HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1866-11-29, Page 3•0 _
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A (soup IDa4,4 *sold it not be, if the---__ 1Btrtps - Ap Adwrosti pflltf SABBATH SHOOL THE NOTES CHEAP CASH ST0FLE !':. L !OH NSOIVPI I11BO1VeL1r Act of IbC4
tulsMl --w- Ve HesM 'Syr•°' Ms•id At Cedar Morris. Iowa, on Saturday, ROUT\ SIDE C,roaT Horse StirAsz,GODERICE, I Am PAP matter of 1Aordsa buys, as ihxlla
comelbrwerd and pay •sop. With thell7il, inert., Iha wits of Wm.JamaHaruse. COPY, --- r,ar.
P K y formerly u(Oudarnch,u1'aduo litter. LIBRARIESe T - •AVING iven his Rooms a Thorough
reesns h ees of n• tiip Doeessar 6 $ERE an many (aro celled) Cheap Cash Swrv. ft Guderieh, ►art IAe pablia easy rent H R i) Y r.n.•.f ►r -elIncley eer•J "t Ins, eP "••'Pre
assured that the Itefitling, would InhmYte to thew 11 .d.b. ants orla• a6•r• nsle'd ousel"he , n 1'r
to this production of a good newspaper, itI gWrrlro. TO 0. CRABB Es wisbin It' prn,w.nw'i d,..r.s.. I.hall no liar ,e:. to
' q'' I A S G 0 V H 0 U S F GOOD PHOTn6HAPH 1 Cv.rl stele w ,t, Tn A.l yn, T. ho 1'waNc.
isabwoletst) nooerary th.g our patrvps Attha Halo■ Qutsl, on the 221ast„ b) Sit, -We the un rnignld F,betnnof the , T ! mrl,srmbeer of r•mu•n nen a1' ewer• .•ltr•l.
ahoald PAY UP -ml iaM Y the r I the Rev. R. Whiling, Yr. Harry Hurst las Towo of OaiericA, res Mfull asset that vl u..va 1'Y 11@ nR uurRr«I,Ylrrw, r(HL.-W lase '•
Pec J p■pe P• y !•Y AVER] Lar a Aswxtment Dow Y.,idin"'"" ,a..p ,l.wm-lit"wu•.. •,
I Yin. A nee Runes both of Motion. Pa that thry will find U W Ili-ir advantage to 'u m.• 7.,,...b:v , f l "od.'r, end a „nip , f Atee•,.
iR faruiabsed at the old Ices. Our g you will lion yourself W he p1 t to Numin• The Noted Cheap Cash Sten, will ever maintain its proud position of pro eminence to witch r.aaa,n,na I.. Kr«. ter Ina 1'w• segos or Ir.. rair
(In iter 14th inst., at the resideulw n( lire tin for Yayur, fur lbeel.wing year, 1"' to hand, containing ftoln +'it stained under the fori.er man• ement, av the best and give kim •tall. HYving second ihewreiees
hu ba.0 wnly triol b) parties, bride's father, by the liar. W. S. Griftu, tU bO voluhnes, $ ( of Mr. D M. Conus, of H,trulo, whcee re{t". ,••sr;l-A!d h w v!fT ` i.qy h nnbu da + ,
P■ ORe° Willi les ct. ff tatlon is alread .Iabliebed as at artist iu bit m.reou.r..1..1 .=d a'wwlaas Un y'• Iioiet
,noel of ,•horn we hate Dever Sean, who Chas. n Smith, of Ifni. ase. C In Charlotte ► CHEAP EST S POT I N TOWN " y ,• y. POLLIA'«.
A. second d.ugbur of Chu. C'lemes, Fwq., e1' we .abartbw .11r.elrPa, BEAIITIFIILLY ILLUST$ATED l ! PrnrrA.;.m, he enn i.rni.h rN(p•il AsurY•e Iter u k (s
g:o oe quietly from year to rear without I putt Hope. Yours, trul I
esndittil us a dollar. Now that mopes tel (3 !d y' TO BT.'Y ' Pbot0 ra tN of Ever • St le "seer,', ts.,
BTEON(ILY BOUND S 1 I ••'•(''". ' ,, ,
+ I o•"dmrh. "ah act . qN. ( _
_ g" ) knonn to the ter. _
pteatlful with moat of our frnuen, sen I sbllgf[I/g>NlKts. Edwt. L9tIF,ra, D. Cameron, and otlrrwl at rates that cannel be ,i ( OI7 iJ} ) JI t CII I AP I A =, $ U M !3 igelifet AtlOf )♦ iM+ AOtrLw I
mast urge them to remember us without -. .. W. G. Smith, Malcolm Nicholson, undersold in the province, al Ili(
^ •^R^' G. Sl. Trueman, War. Salus, We are ju+t receiving; cur second supply of Sla is nn hand very cheap. leant/.
delay. Tha sum• dun by etch maY Caas. E. Rubin+on, J. P. Mclean, t T t \ / 1 Y I N. R.- Old Amnrot)•ye" anJ Dnoerrrco -
Requisition S[GNAI. OFFIC1:.Il l It S le 0 R H E S F A SON
small, but in lire aggreagxte they atuount U. C' E' Khan, JamesSurchan, J . types copied to t hotot•M1plis. Provhicr of Cnnads, I\ TFiE COLNTi
to a su4p which we oauuut uffurd to iia out pit Henry Ford, Alec. Moore@, Oud_nch, Uet. 2:, I +GG. w3? .".m$r.sa Couney of Huron. COL'nT of Ike [err•
>k TO JOAN V. DETL OR,ESQ Thu. McClenegbre,, N'm. Leonard, one of UtP l "rtcd ed ('"ItMNa of Burow
of. Our terms aro strict) $1.•10 r Ow..Oraar, Rin. Shroder, OUR FOURTH SUPPLY OP l)R• MILTON 8 Counties of Have" 1 &Ad Be see.
year is advance or 1'1.00 at the cud of Ple ,RIa, - t1',•, the undersiroed Hugh Dunlop, el.cu6 SrrpMllier. L 111 A N A C SO l • • j M E D i C A L O t S P E N S A R Y, , and liracr, J
K James Situation, Wm. A. 8pi. It, Ladies Hats and ilhnery floods IJr tAs 'Heiler./ SHa.vs/('.rr,',:e,ne lewJr.zf,
the year, sod as each paper mailed bean ElneWrd, of the Town of Goderioh, in Ja:nea McFarland, Jas. ltuchRltau, • COI,LEGE STREET, N Mand.v, the Iweat xrh deer as Nuw•m-
lar+,r.l,tbr u.,h-. 9o"l w•AI Apnlr h, the
a Irbel flgtared Lo show the date up to view of this erluablr senieo+ you have Lute FL'rrd Joke t{rlr+, -- A:!D OL'R SI'CTH 9CIs1'LY OF M O N T R 1'C A Lt . i• Ep J1dsr ni the w,d Cu1,et leer r Jl.vbulRe airMr IM
rendered to lire Munici alit for the st W. J. Johnston, Moses Cressman.
udieA (At payer ie said, it oamiot be P J W Henr LleDermot, Hugh Kitson, I3 L i 1'l\ A N 1/ I O 111 1 ( FSTABLISIM) FOR THECURE OF real Aru. s
difficult to ascertain :he amount of in- two can, ref robe eek tiro oa will 1 lStl'F.L CAYTKW!1.
I allow ourself to bt tt aminated a Dia or John Mitctell, William U.acanr Cana inn A nese j 1'US[S A MUIIH}:,
debtaduess. Carte urs with lrsoney, then ! I for the ensuing year, ■ted in caw of a sop• Samuel Peuu.ud, J. H. %'.theme, Scrofula, Con"nmption in tb iueipient Rclicitrtn tur lopnlr,,,t.
C. Sinclair W.T. Hays, rasa pl:lgrs, Dynp•psin, Nervous •
D K E R R J R & C O ID. I AI Gouerre h, tow 19tH JSy of • rptsml M.
teat, we pledge our voter and ioluentro in N'ut. !Inas, )1. J. h ngLt, ";"J ■ T • s e Debility, Frmah Kray- A. D. Inti6, wM 1m
F.IECUTIOXf V1 J. M ►C , K..L• I order W a:roure your lriuwphant rrturu : John Thompson, JYmes FJJWU, GI.+{ow i!„nee, lad \cyte IAGf. wit Irl•, ■nil ell Ciironie -- -
--j-' --
MYRTRKAI, Nov. 23.-Jamts Slack, of the Jto. McDonald, 3herlR Feist 1',ro leton, W'ilii.m Willa , - 1NSVLYBNI' AC'L' OF tA04,
furJnch SlcPkeuop. (' roe, ('nmpluiutr, `;ypbilia,
Ito l Aruller), who mard•reti Cor ur.l AI•I Wm. R T ILl • Jrhn R. L1ark, James AdAiton, TIDOS GRIFFIT I & CO Eeratnal 11'Ltuknesv,
P { eye y. ' 1 the mstl,r at Rahert (JYe hfin R% n,sa4re•ef I
f Smith, was executed this morning ase the D• Shade Goodin J Bell, James D"naldwo, emote ylrrlin, --- •
y' Job,, F1 slo I 0 Aerf TIIF. C'm1A"n of ILe Lu,•hent Rre nasfed
presAatt of thosantL, but nut w mwy as Roble Gihho"s, Thna F' Me Lem % 1'' N'm. W'llatt, , F
aced W &need Surh ft Iirllrag scenes. Muck Samuel Platt, I)artil Gonion sem' Milli, June.. John Flutter, QAVING Oi ENED THE1►t W'n VLESALE WAREHUCSE, That hP bis untie a A.ainmrnt 1'f h.1
ILLUSTRATED LONDON ALMANAC 11R HILT +YI 11'•. I,t iM7,rm P„!,hr Ilia r.:ar tend •nP, le. n"drr the .I.,vr Art. In me
fewer than usual came fru,u IAe country I Jnhn Rergmiller, . Enc McKey, James Andreas, Ma,tln Amann, j ( ( T \ \ D Ar devolve le . wh-+k „ Ibe n,&c.omed Aar erg a"is 1_ .. 'Mej
About eight o'clock mar took place, several W. T, Cue, Arr{, U,ekeun, rhomas John& on, lwac Nwwn, FOR 1 8 6 7 . 1 w O. 3 • I FRON• 1' S1 REET 7 ORO N TO p ■ '•• the ,r.°t°•;,I, ; _ R"
T / . of the she. rem Inn• 'Itr,rretl,orni .d„ t tolntn•sh u,1', wnmw Ise, on,nlbe fn,n owed. r.
Noes bow nt. The ri.oner Has dem- St. Lamiatrs, Jamey Skimmings, - PJ u the rentll el man)• W.n expenenre u w ah tlle,rrisen., lymg the arcane Ih.y
a p Juhn BI•ke, R. R. Smith; (1'r
ad in • blas suit given him b the Nuat. George Barry, Donald Cam bell 0 W 0 F F E R F 0 R SALE F:urapa• rasa Amwnra. A"IJ, ^ a1r, "nil . We . n1' y : a„J ti tDory
I A. 11. icor, J Y rlwuod p + .ulmRthe fart: I!,e who!r attafwl nnd,r .aThr
He was perfectly collected and stated that he J. R. Gordon, Jrmrs (fnnlnn Juhn furter, K'm. Mdla, Sear., New Remedies a Quick Cures I .„h :h.• c .rev her. n .url`•tn 1'A rush rlann•.
was sorry for having committed the len ible }•. Jordw7, Alexander Watson Hn-hard Farber, ltubert Mc Brian, 1' rlv I7 a1 peer the r,.Pr.l D,.eer., .1',J .I nc"tr ,.u
1w _ p m• heeled at the It—"r olmench 1'n ,h. C,•wnrr
crime, being( willing and happy to illy to ex I Oen. Cox, Nm Rumbll, f{. \1', Kin+han, Jwmrt kr,d, O a s s e 1 1 s Cheats• Hal(Cbe-ts and C.ddies, ] onng Hyannis, Gunpnwd„•, imrerni a. Taanksiv JApan.I P'ann, al.•ru, ser„ tunes, r•tuu,al wrrknw, of Heron, be. 19in day ^f .N. r der. A. U.
pial• it lie seemed to be in no way afraid I \V. 1'help., W U -1hannon Alfred Collins, John Na,rn, Young tlyaoo, Uncolored JApahs, Co teens, Sopehcog., Orange Pekoe and Sceotrd Caper ram. ,o IAe h•, n. RMcnu"a "t the kiJnrp., Jb- Ir6u. "M tw
of his dreadful fate, &rad shook bands .illi' There, .A ndrewg, D F! aeon, it„m•rt l homson, Daniel Campbell• Pekoe. I I e..e. orlhe head, Ihn.al, a,ee end akin, steel all ronin er MCN)RI: ASIVEL Pti6Un A.
r I L L U ST N A T E D A L ANC D,•es' drrnAfgl +freer,nn" a:•u,e {1'.111 . er•(•rel F"hrdu,. Iew•f rcul. VifN•gl A.1.gmV ,
chow around him ith& him f os Ito ser seem. Campbell, Gito Jrrup Juhn Taylor, l
g P L ', g:,.Gj : habit of yam A. w6r h pndnrn r.msrnunanel I -__tete. _. _ .__ - _. _ _ .- _
being pin oned, the pnrst asked him If his Mark \Vbrtslr, John Robertson F'O7P 18gt]e deb, v. rem:er• over-all,•' ,,nrr,wd-le, tad in' INSOLVENT ACT OF• 1864.
would haus the cap llu,rh (;_dirmr, P Miller, r jams Porto Rice,,Brls. tin. ".. 2 1 2 and 3 Yellow Refined, Crushed S a1d A, Dry Crushe the end ,kslmr. loth hardy "std onad. I
"No; I am nut afraid u( death -1 have dune : TO Edwin CIIAufd, 11. G. Sml1h, G. M. I and G.Ound. It ,. • mr(.nrholy is,-. ,her Ih.u+and. f. i In tie en All -r ret Ilu;h 711r(tun.hl,cf (LP 'r• -4.
J. Y. S. Kirk, Charles Wells,
•run asJ dwrervs il." 'rhe mPlrnchol pro w rchn:a u. rhronR nomp'e, ret• nwuq Io mend i In,. ,ef Nunte NI the Cnrnly art Huron, vw
8 y , )t. Tnin.r, Rr,bl C.m bei, Trueman, and 011ie 4cc>lb P 0Fi S4 i
cewlou thou moved to the glioses. The P' 101 mro, wh, •, hr the use of nu, vin •u, drop., 1 wlreul.
Ren Jj Horton, Henn Wella, • tea La uua rs, Rio. Java and Hoek■'la•,.Rananl sad Groun1. nun runs.nntor.1'au.mg re, at", A•.+1'v, .at /(\IIF. 1'rer, 'r. a n,1' i.."IT.M arc nestle.(
doomed man stood eget while the rope was Jos. rYc N. Brasken-.lies J••hneron G,EN-LEE EN : ( L E 8 L I E 8 P > Cys w ta•n 1,1 "ther.cmpl"ms veto nu,a,vr us Iu mPn• I 1 d,.t he b". m"'psR Ar.4nmrnt ,•r n,. r".
being filed. Thr cap w1' then drawn over! r -, John Pridham After due rousiderstion i cordially ae• a .,,, / 'rn •sAC I;'( )V>W t nun. U. Md1oA a the ,.r,ly Pne,.1••.an a• a IRV .std .den.,.und , Ibe• al"err Ar,, W n1'... It..
hu Isee, sod iu • few momenta Ibe bolt i VPi0%renna, Jnhn P+ m, CePI your Proprsilio , to "Ilow mywlf to be' 1 trat8li dWli 'iia'C I flntis, lots, Csb4er :tolsce, Twist, and Utrl' and Bright 1.3 Ili•., Moen Old Vlrg, a very light eaJ SM'r',"1'sr• now m the l'nY. na 1'.0 Ir• .•nnnlr ; ,1nJv: a,y n,v1 A«Irnrv, and thry •re "n o--1 le
I eh"„e. re!,ad np„n. 0 ail dAen ted r", urc you, dttu"; na.,.l, nu, Real in two inuroh. intm this deer.
was drawn, and he fell about four feet. hi I T. Th mpson, Jn. Mcltar•ly, r• put u, Nomination for Ll ay ter, fur the eosa FOR 1 8 0 7. I,k. m; we been a reit It ,. ,.nlv a ,nuun"n'
the deattnt the tap Came of and exp,e••d his e J FIIZJ)( jig 'p" a wish Ifeenelsind wprcCI,, tie so,l 1# n...y
It. Ifo msomie, tA'm. Hamann, n.( rear. urreo,e seats Sun 1'n run anrh (ear.. HN i hMJ, d ane. rod thw vier rt it ; a"I sl news,
countenance, but It was not in the few t con• J. Ihn,h• . ifPn . Auchsrt And renllemen, 1 sincere: thank Tre for I Boxes.Ad 1111( Be.".'Nvw ■te U'J YRkne'a Itati,n•, lilR)htS ARE SEPARA rE FUR VA71Elet-I'S. I .at,r.v the isct ; I!,o whisk nur•teel .•,Jvr nark
I 1 ) LL,xi P, (His. e1'. and L I:ove• New La rr1 end 1'.r K wah Ihr r"urhrn m .n n 1'.l wah , Ia,m..
vaload. The tuna rotruded. and the Inp ,h,ln 1 .Jv.ce rnu• w all.
P Fnd R•ir 11'm R,biason, Ihr confidence you od. I h l ( by your re• M • IL nd I K, s Sr, i aMl f Lundin Le ern, 13, n Ba gown Laren. Wr.r End LR,•ru. (very pen".• DM'
nail 1»ok euuu Drgw W swell. 'r bens was asci lobo Slew A Garen. I qu«at. And, il'elrclld. T eh►II (r I ling for I O i i t ( ) 1'a,rn,a m +sty pen ..( IM roentry vessel M
the least motion of the limb. or b,edy to show MOORH O U S E Kr oil Ken ev i it, Muru.•t. lire+ A n R•iOr- Harms" Pan. Cmrenu, new enA old} Wtarl n1 d.v,,I .% ,e, Ihr {'166*. es Hstna
g•, p, err ; gw, I"vnun ted Caron Peelr, It.u:e,l and (Nen. Tlr ae ah•• w sir • prrr'oai mlrn lPer ilio twelfh Jet of N.rvrmbrr, 4 ae:
tbal be rclaned lesling a1' c.utscinwneas• R. Barton W'm McNamara the last 2.Y )1'w arrays done) du all in my 1'y [ jl ( ,j / /p 1 Irmo ,j Prone• ase tee mon. and I..a ■n, Urn
Glnrg" Rum D-,Wd Me Key ! Power for the iol,nets of I;oderir h. And 21% A 2 ,a'•,..1' inti IY V r.laharA F1'Y11a (," F•ery ff^IH il•,xM RMI Ihllla. VUll lila RaiN11P, (i.,:. •YA lir,ll'ts JWdan, 1). I AJd 1 life iii, p- n , """',rel, a1rA IAS ( !r_ )'/)I,f.(i(, F,,
lin, I,w seri claire rhrm R •,te u1 ..."Zrburn.. w43 Jw Oair,al Aa•I e1' d, t ."
la three and r lilt minutes tea vas dead. ) V &•fl Sall and \'alenc,a AbnunJe, +Inuu tend Fditen.. _r"_
ire Lewis Alfred Litk(old, You mist depend nn u, Ilia d elect«A, I wilt, _ w Maotrral. I(ov. IIIA It06. wt! Ip- ._.._ _. - -----
TM crowd quitely dispersed. H Flatlwhnlet . Ifm Hislop to lhr bra ,d my abdny. J,nc6"r,e the duces for 1867, price 5 cents each, or 30e'a I it \ I: "i % T--- L ---e---, -Q- -- 1"le'ert ACt ref- 11104 and Amendnientlt
Y•ek hod, for tupp„wd m.d S ith, in he Wm. Ga diner ltl,bert Hrsiop tad ma:,am the Dignity u( Ibe , fico. dozen, or 113.50 per great, 1 PP,pd•. Hb.I., Qr reek. and Oosves, Samlenal.',, Cents"'.. and Ual.r'a Ports, P•marlm4. Duf. g{ n tin G BQ p O
the part tel hu aorpunl, named Smith, in tM ,;.Ann Ar V.I., Cnmp,:(urrr Sr Va•'.. I u1.rc.V Co'.. P"le enJ O,Jdon (+tavern,, H&Iru^aly eM 11 ILL U1 4 IJ W y I thereof.
M Mchwan John Mel P,d, I remun, gentlemen, ►(v
presence of several comrade., cut aimitA's E Hosker David Adams, nch Ponso(varww grade",Chunpalne",(laal..idt_1'.•.nJ Hoak. --
threalwitha n.saer, end he died in about N'ilh rryoPct, j; iZ ti g 1 i, ,3 K'I1ULP.8.\T.E STATIl1:(F,ILY, (u(Ae mnllerM llkh"N Vmn.ronw.wmrdvesf,
Hirhanl Simmons 'illiam 1; I V \ - I I Y Y,rror ,A the aud,rruv vnled ,n ms, t.•
fire minutes afterwvrdL 'rhe plea of msan;q' Yen:", truly, I PAPE R der E N V E LO P E l ,9ove,41tr rete{- of Ihr "bore -.zonal
was Stlerl u•fMntd. Mack wY 25 own 1' W Ihd, J n McRPnxi4, e s Hhds, I-4 (-alt. ami C.+en,:1ll"Al"" Menne-,•,, , tard, Dupuy A Ca'a, Jules Rubin Sr Qp's, V I A.•
T T Job. Barnes tae Urceri,k, fRRiSTUPdER CRABB. ! Pocket Diaries i ('h.luvpn a. Co.'", Rod other braids. ltt(ANUFACTVREB 8, I .n.,lrrnt.. nil.r,hr nroe..u.m..1 the aA"rr .,-(,
cid ;was bon i• Engined ; hos mulhrr i. •Alan Siurra7 Pate Nolwn,
HAMILI'V::, C. 1Y, 1 •heU ufl.•, Inv .•.y m t1a C"mt K,a ns, In rt.r
living in Troland. He was able to real and David Reid, I .I. L. = Q U O R a Town otlioe!u. h, on Tu .,lar. she saltier, env
I AleS. ell, . D pe,'• I a Maeh nest, al twelve ,.',I,a k Peru., al n.,
write ; and although born a Roman Catholic, (y, - - - EVERY S!ZB Sil.11'i', t QUALITY r"nrnrna Janata Hem. Ilhda end Cos w Uehuc Ilol:"std uJ Karl h'. UW Tem Gm.DunnrJl. 'e
Ju obs C. Shangon, s Irish. Ssewrtere and fl"rve ,S oleh W'hl,kiese,C"nad,are OW K r, blah, sionos'. (aid • and ('um- •17nr Sebsrrilwn deai,e In it-tmMP to lhsir, reg ht. till, petal ,nivreal of the e",d in•olteut, a1'
a fon tlrotths after )rel ung the army, he at• N. Uu Ir, D Cum l I
T piing mute W huLrs• ('orr.a idents er d the Tnda o.1' west end In Int nrunbtr verve, end anewn a.•re• 1'f
tended t e Presbyterian Church with bin bat- `\ + ) ol, 11,,, numM•r right ,t, the .•srh ronrew, , 1, 1•,
\ Jas U"yle U.Irolm M(Quarns. Salt 1 11 I riv ile,re 1 , i vrol".anal That they are now receiving Large, r
tory. W Snvdrr. - F:,Iwar I Tt _ gL , ,'ORT s7RfB, CbOry ?O. s 'ti "f .A- Trwn.h,p .l lb.ta,rnr. easy C.w,nc ,•(
IIf r Bh'• Cis neve• ^.nrr. Iter' anal 1'ivalcrr s AI,, Can+Jun Itultuo, Co Alis and [ .ne,, Cars Pt etLs of Hten,Y, , ,ma....c In ll ,M• hundred and 6llrrn
Office lend Pocket DiaP)es
__ -_--_-_---_ Laehlin Camphell W. Ar(hur, \ " FQ , wgAL1.'- Bern odea Ihncrr W Inv. S.•II:nMm S.•h•ta ppA•. French Liyurun. ('nista. •he., Svc. I erre.. mule a1' hr. wdA rhe budd,nrr tAr1r,•,r
THIS )IAKKYTB. G. G. Lewis, HenrT Dd•1, -- TOGETAFIt ot'ITiI A` LARCE STOCK OF ALL KINDS Or PAPE RI'rmieJ,.ml 4aowu a. 11.1 Vn•uroe• Farm.
T Rutsnn James Martin, \\ rPIIE .,,I-,,brr „eel. h,1' ."le ..p!,rdd ..It F o r 1 8 6 7 I rROM TnLTR owtt S, PULLUI'K.
Jmm McLean iI. Hor'nn. Sr., 1 reed-ge un ,ne Iwuka u( uir N..unnJ pQ ♦ R.,•P. Urerpnoi Rr+p &I....nt "nJ Fre^rh C"n.+le". Hutton Hlue, Few and In1,rn Rlo., ! ni •h, I PAPER MILLS AT Vel LLE. YFIELD; CIT I"1 A-SesoekN H. A' M
r ODTtRlCH, Npt. 27 1866. I \ Rn as. wdh.M■ low hntWnd vtnbof Ice wellI Jv Different Styles.11 va,u•u uMis, Rpuw..Moitt-.. Syrnp,,(: rednaset •ted 1ra.,h,uR Aale., Engneh sod Canadun Cheer Cdielrt AwrrrKi 006,,.
F Trench 7 hos. Kedd, . now urahr f,dio,er-boa, •nd,l.ae b. tete track I Pulled FI h• Slret,hc, On the Aiver St. lawtenee i also, -
F111 do 1'1:45 1:51 1 _riJen,A, alk N.< , lest, - - _ wgG1 _ -
( DMatthesit A. Prayer, nfuuC. 1'.Hul..r,n..J,angeway Y'u.11' Very low for Cash I Crosse and Biackwell's Pickles and sauces FROM THE BRANTFORD PAPER Mllly
ti,, ng Nh.st ......... 1:15 (q 1:21 Alex Mcl^4 Wm. S•arer, Irumnrtolit-+tet,:n,rnabor. '1!"e Is e•neori /y+ I • I:FtULYIs\T AC'r IIF 1tl64.
(i ...... .. .. ...... ... U:20 (q 0:35 Matthew 1l'Wt• JRTH Krr, he boa p.ndegn w he Sul ,n lM rlr,Y,tr, awl It At thu ' SICNAL' OFT ICE S+1l m flw Ja., Yav e1'„ret and Pennevlh, L,ruanrP,. W'hdalc, Candlrwn k, Rraom •. W'r•pp'"t l [n{aaR \. !.
F\our .. , • _ 6:00 (it, 7:50 11 my Sinrlton John Murray, •elle lar -M ,seep. Appy le ■ Pape•. Fnele•h, Frenrh end Co..•han V,orese, !-ew-. tier, "ml Wiser l'"rL*, 1{uoga S.Ilpeter, l'rea"' All Sizes 0f 1'1 rA ID Pa er l 1
•' • •• • • • • •' IONS Nl'3WP. Oaderieh, Noy. 16th, 1866. t Tarter, Pula, Ifrl Cunta• Day .ad Monte'. "std LAmb'. Klan. k,ng, mr.. Sr, PP , P In tAP mallet of lrkn ttn't', nn 'rn,.,lteat.
Yar ...-.......... 0:40 ( b:4'J J.mes Thorbun Win. Sherman,
I•y '9 Go•erreb,N.'T. 2R, ime. ....; A L s O Smell and lAr v Orr %timppm, Crown,I 1'HEUre•lat.r."f the".• Ir, ret sn•srufir Ill, .•
f ase .. .... ..... 0:45 'g 0:511 rlu2► its'. IL,rat-P ti ep in, _ _ _ _ ____-.__-._ I r I)emy. R„Neel, Imperil. and Elephant, in r • d,v:der.d "lean his be,n pe -fund. and
SANT..t. • tete... tete... 4:00 (.:4 •',:0u Mard"sh McAttlely Donald C."lphell, a- - I ------_ -- I Rb:. Slm.re N". 1 Knn.d • 1 LAhr"J,tr SO t lle,rltee,, Ilbls .std ll Msrkeref, Table Codfish, will reman open 1„ ,na,.rru t, sad o .4i,ro .I
•• Riothr•n Kepd TNI• - Hollow I Rrown and Mnnilla l'npera. Also, 1'ug Had litre
i).ef, V i , , , ,tete :O8 !1'i', 0:10 J. Osler, Jnhn llaldan, Jr, way'• %%.seem I.a .Vs. area r re and .a(1' re1-4 Digin• Herrm.o In large ted amll Bases, Liverpool Coaaw and Fl n1' S.IC m1' offer,. rhe T,IlaR•' n! .4alonh, t'weMr , f
- 1 ' Stew W'nppmp, ell sixes, Heron, ever da♦ 1.-twrrr rAe hues or ren an t
ILdel(green) .... te te b '0 (, U:ul) i J.ther Me Donald, Charly. F'Icher, & „v 'a na•' I new'„ ,d A,h.ots, ..., taA seri„ I Sole Avents in Toronto, for James tit Son's Celebrated Dome Blacklead. y
mtl+nrMlr ., Ih.I n1' t n ' JUST A R RIY E D Grr k. neer „ 91h der , r.rmL...
baster........ ...... e F o, 0:15 Arsos MrKa), 71w. l ran, 4. 1 to.."' k.mrrau fr- it's n. es . n ,..,a, I 15 TONS OP STR1ti 80.reRD I
g • 0 The "bore well Ir• Intend m1 in•{reel "n the Met .saonrJ l+lork rvn o7crsd m T,roat,, •rd will ha• A. 1)., Ihot,. snrr sv -h the dosieatf there at
Pe-tatsah...... ...tete •. 0:40 (r, 0.50 I Wm. F. Gran, SwmuPl Burk, 1. 1.-. d•,p., ,enpr.,.,J.r,n m, n.,.0 w Iwr o, ne I TH E Sold luso fur Curs. w oar liberal trims for zpprpved Pape,. on hand. from 25 to 75 ahecls to the bnndle. I "llnned well he paid.
'A ded.... .... 3:00 1.4 4:00 I [owes C. Noom, It L 1 Ie. , nrrreenr 4,:1.•ar,y , rr,"W ,h•,r rmdr.n. R1' • IANGR H. RFF.kO•(
'^T m.nq...n ee,d„abd...z mv.u,l..r. std tea rare • ) L T (( (('' w! bsvP tat nn hard TArrr Slnekg of
H•y, Mr V ton '..'.... 1:00 (aG ' 9:UU ; D. Frnsev. G (:. li.nlnn I ,engem w o..K,aha.,.,.h,wrr•, .„rhe t. sa , u.a I LARGEST and Beit Srlecled Stock of THO . GIIIFFITH ( L/Ly•. Printing Papen : also, Colored and IL'ritillg I 43 ,'r.
};gl(a. ........... 0:10 (td 0:00 M, Gibson. P McCartly, earl, 1'..r. r,Yr ,Y• „r ,v,_,, J.,pe f•.14.wmg Nurembrr I6th. 18UR. w .
CAiake t . 0:20 (mo 0:25 - eraf _rinr.r,y.t ''"s.,er m. in., ....l I 39 FRO?i'f STBEET, TORO iTO. P.(.rnufua:canmete.
a.hwlfes -.-,I Dr it' A.n„e••d •pp•nr. Im•- n
T " 0: 0 (i4 0:40 ,Meilen"-m n1'. nff"n . , ,oh, frequntl pwtm;4, 1 Torose., \oTrmher.2, 13C6t w4A we w, also rrrrivins our F'w,l tmprara l INSOLVENT ACT OF 1964.
""" j,ol;iop, 0 24,184q' To John Mac3onald Es ,, :'• 'Ili Ready --Made Clothing 1! g --
v. +•. g w h a.nnswn, ►,mtrw ter Gopa of P1t lash soil Scotch
1 Ili Idly a4frrq rel .hm 1. a'" ,`_-, ma ,m,_
,• WRITiXG PA -EIt'; A V U STA i fUCF.RY. Rl the matter tel Dnnld lwmont,mn 1nsnAvnt.
P.JI RAw, 1a MAwpsr,or 1 60 a 170 v+r,.. w., M a. IM e.i .:settee reel
, (' i 3 and other Electors of .1'l. w„1,..~ ,• tame. , neh. ud,Rn,am m+ C H A N ,C E It Y El A I, E IHF; rrrJ,t n.►IAe 1nr,ITwnl nrr nra,r.A n. -I
Iifering Wbewt, do, (ty i f' , ever offered f,r sale in town, wsieh will 1 l Gre and Cnlor(•d Twines, inks, fens .l q
w 50 8 the Town of (3oderich : nu, f Sh: I Nunw..td a ffT ..I w.nwg •way "( -- Cheap . Ch6ap I Cheap . y l hr he. made." Aetipen e l hos rMae tend
}' bbl.. 1'.h. ro d
tsar, r C4 be I at recces that will u Claire end \IrmaranJum Ifnokr, tee.
peel• P DL'R. I',1 NT ,n • llerrre std f.nd Ostler b,1' Nrrlr, ender IAe aM,ce Art, u. me the und,r-
Ilatter ...... -. 0 (a, 0 Ie do .1'Y wNd .. .•',,Am" .I. m, , ,hr 1'.^w I r gar, end ee miler J"Iwel Ibe At vvtr lh dsv ,d AT r1I c Pruners' inkR. in Ke s and Cans ; lso, 1 signed Attes e, anti thry ",r le,ine rd to tun., u
Ilresxd hog., ler 101) Ibe,.. 45 (2525 ENTLE)1 F:\: -dn,l ., ro,r ,, m.,hr nxh'y :h••m least. d g Imo. wuAin Ln mm,lAa fnm ,iris Jar. waR lh.r
ewlr t-oate'h. 1'n-Ihr I, A,, .w.. Def Com etition. I N.re,lwr, In66, msde ,.1. ,rnu ,.vier .,,w
-.wrd acrd Card floard, w hien and Color.
Feta tete ... An, -tete :. - 0 6U 1'l 0 I.b I r Acle nrrrw,l, ,u .dmunnr•mg 1'a .ted R1' mhrr y ' penJ,nR , the Gmtn of l'Lanrrry fur Upper I el"irs, rprrifymg stir aeceirdv they bald, d .n, -
After harin bad lht honor of our .'.,dya"a^ caner". -.A ,. u., a.: ..mer w,ma ; Remember the old Stand- I n Goderich Boot & Shoe f seine I Rooks A enn for I uyrll'a Series of 'khool
ilwrle d•,, 0 SS 0 45 K y , N l'anak, whrrrm one loon Hervey in li.nd•s tlfi g Rnd Ili! ♦lase a(,1 ; nnJ donor sotroR lire (n,, ,
I).to, ........do,......... 0 2f, 1',0 0 28I olrofl ^eo fast the la"t Iwo yPSn, It IR r tiers. 4,a n.nleu„ Ih• Ia_.,m,1e .t+1. r - ``I ' I and Suter nna Churrhdl sud whe,s air 1"-nd"ret", IM whole al,a.d .ad,, -the with the ♦utterer.
Ivry tete -tete ............ 8 UO (21 UO very F tlfying fn mCrt 1'r from you a "•,aeser m Ins. e. N. wrrlk, l . W., Are sM n ` ■ ■ C sola f r w'A m cele I•w by 1`u bLc Au.•n,m hr \11'. RI'\TT\ GTT.LIF1 k CO. M aupp•n of .nth rMnu..
I rdr veep.i _. 1 , e 1'J JL 1 W IS Jo•rph Rr,,ne, Aurt i"nrrr, •I u,1' Crmnrcnvl Hamilton, October 13, 11,66. woe 41 DeNJ a li.drnch to Ib Cleaur rel Ifaron Ibi"
1[smaton, Now. 21, 1n64. reyu}sit n sn Iar cly an] reRpectablY e h -Mk w % i,au.r ay Ir." Lao -s•.. asl r p I flntrl, 1n Ilse Tarn of (Amton with the appn,- .\Mi Eh FL'Itiii 1 as oo Land and keeps -__-_--__--_ _ ___-- 12th J•y of N.vem6er. IItr6.
1'i mrd, r -rim our mnlinurd su rt "kr nee'%• .r. tete+,•kt Ise .0 ter dmnn•u in I (hint In,ponrun; ,y1,,,n u( Ilar.l I'i.lAlr, F.•gwrr, Murry of urs - r, IV)1,Lrx'K.
Amber W' brat ..... . _ , ... I :i.i ( , I :, R 1.1' )' PPO o•h ted Re....... dr.l•n tern so ,.. .et a real rdr Stnr Let : q.av ('purl •t .law , on Municipal Notice• l'Amal Astern. e
Rpri"g \V beat...._..•......! 25 (w, 1 :las , thcrefo . in Recordancc with your _ ___ ___--__-___ __-_ CONSTANTLY MANUFACTURING SLC. 'AgErinl:
Harle ................... U 4.i (d, 0 54 '.hole, . rel uffu to mel( n• a Can,lidatc A ant for W...n•t FIM -rias R,ngl•r' vA Wednesday', the 19th dal• of December, D1 Attorney for iwsol,nf. w43 r,,,
- ): y R r.rrRr lerrt.e n1' U71CF. ,. nwrcbr Risen m fM 31uni,•f 1
tete... 11 UU (qi 0 78I f„ our rnffr •ca, for rias•. office ole SIa n1' I C.web(rvnoa A. P., Iri6i;, .s Twwlcr n 1„1'k. n1'"n1' obr f,,_ 1 Ek,n,ra rel ter !'uwn•h, , of Hn, Oat a _
el I - J . -. LADiF,S' G.F,NTS', A CIIILDCF\S' -- _ -- -
Is.. • , .. 1,, 0' 6 (n; 6 75 1 1- t. d he ! .ure1, I will continue to THL GREAT E.16LiSH REMEDI lawmr proptny, the, .. w "sty..11 aid utegulser ' m.snm, will Ir held tel rhe awn fill 1'n fir!
tete 8 00 •(,4 6 Z6I S.E W I N G MACHINES . 11,.1, rnu„ p. r, 1'l n1' {nrr rel lard .n,1 prrltr .r, .,Here "! Znn, h, .f .a I •r"w..lap, .. Mond■r. I Insolvent Act of 1884.
Turk per. IVO the ........ - I --
diOba C lire d rise Of IAe office to the .duaed, Ten. and bane ,c the I.......tup r( the 1.0mit I. Aar rel I'ect•ndwr artistes noon• I
Turoutq No.. 22, ltlb6. best of ^ abflft SiR .1.\NF:S ('1..11:KE R {fl An sou rtmem r"n.l uety un hand,
}'• 1 - rock, Sore 2hh, Is6e. w37 Mnrne, ,n rbr f'o,mt r of nun,n. In IM Proelmr ,r the pnrp,w of ,,,,novae;; • Hrrve, (h•potw, Fn Ii,C mnitrr of AIIPn JlrQnrrn, of (her
Fall wheat ............... 1 61 (o, 1 i2 Celebrated Female Pills. of 1rve3 s, r"m.mma lh -,,.v., m.u, o l one Ile., ,"d Three C,nmcdlan, f,1' ser mneme
hart the nor to be , --- ----- - hnnJreJ sera•+ref lu,•t he rAe ea n,1' morn I I fo.nahip M Orry %n the 1'cuut) of ITurnn,
tprmJ de ..:............. 1 42 I tab '• lrryarred /ynm n prruriplrna of NII.f.. n1'Ir... 1 [\`( ' well,,gf"n r hpire omie,-,;Zve..entre
AY ATTh F. ?Ira •nl nem tSe .•um Kswd 4 the ",nth hall of lot nrn.IK•r Boots and Shoes '!! cwt p,'"° uI Ihr hove Rnrl pfa• r rel hohlmR IAe ' r
I TR lama ( In 1uismY ret.
Flour.....,............. 1'e 70 (r1' 6 f10 Gentlemen, Cfar c_V.D,I hyenas F,rfruordi nary y perm-! n na,een m fir. (r,wth sun. ,nrr tel the a..l • rfeeUOY. TIIF: ('m-!d,•rA t•fdhe (r -,I, -.f n n"hf,d
slats 0 :U t,4 0 31 to the Queen. ,v. M r anternbrr, LM Si, "A" "r m•rn"o" Town•hl , of :herring ( u +
„• •„ ]o tr, bt'., . , uwkr,ch wwn.h,Y. remrtm, n M"r I.n. w ! ,. Ile alae krcD. nnP ret this iurFret .forks WII•i.lA\t W.w.e. .p ihst .. has reed.• an Aem ,-I. 1. a Iry on-
ylarlvy ......... U, 4R (m. 0 ,i6 ' feel ami w ha« 1 eager, wah who. lave, neve 7 Thee tend. me sdua!rd aLurt tw , and Ihrrr I rf impn i ruwnsn,p C!rrk. snJ 1's• 1'u. "..de r the SMw. Arr. to m1'. ere un•
U (m, sg DL111 v- ETLO& , 1 u d W nrk m 'fawn, ll of which hr
' ib 0 7R Te f,a1 -lie -;r me"I sa tis 't ou. m Ike 1 ears o4f ; • IrlyJlyd hrll.•r ndxrd with r. que-4nn d.1'• Iron, w gnvrl m„d .7 bar "1'P well , is determined h, ",II a. cheap as an house Ifq•, :'Ugh NI !yR'fi, w4- , mith e , AMer",r soil tiller w, rv1". da to 1"1'•
F ~• ' "' •"' ' corp nl .q'6,.r inhd and Jsnaemm dlarasm r )'r Irrctd, enA nlxh aeras tLYrrol ere elrRre.l. A ) - _ ,Huh m1', wI hln a • m of M . 1 r• dale w
1"' risen 3 ern. t . ; As fr L ai
Mo"lreal, Noy. 23, IPi'7 - . --i - - : " Ircr, hlarl with •.temp whirr g . - - - __.-tete .._ _
}inT aA . *Iry lele. b, sob,. h IAP Irnalle ,on•ht nU 1'n a .nhlecC 1'1 ,.n t c Sud uMr las Amnsr and barn n1' en red tbrrr.n. m lire L all. C"II and Irl, T their a "m.", aper lying tiv r•runty heY hotel. d
Flour -Superior Rixtra..... 7 US w 7 15 (T'i. t paehe mMrr"... All etre. end mnnvr•all olrlractionot l a • •,stet on ,.nrr A.a `, An e i 'f hr purrb:r•er w,ll hr rrgMnd .1 the umr n( 111AMii EL F(?RQF, t\ OTIOE. Lnv. en,t flip value ••i a ; Rnd a nuur, .nlinR ,1 r
r remedy line new leen in ave r {went 1 , ,. n 1'r suud,l rcwankl ^ :o thur rw•o,P.v wt I b1'
lnrmahoo {hal sol ISP sole w ger t , rho Fl,mlltl'. Ruh,aun, M.•.• f+••I IhP wAob alet finder oath, wnA Me
Extra .... ............... 7 u0 • 7 MO .) a and R.te•.1 • ore m r bo LrI „n Y d i I r• I Elgin Street, liuron Road. - '
f nn, b nc,• 1t cannot he- ■.od l ilia rAe wP TO MARRIED IADIES lin one, Annone. .1 H•,.km, ane-IPPth of Inv C„ P ❑F: nn,lr l•;Crr,l .harin { disDused n( Sia •, m her• ,n ease nnll rel Auto risme.
Fahey, • . .. .. . .. . ........ 7 30 a 7 4 1 T • y AMES W'ILI.CX• 1 ' tend ,be Raise,, within tour I dench Nov. 19, 1 fob. w43 if - - I U.trd •I t;.wi,. rho U • ('.surly of Hnrwn •itis
on tr;%Ia They have been thoroug In•d, Soveuawr.2416.1866.. pas r, na,.• m„nrr, T
W beet-Ca,ad*.. .. I 50 s 1 :, 1 • pervdierly •u,teA. h w, 1, ,n •short rove, w44 love seen• lherelter, with interest a six per rent. I 1lenrre. ItunlnPM to Ihr \IesRre. li!ntJ IItA day 1'l Nmrmhc•, Ih0/i.
del W stern . ,,.. 1 4, • 1 b2 , a .d I....ammlced (un The authority o lhaae bring on the rrrnnibl nml wah re rlR,llr. I here will . an u s ,re .1 ".c Ihon-end - ---------- A William \Astir, of Ihis'f .Rr, ben to bo-
t Ya'wa R' In• P' -. A I S. POI.t.IICR,
Oats-F'er :12 1M.......... 0 31 a 0 3d' whew Ines and health salut-ry prepacesion. F., -h I.,WT, parr vise Dolor, I'"r. the (tor- TEACHER D, end ugL1y d"I:va. Lhc 1'faua111 will los •1 i \ speak from his friend+ and nunlomen a tom, Official Asaisnee.
Itarlet-1'er 4R IAe......... 0 GO w 11 b2 and if Ink,o in season will invariably nrr ernerent Man.p or Grel 8ntain W prevent coon. ` 7ANTED, . Arp•rto,. 1 been, to tied ISAAC FI ,%DES,ICK
lerle,l. `` rhrr fIr 1'1' ion Ilinuanenofthat Iain,neip he has on fong bf,GCAMFAOS,
Asim -Isom• • • • • ......... 6 4:, a u SU !colds. enu,(hA, sore Ih,oal and sell RronC rl C AT'•3'10r, I S,'h,a,l M"1'n"• Grey . MrKJlop, a1' In rel her pan„ulzn the rnnJit,on. of nista •-III I • njoyed, end would leather request Ilial all I Attorney !or Tna.lrent. w I' 2w
M I sfwceions. Onis fair Bial will 0onvioe! 1 "'Alton, Ihuny to ,rmm,n,v,•.2nd Janwit a he she rrnndng rnnd,tnos of wlc m the Curt of ) --- -- --'--------- __- _ -
do Pertlafrst:.-.,.,..•7 75 s 7 U - T7ir,.Pi/b•Aew!/warhtdywAsjP..^/n ./v•inglnrzl. AJJns. a -n 1 (han.-erv. '-` --d ihomeindebtedtob,mwill call su earl aI
fn^at skeptical. Sold by ell medicine dealers, rAe FIKS7 THR11-K MO,Y7iIS .f Pr,g- M' P l, to lA.n.W -„1'l, Mnn,., '•• - __1 pAxittle Ind s thrir Indebtedoess ■t hie t
Cbratgb, :dor• 22. 1^66.I ,, tA•w ere nn, fo Menr ase ,Hiner• Walla" p n.,unrrl lb.• 15th D,evmlwt, next, en- Fnnherpmiticulaik and rowllton.4aso, mn♦ •- p 1 T 11nS11lcent Aetof lBfi-t sad ilmentilllent.
W'bMl . . • • • tete. {I AO (W Y 2l 1'l 2 rts per bar. wnnry rlmmg Idhmnl,ub ami ataal a1' I1' bet a the law crave l ti Wynne, Al m,.nr $ e. uli ,e at (IIP old Iiwnx.le IMpnt. _-
mgr. M„ H, n ll"Wil • neer. th,vmr anf,. !( '!I f• I Ho.k,n, enA ,d Alhvd H".kin, 'I'oruntn, MrP•n. ) "• 'r I I
Con f. o. h.. -tete.. tete.-tete. 0 b.1 1 0 tli OCtt enn os TuM T"t Ms. -A Ttcwnl ■t• all csaP. o(Serrtw zed Spinal AU coons, Morro, 2a huvrmtxr, IfaiB. Mh - t • n.. I[AC£ HOitTO?f. Pronnrr of ('AndA. 1st Ihr 1'„,,MvC',oil rt ,d qre
0 47 tem t aas made in ChicA , Io rob the Goner Pe, nh the Kwrk and LnnM, F.uenr on "!, bt -- -- ------ ---- -- Tama 4 M.,•r•, (:,Klerirh. 1,. Merry, B•qu re, a ._ G.delich, l l;lh OCs. I +G U, ({uunlr n( IINun, S 1'mnd (, uniks of Harrow
Oats ................... 0 49 (^, P gr g l- --- 1
11 of Lie'ewele, of wAicL r ha. •lar a and ern' n. Pup,ubnn 1'f tee Ilr.rt, Hyietenes awl t Htrpunc y, std of the Rbivs aurlwnrrr. `
•geld prnrr.
New York, Nov, 21, 1866. i J A few I housand Dollars reed U. TbUA IgE, y e w• • v ^
W line. rMrn !'111,4 well eR c1 • care wirer all ( Ig ) n,,.nr, ^ • ., - ti f: 11ndPTte+ n,O fiMIt orrfoasrd the In Ihr mtUer c(lemr• R. H,w•..n Inr,levn:.
wally collection, the burglars broke into the Maarr ■t S, 4 P
Geld tlesed at 141 or, 1'r men hove failwl ; •MI ■Ithoneh a bower- IL1, he• .,Ivan,-,] nn $
dressing room tlteeircd In Sea! he wY per W Ro•drnd.r•,d note. at Dnlr.l.21st Novmmher, INR. I T 46' y \ Fr .moi Ihr elool wilJu 1'l Nnr.n,lwrnv eel
• ,oro, rehmlrl. "nh• n.I"na not kr. than I ,<, .lar sleiek ol'.KMldlrr and lnUre ( T
Fl oar-wPer6ln te te ..... iR 70 (d, 10 10' i til remed dI not urt u'I rhos dee., , e `' ':1 TCi1 \i :\ K F:It d: ' TI:N - R•.i.• \ r Ihr nhArr"ipnA will algJr en Ihr Jrd;n ,H
acne .......... 0 00 (a 10 GS I forming, enA ranesektu everything tbrl moor, n1' s Th,nR Aunful I. rhe ron.litst r°^' .p Iv tis, 0 N' .ALFR -0 HO_ L 1 N, Toronto. • ' H A Hr I%T M B t
ahold .......... I l OS (if 1 Y 00, roald Ly their hands on, and anises the •r- Fn11 leer, a.a in the nem hle/ armmd each 6 Sonr,tur for infant#, .haying Ibe cm,dnrt „( { e net t mrtt Iry • ^'•,hJAMESI R, Ki y9,A, 1
P S„ADR G(x)DIN((, I wk. w4 i,A WEST 3T„ (iODEhICFi, ----yyy.}---- tli
' Iieles stolen ser a lot of The '• Cwn•dian pack";:, who .hmJd be ruefully preserved. parr Mer, Wwa Rl., ll.rleheh. I ' .' c' Lt• Rv G. NInC.ushry. hu nllarnry,
wheat-Lfilwaukfe."..... 2 z0 V! 2 20 1181" Uwtroyier," with which the General Sole .Rear fo he Umred-tote..Ad Can ads., Gmlen,fe, 26,h No" ate•,, 1866. w44if - .- tete - NLAR THE POST. OFFICE, r ' a,/farm.
" white MicHitan te te 3 10 (n. :1 l2 I had supplied himself for the cure of enughs, 00 a NVSFS, ftoehester, N.Y. _. , _- " 1-..( (:o. liurure, S,pi-rnhrr 42nd, A. U,
N. R.-gt 00 "nd,e,z po•laRe ■tamp", o •-hated n " iAee, w3b fw
'colds, eram)n 1'n the gtomac h, Lme Hack and to any .ulhonsal a ret will insure • Wnle eon• 1.DR. F. DEI UNE AUGH ! A Gnna AleRnw TM ERT n1' w .q
Evear BODr Srrs foe -That u .II who' sides, Ac. Sold Dy all lledimne Uelere st ws,ng she P,!Ir, M ern mail: 1 ` "--_ - -
ban eithrer reed too article themselves ori 2s cM per bola.. I NORIHR(tp A LYYi►N, C erman Physician, . A • 10N SAT.F Gold and Plated Jewelry on Hand, QQ- - -- - -Q f Q (1
wit".=its efect,,when used by other; ll 'i I't!`raele,C. W.,Vmenl 1 OF J Ol, r 1ndli1ES 1\YiWll EN.
Seeb. sod they are ,only fill to judge, are on- -._, spent I:ACansda. O F BUFFALO , /a WATCHES CLOCKS AND SPECTACLES .
- weld in M.lewh h parker & rattle mail FARMING O 6
w.rmoes In tli. raplpion that ri o to ale An qyl;IszEsa i R $IBYE!/ II p•' Y Wihcw in 18 fnllnwmg p!wtts in T>b V Iv gLL,1T PARI►TT. - y
bine Have heme, " u aoperynr to rnTthing F. h,rd+n; Gardner es Ca.1 ERyarM; Jamra /xmtler, 1066 :- - , I B V 8 N L ar111Ers Be a=•0
of the kind hYretc/Ore or at areas t in ase fir. L. O. Mn.Tsa' 10-1dre the Rre"leat H1m- Be.thaml Hos ""'ll! ; J. P aYM1,Egele, t LH• /
R 'ol TAIck\V 1st and lH din• Slat- 1p rat world. well f,rr, Wnlirken n1' Mus Cambs,ll:oome..care, Lweltnw; S. Hickson• Swarorth, O.wnr)'s i1MPI, Der. )st and 2nd. On M• RBl'AIRINh IN AL1, ItRr',NCHES n(SI r. IlnnrP llnrinn, wAo hasheit a1' long,
• C•■ A•• (' '' d' n rhe" to grow es" rhe wa_1h. w fere n, ,his ; S"at,rth, and ll M«Incol. 00 rWIT Ooderich, D,.rk'a hotel 4th. RUEMA N done on short notice in and sl le and•war• I "std favorably known in that eleplecnr, Deg Ip fIfj I. Ir, I- jjYO Ten nwn.,rle fnew" Terre
caws wLioh •feet the Wm! of horses. A• server known m fail. R.,.Pit 1 t, trial nen{ fm 4 instructed by l,t. its Moffe It, ISR)., Toron- s y (star. that we era re ared to rontinna the nfJURCPH YOI Nfi, sen.• h.n reeve ",
-_ Vara.•, Torner'le lintel .. 6th. I reeled mccordrn In " rrement.
a Condition Medicine it has no sequel 1 there I. saw .lie dessroo. o0er,t:nt "a monts. Addraw ----- - - - -- -- - - %crick " I L', to Iwll by Auchan Olt g 4 P P I mdn. 1'r fire ntrnr, t'. t w h,w, Agee( of
6th. hUsinesx nu tli! same Inrnrhblr trema to paF I P
6 nMAing In it which sun injnn • liana goes. k Cu.,18 bawu S ., N. Y. 7t a Ainlr till!, Armrlror 'a Rlh. cha"Pn as the) have nnhrrto lnjopd. Ihrr ~ r tiss Hr ed not ..the, t1' "ell
whether sick or well -nor need rAe S h M (No knm ukta view prepid) w39 T T 4 ` q y g R' (dnf,'Rd1iy the 19th del''of Ike. lgbG, 1 tri" WPdding Rin s alwa s; On 119 n I. I I Imm lhe"r ■urornra,Rad Parru. bnT.air fr." him
kept from workfaR while using it i it is just -_ Among the newer onswert"n1 or m, KRr. edict "roxetn r, Chamber'. " 10th A` y The RubrrriM•rs line nn hnnA at Ihcir will sol gt' Ihuv tree• 1n,ro my l4aMntlemsnl.
-""' _-- -- --__-'- at big Sale Rooms. Godlrirh• at noon, the Jobs telt unclaimed 1n my handle will he Shop, Aft ket S uare a ver lar Amort- U. If KFAULF..
manolR41 OR TOUTER• doevortnwatRml.,be \ Whore he can Ae c.nanited on all forms of 9 7 !r w
the aruole which nit who own horses require, CANADI \N PAIN UKRVR(JYRKI followin valuable sent I rt the expiration of three months to d• anent of St.CwIinrn.rt,, epi. 21,1, IACR_ vela
send whmh Ihe) s►cold hnl eona•arly on A Dedll.ern wbe■aerrad for Inn trnfa Irlervesa liD/rering dleeamos. (i Constthuinn Frcr, g fear expenses , r 1 1'a
band. Dem01y, Prsimrl... D -,.Y sten .11 h" ,d-o,,(y,aela_ As R Parody bled,,m., n,e well Had dv.•n), November 22nd, Itl66. w44td A R M I N 0 L A -S I) S, All articles warranted as re res+nled. •J' •,J wl ;1xim. gCJi+P ------ tete__..
Retolmhw, lire Mmr, send sea Ihat IAe (.l,wlwrroo will fm Ihr wt• .(••seen•; hnnamy known, rrNevng Moistness from ,tams ,n the P^ } h MUNICIPAL NOTICE.
vmIrow real, who...d ,l, IM renp.a.dAsr,naww her ad•, Hack and AetsA,Crn,M,('010,yee these. ARRIVED 7NIS WEEK being the riesi(IYrnfthrfM1lr QJ'The fest quality of Clock O it st 25. 1a o j IY Itr►RT ATTI. r, } /
sign.an of Hard 4 Ce. is oar each n.ahnt u• •unT"•raw.dy sty wherh he waisteerd_:r"i_ I gpei... Bn1"e., Cnmpe m IW F1am.r!1, Protassor Murret/'s • A lase paddles, Trunks, Y aliL3pOj I AUT If. i, hen,y r,.rn Ir 1}. FrPrhrkkrA
larir.-he.,1.pn,albyIM.drunter'.vonewo•zer. (!noknmrrb..1)]•r trry Howelsewn• , 1 Gederich,Nov.14,1866. *IG 1\ endli,nr•,hnleer.relfto,TgwnPh,po/MMt
t■wkagw• e.. de.e hT rldr•.,ns Psalmist Burns, 9'6z; , Orion tlitm F: tl T A '1' F.. Ae., At., which the •1'P 1'P nerd to offer to' W ayr-ar„Ah. that a notermt will be hes" .t tM
xp{AM asamt, News&",@, C. W., InH" A. fMDEN. + A f T n F: 7 P
P t f•I 11'., arc., to 4N eellAaa int Nn. 42, cin. North 1'n«n i+list Axhfc,d. -_.- ----- for hli, at real rednrrd ntP", for sash.
neon for Caaadat. Sold b)) al. Rn,IL rba-Mn ws.. New r- - The (:ANADIAN PAIN DFRTKOYEk liar n , gK fiA(OV (r OTi f• Ire R ly P I N,herd Hnu•..m FrAvw+I `renin Nn.l •. Mw.-
pN w44 lm - - --`- -- - U •r U ,M`n Y` RNL1 lent No. 4, 2nd enn, W. D. AAh6eld. Par(nen will do well to call and inn et
mew been behrrr IM nhle, an r tem A n lime. N , iso Aa reon I.. rr1vl"'its dor a1 nitt,mlwr t e1'b
_ ggg Y p Rt Y R. 1 of )To. 1, 6th con. W. D. their rinck enA prirrA Ae fere rt rrhleuny eIM .i tern, fete Ihr syeep ao n1,m,nsong a Ilexes
waot.l Y"- Glteoaas.-f1'• Rate T OM 1"d wMraerr .ee a well tes.R t fon, hnR 7 iAe. Nn. 1, Mir soh. M. D. n , , i• a1, se t'ounr,C.ra R.1' IbP rn11 gra, an.
)pew ease■ ar nese rwtoRlrel "'-it ** tfwAen AOXF;S Ng1V where, asstMA a cAlnM ie ie. MA TI'gl
re in directing stwouon t" the wdesr AND I. -IV used, a.4 ser hoe never b"tww •angle Terms of lSwlw; nn• Alf of Ilia purrhasw 11. A W'. MAIL f 1!I, to craw rel A e s hemR demanded IAe t Mooli wdf
A• AeM of IA! ,amp TAeer on the arse Mattla, Ise
use "f doessoi ids". •ben rAe dirwAros hayse T AVIV R R ATaTV9 money cash, balance in 0 months from daT Onderfeb, Oct. iathi IAaf,. .:Id A"n.Ary wevt, at i o'clnak, n m.
as JI'iJA +aoa tel\ TG LS TO LE SE
Clement a another place d( Messrs. Theis.
rf,ALb i Co., wfinloslegrotla of ToroMnto,
hewn pr",r rrn„wml; hat, an the contrary, ■II
aro driuyin with its opwnlmne, Rnd speak i.
of state. g
Goderich, Now. 43rd, 1966. sol l
Of tb.it "It lb" Tarc(esyA► raf t 17th t :
la. kigbea e,m of hs ♦,nese • a mesteAl e"
aQj oo
-- `---
-M nn'. GrlRth a Co. haws a large ■seek
1'a ,hair wa,ebo.so, ll fresh rmPer•
THF. Seb■rnhsn ^ger
We"pMk R'nm .wenence m thea matter. hew
.am tested i1 thoroughly. and Ih,rel.rr lhnsw wwt
are waering hum any nI rhe rmmplsi os fee
FOR BbLE. 'j11V, 70t.t, r1ATF9 O:f TIIF:
wish • t ial Care Io the
pt own, and mads Der
mnrNt. in Laws, sofan, roffseda,
wh.eb u u n^nmmandwl may d,pead epos da
helms a eorerelgn Re"eMY.
t Off' Nn. i6, 3rd emr. Wewan Nh ('nm 1'h- /,a O•„8• OL► NlSn
L p N i 6 i
ing 60 wars., 16 acres TfN
trade or this
relim"Os, rnir, wines, brandies, liquors``
elea, a" parts,, as wsli as in the Tkemaana
Ibe 4 nabmt.•new:TmtheCeasdus Pin
Denture, In rroneg IM dhesaee Aw WWL at is
1" wA,
RO Fst L1EW y aT }p
clleered. lied Y
is sitrred 12 mi1Ps from O(Iderieh, an! will
b sold on reYoutYl. renes far nasA, ADpl, GRAVEL ROA DS
nag ,,.,, .gW.d« .pith gn to metes nP tA.
And lea
In .1'.y per.,• n. ror.p.n A.. ageing of nn.
emir df lisp twed. tem. erMnry nnrted wnM■
m•aomnw,d". end ell ser Iftet we'eer
A.o■s the twtwnog seam of ahwwsawm. Aad n
J H. OORDU;t, F:.gfl ,
eamrlment of a wlroleswlt grocer's
zoww s w►rebeam. The Stock of Metre. T.
Hglf tt 11tI10 Of tI0 IJOdCrlC6 Sl1t 11e11
ro"'As No"' Ast".'" n",.■tll* h In a ►ya
seek to the fiat to rem.dlw fw them ronrM"'nt",
` e1' ilf. CAMPAI(FNF, will Ire IPI by Auctlnn for the )ear IRCI to
moo.:S, iftill w44tt, at the neat. Gndserkh ('renrt It.am at 9 1'i
(f. CA. will be rouad to tM equl to sees
f" Ithiaab, end till worth lit atteatina a1'
wMrh ie now M MI opwello4, and tans net at
TM wilt Ww,k
Onkn "m remms m fmtn M.darine Drden r"
ell 1'Y ter IM canis ler Paribas swpo.s •.A
ps 1'y
m ,Inch e"
_ te te- - - _
- - - Thnfttday ttllErn00n, t11e sole lk('C10•
•►o m Y eraser ba in the
eowy N N P
BQ r whin. uoei of g^^+■'
1'A, ref. nfltnt ylrarMe parday.
sea tM es rn"wrwnha Mt ...,let, fww the a,
T.N. R eaa tee qt t.tM lea.:.at . The
esPA le"tlfyne w In Iter ■e„wreal mte"fwlds
Th• Canthal Pun DMroyrr S&Qi"k
itE04 Vi':W
} 1 blit, ilt .
ADJat IM 81IM 'FfS SA 9 '
Selawas .,
a. bosfsM a MemrL T. 1'i. A Co, will
1'M- who
teasers r, Man Iowa enn only AA'nl llv" lime•
I erwl TM .huh sof , oaz 4s rrw.i as1
a(w, ImrmMiag rMnl. All m,dMa/dMiera k
Phyd,riws e"A a1' III ■mtA w, gamily
-. ._"--
OP rash IenM. "sat forh Mh (io wol'out fr"
j holders as "sell rise the rent and this
tea"d li►aa/ N laretr4 reed those
("w'"a • R sense hole, to Ile a /aph 14 IND Am
,f. nnler
w1 I Aa wllhoul a .Rer .... tryrag 1s.
Lands lo]' Or"e termanst "t eandlt on..
tag Fs. them will Orad that the) oneld
Pat, w
enA all.chtag seen segs wilf s,A ewe
Tr•we „ply 1'A rents ser Mwt •.
I r prlieolan .rel bt 1M
b vs Feeem■d ilbar - to b tlettet edit"
I need w.so.f Tkrew Tltwwtoj* Dwlan, a.ew.
bauieg k cem"mw,ed
AN uAlas souets M ■ddreawdM
'Dyg1 *gt a101DD
11iLy1'0 ijuOfh
g[qt t1n
' HF nmuwing Lu sne.N W11 qah ha mast- I dAr n( .le.
eanpwg see•e.rry, ata
NIM es1Y Itef.
f(arstcastM, C.
tete sA A•. eel" an the Cohn anm• ,h tM tn.e Goder•irA Slat anh C;tf"frM A'M to cep)
M of Ith say fuer
Tis ,easily atl aetm,d S
k} seP■e■dsa
I, r ranpee ggaatfrf. ulsn a M Mel, e1'
ie■afy tM Prwen••na w t/edSrwb r
(fenetal Aro( Ibe Casio
AA In f71wlPrs"b M }afln • f•M• ssA
Iir.awMl ,•state
%Sher .(tet rit Itwwsber limes each, and Seed aeletwt to /g
nsal. •1 fAr hew M T MTM blrrl w
OH MAC I7ONIlG eflfee.
ilrweilya nna, while ea big sea)
a ttlood itis Iqs, tits• him
w a,
r adv,{ ,,,,4,ne, ``t...
Barbar. II.tRer.flM; 1. Pwhrd, 92-W I I. K•
bhetre N. lk 1. A. SAY,
/hrAO•S0•es. nederieg, (•*misty fses,"Tar.
heKe ee
est of iY ted imp - ad .hb The
v 1pld, IRA. tle44d
Aad/rl(h, • ave
se+t L sense+.,
CenYe,Ckasewy MedMlira D.iMr• wM
ttnfM%, and .11
Gadn(ei, Ort. 7J, la{a wl1
N ' IN" wtl Cliskbe, NevvmMr 70, iRaa. w4%4
whole "of,
• 1 + I
_ __ JAR. SCO'!'Tt
DI880 .tJTiOEw'tr PARTN1W Krf.n 1'n" rein ,
Q11, lYswano•ft; Nuc. IJt Y, tt'lle, t► 1'if
1: tft't('R is hen R'•nn (11d. fhe /iettneNA
nese, name et grMIng AtlwMn sn, IA^ itis- I It A O, .W.
drartnrA, ee 1'w al gr(w•err, Aee Aeon thlsA.y di•- I 1 A11[ILfrON/
01te d M mnhml h,.esat. "II dPhts aw,hR so the
rid prtnerabt neW be peed h, Fent Lam""- I HE aoMrrifyM See• new 1'm i..l t
HM, et G.•Mrwk I end all rbiM. eg",nel the „ts,I. r"Ppl7 of Mach,"rMsgs rAM}
MN senMnh,p aM 1'n 1e. prcme1 M11" 1 n1' prwamll I 4 n AlarafyOm rem fn twenty .rIaa/e s
even ref Sho,"a& Iseyla, 4 whom ,h. wm., to 11er enA Mown Taper .fits Aetel *leery•
writ Ise ewuleA. tad wJl M ldr m .appy tM eIM a.m. n
DSled at tlod•rw'h, tAM 44th illy .f Repfambvr M4.01a Paper Shortly.
1 • All the Be Rs meds et th F:¢:.Irhli.bmeal are at
11'. W BH.t" flbd f 1'M AtN gel,h, and enatared le tee
RI'N rev, OTLLi1Gq •
i ___-_. _ (tam,hoa,Oet.11, Ines. wM tat
NOVICE. I Apat for Godeneb, T. J, YOOAHOtrIsE,
_ MalieAet•
'A7iIdeso k brele) gierhwhat ■ gwn•rel Wantsj i a
11 Meeting of tli. unckb,lAev. nt'he G.11- a i Y•
kir Pateelvrwl Company, will be Bell as IAe ,I TMITH •list '7 n1' I" }}NNOO of ap
row. 11an. an Mnnd"y sew- g, the thed M 11 Ilse him shins Me emphwwar4 Iv a
DeeethSPt, at balf•psnt rase t. eleeh. v 'Mglw,"g n .we;
. tete D1il LOM, 4 pgI,gggIy/Ya
PrNi• "I. A. .. w'Iw
Aa4erl,h,Ver. Tud, Ill". 9.151'1 :t'pt&0Is.toeGM,100• "
h, • .,,11
. - t '