of Ilia office, ,e will riot out Ihu area AYumi„g y,rer premiere to be they tnot,.(I with rogs.wss rod g.by upon. h'u tllai cele bl brypenN b, au oy ad, end would jest i nal the teeth of thn erocious monster un he stood otherwise. First there wun a long delay in live t e di" r ce be hits brou ht u ora him• b R a i P 'aur: t tat n ennridet*h'e pnrurm oft pro- any uulunauste llu'.s wee•,k•atro rJ d those indebted t" him willl call un early ,u P"a•i ble acrd nay their urdebteduess at h;r , with tail erect at these Ac rovin words, D P r bit he manifest,d no signs of remorse or gllu,g up the tacancy. Then Came myneri cos amt JOPara„ing rumours why tills Otte Or self. Nor Witt he outlive hr own wusi of be.we• rate rat Leland wish to saerr their comae ti0u wnh I. i'uml '1 herr i. no Ji,•.i.c•Ii.n wllml- uuast 11,61 wueuu„u. ht me .s, 1 mi;;'.t fay hondndt Lot rt offes at the old Hsrttess Depot. •^crow, M eituntibn bear>1e senooa i° the 1 (Let one ■hould not be appourted. end ehsme-for ht knows .A- dtlf Truro n loo well feel herntT Clic eau, in my p.n of tM Ikhhh Pwnplre, b+• dretroyi.R..as Cha moat i,alml.ea aMWw HURACS HURTON. Godericb, 16th Oct. 1866. extreme l what d he show to sit there ora finftlly came the st •riling news that ' honest Jamie D.ekson" had to wood and evil not to oris d+ radit,o'r of his slot,. He can have nu farmers the E,t;4li.hmnn and the 1-whoon -- tt h•,•r:rer Ihere il, a dt.5^, nr,, it le in fr#er meut With lwhioh the 'graCemes of A.hiN. c1ytpet' 1,-nn�ed their iinu•. 1 .abet �rack�t' h(i ut�� m sotaal w pa,soh ugtB-y At this i y M P 'tea, be recommended thn most desirable offiao hie own son -s lad eeca ie in this wur rl I trlom the ie!,i tea of a eonae;ence wanker '1'lasr are Imes wail oarrtrd fit b/ con extent w t ind111 1'j111E undersigned hating puehased the, t, , torriWe to concludep, a proru" per an;rmiui broke out all oar me, 1'ngrntl I' hurdle turned of his majarlt I j his end the content t u( r ht• P �g 1Yhile ha Lr" hie wits of kbe Vanilla. reerJ'I tate,) iu their o%a is!aod. 1.+e.y crnrr w we -,A O and aYthouAb-the;w'iu1Wu wr.e LLNI)i. fpr• - - -_ 1 lar a Rtoak of 9rddler utd eosin r I feelin a little cold 1 went back into the g And that wY not all. 1'i,e Pwtmuter. minded cera. nm be among the h•assl yeomanry of Ill ran mid r Fn�ImaJ l@ ne.. rtly open w IArm. At our yloleJ F4.trwiorwfi lata cua•udy Ihe�scrmps lit h-• P R O P R I £ T O R 6 Fi A I ii. N :] >S 8 lake again to consi,ier what was /u Io done, whip of'3aaforth. become vaotat. I he same B, uce k hywu d and a iepruacb- r synonym Mr tray she a the highest prizes. Sir Ha h wh•nn tht7 lied a nu In . acct, ,be,e wrro dowerri'sho esr.p�d Ibe eye Of*" stardy Of Ra w Mills Wn*Ilan kiillm, Fleur and rant rero!•d the foul purpose of enticing Towser;:Ito the we IOU end there drowning aecoe occurred -the same delay, the swan myaterT; the same double dealing -and Lhn bar po!iudnl lreacherr and proslilvunu Cairns, .bu Lar)wt been prumoled to .the ('birf J..st-.-A p in (mac Court of Chancery, Tet eonsLabirs• illi q.nrl@mnn who w"Matioaed Orifi Mills, Paper Mills, Tlarsal•i,.g MW Ae.' him. Ahase and flattery being !qually same end : the appointment to lbs see Ind part' high it bas betrayed, will aur ,The w roc Ihr for of iU Ixlr,, er I 3 lord will at is an hi.hmnn, 1 htyre ,,re three rrirhfbe,n at tb. Anc10 In Cl d rhinrr, Foundries and Marlil Shops, thrown away upon him, I tried steave; 1 brRt Pont office in the county of another son ' " , rdmmister a rebuke to *lite bnckueyed cur - •mora our e'Immou law judg•t, mad hosts of men n Hine orOfelt fileide saw loo ICY Cha hire or Cru actual IAc(!s, o(whteb emerpftl with Ac., Ac., • • the Lubrie Oil ! heaved at him wnh all my tors the 1 pebbhr 1 could select, the majority of w ,oh he by leaping from of honest Jamie Dickson." it r, ander anT circumstances, a delim is thing for • member of Parlament to rue Ibe ro rtionrtwho has added ib;s roo .victim to his Pinar'". Huron and Bruce will hereafter lush sts pascliciug rill rucwY st Wer bar, wbi6• tLe.e is nn 1' t,;li+6man o3 the Triab h nr, "^ far as ; know, in Cha ptrnnlo n of nrMt their Sll•go&.00lism ,Yat ;wst�o my friemd•s knuwlr dZe, wLp Wens p'*Temed l:um his pwi N Use ..,,tied side to side, hold those, which struck him rendered him to patronage committed w him for Ilia rsrblie bersefiq in elret lsor rc maut.:ivet, And we have con. -,tach, pr•etiee At the Irish bar. In the church aril the army lir,n (Sein= nu the top god( of a house) f on" ar re • furious, th..t T Mli-rd De world brei killed ficin,( Gp she oeicea of his colontrl wnh hl@ 8eem" tbtr,fat Ae vest election, tick. air P bI+!de, and in tka mc,:icrl pro cullinR aUenurni to tM alh tboagh M rexrr.cyrasn and eat me if he could, whether i was drew• own relatives. Then mote be eases when the chase (,f Mr. Dickson, in piano of demunl the aswe roto d f asinn then• ,ire many Irt"bmelf our ler ing meff atuallY ottempteal to Ila sot, Tit Pas4- I It the Best and Chea est , P B U S n, ho a 8 I Mr. 8nr•et Horwn, w{ro hes hien w long ed or not, bot he would not venture into the merits and claims of a candidate for hfcial itis the Belunne,e of ♦hoee rnunti,", .iii onl g render thrm the more d nermined to I Physicians sad ve-;;-on+. State eduestirre in ;n4 mud Budd -•n ruse es were somethsng te,ri- far Matinee wits, is e( r and fsvnnbl known in that capacity, beg to I water alter me still. At Imk Ili. dim. draw' . tag nn epees Inv Ihe apposnted intcry;res, loon demand recognition irrespective of r pmrsonal coneeeuon :mrd no One woCld rtand by their princiPlem. We Cannot re Ireland is oa a far Maar footing than in Eng- lad, (lits n•rprct, Lel for the mleres Me and I gliev,'d the poor 11 . b. ;int , of the br6 neAll Trmartd t3 t r a M" Lohnesting (til ;n th- msrket. than with state that we are prepared to conlinne, the Firershl- „hich i had once looked forward to with Pretend that the Dallas of such an one nuaht Ui gret-tlia. Mr, ekt•.n is out of Parliament. and to cine um'n•It of ilia c nu-ch'�R Rn,: r•cts. there �I rot-atiuu, soA do :-I n 41 W their temeril V f ." I I• a, Them is fears friction with thio rwmg to ttR rte-Ileot body hasintts oa the emcee Vrmt to our- Nch delight and .Ipecta4on. 1 wan fat n, to be ignored ti mol. liee.awl, he hes r rel.rice, ,,ever w ,t t° n. llis sonrl haL;Ia-If noth e' ear,• -hod Dna "loch w mahe him wrglA lace m..his,( mora to Ae willed nr • 1 muAl net trim a ah• fut torr 0n your Any other nil, Wend a tmRlkr unntit Int consumed. hila on q 1 chasers as they have hitherto enjoyed. The Ruke¢ribers bare on hand at their ag 7 rage, to hide my in an on of shown And self m • dr ditch i0 Ihe nes hhoring cn in Parliament. Iiut the bppoatment w lacreuve olfitw of m -re lade wilhnat iM ati ro ane( to seT vas m a reprewmaove of the pan- at fou hl for. 'fAe owl nal rdmranr:n soh.;eL roabh{hfd church mid tae Tslnsble "•'.w, nut the erii ( uomnlrin of t t• .klub bas atuaiJfly tcem ibotr`asisg ayery Tarr otwwp•, w17.1 re 9hn M*rbet aan t ver lar a Aaort- I ' ole. •. Bet n r decvl to be nlNd CDN a Jdah Ilw:lsis. I 1 the other bend p, Sq , I f where I could sea .hot too place w;t out I preauce ofspecial claims or qualifiestiona I '� •stem nl' bed lanurn-wor.J be sbuiished lire wrens w>aumed wnh rot inlo;erable acs et epos Well 1T NEVER CUM8 'a-nt ^f bein seen, end rh.re 1 envered m If over, eel oar the beside of old aerosol. of ills ,ion, man who nmw be41an heanunbleprl«- ) pP t, I pat �,tc ,, ��t R 1•s' plus, man ho a ab!ic lire uudor are p i in • Kwon, but fur the o os, be of Irish• that i cue 1 ant let ch oat era s+ wit 'rat LTOR-mrD A 11UNNKK, RAT711fLD bot roes rwert, sod keeps th•• hearings and QW1_]J'�$ ®rlsi[RZJt3Q like a bebe;n the woods, with hour public, simply because they mrs the tons of � m^n then:erlwcs. A rad t crnuot Lot be!igtr sobtd4ne the * ewte Ake tae matrwWp" 9 Prewmtl m Lac came dons a trigs the count member, is a scanelal abuse of etaneet w di. ail and en humititung - Cwn I M Noe.e a.1.. as "tats er e'a'st working parts smooth and cool. t" ETRRT mTY1.i, 7 1 1 °. 1 oM that all men Rmun lou wbb are enlilled h+ --F •prwtf•at.d.4t.. .wt1�re tM bl o Nromn e, and the fl c or, We trim tAat r tpect►ele w rendsluy and i , III by most re.pertahle dmg;l@ls, Grnrr ,a' von esnlally drerned Ihne usoal, end look i1Y P F •Baan 7 w deworrluin,r may never be repeated• spot olo th.w era )cyte, knuw all laic aR A OIO.INT[O 1tDNnQR.-The Liven w r al Me,rclooks and (,if Dealers;o the country. $>;j.(11(jle$, Trlinkr:, Valises, ing all grace and modesty. The dog began Mr. Dieker taiesconduct in theme assns well as Wen At anT rate, we I,now it well, DE 1� _ I:5i ,- 3•Y' Ask for the Aa, Ac., w►ieh they am prepared to ON., w W howl Y the drew near ; the saw ham anA Wens sggriTstd try l;m feet tkat tMn sown ___ - srM, knowing it Rhsit fight me herd aR you pocl ✓O°anal thus refrn to Cho gi�a04C D r. P N E L to Brantford Labrie 011 Compalif it oil, th- public at greatly retain pritas, for rub. she aw my 6astk.w, and the nollses that i among the Applicable gentlemen vibe wen did in Inur great Itstrllion ib• pnvea abs "chyme witch rnumur fav" ?l r, lluroefi FarNn will do wall to sell rnd inapret -ns drowned (I a"Id dew it int her utptareive older public servants than Mr. Diettr. bice °anon from hrin l broken up m soh ie•rr RiII pMl nand In ht.1 next burhet :-"face SURGICAL A it tb�TANICAL JOI1`l I•{• R'I'RATPmarke ,Weir stock and rices before onhw.n else couoaomace Am hire r ° her a norm. For self -gentlemen -ell vilified for the datier 1Eaum:s ♦no Fatal. eo'cata'rt nr aNtr' DsnI.T,Uonenek, C, Mansur. P P [ ) ° q BOARD. -On Saturday raft-rnonn Insellig"cri Piece the con,est may I« thread upon w. end n1Y lndebt(d fl. tht fdMwdnq infsrtnulten Bnotfcrd, Jaly 3, 1t16A. w23•m9 .here, Y such a chance a seldom offered. one It giant she lou c u though she Ines and In whom, mnewover Mr, Diclsos sou .u' ncaird;n town rat b f@*rlvl acewleat ou sE`intl all enme,ra, .rad rho Rennhlmto party f, one who iR Well Inforuted : Dmmr* i • H. A W. MARTIN. about t, h;rat, end the nett t e sped oR laserly indebted for obtaining him his wit in the 8tatr ought to be the first to u.- will astogish the world iD lfudget by pro - Itdeft• oar Its. 7. Jordsz'6 Aly Goderiab, Oat. 16th, ISM. was again to the hotel with iM tp"d of a deer. a Parliwment. No wo"der that Sit- public ° `� llr abip Ariadru uuwmrd hno°d, off dentaad too e m aathize with us w this r•• s _Welt- tea Pd rims, on thn prenow Wednesday- T 1 IsominR to ayume all the dabeu:atw of /_•reach lub,lfr0' _ _ _ _ __ Oraeioas hwTr" I 1 decided spun rescuing filth fn Br. Die•k.on receited • rtldo ahoek. eol.e. IMPROYEO f�flMS dor SA�EI a portion of my garments at mast, or upon Hut there was Wen se to come. Th. en.nty soh"A rad".: Main Jnne,t, "Ned rem the nilwt]aplwursuthe r to the holden e a d C AjXADIAN HOTEL, p.ri.hing in the a:umpl, and tubed out of Bfgee, after Ion ordelav, wY wpartied Q'nb-c le lbe Wetly panus lest wMh,and eo p• r cent. lem than the ra>lwnl" I�!] the Qj■IrY'rOil, C. �. of 1M Sta rbt for the prrpn"; but my from Haran, for Municipal and jw'liasl par- f •g ltnaeunlrreA a squall at ( napratf 9At.T �NTr Macre of Gode,r;eb, Zfs,r-in fact y yMra ltte eaMnel deM b nI'OP )revise ad Wfe 1flflMrlse« --� eocraRa fa;lrrt me Y i neared the @*tap para A new aN of aeenty ellicials to fAs bwor mod Wel We Truster". W.1 its four I showed ra yesterday a tveemwn of tb- Welt � �,te.d 190 mmi-a hT .1a proAV, �gaygp om atasewatt.s Tsawa• W. TUpaDUK V Pro/Astor. j OT 14, eon 4, Hewiok� 100 merits, f;0 animal and 1 found myself (in pose soft• Brume bed b tae mppnlaNed ►y t►. (Irrre/n. of the tAippr craw Wenn al„li tskio( in Yil whick is anw twiug menu faCtu:pd in thwt _ AJ term el-s"A' ale. [Al 3, eon 14, We- femrd rnd palpitating maswr) bunk in r=, moat-aed uude,r 1 v=in al of in". Yr. the fire ioprgallant yi d broke ht leaner to -n, from the waters of the sett well relent- tleetetbinR stmilar Y i•w•asseif arrarp- aod the unfortunate men fell w the deck. 1S 1 Rtrurk whom M"'InJ for ,dl, 11 N. re"11" m•�ok fix tha toleA�raph iinm-." p J. F. C. Haldan's i.AW Chswben llE.Ra,^t�k�meat .a furatabed wdh all the w•unsb, 20o agree M the Inflate 100 or 200 dry diteb again with tb* *"Outlets d a ler Dickwa wY 0rtilled to t►s p•tmnsim. Yr. 1 jte Italic In ttrfeam to ��,,, T reyrllunleM "wau.l ,o In. cumrna sa,rN W toil pmnbY res Terns liberal sod e(Moed and pdn I my retrnr had not bran I Uteks" m de Isismeemme"dseieem pawfamnd Meaty w at the moment •wept the .h;p fore a eple"did •disk, beim( very fine, and of a The CLij;afo jf P til �lpplt, Cerner CnaK He.r 9q.an Nd tome iasis anw les er+iit Rimm. N a paymantlowe. uALIN•d, pmrbmph bmtaer Choir wsa sotbfa to denro th.ir s otmea-prefes"Q 4 bra, sad -►:i, earrling nyerimard two of the on- hrillu°t white color. 11 u now bww man- f rattio" (MIS rtA R pout j hate Uustworth w n .. `MtltBb•. Otlgeylabs C' W' "/�-'p� r--`` Titles indbputsb e. Appl is to "vtr it, whbmt eeas�derrblm tamtk and indi Haat that dim wrro out m farfo�R. Rtlglanee. vihs Werra' d"eNMr, ofrctumd at lbm rata of ei,yh.y Dern►R per Cha i3ii hsfA Inn is .tf"vl to r.f4M r, u �t ►Tf1L EIf ( T Ppok ' It r R J08N 1tA[.OAN, JR.. s . rR1i.iCs, CIM bawd had hhtem t"wvw•! 1 wome, s km biter Ihinp to hu aomineas s most mew e W fattc gw,t*T Wer (cid loran dar and , pr+is ass a Inllog p aprillar ct't. f •t•ysrnril] M • �etrttls tiWty »ilea �7�!it' Die le. that. from 'bat mamait trtghts v my the Ourer°ment for rot appoistii tMi 1 tsau Wm fon 41cb qwa dmad, and lbm fomrtb ptresiny tM "te.pririig prepdeto a dr.• �, tltk ba " iR00. w+rwr TEAM KNOWS,, twehe bene power, aed g Nn. a to nfatr was aced a In an on- r fres aiie 1•aM n L bw4 f shsiM t _y_ _.--+---- S both it sod Item baler sea b*MAY W" no" N air f, 1 R63. Well ptrwen viW it dit e"t moN that h be joy Appo after month went -, without ss r PI, P m000ro Ire n; couu t Ag tisk C sma, the or lila p .• _ the rleeetisw of the ►Cann Chet Well mid M qtly appoattotwt bm bg male -and pie la cegeeia•s eebshtino, wnh ro ntAsr inf.rT resouruea of orf wuutry.-B►ilieA Cowa{(nn, of puhlio aAain Is tbg >OwOoeym lsttr•Ioimem. Nunn in acs o,,ll sox muntbe� rot (-bar _- showered downs o" thst sale *"'Num. i knew wondered what it .rant, lA Yl6er ac"Wer th f hes enniveli testi•ed in fli fel . llfmaPe• .Chis movements it u 0-14 N peratioacrd W65164b AMD MtCHAN1UAL,d:NTIeT, p.efia Jan WWI M FRESN O�STEBS Ant b. virawN M si alisa•d h ►Ary sad awe the. Were no Inch dela, � Ue{(d We have not ben rbie M fears say Asher, bJ toe incrraing d Wd Tna(tx, DA Y i D L"iMIll. �1i� MLW;TtUPA'(HIdT, Oso tot "• sett ofdsg •f fnd b,Roa sot rebs- Cototiw of i�waoa sed fer gf- peafeda", W ealstrdsy Oaht sear tel• Ths 9t. C►tAarinea Joareal think. tial rod tW rah „(.l ii t At igtj eft Am T511Z6 inserted in either Pla 0^,i.rMh. Aag. "tb, IW4. Wl'grlds- 1. almost. sad ag•slieM ematw*. wa"biag amyl-. WY Mtdl set apart When a compleSo it'Nhod from iYTisrw dwLn b Mem". sele,r snarwtMwg N dote• bT (mac N1%letw•f vq B � � ow be- btt. Otild. Niw� . ^��rw�Ntaaai �OnOp �0 � Cutty N bM pot tar tM M• kstek of Tery nt�risq Y.H ;Mtalied oe the Allan., to r p Ce., of tAfi Abad i0 imtfie m d t. e"ator•r it tM ke yrs ptA;el et she USI- Ftra Is MitkeA� iMM . red Relober e`.m eO1r Ela'omt O , A1VT) SPIC*B = �k,M=rawer W40W learns roe"nmors"ine of Mr. Carter,r�,a/a�•1 the Coo. -"men to rsplmer those krllad Sy IM Yd toj tiaefw frill upset• M r to Weis ahipksil. ' taw the Pum •i1 W pr jmpa+oWed limit. , en fwm .sreaSiee "ams11•R Ani ILwI" w attd terrible ietidaLl-t$reiSee lmsgta d' ° t4ia prosince. It inordinate that ser sail any iia' ■bltl J1W •att'errte Dant, aq gtLt to'04. e' 'ybffdrlMl prided m�iy *nlMdyNAi all "me beefs las] •� sM{d.rHss Ura Ol.bgm• h/.•s �IM1] -- taFs of Mr rktpoWfeA k.A Mon eeuto M�1i(Y wit AT1UT At the LoNl6t F4w@, bw rwbOr, sad aM dwa" orarm fres N. want wMer mph io" N am co% ' . won to LM sums h Do M m ebur Nt14 h�■����0rts I ea,lea, 0• ISP Ike ray big" or Aglow s.woon*,WA wbi sow bweamtdd bWt bi sf lMr 1 t4 N tot" Mi rile who Weald plater, i t e. t. r A I sad b7 I1:�� itl•wt AslWsirm twelb sMet asdy Wtletri saMr • r skis enentl) if their n t a w d . Nrmdw, OA' o e►rN to AIMaa EWilwngs, lfiM/stM 111r rAb�, g J wltbblt�lher 4Yd twa.6 (bW - --- I OMer �gwy� {� Tiie s Cas am IN lett OMs. �� Q "Mid, Salpt. ldf Jam - SWM klgbbfrl Clot � 0 r ! ttllOwtPl; eembr !or iara•s 11. r 1 r e silt wblol I +�(aiw ,.e w • IIf Gem #tar I11yY. r. o. a111r0ai �b !r IAgr - '•' i t i elft' t f " +j e r t ' d P =., I, �' n 4