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W. T. COY, Editor and Proprietor.] ;The Grpatost Possible food to the Groatost Possible Numb6r.''
--.-- -- — — — -- - -- ■
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$1.50 PER, ANN. IN ADVANCEI ( 0111HAUCII, C. We.1`11URSDAY, NOV,1 MBER 15, 1866. ) Vol,. XIR.—NO I2
_.M t.... _..._...—_ . _._. _ .—_—_. -- -_ -, —_. _ .. - --.-- _ —___ _ _._.. aarir ,+Y► i I .
Ausintss Mirectorg. susineoo ioircftoleg. Business 10ircalarnn. I ALLAN P. N !;CLEAN, TGE TICTINIZED LODGE6• .cream. Mary Recommad, too, after she hall was lower than we had sine• lenv{ug G-Iw are sold to the mea, hot the snubs or the
. -y - - - • - _ iaero aneral t,me. Liar,d i and Sarah Juues I Cure. We we• a,,uck be • sod .is* -hear cure w usually so gre■t that the dead' ton
Dr. V. A• MoDoop,l. - - - -- .0 Q Mr. Beujam:n F. Ke -bit rel••ued to town, ivedUl the chorus until bar mouth was by toe rexulrr 11ucp.asx.n til wycr ad pviule, DW s ver♦ smell Pereeeuge nl eM Wu!
%ILL R8 A'T HV516 FOIL CONSUL ' U) III' ~ ItY ii ItiST, [1168 ( y asdto L s halgiu,a ..t Ms. Curoc +. uuwr atopli•d by a haat' bow. 1Pe posed on, inlrnJotg to camp ■: }Lrrr a mlrber of boeas 11Ybrnntedlo IN feN.
. IT tNwe u u It dclwk, a. m_. evrr► J• r T T • Is it u, Geur a T' s\• w r red, I Is l`4 ran«, but it was IU u clock et tu. ht '
rr;udakes"toI N,blit'aKwwa.,■.rq Departmental, t.1ritel1wilttry, DRUGS DRIJGS !I 4 0 sootier than La witsrxl creJ. It wIrl T" g 4 t„ ,
/ Q t ' u. t+'` _q file evenlu r, "I'd hrvur ewered b oleaus til •A' I"ia'numeut IL• strange ligula, which badura rn stns the valley tit 1M river, wa} 1MaalatlUaN t POrltleae.
PC far- ___ AND PATENT ACENT 1 _J _ ) his uighf k y, and tiudin uob.al rurri+.o, Le h.J bre I .rev by the light in the pa..age ran i PullinA its wecucam&'. rad 1i1i1 !at„wo rWer of
p ; y Paris, Od. 23 Correspundewee ojLosatoa
(i. C.6bana e.1K.D..- --- t Q m I wul.ed lei,urely ep w bill room. out. and SuuD, metalling uP the laul run t4a liver, and 6unllr tAa woulb of it, which ( , X•rtos
qq OTTAWA . I v'= / ~ This wi+Ihr S trtuueut Mr, Lh•rbr drrym 'u sur tied into the take by four rapid a7auns )
PH:BIQfAN 9UKGIrON,bo.,ba.,GOD Tr.a■act. bw,rar with Ilse Cww. La.d.,aad ~ , I occu tied Mtapa tm r huuw • L;.t al ' What is the matter T' she cried io pn- I or currents. We we:e obliged w jump lour TM #,"face va "IioU■ the aerival Cr R
uNa. C. .-12:40•ly .the. Uuvrr.menl Dr,erla,r•u; Tak.,,, 1 Y letlrr from 14e kw t Mrxioilirv, to ton
occasion i+ St•rweJ arq Intlr. ,.Lv L,•we.- tc'tded ""tuniahweur. toe wa'nr to 4au1 toe bort t.. Laid 4 a n,{,e M'u
"_-' Parents f r lu•euuon.; ,,blow asap(► nA5 JUST RECEIVED A LAPGE ''Thele ie a man in the room.' made fret .l one of the low hocks. Ilene ore uuportant olAaca) pe syurye brrv. iD wbbeb
IDR. RKCLBAN, ntion]or•.anp■r,rr by Lrurn Pat• Lt tore lase n, town he pxJ cnrnlnily put p['
ext; Ur.x..ad take- tha a of ASSORTMENT OF CLOTH$ awR all b a clothes in his trunk snddu,i„ ' Ue was kissing Sarah Jones.' of the oleo fell its toe rive , euJ I,am nen,Iv he morelsmis firm tsolv,iue not W sbnoda.n
Rn UJce and VAmd.e.•th,rddeoreaslof Pnrate H,llit durmt,he Rest. F. J O Z D A N, Lit absence other revolutions b.J Wall Weadn He JiJdt l r Aae. IW wa kdsing )lacy d'orned. \Ar pitrbed aur levo no the g•rrn I tM par w whit•, tM w ills. of the Moxa•
CwlralBob" .;...fife ,Ins hevrw- Cun•wma w pert of ,i.Ieveof k. -L''.. It•cad Clary.' /raga, sad ,ur drenched eued+uon vas ■tato ('as ysup!e flare nal d 41 u. Fir a ewne'ed
Mr Saceeaort.K.H.Ke toll• cwlhs, Ih•A Van, Wb,;nrvy, Brat. 't■., ,u his rou:u wLieh yurt rt u JI(f• n tit au. +
_ ., ___ aJmg elewber,. ( 7 ) l V.toy y g y Ihet re of bei to 1M eosnlr an lleltes
En■heli .... t•,°od P rn,h';'r,rd•,(' Nut the Irast Jisa_nea L(n ,hula in tM Ur' i Lmeas 1 d pare torn his eyes out. rehrred b r bag, louaix talo figs. :fent 1f I
- . arm ton••, „ tM area of h d.mnri,wtS he eon re11ht the
Dr' ta/rewrr• 13 E F E 13 E N C E ti : 7 7 1 D.maktn•, tend • v■nr v of Can.Jun Cpahw; room tow durk,.rsa. M Dab Yad uutru 11 x'w .lune \V uodr tr tiaa. d.' morn ed the our fin . O our lents was
GuetT►Ts of tae M•slkd O.pnArReet a Mes.A.r Awes.aL.Com t W M WnuoR, C t3 al 1 (! Jt A I; 6L i 1, Past*. S.tie, aril Flowered Veeun ., Fhins, %i 1 &. Sua,m was very mach aswninhrd, of Cohn I •uroied wish busy frtwl. Uua of file men `attach. Yf W y.ra wIe p.1tw s, wbaeA koro
flacon W vemis, Toraele, •W lap. -(the p'• N Um"i l IYwp, na, rcuuy to 4uJ lust Je■i,a- I aLraJ! tie+ all«d venue themrrlrw for he
awd New Tusk. 1l•e.d•ew N. w~l OI a:ru..' Nrelnw. Ulw'ee, C ape. dle..&c. Wt a.lice its the old ren • Lut A ter knot\. and W,,ilia ware all very indtsuavt. sad nut wlwu oullecliug fi ewuaxi to clink our blank Q g s
Lads. Hua. 1. CARLlae, Los- Cess, -11.w .-gxe,.,0o'seart.A , Hr lent. v,.r6Jnnt tit ,i . a■I,Hiefiva to ail P' , f ,war They have tint et vs IN— hands. Ile
wa1 1 panrr I e I u•w of 16em would coufews she bad trwu I rel, f.aud e, bear s skull, r.,d duceVrred sit P' T
Pe)1 1 fbM•1. Eart4• wf04uN R, low■ E•y., ffarrJ•r Jus. wIO W■Y IaVurulYl W ill lhr r tilde,• laid uqr au Ink-buttlr, a vru, euJ a wudbos does nal dnNH t':rt 1, will br •u r tilted W!
. - --- ---r-- iu his wi"d ararch, Le cuu,:uuPd all.t Ura listed, until uwn puin4•J uul the, marks yr iud'rn'atweetiu huusr near bl. Tur i.luoA f P
an ,a 1e 1l,.. Itl: HALL, tr rt., 1■srw ply=IN6 CHEMIST do DRUGGIST n
.A R R[ ST E U/btsU A' TU>iN6T•AT tdeaers.It Lswu4t Son,hhhprof A, enrse.,Co!wbal T\VFF.D SCiTy (il wool) fl2 ar.d spwsrdt. .sacst coast ruu1J Ins W qup awrr tog old eke tool mnwt.ehe nn all tArir facts, sad i sf YteAipicaoir wit brrwly risible, diet ant t « Cuwrrral,re-, who ere mareaWJ r lw►;,•
BTororw ILII. A.wrearmUs Vnl•na,..d l'u nerut .I y'to bed Ibe d:,rk called in Margaret Mau Thee there tow s I about 20 wUrs. W e took r direct tools« in{whit flirt' 4.u'r, a,.d by. toe Lbe,i,l.,
Law, asd 'SohaM•rls-Ckueery, Crusty Pu• N. $-Cut:in done to` Utdcr.
Grows Attrw•°y,0odWt*.,nasd&WN. a7dee In 11" My 6"'at Lumor lir. Crnjamin F, I rreut deal of laughing ; smJ M%:',,amt .aria , towards it, • &'d u we Rpp,oachtd al tto abo•n' Anm hr Mis to.,drd wilA favours.
a CourtHYR" r14a.D NORTH BRITISH (t3 E N.0 I N h: I ) It U f3 S Goderich, Sept 13th. 1866. sw-8 De,by began to undress. Tv ret„ n bnmr [,.,ung gulluntly ki,sed th•ol all, atria wt became higher rad enure yreclyatuus. TVr I 'lb+e last w ag •PA. if it ke t:,e(.vq Le.
out w u Juwn nail t. the east end of the Warad, markwi ^ot 11buw tM kuu latd;Se of h.tnrn *sae' e
-- r'ler rn abaruce of too reeks aid to he tib R t7•aa•d which the .Archdnl' Mttelmili.h useJ Iv ve
11G t?• 47e■nerow A N I i CJrr+rdA, P.r/area•. .--_- .. -..__. un I;xyfield'n Chart •' do Indio,, fur bwu." be
ARRfF1T6 ATrORNBY. CONVRY I IiJed fo: its to bed ods a di -mill muuoer, Itut naw it was LMrby'S turn In hsve a e•err't fur. 11 wt u this eveuan ■ e n
R• IIER01TILE FIRE AND LI1 Hair Icaoth, wolf v.0 Ilea•hew Almost broke his Lcart. 17r luiALt ha,v ,no, I"(!'' sue. amt ..r -_.art MA,ilk s to M as• Thr clilfi ri11e to file btriglat of .bout Mill R' // P• +
B °seen. t■ ,Kiadwtw •Ireel,U„d*neb,C.W SAA ' + D i fur the me,varla, it in true ; slid Lr m-ght p ;alio,, I.1. r ■.. on Wft.• tA,d than
Insurance Oo. Trlw7eretWCnLOar,DVLT9/•, K touiebed, As 1,1•an advaur«d the lam the feet shove the lake. We funded at onset M i t
Rlnotrlr ft Welber. _ ' flare r• fleeted %but Li. frietxis rete excusable calmed relealed a frihhlful lu -Ling object said rated for a short time, and tMnet pro• Awt,ian wl.o, 1•w.r '{fsabdA, bars b••wur-
( ARRi3TSRi, SOLICITORI, CON- ear•at.lanau lt,o9. IIOIiSE,9l O!iTTLF: +)~DICI IL•, tR ,t Tt t tOv D w,dkr ;I:e rircumaLances, since Ihe7 ,flit YO( a•a'.ii al the fout Uf the •,alfa. Il NY tU Q,o i,CC harbor, rulYd liar Its %4 -be, and dl• !d IU 1ri1:U. IUII It i)y a pMr ra1,11
k./r t oasts, Js•. Ude•, www aM Stare el L _- TO ! « tH 1 JC{1GS' OLD STAND. `';l'''et seen ; Lut .ur. lle.jawm F. 14,by ! wPl'r r„Ily r roman o! gigantic s;'uc,u e : admirably shrlteted fawn all wirrdr. 1'►a-:e et plsiuiny rh■t tAe sad cuss ,,f the Emprrwi
:. . Wbr R ansa O.alwlct. CAFIfAL E2,000, 000, Sl'E11L1NU. - _._ d.uav lit lie ru 'y xoJ u'en, - her dreat wa sit short 1h■I her b.rr fret and wr ca,nprd lar Ihe rig W, eatd neat dry rcrc L• ill'7d•11 will probably ra s ebw7ys b the
OAA aN •[[De, AC..AC. , ..'••-- Fr! w•a•r a to of bit du r.
p - • Avd where Is !Its-•arel Ili,.is T' muttered anklet could M seen distinct'y ; and she • ed Ihr euJ of our journey, where wr cohertaut I
-- Ordrnrrom Nedlcs: men unctually alte•deAho 7"``r- - - the U1,61" siva. ' illi, f."li,ess dAo.161er waved Iter Invite hotly h.uds at the te,.ifiod a bua!wl of &'afire "par Specimens in less 1 kr /sd"Pol rntt oft lay announce tL%
Jolla [)evlaoa. Flr• IJepaltmoIIL• P..{ x, • 1`'1 1 Uer•»f Cratrinaw reeewrl+ ;astir ctti,wr'to
lTiR[3TBR AT'fURNSY.40L,1( [TOK \SURA\CEti rJeclyd un all elrws of at tura.« troll P,,,-. !+*, of a,a Oat" Ing pu.ih,dy I l d d uul ts,,rcl , L'trls rgn)eattwll w r gLutL Nraer w«,t Uwe Un eu daq ; tilts bYM (the till] ct til our
T r- )
B u Canntnry, to galas, Maihal re i risks at maderaw oras. La•scs prompt- N.H.-Phyuer•e'• Proscnpuoo• r■rofully Jla re w ILi. f-hm you I N lieu 1 Lure 1'.%I I:um two mi"ch,rfm"kers mo•e f,i;lrr•nrd by an I ►..yagr. (fur inlets Gun "N four .ccuwl.li.b tog« flit n«:.•sill of rM4entyu,{. The ad ui•
Corwa,to getwStrsel,U7der,eA• ':•4 I id. Peostre. s i n r anon. Susan d:t.h«d hclxlf tion ed. entry with which the pa:vrs yt this eveujmS
_ __ 1 W uadencbJaa.10.1 51, t9„ Iuuraus Irwreks ago you prutrstrJ wrtb I IM Y nn ted, m,a and dl, tta axno eomleenf it
-- - - - Life Do artmeat• _ _ • a .t r 4"r$.inyuur a r• and ledidity its y:,ur be.ut, rho Fall. UP went a tc!eam aid down care Lake Superior a to be formed is the mind p'
.fo`a IFl• GLorraoo. P - --- - - - Ihn lam `The oil covered the stai-s, and a, a Vast ha•iti filled with water, with a mels, tw toltgrao, teems to Slow Ibsl sky Mre
TTORY Iobn s. tw 3llosm. OR iN In virtue of the gwr.rllre rtiur kd by their that you ruu!J t a,k4• with Wr noxa us r,rs P t
Uha RNR AT. Pallia_f UCITOR< 14 I targe CapiWl Rud accumulated profits, thus I til love. (or rt' r ,tint ltUL, tilts h.uLe lihn I Ir'ar .rel Irinud and aiepr•ed ins, it. At -i nr. hs dlmrn.ionr, secs dmg 4l ISny lied, Iked • lout to tf.it etb•e6
7 e"m n rgn .dY ,t raw inter thus .» LIGHT I LIGHT' LIGHT. WATCHMAKER & JEWELER that lama; tt the wl wum ,sea—been DerA err 360 m0me i„ ientth ; 140 in bte,th, Rod flit Jndepi,ndrnCe DdBe th'vrks (t pro-
taer. (rlr,•e-o■ Pa 1 it I. Evan naw', 1 '•ow you ate maL,tlg your- g T b►wlr IAxI Ue Austrian storm v@11eel n1 war
ye t ae., uedetwb, t sada )) ` WEST ST . GODEILICli, Self mer: with sit Lvat.cfr-cried-- 15,000 aiies in ca cuwfer ,sere. ['ban. huge
ae eeetk•.Jn•l Weat Rtre.t,tflsdd•er from the prsetitabl•by salt' olhrr offices. R ~ ' OILS r !' ale err cuuouwu u,, if
ou are alar un u dor lhs ruol, uu are I ' I:otA.rs ! bell, i murder !' of the top xf bwai.I, 4ited with char, ivy water of a {t,vet , which bas Iran orvtered to prucauld without
u ton Yaw s•wu. TD FRrmera- O(,K JOAL t rXt dJor 7Y1'st of.11LSt011s' baddiely l,e.mittZof i"'a . e7T b w!,ich I lute i u■Lael ha ruler •tt mud immediately nepFed into bis ieh color, the ave,age tem1wrswre about 40' ticloy from Trierle to Vem Crus, will sooner
-O• Mhsde <iooQlna. Sp(•eiSl low mss liver M•ex made for farm t L(. nein■ nr K - ° P roan, luc4i.•,, Ihr dour hPIv,.J Lrtn, F., u. us far as scrod •twrdinge rn, I:fs the h:m,erur Muximilian W P,un,le,
u aavin, Mr. Ce'J.4sin I.. Derl.y t'u•e. his
ARRI".wol ATTUKNBY t30LICTT kuUduage.ndnthernobrrAraaka• BuralagFluid,LampOils. WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY I'uwbe•sonn,h,i,.,41,e_Angn, w huw.,yl Ce:o-e ha:,'AlPt M:.ha recovered her fathoms,.odthesam• authoraotojvvtume it -- ---
( •a 3".,tswace. C. W —0&,wn t U The undeni4rr°d having been appointed 1' g
P Rla'A IRE,, IrN .u(iH'r Nu'ne e. in drrl,ut.s to tl.r hrsd dl the LaJ. A, this l nestu•IrJ .r,xr, all lac Lo.rJrn we» gull,- may ix• evrr YOU fathoms til r,we plAc,•., T, ocb since illy Sentence.
Ittairs tiYewr'S slosh. 1Lst 6a.1 swseare ►hent til the shove Comyvq far U.derieh Por gale byF. JORDAN. In the beat Style Warranted. Gement a meal IruXh clues to A,a chrmt7re i `luaan rusiu'd luta ._51 a. Sladr's roirm ; lhut i, 573 fent below the sea lerrl, Mknsr its )
Fru Dupr"w•al .l ulayow llouw. nod wrloamisilsforntry, ■,fibs qLJ to re- Uoderteb. Joe, l'I.Insl N AL.... u,rn...gx .w ,nr ''Jour startled hen. Mr. Its, L• auerd. I N•rgercowould bare followed her, but Sa,au surface besgbt above the level ufthe name at The Milwaukee Sentinel ublishas
rive Stour».h fur a,sur.n» in loth brontA- T i in her len lir shut Ler out. Nrxl filar aret 627 feel. p
Vanilla A al,00re. as,as will always he reads u7 give iufurm l — -- ---- -- (dtrlAdk PlatrA Jrw•rlry. Watellee. ' If x10 ti DL,:ir'• .,by by all that it g ,,:being Latter rrrt e o Ihrt city fly ane
ei . CI"cb., Let , ac. talar!' glu n,d Sir lhry 51.e e.d o}w triad her nw,lier'a Jvor ; a d her wooer Tile general Jistributicn of the d Rnrenl of,M relai•es of IM fond, meed Prolan,
aaORN193, 3VLICITOP.4, Ae.,+Onde to p.rvi••s wit.+Linq ,o mw,e, CABINET WAREHOUSE Co-a..tll, n -.an a...ararrnrndu. b, eer.o-.res would du holhing bur si_h slid weep da ing .e,k,ing Ike alarm, n,treared al that murn,•n 1, eoplter oteerm the region of L, Saerior It,brtt B. Lynch :-
C. W, Udo• - CKABB•d NE W Was. RICH A KD40N, Agent, x..i n.„„rl ref"t.de. and Lrar her T I .'.d trnrfird rt tue coAl m•watuhe and ■mash 'rSeots •omr faeu which went t'l have r
►Ieb. W mil' r'erlrTat AL! a4r IYYvha . P' '• lfIL1T1gY FRI.. 2 1866T. o, t
Rank o' Mnrtrral, est •St. .IAt•«errs )r'r Ylna.rxu niers r,f.iu ! Toe false Ltrntd eJ hst. Wok her own d,agbter fur the rob- direct brat ing upon.tit tMu,y of their origin. I'ridr Oct. 2(. Itl66. S
-a asfoaus. Lt.1A..wnr■L O'balarieb. May I11L Itl66. - 111,70 - r -- --- ` M,. Ile.b 'A tPflee,lo,.s were sa+ldent! in- ( be•; -1,oped Ler l,,,np au•1 .,,a•ame,l fearfully. h is a very ,mva,rbl• eircud,.uner thus the Y' `
h Aszv.t27tt. 1664. ewto1w41 7 ! -'• fly dear — : NT trial commenced un
Ot the L tkr,upud Ly lila en, ,J .,1 b.mdgcYs n; ling 51r- arrt, an mach t,i;lurn''d as be,xelf, la:gesl mases of native enpl er ■build occur
_ - '- --- ibu - P' 4 w,.wd have rasa f t net its Ler atms, but Mrs, o;a,o l'uun Fewrnn, and that the nom Wedeesd.y, sad was eoneloded ler might.
u, -:ash. N itb ew.esJ, rehir 1•epid°tiou Lr A ' I wit must Rbl defeude•] b our aft i 1
W,Illwtn 't liar.. La r g e ' p a d I o ek fl w to luck Ihr door; Lail br'u,e be mold ("v'7 "' u'.d herr no rxpla•Iruuo, nor allow nlrtallic errs et. old M d-Nuad et vrrww I J M'
• uorxted un Gleed RnJurd Martin, Me-
ifP11i!rlrY-.AT-hA Wt itsL wymmr. IN - n•, •h ill merr Iru-h and a haze' b'f lith, her d,u;htrr lit sl • roach. and pu.hed hair diata,ces f om lire eeurral legun,, wb•',e Ilia T” R
Charnwr, Y,r■rr PrMM,Cwvwy■rrr,be, ! I si.l«1 by .m,lker'treMler.ti named n,,yh ,
!! S _ unit wukills ra.L,.J imu the v.o:n- at of tAe room with ,; rout tnq'iJauur,, lergest masse■ Yf tattle metwllic copFx-r
U,drrsab,C W.-Udw,OFm C. 6. AMainat - \ h +e wrnreewar Ins ma to Cuter ado the
eltre 'i(` • N w M,. D. ww n yea. un dot rue ,Rad t 1 hru Jlnrg:,t \Its it nn to IM•hy's raven, tial. h a lfe uptown til tom.•, (n,m the de ods of for uul, as you w.d ace a fdl rv••
Ciabb's flh.ck. vtb tt i , - , n was Iwk ci tau,..hat.ct fur Liw ILe toe I
wLa•n w her cuustrruru..n alit IouuJ lucked. ran.nss „til ,hwtu Rind crrbour'es k and uv
Ono_ to Lead oa Rt._ Ff'• I (TETE OLDdST INT CUGNTY. 7 tleel of a1 in the Yew Yvrk I1. rdat, stud all
-- - clo rt wr tow x rr, toe lel ext to+ren til At U,ut muarnt Ned Pr. Lis --lige boldest rhr northern ebu eS rod Rhea: lake 11 u. un,
ti 1' ar lie Irish papers. l wtg vueble b prodnice
el. 1,. nolle. t.,' I T ( T T and his -a.!e acute. tie d•,ugkd out tit p ( tallow its Ihr house-rwhrd nut of his mum Ibrt the vaure rnpprr is all plutonic; Ihrt
(( iJ. V OZY, i\ I I I IM th-y w tea meld prove my iavlr•ener,
BA IL R (i I' S It, A Gunetalt7, C. w. _ 4. , brfur. t4 '•Ir. bed un.r to cr.l' t1w'Ir eYry wi,h r IxmP m erre hand Rud n swu'd erne In iia Ixrgcr wuure torr. 1Lruwu uy iv. tvehed rs Ili- rVle IiaLlr lit area tYemeelww,
O►n,;x_Saedgld ,Nte. #JoeR (:.11;I N 7IL'Ie iA II :IR ,_. Ihrn ; •LJ noon Jour tow Sful,a d the ti1La, ready d.s.n hacumlan. Ned dew stu,r,aod that from the main preas,ur t1truugb y
i , I rod their •worn evidence c. ,ld not be re•
U, 17.'s aii I"at'id pack. ►t Ill•• auliliuwd r.robber, a,d would Tuve which tLey have found Their war, ih• v huge ttited rah•as they wam
- ---- --- AND UNDERTAK R, I R I+e •..d Ill, r1 w io..nnt, d.M bed lief ,ro- laprrwl its ae nllrr in ctiods at eo,aade rwtfe IwekuM. i axe
\1' ih o
I. . ICI .. rgn A. • Masai -lure. ■tor au now on awed • e • I wt t ,a uu a u euppote rt a Y ►.Led I )r lOurd tudq. and arntrncrd l., he bila] un
AIWL9TE A 1'URNKY - AT LAN. H. GARDINER dt Co•, ■asortRwnt •t Permtsre,a hu Waren etas, Susan. r 11 -'e, till lx•;is a est ikln;t Mk•I%e ! ptrIv sren fit tre faint at file .ight of hu dml.uce•e i aid,, 14r1 the black uxdr A 1'ow,J
K' ` •• ,,"ked suroA and le s, and now her bat fume in the r,clwi of the mesas %h'•u the su!. t -December 13th 1866. I am innocent ; but
B Cee r. y..a t'.`F Ude.-91aha'• HMwa, weul.as•t.► Aau xtrur. llh, h:.iat rn had • gsy time U.rgnrct X 1 n wa sec to salell the Canadian
,eabst P I•oa b6,•,fio,lsraas►. WEST STREET, GODERI , .nriR 7' fl'. her Lsir el,rnR.od dawn L«r neck, stud phureu vitt earboiu/rs Dere at g'nter die e rJ' y
epi _ i Hardware Me rehants) i peapla•, this an crumple on gel M made is
l.aY.rY f, IM► rw77 sc, e et •Gay enough ! IIs! Lu 1 tan„had \Iry \,.'d •,.'co_Itixd llrrl;a rt Muria. au,tr (row tLtm, wtwld shut that ilio aw i• Royle nue I was toe (tenon Selected ser 1hN
t Sofas, Ifurcaw, Tables, Ifedstead11, Baia, + I Sl:ai., • M, tial. Arnr.L.eot ilerh I Alivb"tl! can ,ma;toe the sane of con- ,he result of the oxidation ufsalvN purtwu of
J. Ireraatb C'. 11111 a Market Souare, Code ich, Cane and Wool staked Chairs, (;it1 M _ IF . F' T fn.i-li which folfowrd. The imp,uden, tit rhe lar a metallic marts eta nosed more saenfrep, thou Ill r bed ro military cowl,:•
T7URNEY•AT•LAW, NULIC!TOii11.I AV): now on hand ■ • ou.p oli, well a1, - - _-_ Ihn :s too good I II hr kts•w, poor ';)'tins, Y g I li,:n wink IM FatiatN: Lot it it r a ►sir.•
wwud .tuck OI Itardw"rc, coa•a■Im[ s a(hd Lucking Glwas, u: rarieq.ml r O +t °arid honk bs ht„t. lie thiols 1 du found herself its rationed by hal( n d„zen dilecUy w the indw me of oaydw in the ,u bre m nVire Ln Wco 1 am wi t r
Ch,norry,('.,..,y.-r«.dte..Re,Uedw•I home Qifufacture and Im rtM O PR I E T O R. '
orb. (` IV. Ul,+ Kal•'. IR„ek. torrar Crust Mr lir Adwa, PII artbut4 but ash and cry doting his absence ,remfi ing ii_a rr• carne t it wall t Yom. grocer til cooling.
” onw llgmm a.d Ilr.4..4 r4. - D.O. has dwarf nn haiul n enol tete as- Of t o Mil:., Woollen Mille. Floor. Rad m l much a g,ole 7 trcmhbng .nh lrnur. ISut n w.s tie rev- JuR.•t d. swe tot lam guilty of tA'tl e a ,
w,!*A et Mal T. SNIW l Bn'.J Aaes, !' I Print cut fur \lar nr, I JI":in, when tl.e door cad rail reef it like s m.n. IMn'l be a
1f1 Iirwey Pres• Ck... tug Aw,, TO HIR of COFFIBS. Also, HEARSES O,ist ills, Putwr 5Mac 1'hrShopp, a., , yuch r ,ted. I JI. 1' trusm'J UcrAy,paim x .
- - Au e, pfrrd'rs. F1'•nw, TU AiKF.. chir.ev, F udret and Machine Sbo Ar. (till u.tem.ted. ' (lh I' u[ Ih.by'11 room ulwned, ant. the Idl rypxn- esAy shoal in My doth spot abe wetad
gat. 1 Tr"r , J I The l[aedlae F'UlferT. will klieg no d,ej.rce , n you, the du W,. or
C. Is. Cfovolon. Wer'on M .e+.C..°d. plate*, . Such a oam;e!' ,ch.ed Sue. ' ii« would- tit n appeared, A• soon at file screaming t —
AjTUaItLT ,,T•I.AW. Nslr•rw N Gln- I} Lr,sber sad Cordwood false la ex- ac . 2c., R ` nr any tit oma family, p.rncularly for Sueh .
CMH., e'xrrr-,•xr.M, Iue.f pe• ,P. t • ' hnA sola tdrd Ili« fi erns remnvtd its aril.
p elanq@ for Fern(oro. IISe L a ( Ij t, l 1, s. 't d he had ■ttv you tatiux the n ,w sANnlxts ♦at L•rr.Hr Aau rRIZARC0. mrire r11.lAie. MRM fila arta nub4 ps1 i•„e
tdyT. M.waq Paton. Grysyuaeer, Rear 'Pe Tat., (P, s.i- J+r,lowder.1a•a.P. ( s L `► j o stt,s r(th I)an K ntnt.' ' Duu't M fiigLteaed, Mrgakr Marw,' Il
Q. W. oft Cva(e Tln, Urud+owns., PowJnr, Hh.w, t ■pe• Utwl■rbeb. llht Uet..16s wt. • I suit. • 1:'e nuba,dy flut our r dear I - dsrd fur tha nublr c*uas-why ebn•Id I ensu•
- - 1H.; .1. Lend..1'... Firrl•!'pr„s Feral, I __ _. - ' I only hupe,'.eud. to N. r aret Mn, ie. 'tlmT 7 ' Pau , A enrmapundr,sl of the London Times, ni plain T I have nut the a.igbiemt doubt b,.t
ss Mwleonnoon. -- - urta, S l,•st, arA Ffrnl wlal, i/ar ttancr• s I:rn oY cr : ke wit, krc YrR • w, rk tun c t'nu'"t ilP, ht',' 1Aat's all.'
H P'• f' Y lr Can u sane her ser:' , nu article on it a French fish•iiia, Lw the that the wrt ;,saes sgaitio me most hate
fEI(, Atw.e' •Sol led". k3 Re.. Lead. Lama Uls..e.. lam British Arnerioan Assurance Co. alio that we tar here this roam T' T' 7 Ings • lir. 1)•r•
r Q RIS' r y, 1••x' e . I Lilpring : mistake* me fur acme "tit. r pe,sov,'
t' 0. C. W. W44 ldMve... Lr kers ta■r } } { } 4 • U-mol elYCI:Y ilial -17111 Dall h-. ;nail by could us he entered the room a•,sin, lock- The great French sadme fishery i• cm- IF Cowideung that I am a doomed ran,
m0.%EY TO. LEVD. Ylatr, u'ar.e N.,L, FIRE &MARINE . It is l i DeSI rr wa ie l ed tie door. and went to had. vert red a7
ad we to •twit un llmr+ur n, ht. and uu 1') ducted in A w■ that is mte rem.rkable i nm n, my usud apuiu snit in good brrf !s.
-- --- Cul Nad■, JUH\ I:4SV N Aliens. lxuw 1 oou,Jn't go if m r Jror ti sant what Lad txeurred. lie slept mousdiy, and for Ili« egtrr•a J q4
vviltsw.0 Iprree►. K ■ w Ba Geld. C. W., A ail 16, 18ri3. wl'1 hobncrUug V'i in the m■.' et. y 1"'t ' [once it u,vulres. '1'bn sprat The gu•erutir and ■II the of)Scers of the prfsoe
Qroh,lib;Y .\ fail AW, il)LICITOR` tai Asd Ibi'r2 (ht nnnxwln,e,t',vl fill, Ma -local, I P Derby himuld cun,e'Lat•k in tl:e mi anlimr.' \MOLT' in the nu,rnmg re c, inplcsrly cured fitherirs nx the Hridsh cuamt-indeed, all are rear flood to me.
Tvill is lets.nation 't h :hit 11ea wish tit Itis love far Margaret Mari,. as It Lu had J
OA•,vMry, ('w veyaacrr, Ro. WelLw •L,w, , eq(, Y■rn vh, Punt. a.d t`olon, l'wl _ _. - 51 r, D,nh nus. taembiin wrth cull snit rhr net fiehenrs of our CunM-ale arrigd '• Ycurs ,. Becl o . air r
vl6n lhrlY V,l Im.M. Phwrth %I,a,1d■, my Other oil, and owing'Iu ,ts xrel!„alt n t' .,hill J J seen her larocal into a (, Izzly bear. nn in Ili* maul pea ten itl,e wr r,td w'7lk very ' R. R. L1NCQ.
Q,t A MSU , `_ Yawltre Nl - 1l„ley Rawa, Crn+.-l'ul FIRE & MARINE • •malar ryunn.lty as euusume \C bile uu y, n
.w•, H■nJ file utfier Land . You mean to marry Deafly, then T' asked great we( -,ss. 1'be F,lo.ch sardine firht•ry
•n(r , Bei YBRK AYU PitU\ri?lf 1.\L -ewe Susan, m conducted its a way •[together d,Rereut TYe eat:au t'ouYltsU.
VV 7(srvar`r• Iro^'a'nicr°rI'ti'"le`tea' 11 \ ( I; j N`lcI . IT NEVER CUM I' '1 nu; p' me 1 s:7atl,' c, icd Mlao.vret Masi.,, •A \Nr*nlls•o of n Ivor frost f'umoun; it resents this anumel namel
d e.
y16nf a t' !- 7. —
MTheAbovewintoa A,-henp tar Caa►. I bur rot,; rare•'!, a••d I;,: es If— beann tied 4ai'y. •I aI'ie W It.,I wi76 D:,u, And it Dr Naafl 4i.• tt1e. Hetrse. lit the s hutthe Punchhavvmal•itr Lest fthery, (Proyn the 6lobe)
1,. . Ila nitn. Hd':NIX FIRF, Aa+! KANCE Cnmpeny O! .r'i n•a-tv ImenfAuwdrn><. I ;gait ns ansae Jullars as my pun,, J lir tib n.(:unlot 311e•hlp,eolln+:RLeake err ui•n' tf.e .nnowl x eadituro of vt
('(IFILV,VtiivdV .AYUer,KVRYOR I......I—F,trl+md.M1,1•hordinks,",oneif c, I g t''1 --
J L■rJ Aaeat•nJ (ufvayaacsr, Knecrdwx I GILLING and STURGEON TWINE , lit nv mo,t re+nec:nh'e d u: _,,n, Gn soul Lbrhy Noyrrwr. fl)' .I..tlt' V:tir. run'mnw sum of money Lur a suLr+roce with W. ha.a receirrd the follow' letter
flus o.&.4 le eat ■ad aro a *-. m ('■nod..
11: ra al )IP' C ,+„.g and Vil Daft in the. couch ' ] LU w&'a:d choox• Ilur, f' (\\ rntea ho lite Iluron F+tnd y wh,cA lit entice ilia lith, thu aabsusnce Ming from Nrw Yorl, and e.• R.dly publish '!t,
FOR SALE G N E A P. I HORACE HORTON, Agent Ask for tae ''lb be vote i wou d. He th"t aw h a -- _ - --- the roe of The cod- & fitur•tive %b.lel u,
Coasalale ei the aster allies, I -__ of _ 1r•,oc,x 1•dl. c■•ch r t r t On to slow the view that many entertain on ,M
f AR..bforC,.mmrrrta I r,uaAe-ursnter'u.,l ROVINCIAL INSLAIANCE Coz"T of Brantford Lllbrie Oil Com ilay'a OIi. p n the shuns,if Ihn North dub'rtt:
1) A It K O'T IM L. of iwad.J,E„p!•'d• ('road•, Head UTYx,e Iorn.t,. N to t■ke (hrby, Ila ! L•, ! Rut rhr.t u thin T A Between Cape Cb,•yye std Michipaeotiu, a Kea tiaherien have boon cau.bitabed solei for 1
Ins Seaa,awr „r:.A. r4f JVUN IT. S7Pl .ATI'OiID, 7 Slx.-Permit magus GYd;a e) b 6(ve
k, e- a M 1 -_ -- ,'.b cn Crunlry and C,ty I',.w,ty. M.,me I cow nd n lair vt pnnL.louva•' d.stancr of 70 miles, 1 dal 'e't ho'n r but one late panmwe of providing the egos of the cod- mthe sense of the C■o.duns of sew York
U°fiw h m freel ' h --- - - - Al.onar". J' r
o clock, p. r. _ , __ n■k+ukrn a .. pow rwrr... any olu,-r ftra class 1 • 1i lid o•aciu0+ I Iluw tl:d lh.•. cane beach, and tLat of un'r a few arils m es- hvh a brit fur the sardine crtchmr of Cuu- „n ,he ruh' 1 of the esteutitm tit 1M cora•
CiODEflICIi tinker BrantfrrA, Jn!y 1. ldfi6. s 2:f m9 he» V y I r” nese.
w 1M _-v t ifi 1r -y HORACE HORTON,-------- -- --- ------ - -- tent. The rocks often rise vertically from damned Fcei■n priween Yoe stn awl•
J 1I (ai !t1 Dtrby4at ticmLliug with excitement- Illi+ me, which is prepared, colts 50 uf,henumroutmer'.ings and threatoofdfn•
Agent. W 1'HOTIJGRAPII G ALLERT bit.„ing wig raga ; but uoN hP felt r err 'Iroq) water several hundred feta. scored with (,;nt,.a r banal ; each bort .'m 1 ell In Ihn
ARCHITECT, p• P "7 calamity, shich Lite Fenians and their sym-
PLANS AYU Irn01`10AT1U. i et l4onN - ,1 too as ofune mems. '1 he discoyere of hi. Jeep rents and chasms. At 10 o'clock we I sardine lsher) will tae about 16 karreft patbisereindulge in here, wad also of
ieg flet, got up in a neo .tNo rscu ,W MONEY TO LOAN panldao^a r,z 1 lend to the Jisrovery of ,•very u-amou, and, u+ there bar .bout 3,000
g.•, H came in eiEht of the• bunum u( the hay, a rlretir7ueerrat «piece of N«cr«tary harad b
S od•eMtM rati At I. rt Mar- 4imne,(. Ila A Iwen d,esaed M w.vld wrdus hoots un file mast tit Ksittrvy, the Sir Frederick h,uce. If the sentence of
k..t nm, #.&nab. few,. 41717 :.0 1I I ' ! wide and alandy beach .built a mile in length,
i have Lk, -d nothiog\4euer than to confront I mooet. p:uJ for bar c"uuot he much vodcr
(, ` vO n^ god hen. secunry payable J n, I,ntch and Me5l shoo M, nut varied o0t.
+ (T *"i t ?,V W I but secid nuthoic .7t the river we eonrrd for I
i 'N 'emir. wTw•Ireyn■n No 1 the pe,tiJi'•ut \Lab rt Mu,in-Lot I., Ihr R fI00,000 per annum. The tmmber of aa)
d • • rr WORKS ) O ` 1 I tBe» will he nd tolan.lin ( tfie Amggsdreha
LAND AO[NT. intorewt rruinrJ rn ado■ee. .. ,.m prewut it w.0 cwt fu 4uuIst til; Le lent some dast.ace Ixfore 'we discovered th, en b.h whirl must bS kill, d. or N least are 117., will be indulged ill, and ►M Canadian
rllTYet Botta (3Dderlet,. MARBLE ' HOBACR HORTOIIr a to himsell blushil,g all orcr, n s its of the cold. trainee, kt:lc-!, for file purpose of ubtailaing Shia Goverumeut will tie Iookrd upon with cw-
s6^ Agent. To hie retie', bo%ever th•)Llrle, after making gr"rand bail, it the•r tio,e enormous. tr tot and re w,ded as fnrrin the coh-
='•e,alJLuto . •veli W•d aeedry,l rout Ilam tat ' lic6i Colin river, a ranid ktrenm ofelt p. g
{ o.16, __ _ out that Blare was nobody i or under ,be - 7'ht ca Lure and em -P of TLs aa'dm« is a
— W. C. T R E L E A V E N. ona.ret, M.roh list Ills. aN7a p J! b••'•ad'
e - -'T - .( a f:am i. d trod, d,d nut 11rem dna n,A••d t • ore into Jnrk L;o.n waername 200 Yards wide, bore ,r.t buwmtes in ensncu, and a n erinll M eFeyustiaS Df eernmg tuown Irws hila etResl,
John C nnpoeu. - P W f m9 R I ! sen Aa.Aleu to the rxntnr b Mr.
11 N r, R A Is COwM1341f(H A0111 rl I = tl:e myth-ry of the pantaloons • Margaret cum th, ough the sandy and g•nvrliy brach at Coocxnteao, when ns vanity so that term I It would leaf lit further rasunal duus L 11).
Monuments Headstones l ombs W Marna eftctamed : right angles le•vin a somer6at ecfln thnu."nd men Rid i:l the frshe, 'I he to a,e )
G p,w,mlas,oaetta Qerra'e Wnrh,lorukm* ( ( i Waggon and sleigh M aMing. y 7 T I'''1' g 7• lensed Stxlrn Unvernmvns. and lh«nrxf .Ml,
e4bvlu.Caayevotxv ,Ite.,dse. Odce on HroaJ ,,, Q ' I'll tell you %tint T will do, Sue. I'll land spit on the south. It Nae w p ouy Just nu/ li'om day ,n day what n,rAines flirt' would br a letter from Mr. Seemed ordwoN
wev•1►dWeofiEtweadls••4),Mr. , Sts Tablets, Table•Tops. dict drew tiny stir in Ikea clofhet, al I gv bolo the re. titre. x•.d uo leave nPrsll s!,eokis
--- - rd bard all to tM fxcdlr half n mile up on 1 i Re aX e' 14a Cnn.d,au to d«darn m fry,, of wnr+tta•
`Petr Nf Rwe. Ohio Free Stone kept on hand for Build- t7d widow Slade's room. She'll thietk it M s P y' ' to•y do nn', .A in the Scutlieh Lel tin lidurr
`- I d !• the ; n the contruel a Ilia lawn rhe rets -
maw and won't aha lie hi hrened T' the left Mnk. Osr ann,n:irh had been y lerly carried out, it will (boar the Aue,ieMo
FORNARDhR AND Cu..i"iON ie ur loth as Caps^ Sills, Be v x I', ar x 1 C w. R two ronu,ave with bo.tn and onl oar lir
yartksol,laraaeeaoe, C. W • Notre a.d g P s ' 1'`rigbteued T Po !' cried Sur. 'She'• wlreaJy Snnoonted ;and NC found Ili« genlle two firms her. Aux!a of thPlr own. \VAtn {wop47 Plat lsnsd* i11 rsrdy and drber•alned
Ar,pst/rw4neted Ra l.e•■ *( nay krRJ ea• cast, Am., Cheap for .,ash. SUPERIOR LIQHT ARD TA•TEFUL 00004, bed two hosbsods. Dat do it. Soo rhr;
e tbdt• at. wdl r+c ars prompt.tt.■1eir OCIDERICH C. W IlleTcaap taken in every style and in all abe will w aro in cLarge til abe Iandut„ pile«, Ile ton cun•n art in want til w wlrply of 86h t.) owintam her own iulrgnly, and it wort;
.+n-lytw J'r they put u , r flog .t Ihrt; mu w,{ •st.hiuL hate r ver beatRcin1 riled n n the feneral
- kinds of weather. Porcelain or Vpslotype • I will. Here, kelp W. Sue. He ; he! re(ri.eJ ns kmJly. And showed ug where to meet, ane] the rrsl:e. men l,un Its sit q'I y o
- ---- Xoneq to Lenta, Pletsre and itch our ten 1v an u en, shod lace he- ! i 7 I Lau• of the A1Mricai1 treling tura d. (1ar,.de.
And there's •Ant, taw. Huns lied is tome• F lir P lIP them, the nus varyin. from L, to dxr,
w. M. aIAVACE, I bad tc latae all his dothra bare I' fore the fnctorr, su,nPunJrd b while wwhed P ! th fur sly ll'uht that $veiru IM 1'seiare,
7QYy.nd m,•11r !Taw YurK U afu-Oresn- If ver re sonableterms• Apply to TRN 1fh ,TOAi:T$TOTYPi,1, 7 7 oceusdins ae t4u salt«,I itsit been an with t there is no dhe o ly t l"l til °vans r f tire.
i) f- hetbl-poor deer prtsent DerhJ-ors enbine and rhr Larch bx,k lodges of t a Im or the• rererte. As ewrn n° ILe burn avrice AI«, ws tt 1. Ili« only kR c,ual meter of enol
backs-Xalnnd nrreney-'list@ notes, O T HE Undersigned wosbl re•puctfu ly in. OK •'HEST KITN PICTURE;' breathing real hard ; Ls hcatt faat hcsvil
and uaaernnt vanay, at current rate of B L: )041.E y d'art. A tat•, setm• ens ens tided from a the Rsh are put its train for the rare br Iem4 1letaly killiu tae or rata dims, fAut flus
form the farmers ct Huron and Rruc• Taken in various shies from el 50 to 7120 and .vary tler,e 11ha,k. W hat be vas to do g Pe u:rd, IwLc.JeJ, carted into I'm -a, and wRrh p( g R
each•s(e w671 i \ 4Trb'amew Block. and the public generally that he ban cool (colored in water Mlosn nr oih if M►r xret Maria weld oft with a is ►uu be .e'ies of pole,, and near the water a platform g' - c:uit.d Santee would attempt to prowl tb
11th t 1 Bt5. y 1 g P rJ m eco valet, clairfly by woman. who run , unnr,m s aimnl absorb. A t st« es the
_ Life -Site Photo ra los taken on re lsonable could in so manner delermwe • slid fr.1n R Pk g Lry from 12(lu LOf s week rt IL^11e cw its I J y i J
---- Ooderick.9tb ian 966_---.__-rr601Tr meviced the shove hasinexs g 1 r of wo.ld fns d.,•Min and kin the fist. t g here rsken• have been sir ly for tales
--- la- ' n "" - -- - At b1P old Rlbrd,t. Ds►id /tree termor -tithe, plain or colored.. the exwedingly interenmg conr•rruoa Mrchipimtm a ,M grineapa post of tree estahli menu.
RRY & BR06 g lla at a &'r
y, oow l f and Navin naw nn hand an eccellrnt aasnrt• PRFCES 1,V WF,R than alsuehero iD which wit gait,, on M knew that 4;11 worse Htulw„'/ Hay Gimleey in thin dinrict, from -_ TM sae is began ht drying rhr Rsh oA Ins tit heart trp bu.ot tit ry auuuu , auM
LICBx3w AUl)CIUNialt, RAYFiIybD / t) x P puAea. I:+•er •oa,taa wet
C,.a.ty Hurn.. tfalr a any o• •,rust Q Canada. tsua were to be realized. 1
•"" tush .n..U.ha. +•-t Trt I went of the beet material he u prepared to s it Ihx nfher a nr« Stpplkd, Thn lint of nehr or wl lows, gwnnr,slly la tM np@n ar, cdl InYJI for file execution .If is lata,
1). C.{yPBF.LL. Ob, sin lit a R ,' lased .aryaret Veran. l at but som«umem fnnv strew of w«a1Mr ,t must J __ _.-aw.
*DA• IN IV i fir i,Y. @fatale all orders in his line in a way which • Onl turu u the trouxn five or six inches, I dare At be,*. with H6 d&y'm H°• prgup M done under corm. Alter hein dJed IAP
a/ Onderich•Jane 1, 1'+G6. tw2T 1 p Tbruu h y j y I
_ mnnM }ail ten gee tatinfsrfion. and I shall Ib fixed. Vele black a/ a r Y lira' it is 1 B dr 1 colla@ u t g CRlsps I:Ast:ttrtope.-TA« Ch waw owe
Ravin had reat ex rienee In this - ' PPe M,chl wtin and down Mouse rivers ro dares are ready fur the pruc«wt , f the Fen, whieA I twelve
CABINET MAKERS R R wLaRefelnlNote1.1t11che11l .W IIP 111 ahs piece of col. I I au't map F” is stn ll reducing rankle, rkisb ens
O r • r ■ B I+ r Maines., and all cork in lits she Min done flay. A few hundrnl ya ds eburs the fro- kept rarer a fY,uaoe, ■nit is 4trJ with Lof► tAr KTrM entre of ilia rolwlhon in that
Qm,vT,1C6[, b MSC ANlCA4 j P R lues to you. Ha 14.1 ain't I a dahing div age ver In oil. into the cauldron ILa fish a»
MWawTur,Uwrrat, l:. W. under hie (rennrAl euparint(r*Aena, he can (•flow 1' 1 )Pretty /ells, wuicA nen, empty K smyirs. 1'ulloeiRg Ib@ r•aptero was tko
V warrant „vert artlrfe made h holt to be of ' into the main stream. Two miles fY' tier u , plunged, two mwn deep, mi rwngeA am wire iahment of tae rebel Niro wets ens he
AUT t i ,( ,`` the M11t uslil while hi11 terms will M foond OAN AICi S, Proprietor. This is tk And Derby could hear somekody Uniting h a fine tyesdo, and a xtill more ,+markable a p•' ( 1 o h Lakin an wth of die Race, Du{
01 V U o l) ' I' U i 1 1 , I . R61 T t.un t. In 1 t 7• yea flnPRt
R •ser Yr. F. Jordan's Drda tt:on 4 J, .1 tat ranA ►e•IC roar Hn7N In Wewat I4nmekcd . and 11emebody Ins ]hint' YS olive nal lee remain fur r ones viol, lih, !
pp 1 •was-vh Y To,y naronable h' the It Laid In ba Rfiewn roils dhrae t, which ) 7 pe the ate. Ag letter fmm there, do” .Asged
Jaeaary 1Jt►.106 - - CanNs.■sd share,- *- m,derste ■o any Hone t tAndgh • e toad nut htrlp it.
ootid be reached y a abort tut M 6 .tail,. b in Ua judgment of the cook. they are don.• loth. rye: -o 1 don't keno bee rtwP bre&
Q Farmers glue him a call f I. Maoebell. fltees P.oPrsear. (%,,al.•■..,,ns,0 ( A moment r(tcr tilt gi 4 left flu room, I
,I !I v _ E ' AN D II1 DE$TAHER8 I loo Haws. Karr.■.d (:aria e. r., H„e, e. land. wiiti.a fkeu IA«, as pfaeed rn dr,p torn• en
t and w• tar yourael,ed. [ ,e• Detrby stole timinity f-om kis Adu,It p'.cr, ted• h ■us bStw•«I tgtlN
M lthor,r*'M!*_ w 7 1'be banMrs wase massa til lham in the ILP J„pom,p of oil brixg, of ea.ar, ev' • 40,000, but nothin ler titan i0,006.
N. Hrictly wohde t ssd jobbing of ►II clothes t b her bol had We Iamp.nJ ha war” prepai•g for the w nvr rampsien. fully collected, after which they aro 1 a k« I da 1 walked nut Io the Pnn•rlr,a To1,Nr, %
rive, ■arlife and Life IRIBr111*Ss $aIl111tOII sill aoderich, kosdntnctly avnded lo. blot s ei:b her ; eha Aad lift ppy th nod fl aromeu sod irls in the mi"ttwo dew y
R1 ltOul Brothers her own Clolhet Ltnind. A lin fAou hl in ,. tilt they mat for,n7ppLrs til amwaor 1 / +as gsne net, eke 1he.r vneNr keit' rhrat
LLWIS ELLIOTT. C O 111 M 194 T f) N RI R R Cit Ail T d PPI 6 bows In which the are •old. A t.'n the
:fTPsa7tD oe Rsuoun.e reswa. 11trD••k' ur,bn Dash Tn xh b,me hs Sn. t7o”' •' sad .ome.imoS they d t ant C••me J 7 112. vat the dead lay ercsnd u all '
Gods,{ch• 1)•e.. )Till. loss. .49t PPJ y' Meir evtil Ih• mm!t of MA-eb, .1c141ruin are ■llowed to drip by Ibe boxed bring Quit- Aeroxr a aw"m the MJ on° of tbs
OfRCs-J. F. C. RJAan's iso ChawMrs. ( EBp eoMlMd on ha.d fur sale sl. stir __.. _-_ .- __ ._ 8T A 89 Sv. Fnavcros !(logo SreeR, roMd Aimtdf {m Mrcgaret 3larli s gown, Y P 7
11 )) - - a d 11 T R s A t . to tM wwem•wt of the yenrleiren in eta Aw "f 1 Ha^ @oar Aox, 8v eeKana at a Iwp, a rsMl. ins (n do•hio itmrs
a» •*d rtes m thrlr Ilan +itch a then put ber shawl over bill thoulden, then IFtMt! ,7are!nll to lit Ld 1,iTh ars olirs M wr
$• e 11tH, earner flours How Sqn Tables IMPflOYED (ARMS For SALE throw on her bonnet and "it. His eras Mre, toy iewrolly remain aHAeltsd to tha 7 R r there t. dwseal Air. 1 Ms ak.y cal cured
'W%.Ik,. Osderleh, C. N, Bedsteads, Chaair,s, n 1 Adenine” made m earni tnvaens• nr Pro• r baring been alrus,omed to the darkot-aa, . P'wt nr4wwiM when they r w both. They oil, when it s ,e.dy 1'or ,lir scat peae.s&, heal. The Porcelain Toler that yon
JOHN 9ALDAN, JR., SofasL KCy dw so Liviepool, Glasgow and other para cotJd wa lit du it wi.hoot much diBculty. "1'.rin +hair sapplive on c sdit std pay fur wt iCh i• the old■ring nn of tp IDIS, or, as rt ahsal b al! Don dawn, anti then is us 7i
Agtlnt. OT 14, unn 1, An1,iek, 100 ■rwrr, 0 tbam is •!urr•. It a said 7M, mt rsr •lay be called, the Mrwlirnl wslin u of
lk } A!l kinds of wa7od-tsreirrg Mrw, tech at 6 is arM1 Brillant. iO Ave mlonlN be was ready to follow SusaD' ! g P left of U hw a ►rap o(A;ekw'
OeM1eU, pfe M L, 11Ast. rJ --- (Veal u. oar b■nniata sok n M. arws olaa ed, abe 1,01 33, mn I4, We- C,Gnsk wn4s of AS Bohr, ber »- ecr'"IOUs afloat di•charga,ig their dab,,, std the bone wmetpeninslar part efaM preteens „- -
_ !r., 1 4 — yr ,+, n y ba, L Ins, find Xa„.ret M.rla I
- - ]dslrolm 2flelaotwoe• Alw.ys nn M,ed, •complete wswo,le, 1M1 tier@a til the IAtbr 1110 or f60 sp••thll eilliatdd. Afting this lime the» was rgu,d deal o(f "frAnegA lAev Ilrtme Imes }u ye c.eJ t for neer •t.uich tAu mea can •qn very large wap.• t? Taeet Cninrs..'f tst Royal AHiierr+
StIRQICAL AND MECHA`IIOA1. DINTIST, Ati90ST1 EIPT OF COFFIlrB, ere. b •tit ps g h.wrs. Terms literal and S lea... 1866. •tor lam Mhz aptNi•e. Morg slat Msr a, in 1 tlll(I, yet Ih•w wi!A fslMwg wk• r Om+awta .f with litis one aft&.back. t5.7t they have a Aka, i. the (;..,til Hex et Qwehee, k
6Lt(;TROPA'll"i T, Ro. a hle Credit given Av a payment down. Qd I eLIAN S Darby a Bali •, went to sl s. S'ad. rO.rp m•rsbtf seam so 1(taA• in TIro miJ.t of tM bee atl ,M fiwA V ..1 are SPnilvd.
T66TA inA,,led in either Ple, and • HF.AR.4F, to hire on ,oaoaable toles. Titters eiedhpe,abl•. Apply rn +rsf wAu wuaIfpNetwrlletl.f f yt, but woo took arideraw b•Terwl TM "Area of all toapwl- AfurIA•aolaeri br Msn At lish” Frady. Til ssim.ir. ,t1 tush * I //It1ss
Oedsri^h. Yat' t d, lAli 15*ia°>lp 16e .,o.r. COQ yne.g anger on tied a /N IMR Rq, •
_ - --- _.- e. PRA1dCn, thio tie MA nntil she faunal N was Dot •ion, m Sly or never rrwglew to pay stet) M• tx W o.aled in R swan eMs,.. ao hr w nod on NrdnewtYt last fbsflit(
unn Onld. I!'dver, ov Vulcam GUMS, B. W. t ka h 7, .I
sad RuMw r vie M•wn.M« v"A. Dlelle. amen after aR, wMo she Rare vent to ber tent. Although al7oal lu0 In leas srs nal. am ro 1,Aodo se, bulge out Bher the a psi
over tan pot 0”. Wear F„s•I - lecte(L1N•e, se stns tafleo Nw■•de o»nl II of tM deortts. IAM it danger Nraw pNMt
w RQte 1: ULiCea M till Jt . - ell W. TODHBURY ProFrlelNf. iadiglrtfua. 7b• adtsvaten next p,oaa •A- , "errs are rnodPm„ed as ' dead ; for b I the pro- .,I m ►w lair. sad h WII Mto' ip a •
. , ;sing them, shay Itsyt nu chart A, nn ■cheat, •a•i M thorongkly gyne Ibn,rib IM V•rlye Ma
-V,Z ” - - - - --_- _ ed to tM stns, wMn IM g rb 1,e k toted Joe of lM cure al known b ' i 1m yonwn bi i fe rrwa -1 l9e K
e sY - tWBti3• IA6Rt1 1lHE 9eA'trnbwr 1a rrrrmg stool IM FM / t /T/ t*vst<gw.blNhnw*I a 1Ltw,■MA M .n ala Yltep. 1SWsm here i ptia"d tA• lamp in "a 10"'llgeMtrr.dnl, wino it Met tb y Ills bYlgu7g esti h„d.MoFy rw7 1'hr-eddy tyrpL,w,. ^t Igeltjw
(jz-o a & VV -1 1 reeulm•eMe ew•Ia1 to the comfort o the ass"e Aid '7rAlnd ,ba door, Nbile Indus Hyle, every msn initials as any .($he "as, *both are of • vi,va, waer. IA6, am "pet}i- a - 0 so","I”, ,'6/
BSf d tM l', W. Parcae• awlwal and pririnrship of the " lemon Hotel' OC.de tiiJ./tJ+ 8
A(; 7 apa r. (1weJrw, C. K. rich, he's to ratan ha sincere ,bank@ for Ibe i (t A illi 1'.it I3. sr..ra. __ N!! ar !tet 7tR is rnvred and ■woks Jsm Ma.wt Y M son aeppn t. ■coo ding w tM Purp•M Gx .bbA they rn y. A 7 w
d ,a,,l,O, fi, Cuw 2. Moron. j%a 1DfFE I i2 w Q', a wboo oft► A violent show", tit kkasr•. Janes a rantivFw td 6•A sro rie,.d ARrw dw+ sed. Tlret• t» R„aev of aeu w''J kleA btrae nY
vac - thr'ISr, P. U liberal pslronage which he ha enjnyd. sad araoiLa ♦we+ 3 K /•••d SsAgrn wa rrdMted )n, a. u, k Aror
nit Sal CQII( i 141011 Sereba d1 e a flaw es»ar MTd d*mt*ddd In *ions (IAA. Isle Mrn.g, trona• be , cwt @sty weigAt and two #colo 1,r..abr, w alts 6" M!"ism B/lay iNytyu M ivbd b"t
r pQt S n t •noogh fns the w of aha• sod *sh w patty sind Quarter bees took frena a ,, S I•'eusy hhffB, " ,salfve
a •se/I GODE110 st dll asciit tuna {used Aa■ ha• std .
{rsvne" public fAa m (ant» w will be ,g saw .y _
(thea, a Ail old ■tawd "Tate• of twMM,I ;7F s00 d d 9fsli,i ♦taws/eta Uswraad CI n B w n T Mt, TheN are wet dean to tbt fiedl ser star m reel.+ 1utb tAe a •Carwtlitos bales
da, wMrs en R11A,rM sheltie FRUDUCS. CV A Ls !4ALT, WATRZ or tnsnrrro. r J awls. iM eadit of white fiats rr•df wt 1•We ISN Pnaso 0er@I'eraRfwral •
4411 t11 M /iQ'♦ DeDartiaeflt. Ao.4 P uiA M► r6t ilAria. yy T p kyeam dvetlled tonA tArdln•• rese(1
:R. PBO RiRTOR. '1 R H„asl" Dnnpgp )am man@d actor R srtal She tow JU Sp nus the wb.40 lit , is nff,neled at 1000 as onch.tyies. Th° ioi.biw ret uss a( Ma
wanting tie hit Mrs M aware about 1 kens YB" ,Beal s in M w A, ►ia Rer"104
A ,*tag Nfl auu ted tie sa no Ao" fkrratsktbdbmorbd tact:bs ,,Hanot RUMBILLI tnr,My wr1A ton avwragn e6 r hwtnl. HaiM errs r to tWt ake,M se flog s!a
n.. fkyA,'NeNrrkrg !N HetMn rho my favor him Wilk • esti. w
asweals, ala,sb[esd _ Ireraec• Com(Isnlios. • p ,• f try Clerbi plrow, ra P K iAi. ern. saaF+R w Il.ialr4lr
a a AI •t• ♦ 11M 6otie++1711. 1h 1 it tots mt defy (o Ne le(I /lin I•Met7 °•Rt da/ M N'VON* IM thio In.r inhale .stick, •n .1.6)0 $,,w1 b IN Qtwq
Rtes a a.ttse ao•r411 payd• el•fM '1Gmdoricla, A^ ;l 5th, 1 ♦ i t/l rf 4 R R 13 Z rl.4lr, ,,XI r •%, C. A and.,rt. Aerlfl..l h I., w s. r. The imaasdiaN above on lar tow n *pow Iket1. The Vow* bk v we ks-0.0 ,